Rogue Games Tabbloid - June 18, 2010 Edition

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18 June 2010

Todays Tabbloid

ROGUE FEED Level 5, it turns out, is where the Termaxian cultists had set up
their command post and were busy doing something, in league
Dwimmermount, Sessions 39- with werewolves. Now that the PCs have found a more controllable
way to enter that level, theyre considering options for dealing with
41 the Termaxians a very wise move, given that the cultists seem to
JUN 17, 2010 04:22P.M. have a white dragon in their employ.

Ive been terribly remiss in posting session reports from my ongoing While exploring, the party rescued two survivors of the Band of the
Dwimmermount game, in part because a combination of holidays, Hawk, the rival adventuring party sent into Dwimmermount by the
business trips, family events, and illness has kept the game on a biweekly Despot of Adamas. One of these survivors, a human fighter named
or triweekly basis since the beginning of May rather than the more Sir Aelric, thanked the party for their help but warned them that
typical weekly schedule. Theres also the fact that I sometimes find my the Despot was moving to make charters necessary for any group
interest in writing up session reports isnt all that great, since, on some exploring Dwimmermount. Those without such a charter would be
level, spouting off about your ongoing campaign is the referees version subject to fines and possibly imprisonment for flouting the new
of the infamous let me tell you about my character. But I also feel its law.
important to let people know that much of what I write here stems from
the demands of actual play rather than from pure theory. I grow ever Sir Aelrics companion was a elf called Mordranar, who, while he
more convinced that far too many gamers only participate in their nodded in acknowledgment of Dordagdonar, said nothing else.
hobby by talking about it and that, as much as anything, has contributed Aelric explained that this was simply his way and added that he
to its deformation over the years. So, like it or not, Im going to keep was willing to put up with the elfs disdainful behavior towards
writing these posts, even though I frequently dont enjoy doing so. ephemerals because he knew much about Dwimmermount.

Now, that said, Im not going to try to detail three sessions spread out The two survivors were escorted back to Muntburg and Sir Aelric
over the course of seven weeks or so. Instead, Im just going to promised to buy them all drinks in thanks should they ever meet
summarize the high points to catch everyone up and then write a again in Adamas.
normal entry next week after this coming weekends session.
Dordagdonar continues to acquire materials needed to create a
Many of the PCs and their henchmen have gained new levels. Most flesh golem, using the grimoire he acquired in the old Thulian
of them are now in the levels 4-6 range, which is quite enjoyable. bolthole.
Given how long weve been playing, Im happy with the pace weve
been keeping. Along the way, there were, of course, many battles with monsters and
some treasure found, but the aforementioned are the most important
Thanks to a strange idol, Brother Candor lost 10 years from his events to have transpired. If Ive missed anything truly noteworthy, Im
physical age, making him a youth in his late teens or early 20s. sure some of my players might chime in and remind me of them.
Amusingly, his henchman, Gaztea, attempted to reproduce the
effect but was unable to do so, leading her to retort, It figures.

The characters encountered a colony of ancient Thulians

ancient being a relative word here, as they were probably 400-
500 years old whod managed to avoid death by resorting to
cannibalism. They tried to make the PCs their next meal and
suffered the very fate they wished to avoid as a result.

An elevator leading to Levels 5 and 6 of Dwimmermount was

discovered, enabling the party to begin exploration of Level 5, as
Level 4s layout proved to be something of a conundrum (that is,
they knew there had to be more to the level but couldnt quite
figure out how to reach some of its other areas).

Todays Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 18 June 2010


Grognards Grimoire: Gnomes 1

JUN 17, 2010 11:39A.M.
I promised more information about the gnomes of the Dwimmermount
campaign and I intend to provide that in due course. In the meantime, 3,735
heres racial class Ive cooked up to represent them in my sessions.
The entirety of this class is hereby designated as Open Game Content via
the Open Game License. 1d6+1

Requirements: CON 9 7,465

Prime Requisite: INT
Maximum Level: 12 3

A gnome is a rare sub-species of dwarf (less than 5% of all dwarves are 2d6
actually gnomes), the result of a dwarf fathers carving gone awry. Like
his father, a gnome is a short, bearded demi-human being. Unlike his 15,025
father, a gnome is significantly shorter and thinner, with more delicate,
somewhat pointed, features. Their small size grants them a lower armor 4
class (-2) when attacked by creatures greater than human size. The
coloration of a gnome, particularly his eyes, is brighter and less earthy, 2d6+1
which makes this sub-species stand out amongst their dwarven relatives.
Gnomes are renowned for their command of magic, a talent lacking
among dwarves. A gnome can cast spells as if he were a magic-user of the 5
same level. Because of this, their dwarven brethren keep them safe and
generally away from danger, which is why gnomes can use only the same 3d6
weapons and armor as magic-users, as well as the same column of the
character attack table. However, like dwarves, gnomes are very hardy 60,501
and use the dwarf saving throw table.
Gnomes have the ability to see in the dark with infravision up to 60 feet.
They also have a 2 in 6 chance of detecting traps, false walls, hidden 3d6+1
constructions, or noticing if passages are sloped. They must be actively
searching for these abilities to function, however. They can use magic- 120,001
user spells from scrolls, in addition to all magic items restricted to
magic-users. They can speak the common tongue, dwarvish, goblin, and 7
kobold, as well as a special jargon used among their kind often gnomish,
whose meaning is generally understood by most dwarves as well. 4d6

Reaching 9th Level: When a gnome reaches level 9, he is able to create 240,001
spells and magic items. He may also establish a magical workshop within
a dwarven stronghold and attract gnomish apprentices (1d4), who will 8
range from levels 1-3.

Gnome Level Progression 360,001

Experience 9

Level 6d6+1

Hit Dice 480,001

Todays Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 18 June 2010










FGU Games
JUN 17, 2010 09:05A.M.

As I know Ive mentioned several times, Fantasy Games Unlimited

(FGU) still exists and still sells copies of all their old RPGs at very
reasonable prices. Im planning to buy a copy of Bushido and its sole
supplement sometime soon, as my own copies disappeared a long time
ago. According to Scott Bizar, who continues to run the company, all
FGU games, with the exception of Daredevils and Psi World, come in a
single volume which is a compilation of the individual books included in
the old boxed sets. Daredevils and Psi World can still be purchased in a
box, for those looking to get them in their original forms.

Im always glad to see old gaming materials made available to a new

generation, even if its done in modified form, as these are. Once Ive
gotten my copy of Bushido, Ill make a post about my impressions of the
quality of the compilation volume, which I hope is as good as the stuff
Marc Miller has done with the old GDW games.

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