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Maria Angela H.

IV-Albert Einstein

ICT IV: Study Questions

1. You can use the ________________ to move through the records on a form. (Navigation

2. You can save a form by right-clicking the forms tab and then selecting ______ from the
menu that appears. (Save)

3. A __________ is a form in which the same data is displayed in two views simultaneously.
(Split Form)

4.5. One part of the split form displays in _______ view (Form), while the other part
displays in _______________ view. (Datasheet)

6. You can use the _______________ button on the Forms tab to create a form that displays
multiple records, one record per row. (Multiple Items)

7. The 3 views of a form are _____________, _______________, and __________. (Form

view, Layout View, Design View)

8. The ___________ option on the Format tab enables you to apply formats quickly, such as
background colors, field colors, field label colors, and fonts. (AutoFormat)

9. After you create a form, it opens in _________ view, where you can modify it. (Layout)

10. You can use options on the _________ tab to manually apply individual formats to your
report. (Format)

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