Ict Study Questions

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Maria Angela H.

IV-Albert Einstein

ICT: Study Questions:


1. You can attach multiple files to a single attachment field.

2. An OLE object is an object such as a Word document or an Excel Spreadsheet.
3. Excel organizes data into columns and rows.
4. If you have data in Excel you want to use in Access, you can import those
columns and rows into Access by using the Excel Spreadsheet Wizard.
5. When importing from Excel, you can import an entire worksheet or a named
6. To import a worksheet, click the Show Worksheets radio button and then click the
worksheet you want.
7. When you create a worksheet in Excel, the first row can contain column headings.
If this is the case, click First Row Contains Column Headings, otherwise click
8. Access attempts to assign the correct data type to each column.
9. You can view the assignment made by Access and then make changes.
10. An Index speeds up Accesss and then make changes.

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