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Department of Law, Police Science and

Criminal Justice Administration

June 13, 2010

Hon. David Patterson
The Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

Dear Governor Patterson:

As the former Commissioner of NYC Corrections and Probation, a former New York State Prison
Superintendent and former Executive Director of the Division of Parole, I write to you in support of the
Alternatives to Incarceration/Reentry Coalition’s (ATI/Reentry Coalition) FY 2011 initiative request.
Your budget proposes a cut of more than 10%, which would reduce ATI funding by $1.6 million, and neither
the Assembly nor Senate budget resolutions have restored any of that. The field also lost critical federal and
state funding over the last two years. Even worse, approximately $3 million in Legislative adds – which have
been the backbone of much of the ATI system for many years – is in real jeopardy. ATI programs stand to
lose as much as $4.5 million, a blow that could decimate the system.

Through monitoring and close supervision, imposing and overseeing sanctions, and providing jobs and
housing, these programs help keep our streets safe and our communities whole – at a fraction of the cost of
incarceration. Recent national data bear out the intelligence of this approach, New York City has one of the
lowest rates of jail incarceration in the nation, even while we succeeded in reducing crime rates as well. (New
York Times June 10, 2010 “As Crime Rate Drops, New York’s Jail Population Falls to Lowest Level in 24

Analyses of recent recidivism data shows that less than 20 percent of program graduates have a new
criminal conviction within two years as opposed to the alarmingly high rate of recidivism when these
programs are not employed. Just as important, ATI/reentry programs help the City and State correctional
systems save over $100 million each year. They also create savings through reduced reliance on hospitals,
emergency rooms and homeless shelters. Employed clients pay taxes and make child support payments.

For well over a decade, the Executive and the Legislature, through the budget, have deemed alternatives to
incarceration and reentry programs a worthy investment and a laudable public policy objective. Any cut to
ATI/Reentry funding would be a mistaken saving, penny wise and pound foolish. As the State’s fiscal
prospects continue to be challenged by the recession, and we have to make tough choices about how to spend
the scarce financial resources we have, I respectfully urge you to support the request submitted by the
ATI/Reentry Coalition.


Martin F. Horn
Distinguished Lecturer

899 TENTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10019 T.646-557-4824 email:

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