Simple SENSE Reconstruction

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% test: acceleration factor: 2 ; 64 x 64 --> 64 x 32; 4 coils

load sense_recon_easy; %%% this loads the k-space data (2-shot epi; 4
img1c = fftshift(fftshift(fft(fft(fftshift(fftshift(k1,1),2),[],1),
[],2),1),2); %% FT recon of full-FOV images
img1 = abs(img1c); % magnitude image
image1 =
[],1),[],2),1),2); %% FT recon of reduced-FOV images
refimg1 = sqrt(mean(img1c.*conj(img1c),3)); %%% reference image:
combined from 4 coils
mask1 = refimg1 > 0.1.*max(refimg1(:)); %% a mask
smap1 = img1./repmat(refimg1,[1 1 4]); %% sensitivity maps:
magnitude only
smap1c = img1c./repmat(refimg1,[1 1 4]); %% sensitivity maps: complex

% fit the sensitivity maps (polynomial) -- fitting the magnitude

values of sensitivity maps only
smapfit = zeros(64,64,4);
for coilcnt = 1:4
map1 = smap1(:,:,coilcnt);
mmm1 = mask1;
L = find(mmm1==1); map01 = map1(L);
A = [x.^3 y.^3 x.^2 x.*y y.^2 x y ones(size(x))];
b = map01;
coeffs = A\b;
c = A * coeffs;
map001 = map1*0;
map001(L) = c;
ones64= ones(64,64);
LL = find(ones64 == 1);
[yy,xx] = find(ones64 == 1);
AA = [xx.^3 yy.^3 xx.^2 xx.*yy yy.^2 xx yy ones(size(xx))];
cc = AA * coeffs;
map0001 = map1*0;
% smoothing the fitted sensitivity maps
f2 = map1.*mmm1 + fc1.*(ones(64,64)-mmm1);
t = hanning(10);
tt = t*t';
fs2 = conv2(f2,tt,'same')/30.58;
smapfit(:,:,coilcnt) = fs2; %%%%% this is the fitted sensitivity maps
(magnitude only)
smapfitc = smapfit .* (smap1c./abs(smap1c)); %%% this steps
combined the fitted magnitude values and the original phase
smap = smapfitc; %%% just rename it.... smap will be used in the
sense recon as follows

% sense reconstruction : results are "senseimg_ex"
mask = mask1;
refimg = refimg1;
inputimage = (image1);
senseimg = zeros(64,64);
rcondmap = zeros(64,64);
senseimg_ex = zeros(64,64);
for x = 1:64
for y = 1:32
if (y<17), y2=y+48; else, y2=y-16; end;
a = transpose([inputimage(x,y,1) inputimage(x,y,2)
inputimage(x,y,3) inputimage(x,y,4)]);
S=[ smap(x,y1,1) smap(x,y2,1);
smap(x,y1,2) smap(x,y2,2);
smap(x,y1,3) smap(x,y2,3);
smap(x,y1,4) smap(x,y2,4)];
v = S\a; %%% matrix inversion
rcondmap(x,[y1 y2]) = repmat(rcond(S'*S),[1 2]);
senseimg(x,[y1 y2])=[v(1) v(2)];
if (mask(x,y1) & mask(x,y2)),
senseimg_ex(x,[y1 y2]) = [v(1) v(2)];
elseif (mask(x,y1))
S = S(:,1);
senseimg_ex(x,[y1 y2]) = [S\a 0];
elseif (mask(x,y2))
S = S(:,2);
senseimg_ex(x,[y1 y2]) = [0 S\a];
senseimg_ex(x,[y1 y2])=0;
imagesc(abs([refimg1/2 senseimg_ex])); axis equal off;
title('left: original data right: sense unfolded data');

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