Screening The Upper Body Push and Pull Patterns

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Screening the Upper-

Body Push and Pull

Patterns Using Body
Weight Exercises
Matthew Kritz, MSc, CSCS,1 John Cronin, PhD,1,2 and Patria Hume, PhD1
Institute of Sport & Recreation Research New Zealand, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; and 2School of
Biomedical and Health Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

SUMMARY athletes movement ability before pre- commonly prescribed in strength

scribing a program designed to im- training programs can be categorized
prove physical performance (6,22,23). into 7 fundamental patterns; squat
A benefit of screening movement for pattern, lunge pattern, upper-body
the strength and conditioning specialist push pattern, upper-body pull pat-
ATTEMPT TO IMPROVE THE FORCE tern, bend pattern, twist pattern,
is to identify the appropriate loading
AND/OR VELOCITY CHARACTER- and single-leg pattern. Screening fun-
level that corresponds to the athletes
ISTICS OF THE UPPER-BODY damental patterns before exercise
movement competency to minimize
MUSCULATURE. HOWEVER, prescription gives the strength and
injuries related to overloading biome-
BECAUSE OF THE INFLUENCE chanically specious movement pat- conditioning specialist information
FAULTY MECHANICS HAVE ON terns (22,23). Screening movement is about which patterns should be ag-
PERFORMANCE AND THE PREVA- a relatively new professional practice gressively challenged and which pat-
LENCE OF OVERUSE INJURIES IN for the strength and conditioning spe- terns require developmental attention.
SPORT AND SPORT-SPECIFIC cialists. Historically, sports medicine Many factors have been identified that
TRAINING, SCREENING AN professionals conduct assessments to influence an athletes movement com-
ATHLETES UPPER-BODY MOVE- measure the structure and function petency specifically: awareness, changes
MENT COMPETENCY BEFORE of the body (18,33). Traditionally, in muscle length, strength, stiffness,
EXTENSIVE LOADING MAY PRO- sports medicine assessments provide and patterns of participation that arise
VIDE INSIGHT INTO MOVEMENT information about range of motion, from repeated movements and sus-
STRATEGIES THAT ARE INEFFI- tained postures (33).
structural weaknesses, or movement
CIENT AND CONTRIBUTE TO dysfunction using isolated movements This review article investigates the
INJURY. (18,32,33). Assessing isolated single- kinetics and kinematics of the upper-
joint movements has proven effective body push and pull patterns for the
INTRODUCTION for diagnostic purposes. However, they purpose of screening. This review aims
provide little information about how an to introduce 2 body weight exercises,
he use of the upper body in

T sport and sport -specific train-

ing is considerable. Strength
and conditioning professionals design
athlete would perform complex multi-
joint movements. Strength and condi-
tioning specialists program complex
the standard push-up (Figure 1) and the
body weight bend-and-pull (Figure 2).
These exercises challenge upper-body
push and pull mechanics, can be per-
programs to improve the force and/or multijoint movements to help prepare
athletes for the demands experienced formed by athletes of all ages, and
velocity capabilities of the upper-body
in sport. Therefore, a movement screen provide the strength and conditioning
musculature using exercises that can be
categorized as either upper-body push should provide information about how
or upper-body pull, given the patterns an athlete performs the complex fun-
of movement they involve. It has been damental movement patterns strength
movement competency; scapula;
suggested that strength and condi- and conditioning professional regularly
shoulder function; push-up; posture
tioning specialists should screen an prescribe. The multijoint movements

72 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010 Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association
that performing frontal plane pressing
exercises will predispose an athlete to
shoulder injuries. Although it is difficult
to determine the actual cause-and-
effect relationship between the type
of exercise performed and the occur-
rence of injury, a majority of shoulder
injuries, pain, and limited function are
believed to be because of faulty me-
chanics rather than a particular exercise
The exercises introduced in this sec-
tion for screening upper-body move-
ment competency occur in the sagittal
Figure 1. (a, b) Proper push-up technique is demonstrated with the head held in a plane. Although the 2 chosen move-
centered and stable position, shoulders held down away from the ears, ments do not directly challenge all
elbows close to the body, lower back and hips in a neutral position, and the planes of movement, they do challenge
legs are aligned with the hips and held stable. the musculature that contributes to
movement in each anatomical plane.
specialist with prognostic information considered to occur in the frontal The standard push-up (push-up) is a
about an athletes upper-body move- plane. Push-ups and the bench press common upper-body push pattern
ment competency. are examples of push exercises that exercise that challenges shoulder girdle
occur in a sagittal plane. Pull-ups and mechanics under load, has a compara-
UPPER-BODY MOVEMENT seated cable pull-downs are exercises tively small learning curve, and is an
COMPETENCY that occur in the frontal plane. Bench accommodating exercise to load for
It is the authors observations that rows, supine pull-ups, and dumbbell the novice to elite athlete (69,12,
many strength and conditioning pro- rows are common pull pattern exer- 1417,24,26,31,33). The peak force
grams consist of push and pull exer- cises that occur in the sagittal plane. generated by an individual performing a
cises that are performed in the frontal Many strength and conditioning spe- push-up with hands and feet on the
and sagittal planes. Push pattern ex- cialists tend to load the push pattern in ground is equal to 70% of body weight
ercises such as overhead pressing (e.g., the sagittal plane to a greater degree (15). A modified push-up (e.g., knees
dumbbell overhead presses, military than in the frontal plane. This may be on the ground or hands positioned
press, handstand push-ups) are in part because of the misdirected belief above the knees or feet) requires less

Figure 2. Body weight bend-and-pull technique. The numbers represent the start to finish position. Start and finish with the hands
overhead (1), bend forward let the arms drop so that they hang under the shoulders, then pull the arms demonstrating a pull
pattern (2 and 3). Return the arms to the hang position (4) and then return to the starting position with the hands overhead (5).

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Screening Upper-Body Movement Competency

force and offers an effective alternative through the review of relevant litera- by a sports medicine professional may
for those individuals unable to support ture (1,59,11,18,19,21,24,25,33). Bio- be warranted and exercises to stretch
70% of their body weight. mechanical evidence is provided to and/or strengthen the muscles that
The body weight bend-and-pull is a highlight the effects the head position, support the head and connect to the
hybrid exercise that involves 2 move- shoulder girdle mechanics, core stabil- shoulder girdle may be advantageous.
ment patterns, the bend pattern and ity, and lower limb position have on the The shoulder girdle plays an important
the pull pattern. Screening the bend performance of the proposed exercises. role in both facilitating upper-body
pattern will be addressed in a future movement and helping to identify
Researchers have yet to investigate the
publication and will not be addressed movement strategies that may be ineffi-
effects of various head positions on the
in great detail in this article. The cient. The screening criteria for the
kinetics and kinematics of the push-up
authors believe that the body weight push and pull patterns are not com-
or body weight bend-and-pull. How-
bend-and-pull effectively challenges plex; nonetheless, a fundamental un-
ever, research has been conducted on
pull pattern mechanics. Although the derstanding of the structure and
the effects of head position on trunk
load experienced during the body function of shoulder girdle is impor-
mechanics during movement (13). The
weight bend-and-pull is significantly tant to appreciate the consequences
authors believe that the head should be
less than that of the push-up, there is that faulty movement may have on
held in a neutral position and kept
benefit in screening the pull pattern an athletes long-term health and
motionless throughout either exercise
with minimal load. The push-up will performance.
(2,4,21). The head should not appear to
highlight issues an athlete has with The shoulder girdle is a complex
be projected down (i.e., flexing the
scapula muscle strength and control structure consisting of the sternocla-
cervical spine) or held up (i.e., extend-
under load. However, the authors have vicular, acromioclavicular, and gleno-
ing the cervical spine). Although
observed that sometimes movement humeral joints and the scapulothoracic
empirical evidence is lacking, the
patterns under load present a false posi- interface (Figure 3). The scapulothora-
position of the head will influence
tive and do not challenge the athletes cic interface and glenohumeral joint
shoulder girdle mechanics and expose
awareness of how to move properly. have been identified to be of great
the cervical spine to unnecessary
Therefore, the body weight bend-and- importance when qualitatively screen-
stress due to the fact that many of
pull is effective at highlighting the ing upper-body movement (19,20,25).
the shoulder girdle muscles attach to
athletes awareness of how the scapula The scapulothoracic interface consists
the skull and cervical vertebra. If an
should be controlled in a pull pattern. of the scapulae, the thorax, and those
athlete is unable to maintain a centered
The authors recognize that the pull stable head position, then assessment muscles that provide stability and
pattern could be screened without of the neck and shoulder musculature movement. The scapula is a flat blade
involving the bend pattern; however,
combining the 2 patterns for the pur-
pose of screening complex movement
appears to have practical value. There Table 1
are a number of pull pattern exercises Screening criteria for the push-up
that involve a bend pattern (e.g., bent-
Anatomical Screening criteria Viewing Commonly observed
over row variations), and there are region position problems
a number of sport-specific movements
that require the bend-and-pull patterns Head Centered and held stable Front Projected down
to be performed together. In addition, Shoulders Held back and down away Top Shrugged toward the
an athlete may demonstrate good pull from the ears ears
mechanics and good bend mechanics
in isolation, but when these 2 patterns Elbows Tucked to the side Side Flared out
are combined into a complex move- Thoracic spine Neutralwith fluid and Top Scapulae winged
ment, the athlete may be challenged. controlled scapulae
This is critical to expose before loading movement
and further confirms the authors view
Lumbar spine Neutral Side Extended
that using the body weight bend-and-
pull to screen an athletes upper-body Hips Aligned with the ankles, Side Dropped during descent
pull pattern is of great value. knees, and shoulders
Knees Aligned with the ankles Side Bent
The screening criteria presented in
Feet/ankles Aligned with the knees Side/back Flared out or in
Tables 1 and 2 has been validated

74 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010

Table 2
Screening criteria for the body weight bend-and-pull

Anatomical region Screening criteria Viewing position Commonly observed problems

Head Centered and held stable Front Projected down
Shoulders Held back and down away from Front Shrugged toward the ears
the ears
Elbows Tucked to the side Side Flared out
Thoracic spine Neutralwith fluid and controlled Side/top Little to no scapulae movement
scapulae movement
Lumbar spine Neutral Side Flexedbend occurs in the lumbar
spine instead of the hips
Hips Aligned with the ankles, knees, and Front/back Rotating medially or laterally
Knees Aligned with the ankles and hips Front/side Hyperextended
and slightly bent
Feet/ankles Aligned with the knees Side/back Rolled out or in

lying along the thoracic wall. The 10,17,19,20,25). However, the extrinsic stability by providing compression of
functional design allows for smooth muscles that attach along the lateral the humeral head into the glenoid
gliding along the thoracic wall and aspect of the scapula, the deltoid, socket (19).
provides a large surface area for biceps brachii, and triceps brachii that The numbers of muscles that contrib-
muscular attachment (19,33). There provide gross motor activities for the ute to shoulder girdle function high-
are many muscles that are involved in glenohumeral joint should not be light the complexity of the shoulder
shoulder girdle function. For example, ignored (19). The intrinsic muscles of girdle. It should be no surprise that
the muscles that receive the most the rotator cuff (Figure 4) attach along a considerable amount of research has
attention are the trapezius, serratus the entire surface of the scapula, which been devoted to understanding the
anterior, and levator scapulae (7 contribute to shoulder movement and position of the scapula, the scapula
muscles that influence scapula position,
and their influence on shoulder girdle
mechanics. Movement dysfunction of
the scapula has been termed scapulo-
thoracic dysfunction. Scapulothoracic
dysfunction has been detailed to be the
alterations in the resting position of the
scapula affecting shoulder girdle me-
chanics and is considered a major
contributing factor to shoulder pain
and impingement syndromes (9,33). It
has been well documented that a re-
lationship exists between static posture
and dynamic movement (3,18,22,33).
An athletes standing posture may be
used to identify the resting position of
the scapula (18,22,33). Weak or poorly
activated scapula muscles may influ-
ence the resting position of the scapula
(9,33). If the scapula is not in the correct
starting position, glenohumeral joint
integrity may be compromised (33).
Figure 3. Diagram of the shoulder girdle. For optimal glenohumeral joint motion

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 75

Screening Upper-Body Movement Competency

to occur, the head of the humerus must

remain compressed and centered in
relationship with the glenoid (33). In
order for this to occur, the muscles of
the scapula must be conditioned to
support good alignment and precise
timing between the scapula and hu-
merus (19). This is referred to as the
scapulohumeral rhythm and is defined
as the relationship between the scap-
ulae and humerus during movement.
The coactivation ratio of the trapezius
and serratus anterior is thought to have
significant influence on scapulohum-
eral rhythm and is key when de-
termining shoulder dysfunction versus
function (69,19,33). Many suboptimal
shoulder postures are reported to be
a result of an over development of the
upper area of the trapezius as com- Figure 4. The muscles of the rotator cuff.
pared with the middle and lower areas
of the trapezius and serratus anterior
muscle during shoulder function
(17,33). How the trapezius and serratus
anterior muscles work together (i.e.,
force couple action) can be observed
during a push-up and body weight
bend-and-pull. When the shoulders are
observed to elevate toward the ears
during either of these movements,
there is considered to be greater upper
trapezius muscle activity (19,25,31,33).
For example, an athlete with pro-
nounced kyphotic posture (Figure 5)
may present with the upper area of the
trapezius to be considerably stronger
than the middle and lower area of the
trapezius, serratus anterior, and levator
scapula muscles (3,18,22,33). Kyphotic
posture is often observed in athletes
participating in sports such as baseball,
swimming, water polo, tennis, gymnas-
tics, wrestling, and volleyball where the
use of the upper body is essential (22).
The athlete in Figure 6 is upper
trapezius dominant and is unable to
achieve the correct starting position
and therefore maintain proper align-
ment and function of the scapula when
performing upper-body push and pull
pattern exercises. This athletes scapu-
lae are forced to elevate toward the
ears to provide the protraction and
retraction necessary to facilitate the Figure 5. Athlete posture. Vertical line should intersect the shoulder, hip, and knee
movement patterns. This movement joint positioned just anterior to the ankle joint. Kyphotic posture
strategy has been reported to sacrifice highlighted with curved line.

76 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010

stability (15). Freeman et al. investi-
gated the forces incurred by the lumbar
spine during different kinds of push-
ups and found that abdominal activity
and lumbar spine loads increased with
push-up intensity (i.e., standard push-
up versus clap push-up) (15). The body
weight bend-and-pull requires the
athlete to bend forward to self-selected
depth and demonstrate good pull
mechanics. Lumbar spine movement
during the body weight bend-and-pull
has not been empirically studied. How-
ever, research has investigated the
effects of flexion and extension to the
lumbar spine under load (26,2830).
The consensus of spine researchers is
that the lumbar spine should not be
flexed or extended under load because
of the negative effects that shear and
Figure 6. Line highlights shoulders elevating toward the ears during push (a) and pull compressive forces have on lumbar
(b) pattern exercises. Commonly observed in athletes with trapezius vertebral integrity (26,27). Figure 7 fea-
muscles that dominate the movement patterns.
tures an athlete performing a push-up
with lumbar extension, and Figure 8
features an athlete performing a body
the alignment of the humerus within energy and forces that are generated weight bend-and-pull with lumbar
the glenoid, possibly affecting the come from the lower body and are flexion. A stable lumbar spine has been
compression of the humerus in the transmitted up through the trunk and reported to be able to resist excessive
glenoid, resulting in shoulder complex delivered to the shoulder, arm, and flexion, extension, and rotation (26,30).
muscle weakness and limited gleno- hand to complete the kinetic chain (19). When performing a push-up or body
humeral joint range of motion. These Proper scapulae retraction and pro- weight bend-and-pull, the lumbar
factors have been reported to contrib- traction provide the most advanta- spine should remain neutral and not
ute to shoulder impingement patholo- geous anterior trunk muscle tension. be allowed to extend, flex, or rotate.
gies and negatively affect upper-body This provides efficient force transfer The bend pattern should be initiated
movement competency over time from eccentric to concentric motion of with the hips not the lower back. The
(17,18,33). Therefore, an important the anterior muscles of the trunk and hips should move back as the trunk
screening criterion of shoulder func- concentric to eccentric motion of the moves toward the floor. To assist the
tion during push and pull pattern posterior muscle of the trunk for effi- bend pattern, the knees should be
exercises is the ability of the athlete cient performance of overhead throw- slightly bent to avoid knee hyper-
to keep the shoulders down and away ing, tennis serving, the recovery phase extension and accommodate tight ham-
from the ears. of the swimming stroke, and many strings. A lumbar spine that experiences
However, the scapulae should not upper-body strength exercises (19). extension, flexion, or rotation during
appear to be stuck in the attempt Therefore, aligned and fluid scapulae either the push-up or body weight
to keep the shoulders down away from motion involving protraction and re- bend-and-pull may indicate lumbar in-
the ears during movement. The scap- traction with the shoulders held down stability or an athletes lack of awareness
ula should appear to be protracting and and away from the ears during upper- that this area should remain stable
retracting during all push and pull body push and pull pattern exercises during movement (15,24,26,30). Core
pattern exercises. Protraction and re- would epitomize the ideal push and training that challenges the athletes
traction of the scapulae are important pull movement strategy in either the ability to resist flexion, extension, and
movements for sport performance. The frontal or sagittal plane (6,33). rotation may be warranted to improve
movement ability influences the prox- The muscles of the trunk generate their core competency.
imal to distal sequencing of velocity, force and stiffen to stabilize the lumbar
energy, and forces that contribute to spine during lower- and upper-body LOWER BODY
common sport-specific actions. For movements (15,26,28). Push-ups have Researchers have not yet investigated
example, in an overhead throwing been used as core training exercises, the effects of various leg positions on
movement, over half of the total kinetic given how they challenge lumbar spine the kinetics and kinematics of the

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 77

Screening Upper-Body Movement Competency

push-up or the body weight bend-and-

pull. However, the correct position of
the lower body during a push-up
consists of having the legs held in line
with the hips and remaining motion-
less (2,4,21). During the body weight
bend-and-pull, the legs should be
aligned with the hips and the knees
should be slightly bent to avoid
excessive compressive forces for those
Figure 7. Push-up demonstrated with excessive lumbar extension highlighted with athletes who can hyperextend their
curved line. knees. If an athlete is unable to control
the position of the legs during a push-
up or body weight bend-and-pull,
further assessment may be required
by a sports medicine professional.

When screening an athletes upper-
body push and pull patterns using the
push-up and body weight bend-and-
pull, the athlete should be instructed to
perform each exercise in a natural and
comfortable manner to a depth they
can control. The screener should give
primary attention to the shoulders,
lower back, hips, and knees and sec-
ondary attention to the head, ankles,
feet, depth, and balance. On screening,
Figure 8. Body weight bend-and-pull demonstrated with lumbar flexion highlighted the athlete refers to Tables 3 and 4 to
with curve line. help determine the appropriate load

Table 3
Push pattern movement competency progression paradigm
Load level 1 Load level 2 Load level 3 Load level 4 Load level 5

Coaching points Assisted Body weight External load Eccentric Plyometric

Head centered and Incline push-up Floor push-ups Common upper-body Drop and stick Explosive
held stable push pattern exercises. push-up push-ups
Band-assisted Example: bench press,
Shoulder held down push-up Single arm dumbbell press, and Clap push-ups
and away from incline handstand push-ups
the ears push-ups
Elbows tucked to Weighted push-up Explosive staggered
the side of the push-ups
body during the
Obvious scapula Band one-arm
movement explosive
Lumbar spine neutral
and held stable
Progression to the next level should only occur if the athlete can demonstrate the pattern with all coaching points maintained through
a complete range of motion.

78 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010

Table 4
Pull pattern movement competency progression paradigm

Coaching points Load level 1 Load level 2 Load level 3 Load level 4 Load level 5

Assisted Body weight External load Eccentric Plyometric

Head centered and held stable Horizontal or Supine Horizontal or Supine Horizontal or Supine Horizontal or Supine Horizontal or Supine
Pull-Up Pull-Up Pull-Up Pull-Up Pull-Up
Shoulders held down and away Feet on the ground Adding weight to the
from the ears chest
Assisted: using strength Feet on a box Supine quick hand Quick hands
bands or performing the pull-up and stick
supine pull-up from an One foot on the ground Vertical Pull-Up
incline will reduce the one foot raised and
required pulling force held straight

Elbows tucked to the side of Vertical Pull Up Single-arm pull-ups Common horizontal pull Vertical Pull-Up Quick hands
the body during pull exercises: dumbbell
rows, machine T-bar
Both legs on the ground row, seated row, and
so on
Obvious scapula movement One foot on the ground Vertical Pull-Up
one foot raised and
held straight
Lumbar spine neutral and held Assisted: using strength Vertical Pull-Up Weight added to the Quick hand pull-up Jump squat pull-up
stable during the bend bands or performing waist or between the and stick
the supine pull-up legs in the form of a
from an incline will medicine ball,
reduce the required dumbbell, and the like
pulling force
Bending occurs at the hips Chest touches the bar Common vertical pull
exercises: Seated
pull-downs of varying
hand position and grips
Progression to the next level should only occur if the athlete can demonstrate the pattern with all coaching points maintained through a complete range of motion.

Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Screening Upper-Body Movement Competency

Table 5
Description of exercises prescribed in both the push and pull pattern progression tables

Exercise Description
Incline push-up Set an Olympic bar in a squat rack at waist height, higher if the load needs to be reduced further.
Perform push-ups as normal but with hands on the Olympic bar. Move the bar lower as
competency improves.
Band-assisted Hang a strength band overhead on something stable and secure fit just below your chest around
push-up sternum level. Perform a push-up with good form; the band will reduce the load of the push. Use
an appropriately thick band to enable the athlete to push with good form without struggle.
Floor push-ups A push-up performed on the floor requires the athlete to push up 70% of their body weight.
Single arm push-ups Start in push-up position. Spread the feet wider than hip width to increase stability. Place the
nonpushing arm on the stomach. Lower the body to the floor on one arm, keeping the elbow
tucked to the side and resisting trunk rotation. These can be performed on an incline to provide
progressive loading using the same setup detailed for the incline push-ups.
Weighted push-up Place the feet on an 8-inch step to make the trunk parallel to the floor. Add weight to the shoulder
blades for additional loading. A good indicator of upper-body horizontal push pattern strength is
if the athlete can perform 10 repetitions with 30% of their body weight on their back.
Drop and stick Start in push-up position and drop to the floor by quickly lifting your hands so that your thumbs touch
push-up your chest. Catch the body just before it hits the ground and stick the landing position maintaining
all coaching points. Watch the athletes shoulders do not elevate toward their ears on impact.
Explosive staggered Start in push-up position with one hand level with the head and another hand directly under a
push-ups shoulder. Forcefully push into the ground to elevate the body to allow the hands to change
position. Alternate hand positions with each repetition.
Band one-arm Secure a strength band overhead on something stable. Set up in one-arm push-up position. Push
explosive forcefully into the ground to elevate the body off the ground. Alternate hands with each repetition.
Horizontal or supine For all supine pull-up variations, the bar should be set at waist height to accommodate full arm
pull-ups extension. The athlete should start with the shoulder directly under the arms. Technical variations
are as follows.
Legs on the ground: Feet positioned shoulder width with the torso held stable and flat throughout
the pulling pattern.
Legs on a box: Legs positioned hip width on the box resting on the heels with the toes pulled
back toward the knees. The body should be held stable and flat throughout the pulling pattern.
One leg: Raise one leg up and hold straight with one leg on the ground. Trunk should be flat
throughout the pulling pattern.
One arm: Remove one arm from the bar but keep the hand that is holding the bar in line with the
shoulder. Pull up keeping the elbow tucked to the side.
To reduce the pulling force, use a strength band. Simply loop strength bands over the bar and
position the body inside the bands.
Vertical pull-ups To assist a vertical pull-up, use a strength band looped around a pull-up bar. Place either one or both
feet or knees to reduce the pulling force.
Supine quick hands To perform a quick hand pull-up, simply pull-up and slide the hands together so that they touch and
back to shoulder width as fast as possible before full arm extension occurs. This technique can be
used for vertical or horizontal pull-up variations.
Supine quick hands Perform a quick hand variation as described above. Only catch and hold the position once the hands
and stick slide out. Lower the body down to the start position and repeat.
Jump squat pull-up Standing under a high bar, jump up, grab the bar, and pull-up. Drop back down to the ground and

80 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010

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82 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2010

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