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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the award of Degree of


Submitted by

Under the esteemed guidance of

Ms. Kamal Kumari

(Head of the Department of Computer Science)
Ms. Sharmili
(Lecturer, Department of Computer Science)

St. Josephs College for Women


We here by declare that this project report entitled

ATM PROCESSING is our original work and has not been
Submitted earlier.

(K.Neelima , A.Bhargavi , N.Sudha)


Date :

It is obvious that the development of a project needs

the support Of many people. We first thank to the al-mighty for
giving us the strength and courage to submit this work on time.
We express our deep sense of gratitude and sincere
thanks to Ms. D.Kamal Kumari, Head Of The Department of
Computer Science, St.Josephs College for Women,for her valuable
guidance and kind cooperation through out the making of the
We also thank Ms.S.Sharmili and G.Varalakshmi for their
support that materialized the project and contributed to its success.
In particular we thank all the Staff members of the
Computer Science Department for their constant help during the
practical and their encouragement through out the project.
Last but not the least we are thankful to all our
classmates for their full fledged cooperation and valuable
assistance in our project.


1 . Content Result
2 . College Certificate
3 . Declaration
4 . Acknowledgment
5 . Synposis
5.1 . Organization Profile
5.2 . System Configuration
5.4 . About Software Tools
5.4.1 . Back End
- Introduction to Oracle
5.4.2 . Front End
- Introduction to Java
6 . Software Requirement Specificaation
6.1 . Problem Analysis
6.2 . System Analysis
6.3 . Proposed System Disadvantages
6.4 . Methods of gathering Info
6.5 . Feasibility Study
7 . Structured Analysis
7.1 . Context Diagram
7.2 . Data Flow Diagrams
7.3 . Data Dictionary
7.4 . Structured English

An automated teller machine (ATM) or cash machine is an

electronic device that allows a banks customers to make cash
withdrawals and check their account balances without the need or
human teller. Many ATMs also allow people to deposit cash or
cheques, transfer money between their bank accounts, top up their
mobile phones prepaid or even buy postage stamps.
In most modern ATMs, the customer identifies him or herself by
inserting a plastic card with magnetic strip or plastic smart card with a
chip that contains his or her account number. The customer then verifies
his or her identity by entering a passcode (PIN) of four digits .If the
number is entered incorrectly several in a row ( usually three) , most
ATMs will retain the card as a security precaution to prevent an
unauthorized user form discovering the PIN by guesswork .
Most ATMs are connected to interbank networks, enabling
people to withdraw and deposit money from machines not belonging to

the bank where they have their account. ATMs rely on authorization of
a transaction by the card issuer or other authorizing institution on via the
communications network.
Many ATMs usually print each transaction in a paper
journal that is rolled into a roll of paper stored inside the ATMs, which
allows both the users of ATMs and the related financial institutions to
settle things based on the records in the journal in case there is a dispute.


In our ATM , Customer can withdraw or

deposit money himself at any time without the need of any
bank employee . The customer should possess SBI ATM CARD
to utilize all the ATM facilities . Customer can have access
to his accounts by using his ATM card only .
The customer can login by inserting the ATM
card. After inserting the ATM card, to perform any transaction,
the customer should key in the Personal Identification
Number(PIN) correctly . After the PIN is input, the
ATM processes the information and if it is found correct ,
allows to do transactions .
Our ATM allows doing various types of
transactions. The customer can choose the appropriate
action amongst Cash Withdrawal , Cash Deposit , PIN
Change , Balance Enquiry and MINIStatement.
Cash Withdrawal and Cash Deposit allows
the customer to withdraw and deposit money from savings
or current account . PIN Change allows him to change
the PIN when ever required .

Balance Enquiry gives the available balance in

savings or current account MINIStatement gives the
details of last five transactions.In addition to this , our
ATM also provides the services like Fees Payment ,
Money Donation , Recharging Mobiles , Shopping etc .
Whenever any transaction is done the related tables
are automatically updated.



Processor : Pentium 4
Clock :
RAM :512 MB
Hard disk Capacity : 40GB
Standard Input Device :
Standard Output Device :

Operating System Windows XP

Front end Developer 2000
a) Forms 6.0
b) Reports 6.0

Back end Oracle 10g enterprise edition

Version 8.0
SQL plus 8.0




A Database Management System (DBMS) consists of a

collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access the
data. It provides a centralized control of data. Various advantages of
database systems are
1. Data can be Shared : It is possible to satisfy the data
requirements of new applications without having to add
any new data to the Database.
2. Redundancy can be reduced : In non database applications
each application has a copy of its own private file. This
leads to wastage in storage space. This duplication of data
is called redundancy. This redundancy can be avoided in
database since the data is centralized.
3. Inconsistency can be avoided : When one of the two entries
is not updated this leads to data inconsistency. This can be
avoided when redundancy is reduced.
Oracle 10g is a relational data model. Oracle Products is
based on client Server technology. This concept involves the
processing of application between two Systems. One
performs the activity related to database(server) and other
performs activity related to client (User).


The tools provided in oracle are so user- friendly that a

person with minimum skills can access the data easily.
The main tools are :
1. SQL * Plus
3. Forms
4. Reports

Let us have a brief look of these tools

SQL *PLUS : It is a Structured Query Language supported

by Oracle. Though we can store, retrieve, edit and run SQL
commands and PL/SQL blocks. We can perform calculations
list column definitions and can also format Query results in
form of reports .

PL/SQL : It is an extension of SQL. It can contain any

number of SQL statements integrated with flow of control
statements . Thus PL/SQL combines the data manipulating power
of SQL and data processing power of Procedural Languages .

FORMS : This is a single form, based on application

with help of Transaction commands. Oracle form bulder is
design component of Oracle forms . We can build , generate and
run Oracle forms application from the builder.

REPORTS : It is an application development tool of Oracle

for developing, executing , displaying and printing repots . We can
create a wide variety of reports, which has various modes .
Oracle reports are powerful and easy to user.


JAVA HISTORY : Java is a general purpose , Object-

Oriented programming language developed by sun microsystems

of USA in 1991. Originally called oak by James Gosling, one

of the inventors of the language, Java was designed for the

development of software or consumer electronic devices.This

goal had a strong impact on the development team to make the

language simple,portable and highly reliable. The new language

Java is modelled from c and c++ but removed a number of

features of c and c++ that were considered as sources of

problems that made Java a really simple, reliable , portable and

a powerful language.


The inventors of Java wanted to design a language

which could offer solutions to some of the problems encountered
in modern programming . They wanted the language to be not
only reliable , portable and distributed but also simple , compact
and interactive .

Sun Microsystems officially describes Java with the

following attributes :
1 . Compiled and Interpreted
2 . Platform-Independent and Portable
3 . Object-Oriented
4 . Robust and Secure

5 . Distributed

6 . Familiar , Simple and Small

7 . Multi Threaded and Interactive

8 . High Performance

9 . Dynamic and Extensible

These features have made Java the first application language

of the World Wide Web . Java will also become the premier
language for general purpose stand alone applications .

System analysis is detailed approach of the

existing system and includes finding how the system works

and what it does . It also includes in finding out more details

such as , what system problems are and what users require of

any new or changed system . It emphasizes the clarification and

understanding activities . Analysis use many of the commonly

used system analysis techniques , such as data flow diagrams

and data analysis . This calls for interviews with System users ,

questionnaires and other data gathering methods .


The existing system is the computerized Bank Processing

System without Atm service . In this system , the bank maintains

customer database , transaction database and all the operations are

computerized . The computer manages the storing and retrieval of

data . Though this System is very helpful to the bank employees

and simplifies their work but it is designed mainly to meet the bank

employees need and convenience . Often customer has to stand in

a long queue for just withdrawing and depositing money . Also he

cannot have access to his account any time he requires . He can

do any transactions only when bank is open . So he is restricted

by the banks timing . Banks are generally closed on Sundays and

public holidays . So he cannot withdraw money on holidays .


1. In Conivenience to the customers ,

2. Customer is completely dependent on bank employee ,

3. Time bound Customer cannot do any transactions on

holidays .

4 . It is sometimes not possible to make withdrawals in places

where ones bank has no branches .


All the above drawbacks can be realized and

overcomed by using the ATM service. It is an additional facility

to the existing computerized bank processing system . It is

completely designed for the customers benefit and convenience .

It allows customer to deposit or withdraw money at any time

and anywhere without the need of any bank employee .

Most ATMs are connected to interbank network ,

enabling people to wihdraw and deposit money from machines

not belonging to the bank where hey have their account . This is

a convenience , especial or people who are traveling : I is

possible to make withdrawals in places where ones bank has no

branches , and even to withdraw local currency un a foreign

country , often at a better exchange ate then would he available

by changing cash.

Benefits of using an ATM :

1. Conveniently located throughout the world .

2. Easy access to cash and your accounts day and night

3. Check balances on your accounts at your convience .

4 . Receive the recent record of transactions on mini

statement .
5 . High security ( invulnerable to physical attack) .

6 . Most of modern ATMs provide many additional

facilities such as :

a) paying routine bills ,fees ,taxes .

b) Loading monitory value into prepaid cards (cell

phones , multi purpose stored value cards etc.)

c) Ticket purchases ( trains ,concert ,etc .)


The out come of preliminary investigation is the determination

that the system required is feasible and provides one or more

conceptual solution to the problem set of the project . Three things

must be done to establish feasibility over the preliminary

investigation .


This evaluation determinresd whether the technology

needed fot the present system is available and how ir can be

integrated wothon the organization .The software used for

designing our tutor is within iur availability and could be

integated within organization .


The system was tested on students picked up randomly to

existing system .


This evaluation looks at the financial aspect of the

project work , were within ou reach . The entire project can be in

floppies, The cost is thus very low .


A structured is a working tool and an excellent

way to keep track of the data collected for a system.
Structured design partitions a program into small ,
independent modules . They are arranged in a hierarchy
that approximates a model of the business area and is
organized in a top down manner with the details shown
at the bottom. Thus, Structured design is an attempt to
minimize complexity and make a problem manageable
by subdividing into a smaller segments which is called
modularization or decomposition.
In this way structuring minimizes intuitive
reasoning and promotes maintainable provable system.

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