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*ablam intihar etmeye kalkm

1-my sister tried to suicide.

*yle oldu
2-yes she did.
*ablam lyomu nerdeyse, senin yznden lyomu ablam
3-my sister almost died..because of you!
*senin de yznden bahar
4-because of you too Bahar!
*benim yzmden mi ?!
5-because of me ?!
*sen de sylemedin kim olduumu
6-you also didnt tell them who i am
*sana gvendim diye
7-it is because i trusted you!
*gvendin diye mi? gerekten mi? yoksa sylersen eyanla bizi kimse bir daha ay
ramaz diye mi
8-because you trusted me! really? or if you would tell them no one could seperat
e us anymore
*gvendin diye mi kskandn diye mi
9-is it because you trusted me or jealous of me?
*aptal, aptalsn sen, lyordu senin yznden ablam
10-fool, you are sister almost died because of you!
*kimsin sen ya kimsin, nasl bireysin sen
11-who are you? what are you?
*merak etme..iim bitti benim onunla
12-dont worry..i am done with her..
*aptalsn sen..ablam deli gibi ak sana..senin mezarna lecek kadar ak sana
13-you are sister is still in love with you..she still loves you such t
hat she could die even for your grave!..
*mer o!
14-it is mer!
*mermi ezelmi ne fark eder!..hereyi brakt sana geldi o, sana!.sana gvendi
15-no matter it is mer or it is ezel!..she gave up everything and came to you!.
.to you!.she trusted you..
*ben de ona gvenmitim..
16-i trusted her too..
*sen hala gveniyorsun ona..sen hala deli gibi aksn eyana..
17-you still trust her, still love her!.
18-no i dont..i do not!.
*sen hayatta en ok sevdiin kiiyi ldryordun az kalsn..
19-you almost kill the one who you love the most in the world..
*sevmiyorum onu..
20-i dont love her..
*ben sizin gibi birbirini seven baka biri tanmadm daha hayatmda..grmyor mu
sun nasl seviyor seni?.grmyor musun ezel!.
21-i havent seen anyone who love each other as much as you do..dont you see how
she loves you?.dont you see!.
*bir daha girmem o yola..bir daha sevmem kimseyi..bir daha inanmam kimseye..anla
sana..bir daha yaayamam ayn eyleri..anlasana bahar, bir daha balanamam..bir
daha koruyamam, sevemem, yapamam, yapamam!
22-i cannot go through the same way..i cannot love anyone anymore..i cannot beli
eve anyone dont you get it bahar, i cannot to be committed to anyone..i cannot p
rotect, i cannot love, i cannot, i cannot!!
*sen eyandan m bahsediyosun
23-are you talking about eyan?
*olumdan bahsediyorum..can..olummu benim
24-i am talking about my son..can..he is my son..
*can senin..
26-can is your..
*bir daha sevemem..sonra o da gidicek..onu da alcaklar..her eyimi aldlar..sev
diim her eyimi aldlar..bahar olum varm benim..ona da bir ey olursa yaaya
27-i cannot love..then he'll also gone..they'll take him..they took everything i
have, everything i love..bahar i've got a son..if anything happens to him, i ca
n't live..
28-what are you going to do?
*hibir ey yapmcam..hibir ey hissetmiyorum..hi kimseyi sevmicem
29-nothing..i feel nothing..i wont love anybody..

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