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Conference Speakers

Patti Mansfield
Patti Gallagher Mansfield was a participant in 1967 Duquesne Weekend
which marked the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic
Church. From the earliest days of the Renewal, she has served as a leader
through teaching, writing & pastoral ministry. Patti's testimony has been widely
published and she has been a speaker at conferences & retreats for laity &
priests in the United States & around the world. She is a frequent guest on
Ralph Martin's television program: The Choices We Face Patti has authored
several books including: Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds, As By A New
Pentecost: The Dramatic Beginning of The Catholic Charismatic Renewal with a Foreword by Cardinal
Suenens and Magnificat: A Mother's Reflections on Mary. Patti is married to Al Mansfield, Coordinator of the
Catholic Renewal of New Orleans , Lousiana, and is the mother of four children. She and Al serve together in
Pastoral Leadership of a weekly Prayer Meeting & an Annual Catholic Charismatic Conference. The Manfields
are Liaisons to the Archbishop of New Orleans for the Charismatic Renewal and are recipients of the Papal
Medal, Pro Ecclesial et Pontifice (For the Church and the Pope). Patti was asked by the Pontifical Council for the
Laity to thank Pope Benedict XVI on behalf of all the ecclesial movements and new communities before a crowd
of 400,000 people in St. Peter's square on the Vigil of Pentecost 2006.

Sr. Linda Koontz, S.N. J. M

Sr. Linda, in based El Paso, ministers to the poor in Juarez, Mexico, through the
outreach Spirit of The Lord International Mission, evangelization, healing and
zealous love for the poor are gifts that she brings to the Body of Christ. Sr. Linda
has been a Sister of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary since 1960. She spent
eight years teaching in Washington State before being Propelled by the Lord
into her present ministry. She has been serving full time in the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal since 1971. Sr. Linda is in constant demand and has
ministered her powerful gifts of word of knowledge and healing in numerous countries going out of the entire
world to share the Good News.

3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010

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