Incarnations of Vishnu by Chukbaba

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Indian gods

Shiva ( god of destruction )

Burhma ( god of creation )

vishnu (god of regulation)
For proper functioning of universe
For destruction of evil forces
Vishnu takes incarnations in different time
First incarnation of vishnu is matshya (fish)
incarnation of vishnu is kurma (turtle)
3rd incarnation of vishnu is varah (hogzilla)
4th incarnation is narshingh ( lion man)
5th incarnation is vaman ( a dwarf )
6th incarnation is parsuram
7th incarnation is rama .
Most famous incarnation of vishnu
Many festival like diwali ,vijayadasmi
8th incarnation is krishna
Speeches of krishna is included in gita
Main philosophical book of Hinduism &
Karma yoga
9th incarnation is gautam Buddha
10th incarnation is kalki , futuristic
incarnation ,may be come in between year
2800 -3400 .
Now see the similarities between
Origin of earth evolution of creatures
And incarnations of vishnu
sea fish amphibia reptile mammals prehistoric
humans small sized human (mammal
incarnations of vishnu
Fish (matasya incarnation ) land evolved
from sea varah incarnation
reptile(kurma) pre mammals
(narshingha ) prehistoric humans (vaman)
modern humans parsuram ram krishna
budha destruction again kalki

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