For Example, This Code Uses Eval On An Expression To Generate A Hilbert Matrix of Order N

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String evaluation adds power and flexibility to the MATLAB language, letting you perform operations

like executing user-supplied strings and constructing executable strings through concatenation of
strings stored in variables.

The eval function evaluates a string that contains a MATLAB expression, statement, or function call. In
its simplest form, the eval syntax is


For example, this code uses eval on an expression to generate a Hilbert matrix of order n.

t = '1/(m + n - 1)';
for m = 1:k
for n = 1:k
a(m,n) = eval(t);

Here is an example that uses eval on a statement.

eval('t = clock');

Constructing Strings for Evaluation. You can concatenate strings to create a complete expression for
input to eval. This code shows how eval can create 10 variables named P1, P2, ..., P10, and set each of
them to a different value.

for n = 1:10
eval(['P', int2str(n), '= n .^ 2'])

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Shell Escape Functions

It is sometimes useful to access your own C or Fortran programs using shell escape functions. Shell
escape functions use the shell escape command ! to make external stand-alone programs act like new
MATLAB functions. A shell escape function


Saves the appropriate variables on disk.


Runs an external program (which reads the data file, processes the data, and writes the results back
out to disk).

Loads the processed file back into the workspace.

For example, look at the code for garfield.m, below. This function uses an external function, gareqn, to
find the solution to Garfield's equation.

function y = garfield(a,b,q,r)
save gardata a b q r
load gardata

This file


Saves the input arguments a, b, q, and r to a MAT-file in the workspace using the save command.

Uses the shell escape operator to access a C or Fortran program called gareqn that uses the
workspace variables to perform its computation. gareqn writes its results to the gardata MAT-file.

Loads the gardata MAT-file described in Using MAT-Files to obtain the results.

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adi abram angga

arya deddy
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adi abram angga
arya deddy
adi abram angga
arya deddy

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