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On Line Summer Bible Study

Welcome to Old First’s On-line
Bible Study
 There will be a post hopefully each week
during the summer.
 The posts go chapter by chapter so you
might want to read the chapter before
reading the posts.
 If you have questions about the study,
please e-mail them to Andy who will share
them with the group
Amos was a PROPHET
 What is a prophet?
 Its not the opposite of a loss (-:
 Greek—prophetes—one who speaks for
 Hebrew—Nabi—To Call, announce or
 A prophet is one who speaks for God
Amos was a minor prophet
 What is a minor
 Someone under 21?
 NO, the difference
between a major
prophet such as Isaiah
and a minor prophet
such as Amos is the
size of the book
So, who are the Minor
 Hosea  Nahum
 Joel  Habakkuk
 Amos  Zephaniah
 Obadiah  Haggai
 Jonah  Zechariah
 Micah  Malachi
 Amos spoke his words from
760-750 BC
 The Kingdom was divided
between the Kingdom of Judah
in the south and Kingdom of
Israel in the north.
 Israel was ruled by Jeroboam II
and Judah was ruled by Uzziah
 Both Israel and Judah were
prosperous and actually
expanding their borders
Unfortunately, Not all was well
in the Kingdoms
 There was a lot of
internal decay
 A HUGE difference
between the rich and
the poor
 The religion of the
countries was a
strange mixture of
Judaism and Baalism
What do we know of Amos?
 Amos in Hebrew means load or burden
 He lived in Texoa which is 10 miles south of
Jerusalem—today it is called Texua
 He was the manager or owner of an agricultural
business. He grew figs and raised cattle.
 In the text you might see the word shepherd, but
the Hebrew word used indicates a manager or
owner not a simple shepherd
 Not a fulltime prophet
What are the Themes of Amos?
 Divine sovereignty of God
 God is the God of history
 God controls the migrations of peoples
 God controls the orderly progression of
natural phenomena
Doctrine of Election
 There is that P word—predestination
 Israel has been elected as God’s chosen
 They must keep and obey the covenant
End Times
 Lord will judge all sin even in God’s people
 God tries to draw people back before
Worship and Social Justice
 How can we worship
God when there is
such an economic
disparity between the
rich and the poor?
Food for thought
 Amos 8.11– “The days are coming”,
declares the sovereign Lord, “when I shall
send a famine through the land—not a
famine of food or thirst for water, but a
famine of hearing the words of the Lord.
 Are we in the midst of such a famine?
 E-Mail Andy at
 I will respond to them in the next post
 Chapter 1 study should be up by June 22

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