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Recitation Sections Learning Objectives

Recitation Section #6 (Nature and Nurture) – March 8-9th

Homework #4 (homework questions are highlighted)
1. What is the principle of natural selection? Give an example.

2. Define chromosome, DNA, gene, and human genome.

3. What is the difference between an identical twin and a fraternal twin? What are
some of the striking similarities found among separated (and then reunited)
identical twins?

4. How is an adoption study used to understand the effects of heredity and


5. How do evolutionary psychologists explain gender differences in sexuality?

What are the three main criticisms of the evolutionary explanation of human

6. Whose reasoning do you find most persuasive – that of evolutionary

psychologists or their critics? Why?

7. What is temperament? Give an example of how environment may influence

temperament. Give an example of how temperament may influence environment.

8. What do psychologists mean by the heritability of intelligence? Explain this

statement: As environments become more similar, heredity as a source of
differences necessarily becomes more important.

9. As society succeeds in creating equality of opportunity, it will also increase the

heritability of ability. The heritability of intelligence scores will be greater in a
society marked by equal opportunity than in a society of peasants and aristocrats.

10. What are some ways in which an individualist culture differs from a collectivist
culture? How do these differences affect personal identity?

11. Explain how biological sex is determined. How do sex hormones influence
biological development and gender differences?

12. What are gender roles? What do variations in gender roles tell us about our
human capacity for learning and adaptation?
13. What is gender typing? Do you consider yourself to be strongly gender-typed or
not strongly gender-typed? What factors do you think have contributed to your
feelings of masculinity or femininity?

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