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BP: Capitalismo y medioambiente 12

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!

June 24, 2010 Vol. 52, no. 24 50

detroits crisis demands

ABoliSH rAciSm,
By Abayomi Azikiwe
Editor, Pan-African News Wire
that virtually every major urban area in the U.S. has seen
an increase in unemployment over the last few months.
In the city of Detroit where unemployment is high-
Join Workers World party:
Whats next after USSF?
est and with its 85 percent African-American population

Fight For
After decades of rapacious capitalist policies aimed at the crisis could accurately be described as being at de-
the weakening of the trade union movement, the super- pression levels. The disproportionately high unemploy-
exploitation of labor and the maintenance of racism and ment rate among African Americans has become a cause

national oppression against African Americans, Detroit is of concern for many civil rights organizations.
the epicenter of the economic crisis in the United States.
Corporate Detroit the financial institutions, insur- The crisis in education

ance companies and other multinational corporations In Detroit, the school system has been severely af-
continues to set the agenda for the future of the city. fected by the decline in employment and the losses in orkers World Party extends warm greet-
With such a political orientation, it is not surprising that individual household income. In 2009 Gov. Jennifer ings and solidarity to the thousands of
the city of Detroit continues to decline in all the major Granholm appointed an emergency financial manager progressive activists from around the
economic indicators. purportedly to address the growing deficit. country and the world who are gather-
This economic policy failure is not confined to Detroit. The problem of urban education is directly linked to ing in Detroit for the U.S. Social Forum.
In fact, the crisis is international in scope due to the phe- the overall economic crisis and the national oppression of Perhaps you are a young person wondering how to
nomena of overproduction and the unequal distribution African Americans and other people of color in the U.S. pay for your education or if youll ever get a job. Or
of wealth and economic power. Detroits overwhelmingly African-American school sys- maybe youre a senior whose pension has been ripped
Over the last three years the economic situation tem has been in decline for decades due to underfunding, off by the company where you toiled for many years. Or
throughout the country has taken a drastic turn towards the loss of students and the foreclosure problem. youre a laid-off or low-wage worker trying to provide
disaster. In the fall of 2008 the collapse of several major However, in 1999, when the state took over the De- for yourself and your family on no or diminished in-
banks, insurance companies and industrial firms caused troit public education system, the district had a surplus come. Or you have no health insurance and cant get the
panic among the ruling class and the state. of funds as well as a voter-approved $1.5 billion bond for Continued on page 10
When President Obama won the elections in November capital improvements. After five years of state control,
2008, there were reports that his administration would the Detroit school system was virtually bankrupt. Since
engage in a vigorous economic stimulus program similar Continued on page 6
to the New Deal of the 1930s. Yet when Obama announced
his appointees to the treasury, foreign affairs, labor, hous-
ing and defense, it became obvious that there would not be
lGBt PridE 2
any real shift in U.S. domestic or foreign policy. SAVE tHE PlANEt
How does this political crisis play itself out in the city
of Detroit and the state of Michigan? The most pressing From capitalist destruction 8-9
need in Detroit is for meaningful employment for nearly
half the citys population. Detroit has the highest unem-
ployment rate among all major cities in the U.S.
Unemployment and underemployment
In Detroit, the problem of joblessness has multiple
ramifications on the municipalitys overall social fabric.
The city of Detroit has an extremely high rate of poverty
approximately 40 percent and rising. Many people
who have not been working become discouraged and
Photo: KElly VAldEZ

completely drop out of the labor market.

This income loss affects small businesses, housing,
schools, and family and community life. These factors can
even hamper the ability of people to mobilize and orga-
nize around their most basic needs.
In Detroit, the overall quality of life has deteriorated. Be in
There is a dearth not only of money for individual house-
PUErto rico PhiladelPhia
holds but also of fresh foods, recreational facilities, cul-
tural activities and reliable public transportation.
Despite ruling class propaganda that promotes the
July 4 to
Learning through strike 11
myth of an economic recovery, recent reports indicate

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GAZA SolidArity The new Freedom Riders South Africa, others boycott 10
Page 2 June 24, 2010

memorial pays tribute to gay WORKERS WORLD

this week ...

militant, Sebastian Pernice In the U.S.
Abolish racism, capitalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Memorial pays tribute to gay militant, Sebastian Pernice . . . . 2
Anti-war message at Philly Pride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Outrage over U.S. Border Patrols killing of Mexican youth . . . 3
Mumia Abu-Jamal on Soul Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Defend education, cancel the debt to the banks . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Autoworkers rally outside convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Minnesota nurses struggle vs. lockouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Detroit legal aid workers demand union contract . . . . . . . . . . . 5
On the picket line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
FIST youth: Thoughts on the U.S. Social Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Come visit us while youre in Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Marsha Goldberg and Tim Sutton Fracking a danger to communities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
people of color heroically fought back Pollution, exploitation and socialism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
against bigoted police repression at
the Stonewall Inn in the Village area of Around the world
Manhattan, N.Y.
Bhopal disaster culprits given slap on wrist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Although Pernice walked with a cane
due to a hip replacement, any pain or Haitian farmers reject Monsantos seeds of destruction. . . . . . 8
discomfort that he may have felt didnt To save the planet, get rid of capitalism! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

T he New York branch of Workers World Party held

a memorial June 12 for Sebastian Pernice,
a 1969 Stonewall Rebellion participant and Party
prohibit him from joining picket lines and rallies. Before
he became bedridden, Pernice could be found every
Thursday helping to organize the WW paper shipments
South African trade unions boycott Israeli apartheid. . . . . . .10
Gaza Freedom Flotilla the new Freedom Riders . . . . . . . . .10
member who passed away on Feb. 1 at the age of 61 to the branches. Striking Puerto Rico students hold graduation ceremonies 11
from lung cancer. Born in Sicily, Pernice was a working-class chef whose
Many of the speakers spoke of Pernices fierce cooking brought great joy to the staff and volunteers at Editorials
dedication to the struggle for lesbian, gay, bisexual, the Solidarity Center.
Fight for socialism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
transgender and queer equality and for the liberation The memorial was chaired by long-time lesbian
of all working and oppressed peoples. Besides the vari- activist and WWP national committee member, Marsha Noticias En Espaol
ous speakers who paid tribute to Pernice, there were Goldberg, and featured opening remarks by Pernices
also cultural performances. life-partner, Tim Sutton, both pictured here. The memo- BP: Capitalismo y medioambiente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
A video showed Pernice speaking at a 2009 WWP rial ended with the singing of the Communist song The
forum marking the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Internationale and with a chant of Sebastian Pernice,
Rebellion. Pernice shared his remembrances of that presente!
four-day rebellion, when mostly young transgender Report and photos by Monica Moorehead
Workers World

anti-war message at philly pride 55 West 17 Street

New York, N.Y. 10011
Phone: (212) 627-2994
Workers World Party Fax: (212) 675-7869
and the International E-mail:
Action Center joined Web:
the Vets for Peace con- Vol. 52, No. 24 June 24, 2010
tingent during Philadel- Closing date: June 15, 2010
phias annual lesbian,
Editor: Deirdre Griswold
gay, bisexual and trans-
gender pride parade on Technical Editor: Lal Roohk
June 13. The group was Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell,
well received the entire Leslie Feinberg, Kris Hamel, Monica Moorehead,
way. In addition to the Gary Wilson
anti-war contingent,
West Coast Editor: John Parker
there were contingents
for immigrant rights, Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe,
for youth and in sup- Greg Butterfield, Jaimeson Champion, G. Dunkel,
port of striking hotel Fred Goldstein, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Hales,
workers. David Hoskins, Berta Joubert-Ceci, Cheryl LaBash,
Photo: KEllEy VAldEZ
Milt Neidenberg, Bryan G. Pfeifer, Betsey Piette,

Organize the South By Leslie Feinberg,

author of Stone
Minnie Bruce Pratt, Gloria Rubac
Technical Staff: Sue Davis, Shelley Ettinger,
The Durham Solidarity Center has officially Butch Blues Bob McCubbin, Maggie Vascassenno
opened its doors to the progressive movement.
The Center is home to the Durham branch of In Defense of CUBA Mundo Obrero: Carl Glenn, Teresa Gutierrez,
Workers World Party; Fight Imperialism, Stand This ground-breaking book documents Berta Joubert-Ceci, Donna Lazarus, Michael Martnez,
Together (FIST) youth group; Bail Out the People revolutionary Cubas inspiring trajectory Carlos Vargas
Movement North Carolina; and others. The of progress towards liberation of
Supporter Program: Sue Davis, coordinator
address is Durham Solidarity Center, Suite 408, sexualities, genders and sexes.
Copyright 2010 Workers World. Verbatim copying
331 W. Main St., Durham, N.C. 27701. Available at
and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium

joi n us
join National Office Buffalo, N.Y. Durham, N.C. Pittsburgh without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
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610-931-2615 New York, N.Y. 10011. June 24, 2010 Page 3

outrage grows over U.S. Border

Patrols killing of mexican youth
By Gloria Rubac death of an innocent Mexican student. and cried out, Damn them! Damn them! seek extradition. Instead, Caldern called
Mexicans are seething over this death, Mara Guadalupe Huereka, his mother, for a thorough U.S. investigation that
A June 11 demonstration in San Anto- the second in two weeks at the hands of said, May God forgive them because I clears up the facts and culminates with
nio to protest the killing of 14-year-old the Border Patrol. On May 28, 42-year- know nothing will happen [to them.] punishing those responsible.
Mexican student Sergio Adrin Hernn- old Anastasio Hernndez was beaten and (Associated Press, June 9) The FBI, which claims the youth was
dez Huereka by a U.S. Border Patrol tasered to death on the border between Above the casket was a photo of the throwing rocks at the agent, has now
agent placed the blame for his killing on San Ysidro, Calif., and Tijuana, Mexico. youth wearing his soccer uniform and his opened a civil rights probe.
the U.S.s militarization of its border with He had lived in San Diego for 26 years. junior high school report cards, which In an open letter to the families of the
Mexico. Hundreds protested this killing on June showed grades of all As and Bs. His moth- recent victims as well as the people of
Hernndez Huereka was shot and 3. (Workers World, June 10) er said he was a good student who never Mexico, Latin America and the world,
killed on June 8 as he played with friends Last week in Arizona a Border Patrol got in trouble. Unin del Barrio, a revolutionary Mexi-
near the border in Cuidad Jurez, Mexico, agent pleaded guilty in federal court to a Prosecutors in the Mexican border can organization based in California,
across the river from El Paso, Texas. His criminal civil rights charge for assaulting state of Chihuahua have concluded that said: We are clear that these attacks are
body was found in Mexico with a spent a Mexican citizen by punching and kick- Hernndez Huerekas death was an in- part and parcel of the genocidal legisla-
shell casing nearby, raising the question ing him. Sentencing is set for August. tentional homicide and have turned the tion fabricated and elaborated by the U.S.
of whether the fatal shot was fired inside A wake for Hernndez Huereka was case over to federal prosecutors for fur- government. These acts did not happen
Mexico. held in the familys house on the out- ther investigation. Lawmakers from both in a vacuum, isolated from the climate of
In a press release announcing the pro- skirts of Cuidad Jurez on June 9. On an the ruling and opposition parties have hate, racism and discrimination that are
test, the Southwest Workers Union said, unpaved street more than 30 family and demanded the extradition of the agent for part of the very fabric of legislation such
President Obamas decision to send an friends gathered around a simple grey prosecution in Mexico, although Mexican as [Senate Bill] 1070 and the policy of the
additional 1,200 National Guard troops to metal casket, calling for justice. President Felipe Caldern has not given militarization of the border.
the U.S.-Mexico border is what caused the His sister, Rosario Hernndez, sobbed any indication his government plans to

Be in Philadelphia!
From Mumia Abu-Jamal on death row.

Soul Music.
JUly 4 ANNUAl ProtESt to Taken from a June 5 audio column

dEmANd mUmiAS frEEdom! at Go to www. to read updates on
Mumias legal case

July 3rd is the day that political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal was sentenced to death for rom the time the first Africans
a killing he did not commit. this years July 4 theme is ancestral uprising! featuring dra-
matic presentations through performances of heroic anti-slavery fighters. the
protest will also include a special presentation on the year-long struggle
10 am-2 pm
6th & Market St.
F set their feet on this New World,
they brought their rhythms and
beats along.
In every land they were shipped to new

S ! e to demand a civil rights investigation for Mumia on the part of the U.S.
Justice department.
music emerged; songs fueled by love and
longing; fear and dread; tribulation and
triumph the long thirst for freedom.


t th While the eyes of the country are on Philadelphia, join protesters across They danced in chains not in happi-

D a from the liberty Bell, where a new memorial to enslaved Africans is be-
ing constructed. From 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. the Avenging the Ancestors Co-
ness but in struggle for survival. Their
shackles became the tinkling accompani-
ment of new melodies, and while the beat
alition will feature a tribute to ancestors enslaved by George Washington. of the drum became a capital crime, their
Join Immortal technique, the International Concerned Family and Friends of bare feet banged against the earth; and
Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NyC), the International Action they sang songs to ease their sufferings
and to pass the long days of bondage.
Center, Fight Imperialism-Stand together (FISt) and many others on Sunday, July 4, to From Afrobeat to Zouk literally from
say, Free Mumia and all political prisoners! A to Z Black musicians have made the
Go to and for more updates, bus information and July 4 literature. world dance to their distinctive sounds.
From mournful dirges of Negro
spirituals, to ragtime, to jazz, to rhythm
and blues, soul, Black rock, disco, salsa,
Left Hook is the quarterly newspaper of the revolutionary socialist reggae, meringue, rap, reggaeton and to
organization for young activists, Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST). the next music form that emerges, Africa
Each edition of Left Hook will provide analyses of political events, social has shown her many faces and voices in
movements and revolutionary struggles that impact our world. Com- startling creativity.
mentary, theory, culture and news reporting intersect in the pages of Left
June is Black Music Month, but not
Hook to provide readers with radical analysis from a Marxist perspective.
an hour passes that isnt filled with the
Subscribe to Left Hook 2 years: $10.00
music of Black people, causing hearts to
Send checks/coupon to World View Forum, 55 W. 17 St., 5th fl., New York, NY 10011
soar and heads to bop.

MarxisM, reparations
& the Black Freedom struggle
An anthology of writings from Workers World newspaper.
Edited by Monica Moorehead. Includes: Racism, National Oppression &
Self-Determination larry holmes Black Labor from Chattel Slavery to Wage
Slavery Sam Marcy Black Youth: Repression & Resistance leilani dowell
The Struggle for Socialism Is Key Monica Moorehead Black & Brown Unity:
A Pillar of Struggle for Human Rights and Global Justice! Saladin Muhammad
Alabamas Black Belt: Legacy of Slavery, Sharecropping & Segregation Consuela lee
Harriet Tubman, Woman Warrior Mumia Abu-Jamal Are Conditions Ripe Again Today?
40th Anniversary of the 1965 Watts Rebellion John Parker Racism & Poverty in
the Delta larry hales Haiti Needs Reparations, Not Sanctions Pat Chin

a Voice from Harpers Ferry 1859

By Osborne P. Anderson, a Black freedom fighter.
Prefaces by Mumia Abu-Jamal, Monica Moorehead
and Vince Copeland on the Unfinished Revolution.
A unique account by the only Black combatant to survive
Mumia Abu-Jamals book,
the raid an armed attack by Black and white volunteers
on a citadel of the South in the struggle against slavery JAilHoUSE lAwyErS:
refutes those who try to minimize the role of African- Prisoners defending prisoners v. the U.S.A.
American people in fighting for their freedom. Books are available at
Page 4 June 24, 2010

Peoples needs before capitalist profits

defend education,
cancel the debt to the banks
By Fred Goldstein than $700 billion each year? and the bondholders before the needs of advance of technology.
Apparently you can spend what you students. Tuition hikes are scheduled in This was written in 2008, before the
Playing by the rules and priorities of dont have when it is going to the super- many states, from New York to Colorado full development of the economic crisis.
the capitalist profit system means sur- rich. In fact, schools are being closed, to a second round in California. The massive unemployment today among
render in one area of life after another teachers are being fired and class sizes in Thus, there is no middle ground be- youth age 16 to 24, which is officially
when the workers, communities, students the public schools are going up. Mean- tween the interests of the banks and capi- around 25 percent, confirms this trend.
and youth are under attack. Whether it is while, hundreds of billions of dollars that talist investors on the one hand, and the People with college degrees are trying to
the fight for jobs, the environment, hous- these state and city governments owe to interests of the masses of students and get jobs as clerks, salespeople, waiters
ing, health care, or a decent retirement, banks and bondholders in interest pay- their families at all levels. any job, regardless of how far below their
the framework established by capitalism ments are going to be paid out on time. skill level it is just to survive.
leaves no way but to give in to the rich. And many of these banks are the ones that Low-wage, low-skill economy To the bankers and the bosses, educa-
Breaking out of the framework im- got the bailouts in the first place. shrinks education tion is a drain on their profits and is only
posed by capitalism is the key to survival So there is money. It is just a matter of In addition to the profit motive, the needed on a much reduced scale to keep
for millions. who is going to get it. shrinking of the education system is also the system of exploitation going. The rul-
Education is an urgent example of the In Detroit, 80 percent of the budget based upon the fact that the bosses have ing class is perfectly content to see an
need to push past the barriers put up by is spent on paying interest to the banks, created a low-wage, low-skill economy. educational system that will cull a layer of
bankers, corporations and their political yet the city is planning to shut down 45 They no longer have a great need to gener- talented survivors from among the work-
enforcers in both capitalist parties. Capi- schools. In New York City, Mayor Mi- ate a vast base of skilled and semi-skilled ing class students and an upper crust of
talism says that profits and interest due chael Bloomberg has been trying to shut workers. To the bankers, the cost of edu- academic elite from among the more priv-
to the banks are sacrosanct. It is time to down 19 schools and open up a raft of cating large sections of the population, ileged children of the upper middle class
declare that the right to an education is charter schools in their place. But New especially African-American, Latino/a, and the rich. Meanwhile, they will let the
sacrosanct. When it comes to a conflict York City pays billions to the banks every Asian, Native and poor white youth, is rest of the educational system flounder,
between education and payment to the year in interest. Bloomberg just forced unnecessary overhead. They would rather underfunded and impoverished.
banks, it is time to cancel the debt, includ- city teachers to give up raises by threat- have the money in their vaults. After all, The capitalists would rather see public
ing student debt. ening to lay off 4,400 workers if the con- the growing job openings are in low-skill funds used to boost their profit margins
Public education is under attack from cession was not made. categories. than for the education of the younger gen-
all directions. K-12 schools have already Big business is moving into the funding That is the nature of advanced capital- eration of the workers and the oppressed.
been cut back across the country and of charter schools. The K-12 system is be- ism itself. The book Low-Wage Capital- Thus the struggle for education is a strug-
even greater cuts are threatened. Secre- coming a major investment target for cap- ism says the following about the educa- gle against the capitalist profit system.
tary of Education Arne Duncan recently ital. Billions are being poured into charter tion scam: The students and youth, parents and
announced that between 100,000 and school investments while the public edu- All the apologists for the system have communities, cannot be bound by the
300,000 teachers are faced with job loss cation system is being starved. The Race been touting education as the way for limitations of the profit system. They
in the next school year. to the Top fund of $4.3 billion established workers to raise themselves up. But the must demand the cancellation of the
The reason given is that cities, states by the Obama administration is meant to entire trend of capitalist development debts to the banks so that public money
and the federal government have suffered strengthen the charter school movement. moves in the direction of deskilling work- can be used in education and many other
a decline in revenue due to the economic College students are in debt before they ers and lowering wages. The bosses want areas. They must demand that the rights
crisis. Budget cuts must be made. It is a even start out in life because of the high to reduce skills in order to reduce the need of capital be suspended in favor of the
matter of arithmetic. You cannot spend cost of a college education. Education, for training, to render workers virtually right to education.
what you dont have. which is free in socialist Cuba, is now a disposable by making them interchange-
But that is capitalist arithmetic. If you source of capitalist profit in the U.S. able, and thus to increase the competition The writer is author of the book Low-
cannot spend what you dont have, then Students in California carried out among individual workers. Wage Capitalism, a Marxist analysis of
how can the federal government write a widespread occupations and demonstra- [T]he application of technology has globalization and its effects on the U.S.
$750 billion check to the biggest banks tions throughout the public university as its goal simplifying the labor process. working class. He has also written nu-
in the U.S., buy up their bad debts, and system in March to oppose a 32 percent Thus, under capitalism the relative need merous articles and spoken on the pres-
guarantee their loans to the tune of $10 increase in tuition. California was not the for higher education and higher skills in ent economic crisis. For further informa-
trillion while handing the Pentagon more only state to put the debt to the banks the workforce goes down, not up, with the tion, visit

Autoworkers rally outside convention

what does a union do? fight back!
By Martha Grevatt The demonstration was called by the nies in business and save jobs. That con- Act to calling for the repeal of Arizonas
Detroit rank-and-file activist group Autowork- cessions do not save jobs is underscored racist SB1070 to international solidar-
ers Caravan and endorsed by the online by the fact that the UAWs numbers have ity, although on most issues the language
While delegates were registering for discussion groups Factory Rat and War- fallen from a high of 1.6 million members could be stronger. What is most lacking is
the United Auto Workers 35th Constitu- riors of Labor and by the retiree chapters in 1979 to 355,000 today. any formula for changing how the union
tional Convention outside Cobo Center of UAW Locals 160 and 412. Among those demonstrating were functions for reactivating the rank and
in Detroit, about 50 militant autowork- Many autoworkers are frustrated by delegates to the convention, elected and file to win justice, both at the bargaining
ers demonstrated outside with the theme the degree to which the UAW leadership sent by their locals. In meetings after the table and in our communities.
1 million members lost Its time to has become cooperative with the bosses rally, they reviewed the lengthy resolu- Those issues are addressed, however,
change course. Among the chants were, of General Motors, Ford, Chrysler and tions book that the top leadership will ask in a separate book containing all resolu-
Working people under attack What their suppliers. They are tired of being delegates to ratify. There is a great deal tions submitted to the convention by var-
does a union do? Fight back! and A job asked to take major pay and benefit con- of progressive content in the book, from ious locals. Some, drawn up by Caravan
is a right Were gonna fight, fight, fight. cessions, purportedly to keep the compa- support for the Employee Free Choice activists, call for international solidarity,
converting closed plants to create green
Low-Wage Capitalism by Fred Goldstein is a most timely work, jobs, defending every workers right to a
as the working class prepares for a fightback during the greatest crisis job and rebuilding our fighting union.
of capitalism since the Great Depression. Others address issues such as discrimina-
Clarence Thomas, ILWU Local 10 and Co-chair, Million Worker March Movement tion based on gender identity and gender
Patriarchal prejudice serves capitalism expression, improving union democracy
low-Wage capitalism in two ways: it keeps the whole working and the need for the labor movement to
class divided, and it holds down wages call a national protest Solidarity Day
What the new globalized high-tech imperialism
for women and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, III. In past conventions it has been near-
means for the class struggle in the U.S.
and transgender workers. Low-Wage ly impossible for local delegates to get
Fred Goldsteins book provides an easy-to-read analysis
Capitalism shows the necessity and the their submitted resolutions discussed.
of the roots of the current global economic crisis, its
great potential for solidarity among all
implications for workers and oppressed peoples, and Knowing the convention is tightly con-
the low-wage workers of the world.
the strategy needed for future struggle. trolled by the UAW machine, activists
Martha Grevatt
Paperback, 336 pages. Includes graphs, charts, Natl Executive Officer, Pride At Work, met after the demonstration to strategize
bibliography, endnotes and index. on how to challenge the class-collabora-
AFL-CIO, UAW Local 122
tionist leadership on the floor.
Available at and bookstores around the country June 24, 2010 Page 5

On the Picket Line By Sue Davis

minnesota nurses
struggle vs. lockouts
After four years of negotiations for a fair contract and two
deadline extensions, 500 pilots at Spirit Airline hit the bricks on
June 11. The Spirit pilots are the lowest paid at small airlines. De-
spite the fact that Spirit reported banking $83 million last year, By Deb Konechne and the staff with the National Labor Relations chanting crowd of fired-up nurses
management refused to meet the pilots demands for salaries of Fight Back! Board. on the picket line.
comparable to those at other discount airlines and work rules Minnesota The MNA is continuing the Margaret Adedji, a staff nurse
that preserve safety. struggle for a decent contract. Key from Fairview Riverside, spoke
Though management bragged that Spirit would keep flying A 24-hour strike by 12,000 outstanding issues include staff- about why she was striking. The
during the strike, it announced on June 13 that all flights were members of the Minnesota Nurses ing levels that insure patient safe- pensions are a big thing. If the
cancelled through June 15. Informational picket lines were held Association concluded at 7 a.m. on ty and pensions. hospitals and CEOs are making so
in Atlantic City, N.J.; Detroit; Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; and New June 11. On June 10 the strikers, wear- much money, they can give it back
York the week before the strike, with pilots from a number of It was the single largest nursing ing red, picketed area hospitals. to the workers. They are taking
major airlines joining the picket lines. The Air Line Pilots Asso- strike in the history of the United The CEOs are fat cats, driving in advantage of this economic crisis
ciation, which represents the pilots, is planning daily picketing States. The excitement of history their Cadillacs, while were break- to set a precedent for the future of
in several airports until Spirit offers a contract that respects in the making had been palpable ing our backs, they chanted. nurses.
the pilots essential services. ( in the voices, chants, songs and All the nurses are fired up One striker at Fairview held a
faces of the determined nurses on and are behind the strike. We are sign that read: Fairview profit
co-opcityworkerslockedout picket lines. We are the union
the mighty, mighty union. We are
standing up for patients safety
and the safety of all the nurses,
2009 $155,030,000. It further
detailed that the CEO of Fairview,
More than 500 porters, maintenance workers, garbage atten-
fighting for patient safety for said Sheila, a veteran nurse who Mark Eustis, makes $1.01 million
dants and groundskeepers at Co-Op City in the Bronx, N.Y.,
nurses safety for better health has worked at Bethesda Hospital per year, which equals $486.54
were locked out of their jobs at midnight on June 1, minutes
care. Against the greedy bosses in Saint Paul for five years. Nurs- per hour.
after their contract expired with Riverbay Corp. The workers
the greedy, greedy bosses es just dont give out medica- At Minneapolis Abbott-North-
are represented by Service Employees Local 32BJ.
against the greedy management. tions, we do much more. We like western Hospital, close to a thou-
Despite the fact that 32BJ offered to extend contract nego-
Shame on them. to spend time with each patient sand nurses covered the sidewalks
tiations for a week, Riverbay refused and pre-empted the work-
The one-day strike got strong to really listen to them and their and streets encircling the com-
ers right to strike for a living wage. The lockout affects 55,000
backing from the labor movement needs. Just simply being at their plex. Allina, the corporate health
residents of the largest housing development in the U.S. and
and the public. bedside is priceless for them. system for the hospital, paid
the largest cooperative housing development in the world.
On the picket line, Robert A newer nurse working at CEO Ken Paulus a shocking $1.74
Obviously Riverbay has as little regard for the residents needs,
Kasper, president of the Saint Bethesda brought her family to million in 2009. At rush hour,
health and safety as it does for the workers right to keep up
Paul Regional Labor Federation the picket line. She said, I love honks filled the air as supporters
with the 10 percent rise in the cost of living since the last
told Fight Back!, On behalf of the my job and being a nurse. We are drove by.
contract three years ago.
50,000 union members and the striking to raise awareness re- At Fairview Southdale, a large

N.J.workersprotestbudgetcuts 120 labor unions, we are proud to

stand behind the Minnesota Nurses
garding patient safety. Though I
worry that this one-day strike may
suburban hospital, more than 400
were already on the picket lines by
In the largest union rally in New Jersey history, about 40,000 Association. [This strike] has been not be enough and may end up be- 7 a.m. By 10 p.m. more than 200
union activists swarmed the state Capitol in Trenton in late May long overdue. Nurses need better ing a longer strike. However, we nurses were prepared to picket
to denounce Gov. Chris Christies budget, which would devastate working conditions. The public is are prepared for it. Many nurses throughout the night. We are
vital social services, public schools, health facilities and libraries. behind the nurses. The world will echoed that sentiment, saying that not going to give up until we get
What added fuel to the workers outrage was that two days before be watching this strike, the country they are ready to go all the way if our demands met for safe patient
the rally the governor vetoed a millionaires tax on people earn- will be watching this strike, and the this one-day strike doesnt get the care and to keep our benefits weve
ing more than $400,000. Could that be more offensive? unions will be watching this strike results that nurses are demand- earned over all these years, stat-
and the outcome. ing. ed Margaret Sarfehjooy, who has
daycareclosingsprotestedinN.Y. The MNA reports that some
Twin Cities hospitals illegally
At Fairview Riverside Hospital
in Minneapolis, nurses reported
been a nurse at Fairview South-
dale for 23 years. The hospitals
Hundreds of unionists, community leaders and parents
marched to New Yorks City Hall on June 9 to protest billionaire locked out nurses at the end of the that 400-500 were picketing at should be more concerned about
Mayor Michael Bloombergs proposed closing of 16 child care strike by not following language mid-day on June 10. A group of patient care than CEO salaries.
centers, cutting 1,165 child care slots and 725 jobs belonging in the labor contract regarding surgical nurses related how they Based on reports in Fight
to members of the American Federation of State, County and how nurses are supposed to be reported for the start of their shift Back! (, the
Municipal Employees District Council 1701. At a time when only called back to work. The MNA has at 5:30 a.m. and then walked out online news service of Freedom
27 percent of children eligible for child care are being served and filed unfair labor practice charges of the hospital at 7 a.m. to a large Road Socialist Organization.
many parents, especially single mothers, need child care in order
to work, the cutbacks are a callous blow to workers and working
parents alike. Just cough up a couple of million for the vitally
needed services, Mayor Scrooge!
Detroit legal aid workers
In order to emphasize the demand for safe nurse-to-patient
demand union contract
ratios that prompted 12,000 nurses in the Twin Cities to hold
By Kris Hamel
a one-day strike on June 10, 13,000 members of the California
Nurses Association went on strike the same day.
Though the California nurses, who work at five University
Members of Local 2095 of the
of California medical centers and four other hospitals, fought
American Federation of State,
a year-long battle for patient safety standards, which went into
County, and Municipal Employ-
effect in 2004, a CNA spokesperson said UC is not implement-
ees were joined by other unionists
ing all of its provisions. A study released in April by University of
and community activists as they
Pennsylvania researchers found that the California law reduces
picketed their workplace on June
patient deaths, allows nurses to spend more time with each
10. Legal Aid, you should know,
patient, and helps keep experienced nurses on the job. Thats
union busting has got to go! and
definitely worth fighting for! (afl-cio blog, June 1)
other chants could be heard out-
side the swanky offices of the Le-
templenurseswinunemploymentpay gal Aid and Defender Association
Temple University Hospital will have to pay its 1,500 nurses Inc. in downtown Detroit. June 10 protest at Legal Aid and Defender Association..
about $1.5 million in unemployment insurance for the 28-day Staff attorneys at LAD voted in WW Photo: BryAN G. PFEIFEr

work stoppage in April, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Unemploy- June 2008 to form a union and creases from its main funder, the legal services to low-income per-
ment Compensation announced on June 11. The workers are have tried for two years to bar- Legal Services Corporation and sons but LAD management is
eligible because the PBUC ruled that the stoppage was actually a gain in good faith for their first Congress. using the funding to stuff its own
lockout, since Temple changed the terms of employment when it contract. These attorneys serve LAD management spends the pockets and pay for its expensive
unilaterally canceled a tuition benefit for dependents in March. seniors and other poor residents taxpayer dollars on its fancy new offices.
Prior to the start of their strike on March 31, the union had no- of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb building and fine offices for top The staff attorneys are demand-
tified management that they would continue to work under the counties and have not had their management, but refuses to hire ing a standard union contract, a
terms of their old contract, which expired in September 2009, wages raised in five years. Some additional attorneys, additional fair and equivalent wage increase
if management reinstated the benefit. Eager to break the union, of the staff attorneys are still at support staff or provide adequate and a new focus on providing im-
even when it meant paying millions of dollars to bring in scab their starting salary despite many funding for litigation. Our clients proved and increased legal servic-
workers, management refused. years of experience. Meanwhile, are hurting, as a result. These mil- es to clients. Messages of support
Temple announced it will appeal the decision. Stay tuned. according to the union, LAD has lions in taxpayer dollars are for the can be sent to clgunion2095@
Sue Davis and Betsey Piette received significant funding in- sole purpose of providing quality
Page 6 June 24, 2010

FIST youth Detroits crisis dem

thoughts on the U.S. Social forum ABoliSH rA
Continued from page 1
By Lauren Burnett what people in other parts of the country better world that we know is possible. In 2005, the district has fallen deeper into debt.
Detroit and the world are doing about various is- the words of FIST organizer Larry Hales, With the appointment of the emergency fi-
sues at the plenaries and workshops, and At the very least, though, it is a chance nancial manager, the deficit increased by
As a born-and-raised Detroiter and a I hope to take what I learn and incorpo- for left activists to share the same space $100 million in one year.
socialist, the decision to attend the U.S. rate it into my organizing in Detroit. The and to talk to one another about the Plans are underway to close 32 schools
Social Forum was a no-brainer for me. youth space, the cultural performances, struggles happening, even in the most this year and lay off more employees in the
A gathering of thousands of folks from the marches and protests, the art I isolated corners of the country, and to see school district. The ultimate plan is com-
all over the country (and the world), am excited about all of it, and all of it is the commonness in the struggle of poor, plete privatization and charterization of De-
all dedicated to the creation of another important to building a movement that oppressed and working people. troit schools. There has been a substantial
more peaceful, just, loving world? The excludes no one and celebrates everyone. See you there! growth in charter schools, which disallow
possibility of not going never crossed my I have high hopes for the USSF. I hope unions and direct parental involvement.
mind. I view it as a very important event that the thousands of us who
for the left. will be in attendance will be VISIT our Cobo Hall table, daily 10 am - 10 pm
The USSF will provide me with a able to work together in De-
chance to catch up with old friends and troit and build ideas that we
comrades as well as to meet hundreds can move forward with after
of folks for the first time. Networking op- the week is over. I hope that DAY DATE TIME EVENT
portunities are a clear advantage of go- the forum really is instru- June 11 am - 1 pm Meet MORATORIUM NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures,
ing. I will have an opportunity to hear mental in bringing about the 22 Evictions and Utility Shut Offs
3 pm - 5 pm Opening march - Woodward at Warren to Cobo Hall
Fighting for a Moratorium on Foreclosures, Evictions
10 am - noon
and Utility Shut Offs
10 am - noon
How to Create 30 Million Jobs W
Bail Out the People Movement

1 pm - 3 pm
Youth and Students to FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL W
23 with International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Capitalism is killing us ... Fight for Socialism!
1 pm - 5:30 pm
in two parts by Workers World Party and FIST
From My Altitude Art exhibit by Antonio Guerrero,
4 pm - 6 pm
one of the Cuban 5 unjustly in U.S. prisons

June Stopping War, Fighting for our Jobs and Lives W

Thu. 10 am - noon
24 Intl Action Center (IAC) with BAYAN, MECAWI, MAWO, SDS, May 1 Coalition

9:45 a.m.
with Moratorium NOW! and Farm Labor Organizing Ctte

1 pm - 3 pm
The Fight for Education Rights:
25 March 4th and Beyond

5:30 pm -
7:30 pm

June Meet MORATORIUM NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures,

Sat. 10 am - noon
26 Evictions and Utility Shut Offs



hosted by SereNgeti Gallery Global at the

InternationalCommitteefortheFreedomoftheCuban5(; Workers World Office
MichiganCampaigntoFreetheCubanFive/JusticeforCubaCoalition; 5920 Second Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
TyreeGuyton,DFA,artistandfounderoftheHeidelbergProject. 313-459-0777 June 24, 2010 Page 7

Come visit us while

mands youre in Detroit
AciSm, cAPitAliSm The Workers World Party Bookstore will be open Tuesday
through Friday, June 22-25, from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. during
the U.S. Social Forum. Its located at 5920 Second Ave. in
Parents, teachers, students and the community have country and around the world. Detroit, one block west of Cass Avenue (at Antoinette) and
been outraged at the plans to close more schools. Unions International opposition to imperialism can serve as just north of Wayne State University. Every evening a coffee
have demonstrated against the proposed changes, which a rallying point for exposing the hypocrisy of the U.S. house will take place at the same location from 7:30 until 10.
are imposed by the state under Granholms direction. ruling class, as well as building working-class solidarity On Friday, FIST (Fight Imperialism, Stand Together) will hold
a meeting for youth organizers from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The debt incurred by the district is hampering its ability throughout the world.
to function, with 80 percent of state aid being directed to
Ruling-class culpability and response
service the debt. sulted in the large-scale destruction of the housing stock
In order to build an effective struggle to fight the cur-
The Wayne County Circuit Court placed a preliminary throughout the region. With the school systems heavily
rent onslaught against working people and the oppressed,
injunction on the emergency financial manager on April dependent on tax revenues for their operations, it is not
we must be clear about the source of the problem.
16 after hearing a lawsuit to halt him from implementing surprising that huge cuts in education have taken place
In a city like Detroit, the population is reflected in the
academic decisions and the closing of schools without the throughout the state.
presence of African Americans in political institutions
involvement of the locally elected Detroit Board of Edu- The appointment of an emergency financial manager
such as the mayors office, city council, election commis-
cation. However, a state ap- over the Detroit Public Schools represents the inability
sion, charter commission, school board, etc. However,
peals court ruling affirmed of elected politicians to effectively address the problems
organizers must continue to emphasize that the economy
the undemocratic admin- stemming from predatory lending, job loss and the de-
of the city is still controlled by the capitalist class, which
istration and control of the cline in wages.
is exclusively white and based outside the city limits.
majority African-American It also represents the failure of capitalist economic
LOCATION This phenomenon is somewhat similar to the conditions
school system. policies. Banks, insurance companies and multinational
that prevail on the African continent and many other post-
A broad-based effort is corporations have looted the cities through corrupt mort-
Cobo 02-41 needed to question the legiti-
colonial societies where, despite the attainment of national
gage schemes, redlining and tax avoidance. Many of these
independence, the economic sources of power still reside
macy of Public Act 72, which firms do not pay any taxes to the cities, yet they continue
in the hands of the former colonial masters or the U.S.,
mandates the appointment to insist that they dominate the political and economic
which is the leading imperialist power in the world.
Cobo 02-33 of emergency financial man- direction of local government.
The capitalist class in Detroit is responsible for the cur-
agers in local governments We are encouraging all U.S. Social Forum participants
rent crisis involving joblessness, home foreclosures and
and school districts. to study the work of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to
Woodward Academy 1475 evictions, utility shutoffs, the usurpation of political pow-
Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs and the
Role of Pentagon budget er from existing elective bodies, police repression and the
Michigan Emergency Committee Against War and Injus-
lack of health care and quality education. The emphasis
Woodward Academy 1437 The Pentagon budget has tice, both of which continue to push for a halt to foreclo-
of our overall political strategy, the tactics that we utilize,
been a consistent drain on sures, evictions and utility shut-offs.
the demands we advance and the slogans we chant must
the national economy of the The demand to stop school closures is also essential
always point to the actual source of the problem.
Cobo 02-44 U.S. These funds should be
This is important because the ruling class will always
during this period, as the corporations engage in the theft
utilized to create jobs, hous- of resources allocated for education and the weakening of
attempt to blame the workers for their misfortune and
ing, health care, senior ser- unions within the school systems.
Virgil H. Carr Cultural Arts Center poverty. In discussing the economic crisis in Detroit, the
vices and quality education Ultimately the only solution to the current crisis in the
- lower gallery - 311 E. Grand River corporate media never point to the role of the automotive
for all. capitalist system is the transformation of the economy
companies and their failed policies related to capital flight,
Westin Book Cadillac Hotel U.S. military involvement and social structures toward socialism. This will require
the undermining of organized labor, outsourcing, downsiz-
costs the working people of a total break with capitalism and imperialism and a pro-
WB1 ing and the lowering of wages. Instead the workers and op-
the country at least $800 bil- tracted struggle for the realization of a society based on
Gather at Woodward and lion a year, not to mention
pressed are attacked viciously and made to feel that their
scientific socialist principles.
Grand Circus Park plight results from a lack of correct values and hard work.
the toll taken in deaths, in- V.I. Lenin, the leader of the Russian Revolution and
juries, psychological distress What is to be done? The need for a program of action the founder of the Soviet Union, stated as early as 1903:
Cobo D3-18 and the lost labor power of We must be organized around a political program that Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolu-
those misused in a series of attacks the exploitative and racist system at its base. This tionary movement. This idea cannot be insisted upon too
wars that cannot be won. is why locally based progressive organizations have for strongly at a time when the fashionable preaching of op-
5920 Second Ave. (near The so-called war on ter- the last three years called for the immediate implementa- portunism goes hand in hand with an infatuation for the
Wayne State Univ.) rorism is merely a cover to tion of a moratorium on foreclosures, evictions and util- narrowest forms of practical activity. At this point, we
intensify the repressive appa- ity shutoffs, to keep people in their homes in Detroit. wish to state only that the role of the vanguard fighter
Cobo 02-41 ratus against working people The failure of the city administration, the state legis- can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most
and the oppressed inside the lature and the governor to impose a moratorium has re- advanced theory. (What Is To Be Done?)

Workers, Immigrants, Unemployed, Youth, Students:

Capitalism is Killing the People & the Planet
If you are interested in abolishing a profit-hungry system that is:
w throwing people out of work & their homes
w closing schools & hospitals w denying universal health care
w making war w bailing out banks w jailing the poor & the youth
wracial profiling Black people, Latinos/as, immigrants
& all people of color
w destroying the environment with global warming & oil spills
Then its time
to stand up, unite and
Workers World Party and its youth arm, Fight Imperialism,
fight back for a socialist future! Stand Together (FIST), from coast to coast are actively organizing

Workers World Party

in the struggles for jobs, education, housing, health care; organiz-
ing to stand up against racism; to say no worker is illegal in Arizona
and elsewhere; and for womens and lesbian, gay, bi, transgender,
C o n f e re n C e

queer equality. We are organizing to stop imperialist wars in Iraq,


te NOV 12~14 Afghanistan & oppose occupation from Haiti to Palestine.
WWP & FIST are Fighting for Socialism
new y
ork city a world without oppression, exploitation, poverty and war
where all the wealth of society belongs to the people and is
used to meet human need not corporate greed. Dont wait until
the Nov. conference. Workers World holds weekly meetings and
discussions in addition to organizing. If you are interested call
us at 212-627-2994, email and go to for updates on the Nov. 12-14 conference.
Page 8 June 24, 2010

three incidents in one week

fracking a danger to communities
By Betsey Piette On June 7 seven workers were burned across the U.S. seem more interested in led to the documentary Gasland, which
in an explosion caused when drillers hit the money to be made from gas well leas- will air June 21 on HBO.
Will the rapid, unregulated expansion a pocket of methane in an inactive deep es than in implementing regulations to In western Colorado, Fox found a for-
of hydraulic fracturing to extract natural mine near Moundsville, W.Va. The result- safeguard residents. merly rural area that had rapidly industri-
gas give way to the next major disaster in ing fire flared 50 feet high for four days. Pennsylvania state officials allowed alized, with more than 5,000 wells drilled.
the oil and gas industry? Three separate The drilling operations were under EOG Resources to restart drilling June Medical researchers from the University
accidents in just one week signify that this subcontract to Union Drilling, headquar- 11. Clearwater County Commissioner of Colorado conducted studies on the air
could happen. tered in Fort Worth, Texas. In the past Mark B. McCracken said the county still and water and found acute problems as a
On June 3 a blowout of a Marcellus five years, Union Drilling has had more wanted a share of the gas booms benefits. result of toxic omissions from gas devel-
gas well in Clearfield County, Pa., sent a than two dozen violations of Occupation- Commissioners acknowledged that more opment.
gusher of natural gas and chemical-laced al Safety and Health Administration rules blowouts were to be expected. In a March 27 interview, Fox described
drilling fluid 75 feet into the air. The and been fined a total of $226,000 at sites The Texas Railroad Commission, which the pressure the natural gas industry has
gusher leaked wastewater for 16 hours, in five states. regulates industry in that state, has report- put on politicians to trade a short term
spilling an estimated 1.5 million gallons A gas line explosion on June 7 in North ed 102 blowouts of oil and gas wells since energy fix and money for the future of
of toxic fluid. Campers were evacuated Texas killed one person and injured seven 2006, resulting in 10 fires, 12 injuries and our water in America. (NOW on PBS)
when the fluid seeped into a small stream more. The resulting blaze could be seen two deaths. (Philadelphia Inquirer, June More than 200,000 wells are proposed
in Moshannon State Forest. The well was from 30 miles away. 13) Yet in Fort Worth, wells continue to in Pennsylvania and New York state, with
owned by EOG Resources Inc. formerly These are just the latest incidents stem- be built in urban areas, often close to resi- 50,000 in the New York City watershed
Enron Oil and Gas Co. ming from the questionable process of us- dential areas and even schools. alone, with no additional restrictions
Precious hours were lost because a ing a chemical mix to drive natural gas Upon investigating the natural gas in- placed on drillers.
blowout control team had to be flown in from shale levels deep below the surface. dustry, filmmaker Josh Fox encountered Fox noted: I could take a car battery and
from Texas. A virtual media ban on cover- The mix used in hydraulic fracturing, or Pennsylvania landowners struggling for throw it into a watershed and go to federal
age followed the incident; a reporter who fracking, contains more than 85 toxic income in small, rural communities, who prison, but these guys can take the same
attempted to take pictures of the toxic chemicals, including known carcinogens. gave in to industry pressure and lived to chemicals and inject them by the thou-
flow was told hed be shot. Yet state and local government officials regret their decisions. His investigation sands of gallons and theyre exempt.

Pollution, exploitation and socialism

The struggle to save the environment tion for the planet. as a whole. CEOs and boards of directors process of capitalist production is the
must end up as a class struggle. In fact, big oil and gas, the utility com- of giant banks and corporations do not process of making profit. The working
The BP oil company, which has just un- panies, most of big industry, the Cham- operate, cannot operate, from the point of class has a profound interest in protect-
leashed the worst environmental disaster ber of Commerce in a word, big capital view of humanity, but only as the agents ing the planet and ending the profit sys-
in U.S. history, is part of the oil lobby are the powers that are mining, drill- of accumulation of profit without regard to tem and exploitation.
that defeated all attempts to stop climate ing and clear-cutting from one end of the result even to the point of risking self- The means of production under capital-
change in Copenhagen this past spring. earth to the other. These are the powers destruction and the destruction of life. ism are both the means of pollution and
The Massey coal mining company, that are destroying the rainforests and The corporate polluters are the same the means of exploitation. It is by seiz-
which killed 29 miners through criminal the ice caps, destroying habitats and en- ones that are laying off workers and pres- ing the means of production and putting
negligence and defiance of safety rules, dangering island and coastal civilizations suring those who remain on the job to them to use for human need, for society
is part of the coal lobby that also has that are thousands of years old, all in the work more intensely than ever. They are as a whole, on a planned and rational ba-
blocked attempts to save life on earth by pursuit of profit. lowering wages, cutting benefits, speed- sis that includes the protection of the en-
stopping climate change. This relentless pursuit of profit is threat- ing up production and services, and get- vironment, that life on the planet can be
General Motors, Ford, Chrysler and big ening much of life on the planet. The sub- ting richer and richer as they pauperize saved. Socialism can save life and society.
auto have resisted limits on pollution for ordination of life to profit seems to be the working class more and more. And the working class, whose historic
decades and participated in the payoffs to madness. But this appears as madness Thus those who pollute are those who need is to end its own exploitation, is the
lobbyists to block environmental protec- strictly from the point of view of humanity exploit. There is no separation. The pro- class that can put an end to environmen-
cess of capitalist production is also the tal destruction.

Bhopal disaster culprits

process of environmental pollution. The Fred Goldstein

given slap on wrist Haitian farmers reject

By Kathy Durkin To this day the toxins are causing ail-
ments that afflict Bhopals residents.
Twenty-six years ago, the worst indus- There are still 425 tons of hazardous By G. Dunkel ical climates. Haitis minister of agricul-
trial catastrophe in history occurred in waste sitting in a warehouse at the acci- ture said genetically modified organisms
Bhopal, India. dents site. Pesticide residue has seeped Agribusiness giant Monsantos profits are not against the law in Haiti because
When 40 tons of methyl isocyanate, into the soil and water, contaminating have been slipping recently, so it saw the the country has no laws concerning them.
a poisonous gas, leaked from a tank in a the communitys drinking water, gardens recent earthquake in Haiti as a chance to Jean-Yves Urfi, a former professor of
U.S.-owned Union Carbide plant on Dec. and more. expand its market for the seed-fertilizer- chemistry at the Collge Saint Martial in
3, 1984, 3,000 people died instantly, Community activists, health organiza- herbicide package it sells. Port-au-Prince, claims that Monsanto has
mostly children and the elderly. Thou- tions and environmentalists are among Hundreds of thousands of people no already distributed seeds in the Haitian
sands more died later or suffered terrible the many forces that have been mobilizing precise figures are available fled the areas of Gonaves, Kenscoff, Ptionville,
injuries. More than 500,000 people were and pressuring Dow Chemical Company, Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, after the Cabaret, Arcahaie and Croix-des-Bouquets
affected, nearly all working and poor peo- which purchased Union Carbide in 2001, Jan. 12 earthquake to take shelter with et Mirebalais. He and others have pointed
ple, who lived in the heavily populated, and their government to remove the haz- friends and family, mainly small farm- out that the Monsanto seeds require Mon-
impoverished neighborhoods surround- ardous waste. Yet nothing has been done. ers and peasants, in rural areas of Haiti. santo herbicides and fertilizers as well as
ing the pesticide factory. Capitalist greed knows no bounds. In Farmers had a hard choice feed their well-prepared fields. (
Survivors, their families and advocates pursuit of megaprofits, the superrich cor- families the grain they had saved for the Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, the leader of
have fought for justice for more than 25 porations seek to ravage the earth with next planting, or see their families starve. the Peasant Movement of Papay (MPP),
years. On June 7, an Indian court finally impunity, destroying villages and re- Now, when the time has come to plant told Via Campesina, It is a new earth-
found eight former officials at the corpo- sources and causing massive deaths and for the next harvest, they are short of quake, more dangerous in the long term
rations Indian subsidiary guilty of neg- injuries in their wake. There is nothing seeds. Monsanto offered to donate 475 than the one that took place Jan. 12. It
ligence, the original charge of culpable they wont do in their quest for the al- tons of corn seed and two tons of seeds is a strong attack against our agriculture,
homicide having been reduced earlier. mighty dollar or euro. from a variety of vegetables. This gift was peasants, biodiversity and Creole seeds,
The seven who are still living were each The people of Bhopal deserve justice. made under the framework of the WIN- which we are defending and which must re-
sentenced to only two years in prison and Moreover, the worlds peoples deserve NER project (Watershed Initiative for Na- main our environment. Jean-Baptiste ac-
fined $2,000. The short sentences have and need an economic system that would tional Natural Environmental Resources), cused the Haitian government of profiting
enraged activists and family members of take every precaution to prevent industri- an operation the United States Agency for from the earthquake to sell the country to
the injured and deceased. al accidents, one that organizes produc- International Development set up after imperialism and transnational companies.
The chief culprit, former Union Car- tion for human need, not profits, and one the hurricanes in 2009 to improve the On June 4 more than 10,000 peasants
bide Chairperson Warren M. Anderson, that puts their health and that of all life productivity of Haitian agriculture. gathered in Hinche, a small city in cen-
has never taken any responsibility and including that of the planet itself as Monsanto denied that its corn seeds tral Haiti, and burned Monsanto seeds
has evaded extradition from the U.S. and the top priority. were genetically modified, claiming that at a rally called by the MPP. The Hai-
prosecution. That system is socialism. they were just a hybrid produced for trop- tian Times reported that demonstrators June 24, 2010 Page 9

to save the planet, get rid of capitalism!

Following are excerpts from talks The leaders concluded that only socialism An American Chemistry Council rep- think about how we are going to support
given by Teresa Gutierrez and Jen could resolve the environmental crisis. resentative told CNN that his industry climate migrants. Many migrants are
Waller at a Workers World Party/Fight The Cochabamba conference put fear doesnt want a system that sets high barri-already climate migrants. Many of the
Imperialism, Stand Together forum on into the ruling class here, even more so ers for new products but one that allows worlds conflicts in recent years are due
June 11 in New York. Both Gutierrez because it took place in Latin America, our industry to maintain its competitive to the environment for example, the
and Waller attended the World Peoples which has a rich history of militant, anti- edge. war in Afghanistan or the conflict in Dar-
Conference on Climate Change and the capitalist and anti-imperialist struggles They want capitalism, the free market fur must both be thought of as wars over
Rights of Mother Earth, held from April and is today the center of revolutionary system where they have free rein to make natural resources.
20-22 in Cochabamba, Bolivia. upheaval. profits at the cost of humanity. The structural causes of climate change
The election of Evo We want a system that puts workers and climate migration are due to capital-
TERESA GUTIERREz: Morales, the first In- before profits, that protects the earth andism. Its a globalized economy, which is
Climate change digenous president
in Bolivia, was itself
turns back the clock on the ravages made
on the earth. The capitalists have ravaged
based on intensive development reliant
on the consumption of carbon and the ex-
and revolution a huge step forward, the worlds forests and drilled in the earth
ploitation of the natural resources of the
Capitalisms war on the en- striking a blow against for profit, disregarding the consequences. entire planet. But people arent allowed to
vironment argues for the over- racism and colonial- In order for humanity to survive, capital- move like capital, because the only thing
turning of capitalism and impe- ism and advancing ism must be abolished. this system attempts to sustain is capital.
rialism. The future of humanity the struggle for self- These crises powerfully illuminate the Right now were controlling migration as
is at risk. determination. need for workers control of the means of determined by economy, but it needs to
Scientists have warned that That the Coch- production. It cries out for a revolutionary
be based on human rights and needs, not
urgent action is required on the abamba conference and socialist transformation on the economic needs of
climate crisis. It is well docu- took place and that of society. governments and corpora-
mented how extreme weather events are the environmental crisis was elevated was What other government tions.
directly linked to global warming. because of socialist Cubas impact on the but one like socialist Cubas Even the so-called so-
In August 2007, at the U.N. Framework world movement. can replace much of its en- lutions to climate change
Convention on Climate Change, scientists Nicaraguan leader Tomas Borge urged ergy needs with solar power that the U.S. government
and government officials stated that the everyone to stand with Cuba. He stressed and environment-friendly promotes, such as refor-
window of opportunity to prevent cata- that without Fidel, without Cuba, neither resources, and do so much estation and carbon trad-
strophic changes to the planets climate is President Hugo Chvez of Venezuela nor more? ing, are causing displace-
narrowing rapidly. The U.N. conference President Morales could have surfaced The environmental crisis ment. The way the U.S. and
called for reducing greenhouse gas emis- and thrived. is a struggle for socialists. other powerful countries
sions by 25 percent to 40 percent by 2020, For 50 years, Cuba has withstood impe- are dealing with climate
or, it warned, many animal and plant spe- rialist aggression and remained the bea- JEN WALLER: change is not in any way
cies could become extinct and economic con of revolutionary inspiration. Imperi- WW PhotoS: JohN CAtAlINotto going to solve the problem.

havoc caused around the world.

The biggest polluter has been the
alism has not been able to defeat Cuba. U.S. environmental The decision has already been made that
the people of the world are going to be sac-
Cuba is the number-one sustainable
United States. Yet, the U.S. wont agree country in the world, says Global Foot- movement must rificed because the rich and powerful do
to reduce emissions and undermines all
attempts to reach agreements.
print Network. This is another reason why address capitalism not want to lose their power and privilege.
We will all be affected by climate
the world movement must defend Cuba.
I feel that the most important thing
Socialist Cuba has provided the mate- change, but not at all equally. Last years
Mother Earth, yes; capitalism, no about the Cochabamba conference is that
rial basis for the advancement of a revo- Copenhagen summit truly signed a death
The fundamental questions of how it represents a growing anti-racist, anti-
lutionary movement in Latin America. It warrant for countries. President Obama
we got to this point and how we can get capitalist and anti-imperialist climate jus-
has provided critical Marxist thinking and threatened poor countries, saying they
out of it were asked at the historic Co- tice movement. The spirit of the confer-
analysis on every burning question. would only get aid if they signed the Co-
chabamba conference. Workers World ence looks at the environmental crisis as a
It has shown that not only a movement penhagen accord. Who would sign their
Party and FIST representatives were hon- result of this capitalist system of exploita-
but also a class can stand up to imperial- suicide? Some did. The Ethiopian leader
ored to attend. tion and constant growth for the sake of
ism, and it can win if there is political will, may have sold out his people by signing
This working-class conference gave po- profit for few at the expense of many. The
a class understanding and unity. it but was the alternative better? The
litical and revolutionary answers to this cri- U.S. climate justice movement must learn
leaders of other countries refused to sign
sis; it called for an end to capitalism. A key from this model.
BP: A crisis of capitalism the accord, such as Ecuador and Bolivia.
slogan was Pachamama si, capitalismo Making the connections between envi-
At the Cochabamba conference, the for-
no (Mother Earth, yes; capitalism, no). The BP oil spill is a tragedy of epic ronmental destruction and capitalism is
eign minister of Ecuador claimed that the
proportions. In the 53 days since its rig not the norm here. Take the BP oil spill.
U.S. cut off $2.5 million in aid after Co-
exploded, 90.1 million gallons of oil may If it had been going on when the confer-

penhagen; he stated that he would send
have spewed. No one really knows what ence took place, everyone would have
$2.5 million to Obama if he would sign
the environmental consequences will be been relating it to capitalism. But here,
the Kyoto protocol.
the loss of animal life, of jobs, of in- people talk about it as though it is a cross
Continued from page 8 In Cochabamba I was around so many
come and the effects on the ecosystem. It between an inevitable reality and a freak
people who truly understand the enormi-
chanted, Down with [Haitian President is another rapacious crime of capitalism, accident. The idea that it is an unneces-
ty of this crisis. Meeting people from Lat-
Ren] Prval! Keep Monsanto out of perpetrated by one of the worlds largest sary tragedy that is typical of corporations
in America and from all over the world
Haiti! and occasionally Down with the oil companies. within this system is not even considered
who are facing the destruction of climate
occupation! BP repeatedly disregarded safety prob- by most in the U.S.
change was a humbling experience. We
Monsanto made its reputation produc- lems and attempted to silence anyone One of the main messages of the con-
shared our thoughts and agreed on so
ing Agent Orange, which poisoned hun- who tried to tell the truth about the spill. ference was that the climate justice
much. They were excited and surprised to
dreds of thousands of people in Vietnam. This disaster exposes the true nature of movement must include all oppression.
meet someone from the U.S. who agreed
According to the Vietnamese Ministry of capitalist corporations: Profits come be- Demanding climate justice must mean
with and understood their views and I
Foreign Affairs, 4.8 million Vietnamese fore the workers, before safety, before en- demanding an end to all injustices. This
was overjoyed to speak to everyday peo-
people were exposed to Agent Orange, re- vironmental concerns. includes freedom of movement for all.
ple who didnt think my anti-capitalist
sulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities Another hazard is the existence of We cant separate the climate crisis
views about the environment were com-
and birth defects among 500,000 children. 80,000 chemicals used in the U.S., of from immigration, as the issue of climate
pletely crazy.
Monsantos representative in Haiti is which only about 200 have been tested. migrants is all about racism and exclu-
And then I came back here to so much
Jean-Robert Estim, who is also the in- This was raised in a recent CNN series, sion. One meter of water rise could wipe
waste. So many wasted resources and a cli-
country director of the WINNER proj- Toxic America, which told how more out 20 percent of Bangladesh. Where are
mate justice movement that is willing to
ect. He was Haitis foreign minister un- children are experiencing cancers. those people going to go? We all have to
discuss consumerism but refuses to men-
der Jean-Claude Duvalier in the 1980s, Who is doing the testing?
tion capitalism. We have
when USAID convinced the Haitian Who spends millions to lob- KEy dEVEloPmENt ANd to talk to our people. This
government to wipe out the Creole pigs by the government to sup- SUStANABilty for cUBA ANd tHE U.S. is our people, whether we
indigenous to Haiti because they might port a chemical? Isnt the Cuba u.S. like it or not, and we have
be infected with the swine flu virus, which Environmental Protection
to change their hearts.
could spread to the U.S. Agency ineffective and in the
It became clear in Co-
The replacement pigs from Iowa were corporations pockets? Who
chabamba that the people
ecologically and economically unviable pays for research at universi-
of the world are demand-
they got sunburned and required ex- ties if it isnt the same chemi- weight
ing that capitalism be dis-
pensive feed and clean water. According cal companies?
cussed as the root cause of
to exiled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Although the government
this crisis. Very few of us
Aristides book, Eyes of the Heart, the passed the Toxic Substance
are facing climate change
campaign cost Haitian peasants $600 mil- Control Act, even a con-
head on, so who are we
lion and led to a 30 percent drop in enroll- gressperson admitted that
to deny that? We have no
ment in rural schools, since parents could it would have little effect in
no longer sell pigs to pay school fees. protecting anyone.
Page 10 June 24, 2010

Join Workers World party :

Whats next after USSF? south african trade unions call
Fight For for boycott of israeli apartheid
SocialiSm By Joyce Chediac

Israel and its apologists bristle when Is-

rael is called an apartheid state. Most loudly
ing of activists by Israeli commandos, and in
a statement urged all South Africans to re-
fuse to buy or handle any goods from Israel
or have any dealings with Israeli businesses.
Continued from page 1 society is planned and organized to shouting, Israeli apartheid, however, are This umbrella group of unions supports the
medical care you need. meet human needs and the needs of those who know the best the workers of inalienable right of the Palestinian people
Maybe youre sick of union bust- the earth instead of profits for a few. South Africa, who suffered the most under to national sovereignty and demands the
ing, plant closings and layoffs, and Socialism means the right to a job South African apartheid. South African trade immediate end to the Israeli siege and the
the mass unemployment that has de- at a living wage, free education and unions have denounced the siege of Gaza illegal occupation of the sovereign territory
stroyed so many lives. You wonder health care, housing for all and much and the apartheid wall on the West Bank, which has been violently seized from the Pal-
why education and health care are so more. It means the development of and have urged forward the boycott, divest- estinian nation.
expensive, why schools and hospitals each person to their full potential, and ment and sanctions campaign (BDS).
are shutting down or being privatized it means taking care of our planet. Adding their voices to the call to boycott Biggest Britain union joins boycott
when the need is so great for the ser- Cuba, with very few resources, has goods from Israel are UNITE, the biggest UNITE, Britains biggest trade union, just
vices they provide. shown the world that socialism is pos- trade union in Britain, and the Swedish Port- voted for a complete boycott of Israeli goods
Perhaps youre a woman fight- sible with a strong leadership and the workers Union, which called a boycott of all and services at its annual conference in Man-
ing attacks on reproductive rights or will of the people. Imagine what could Israeli ships and cargo from June 15 through chester. The 2-million-member union called
worrying about how to pay for child be possible in the richest country in June 24. Israel a terror state, with a policy of eth-
care and provide for your children. the world, the U.S., if the multination- The South African Transport and Allied nic cleansing. UNITE said it would actively
Youre struggling to pay your rent or al working class which creates all of Workers Union, which refuses to handle Is- and vigorously promote a boycott of Israeli
mortgage and not lose your home to the wealth were united and empow- raeli goods at South African ports, called the goods and services similar to the boycott of
foreclosure and eviction. Maybe your ered. Swedish boycott the kind of powerful work- South Africa during the apartheid era, and
utilities have already been shut off. Or But socialism wont happen by mag- ers action that was used during the fight also pursue a policy of divestment from Is-
youre a differently abled person who ic. It takes a revolutionary party in- against the South African apartheid regime raeli companies.
is literally shut out by lack of access to dependent from the capitalist parties and helped bring it down. It must be used Other labor groups protesting the May
buildings and transportation. to help organize the class-conscious again today against this criminal apartheid 31 Israeli commando raid on the Freedom
Maybe you are gay or lesbian, bi- fighters for the overthrow of capital- regime in Israel. Flotilla are the International Dockworkers
sexual, transgender and/or queer and ism and for a socialist world. Workers The South African Municipal Workers Council, the International Transport Work-
face down bigotry and discrimination World Party along with its youth Union announced June 4 that it would en- ers Federation, the International Trade
on a daily basis. Or youre a person of arm Fight Imperialism, Stand Togeth- gage every single municipality to ensure that Union Confederation, the South African Na-
color who knows firsthand what rac- er (FIST) unites our many battles there are no commercial, academic, cultural, tional Union of Mineworkers, the Canadian
ism and national oppression are all and actively expresses solidarity with sporting or other linkages whatsoever with Union of Public Employees and the British
about. Maybe you struggle to stop po- all those around the globe fighting for the Israeli regime. Every SAMWU branch Trade Union Congress. The British Univer-
lice brutality or demand jobs not jails a better life. will immediately approach municipal and sity and College Union broke ties with the
for youth. Look for us at the USSF. Read our water authorities to become part of the BDS Histradrut, a Zionist so-called labor organi-
Maybe you are an immigrant or an newspapers. Attend our national con- campaign, and to publicly declare their soli- zation. UCU spokesperson Tom Hickey said
immigrant rights activist who fights ference in New York City Nov. 12-14. darity with the Palestinian people. the Histradrut supported the Israeli assault
to stop the raids and deportations. Or Get to know us better and join us in The Congress of South African Trade on civilians in Gaza and did not deserve the
youre organizing to overturn the rac- the fight for a socialist future. Unions expressed outrage at the May 31 kill- name of a trade union.
ist SB1070 law in Arizona and others

Gaza freedom flotilla

like it being introduced in other states.
Perhaps you are sick of the U.S.
wars and occupations in Iraq and Af-

the new freedom riders

ghanistan and tired of paying taxes
for a bloated Pentagon while every so-
cial service is slashed to the bone and
budgets are cut. Or you support the
Palestinian struggle and demand no By Joyce Chediac vestment and sanctions campaign against raels commando attack nor its 36-month
more U.S. funding of apartheid Israel. Israel is growing by leaps and bounds. blockade of Gaza. U.S. officials have said
Or youre tired of all the lies directed The heroes and heroines of the Gaza as little as possible about the commando
against Iran and the Democratic Peo- Freedom Flotilla, so brutally attacked by Israeli investigation called farce raid, while continuing to funnel funds to
ples Republic of Korea. Israeli commandos on May 31, have trans- Rejecting a United Nations call for an Tel Aviv. In fact, Washingtons huge eco-
Perhaps youre an environmental formed the struggle to break the siege of international inquiry into its murderous nomic and military support for Israel and
activist sickened by the oil disaster Gaza and raised it to a higher level. They commando raid, on June 14 Israels cabinet its political cover for Tel Aviv make it ac-
in the Gulf of Mexico, the melting of are the new Freedom Riders. approved an Israeli government-appointed countable for Israeli actions and a silent
polar ice caps, disappearing rain for- Freedom Riders were Civil Rights ac- commission to investigate its own attack on partner in the deadly commando raid.
ests and the extinction of species due tivists who rode interstate buses into the the aid ship. This independent public com- While Washington may disagree with
to global warming. You want a sus- southern United States 50 years ago to defy mission doesnt seem very independent. Israeli tactics, the Pentagon has its hands
tainable planet and more renewable racist segregation practices. Like the Pales- Led by retired Israeli Supreme Court Jus- full with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
sources of energy. tinians, the African-American population tice Jacob Turkel, it will have two foreign Israel remains the Pentagons most reli-
All these situations and struggles of the South lived under a separate, apart- observers, but only as non-voting members. able ally to keep the oppressed Palestin-
and many more will be represented heid system, called Jim Crow. Israel claims its commission would ex- ians and other peoples in line in that oil-
at the USSF. But despite the sincerity, Merely because these Black and white amine the legality of Israels naval block- rich and strategic area. There are no splits
commitment and hard work of every activists traveled together, ate together ade of Gaza and whether the raid on the on this in U.S. ruling circles.
activist, can any one of these deep and shared facilities together where it was flotilla conformed with the rules of inter- Recently Congress added $205 million
problems really be fixed? Is there a forbidden, they were attacked, beaten and national law. (New York Times, June 14) to the $3 billion the U.S. already gives the
permanent solution to any of them? even murdered by racists. Their vehicles But Israels newspaper of record says Israeli military each year for a missile sys-
What these profound problems were firebombed while the local police that the Israeli government really seeks tem. The additional sum was approved by
share is a common source: capitalism. looked away. Their willingness to risk their to investigate its victims. The truth that a bipartisan vote of 401 legislators.
Capitalism is a system driven by a nev- lives exposed the brutality of Jim Crow Netanyahu wishes to bring out involves
er-ending need to increase profits no racism and inspired others, who were ap- Flotilla forces Egypt, Arab League response
the identity of the flotillas organizers,
matter what the cost to human beings, palled by the violence against them. its sources of funding and the knives and In addition to changing the character of
other species or the planet itself. Freedom Riders transformed the Civil rods that were brought aboard, the paper struggle, the Freedom Flotilla is responsi-
Capitalism is killing us and our Rights Movement and marked a turning wrote. He does not intend to probe the ble for a chain of political events. On June
planet. More and more people es- point in that struggle, which then grew decision-making process that preceded the 7, an Egyptian security official declared the
pecially youth are against capital- throughout the South. takeover of the ship and the shortcomings blockade on Gaza a failure and opened
ism according to recent polls. They When nine courageous Gaza Freedom that were uncovered. (Haaretz, June 13) Egypts border with Gaza indefinitely.
see what the profit system has done Flotilla activists were killed and scores Even Haaretz calls this investigation a Egypt is one of the most repressive re-
and are fearful that their future under wounded by Israeli commandos on May farce. gimes in the area and a colluder with Israel
capitalism holds little to no promise of 31 for merely trying to bring food, medi- in the siege of Gaza. Egypt had previously
a fulfilling life. They see the suffering cine and housing materials to the besieged U.S. A silent partner placed every obstacle in the way of Viva
of billions of people around the world people of Gaza, the world was horrified and in Israeli commando raid Palestina delegations attempting to deliver
while a tiny clique of rich parasites outraged. The illusion that Israel had any Washington, it seems, is a participant in humanitarian aid to Gaza via Egypts bor-
own, control and run everything. legitimate case against the people or gov- the farce. Just hours after Israel announced der. This included physically attacking the
Being against capitalism is a good ernment of Gaza was shattered and Israeli its independent investigation, White delegations, threatening to strand them in
start. But lets take it further. We need brutality exposed before the world. House spokesman Robert Gibbs wel- the Sinai Desert, confiscating their mate-
to abolish capitalism and replace it More Freedom Flotillas are now on their comed it as an important step forward. rial aid and deporting their leaders.
with socialism, a system where all of way to Gaza, and the worldwide boycott, di- Washington has criticized neither Is- Egypt has now opened the Gaza border June 24, 2010 Page 11

Honored in struggle

Striking Puerto rico students

hold graduation ceremonies
By Berta Joubert-Ceci which was sung by the Medical Sciences Although the administration thought 4. Uniting all the 11 campuses in one
Campus choir. that the courts would side with them struggle around important demands
On the 52nd day of a strike against No U.S. flags were displayed, nor was against the students, the opposite has that affect all of them. The aim has
privatization and tuition increases, the the U.S. anthem played, as is customary happened. On June 11, Superior Court been to defend public education,
students of the University of Puerto Rico in this U.S. colony. Instead, when the Judge Jos Negrn Fernndez ordered regardless of political affiliation or
celebrated a symbolic yet very genuine Puerto Rican anthem was played, the a process involving mediators, one from ideology.
act of commencement right on Ponce de original lyrics (the revolutionary anthem) each party, to help solve the crisis. The
5. Participatory democracy. Every action,
Len Avenue, in front of the Ro Piedras were sung by some of those present. students, after consulting with their law-
proposal and demand has been fully
campus. Accentuating one of the strikes yers, accepted.
Strike achievements so far discussed at the base, where the input
main slogans Eleven campuses, one The administration had previously ac-
of everybody is crucial. The represen-
UPR it was the first time a graduation Despite the intransigent position of cepted an anti-union mediator, imposed
tatives in the National Negotiating
was held of all 11 campuses and the UPR the UPR administration represented by by Gov. Luis Fortuo, that the students
Committee, which represents the 11
High School together. This was a gradua- University President Jos de la Torre and rejected on the basis that the media-
campuses, do not make a decision
tion that rewarded the most essential edu- Board of Trustees President Ygri Rivera, tor was not familiar with the institution.
without discussing it and getting the
cation the commitment to a just society the students have achieved hard-won However, the administration initially re-
approval from the base.
shown by these students, who are aware concessions. The most important are the fused the court-imposed mediator.
of their historic role and loyal to their peo- defeat of Certification 98 and the prom- The administration finally was forced 6. They have taken the struggle outside
ple, particularly the poorest on the island. ise by the administration that the institu- to accept the ruling, and the process be- of the campuses, going to where the
Dressed in a variety of ways, from gradua- tion will not be privatized. Certification gan June 12. At the time of this writing, it people are.
tion gowns to jeans, the students wore rib- 98 took away the tuition exemptions for is still going. The conversations are con- 7. They have used utmost creativity
bons that read, UPR 2010 Dignity. students earned through honor grades or fidential so no details are known at this throughout the strike: street theater,
In this unique act that was organized by work representing the university in areas time. clever songs and slogans, use of art and
students, parents and professors, the stu- such as sports, music and arts. music, etc.
dents were given a certificate that read in The students are still negotiating tu- Lessons from the strike
8. They have made full use of the Inter-
part: You have demonstrated an unques- ition increases, a special quota that the The UPR historically has been the net, social networks like Facebook and
tionable commitment to your country in administration recently announced, and scene of many strikes. It has always rep- Twitter, blogs, diverse websites and
the defense of public higher education of the penalization and expulsion of student resented a voice of dissent and challenge alternative media, including the cre-
accessible quality. You are a worthy ex- leaders of the strike. to the colonial government and a refusal ation of a radio station, Radio Huelga
ample for future generations. For this and The administration never wanted ne- of U.S. militarization and domination of (Strike Radio), where they give daily
other reasons we award you the honorary gotiations, unilaterally imposing their the island. The police have always been updates and directly communicate
degree of exemplary citizen. neoliberal project to destroy this public called in to defeat the students, entering with the people outside the university.
They marched to the tune of Aida institution. They refused to negotiate in the campus and violently beating them.
9. They have carefully and thought-
played by the Puerto Rico Symphony Or- earnest, and instead took the students to Yet everywhere you go in Puerto Rico
fully prepared important and realistic
chestra, finishing with the UPR anthem, court. people comment, How different this
proposals to solve the financial crisis
strike has been! Even former students
of the university. These proposals have
who participated in strikes in the 1970s
been presented to the administration
and 1980s remark on the difference.
and the general public in order to end
What makes this one unique?
the strike.
This strike has advanced the class
Right, Freedom Riders with a burning 10. They have cared for the campus while
bus at Anniston, Alabama, May 1961.
struggle in the island, and not only be-
cause the students are part of that work- occupying the university. In fact, they
Below, Freedom Riders challenge seg- have turned it into a living university
regation of interstate travel, 1960. ing class. Their struggle has been an open
confrontation against the ruling class that truly teaches on the most pressing
represented by the UPR administration problems of the island, while calling
and the thoroughly pro-U.S./Wall Street attention to the issues that impact the
governor and their attempts to privatize whole population.
the Puerto Rican heritage and eradicate For instance: In an island where re-
national identity in order to convert the cycling is almost absent, they teach the
rocketed following its denunciations of Is- island into a U.S. state. This also makes dangers of environmental pollution by
raels tactics and because it let the flotilla this struggle an anti-colonial struggle, for recycling. In an island where public
organize from its shores and provided po- self-determination of the people. It has transportation is ineffective, with one of
litical support. Turkish flags and posters been a complex struggle. the highest ratios of cars per inhabitants,
of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan The students have used the following they show the importance of alternative
Continued from page 10 have been prominent in demonstrations elements: transportation by using bikes. In Puerto
out of fear of its own population, which around the world protesting the Israeli Rico, where despite the mild subtropical
1. A clear and firm message. Their de-
has been inspired by the solidarity of the commando attack. climate 90 percent of food is imported,
mands have been concretely expressed
Freedom Flotilla and angered by the Is- When Israel attacked a Turkish ship in they teach by example by creating organic
from day one. They have always used
raeli attack. the flotilla, eight of the flotilla participants vegetable and fruit gardens, showing the
simple language to explain the most
And on June 13 Secretary General Amr killed by Israeli commandos were Turks possibility of food self-sufficiency.
complex issues involved, walking away
Moussa of the Arab League toured Gaza and the ninth was a Turkish American. They have also taken firm positions
from discourse on political ideology
for the first time since Hamas took con- Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutog- on social issues like anti-LGBT bigotry,
and instead concentrating on a specific
trol there. Moussa, the highest-ranking lu, who called for an international investi- displaying banners against homophobia
demand: the right to a public educa-
Arab diplomat to visit in three years, en- gation, dismissed Israels proposed panel. around the campus. In the evenings they
tion for all, particularly for the poorest
tered Gaza from Egypt through the newly He said We have no trust at all that Israel hold enriching organized discussions and
in the island.
opened border and immediately called for will conduct an impartial investigation. show documentary films on many topics.
lifting the blockade. There are contradictions here. Turkey, a 2. At the same time, they have pointed The 2010 student strike, regardless of
Where was the Arab League for the last key U.S. client, was one of the earliest re- out the failures of the Fortuo admin-
the final outcome, has already been a suc-
three years? Until the Freedom Flotilla, gimes to recognize the Israeli state after it istration. In this way, their demands
cess. It will only help other sectors in the
the 22-member group did not speak out displaced Palestine. However, the Turkish have resonated with the majority of
advancement of the class struggle.
seriously against the siege. government is strongly against the siege of the people, who have been affected by
Surely the Arab countries, where the Gaza and often speaks out against it. budget cuts, privatization of services,
people feel so deeply the 60 years of Pal- While this view reflects the strong feel- layoffs and more.
estinian repression and the siege of Gaza, ings of the Turkish people and plays well 3. Exposure of the UPR administration
would be the logical place to organize flotil- for Turkeys domestic audience, the Er- lies and slander tactics. The students You can subscribe at
las to break the blockade. However, most dogan government is also seeking some have carefully researched and shown Eight weeks trial $4
Arab regimes are in the vest pocket of Wall international autonomy. facts presented through PowerPoint, One year subscription $25
Street and fear that any show of mass sen- U.S. wars in the Middle East have hurt videos, documents and other media.
Or write to Workers World newspaper
timent in their countries could result in the Turkish economy. Turkey has not They have called several press confer-
55 W. 17th St, #5C, nY, nY 10011
their own overthrow. Flotillas from their been admitted to the European Union. So ences where they address the people of
countries would not be tolerated. Turkey is striking out more on its own, po- Puerto Rico, keeping them informed Follow Workers World on Twitter
litically and economically, wanting trade every step of the way. The people have,
Turkeys contradictions and better relations with Middle Eastern in turn, responded with support and
Meanwhile, Turkeys popularity among neighbors such as Iran and Syria, which solidarity making this a peoples
the peoples of the Middle East has sky- Washington has branded terrorist. strike.
Mndo obrero
Proletarios y oprimidos de todos los pases, unos! Correspondencia sobre artculos en Workers World/Mundo Obrero pueden ser enviadas a:

El desastre de BP
sistema de lucro hace enfrentar puestos
de trabajos contra medioambiente
Por Gene Clancy bajadores de lavandera empleados a plataformas de perforacin. zonas econmicamente deprimidas, las
travs de varias empresas subcontrata- La mayora de los cientficos ambien- compaas tratan de dividir a la gente tra-
Es una imagen inolvidable y desgar- das. Y para cada puesto de trabajo de ex- tales han dicho que seis meses es total- bajadora oponiendo a quienes estn ms
radora. Un ave marina de Grand Island ploracin y produccin, se estima que hay mente inadecuado. Sin embargo, las in- afectados/as por la destruccin medio-
en el estado de Luisiana se encuentra en cuatro puestos de trabajo auxiliares en y dustrias del petrleo y del gas de Luisiana ambiental, contra quienes trabajan en las
una cesta, cubierta con una gruesa capa de alrededor de la regin. y los polticos asociados a ellas, ya se es- minas y en las plataformas de petrleo.
petrleo tratando de respirar y parpadean- Hay 5.000 plataformas marinas de tn quejando. El gobernador de Luisiana Una lista de 100 de los Empleos ms
do aturdida como si estuviera asombrada. petrleo y gas slo en Luisiana, muchas Bobby Jindal, quien se ha expresado con- populares donde la mayora de los tra-
Cuando la BP (British Petroleum) anun- de las cuales puede verse desde la cos- denando la destruccin del medio ambi- bajadores no necesitan tener educacin
ci que su ms reciente solucin haba ta, adems de 17 refineras de petrleo, ente a lo largo de la costa del Golfo, fue universitaria publicada en Nueva Or-
tenido un xito parcial, esta y otras im- 119.091 kilmetros de gasoductos y 90 sin embargo muy crtico de la moratoria. lens, muestra una preponderancia de
genes de la devastacin en la regin del fbricas importantes de productos qumi- Durante uno de los perodos econmicos empleos en los campos de las industrias
Golfo de Mxico han trado a la conciencia cos. El sistema portuario de Luisiana es el ms difciles de las ltimas dcadas, lo de petrleo, gas, barcos y qumicos. (City-
la enormidad del crimen que BP y sus co- ms grande del mundo, con seis puertos ltimo que necesitamos es adoptar polti- Invariablemente esos es-
laboradores capitalistas han perpetrado. de aguas profundas, ocho costeos y 13 en cas pblicas que sin duda van a destruir tn tambin entre los empleos con suel-
La llamada tapa contenedora que se puso el interior. Slo el Puerto Fourchon mane- miles de puestos de trabajo existentes y dos ms altos. Los jefes les dicen a los/as
el 4 de junio ha tenido un xito limitado: ja el 90 por ciento del trfico que sirve a la evitarn la creacin de miles ms, dijo en trabajadores/as que deben escoger entre
slo un tercio de los 750.000 galones que industria del petrleo y del gas en aguas una carta al presidente Barack Obama. no contaminar y destruir sus alrededores
por da se pierden del pozo destruido, es profundas del Golfo. Estas instalaciones o un trabajo que pague bien (aunque sea
succionado. coexisten junto a una industria pesquera Medio ambiente o puestos de trabajo? sucio y peligroso).
Por qu nos conmueve ver imgenes comercial y deportiva que trae $2,5 mil Cada vez que una corporacin capital- A estos patronos no les importa nada
de aves moribundas? Inmediatamente, es millones anuales. Tambin existe una in- ista percibe una amenaza a sus ganancias, salvar los empleos de los/as trabajadores/
por la empata que tenemos por la vida y dustria turstica considerable. rpidamente amenaza a los/as traba- as. Algunos/as ambientalistas han seala-
el sufrimiento de otros seres que sienten, La BP ha lanzado una campaa pub- jadores/as con la prdida de puestos de do que si la capa aceitosa actual migra a
con los cuales compartimos el planeta. licitaria a un costo estimado de $50 mil- trabajo. Los/as trabajadores/as saben por areas donde hay otras plataformas, esas
Pero en un sentido ms profundo, es lones en la que su director ejecutivo Tony amarga experiencia, que no se trata de instalaciones tendran que cerrarse in-
porque hondamente nos damos cuenta de Hayward, se compromete a limpiar el de- amenazas en vano. A los capitalistas les definidamente de todos modos. La ver-
que la destruccin de estas aves y su hbi- sastre que BP ha causado. Por supuesto, gusta presentarse como unos semidioses dadera preocupacin de los capitalistas
tat es tambin un ataque sobre nuestro Hayward mismo no har nada sino que benvolos que otorgan los puestos de tra- del rea del Golfo est ms relacionada a
propio hbitat y sobre nuestra propia ser un ejrcito de miles de trabajadores/ bajo a quienes los merecen. Pero para la la globalizacin que a cualquier moratoria
capacidad para sobrevivir y ganarnos la as quienes realmente se encargarn de las mayora de los/as trabajadores/as, su tra- sobre perforaciones. Ellos no quieren que
vida, aunque la devastacin pueda no ser tareas de limpieza. bajo es su nico medio de supervivencia. los dueos ni los operadores de las plata-
tan obvia inmediatamente. El 27 de mayo el Departamento del In- Cuando los empresarios amenazan a los/ formas cancelen sus contratos y muden
Cuando el Deepwater Horizon explot terior estadounidense emiti una mora- as trabajadores/as con perder sus puestos sus operaciones a las areas costaneras
el 20 de abril matando a 11 de los traba- toria de seis meses en la perforacin de de trabajo, lo que amenazan es la misma de frica o Brasil o alguna otra parte en
jadores, los empleados de por lo menos aguas profundas en el Golfo con el fin de supervivencia de los/as trabajadores/as. el exterior.
13 diferentes empresas estaban a bordo. determinar qu ha fallado y cmo poner Los/as trabajadores/as en la regin del El pueblo pobre y trabajador no de-
Adems de los ingenieros de alto nivel de remedio a las deficiencias de seguridad. Golfo son de muchas maneras semejantes bera estar forzado a escoger entre un
la compaa Transocean que operaba la La moratoria afecta ms directamente a a los que trabajan en las minas de car- medioambiente limpio y un empleo que
plataforma petrolfera, y la BP, que tena 17 compaas petroleras, incluyendo gi- bn en Apalachia. Desempean trabajos pague bien. A diferencia de las aves ma-
el contrato de arrendamiento, los traba- gantes multinacionales como la BP, Exx- difciles y peligrosos para compaas que rinas cubiertas de petrleo, los/as traba- QUINES SON LOS CINCO C
Los Cinco Cubanos estn cumpliendo largas e in
jadores incluan soldadores, buceadores, on Mobil, Shell y Chevron, que se vieron violan el medioambiente y arruinan a las jadores/as y el pueblo oprimido tienen la
en prisiones de EEUU por defender a su patria
cocineros, limpiadores de tanques y tra- obligadas a cerrar sus operaciones en 33 comunidades cercanas. Como operan en consciencia y elterroristas
poder de luchar
del exilio contra
Cubano el Los Cinc
en Miami.
brutal sistema capitalista, y crear
arrestados en 1998 una so-las actividade
por monitorear
violentos e informar a Cuba sobre sus planes. Por c
ciedad en la cualcinco
las hombres
contradicciones entre
Obreros/as, Inmigrantes, Desempleado/as, Jvenes, Estudiantes: los seres humanos y el
han permanecido en prisiones de E
castigo adicional, a dos de ellos se les ha negado e
bsico de recibir visitas de sus esposas. nase a

El capitalismo est matando a la gente y al planeta

sern finalmente resueltas.
partes del mundo parlamentarios, Premios No
activistas comunitarios que se han pronunciado

Si est interesado/a en abolir un sistema basado en ganancias QuiNeSSoNloSciNcocubANoS? encarcelamiento de los Cinco Cubanos y contin
libertad. Para ms informacin visite: www.thecu
Michigan Campaign to Free the Cuban Five/Justice for Cuba Coalition; U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange;
Sponsored by: International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5 (;

EEUU ha neg
w sacando a la gente de sus trabajos y de sus viviendas
FROM MY ALTITUDE art exhibit in Detroit until July 8, 2010 - original prison paintings

Los Cinco Cubanos a Adriana y O

SereNgeti Gallery Global; COMPS, Center of Music and Performing Arts Southwest;

todas las so
For more information go to: or call: 313-355-8566

w cerrando las escuelas, negando atencin mdica w haciendo guerras

by Antonio Guerrero one of the Cuban Five, political prisoners held in the U.S.

estn cumpliendo tudes de v

para visit
w rescatando a los bancos w encarcelando a los/as pobres y a los/as jvenes largas e injustas
Regular Gallery hours: 11 am - 5 pm, extended hours during USSF

Gerardo y Re
Tyree Guyton, DFA, artist and founder of the Heidelberg Project.

sentencias en Top, left to right: The U.S. de

w utilizando el perfil racial contra toda la gente de color y los/as inmigrantes prisiones de EEUU
Antonio Guerrero,
Fernando Gonzlez;
every visa
quest from A
Gerardo Hernndez;
w destruyendo el medioambiente con calentamiento global por defender a su Lower:
Ramn Labaino;
ana and O
to visit Gera
Ren Gonzlez
y derrames de petrleo. patria Cuba de and Re

Entonces es tiempo
grupos terroristas del exilio Cubano en Miami.
Los Cinco Cubanos fueron arrestados
The Cuban en 1998
Five are unjustly por long, outrag
de levantarnos, unirnos y monitorear las actividades de esos
U.S. prisons grupos violen-
for defending their country Cuba
tos e informar a Cubagroups
Cuban exile in
planes. Por Miami. The Cuban Fiv
casi 12
luchar por un futuro socialista El Partido Workers World/ Mundo Obrero y su seccin juvenil 1998 for monitoring the activities of these violent g
aos, estos cinco hombres han permanecido en
FIST (Luchemos contra el imperialismo, unmonos) De costa a
Conferencia del Partido
ing threats back to Cuba. For almost twelve yea
costa estn organizando activamente por trabajos, educacin y prisiones de EEUU y como
men haveunbeen
in U.S. adicional,
prisons andaas an additiona
atencin mdica. Estamos organizando en contra del racismo, dos de ellos se les ha of
them haveel been
derecho deniedhumano
the basic rights to visits

Workers World/Mundo Obrero Para decir que no hay trabajadores/as ilegales en Arizona ni en
ninguna otra parte; y en pro de los derechos LGBTQ. Estamos
bsico de recibir visitas
a personas de todas partes
esposas.aroundnasethe world parliamentar
ates, union members, community activists who
del mundo parla-
against the injustice of the imprisonment of the Cu
organizando para ponerle fin a las guerras de los ricos en Iraq y
12-14 de noviembre mentarios, Premios Nobel,
tinue tosindicalistas, activistas

qu demand their freedom. For more inform

Afganistn y oponernos a la ocupacin, desde Hait hasta Palestina.

el comunitarios que

han pronunciado contra
new y
El Partido WW/MO y FIST luchan por el Socialismo el injusto encarcelamiento de los Cinco Cubanos
ork city un mundo sin opresin, explotacin, pobreza y guerra donde toda y continan demandado su libertad. Para ms
la riqueza de la sociedad pertenezca al pueblo, y est organizado informacin visite:
para satisfacer las necesidades humanas y no a la avaricia corporativa.
No espere hasta la conferencia de Noviembre!
WW/Mundo Obrero tiene reuniones semanales adems de organizar.
eNSolidAridAd WITH
Special esPeCiAL
Detroit Opening Program:
Si usted est interesado/a, llmenos al 212-627-2994 o mndenos Mircoles, 23
Wednesday, de junio
June 23 - 44p.m.
p.m. ato6 p.m.
6 p.m.
un correo electrnico a para ms informacin hosted by SereNgeti Gallery Global at the
sobre la conferencia del 12-14 de Noviembre. Virgil H. Carr Cultural Arts Center
311 E. Grand River in Harmonie Park/Paradise Valley

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