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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)

2.1.8.A. Model and compare values of integers and rational numbers

2.5.11.B. Use symbols, mathematical terminology, standard notation, mathematical rules,
graphing and other types of mathematical representations to communicate observations,
predictions, concepts, procedures, generalizations, ideas, and results
8.4.12.B.Evaluate the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical
to world history.

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)

Students will utilize the Excel program to create a chart using data gathered from research done on an area of the Holocaust.
Students will show understanding of the data by creating an accurate chart showing the data in a way that others can read.

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)

A rubric will be used to determine if the objectives have been met.

Data from Holocaust research, library time, computer lab, smart board, 3 days of class time, paper and writing utensil, teacher created rubric.

Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:

The special education teacher will be available to assist special needs students as necessary, as well as extra time to complete the
assignment, written directions, and verbal prompts

Enrichment Techniques:
Students in the gifted program will be required to enhance their chart by making it three dimensional and adding three more pieces of data
from the research.

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able
to participate in the lesson):
Modifications will be made on a per student basis and can include lengthened time; decreased requirements in the data needed for the chart,
and decreased elements required in the chart.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will show the students a chart that she created using information from another subject the class has studied. She will ask the
students to give her some ideas on what they are interested in about the Holocaust and explain that they will be visiting the library to
research these areas and the computer lab to create the chart.
Detailed Teaching Sequence:
(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred)
1. The teacher will make a list of the ideas the students have come up with about the areas they are interested in.

2. The teacher will explain that the data researched will need to include numbers in order to create the chart and gives some
suggestions on what to research, such as number of people killed in a specific ethnic group, country, or town, number of town
where there were ghettos, the number of people in ghettos, etc.

3. The teacher will have each student choose one area of the Holocaust research to gather data to create the chart.

4. The teacher will take the class to the library and have them research their area in books or on the computers in the library.
5. The teacher will have the class record the information they find.
6. The teacher will have the students check their information they gathered with other sources.
7. The teacher will assign each student to a computer

8. The teacher will use the Smart Board to show the students how to create a chart.

9. The teacher will open Excel and show the students how and where to add the data, ensuring all the students understand how to
use this part of the program.
10. The teacher will then show the students how to select the data she wants to use.
11. The teacher will then click on the insert tab, then the charts tab.
12. The teacher will then show the students the different types of charts that can be used for this purpose and explain that the chart
that they will be required to create is a bar graph.
13. The teacher will then use the design, layout, and format tabs to enhance the chart, explaining that the only time the tools will be
seen is when the chart is selected.

14. The teacher will tell the students they have 2 days to complete the chart and go over the rubric she has created for the

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities

The students will be doing the chart on their own. They will be assessed on the accuracy of the information and the rubric created by the

The students will share their chart with the class and the class will discuss the information gleaned from them.

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