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Sallins Fianna Fil News

Summer 2010

A Chara

Welcome to the Summer 2010 newsletter from Sallins Fianna Fil cumann. It has been an eventful year with ups
and downs at both local and national level. The year brought many challenges including economic turmoil, the
banking crisis and catastrophic flooding and weather.

The community proved its resilience and good spirit in the response to the flooding crisis locally in Sallins. Great
solidarity was displayed as people rallied round to lend a hand. Nationally, the past two years have been difficult
for many. The Minister has taken tough but necessary actions and most economic indicators now predict a return
to growth over the year ahead.

At local level the FF group on the council was reduced greatly in the elections last June. I was not elected in
Sallins and we lost Councillors across the county. This makes it more difficult to deliver on local issues.
Nonetheless our remaining Councillors and local activists continue to work constantly on the many issues that
affect our communities.

1. Waste processing near Sallins

After almost three years of filing by the EPA the high court granted a temporary injunction against the A1
waste facility at Kerdiffstown on Friday 14th May. This prevents A1 from lodging any further waste into this
landfill. However, approx. 1.5m tones of unprocessed waste remain in the dump which needs to be dealt with.
Sallins cumann have raised this question with the Minister and our public representatives, it is also being
pursued by a number of parties including the EPA and the CAN (Clean Air Naas) group (

A huge number of objections were received by Kildare county council against the proposed bio-energy
complex at Monread / Kerdiffstown. The council has since refused planning for this proposed facility.

2. Traffic issues around Sallins

Traffic continues to flow through Sallins at a rate inappropriate for a village of its size. This contributes to
many traffic issues in the village including sometimes dangerous contention at Osberstown junction and large
traffic volumes throughout village. Traffic flows need to be better managed through village. The bypass must
become a priority for the village once funding becomes available. Remedial works at Osberstown and other
junctions should happen sooner and the cumann will lobby for this where possible.

3. County development plan

The Kildare county development plant for 2011 2016 is now open for consultation. Please see overleaf for
details on this from Cllr. Callaghan.

4. Flood prevention works in Sallins

Sallins was one of the worst affected areas last year when the flooding was at its peak. Many residents of the
Waterways estate are only now settling back into their homes. The root cause was identified fairly early on
and a large scale operation to replace and upgrade the water culvert underneath the Kerdiffstown road has
recently been completed. A second phase of that operation is about to commence to upgrade the culvert
underneath the railway line and manage surrounding water flows. The Killeenmore area is also receiving short
term relief following successful lobbying and we will push for a long term solution to follow on there.

Please find included overleaf some updates regarding recent work by your local Fianna Fil representatives. If
you wish to contact the Sallins cumann regarding any local issues or if you are interested in attending our
meetings, please contact or contact me directly via details below.

Is mise le meas

James Lawless
Sallins Fianna Fil Cumann
Tel: 086 834 8869 Email: Blog:

Sallins Cumann Fianna Fil - please contact to join or get in touch.
Sallins Fianna Fil News
Summer 2010

ine Brady T.D.

ine Brady is a T.D. for Kildare North and is the Minister for Older People and Health Promotion. ine has
introduced the Fair Deal Scheme which greatly improves financial assistance for the elderly in need of long-term
residential care under.
The Fair Deal Scheme aims to make long term nursing home care accessible and affordable whether in a
voluntary, public or private care home and will free families from anxiety over financial commitments for the care
of their loved ones.
Further information on the Fair Deal can be obtained on the HSE website or by phoning the HSE
helpline on 1850 241 850 or alternatively contact the HSE Nursing Homes Support Office, Oak House,
Millennium Park, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel: 045 880 400.
If you wish to meet ine regarding the Fair Deal Scheme or any other constituency matters, she holds a clinic
every Friday in the Constituency Office, 1 Highland View, Naas. Alternatively, please ring 045 880 980 to
arrange an appointment.
ine also provides regular news updates on her work as Minister and T.D. by e-mail. Please e-mail ine at if you are interested in receiving these news updates.
Michael Fitzpatrick T.D.
Michael is a T.D. for Kildare North and is a member of the Oireachtas Enterprise Committee.
As a member of this committee, Michaels work is particularly focused on the protection and creation of jobs and
enterprise. A recent initiative here is the creation of the Credit Review Office to ensure that small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs), sole traders and farm enterprises have access to credit from the banks who are
participating in the NAMA scheme. This has been established to provide a process to review decisions by the
participating banks to refuse, reduce or withdraw credit facilities.
It will cover cases where credit is refused, reduced or withdrawn; or where an application to restructure credit
facilities or debt is refused on applications between 1,000 and 250,000. The banks participating in NAMA
(AIB, Bank of Ireland, EBS, Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide Building Society) have been requested to
display information in branches highlighting the office and publicise the Credit Review Office in their
correspondence and dealings with their customers.
More information on the functions of the Credit Review Office is available at and a
dedicated helpline is available for queries on 1850 211 789. The office can also be emailed on For more information on this or other schemes, or re other constituency related issues, he
can be contacted on 045 888 438 or by email on
Cllr. Willie Callaghan
Cllr. Willie Callaghan is a member of Kildare County Council representing the Naas area.
At the recent Sallins Cumann AGM, he spoke about the flooding problems in November and about the work that
Kildare County Council are carrying out to resolve the problems. Sallins received a total 500,000 investment in
the flood prevention measures.
Cllr. Callaghan also informed the members that the Proposed Draft County Development Plan is currently been
debated in the Council Chamber, this concluded in April and the officials will have 2 weeks to make amendments
made by the Councillors and then they will publish a Draft Plan.
There will be a 10-week public consultation ending in June 2010 to allow people make submissions on the Draft
Plan. The next stage is the County Manager will make his report on the submissions to the Councillors in
September, if there are material changes a further 4 week period of consultations will take place.
The County Manager will prepare his report on the submissions and the councillors will then agree the new plan.
The plan has to be adopted by April 2011 and will come into effect in May 2011.
Cllr. Callaghan holds a clinic on Mondays & Fridays 7.00pm to 9.00pm for appointment you can contact him at
086 234 1009 or

Sallins Cumann Fianna Fil - please contact to join or get in touch.

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