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Date : 20 Mei 2010

Year : Year 4

Subject : Mathematics

Topic : Fractions

Learning Area : Proper Fraction

Learning Objective : Name and write proper fraction with denominator up to 10

Learning Outcomes : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

i. Name and write proper fraction with denominator up

to 10 correctly

Prerequisite knowledge : Recall fraction skill learn in year 3

Thinking Skill : Generation idea

Values : cooperation, fair, thinking

Resources : manila card, box, flash card, picture cards, paper strips,

word card, card with fraction

Steps Contents Teaching & Learning Activities Remarks

Introduce the i. Teacher recall fraction skill Thinking Skill:

name of proper learnt in year 3 by asking Their memorize about
fraction questions. fraction
Set induction
(3 minutes) e.g. : what is a numerator? Resources:
What is a denominator? Picture and card
What are fractions?
2. teacher use paper strips or
picture cards to show fraction. The
parts are cut into equal sizes.

3. Pupils should know how many

parts the whole pictures has been
cut to make equal size.

Step 1 Name and write i. Teacher show student with

(20 minutes ) proper fraction with word card ,diagrams and
denominator up to fraction card


One over

2. Teacher explain how to say

and write the fraction to all pupil

3. Teacher ask pupils that name

the shaded part ,then teacher tell
pupils to read, say and write the
fraction on the blackboard.

4. Teacher asks the pupils to

record the diagram and the
fraction in their exercise book.
Name :____________________

Class : ____________________

Topics : ____________________

matching the fraction that names the shaded parts.


1/5 1/3 1/2


1/6 1/8

1/6 1/7

4. 1/9 1/5 1/4

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