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Date : 1st June 2010

Time : 9.30 am -10.00 am

Year : Four

Subject : Mathematics

Topic Area : Shape and space.

Skill : Volume.

Learning Objective : Pupils will be taught to understand the volume for cubes and

Learning outcomes : At the end of this lesson, the pupils will be able to :
1. Identify the dimensions of cubes and cuboids corretly when
given a cubes or cubaids.
2. Compare with a unit cube with other cuboid or cube.

Prerequisite knowledge: Pupils know how to build 3D shape.

Thinking Skill :

Values :

Resources :
Steps Contents Teaching & Learning Activities Remarks

Set Induction Describe a 1. Teacher show to pupils a Thinking skill:

(5 minutes) 3D shape. cube and a cuboid. Ask them: Interpret
1. Are you still remember
what are the 3D Value:
2. give example 3D Resources:
shape around you? Cube and cuboid
2. teacher show pupils the 3D from manila card.
shapes of cube and cuboid.

Step 1 1. Teacher tell and show pupils Thinking skill:

(10minutes) the dimensions of cubes or Categorize
cuboids are length, breadth
and height. Value:
2. Teacher show pupils table Respect
about similarities and
differences characteristic of Resources:
cube and cuboid. Manila card,
3. Teacher show pupils how to ruler.
draw 3D shapes of cube and
cuboid from given

Step 2 Group activity 1. Teacher divide pupils into 4 Thinking skill:

(10minutes) group. Generate ideas
2. each group teacher give a
net of cuboid or cube. Value:
3. teacher ask pupils do the Cooperation
cuboid or cube.
4. then ask them to measure Resources:
the dimension of their cuboid Mahjong paper
and cube.

Step 3 Worksheet 1. Teacher gives a worksheet to Thinking skill:

(7 minutes) (individually) the pupils. Generates ideas
2. Teacher gives 7minutes to
solve the worksheet. Value:


Closure 1. Teacher prepares the step to Thinking skill:

(5 minutes) construct a bar graph on the Generate ideas
manila cards.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to Value:
rearrange the step on the
blackboard. Resources:
Manila card

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