News On Migrants & Refugees-16 June, 2010 (English & Burmese)

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News on Migrants & Refugees- 16 June, 2010 (English & Burmese)

US Puts Burma on Notice for Trafficking

US warns of unrealistic refugee resettlement
MYANMAR: Survivors seek shelter from future storms
Mass hunger strike in Malaysian camp






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Q nfpcef;Y udwifusi;f y


US Puts Burma on Notice for Trafficking
By MATTHEW LEE / AP WRITER Monday, June 14, 2010

WASHINGTON The United States on Monday warned more than a dozen states,
including Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Burma, of possible sanctions for failing to do
enough to fight human trafficking.
The State Department's 10th annual review of global efforts to eliminate the trade in
human beings and sexual slavery put 13 countries on notice that they are not
complying with minimum international standards and could face US penalties.

Other nations receiving a failing grade were Congo, the Dominican Republic, Eritrea,
Kuwait, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Zimbabwe.
Another 58 countries were placed on a "watch list" that could lead to sanctions unless
their records improve.

For the first time, the United States was included in the department's "Trafficking in
Persons Report" and was given high marks. The report said that while trafficking is a
problem here, the US is complying with all minimum standards. It placed the US
along with 27 other mainly European countries in the top "Tier 1" category for

"We believe it is important to keep the spotlight on ourselves," Secretary of State

Hillary Rodham Clinton said in presenting the report. "Human trafficking is not
someone else's problem. Involuntary servitude is not something we can ignore or hope
doesn't exist in our own communities."

The report, which looked at 177 countries, demoted Switzerland from the top tier
because it said Swiss law does not bar prostitution by 16- and 17-year-olds in all cases.
As a result, it said Switzerland risks becoming a child sex tourism destination.
Switzerland was ranked in "Tier 2," a category that does not carry the threat of

Meanwhile Obama administration is praising Malaysia and Taiwan for improving

efforts to stop the sexual and forced labor exploitation of women and children.

The State Department said in its annual report on human trafficking that Malaysia has
been upgraded from the US list of countries with the worst trafficking records to a
watch list.

US ambassador for human trafficking issues Luis CdeBaca says Taiwan has been
moved to the list of countries that fully comply with minimum standards to protect

CdeBaca says Taiwan is now allowing victims to work while their cases are being
investigated instead of detaining them.

US warns of unrealistic refugee resettlement
DVB, 14 June 2010
The situation for ethnic Karen refugees living in camps along the Thai-Burma border
remains a concern for the US but third-country resettlement is unrealistic, a top US
official has warned.

Eric Schwartz, assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, last
week visited the Mae La refugee camp on the Thai side of the border that is home to
some 40,000 Karen refugees, of a total of nearly 140,000 in camps along the border.

He told DVB that the purpose of the trip was to look at efforts to meet the needs of
vulnerable Burmese refugees in the camps, as well as meeting with various NGOs
and advocacy groups along the border.

But despite particular concern over the refugees that he voiced prior to the border
trip, third-country resettlement isnt going to be the solution for the large majority of
refugees here or anywhere else in the world.

There are around 20 million refugees around the world, he said. Ultimately the
best answer is for conditions in their country of origin to change but there is little
indication that that situation is going to change any time soon in Burma.

His comments came after the joint-secretary of the Assistance Association for
Political Prisoners-Burma (AAPP), Bo Kyi, said that his group would urge Schwartz
to help resettle former political prisoners who have been in the refugee camps for so
many years.

While the US already has a policy to accept refugees, Schwartz reportedly told Khin
Ohmar, foreign affairs secretary for theNetwork for Democracy and Development
(NDD), that third-country resettlement is up to the Thai governmentand the US
can only suggest that the Thai government speeds up their procedures.

With the Burmese government preparing for elections and aggressively attempting to
transform ceasefire groups into Border Guard Forces, observers have warned that
more refugees could flee Burma over the coming months.

The last major exodus by Karen into Thailand was in June last year, when around
5,000 fled after fighting erupted between Burmese troops and the opposition Karen
National Liberation Army (KNLA). Many of those were forced to shelter in caves and
rudimentary shacks along the Thai-Burma border.

The situation in Karen state remains volatile, despite the Thai governments attempts
to repatriate the 5,000 refugees back to Burma at the beginning of this year.
Landmines laid by both the Burmese army and the KNLA litter the countryside, and
civilians are at risk of being forcibly recruited by government troops.

Decisions over whether people can return have to be based on the conditions in
Burma and they cannot simply be made because an election has taken place,
Schwartz said.
Right now the preparations going on in Burma give no confidence that these
elections are going to have international legitimacy, or be free and fair, so if the
elections dont change conditions in Burma then you cant send people back.

MYANMAR: Survivors seek shelter from future storms

Residents of coastal Kinwon Village in Myanmar's Ayeyarwady Delta saw their

houses flattened when Cyclone Nargis struck in May 2008; now they worry that not
enough has been done to protect them from future cyclones, despite considerable
efforts around the region by international organizations.

"We don't have any strong buildings yet to resist strong winds and storm surge," said
Kyaw Kyaw, a volunteer in the village of 1,260 people in Pyapon Township, one of
the hardest hit areas.

Specialists say collaborative efforts are needed between the government and partners
to better prepare the region's most vulnerable - the poor.

"Disasters are not random killers; they target the vulnerable groups and usually the
poorest among the poor," Mel Capistrano, senior officer with the Tripartite Core
Group's Recovery Coordination Centre (RCC), told IRIN.

Preparing for cyclones

When Nargis struck, villagers fled to nearby schools or monasteries, many of which
were blown down, highlighting the need for sturdy shelters.

The government has now chosen 10 coastal sites where 20 cyclone shelters will be
built - 19 two-storey buildings for 500 people each and a one-storey building for 300
people. A network of 10 roads is also under construction in the region.

According to the UN Human Resettlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 356

cyclone shelters have been built across the affected area, 30 percent of them in
Labutta Township, the worst hit.

The NGO World Vision built 24 cyclone-resistant schools and 10 emergency shelters
large enough to house up to 600 people each. It also trained more than 100,000 people
in disaster preparedness.

But Nargis affected some 2.4 million people, and it has been difficult to reach
everyone to make sure they are prepared.

"There is no such thing as absolute preparedness. People in the delta are in a more
vulnerable condition at the moment since recovery efforts have not brought them back
even to the pre-Nargis situation," Capistrano said.
"Limited funding, unavailability of sites for construction and inadequate numbers of
private construction firms with experience working in the delta are some of the major
hindering factors in the building of enough quality cyclone shelters," he said.

Over the past 60 years, Myanmar has experienced 11 severe tropical cyclones, two of
which made landfall over the Ayeyarwady Delta region. In addition, the 2004 tsunami
killed 60 people and left 2,500 homeless.

Although data for the government's disaster-preparedness budget is unavailable, the

Post-Nargis Recovery and Preparedness Plan estimated US$32 million of funding was
needed to cover programmes on disaster preparedness, but according to the latest
figures to end-2009, the UN and international NGOs have received only $2.59 million.

Warning signs

Through disaster risk reduction training of volunteers in at-risk communities, more

villagers understand the warning signs.

Ryoko Iizuka, programme manager of the UN Development Programme (UNDP)

Myanmar, said community-level preparedness must be linked to higher-level
initiatives and policies.

"Nationwide policies and mechanisms must be strengthened," she said. An early

warning system, building guidelines, land management and disaster management
planning "would require collaborative efforts with strong commitment, technical
expertise and resources".

Iizuka said local authorities also had to work more on transportation and evacuation-
centre management.

The Ayeyarwady Delta has a complex system of streams and estuaries, which can
hinder evacuation efforts in times of emergencies, experts say.

Mass hunger strike in Malaysian camp
By KHIN HNIN HTET, 15 June 2010

Some 800 Burmese migrants have begun a hunger strike in a Malaysian immigration
camp after the UNs refugee agency stopped interviewing detainees about potential
refugee status.

One detainee on hunger strike told DVB that officials from the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) had also stopped coming to pick up those
who passed the interview at the Lenggeng camp in Negeri Sembilan province.

Passing the UNHCR interview would make the detainees, which number around
1,500 in the Lenggeng camp in southwestern Malaysia, eligible for refugee status.
Estimates for the overall number of Burmese men, women and children migrants held
in detention centres across Malaysia number around 5,000. They are often held in
poor conditions with only sporadic access to UN officials.

The hunger strike began on the evening of 12 June. Three days earlier, the water
supply to the camp had been cut off, and detainees were complaining that camp
wardens had denied detainees drinking water.

Detainees from all four [camp] wards most of them Burmese, Indonesian and
Bangladeshi suffered from dysentery, said the man. The medical assistance in the
camp is too weak and we want to get out of here immediately. We wrote a message
[in the camp] saying: We need UNHCR.

In February this year around one thousand detained migrants, mainly Burmese, in
Lenggeng staged a hunger strike in protest at severe overcrowding and lack of
UNHCR access.

And last week around 200 Burmese and Vietnamese detainees rioted in the Ajil
immigration camp, with reports that they had tried to set fire to the camps
administration office.

A report released yesterday by Amnesty International urged the Malaysian

government to give refugees in the country the right to work after documenting a
litany of abuses suffered by refugees in Malaysia, the vast majority of whom are from
Myanmar [Burma].

The report added that refugees in Malaysia are subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention
in appalling conditions, caning, extortion, human trafficking and deportation back to
the persecution that they fled.

And the annual US state departments Trafficking in Persons report also released this
week said that the Peoples Volunteer Corps (RELA) in Malaysia continued to
arbitrarily detain refugees and asylum seekers, and is involved in trafficking.

Refugees in Malaysia are particularly vulnerable to trafficking, the report said,

adding that there had been little progress in convicting traffickers. The issue of
Burmese migrants has been a sore point for the Malaysian government; last year it
was revealed that senior Malaysian immigration officials had been complicit in the
trafficking of Burmese nationals.



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cifEiS ;f xuf 14 ZGef 2010

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vmxkwzf kd@twGuf We Need UNHCR qd+k yD; pmwrf;a&;vdu k w f ,f?

'Duae@rmS awmh ,lteftyd cf sfpt D mH;k wm0efcu H qENjyolawGudk vm a&muf =unfh o _ mG ;ayr,fh
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(Selalgor) (Kajang)





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, 15 2010,
2010, By U










TBBC - Consortium 
(Jack Dunford)

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urBm'h u
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Q nfpcef;Y udwifusi;f y
armifw;l 15 ZGef 2010

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Q nf tokid ;f t0dik ;f rSm yg0ifciG &fh
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Q nfwOD;u ckvdk ajymygw,f?
etz ppftpd;k &u usaemfu h dk awmwGi;f olyek ef J@ qufo, G w
f ,fq+kd yD; awmh zrf;qD;w,f/ axmifcsw,f?
usaemfuh dk tarSmifcef;xJrmS ok;H veJ@ajcmuf &uf csxm;w,f? +yD;awmh axmifo;kH ESpcf sw,f?
axmifuae vGw+f yD;awmh usaemhu f kd wywfwcg ajccsKyfe@J &Jpcef;rSm vufrw S vf mxk;d ckid ;f w,f? tJ'rD mS
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xyfrH xGuaf jy;vmae=uqJyv J dk o
h &d ygw,f?


, 16 2010 02:13






, 16 2010 01:56


  UNHCR Naeem J. Durreni.MOD










   U U

 / NGOs


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