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Worksheet English

Finding your way round Activity 2

Look at the entry for the verb run in the dictionary and
longer entries answer these questions.
a How many meanings are explained? ______
b Write the number of the meaning that:
If a word in the Macmillan English Dictionary has five
meanings or more, these meanings will be summarized 1 explains run used with machines ______
in a box at the beginning of the entry. This menu box
2 refers to electing a politician ______
helps you to find the meaning you want quickly, and you
can then go straight to the numbered meaning below 3 refers to something illegal ______
for more information. Note that words with multiple 4 refers to travel ______
meanings are usually the more frequent words, and
therefore menu boxes are mainly found in the entries for
Activity 3
red words. ▲
Look at meaning 6 of the verb run and answer the
questions. Notice that there are three definitions here:
Activity 1

6, 6a and 6b.
Look at the entry for the verb bounce in the dictionary.
Notice that there are five different meanings of the a Which vehicles are mentioned in the definition for
word shown in the menu and the entry below it. Match meaning 6?
sentences a–e with meanings 1–5 in the menu below. _____________________________________________
bounce1 / baUns / verb ## b How many examples are there?
1 hit surface and move away 5 when email comes back
2 move up and down + PHRASE
3 move energetically + PHRASAL VERBS
4 when cheque is not paid
c How late was the train?
a My bank charged £30 for the cheque that bounced. d Where do you find this example:
b I’ve got your email address wrong. My emails keep John kindly offered to run me into town.
c He came bouncing into the room.
e In which of the meanings is the driver not controlling
d The jeep bounced along the rough country road. a vehicle properly?
e The ball bounced off the crossbar into the goal. _____________________________________________
a ______ c ______ e ______ f What did the truck run into?
b ______ d ______ _____________________________________________

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