Ito Ba Ay

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Ito Ba ay:

Variable Frequency Percentage

nakatali 26
nakakulong 26
nakawala 3
Total 55 100%


out of the 55 respondents 26 of them have their pets are in the cage while the other 26
of it are just tied near their houses. And 3 of it have their pets untied and is roaming freely.

Most of the respondents are able to identify the threat that is imposed of having their
pet roam around freely. That is why 26 out of 55 of them chose to put their it on a cage so as
to avoid any incident. Around the same number of respondents are able to tie up their pet
near their houses rather than being put to a cage because lack of material for the cage, took
up space or the owner assumes that their pet is well tamed. Then out of the 55 respondents 3
where unable to tie or locked their pet because primarily the owner thinks that their pet is not
that harmless.

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