This Beloved - Smiling

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Dar Al~,Manarah

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_ Dar ,AI. = Man a, rah for 'Translation, Publishing '& Distribution 1427'12006

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MQji.hid'j Muhammed "AI! "Uthman,

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'When, Prophet Muhammad (P'BUH) Smiled (This Beloved [PBUEI] Smiling)

(-:.#"1:-4 ;I: 7'J~wJl i~

Muhammad '".Ali "Uthman .MUj,B_hidl; Translated by ~I ... Abdul-Fattah:

ed ~·t~..:al bv '0' .,._. '" Y··,· Shakei -

eo Jl -€lu, ! . Y .fl,I8l.Jn.a. . . '. ilL.a. '., err.

1 .. Prophet Jt\!I ulh ammad life ..

Dar .r_L\1 KotDb Library Number: :2006 .I4€i.15 I.S.B",.N .. '97'7 .~ SODS u • .3:1 - 4

Dar Al-Man,ar.ab

For Translation, Pu blishing & Distri bu tion EI-M ans oura - Egy-p'[' - Tel Fax: 002050 l 20302$4- Hand. phone: O'~21 36050\49 ~ P.O'. BOX; 3573r1 E .. mail: almanarah . .4~·O Q@i1otm:Wl.CO:Dl alm anarah 400@yahoo!c01TI

P'~.'- N'o

H~e' .. ···· .• I'ii'

• Tran:s;]jq;tor's N'oite "'! "~"'!' .''',. ""~,, .' •• ','". ",',.' ••• E,' ','~' .'.,," ~ ,11

• ,A:utbor's Introduerion ~ ' ... , ~" , '"I, ~ •• ,', , •• , .,,' ' •• '" , •• '!' .... ,!'.' 1.41 .1 Be ,(P'B'UH) S,m.iII,ed, at the 'Two-winged Horse., ,7

• He (PB,Ufj) B,mi1,ed when Umrn ,Aynl11D Drank

H:is Urine . " ... "'" .. ,i, ... ,i,,' ... _ ...... , ..... " ••• '.',',. ".'. ""~"""",,, .'.',',.'.",.' 19

I. H,e' (PBUB) Smitedl because of a :1wlan.~'s

Roaeti .. the D" , - 'f'-'RI' ", "". -- ct--',--· '2"0' ,,'.,:eaClon on ~,.,e.' a.y () 1~:E;urrec :Inn .. ,'" .... "',, .. ~. < ' .

• He (PBUH) Smiled when a WOlluan Was Keen

to Perform Pilgrimage with Him ," .. ,.,', '.,' ." ... ' ," ~ , ... ,2:2

• ,Be (PB'VB) Smib!d at ~ Comment ofSuhayb.~" ,25

• He (P,BUH) Smiled when "A,~'is,:hah 'W'BlS Keen

to Knew Allah's Most Su:p1r1eu~le Name ., .",~" ~"m.', 26

• II:" (PBUH) Smiled because of Nu'ayman and

S'u'w,,~y'bi.t: '!'" ' •• ' • '. ! • " ' •• ' • a , ~ • ,! • ~ '. '! ! .' ~ '. e. a. • e " a. a. • ' •• " " '. , m ,. " • m m " " , , • :2:,8,

• He I(PBUI{) S:mUed because of Abu ,Ayyii'b

,Al=.M§a:I",i m .. ,,~, .. ~, ••• ' •• " .... ,","" "',',' ""'0"'. '! "'! ""'" ".' •• ".' •• ' •••• ~., 30

IIH,e I(P'BUB) Sml]'ed, when Saftnab Drank His

]3:Io()(1 "i' ,0, , •• ' •• , '. ' •• , • a a, ~ '. '. ~ ~ ,0 '.' , • '. " .' e '. -s " • '. " .' • ~ ~ .' .' ~ '. a <, ., '. , a ~ • a .' • '. ... 31

• He (PSID-I) Smjjj,ed" 'OJQ, Being Asked to Ask

AI, ]'11,,1, for a Kins d .. or Iike ·S:: .l rvm ""', :' ,~,2··'·'

!lai l ~o,_ I~, ru~l~~ ~~n =ll{e .. u~a-yman s "'," ",",. ~""' u

III Hie (P:BUB) SmU,ed, when Jabir Paid Back

'1.:1' F .] .. ) 'D" 'b" ;!Ji4

r IS . 'at: 1'!El~1" s ' ' :.:13,,: It .. "' 'i'"'' •• '. ' •• "' _ ~ • "!' ~ ! ! .' 'I' ~ ! !' 'I' •• '!' •• ' •• ' •• '. ,',.' ",,~, iJ:.c~,

I. 'H~ (PBUtI) Smjled because of 8.a111ah Bint

Suh ayl .!.' •. ! ~ '!! '! .' ~ • ! !' 'I' '! ! •• ! .' .' .... ' '.' '. '. ! !' I' '! ! ~ 'I' '. e. • ~ ' •• , .' '. ' •• ' ~ ' •••• ' •• , ~. 36



.He (,PH'UD) Smiled when Hts Companions Agreed to Return from Ti'if'. ~~" r~'~" a •••• " •• < • "to , ,42

• He (PB,U,IJ) Smiled, on Being Asked about

Taking Wages for Reciting Ruqyah ii,.' •• '.,.,," <I" ~" ,4-8

I. He (PB,Ult) Slnih:~d, because of People 'Who will Enter Paradise Bound together in Chains ., ~. i. 45,

• He (PR'UD) SmU1ed when He Entered upon

"'1\ ll" " ..l Ftlit'; , h 4~'

'rul ana " iii~lrna" ,~. ~,., ... " .. ,' ,.". ","', .,",,, .,", ;' .. ,"' .. ,' ,"" ",""~'" .:, U

• He (P'BUH) SmiID,ed when He 'Was Traveling

with H~s WOlD,en ',."". ",'",'" "''"."''~. , ..... '.' .. "'. i""." .'. ,,' •• ' •• ,,' .'. ,47 .He (PEUD) Smi~ied. because of Two Combating

Sheep ,,~ ",,~, " .. , .'" ","""" '" "', ... ","'","'" ""~" .,.,',' ""'i ~,., ••• , •• "~"'~'" ••• ' ,48

• He (P'B'UH) 8Imil}e,d because of'Abu Hurayrah and ,t\hl1U!.~"",Suffah '""' '" '" .. '" ,.'.' .... ; .. '" .' .. ~ '" ,. ~.i ,,' •• , 'i." ~ ,,~ .i. +. ' ••. a •• 49

• He (PBUH] SmiIled at Two Situations with

Salam iah ~b' nul-Ak 'W,;-'" a'" - - ,-, - - -, - - ,- - - -, - - - ,- - - -, - ~- , 5··~·

~. J~ __ ,.~, ,JIl, -~~., . ,IU '" "'~ •• , '" I ..... , •• II'II! ...... '. II'II! _ ,., ...... ' .. , .. ,., .. lr. '. "" ".;1 ... ':-. ~

'. He' (PH'VB) 8Jnimle'¢1. because; ofIlbn Rawahah

"~I HI "'I 'W:,·,,t"- 16··~·

,ao!lJ[ 1]8'", 11 e' ...... ' ••.• ' .. ' , ~ ' .. ' ~ '. ' .. ' ~ , ... ". ' ..• '" "' .' • " .' . ; .• ' ... " ... ~. , .. 'IIUI'

• -H"-- (P"B' 'UH' ) o-m-" .!!lII<1f1j;d· 'l.;.,o f'.iiGi , a.e. o£"A""'~:,e:;'h" G h jell _ ~_,e' .'. _. _ _.':_., 0, '·llII.''II:;i -'. i!JIrw L(..dLld II;:,. '. III . ',.!i.b" ~ ,.:j.

w ij rds .',. '. a •• ' .' ••• ' ... '. ; • '"' • "' ~ ••• i, '" .' ; ..... ' •• , .' •••••• '. i' • i i' .' ~ •• , ., i 'i ~ ., i ~ 10,8

I~T ·('P:"-B' ',UH' )" S',:" ;--:C' ·'11!('.d:·' "Vhll····11 H·- '- M"'] ,- ,t A····l~BI,~I·:~~

• ;Le.. '. '. . _ ",mllll,e·, '\\' en e ._, 8-, '. ,- . nIl1

Ibn "Azib '". '" ~ ' ' .. " " ' ~ " " " " ' . '. " . ~ ~ .' " ,. '. s- " •• ~ ~ e ' •• '.' '71

.i He, (PB1JH) SmiMled at VVhat the -Iews Did ."',.,. 72 !.I He, (PH'UK) SmiID,ed because of the Man \Vbo Committed ,Zihlir .. ,.,., ~"~" .. ,., .'. ~~, .. ' ... ',. ,., ,. ",.~ 78 I.H,e (P'BUH) S~mill1ed because ofAl~Miqdad and


I. H,e' (P'BUH)I Smi)_~,d because of""U'111ar's Words. 7,5

• He (PB,UH) Smile,d because ofa Bedouin's

Invocation, i", "'" ~,." ••• " •• , ~., .'," .',',' ,,', .. ,' "" ""' ••• "., ~" ,,~~ .",. ~ 77'

I. He (P'BUB) S,miled, when 'Ammar Rolled

Himself in Dust ''''.,' .' .. '0 ••• ,,',~" "", """" "' •• ,~" •• re . •• ' ••• " •• '.' ... 7'91

• He (PB,UH) ;.miled when He Saw' J"lnr Ibn

"Abdullah ., "'" ""'" "", .. " .. ~~ .. ' .. a ~ •• ,",' .'.", •• "".", ••• '., ~., '.' •• ,0 ". 81

.H,e (P'BUII) S,miled because: of the ~lafl. '\Vho

will Be th - Last to Enter Paradise .' , ... ' .. ", ... ' ". "'1' 8:2

"D ('PC'IB' UJI' ') S'" "] d h' B' dl a p" u d

• ,Die I, -'. -..' - ,'ml, I,EL ' 'W\ en t},: e~ .. DUUl. -' lIl",fe"

"'H'I'!i:ll G'" arment V: Iolently 1'8' ,,5,'

-,".- (;Ii. ,_.JL . .L.llL.l~ '__: ., _.- _. It. __ ,. i ~III! •• 111],_.1I1[1I:.!!i ~!!!.Ii i'llifF. ~ Iillil.lill ••• 1 II! .I.!! "

i. He (PBUH) Sn)iled, because o-f Abu lakr's

Replie ~ .... , ..... , ....... ,." '. " .. ' " .. " " , ~ , , ~ ~ ...... ,J, •• ;' ••• , • ," " •• ~ ~, 8,6

I. He (PBUH)I ISm,:iJ.ed because of a , /[an from

the :Pe ople of the Scripture . '0 •• ' • , , .' • ' •• ' " , •• a • " .... ,. " .' II' • '" • 8 7

• ,lIe (POUII) Smiled. when It Was Raining and

the, People ,\Vere Running away from Rain ., .... 8'91

• lIe (P'Blfll) Smime.d berea use of Two Di s pu ting

.' He (PBUH) Smiled beeausr of theWords of

IB, Jew' , ...... ri, ,J, • i " • ri, ••• , ,., ., '" • ~ '0 •• , ' ••• ' • " , •• , , I ••• , ., ~ , ., , •• ri, '" ... ~ ... ,. , •• '0 '. •• 195

• He (P'BUH) Smiled because of the 'Testimony

of ,R Man's Organs ~ .. ,.,~. ",., ... , .,,',. " .. ,.~ ... " .. ~ .. ,~" ""1" ,. 97'

I. Hie (PB:UII)' Smite\d because Everything Is

Good ,on. th c, Part of the Bel i e"'~l~n" ..... ' .... ' " , " , , , " . ~ II' 9'9

.' He (PBUr) Smiled because Sins Are Taken

Erway bj' Virtue of' Ablution " ..... " '" .... " .' , .' '. ' .. + • , ~ '. - 00

• He (PB,"(JR) SlIlniled., because of Allah's D1elight.l02


• U:e (PBmI) S,miIed when the Chapter of

..... II If"T "", ,---t'h-: -0, 'H- . d" B~···· -' R'" ...... ' .... -- "1·· · .. d 10",;1

..MJIl=_II,'\.2,WI-ar .a - . 'een. __ .J3'Vea AE!:·' ' •• ' ~ ' •• "i. ~"i",. i ."i i : '. ,;:,.1:

,. a:e (PBU,D) Smiled when "Umar Ibn ul _.,

Kb ·--t"i!!'b E~"t--· . - d' '-' CC" . ·Hi· ,._.- l(O~'

~,a_ .. _I!,.a :. . ,Jj]j,_ e;r!8: ". l1_pon_ ... -.m i' ~ '. ~ •• , ~ •• ' ii' " •• ' .' ' •• ' •• ' •• ' • '.'. ' ... " • '.' u

• 'He: (PB,UR)' Smiled because of Anae ... ,',.'." .' .. ',. l08

- .... . ..

II :Ue' (PBUD) S,mll_ed, when "A'ishah's Innocence

"lad, Been Hevealed ,. 'i," 'I'" '. '. I' ~ '. '.'.' a . .' ~ " •• ' ••• ''',' •• ,',.'. ' ••• ' 11.0 :1: 'H,e (PBUB.) 8ulliled because of the, StOTY of

Tamtm A,d, ... ,Da.I',i '" ..... ,;, '" i ;, ,i·i.,';' ~ i· ~,' ,iii ~. I· ,. ' ••• ,. ' •• -., e . , ,1" ,.'. ' •• ,' 12,8

'I He (PB,UB.) S:DlH,ed when a Verse Wa,s

Revealed .'. , .. " .. ,' .. ~!" ." ••• ", ••• ,. • .,'.'. i •• i" .,i i,.';"i·i,"'i'~~ i i ;"i' ~ "i' 1:26

'. ,He (PB,UH) S'roiled because of Salma and

Ab-' 'U'~I R···· ,~, fi ... 1° '"

I ~I __ . -~, .. _dll.J, ! OJ,'!', •• ,, •• ,."i .... ' •• · ... ·.··.·.,,;;·11 r.:!,,. ii ii'';;';: i Ef.;i; ;;.;i' .... ;;.!I. ,!: . ., :!!":!"I!':!! ~~! !,LI''! !.'!' _~ ,tJ

'Wcrf,ds i'. 'i'i" '.'. 'I" ,; ' •• ' ..... ;. ~"" '.'" •• ,.'" .,'.'. i ~ ,. i,'" '" i,',,' 'i"'. i. ~ a. ~ ',!;,i' 129

I. ,He' (PBUH) Smiled because ofWhat Umm Salamah Samd to "Umar 'i i,~" i"'~' .'.' .'.' •• ,,'" .,' .," •• '.'. ~"" 131 • 'Be (PRU,B) Smiled when "Abdullah Ibnnz .. , Zubayr and .. Abdullah Ibn -Ia 'far Swore

,A]j] egm a.nee to I-I11..m i,,' '" •• ' ,. 'i' i ~ ., i' 'i' ~ ,. i' ~ ., .~ ,.i 'i' i • 'i' •• '. '.' ., '.' ' ••• ' •• ' 13;6,

:. :813' (PBUH) ,8m:Hed, w hell the: An,§,iI' Stood

in His Way' . e . ~", "'". ~ •• " ••• , •••• "'i i,""" "., ",." "~" .,~~, """'l!"'" '1,37'

'. ,He (P'BUH) Smiled when He Sa\v His Uncle

,Al- "Abbas ,; .. , ... '. i' ,. '" ., ~ i' •• 'i 'i' • '. 'i .' ••• ' •. , • " • ' •• ' .' _ ' •• ' '. , .' • '"~ e. ,. ~ '.' .' •• ," 1,38

• Hie (PBllH) 8,m-Hed when Allah Responded

to His Invocation ,.'. ",,~, ~~"" ~., . .", .. "',. . .,,, .. '" . .,",'". '" ... ,'";,. 139'

• :if Ie (PBUlI) Smti]ed because of'What ",Adiyy

ifb LT At" A' T' - JIi,';"'" 'D' '!' . ..l -11 A -1

t. n ,_Jr.L,S!~Ull,"-_:!k=~· -itt 1 .. 1u • 'i '.' , .• ",~ .... e • ' •• ~ e ' •• ' ~ •••• ". ", •• ~",. ~~ ''''it

'-, H' . ,'. t'P~::B,T1f'n'\ iI2!. - 1~'!I""'d:' h .(, ":':'1 I I, .1"', . "'f'" I" B,I ... ,d·· .... - ,", ",'~""

• e \., " ·'.w'D~ C"mr .. e_ I··,eca!us~, 0 ,a.A,~, ."IOU1DS

Comment .' ' .... '. '. ' .. " '.'." 'I' "~,, ~. '. ~,,,.i 'i 'i. ~.i"""'i";' 'i, ... ""';''' .' •• '''.,.,~ 1,4,.2

I.' R'B; (PBUH) Sm:Ued, because ~,ftb.e' ,Man "V'ho iCoprllsrted with His Wife' In Ram,adin a •• ' ~ "', ~ ~ ~ 144

• Hie, (PBlJlI, Sadled because of a Ma:n 'Who,

Saw Himself ,Be'ne,aded in a" Dream ,'" ,. , ... " '. , .. '. , .. l46 I' Be ,(PBUJ-D SmjHed because 'o{\Vb,at ",A/is'hah

and Sawdah :Oi(i 'i'. ,i i' • ,i '.' ,', • ,i ••• , i , .' '. " " '. ' ••• ' I. ' .. ' ' .. ' . ~ '.' .' . ~, " " ". ,', :14,7

.; Hie '(POUR)' :Smiled, because of One Or(':Hi8

Companions ,.' ... '.' ~ '.' ~ ' .. ~ '. '. '.'. '.,'.' .... ' .. '.' .. ,i.,. ~ i'" ~ 'i • ~ ... ' ~ ' •• ' ~ .' •• ' ,1,49

• Be (P,D'DB) S:miledl because of"'U:mar~s

A'ttit'ude toward the Ii:ead ,ofHypoc:ri't-es ;"" 0" i 151

'. 'B:e (PB,UB) ,S,mileci, becausea ,80:0 W;BS Ver-y S]mHar ,to His Father . ' .. ~. ,.~, i, ~,' ,i i, m" ii,' i m .i i, ., ,i i, " •• , •• 1 ;54:

I.;H@~ (P'RUR) Smiled when He, Saw Sian]D\~r

,Figh tars from 'His Ummah. .' ' .. '.' ~ '.".'.' ~" .' ~ .. " . i " •• " li ."' lEH5 '. He, (:PlB,UH) SmilJed WhS'D Ba'd I~'it

a, Polytheist with 3, 'F,eatbe:rless; i\:rr(l1W .. ii,~'i~'i~ 158

.1 He (PRUD,) S'miled because of 'Wba't ~',Al:nI"

Ibnul .. ,'A~, D'i.dl and Said ,i i ~ ,ii i ~ ... ~ ~ , ••• ",i ~ ••• '. '. '.'. '.'.' .,'~~ 159

'R' (PnUH)' S'~"J. ·d' be .. . .'. . £.,. ;;"AlII"'!!i' J r • ..l . snt

• I. :Je' i, ,O'e" '. lull_,le ~~ aecause 10: -'-.11.' 9, ,~I uagment

'between Three L'itiglm'ts ~ ' .. '.' ~ .. ' ~ ' ... ' ~ ~., ~ ,., ' .. ,' ". 'i ••• '.' i' 161

• De: '(P'BUII) Smi,],ed because ofUmm Su]a:yrn~s:

IOrrp'ham, Girl. i ,i ••• , .. i .' • i, i ,i ." .. " i " ..... '"' ~ '. "' .". '.' • a •• ' ~ " ' •••• '.' • " '.' • ,," '. 16,S,

II Be, (P'B;UB) B':mil,ed when the ,Azd Delegation

Visited Him ,. '.' ~ ' .. ' ~ '. '.' ~. '.' ~".' ~ ~.," ~ .... e '."." " ••••• OJ'" i •• ~ '.' i. ,i '. ,',i i res

• l"['ain, :SO'Dr<Ci8S 'i i, ~ i "' ,i , '"i ,i '" ~. "", .. '0 , • ;, ' ••• ' '. ' •• " " .' " •• ' •• ' ••• '. '. '.'.' 1168,

.; Glos,sar;y' '0 ""i,.".,i' "", """ "", "., •• j "" ""'~' .';'" "~",,, .';" •• "". o,~""o ., •• " 17'0

.' Tr,snsIiter31ti.,on Ta',ble ,i i .. ,' ,i ,,", .. ,i , " i • "' ,i, .. i ~ •• "'." • _. " •• 1 7'4,



Praise be, to ,Allah Wb,o makes whom He' wills l:!ugh and makes. whom 'He, wills weep, ,MId bl,essing,9 and peace of Allah 'be, 'upon, 'His Prophet

Mube, 'm'li"iiAi m ad w':·"·-:'-h',· n-m' 'H- iI!li ~Ii!:lin' ·t' ape!' !:II, '~""II;"'l'''''''":~ of !~j·T'I~..!J ~'-n' ,j<[.;I!'!I;

,,·-..:_,~3l1!.J; "_ )_._:. " ~ ,!I.' U . I:'IW d'lWi . II I~,~I la; j;lIV~,~~ Y"" ti~;IM)tJJ,;JU '~~:

to Muslim,s even t'.hr,oUl,gh. his smiles and, tears, as 'weU as upon his vhouseheld, 'C,omp:a~ru,()nsj' and. whoever follows 'his guidance nntil the Day of' Resurrection,

"Smile ;w:it.h tlte Prophe: (PB'UHln 'Tbis is the aim, we: seek to accomplish bypublishin:g this boob: '~Wa '''lp,Jlaa'idh,in :,Jal!ikJ(J,r--Ralfful,j, (When

'Pro:pih,'st Muhammad [P'BUB] ~8lm~ill,ed),~, 'wl\ich contains a. number of situations in which 'the Prophet (F'BUH) smiled. ,By rea,ding the hadt.:ths which include these situations, ,you~, dear reader, can sID'lj]'ealong with the' Prophet (PB,UH) and 'recatU the feeling that mads him ,(PBUH) smile in the' situation in question, be it happiness, delight, wondervastonisbment, or any other' feeling 'W,e, 'invite you to join U~; in this special and blesaed journey with 'the smiles of our beloved Prophet (P'B:UH)~i for t]hd,~, is apt to 'berr:u:=fit you in two ways: to Iearn from the Prephetie guidance included in the m··_·,t;'in·'I.:o·· n ad: hadith« and 'tl I'll; smtle w, "Il':'t''Ii''!jj the

:.r_ .• ~1 ~. _ ~ ... ,.i~J.j, ,I,. ,IG.:. !!~ -:i,B,rt-I-ifj.!C !L ..... .!4.~..: .U "'_ 161.11,~ : _ ..• 1"" _In>.~

Prophet (PB;UH)~

,A) ... ,Manar,ah is grateful to everyone who has helped in. compiling, preparing, translati ng, OF

..]' ~ h - t f' i-lL· b k duri

eu..l'tlllmg the contents () thts :00, or urmg any

,·,t,,-·;·· of .. '· -k 'W·:,··_·, .,~11·''-·· ,·,,··· .. ··k··,,· A·~·,·]],h·, to nal« tl- '.

s,!-nge, n wor :', -'.' e alSO invo -e .- ". rar ,0 maae I. .ns

-effort purely exerted for His, Sake,

Al-Manar'ah ,M,anager Muham_mlod ~Uthm'D



iT'" -" - -" ,-I, 't''''' , N' ,':,",,', t" ',,'

_'_c_r,ans-a~or s "oe

All praises are due 'to Allah] Lord of the worlds, and peaea and blessings be ,[],POJi His Prophet Muluurlmad, his household, his Companions, and whoever followa Them on the: path of guid anee 'until the Day rOf Resurrection.

I would like to draw the attention of our readers to t'h,emeth.odolngy I have followed in. translating this book. It can be explained aLS, follows:

1 I h;;:J'V"iD abridged the titles ,""l'.£' the m ain part (!!! of

.",. ~_ (,;.iI!.,',_, II;;".i U., :l. ,.l.Ul .... ~ .. ' .. " I~ .'.' ,!\:iiC U,JL .~, I~ J •• "'~ u'_·

the book, because they are prolonged and extended 'in most C,81se'$, and Iiteral translation of 8U,iCh titles into English may not be, recommended, However, the English translation of' each title hopefully meets the same meaning of the Arabic title in question.

It I have kept to the ,Ar,atbic te'xts of l!ad:lt,hs and any m~ndJ,atll)ty addition that has been inserted within the:tr',a;ns:! ated 'text fort the purpose of elarifieation and the like' is, separated fr 0 m the d,ire'c-t translation of the Arabie text in question wi th parentheses,

,8., FbI.' making it easy for English -,ElP eaking readerse- 'especially the new converts among them,

:~, 1

- to follow 'up the references of .hadi'f;his~ I have abridged these references and in. most casesI have mentioned onlv the name of th j'j; nerson 'W' ·hfi;

Ill, , 't;i." U ~. . . U', .J Ib. ..~ .'. Ii:lJLJ;.I:W ~'. lrll II,,> .J~""': Q. .. ... _ I IV

'1"'19 corded. or transmitted the h,ad'r,th in ques tiOI[1 and the nm nC~Q"" of the h', uul }!'t~h·· if there is °D' "y .. r. -S->"ti~ll_

.!U ", ,.IIU!~_., .JL.O;;;; ..b..~ ;I!;. .._.)U.!.;,..!!I "- .!;J ~' .. i" .hl~

certain necessary additinna have belen. trans 1 ated y1et as exceptions Oil' as flrst-time notiflcationa .. Mter all, ·thUSH3 tID whom it may concern ean {oUo-w' up thelist ofreferences (bi.bHogl::apllY) appended at th .t}, en ~ '0" f . th D bo ok for m ore d etails aboi -t th C;'.

_ .~. ~ .. w. _. _.I.~ ~ .. 'V,;· 1! .~. ._cc '., • 'V. • .... ·.1UIl .·LJ .d ... uU.· ... '.8

books frem which these hadtths h,arv€! be·en. derived through th heir n:u~-m' ) ... .i!':ii. ' •• "'-'tz;i.

I~, u ~.lLIL . "",,1 ,. U'!(;i"L !dJ.,

4·., I have net translated .. the Iexical explanations inserted in footnotes ~ unless. mandatory ~ as these explanations and the meanings related to tb.elu.hav·e been eonsidered ill. the translation of the 'word or words in question inside the. text of th Ie .rela ted .Il.Jadf't.i1. or between naren theses, The same

- .~

rule applies to any commentary that helps in

understanding any part of a hadtt.k~ fur the tranalatien of the in. question relied in s oms 'way or another on whatis understood from such a commentary ..

5,. Th.e: Arabic word fi'da,h.i.ka~' as attributed to the Prophet (PBUH) constitutes the common d .. eno mina to'[ of this book. It has belen translated with the English. infinitive "to smile" and not '~to laugh" because -the real meaning of :ria.kika. ",~S attributed 00 the Prophet (P.E;UHY" can be rendered into English through "to smile" and not

ill 2

.. to 1 augh", In hills Fa t.,hul-BaJ""f' lUI am, Ibn. H,ajar bas

. ~

rnentioned that one of th-e qualities of the Prophet

(PBUH) Is that his da,hi.le (laughing) was the same: like :tabass:unz ,or' smiling (of (}tbers).,:L

6., Certain words have been, transliterated and for their die tailed defini tions a, glessary has, 'been prepared and placed at th,le end. of tl'::i .. e book", Also for facilitatingth,e job of keeping U.'P with the Arabie transliterated terms) a table of the transli teration system applied in. this book bas been appended as well

It is also worth mentioning that ,UU~: translation of the meaning' of the Q:u_i~ani,c verses quoted in the 'text istaken from Dr. Muham-mad T'ajud=DinAJ,=, Hn:aJi and Dr. Mullamma,d Muhsin ][{b,in't;B Interpretation. ofth« ,Meaning O(':thfl' Noble QI,ur~an.,

Fina.l],y~,we as It, Allah to make this effort purely exerted for His Sake and to make it re.aS'y for as many Muslims as possible to benefit from, it Amenl

TriaD sl ator Muhammad M., '~Ab,dul .. ,Fiattah

.............. .~,

mmab delfa ttah@h,otm}aU~ com 1.2l1 1/14:2 fJl AH~, ,23/121200,4 AC,

'~See l!a-ttH~l=.Bii,r~~~ '\:'01. ,gij ths lli;Qok {Ul HM,a1[!l"iage~'~' 'tll.e section de~dinr 'with ~,I~n a man, ad.v,~ges h~8 da,l\gllt~'r as regards her relation wi th her 11 usband";


Auth r"- '1' t·, d t·~

. ' " , . -'1 ",' ,". I" I .'-' ,-.'., , 'I' I "- I, ,··.··-c·

U,' 0 s n .ro.· De Ion

'i'DO' ,not la ttgh (tOIO) much, {Dr (too) m,uc h

la ~g.ll ing' (is; aplt to) deaden. th« heart. l~,~

Moderataon is, required In handling everything, as levery quality comes between two 'Bxtrem,es1j,3 and Islam, is, a. flexible religion, that is, it, ts a.

1 QliJ.i'r",iE" ATIi,~N ajfil; ,43"

2 Tra]],smi tted. by A:t,..,Ti:rnJJiclb,1 on ';tW:a~' ,~JJ!dho;r~'ty oaf Abu H 1!l_l'ayr~h~ mi~;~t ,;U 1 ah be ,p;[~aE'ed 'wIth, l1im,~,Nro., iJ..2S4,.

~ '00 :ii' I .. , I, "", - - , -. ' '1'.~ _,.':II G" "". 'I!]!

e.g., tCC;U,rag--e: eemas iJCI'I;'W~1lN~,[[l -"~Uil;W![3lI;'E''Cd,Ce ~nlg;l)le411e:J:~:ty -,


religion of moderation, That is 'why the Prophet (PB,UH) said,

~{yo u r smil ing in the face~ ,o{' your (M usl im) brother is an ac t ot c hariiy: ~)l

]t has also been narrated that '; Abdullah Ibnul ~ Harith Ibn -Jaz", may Allah be pleased with him 'd~


'O~~",- :l!

~'I h ave never ,EO t::I an' e ny on IIGI. 'l:T~,ik.n 'W' ould

-, ,1,'_(4 '~,~_~, - :d.o''!.:i" Wl,_, ".II!.Jl",,'t.'~.!IJ'Il! >'.'_

smile much moria than the -M:eg8eng13:r of

Al'lal'~' (P-, 'B_,UIH" 'i )1_ '~2 , 1 \ - - ',' "

Furthermore, Ibn .. Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, was once asked, "Did the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) use to laugh?" .I-Ie

an swere d. 'iifliy, "- 0,0'" b U'~ 'tho, 11;0. fa it" h I"~ 01 t hi EII-]' r h ru ar -"t' eo '~if 10, C'I

.~_~ 1511'" .. ~ ~ .. ,1, ~~ ~.~,. .• -.,1., _,I~ 1I!;;o. ~,'. . _. I, .'Cir. . " i~C~1 c ~ .~\' aOI

bieaer (i.e ;[~' 'p' erior) the ',- m"~"'~" c"t -,';. -- c· ~~

tngger u.e., su .. c.,1 ior .'., an, ountams.

'Phere are, certain proprieties related to Laughing as, instructed by the Mes senger of Allah (PB,UH)., They include his forbidding 'his Cempanions 'to laugh at the passing of wind snd s aid, "'Why should. (a ny) -one of jJ'O U laugh. .at that Wl1 ic h he. h,in1~8el{' d(Jf!.S?"3 Ala 0; he (P'B,'U-H) used to smile lin .si tuations in w hich (people would, normally) laugh (or smile), Interestingly enough:" there are various causes of laughing, 'including: (ill)


i 'fransrni tted by Ibn Hibb,an ira, hts Sahth ~ No. 4: 7'3.

2 rr~uu~mitted by A,t-T:irmidb.ii~ No" ~'794j and, by Ah~n~d in his Mu.snad.

,i~ rr~uismi tted by Thfuslh:a.'] in his SaJt.-f}",,,

I ,.,.. ,,)

things that arouse wondering, (that ;;8) things that peol'pI:€; find strange and things which rarely happen; (ii) things that arouse joy and happiness; and (iii) things that arouse ,angel"'~land this kind of anger is, normally so vi,goro.u8 that it causes the' person in question to laugh because of the thing

hi .... :L h .imul - dl thai h . '1 b

w icn I,. as stimu ate "Ie. tr at anger; this may a so I ",e:

accompanied by his feeling that he is able to defeat his opponent ,and that the matter is under his control, Such a person may moreove-r laughwhen he manages to restrain his ,anger' and. turn away from the person who has [enraged him.

Now, dear readers, you may enjoy the situations in which the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) smiled And I ask Allah, Glorified. and. Exalted be He, to gather U;8 together in. "the home that 'will remain forever" (Lei" the. Hereafter) facing each other on thrones" laughing; and full of Joy in the: Gardens of deligh It (P aradi se) ~ I also ask you to invoke Allah for me as. 'wen as for all Muslims, males and, females,

M h d '''AI' ... ~'U'_ h 0 "M . ,t; 'h'~d

u;.:_o;mm,a_J _/ I ... 1 t . mS,D ,IUJDi l~:

H ("PBUH"-' I) .. S·:·' "I d t th Tw

e ' ",I,.' _-I" I-mle~, la,~ nne -,0-

----~~-- g' . e sd '0- II -0' rs e -".

Wln·'·· .. ' " I·.

, . -, '.' _ ~'. '~. ,!_ ...:_ __: '. . . _ " _:__. 1_". 1. .

1- • -

_ ~- '. _ '~":I ~ 'i !<"'L _ "

·'='c,·~·,-c4U, '.'~- ,~,~,~,,-~

!I' I~J ~

- ~

It, has 'been narrated that '''Ajishah~ may Allah,

be: pleased with her, said (that)

T-h- "-. 'M' '. ':'-,,'; ' .. ',0, .' If' ';\111':'h" (P:'H'UR":' ')' had ,_·-;t-" ,:' ~ - d

_€,_c,essenger o· J""H. a. _'. _ ,"., ._ 18 ~ rel,urns·._

. -

fr- 1""- ,'t'h~"" 'T'-I'-b,--'"\-k-' b .:.'i'-~·'l-',· ,'I"'-~ th ,··t-~ of Khas 11". ",.' her ',:.~" id

am ,= e ,S,U -_::_ _ aliI,; e Dl ': ,m_,_-, 0" .. ' .. laYD:ar w en. ",In

b lll· -, - --! ft,· ,1 - --.JJI _. -". ' ·d ' .' - '.' .. ' '~'-h" t, . ,. .'

_',~ew SWL., -:y any, remove ~_ a sCT'eenL,: at was on

.. A""' h ah ~',~ ,I!j< - - }': 'j: h -- :Z:j 1 0 T"iI ..:II th ~i'i ~'i"TII; ""Oi'U iEi;T'" ng ( ~ .... nr"i ;"'jj ""rf)""

,_,' :IS ua _~, '!>lI,a '!.-W,i]./1> '1;.l,i.J,.'U!!, 1,., - -,ilaI;i' u..lliL'G'~'di"J"I .. ' 'II" i)lu' L.Lb: U,

h ,If'io'fi"i' I'd: olls _ it,,:-:,;:;; I(P:B·"U. 'H).' said ii~W: . ,',Il!.;n,·t .;~ ,!I.·1~'~'C!" .0',

," ,![;;.!11 .- u·, :0,. ,JL-:-J.,.;., " ~Q lit), _ !li!.'IA! iIl'OJ ", 1<1If'~)' , ,-

'A"ishah!'?~~ She' said, ~'My o:oUs.J' H'e (:PBUH) saw amcag them a horse tlli.,a.t had, two wings made of

TI""",'t .... h· ;I"iI,.:;>i' ~A Ul.."Ii"II, .::"',;tI';..]1 'ill:=W'rLa- ~ i,E" ';;.f. .;!;l'll'oi"iii-<l!i, [""" E".on a, C'II"YI,.i"i;'n .. ii:J'

J~'a,I·-u ... ' .~~,~ I~IV Jl_li.~ ~i~l~~Li . JIlt., " ~~. ![r.~ ~"~~6 . ~,~~ f1~VIo! ~

- ,

t 1= .--- ?[~ s-=- be I, id "'A'-' ho . ..~" B'-' -" ~ 'd'- ~A-- ·d' . -,}- ." t '..

,it.€,m ,. "'" . ,e is,ill'', ." .. ()nr::a~:., e SBl-",n· W"Ila', lS

1 ,Atto:rdl.h~g' to L~si(n'l!J;l,· ~,AtQ;b~, so;hw'ail1o has mo[l('~ than one meani ng ~ inel udjjn:g the toUow:ing: fi) ~!O'meth~n:g similar toa small ease where, 1 l,l,ggage are 'kept;, "ii) ,~omethi:f,lg' made :ftoftl1. thr-ee 'm:" fOUJI" mds 'on, which ~,'UJgg,a,g,e C~TI ~e placed; and (iii} sCi,methhlg similsr to a shelf or pl~l on, whicJh tl:d:ng'S are pl aced.


that (thi1'1rg) on. :i:t?n Sh'e' said, "Two wings." Hie SID'd~ "A horse w'ith t~U(J wings7U She said, "Have you not beard. that (Prophet) Sula:ymin (,8o'lon(]lon) had horses with wings?"

.. A,'"i~ha~h said)

"I'hereupan the Mess:eng-er of Minh (PBUH) smiled uotil J: could s ee his: molar 'lte eth, n:~

'U H' ~ ~ '·10' " f~" D""~ '''.-l 'N'" .... fl'1iNJ .:i j; ., i, I, ..;l b

. ·';eeO,rY,Eh_~ m ,.;;ii,U n~ll, i1.:v ~~ ,aWIUUi I' .... 10,. ":J·'1100 ann ~'r;a::nSn1ll'~'.;ei.J ,y

,,,asiji in ,A.s,·Sli.j!'ta,I~~n~~KUbr&, No" lia5?,. It. is wurth, ,men'li@lrl.!l11g that it has be(9irJ ,a.utl'l~~.ticanr narrated through many 'ways and chains (D,[ transmissianthat the Messenger of Allah (F'l3UH) :f,'0l'b8Ide t( rn,akln,g 0'1' l1a.v±L1Jg) statues BLvd clra:wlLngs, (of similar :~at'tJ.].~e). Th"e~~fo1"e:, it ~$~robaJb[e 'that ftbl3' situ;at;iJI]>D. metJit.ia:rr.u~~d above) haJ,pp~ned w.h,en he had ,[~BturnH~d. f:rmn. the l{h.ayba.r battle ,EI,crmrrnilllg '00 thGl' narra till" ef Ahu Sa]aJmM on the suthori.'L;y of' Ai'islirul, and that it had taken place befo![e' :fo:rbidding ,S&f;lt&UleS a111(1,gs~ Abii HU],'aY1"a:h~, m,a.y A11ali, b!;!!p,le:a,eH~dJ 'with :him, was Qne of tlllQ5ia vrh:o narrated that the .P1'uJ,Db,et (PBUH) :[t.rbOO!!l,tllmn, and 'he C()JiJ,fe,~~ed. M'slalli ~.t 'the time ow hen KlUly"bSl~l"' was ,oonqueredJ ,610 :Jb,e, must have 'heard, (t.ho t folt'bidd~nre :rnom t;:h~ Pl;>o.pl1.€:t) after t:ha t~ and Allah. kn(P,ws best.

He (PBUH) Smiled 'wb,le'D Umm Ayman Drank His Ur-ine

~ ~1j ,~ 1 AS ;6 ~ 11 ~;-'-*".oJ- - w~t ~t ~ i ~,J~ J~ ,~td*:l~ ~~ ~ ;;',)W ~!\ J~~Ui ~,'fi ~\ rU »

- ,," ~ ~ '" I' • ~ .. ' ~.,~ 11i .,', .. :. , :. ~ N J _ t ,u~ "" .. ' .' _,'

L.Jj ~~ l' fj~JI o,j~~ ,r.T LQ ~~i ,~'i-be- !...Jljl ~:I ~ ~

1", ~ -til ;'JU.i'MI ~, 'm ~'C: :,~ /_bLid1 ~:\ t, »:J, -lj ~' ""l~;! ~~

I~~ .... ~: ,I .• ~' ~,- ill! ~ I~ L...,!

~ • • '!-" •

<<: )4;5 ~ ~~ ~1J J:i » :'L")~i « l.,j'L,.,

\ -41 » ::dli ~ o'4~'y. ~'4 ~, rI JJ,~ J~J J;l,..w,i» :dLS

~ - 1.. i

«« t~~i; O'~I ,~~t"hJ ,L!;lO,J ~ ~'~

It has been narrated that Umm Ayman, may

AII"'lb b'I"J nls ~' ~c_,.J1 -:-\V ith her ;;;:.'~ irl ._8, _ .e p .easeo \_ L ,J.!!;;;JL ~ !i:liI:iIlJ!.U),

"Once the' Prophet (PBUH) got up during the night and urinated JJn. ,9 Plot tE~'l~'y vessel placed at th B

, __ ",,~nll "', ofth c' '1--' ;1 ,,-:.;;:.; l' -" t --,-', : ,t nieht ct;',,'iI~ ""'- thi: st r 0,','--', ,SIOle. () .ne ,1.0iU . se, oil go up at .llhg ,u.. reenng .~ lrr$Y sa

I drank the (urin e-) th at was in the pottery vessel yet

I .J ',..JII ,c ot - :', _"'--'·1 .!-" ('IJ.~ ~ ;',j:' -, .•.. I .. "' .... ~ .. ) II" th :i' ----1'1".-" .. ": 'I:::; U!1U! no .. perceive .. tnat III was urmer. n e mormng

the- Prophet (PBUI..;I) said, "0 Umm .t4,yman1 pour out w,ha t is in this potte }'y »esee l. ~ I s aid, (E,y Allah,

I d - -~'1~ -- -'h- t =r-.. "- Wt-·, mh" ·~M'·'··'-· ""f'" A'-'j·l ...... t,

.. raflLh.W ! .. a ~vas U.1 :L, J.. - e,'ess-e.n:g'er 01 .... a.n

(PBUH) smiled 'until his molar teeth became visible, then he said, 'Behold! Your abdomen uiill n.ever' be

l unlit: ted' (by ,any harm) from no W' ,0 n. ~!,J:K

1 T - ,- ,- .. - ~ ',f, .'j 1k., A-' 11 L ,~, lei .... . ~,: A· ,~- ~, b "." ~ rransrmtsee U,JJ!~!L ,;;L am i3ID1u "'1-~ ,J. a. : araru

H' ,("'P'" 'B" "U'~H)" 'S'·, ... ~'II ··d b··' '. . . . ·f·-' e t. ~_ .,',-,,- l.,mll"e, __ :e,caus,'e O"_~:

,.' M'" I'··, I:', R',····· ". ·t_,,~,_, .'~" :c'. '~I t'::-h-"" D···· ,

a" an, S ,_e,BCI,IO,D 'on rne ... ·a.y

D'f:.- R, • tesu '1-1' ~'e; C:~~tl'ii!'O'D""

, '.",D- '., ,'_' .'_ .,,1, •.. ~,

~ :',I!;: ~ ~I(' I': ~. .-'" ~. ~

,:'J~ 4 -i~,t'l~, a!i!.......j ~!'~'.: '.~. ',~ », ::', ,diU I J-~~ "\ : ttj »

-~ •. ~ _ !Ii ~~ ~~ . . _ ~J U


!i ~: - ~ .Ji _.:~J:iiIiiiio. ~ iii III • - Ii - oo"!! - - !iI. . - - - J - iI

~~Y'''JJ +' ~~» =J1j« 4a,ijJJ, jiwot A.j's, lJ~.p, )}

A,'~ ~,.J':JiI,ls.J ,ls; · l,lS:J' ijs P'~ ~'''ll~ », :J¥ .« Ltj~ ,zJ.·~ « ,~'a ~'ijl .!tc:_·.J( .. ~, .. ,~~_~ ):), ~:'il.iAl t lusJ~ I~~ "ji.~:~ I~l!t. II

_ ;pi! ~ U~ ~' i;J.,~ ~ '!!' ~.' ~~

,«' '! li~,J ~ ~~j ~ Ul ». ,~J.;¥

~, J-. . " s . ,1 ~ ""'" ~- d ;~ ... ,;=o~" _:.1 J'::: \ .... "J~'r.t .. '~J ~I,J ,_' _ N'., '~ AU. ~I •• ) - ,JJ ~~ 'I~ r" '. o~'

,« <(' 1l,4~ jJ uJ: ~, p61:.~ ti

It bas been narrated that Abu Dharr ,.mi81y Allah

L. a p111i!C1i 0 o~.J 'Il:i:r~' th ill...1 'ii1In ~ '1l:lI'~' d'

IJJ~ , 'lL~',ud'uUl i,il1'ID. ua:i ~U':lJIi:", o::!C!.1L;

~~~"" M""~"'Ii5I,,,,·-,-,'~;'f' A'll,"~ (P·'B;UHi"",·',...l '~A .. ,.'eo,

.Lu8 es~el]\ger ij,' .a.u,-- c "j StllL!l!:" n man,

will be'ught, !C~,n the Dt:ty of &8ur,r~'c,tiQn and it wiU' be said, '~D,ispla--y' his lnino']'"' ,SiM' 'before him. i Then they will be' dis'Pla/J~'e'd be:fo're' him and the maioe on~"3 wi',U b,e, bidde» from him: ~I Then it' ,va.l be saidj Yv~t committed (such. atui ,lS1 uch. si ns) {.In sue h and 8 uc h days:, J' and he 'w'ilZ c(ulfllss (aU t,hat) ,w,i,thout df!J?/j'i'ng (an,:y.tkingJ :.t,et he wU'.l be aft·,atil. ,of' tl:u~ major (eins). TheJ'1, it w.ill besa id, ",G,iv.e hint a good .d8.',e!dinsi'(:.t}ul ,af


each evil one,' He if-vill' ,s,ay ~ 'I do luu)« sins that 1 (un not seeingi')"

Abu, Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him" said,

~~I did see the Messenger of AUah ("PE,UfI) :smil'in,g until his molar teeth became visible, "',2

1 l\~e~~tniqg: 'There Ellie sins, the ones that "the angeis t .. a• va, d Isolaved be C.f'IIl",;a him, T' "hiic m'~'1'" 'W,!;'Il'nt,"", b v' CO!II'!in:ll;D"' '~hilO:!:-

,[,1,1. . Il.ri I ~~ !L~~ _ Ilv ~ ~;!Il .~-~, _ __~ __ ~~ _ ~IJ. _~~ _. ~ iiil~.1' -~ _;g _ . __ ~~,

that these sins he dj~pl@yeGl too so ,that, he can be given, good deeds instead of'the'l1l".,And1 Allah knows' best (Translatl;)r.)

~ Tranamitted by Ah.m8!d in hia J.rtf''I).!JJ, and by At~!l'irmidllil wi lh a similar wording, No. 2,Ei,9fL


He (PB,UH) Smfled 'when a

W'lo"-'m' ran -- "a',s: Ke en to P·or·-Ro:-····r··m-:-:-·

.. " ... I,I_J _:, __ . ' ,'.' -._""" ('.., ,,! ':, . '."'" __ ~ ,.1: .... " ,.-,.

Pilgrrmage 'with 'Him.

- J'L -: " .' '~ .. : J" .. I '-'11'! 'f a- f ".. ~ l. - ,!.:1 '.' J:I::'

;:._,~-I « .~, "~I~' 7'''. ,~ I...!:i ~,~~ W' ~JA' ~J-' », : ,il,!:l

:1.iIl ill J!_ ~ (' I"! 1li1f -, iii Ii: ., [ !iI!! . 'I~ " - ", ~,. _ ~ :oPI,iiI: ,

:, ~ .• ..&.4 .d ?;-" . IIJaij I_,~, ~1 'IlA 1U..3t;~ II!. .IllJ .~ • i!I , ... ~-,- •• ~ ,...J.;a ~~ .A\ »,

.~ l~ [ii 1'-'.--- ~ -~,~' -- .. l~ ~J '!!l='r-- - _J-J

... 4 ,~,II ,~:~-. , .. _.i

..... ·Ur~J.,~

I h 'l\.. d that lIb' '"A"'b-b"'';;' <- ....

. 1 t .1 -, as Ue·en n.arr atad ·t, 8 n,,:, as',1 may

Allah be pleased withhim .. said,

KThle 'Messenger of Allah (PH'UR) (declared that he) wanted to g-o 011, pllgrimage (HqiD so a woman


said to her husband, urake me to perform pilgrimage with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)~'~ He said, 'I do

t h (' t) t" t- k ' fj'" - '] - -~ '" , ,- , )

,--' , '," ',' " -",,' "" - '''' " , ,'" , 'I " " ,

.no. a v,s ra mo un " -0 I a", ,e' you ,(I'I IH grnnage en,

She said, 'So take me for pilgrimage on your watercarrying camel.' 'He said, "This is (a camel) that your son and I alternately ride.' She said, "Then take me for pilgrimage (In your' such and such camel. ~ Hie said, ~,[t "', ~" fin d (a " ,-".lJi,', rent) "-, ths "" ,--, af

, , IS cIOn ue I, as an enu,owmen" In L- ,(2: cause 10 I

i\ ~'I' h 'l' ,s" he -," :·d' '''8:''1-],,' -, ,,', al ,',' - ='l!, tes ~ H:'" ,," '," id

,aw. .a,. '," e sal!.",,~ ", -0 se, your p.a nl~LIla 'e.s,. ,>8 sa] ,,~

"This is both my and your food. "When the Prophet

(PBUH') b k f M- kk all (M ) h '

" .' ,. ~. • • _ • • , • .' '_ •••• ,' , ,. " •• '_" • _ 1

" ", : '. '.. • _ .' :: ", .' _ 1. r" "I ~ .. I :- I I "":..,': . r' I

, .1 .• • .• .. t~lC. ,rom .. ,3·.· .. , . ,eCica·" S I ,13 sent

her husband to him and said, 'Convey to the Messenger of Allah (,PBUH} :my salam] and. ask him, abou tw ha t wou ld 'be equivalent to performing pilgrimage with him.' Her husband went to the Prophet (P'B,UH) and said, '10 M,essen"g'er of An8Lh!, my woman (wife) sends you her salem and rahmatulldh2:. She' to-ld me to take her- for pilgrimage 'with, you and I told her that I did nat have (a mount), Then. she told me to take her for pilgrimage om such and such camel of mioe but] 'told her it was confined. (as an endowment) in the cause of Allah.' The Prophet -( PBUH') said, ":H ad yo u taken her- for" .p Ug rimage, that

, '

uiould ha ue bee n in the clause of Allah (as uiell) ~ "

'H'I- (th - , , - ').. . · . ·..!II 'T'h·· D- - h '. t" (P' 'BU" 'H' ) . ~1·1 ed ---

~ -e .... 18' luan I saluj . e' If .I. op .1 e - _ .. "~ sm)1 lei __ as

he was astonished at 'her keenness to perform , ·1 ,; ~ .. ,:'. ("" ',,,"1-, 'h"', "'I') , 'H' ','n id (to the JP --',' : ,'h,' et ~ ~S'",'h· , pLgn:m,a,ge wrenrum . rie sate __ .l.€ ,rop" .e J:" ,e

] Meaning the Islamic salutation known as ~~A8'~Saldm,u 'Alayk unl wa Ra!ArrwJnAld!t (AUSih"s peace and m,eu·C'.y be upon you)", (Translator)

2 It is- included. in~ the :S~(!)QI!ld part ef the Islamic salutation men tinned in the previous "footnote. (Tr,8ms~,a_'bor)



L_ .. _

also told me to ask you about what is equivalent to perform_'~g' pilgrimage with 1'OU.''I Hs (PBUH) said, ~ ~Ccnue.y to he]' my s.f_d'Ci, m. and rahrnatu,-,l'ldh and that I;


perfo,rming' minor p:il'gril1lag.(f.~ CUmrah) in. (the' month. ~

of) R'tlmcu;;ldn rs equo: l, to' pe.rfnrnling pilgrima,ge

rj'tit::'h;~ :tN_a ,i'J'J

![r\r.i'!.iLr. ". ,";Irl~~~

1. Transmitted 'by A]j,~H:5.k:im, :m Al·,MlAst'(1,d.'r(j.Je:~ and by Ibn K]ti:,~za:ymah and o,t]],e:rs.


He (P'8'UH) Smiled at ,3 C,

of: IS":"":-'-h""a"'Y"'b-"

, (u .',:.' .

. ____:. I .:

"'J·i::: .. , ... ::"'1. ','. I,'U, <, ," I,

"'" .. !.:j ~ ~ ~! ~"m.), ,_ ~ .. J~ LJiI I. + ';!i@! ~, ~

t''', ],j;il! ~'.) .~ J£~ ~Jl ~ .... ,=;~sJt~, • .ili\ J~J ~ ~.J! ~~

:: t".1 !"Qs fi( ~' ~.J ~J j~~1 JS,~:i ,», : JWI ~:,J '~ \r~ s ,p\ JIS'

",~hiit.;." 91 », :'lJU « .l......AJ ''4 u4 C:';=> .-mJ~ ~t ,wr]c. I~l W! »

~< <:( ii, ~I d~,_),

It has been, narrated that Suhayb Ibn Binin!l 'may Allah be pleased with Irirn, said,

'~J came upon the M!esse:ng',er of Allah (P:B:UH) emigrating (to Madinah [l\!;I'edinaJj) when he was ,emti:ng dates, so I started to aat dates (with him), I had sore !eyle~ (a.'t t,h,a;t time), so he ,(PBUHJ said, 'Do ,,YDU 8',at dates w'liilrl: hafn!rt:g SOJ"e ey€'s'?" I said" ",Ac'tu,a]ly I am eating with :m,y sound part w hieh has '-:-liI'li sorel' So th ,"'" M·,· ·e:Q'!Il!8,Y"II:cFi.p;r' ;(1I;'f- ,;!j;'~il"""'IL (P B··',U,·". H: I'~I 'E!:m-I!'~I,od;':' _'!Hl

,fiu !Q!. r· ,! ..... "'"' "II;< ,...... Q Q_ JI..JL,!::,I "", '4!'...t.'1JII i;.U.l.· . "'" ~ i>:I!. u~. ."


jl~ ,- -'~ ~II~. ii Ui \;\. . wD ,:\0 _., .. ~_ (" ,ii, I ~~, ,r,; ~ • .. ' " riO. '\ ....

~ ~,Jil' ,~~' ~U I;' ~'. - ,- ~, r-~ ~ ~,J! ~. 1.;1...,g ~' 'L W~,~ t \-4 ri

~lA !J~ ~_'e:.,Jr~ ~'f;1:%~~ ,~I '~PJtJ ~~,)i ,J!l,~Jl:J' ~il .. « ~ ~i+¢!bYjl~; fo Jl, ,~,~ f: ~'Jl~~ ~, ~,~,~ U;,l;;,,,,.'!,l!

,~,t" vj~" ~ ,~} ), ::J~, ~ ;1, ~ ~! J~,.J' J.1"(;''''y'La», ::~U

.« ~ ~.FJ ~i

- '~

- ~-

It has been narrated that "A'ishah, may Allah

be; pleased with her, said,

~~I heard the Messenger of Allah (PB:UH) saying, '01 Allah! 1 ask, 'You ulit.h. -:Y;Oiut' Name ,~ulJ"ich is pure, good~ ansi bleseed, w 11, ieh. is i lift dearest (Name) to


v., .- ' d '0'-'- "I'~' -~JiL;; •.. f" ',~, "-}: lJ."" '.-.' i-",· . d'~ t ..... ,j:'--:,,- -f"I;'j,iI"fIl,J:,~'.FfI,'Ji'Ii LOU:, an· ,)I VjI;;l.l.ule o W{;f;.~C'1, .IOU· respot: .-v itnUIliJ~'Y;~;''''!V,r;!;<

if' Ycn:t (lr~ inuoked w~;th ,it, give (t,hn~'e toh» ask ¥:'o u fvr thJ/1.rgs~ ,if' You ane asked wttJt it, have ,m~r-G;Y' (~PtJ.n those who ask You for nU~Fcy) if Yo,u, are as'}u~d far rnercy with. it, and drioe cu.vay (worries'~ I1ri~t, eic.) -f "(,r' ~' . d ,f:,'. :L, . . - h' ,. n)

iiYo« a,r-e aSlle: tor bit-at witt, it."

Sh 11 id

he a.~80 s ai '. ,,~

_ _" I!io __

~~ And onee he said, '0 "A'iska h, do yo U' k.1W:W' that

Allah has guided. rite 'to the Name w:ith u} hich. H(E ,re,sptJnas to iJ'u)'Qc.atiO'nif He is inv(Jiee,d Iwitlt i,i"?~ I said, 'O Messenger of Allah-I ransom you withmy farther and 'my m@the'[~R.e:t me 'know it.,' He said, ~yO'u sltou.ld n~o.t (k-no ~U) it, 0' ~A ~islial1,,·~ So ~ I stepped astde and sat fbt, an hour (i.e., ftJf some time) then stood up and. 'turned his head. around, then. I said" ~O :Mes;senger; of .An~l~~ 1,IOi·t-:· n.110 know it ~ H~: D II;1!'!1lIl".::ii_ '~D:··U.· !r;J}"JiII'l,U .. l"d< not

. _ ,t.'U,IliQl!h,:~, .,.;;.. "'"' ,lUJl.u, .• , ,..., IiJ.IQ"~ Ii. ,I .' ":>_II)'I!J ._. '. !J

(know) it (llO:~ri' shouid I) le:t you krww it: (Al.5'o,,) Yl)U should not as/k lor' anyth:~n;g' related t,O worldly life

" .. :"~'}-':I'·~1< T-'-1i.. .-,1.':. ,', ] _ .. ,....4':., . ' ... ~I abl 'I't···· .. i·, '1""1. ;;/-:

W t.~,: t h,; -. nererore, - perrorm ea ,a, .'. U ion men

performed tw D rak \ ahs (nni ts of prr aye r ) then a aid jl ·'0 ,An3~hl 1: invoke You. as the All-Merciful, ] invoke You as ,At r Barr (the Most Subtle", Kind, C ourteous, and Generous) and tbe Eve;r' Merciful, and I '. nvoka You 'with all Your Most Beantiful N ames, including what I know of them and what I do not know J to

,t",;.,. -mv~ m ...... and have m erev unen me!' 'I'he 'VlIfii':l,,~~,iI"l,'liI\O"IAr J~rr;Ei:"'" ~ •.• _,~~, . ia:, "'"" . - - ~,J . ~iu., -. c;; ~ ,''!U .L\i'lL'!tob ;i,06l1.J.,o~,

of Allah (PiBUH) smiled then said, 'It is ,one af the Names writh which ,"OU hau€' (just) innoked (AUa"h).,;iii'l

'I I·T·· .'.,. ~ . rit ....... .::il 'i!..., 1Ij'b·'· M' '," :'.,' h ~1'-, "JillA;i]; , ,r,Si.n~mJ_L'!O:'u. ,I!JY JI!,ln ._ )8J ffi ·'~I A'll 0, !LJ ",'''I:O!


He (PB,UH) Smiled because of Nu' a:y,man and S'uw'aybi_t

~ -

~I LjJ~JI u~ 4~~J t5~j ~~ ',,»ti! t!~, p,! ~i; Lil »1

::IJI -A$ iJl,~~ ~,~~jijJrll ~,k~~~ uts.J ~'.J~ w;JllSJ ~~,

~ - ~, ~ ~

~,J u~ ULSJ'« fo. ..HI ~L ~, ,'Y » :dlli « - '\1",~1 )~

'~,~~ \,. I, - ":' "',., '- ,", " "i~-'- - :".,.~-,;", "__:. r. ,'~ .. _ "

'~~I i~, ~1J11 ~~ ~.Ja, ,« L,".li;,J":~ » ::J.ti9 "b~,y \Sl~

~ F' 111 -

::,Jj! ~,IJ ~!J! ,iJU J~ JJA-J 'tA ,JUI ~Ifo ~~~~i{\ i ,ye l:i:i », ~ JIli9I

"« I~' I~' i,_'-)4.,fr.; '~ ~~J!~] '~,JIW ,r~i)Q u~ F LJ1 ~1J I~~'J=~' ~ ~u I~ .«~u ~ ~~~ ~'~ ~ », ,::i)W,

-I - '1' ·~1~.'= ~-I ,,'~ ,,- ! ,. '- ,_,('ij " -;';;U Jil:l:, ,~, 'II . t::::,,.., , __ ~~i -

~ Iyw; r~1 ~'~ ~,«!,~, ,.y\ ~.JSj> ::r.F' ,I~ ~' ~ ~ ,r-F4

I, J~ '=:.:.:. ~:- ~ .• ~ "1,;:"' " , Ji,':::-; btL, ... "'I .,-

::u';'~ '~.J "s" ~J w1 ~"."l~, .!P » '~~~I ,.,-~ I~(\~~\~ J.i11 ),

,,,\4,~ 1!~,:~ ~ '4~~'y~_; u.A JpJ~ !~,'p~'j« ~~ u~'~ ~I »,

,t. '~', ~ ,'. 1.' •

ul'J~'iJ ~~~ iJ~,~ 'w ybiU~'~j _P, ~jj ~l.! fo. ..:f.I1

,,« '~' ~ '~lA.::w~i ,a, ~, ',' "~-~+~J1"t~AI ,jjl'fAi

,......,-.~, _;. ~ ~ ._1

It has been, narrated on the authority of 'U mm

S-- '-: 1 ' -, - " h· ..- .. -- .. ,i\'m • ih b '.-' '-,·1', '''-- '. ed .. Y'I~""" h ,I --~ (th = ·'t'ril a I amar j may ClJIiJ.,E( '. .,B P I ease ~. W] 1~J"t '_ ,er:).I. ,a)

,Abu, Bakr went out on a businese journey to ,Bu~r,§, accempanied by Nu' ayrnm] and S'uw'8{ybit Ibn ,HaI1Jla1~hjl and both of them witnessed the, battle of Badr, Suw',aybit '~V·;tU}· in. charge of provisions, so Nu' ayman carne tel 111m, ,~1]1d, said ~I "Feed :mI8'+"' He said ~ "No, until .Abll, E,~lIT comes (back)," N'u"aym}~ln was a humorousman 0,( ,:~f~ and a sense elf humor, s 0 he


S81fd (to him), ~I 'w:UI surely enrage. you." Then he went to a. group of people who 'bad brought camels specifie d for riding, He said to them, "Purchase from me' an. active Arab bid" H"8 is talkative and. thus he mav claim that he is free; so if you (intend to) let him do that, then Ieave me alone and. do not eause me ·to lose my lad." Th,ey said, u:N,o) we buy him f110m you. for 'ten qal'd'tf! (young she-camels)." Thus, he (Nu.",8[ came driving' them. ('tbe camels) and accompanied (those) people: until he' chained (the camels) ... After tbat he said. to them, "This is (ili:B lad). You can take him. ~ So, th,ey came and said (to Suw'ayb:it)~ ~W'e have bought YOf![L~l' .suw·aybilt said, "He 'b; a liar! I am a free manl" They said, "He has informed us (all) about your (I.'l8a,eti().n 'befbrehan.d.)~n Then. they placed a rope around his neck. and 'went (l\iVay with him, V{hSIU .Abu. Bah cam.€: (back) he was told (about that) .. Th. ere fore, l1.€ Wiant (to thO::H3J people) in 'the eompany of some of his fellowmen, returned the young she .. camels, and. took him (baclt)~ The:

Prophet (P!BUH) and hie Com .. panions (us:eOJ, to) smime. because of that· (:stoIY) for a year (i.e ... " fo.:r along time).,-


H-· '. (':'P""B'IU'H' 'J' S:·· ... !!!1·1····d·b··· .' .'. f

, e' .... '. :"': .. 11 ~···m.le..leca·.u,se o·

A- b "'. A· i. - . Ii!; h- AI" An A, ......

, ." .. U ·:·-,··Y···'y.U. 1 . .' .. 1 c," '" '-.'," ." .... S; 8,-·r. 1:-.

_. - .- 1_ > ,> . - -. " ...",;" -' . - .'

-" ,,'

:t;JIJ ~ ,OUC. .A'I "~J' ._, ~'i.J 'U)h "....:iill ,',~

~-- ~~~. ~.

-.,' ~. -

It has 'been narrated tba.tAbii Hurayrah, It!61.y jIij. llah 't.::a, uleased W", ~·t' h him Ifj'~ ~.fl

~i!..~ . _ '_ !U!IQ' t"",:ll ~ iWl,l!;;l' .•.. '. ... ". '.. IoU., I ,. iIiJ !!;.t.illlllJl. ~

t~<At the' night) when the Messenger of' ADab

(-pc'B-""UH:"':'" '1':;-. ~·'··'---~·:-·'~~·'-;-It·-J' ·-c·.- .-.: •. -,,~- ...• .j.,'Il 'S'-,,,,,,II'!:" ,·.···h···· " .. -,_-

- .... j. consum:rIlai .. Bu mlal'I''lIl~ge WIllWll ~Jl!l1YYa=.'l~, ma.y

Allah be pleased 'with her, Abii .Ayyub (M=An§arl) spent the night at the d·OIOT of th,.e Prophet (PBUH) ..

I 'the . ',' ... : ',' C.:;·i ~. _. he a id ,~: .. AI. ~ ~!~ ;~I' .- . ,~,:t. .-', ~ (Ale.-'. Ish ", ':Ii'~. .

n. ... e morrung, ... e sarc if1Ltf/Ua7 ~. :c~lll~. 1.6 'u,~e·

G· ',"" . -' '.'£'."'" t')~ (. '1' I'~' .... ·f·' i, ". ') .'. . '. ~'.UJ...· M'·, " .. - - .,.' .-."- 'f:'

" :. rea IJ~IS, _ '. ··OULr or JOY:· on s e.~mg WLl}8i .'" etSS engel" Oi

AI'll h (PB" 'U' H" 'I; A" "b'" A: ... b 'I d d ith hi

J,a~=. -I' s= J+. ~'; U ~.y:yu_ aa a swor witn 11m

rd· '; .. r ··t-·l, ... ·t time) ·H···, ~,J '0 1 M:"--' ,.-., .... , '~, . "f'" A"'"11' . he ..

~'_ U.f'tllg ,,[1£L clUle}.. i e 1!i3I,S,lCtjl :_ ,,_€5:s,e.nger (I,. ·s "~

this (Safiyyab)irs CJl girl who has been wed ded

. . . . : .... .j,. ~I ... ~ . ..JI .... . k · n'" .. .J h' ,f: '~h· . '. '~i...'-"" ,~!,~! .. ' . . . - d-

reC.e:n.bJllJr ;, anu. you ,.1..IEl l:I!.. :' .ex .I!.,!>-) ":Ei:t" ul. 0 "",,~r}.ler ~ iflll. '.

husband, ~,O I was not, sure' .y·OU would be' safe with her.' The' Messenger' o.f Allah (PBUH) smiled and said to him" '''(Tl",a,t' is) gCJQd~ in~l

l 'T'" . -." :' 't'ij.;· ..... ...l b"'- j' Iii'l '~1i'1 ~~lr- -.' 'N' - 1i!':l"ICli;~ 1

[fi;j1JltSOl.l_LieYj a .. =!!;~ 1[J]t'iL, .. .'~}, 101100 .. ,

HI- '(---'P--B'''U' "0: :)""1 Smiled ", rh - ",' Safin ah~ ,"

e , __ , ,- ~, /- -- -,,_ml- e. W "en, a_I -' _ ,--

Dr-arrk His 'Bloo!d

~Jtj - ~, ~,~ ,~J '= ~."i,)i,,,g! c= .)~Jal'J' ~I JJl~ ~ ~J'li rJJI i, ~ ,~,» :;,Jij'~ 'f.?~\ r~3;\»

« (,)"I'~~jjnJ

It has been narrated that S,aftnah~m,a'y Allah be pleased wi th him, said,

"The 'Prophet (PB,UH) applied cupping and said, 'Take this blood and bury it (to ,keep i:t away) {rom beasts, birds, and people",' I stayed a,way (for' a whims) and drank it then, mentioned that rto him (PBUH) and he smiled. ~~]

:~ Transmitted by A~,~.T.a.baran.i1 an.d. AJ-]3,aJ.~a_l' as mentioned 'in A]l-Iaytllia.mrs. Ma-jnu)'." ~'-Z'nwrl~fd~



::,Jj ~ ~~l I', -.oS, ~".J: ~ d;$.e:. .' ~[~ : ~~!"~,l~ Juc J'G

~~_ ,,. ~ ~~'-J ., ~

lA.J1 H.~.l,4l41 b::uti u'~l! M ~~ J~J ~~ ~!j' ~I (",)ilb"~'i » I)l_~ ~ U'N~'_ ~fo W ,,~, ~[ ~_) ~ ~} ~l <[J~t~]! ~

" '_ ~_ ~

J ~ ,,~ L», ,: ~ JjU Jw ~ ,~~!]c lil$._J ~_)_:' ~." '~, t:wl ~t i~1.:Jl ,.,j

,~' J ,,.. " ." - ,. , '_ !!...r. ." .'. 1;;,# ~

: Jli ~ ,5L"HA. i), : JU\ , « ~~ wt~ r~W~ i Sr~ 4.,~) w1L ~] ~ I

,~ If i~i'! u~ ? ,;;;'14~:-'! ~ UA ,J.l-;';~ ~~ ~" tS~Q.'lw=l ,JUi' »


" ~ t,_ ~ .' ~ _ ." ~ Ii _ , -.. 1[ , .',_, ,j, ,_

/'\......6~ oiIl i 4[ HFL! ~ !o..Ii..iJI ' +v~ tibiA ,~~-l~ ,,;:,_,~ J Ili! ~ ~ ~'~, ~;

~-I~~ .I,II!I' :!!'!'5. ~~. .... ~ ,~ . .;!I;t;

._. i:: ill _ _. Ji" _ .'_ .., _

i~J ~~ be, dll dJJ ~'4. \~u ;D,~ ~,J~ ~.JII ~, k;.J


« « ,LI~! f'.~i ,~~' ~~ 4#J ;~ ~:i!i:·;Li

It has been narrated. that "Abdur .. Rahman Ibn i\bo. ';' Aqil ~ may Allah be pleased with him, said,

~'I went to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in the company of a delegation. We, dismounted at (his) door while feeHng no more hatred tow Bird a man 'than that which we had toward (that) man we Wier's (about to enter) upon (i.e., the Prophet), and when we' [ef't, Vile' had felt no more love, for a m,8..'O than. that which 'tie had. for' (that) man (whose house) we had left H.e,,~ the Prophet). One' of us said, '[0 Messenger of Allah " why do you not ask Y@Ulri" Lord for a kingdom like 'that of (Prophet) Sulayman (So~omonJ?~' He (PBUH)


.' '0'; led ,t"b -' ,-,,".J' '~'n·,_,:r;.- '-<." ii:- .... _,.,:.:--. ~-:--- l~,- -~.;- "--,

.sm___:_,e _. c __ , en smu .. " .r~.rf"aps YOtl1 c,o.mpan;~on ~.nleanr,n.g

kimfN~II) IUlv:e (s(nneth,ing) Iw,Uh Allalt t'J;) ,is better than .Sllla,yman lS hln.g:ct(J'n.VerilY'~ Allah did not' send a Pn:rpnet (as' a .Mes-sengerU)peop,le~ except UJU/t an

;'n~'Apn,j!,;f!i'~'I 1'-1.""1 Jjll,,·[f,.·;.roh ':r:,,:ilJ· WFrI,:I'.j' J'd" '1"i~'iS'n"""~id' -' :JI'"i""J~;t;'~:~ 110")7,\,) ,. I:i~:.: ~v~u,,",~I,{~ 'I '"U W,-tl~!b-':'" ,L),& ".: 'O~~~.I_:·. ,~' ~ayui~ .. ,1 ~uat,._' .• ~'UE,Lj"._·I.

one ofthem. toould U,SB' it to ask for 007n£ worldly thing and' he. W'CiS aranted that and sanme D,ther one toould

- - -. . . . . - c - . -_. . J" .- '~I-' - . . .. . . ,... -

use it to (lJl'ahJ ,again-s'.t. his' people. tohen. .th.~y

d; "',.-; 1.',<5)- ted '., h. ;"1I"'ii'51 ,~"" c;;' 7~,<!:Ioy W· ot'l'.i ro' J 07 stroved rt ~ a" ''1'"-£)1 ~'r'l :lJ of ;.". ,~~VU~_~.· ~ ~" ,', _,~._'i!'-~ ~IW! 1~1:f:.-'r;.,J' ' __ "!I;"" ~ W~·Q'~f.· vj·. lb Y"Q :". ~. b;.QII:.t![.t~ v:.-', ,,~'"

Sur:e~y; .Allah has' gran,ted }ne' an ,inu'ocution, (Uka them), b ut I hane IUBpt it w'ith my Lord' as ra. way to

.", ,f, L, ';0 ~ .:t.+"~ ~,4'-: .·c, __ "'. '-.- .$n, -,- #~.,. ~,L ... ' t, -". ,r·r... '.' h

ge·.~, tne 1 ,~g,~~ OJ) ~1l"eree,S5l0n t or tne sane 0" m.y un'una..

(foUo,wers) G'no the Day of'.Re·'C',tion,. "~l


He (P'BUD) Smfled 'w,hen, Jab'j,r

Pl-!iiid' 'B"'- ek m 'F,j"t'-'h'---'" n-"'bt"

1-,81" -"ac:,-- ,_: "IS, _,- 3.: I ersl,e_ J_

'J-~': 1 ' ,"- :<f'1 ,; _"'-I, ,,-" II •

; ,~, = "'8-1'::" ,iI!.:Ll .,~ ~ ~ ,;:iJl;11 .:l..:u:;, "b!, ~~; ~

.. .' ~J • ~~"' I~·

ff - . .

It, has been narrated that J,a,bir' Ibn "'AbduUiib, may Allah be pleased with. him, said,

'~'M:y father died when he was in debt. 1 told, his ,eT',sdi tors to take the dates (of my garden) in lieu of t]:U3 debt of IDy father, but they 'refused. that, thinking that it would not be enough for covering the, debt SOi' ill. w'en'~ to the Prophet (PBUH) and told, him about it. lie said (tome ),' 'Whe It yQiU pluck the dates and collect them in the mirbad a.e., a place where dates are dried), call nHL' ~,en I plucked this dates I put them in the lni1"b'(jd,) then, I went to the Messenger of ,.A]ID,ah



(PB_::·-:T liT.:n r.c, .• d ~"-jl.;:al ll"i-~C " b {" I't tl "'. ·t'_·) 'if~'. ~fiOU, 'H"'" '.".' ' ,,',' , '_ U J.--:l} ~ an, _: , LOU.J], Ll~m a· .. 0 u· . la1 ... ,:" rJL~ ~,r.EJ'·., _ . ',_ ;. came

aceempanied by ,Abu Bakr and "Urnar, and he sat OEl (i.e., beside) the dates and fnvoked Albih no bles a

(,tIL 'Ii mL· "lb.. f'P'B'U"H" .). id '1"1 '1:1 ~",

I,' l:iJ9m,J.J,:llL.€:n ne l.', :,1. '- ssna, -va,~~ ,yo,ur' creditor»

and jgiu,l3 them. ,th" in. fulL ~I I paid ,all. :m.y

..' - - - jj!') T] - ( f

father's c~edi.tors: run ful . yet thirteen extra was'q's,l '. '0

.JI,--; t .-. ''IJ, ,- - .. _- ,." .. , --d" ,,, ... , .. ' .... . _-f:',- ,-.1l,.." , h ,,.- "- "aiuia! l·,· k ", ;- 'd~"

U.a_ eSJremalne, . ~ ~,even 0, w lIIlJlC __ '_. were: ,ClJ,wa "2: \.a, - It1.

of M.adtl1.ah~s dlatelS) 8!'l],d], six were l'atvn (mixed kinds of dates); I met 'the: Messenger of Allah (PBDH) at sunset and informed 11m1, about it, lie, (PB,Uli)

,-- .' ~'I'-- d' '," -' d' -, - / ~ ,1,,£"1'.... 'If . .-,Ii ~ t:, B·~" >~ : I . - -, d.,' ~ :U' '-·1- . - ,-.;'I'

SlDI.e·- ,1.11_. sam, u-v' ,,0 ,~.u,~~, .' .1Q.ltr a~t, mar ,anY.

;te'U them. ab,ou:f ,it/ I 'went to them and, told them

e ah ..... ut it " and ,'_'jI..'D'l1· ~'~I~:..l ''titrn.. en 't'~~il M'I '~C1J""J:I;'III'l,a~'F" l'III'f-

\'iC.,.,.I,V' '!l _- "') aJIluL,._ IWJll~lil ~~Jl:.I~~ Y,'ll ~- I., ._.~.I;;,G ,.l':r ~~I~~',~,al)o~·'.L U

AI'~·· h (-p' B:UH' " d ,~..-ai ,- c :h-' ,t -h' ,_j'~:...:lI' =,. . .. ..-. '~' , ed ·j,,'h, ·t' " .. Jll~L.. . .. ", '., _-" ,~.J .]u W' I' ! ~l _: e' UUJ,.~ w IE!: pe'lrIClB:IVI~ ,.I!> .. !B;'

tha·t waa goin,g to halPpen,,;~2


'H--'--'" ("-P,i'B-'U'-'-'H")' So': ,'I!i~ d b' " '- .' ., f

c 1_; -«3 ',- - - _ ....•. '.,", ~ I _. ':mlJl,e'_c. ecaus,e 0 -.-

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~ .


It }',8.9 been narrated that .. Aji~l~ah" may Allah be pleased with him .. ~ said,

"Sahlah Bint Suha.yl eame (to the Prophet) and said, ";0' Messenger of Allah, I observe something (i.e. j' change) on the face of Abu Hudl'l,s,:yfa,h (bel" husband) because of Salim'lis entering' upon. me.' H@ (PB,UH) said, ~, him:' She said, 'HOfl;Y' ean I suckle him

t ;'-1 ·h· '~ ... ," C- t) '?tJ 0 h "'h

woL,e_e ]5- ,8. :~lg_'ma;: urn ma..]l:._D that ';~~.,e

Messenger of Allah (PBUH) smib;~d and. said, 'Do I no:t l~n,cuJJ thal he.' isa b';i,g' (grou.nt) m~n,?·j· (Later on) she C,sUDA3 and said, ~J[ do not see ,~.niythinl' dishkeable O':Il. Ab·u. Hudb.ayfa11' s face (anymore) ~ =i

S'~>~;II-]l~m- -- m I e1,(r"' AI' -·--'-l,(!j·-h- he P leased 'W" ·I· .. :th: 111·'m w· '~Ci1 ~ ~

_. w - - l! .~ U'.i .' - 01., , ·c -p .: '!Li,~O~_ _ - __ -_ _ _- __ --'_) __ ' ~J~ ~

freed slave (mawt·&) of .Abu rlu.Ciha.yfah I1Jln "Utbah Ibn ah Ibn "Ahd Shams, Ibn "AbdManaf:He belonged to Q,tlr8iy~,h and was a virtuous and. prominent 'Companion .. He was also counted as one of the Muh~j ~-r.iin (emigrants to .Madi:na.h.) because when his mistress ,_ Abu. Hudhayfah .. s wife -emancipated him, Abu Hudhayfah 'took care of him and adopted. him - 'before prohibiting ad. op ti. on .. ~ and that is why he \V,as r!~gsrrded. as one of the :M:uhijirul1.~ However, he is also counted a~mo:ng Bamr "Ubayd as one of the Ansa.r (Helpers of Mad~ll1aJ~) because heJ was emancipated by his i:Ans,8Lt~;" mistress .Abu .lIudhayfah' s wi fa .:2

(~S;iliul!~ the freed. sl ave of ,Abu, ]-Iudh.ayfah.,~ used to lead the 'ea.·rly MUb.ijirun and. the Companione of the



. I

, I

Prophet (PBUH) (in prayer) in the mesque of Quba' ~

. _

and those include d Abu. Bakr, "Umar, Abu Salamah,

Z .JII' d .. Am"', ." Jbr Ra'" - .II!......... h ,~, _ay~, an:: " ", "]r' " n ','IIIJI1l ,raL'. ~

And" it has been narra ted that the' Messenger of Allah (PB,U.H) said. about him,

""R'·' tecite the Q;-" :~·j"r~'~ ~"'II (i.». - lear :1'1 }-~'o-;"W-"'I :1'0,: ~"';tl!,.if;vf:,i:Li it) 4~·t"ICl

_ ~~I;-I~.. _ J'f:Jf;i _._.u;. lJ&1·~ ',r}'.~~"'1 . ~!bII;I. if,,".~ ~ ~.- Ilf ~~~~!t"r ~_. I"· VI tt 110

(the .follo.w,in-g) four (!!).~ Ibn, Umm Ma~bad, Ubayy Ibn KG.' b, SlJlint the treed slaoe of Aba

H J ,L -t!.:t, .. ,..J M ~ .... ,..JI:~ Tl. J' l. J' ~m,

~Urj.{l.aYJali, ana '.1:, 'aun ,""tnt ,aU(l[~,.-~

He (PBU:H) also said,

"Thls is, ,Slilinl) the freed rslavle' ,of Ab u H udhayfah; Praise be to- Allah. Who has made in. my Ummah. (a perso n) like: this. ;'a,

Someone may wonder: how can a biz man be

• I~-

suckled [and is this permiasible in principle? The

answer to this question can be provided ~by the' following narration which has been recorded by

Ib H' '·b'b.... " hi S h""h

~ m ::It ,.' oan in r Is '~a-,l'.'~ :

~ _- ,~ ......

It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Shihab that he was 8 ske d, about (th,e ,shar'£ ruling concerning) suckhng a b~,g man and he aaid, ~!'-U'nvah Ibnuz-Zuhayr told IDe that Aha _H,udhayfah Ibn "Utbah Ibn. Rabf ah >- one of the Companions ofthe Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and one of those who witnessed the- ba ttle of Badr ~ adopted Silim. w ho was caned "Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudhavfah."

- ti-l ,.

1 Tr.a:r~sro.iUed bYl~l-BlLlkh§t:rt"l on 'the authority of Ibn "Umar, i 'Pransmi Ued ~Y' Ibn. Hib bin.

:.1- ,A p.axt ofa !;u:u:1lt1t 'tT',BJJnSmit~6d, by ihl-H~kirl'L


just as the Messenger of' Allah (p'Blm) 'had adopted,

'Z- 'a' "Y' 'd-I '1n.., - - 'n··_.., -- ~ ·'t· hah A' . b ," i".JT: . ..1'1., . 'ii-'+: ... ru.. ' ,-, - ',~_.JI •

,.':___, __ r . _' ,JIl.Un , 'i' ,,' .. U .!! UmLilJ" ,l,in,w,l u:m lrJOU m,

wedlock. Salim, - whom he was treating as his own. ,BOn. - and his niece ,Fi!im,ah, 'Bint ,A]-,Waud. Ibn "Uthah Ibn,;a]l. Sh"e was Ehren one of the female

M b"'i~ ..... d th b t . '1 -h

'U . aJ!l1.ron .a.n,~_ ae _es;'_ sing '13, woman among the Then Allah revealed the following verse

,. 'Z" d 'rill.. . H- ""tLab ""C"" n' . z.; . ,( d d

concernmg ': ay I:. .!l,uD. --,=~.n,_u, __ I :" '~' tau t (!I.e',m ~ ,a ... ~ 'opte '.'

sons) by (the name;,3 of) their that is morejust w'it'h Au'ah. BUJlf you ,k ItO W not tMi.;r-la't}Ler'~s (names, call them) your brothers in fai:tlt and Maw.d:ltkum,

r. ,,·t'- 'd' J c ' . .1, ~ (. Q' '- - ,- "'A,or; AI' -, ,A, '1, ""b·' 5-' )' 'Th - .. ,G

I~your I re'€'_ Staves). ,i ,i T:}ur a.t£~., . :-fill,za ,;' . , ,;ere:[or-e~

-I' -h d d t d 11 d hi b

•.• ". -. - 1 .... 1" '", " I.',: ," 1""",. ,': "\1',' .~,,:. .- ,- r" - -_. . 'I ._ - .' .',-, . -. . "

every one W,~)O' a a! ·, a! person C8,." eo, " un y

(the name of) his father, and if his father W'(l,S 'not known he would be called bY' (-the name ,af) 'his m,f)SOOT' (whcemaneipated bim), Sahlah Bint Suhayl -Abu, 'H:udh.ayfah:'s wife! who. was from Ba-nn, ,Wr Ibn Lu'ayy - came '00 the Messenger of Allah (P'BUH) and said, ''10 :M,e~tseng,e;r of Allah; we used. to. coneider

,8>"''1;-, ' ", ..... ' and th '-' ,I' ". h,' i . '!~ 'lid'- .' ,,"j" 't- '- "-,,~ .- " .. ", ,c. i":

,aLllm a :s on an - . _ . ,:illS .. e WOtu _ en ,_ e:r upon. ,me

(without embarrassment). We. do not have except one t, h .1 • his t ,. th neuse, so 'W I at do yon see concerndng hiarstay witn

US)'?i Th,e M"e:ssJenger of' Allah (PBUH) said, ~Suf.:kle him. (i:u1e times and newUZ be ,pro,h:i.b,~te.d (i.e.,

, .' .... .:» ".,. '.-- l,.l··-·)· ·t·· ': ,-," 'l.,,, :" "'f- ... ' . ' ~ ai' . -, #} .' . tIt. '

unma~ rUIgeu,u . e.. '. a y.o u, uB,cause 0 yO~17 '~u rea~!-J ,m,l . f{.,;,

(She 9,atd,~J 'I did SOi,~And. thus she (started to) re'ga.M him as her foster SJD-D" '"A'isbah appfied that (ruling) concerning (strange) 'men 'whom she would like to let en terupon 'her (without being l.egally forbidden 'to do

,-,- ")'" ,- d I h "1 ," '!' 1·.J, ·d···· 'h' -' ,._,. - ·t-, .' 'U' . I{c:, It'16 .. ~, .......

so " ,an· ~ 1 e, won u 'O,r .er,er Siser '. ',mm . I, U, .. L'lUJU..l

Bint Abu, Bakr and the daughters, of her brother to suekle men whom th.eywoll~lld [ike to Iet enter UpOIt


them .. N evertheless, all (other) wives 0.( the Meseengee of Allah (PB,'UH) refused to let any man enter upon them. bv means of such suckling .. Thev said ·We· are of

- ~ . ~-- .. J' • =. . . - - . . ~ . ._.. . .' . . .• .,J' . .., '. ..

the: opinion that (the suckling) ordered by Messenger of Allah (PB,'UH) to Sahlah Bint Suha.yl 'was nothing

but ;Ji (s p., eeia I): nOTI.t'!IL'i;;i::"!Gl" .... ,,,-. from .l.'ii!.... ·e·· M·: essence -- f' J!; Ilah

.. 09, ~ .. :.' Lr.Jl.d. ........ .... ~;;l,ii;I' ;VllL.l.. ........ _ WIl,· .. ' II;;. gl.... '-'e,~r ID .nll .. ~I

(1?B:(]H,) regarding SlUm .. , Therefore, no one is to enter upon us by' means of such suckling'.' True is, how the wives of the Messenger of Allah (P'BUH) judged (worn = an's) suck '11' ng <::Ii, bi £Ji (gr' .. own) man M'l

. '".:''V _I, Y OI,!;;:J _ ... ~&."'~ "~o' '.' ,lU.- .... ' ... ~ . II! ,~

In. ad di tion tothis, it has been narrated in AI-

lsa ... ·b' ah' that she (Sahlah ). used '00' milk fo - him

',,' • -" ..•• -. -"', - '-1' • -,",' - : I ' _. ••••. J • - I .. ,,' 'I' L '_ .

_:, , ..... _. ,_ I~: ... '~' :'" " , :" ... ~_ II" ,._,'. ..... ." .. :1,. ' .. ,j[" .. 1

(Salim) in a vessel a quantity (of breast milk) that w 8!.S tantamount to that of one time of s tickliing and

S,£:·~I· ld a .. .......:··_1... 'h-' ..j - ~·I!.c d

'(1J1l1m woui .unns; t 'at every uay until nve ': 'ays

h ad P 'Q Co sed Aft-· i'" _Q"r th at he 'W- rould en t: (.!II!' 'II rpon he er

'U·-, .--·ClJ~l"ICi.~' oi, .-- - ,.~.II!. l- (:A,. ~ ... ~ .. - ,llir.oll,~,- I ".- -~.!W: ~, .. ,-- '!Gi-,

W hen she would be bareheaded (or unveiled) as at (special) enncessien from the Messenger of Allah

(prn,-UH' .' -) &- S······· ·h·1 h _ .. '--, A]" j·1II .... 1.. ''L_ . ,.·1I~ . sed ... ith h 2 D : ..' l:or ! .... a '8 .. ; may. -, .l!CU.! oe: PJU1~ase,' W1 :__' . er .. -'

1 Transmitted by fun H'ibban, Nil)," 4215,

21n addition. to, what blo·t:h:er Muhauun~dJ the author of this book, 'has mentioned. here it. may be 'worth mentioning to record ill passing this that the l_!._adU.h coneerning Sahlah's suekline S/il';;'1Ij'ili 1I.-.-:;!i1:!' ,~.~eOI been .... ecorded ';;'n' S' -""n" .... :n 1:~1'" .M·:·~1,~:r~

~~k__~ lJ;:&~ _. a ~~_IIi JL.t![:~!iJ ~~.a. 11JI1giI~. .L 1G.'Lr.. IL[~IU!, ,JJ." '-'_!=;r _ ~ I. __ ,V.JiI!;;-, ~~f.jlI

where it is mentioned m. the ecenmentaries on this ha-difl1.that, 'the Hl.aJority of scholars main tain 't.l\a't the ,s,u.ckHn_;g=orien ted :!toling inel uded in 'this narration is special fOrf thThS :incide,n·t~ i .e, ~fblr Sahlah and SlaHm~ may AlLah be pleased with. b01th of tne:m" in particular. See S'IJ!an Ibn. M'ajrth, vel. I, h:adUk No. 1'94:8,. (Tran51atQ'~)


H· ' .. ,'" (""PI'B"UH'" .)., :S'·-··",c" ··"'I·· .. ·d'·1 wben Hi

: ••• ' -. • ..... • J 1 'I '.' " .. I'" i I "

e \,' -'.c' '.- _/ ,·.ml e. W ,en IS

Comptmirms Agreed to Retur;n 'from T'i'if

:Jti ~ ~=.~, ,~t 4fo 'a,J,- ~ ~ ct&l ~ ~ U~ >} ::Jl!. ~~ .~ ~, ,.U ~1JJ,ll ~: ~1 J ~.J-. .~k, W, »

it • \ l~ I~ r ~ ..;-~ _:.' 4'--

. ._ r., ;',' II -._ u! ,LI' ~.~~! ~ _. -, .- - iii' , .....

« '~,~, :>;'9'; '"lI J y:bi.:u », :: \ ~ijj J ~4~ ~ «~,!, J. L& ul ,Q;Jl!1!l

~ -,~

~11 tidl! \,Jill, ~ «: Jit:rl3,~, ~ 'l,J»! » :' r.JW «J1il)}' 'y :' J1.i Ji

l~h'-14 ,! "'8 '?C,~, ,'« ,~!, ~L.:iI 01 is U,~,,"li;lll '~in )' : Jlii ~,~ l 10.,

t "'-'~ .~ ~ .._ ~

,,'« ~;I trl;!»' ~ ~ utiil~ JL! J ~ ti 1.# i,\]!

It has been narrated that .. AbduUill Ibn "Umar, may Allah be pleased 'with him, said,

'_ ~ '-

~The Messenger of ,A.Hab (PBUH) besieged T:l,~'if but he did not get any (8 atisfaetocy response) from them (its inhabitants), So, he said (to his Companions), ~We shall' ret:rtrn (to Madfnah)~ if Allah" ualls: "They found that intolerable and said, 'Shall we leave 'without conquering it?~: And (according to another version) he (the narrator) 8.a~d. "return" (instead of' ~~lli'e,r~Jl::r)~ He ,(P]B,UH) said, 'Therefa',"'€" be ready to fight to morroui. ~ On the following day, tbey fo ught (the people of TitiD and suffered. (many) wounds. Then he (P'B'UH) said, 'i'To~nQrrow we' sluJJ.l return (to J.' if Allah u) ills. ~ Tbey (his Companions) welcomed it 'this ti,UU3,SO "the Prophet (P'Bll]) s'lDiIied.'~1

I Ilr'!".,.. ..... 6 m 'I' tted t..:u ,.Ii. j ~'1~ .,,·'l .... .r.'".:i' ~11"..... ..r n;n'lil and N:: O,-i!::'I~i~' A

Ji. J. ~).!IJ.ILi:;· _ , . iL-. J'iJ.ll U J 1"1i..!J. ,E) U, 1~ .. Jl._lIJ,9.W .L,_ ,1 ~ U'. '-=t:~~,.li ,i!A, .u. . '. ". I I~I~ ~~.



He ,('PB,'UH)" S~:'mile,d [on Being

':__':__' .. ',,' ',J _ _" ". ',' ... '. _' ,J__ .. ::..c' ._'., ,C ,'." _:_ _ ""

Asked ab -O--"'U" t T" "aktn g."- W",,::, '-,,·a:-g.:-~~~e,s for

", .1 ,_. :... .: •. -.- •• ~ • _"_ .' :_." _ "_ . [ .-:: " .• • _ _ ",_", .:....... - • - _: .",

'Reciting- Ru,q",--,!"'Uah,*

= - '_' ',_" _., - ".- '.' .' .. -. 'v _'_"_ -

.. it

:: ,_, 4~\c. ~i ~'.) _, !..# .).liJi ,~ i$.~ u.c'

~,'~i "I-A ~ ~ !~, M ~1 ~~\ iJA ~l..:i ~J »

[ .. 61:, ". ~ • _ ~ : _ . -~: . "'"' - ':', . "_ " _,,' ~ ~,~ I" _

~ », : ~)li.i "'~ "I ~ t. Jl, ,J} ~~ ,rA' ~., 'JJ9 ~ f4 -,'J¥. ,~I ,uiyJi

u; "I~, ~ ~ J b J'fo' ~, ~~ » :;! )W«, ~ J'I")I J~ ,,'I J.lI LJ.4 ~

L- t; 51! , t. __ ~. I ~.~:t ~I ~" =_., \ i_'L,~ ,il.' :...~~ _ _ h'I!.L ~ <';

r .'II~ ~ ',~~I ~ """b!:ll ~ '!~I ~ « ~- WI i~~1

I..S d~ C! ~l_j '~» \ )l.ii, ,~lJJ~1 I j1iA ~ 1, ~[ ~.J ~~ j: ~Q"JJ 'uT ftl ~l '~iJ. L.,jl ~~I.J~ L4JI », :JUrj, .. ~1,_,;,,9, ~[)LJ ,« ~: ~~ JW

{( « ''''6 .4AoI-. ~ " [~ U~'!IJ" 'u. oli.

t .1 L.l ~ .~J~ .... ~

It has b ien narrated on the authority of Al,u Sa id Al-Khudei, may Allah be pleased with him" 'that

Some of the Companions of' the Prophet (PB'UH) (went on a journey un till , they reached some of the Arab tribes (atnight) and the latter refused to 'treat them as their guests, The ehief of thattribe was then. bit.:teIl. (by a snake or stung by a scorpion). They (his people) said (to' those Companions), "Do you h.a.,v€! any

~ Here n~.qy.oJi refers tn a fOirn..l of (w-']-~e!'t, m~,y be expressed as) Islamic incantation" whi,ch 1,S. recited filr ge;tting oneself or. 'Ot"hel's trea ted by 'r~citing some V'[ersles of the 'Qu r~ n . n particul ar [-(!'J'i-.._,",-", 0] '''''1 't, .... yo)

~IL '~Il'l ~ ~ , ~ '! ,l JJ:-·~L.IJ-lLg, ,Gl!. . ~ . .



remedy or any person who can recite (a suitable) ruqyah. 1'" Th,ey replied, "You have refused to treat us as your guests, so we shall not do it (i.e., hemp you) unless you fix some T'8'm unsration (fortha t)." 'They fixed at flock ofsheep as. remuneration Then (one of the, 'C om panions) started to recite, the Moth,er of the Quil'an (Le"j,"th"e 'Chapter' of Al-Fatfhah) while puffing over the chief (until) the latter recovered. They (hi B people) brought the sheep but they (the Companions) said they would not take them unles s they asked 'the Prophet (P'BUH) (first), They Iwent to the' Prophet and) asked him so. be' (PB'UH) smlfed and said:" "Houi did you ,come to knou: that' it (A,l'-~fjtihah) could .be (be recited' ,as) ruqyali? TtfLki2' them (the sheep) and; assign a share far me as well,"1

1 fij\-.1I!i;'l'""S'm;;;tt"""~ bv ,JI.'I,~:B'" :y' -1_1.;.';;',...;" No ,~,~.if'i.,.I

~ I~l~.~o~ ,J.l.~ .. _ oll .'J' ,AJj, ... ' JS..J.~'I;~~Ht-~!I '_ ~o! ~!.JI~o!,

Hie (P'BUH) Smiled because of

p..... . .' "1·- Wh-:-' '.-:-: ... _iii!! 1'1 E_i:- t'-_· ... '., PI.:,. . '.' . d- ,.ii' "'-'1'-:

eop B:_ : 0 Wl ... -ID-:er .,ar,B,_:l,se'

'B,--:'-"-:"- ·---:-···d'-i ·t·· .. ···i--····t· h'-· ,.--'" .- .• ' -- ·C·-···h-:···'IO" ..... ,

,·._.DUD" I.o,ge --_,---,e'r In,~',· .. arns

]-',t- h ~!If.'j '!iJ...liO'iI1li'i"'il H, iarrated I t 'h,:' ;Ei",iI,., A·~···'b-L:l'i U-I :'In,£m-' , ... \... m ;Eiy r

-) ... ,UiC!! :u.'tir'li"O>,,!.1. ~ "'_ 'I.l10.,-- ........ . '-- ~...... . ,,' y, .",'" . ~ . ',i:lJ.l~ I ,""" ~

Allah 'be pleased w';' ,th him, said,

"Onee ths M'Bs5I,enger of Allah, (J?BUH), :smiled, and be W'3S asked, i O ,M,es.s'enger of Allah, ,v'hat, has caused you to smile?" HIS replied, OT(lf I;S be\clUt~e. of) ,p,eo;ple w Ita w iU o'e dri V€'}lI to Ra;rail':ise. mhile being bound t()ge',ther in chains. =i

I, TC-; . -, . '! - -- "'~f '.0.. ~I '" ,,,".1, ,- ~~ ,- d ''p;"jT... fli'liI"J'llf'Iln . ..eli 'IE_' "" '1 H' - . i,'1k .' -. ~-'

. r,aLnSD:1IiliJ.;,'u,;-e· If1 ;f:~m,aL" ,l.~' ..... ,. ,& .j ilJiIJ',1 it;tifJ'liJ IO,Y n-,· ,ayW.l,a.m~ Wi

M'~im-:-'c:",," j'j-g 9 ifi' I'n~ ~';:_J N: ,In ,Oi"liI7irn;

_ I~' ' .. !L!U 1~'iiUI·\L(~!,;..JllIirV!I,.i.I~ ~t_~'~1 .. "_ ~ ~ ~u _" ~ ~


Enter'ed upon '~'Ali and Fiitimah

'Ji,~ ,.~. ~.!. , -Ii,.

:_I!.::! _ _, - .~.'1J"11 '.~ _-" , - ,,~~ .-u~ ,'-.~~,.:.,

. . ~ d- ~-- 10 ~ tJ....r""".

It has been narrated that Ibn. 'Abbas, may Aneth be pleased with him, said;

"Once 'the MeaiS' of Allah (PBUH)e:ntered upon~'Ali and Fa:~iIn.ah while they 'were laughing, On, seeing the Prophet (PBUH) they stopped, so the Prophet said to them, 'YC:l'l:l. were .laughing S'D why did you stop tohen you sa,w' 1nrll" F,u;ti:m,ah spoke first, saying, 'I ransom YOUj, (as) 'my' father, (with my life), 10 M:9sSeJ.lg.ef of Allahl This (i.e., "AU) said (to me), '~I am dearer to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) than you,' so I said, ~,o,) ] all}, dearer to the :Mes senger of Allah (PBUH) 'than you'.' On that the Messenger of' Allah (P'BUH) smiled. and said, '0 d'flu;ght;er, Y01_t

ha rW 1(:; I) d· .:O,itjlCI';J'!!J'hQ)' the ten ... ;J0r"]'Ii ..:;;1 .... ,~,L1d-··','jLHJ;;f' ( .. , T'0q-:P,j ;j:'jii~'d··" \

.'~j<~IV·~ . !(;~I~;Ljl !, ~IQI~i v~j w a ,I?~ .'Lt~i'U~· '~fiGU?Io' t.~ : .,r ~!:;,.;I:~ '!J J ;~'." ~~ljI rI;m .. _ ... :)

for (0'l1£'8) child; and I cherish. ',Al~ m.O'Te titan you",""~l

t Tr~;o:~anitted, by A~·,~P,ab.~-r.',i\i.nialid recorded in. ,Mcr.jl7'lO, 'uz'·' Zawd/itl! No. 59'151.

Hie: (PBUH) Smfled when H,e W'a's Tr'avelingw'ith His W"Deman

:J~,-,oUG ~,~ ~~J-'~~ ~,~:" ~ ~'I J~.J "lit,.4!, 1,~t\J~ ~)~1' ~~'jI ';.1'''; M ,.&,~, J~ .. ) li)'\~] }) ::,J~ :,,Jij W~I u "-Y',, iii ~ !Jjj M

« « ~)j11~ ,~jl !t!~la-;IJ 't,L~!,?';i \.: »

It has been narrated that ,An:lH5 Ibn IVliUk~ may Allah be pleased with him, said,

"The Messenger of Allah (PB;UH) 'was on a. journey and his (slave Aniashah 'who '\V'B!S drjving the camels) started chanting (to let the camels carrying) his (the! Pr .... phet's) w'" '. 0.' im . en ("'g, ·','0- fast), T(- h' e. reunon th e M' ,1.e;,L:!;e:'!,ang'. er

.lt~, -'_', . I(J - ~ .,' ,'"" ,I, .I.~ ,'._ ,,1~ I~ ,_, .. _nl .. '~,t.' ", I, ,_' . ~ .1. ·,~~JD~ ',' 'I~

of Allah (,PB:UH) smiled as he (the slave) had made ~:~:jI",~y. '1Jlri""-r them "'__~',;!'i; ("P"B','UH·' ), said (to him) ~O','I A::. niashah.

r1!· l(;t:_', 'rp.''!( ,l,WJJl, w~ ,.~.J,~ .r]L~.", . - '_,"' I D'OI.y',", ," .U,· ", .)~ ... "'v.l~~~/~~~,.~

wiay: hak (m~a."" Alllf"J.h be merciful to vou)! Be g;entle

I ..... .r J. {rI}' '-,

with the ,gl;CiSS' uessels (~t e., ;wo.lnen)fP"2.

] 'M· .' ",-, • ",lo·.", .. th ',' . ,,] ,'!._ .] .... th .. """,.,."''',, f" :-, ',,,

..... €aniLng. crrve ... ie earners stow y as I!,._ ey are cal rymg ",'\ omen

who ma.y :n,o'~ tol erat~ such fast drl vi ng. {Trans] a tor)

2,mJtted by Ahmad in his, MU,~irur:r.d~ No, 12469.


He (·· ... pl·····B~-U .. ·-cHII).··, S···~,-m,·····-·li'I-loid·.,-1 be ieau Is:-'e··-: o·····f·c·:

..... , '.' , . . _ ._.... ! .. -'- v...... -:'.' . . ..... '._ _. '._ ....: .' I

Two, Combating Sh,e~---

--' .. ' ,. :.c::. -",--=ep

t,'2I\tl.:l;.1 ~"';.,.. b ,~ u"L~1 u',l:j'l':;;;J •. 1 i.Jl~ U.': tS ,~ .~, d lILui, .~ u-i »

~ r.~ "_" ~ . ~ - ~,;r=-_J .

~ » ~',~, ~ ,~ M ~,I J~.) .~'\_,;,! )} :',J1j , {;" d',€7'Li ~Ji.~~

I, 'I .J.,l trif i t ,~jJ!'J l=tJ , .. ·,t'S' »: Jljji « ~ ~I~ J~IJ '~ ~~~, ,~( ( Ll..dJ,i" , I ~ ,ru 'I,~ t u.~ J~

r. Ir~ T ',_," ~'

Once the Messenger of Allah (P'BUH) 'W~U:l, sittin~r while two sheep we,if\€: figh ting each otb,8r with. their horns and one of them butted 'the other and. overcame it, Thereupon '&he: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) smiled,

,..:I, h . ll.. AI ",']i:n... t i •. , t' h t . ~II'

and t e 'was aSh-elY" --ir¥ na , is rt . 1,8,_ you are snnnng

for, 0 J\1:e:s,s-en.,ger of Allah?" He said, ~'I (un astonished at (t he ca8'~' {1:fjl this (defeated s heep). .By '\Vho,m, in. Whose hand .rny 80Ut' is; (the other sheep) urdl be punished [or (6 uiting) U on the Day of Resurrection. )tll

1r-I'!I...···'I'·-'·t'j;.··,~'!I·b··.· .'L,.iL..c.' .... _;;i' N' ''''1 '1111'O'Qi

. "l-an::3m.'!l. !.li~U y ,tu_!il"lauI1. .. u. "" . -"",,0"


He (PBUH) Smiled because 0" Abu

D' ih an d Ahl S'", ,~ RI! 'h*

_"u'r,ayr".,-'a ,,' an,', ,",",,",1 ", US"","',UI)_a~-"

1_"," _ '_

~ This fue:nn: tefen te s'~me' p~OI' emigrarrt M'uijMms whe used to stHty iI1l OM" near '00, the PrOlphees; U~SqUH. (TF,ans,[,a1Jor)


f ~ ';J M' AI J~I,J ,~) ~I W~'~ ~"h, y~ .ft.~·1 ~jullJ ~ . .J,~

~IJ ·fJ ~~ It5JC Jd'~';"'~ L .l1ili • ,~,I J~ -' ~U, F&l£ I~.,il~ r,j J') ,« ~~ Jp_J·y 1;j\JJ]Y> : .• ''";li! <( !~ ~i ~ », :JtiJ fW n)~i ~1 .~~'.J

- Jl:: .:,1.. i" ::;'~r' - ~'i \.'1;. _ lIt~ :Ii.. I·d # :;:',j,1bo;'~l \.'\._ ., J' ~:~

:~_L! ~ !.....l;11~ ;,;., ''''':-i~1 ,i :UN,,; ~ L_\J~I '!ii\ ~~'-i:I1 ... 1, 1-7 ',I~

::~ U;'~;").«,~,~i », :J~" ~~ Jj~ ~ ~I~ « ~~ ,»

.. ,. . .. - t '. ,~ .. -, . ~'-.. -, ,- ~ . -

.ll~ -') _0'>_' CJ d~ ~t2. ,{(. tSL"Q, ,U, ~.~ i, ~4 .Jl;~, ~JjJl _, ).)

Ide ~i ,:.

""",. ~~~~,J

~'Ah, hlr 15'-8, .. l!!I!":-,-lt- ,,:.;. i, ' .. ests of Islan 'I --:-,-_. ;I!,.·L.:l' '1l_... .d·

.. - . i[le_ ...."." U.L.II.,a_l[l_ we,re gut" Q OJ! v, g I:;I!. n1. as IUIll€) .,U.B._ ..

'IfII1f' fam -.' ilie ,~ 1'0' 'r 'ifIi(~i·~nICil'I·t· y' -'. B·"IY' ~ II '"Ii lL]- ~~, it -q-rn]. om ·t-. ]'1 ere . is

.iIL.l,1U .lGL .!1:, _<. o;J; - ,1f""'10 Y.I,"'~ _.. _ ,_ Jl'1Jl. a_It .. ,Uly. \,V Jl •. '!.,iI .. _ _l. _I • ...

no ;god:~ (sometnne s) I would lie down (sleep) on the ground on :my liver (abdomen) because of bunger., and (sometimes) I would bind a stone over my belly beca U~~'HB; of hunger.

"One day I sat n.ext to the path from 'whim ,they (the Prophet and. his Companions) used. 'to come out, "" b .... B'" '!lIi·ll_.~., 'P'!';I ~ <t::!' e' ",11 b(Y" m . e ~ ~'"i, d [ 0. ~k' iOi·d· h l'm~" 1QI1')kOCU""

.M..U .-'ai'!ii.J.- _,If-lr,;';;iI,:;,I:.t,;!l; 'c" ,_.- ~-!'" E!:;Il~"~., r ,uJJI!.'-L,

-. . -.. .' -, . -t!... - __ .. '.- AJ'" -'J - t, .~, - ·-B:· .. 'k' (·th··, Q" I . ",I' ~ - ).. -I' r e- k . d him a verse .1.1-0,1]], -, .ians .-,00,. .... e '-UI ,an.,! ,as, '~L. . im

only that he might satisfy my hunger, but be passed by and did not do so. 'Then "'U J11.~r passed b¥ and

I ,,11""··d·· bin I b - ,1- .. - ... ~. c. from AI'--, ....• , rh ,I- .;. AI':··~I-·-·hl: ,j, ..

_ enSlll..e ... elm 1a..OU ... ,ll verse [Cun,_ml,g. lL!.iy .. '. ,,~t ·5

Book: I asked him C· alan) onlv that he miaht .satirs,fy:.,.---

. - -. It- -_. . - .', " .. _. _. - ,- - .' -_. - . . ., ,J '._ - - - - ~" ". - _' , ~l iii, I .

my hunger, but he paesed by 'without doing so. 'Ihen Abul=Qi_smm (the Prophet) passed by ln€ and. smiled '!l'U 1l... e-n he sa'W 111:9 f a.~ he had perceived m v B uffering _c), _

'Y!f1,lE.,~" '. . _. I' _, . \'_.' ,. __ .ut. 1~ .. ~ ~~~". iJ' ~""~ '. <. " !I

IJf - - • d ·~O···· A··~·... H···· .. . .. ,. .1.. p' III ,. r-'''· . 'd-- ~IJr·-. - Lam at ne sal; '-':. ~tJ!.u.: tu u,ran. . repnea, aere am 3!.


"He went away and I followed him. Then he en tered his house and, I asked p ermission (to enter)

d h ~" H £. .Ji ;, lk '. iL.. ]

an ne gaVIE!' me permission. " BOnny. mux In a. WJOW',

and said, (to the household), 'From uihere have you gotten. this It was said, 'It has belen presented to us by such and such man.' He said" ~,O ,Abu H urayra hr [ said" 'Hlere I am, at your service. j' He said, (Go and eall··Suffah.' 'These (Ahlu§,= Suffah) were guests of Islam who had no, families or property, and rwhenever an object of charity \1VHS brought 'to the Prophet (PBUlq) lDA:~: would send it to them and w ... mld not ta T""I~ anv th ~ [In .•. ' fr ,'I(II,m-' . 't tJ!--,·.

, ., !l"II' ._ _ _ _ii;;l.A""" . __ , . __ ] __ I;!' . U • 1. ~'!'or

himself), and. whenever any present was, given to him, he would take some of it for himself and send some for them ,.

'i(T' h .. (Pi , . -' h' t:1 .' - dr.· - ,t . -}111 t"}-' - - , - - -;If." - ",,1:

'_ ·!e:·· ,'TOP iet S orcer 0 can lem/ upset me, ane

I said (to' myself), 'How will this (small) bowl be enough for' ,AhJu§.'-Suffah?:j The Prophet (PtB,UJ-]) had. sen t IDle to. them and he would order M'8 'to give the (milk in that bowl) to 'them, I wondered what 'would rem a- dn .: of th at .(. m 1'Tk' "I for m te and I 'W' ~ she (:1 'I' ,t1iii'iii'ii"1J ld tal - ,- fi

~"J.iL ..... U , ,QIl , .• 11,,)1 .1!I_ ',c:~ ~" ', .• ' .!JIQ', . ....'V'y.,. i!OJ

from it what would satisfy my (hunger), However, I

" ,--'TId- - .', <lbk t .'ti.-." A"'" 1'1· ths rd H',· 1i.K '.' .' . ·(·P·B-·"U·f.l'\

COUll'·. n011U ,l!'UI .. ouey .' " _,a an . IS llt'leSs'enger, .... '.L)

3@ J went to 'i .hem and called them,

4iiVlh.en they entered. upon him (PBUH) and took 'their seats (in the hOUEU~)j' he, (P'BUH) said", ~O Aba Hirr (Aba Hu rayra h), tak;e thi« boio! Cor ,milk) and.' gi v.e (it) to them.' So ] took the, bow] and, started gi v ~ ng i t to one man who would drink his fill and


return it (to me), whereupon T would give it to another man \v hn, in his turn, 'would drink" until ] finally reached the Messenger of Allah (P'BU[~[) after all of' them had drunk their fill, The Mesaenger of Allah (PBUJ-]) took thft bowl and put it on his hand, then he raise d hils head toward nIB and. smfled then said, "0 Ab a Hirrt]: replied, 'Here I am at your service, 0, Messenger of Allahl' lie said, 'Sit down

1~ .. ~ln· -d d;,:']",i;FI1.. _" ] dran ilI:-:- then be satd 'Drinls /0···. jJ'rli ;'I'l). ~ and I

L,h , _ t,O,jl'-h:: •.. " .... ,ru~~ 11Jt= II,:;.,!,.!!, •• v .1!;.iI!., u,!, ,'_'" ,!. ,r ,,,Iti, ~~ .,olW!o,r"u;,~ a , ..

] drank. Then he said, ~Dr,ink (one'€' mor~)~~ and I drank, Hekept on. telling, me repeatedly to drink, un til I said, 'By HIm, VJho sent YO'll 'with the Truth, ] have no (more) space for it (in my stomach),' So, he (PBUH) took. the bowill and praised Allah then, drank (from the remainingmilk), Jil


He .("PB,UH)I Sm Iled a ,t", 'T' 'W"',,'_,'O' '.

' ' _ ' __, I, " , " " , '" , ____-

,S:.",)iI;t":U--IB',: rt -111'0' m S," w ,--,,)"'t' .h Sa] ,a- m"- -ah',1 ,,', Ib D: .u 'I~

_- _- ' , " _ ,_,- __ ' ",' _I ,'_, __: _ ',~' "f,-,--- ' __ ' - " '


",« t:';':'~'~Jl' hl;~,J ,,'l~\'~~-:""~~»' :J.i ,«l&-;! ~'UI~ lc.J '~!-! ,~)~ :Jl!, , ( '~'.J:? .:;~'\, ~j ,C) a'.un 1J~,J 'I: ,~\ J~.J ,u~ ~» :Jlj, ~tJ~ ,~: ~_, ~I ,u~, ~~I ~ I~~~'_jl ~~ ~, 'wJW11 J.j:t ~r;,1Y'~'» !' ,~, J~.J Y ,,~t.,~L, .:.i :i ( .. ,Vi » : JU .« :! ~ ~ 'c=4 » : Jli.

M ,.&~ J,~.J ~l ~J :», ::,J!i .« i·<d.J » ~ Jli , 0« tJ=lUl,1 Jjl ~, iii .&~, J~.J ~l1£U », :JU, " - L~ ~ ~ ::~ ,_, ~,jc.

i:: _

~\ » : J\ ';, ,~LJi J~J ~ ,wlS, [)~I ,ws,'~!"', ,~~ rS ,~U.)J jll ,~9.? :;,;,

,J) ~ !.~l J~I.) '~ ,~~ti--;l:.J! :LJi » :JUI .« !,1_~~ '~ ,~~

._ _ gI!. ~ ~,. "I 'il ,-, I ~ . ~ ~ ~ _.' - ~' ,_ - Ill' - - ~~: ' j r

,-( l.:l].t:ll~, ~J~ ::Jti ~«~i,J»' ':Jl§ ~,,« ,uuUlI ~Ji ,.rJ ,~~,\

.« ! ,sit ',):'e-~ ~~ Ejlt':ii~J .Jr~ $lli~ ,UJ ! 1_~.1l;1 », ,::JI Ju iJ

'I, "II~, , 1" - ~,~ 1 - " ,~:t 'I _~J J L - - .. _1';: J- i ::;:,

,« ~YJ 4"iyor;.~, It t » .JA~ ~ ~ ~AiJ"I".J-UI".J Y ::,~», :, ... ~

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It 'lhas been narrated on the a.'utb(l'1ity of Iyas Ibn Salamah that his father (-Sa]ama]), IbnulAk:wa"), 'may Allah 'be pleased with, him, said,

~'e arrived, at 'H'udla!,y'biyah \v.i:tht;he M,e'58Ienger 0'£ Allah (PBUID and we were fonrteen hundred, in ~ number. 'There were fifty goats for- tbose' (who were ~ with -the Prophet) and 'the (goats), could not be watered (because there 'N as HtUe w,Q,ter in ,the local


well) , Se, the M'esse~ger of Allah (PBUH) sat, on the' brink of the w',e;l] and, he either invoked !(Allah) or spat "into the well then (its) water sprung up, Thus, ,-,. drs .. ~-~I", _. ad ,- -'t,· red ( .... , - '-' -.':, ·,~'I,.Jr. ..... J' ,~A-,- th ·,t' \ve, , .: ranlt"L ,a.n" wa· -e,re· _. . OUT ~n.lDllruS IWO .• , .f':LL11lje:r '. - 3..1,

the Messenger of Allah (PE,UfI) called us, to swear allegiance (88 he was sitting) at the base of a tree, I. was the, first man to take the vow of allegiance, then

nth " _ ',' - -.J.--. £'-'''1~''-' -, id , "'tIn.. ""C" ,'11I'~,-"-rt'\ 111...'1£' th

etn er peep e, 0. mOW en, n ,u,en, ann os} na e'

numb er of pe ople had sworn allegiance, he (P:B UI-I) said to me, ~yo u take t he V,Q<W;I ,0 Sal:amah,!,9' I said, 'I

1 ill ~ t- '0" MfA' IDL h' - h

~, ... ' ',' - .-,.----;- ''''-:-(1''\ ". I~j·. ;--,.(',' Ii I .. '. "_'"-, -_" ':' -,' _' ('. ,__:_. _-" _" ~ '1'-:-' .. :;;.

S\1VOre a e,glanoe 0 you, '.' '.' ,I,e~sen,g-er 0. . an, in t e

first instance.' He B aid, ~,(Y:b'u may ·do) lCl;gCtin,~' And ~ the' M'e~.senger of Allah (PH'un) ObSH3J:V'ed that I had no weapons" iE],Q he gave 'we a big or a small shield. Then. he continued to follow UPI ple1dgfng of allegiance with the people until it 'WS:S the last. batch of 'them

W'h';';'D he said (to 'Dcl-I£!.'''' ~"![I'.r:i:Jji y-' (1;i,r Jo'iI,;Fii~ p r ·,~'.Nd·· ·an a" lleaiance

"_ ~' .. " ~u fi::ll~J J .IL-~I, ~), f!t' !I;.\~~ ',IJI'''~ ,~Iif..f-Vl~' " '~IIl;r. '-~o:~ . ,. __ .,~'~~ll.~~'

:t!o me, 0 S'[JJ.r:irna!~?' I said), 'I pledged allegiance to

, .-'. 0'1 M- ,' ..... -.'.' -.', of AI,' ]1 ih :~ , "th':- .... fi'-I' 't- .'." st ,., .. ',',. and yon t .,'. .... :_ ,esslen,ger 0_ .. - '.. a, :1' ,m ...e. ITS - Ins .·ance an· ..

then again when you reached halfthe people.' He said, !~you may (do, ,it)' one mQrr'e.'~' So I. took the oath of allegiance for- the third fime.then he (PB,UH) said to me, ~iO Sala,1?1:lJnJ, tshere is the big or smai; ,shield uihich. .1 g'a v,e to ,lll) l/;'?~ I said, ~O :M,e',s,senger of Allah ~

.. , .. -~; . "A~',-- . "~ ' ·····1- '} " .. -' .e·+-il~ ., .. ;i!. .' .- .. '

my uncie l"iJl.Ii.J.II' mer IDle ana re was Wll~)J::Ui)U~ an,),

weapons, so I gave ,the shield to him,' The Messenger

'f' AJl' 'I h l(lflIB' .IU· '. H-') . - , ..... ,.:I·····d _;)i .. ~ d ~y,.-:-'.,.. .', ". _. Z" ;',l.; .-,

'0', .._ Ja, . ..[" ... .. ~,' smue·, al1u sam:.· ~ ,{]Ill ,rl1 e: _-,~!1t;le ,et

pereot» (Jlf _P(U;,'F)ed (time) who said, lOI ,Allahl Help me

$;,,;, ..J .i('I bel ~l'IO...J' w' • t.j'j; ;,~,.Jn."'" '_~Ii ~j"Jj, :'''1:>:1,.., "'h,,'-,U'1 l'l"l'_"i .. s 'if1ID,~f. .• r'~

l ~"lJJ!t.b ~ .. I~ iU'U'~~' . ",~u ,~~I a~,~,r.· ~lr' bu iIl'I'I~~' ~ , t..jI,~.-t;. lf~' fiiJ iiJl~'~. 'I'

"i(Afternvards) the polytheists (in Makkah) Bent messages of reeoneiliatien, until people could move


J e


from. our camp to theirs and v~c·e versa", and finally, a peace treaty w'as eoncluded .. ,

"I was .a dependant of TaIhah Ibn .. Ubaydullih ,. ] used 'to water his horse, rub its back, serve him. (in. general) ~ and I also would. eat from Ina food, I had 1,eft 'my :fam,ily and 'p,roperty as an. emigrant in the. cause of Allah. and. His Messenger (P'BUH)".

'NVJhen we and the people of Makkah had eoneluded a peace '~e·a'ty and our people and .. theirs had 'begun to intermingle with one another, 1 carne to a. tree ~ swept away its thorns, rand. btjt down at its base. (As I 'was lying there), four 'po~yt'hemsts from Makkah eam e' to. me und began. to talk ill of the Messenger of Allah (PBU.S)', 'I W,8;S enraged and so I moved to another trea. ·Th.l8'Y hung their weapons ('to the branches of the tree) and, lay down, (In the meantime), someone cried out fromthe Iower part of

tho • -1111 ~R' - '0' 'M" ~l,.."'" i ." ir Ib Z·· . h

.' .'el 'V'~l_ lI!€!y~ 'un up, . ,,';."'un.; --nnnaym. I. as

belen killedl' ] pulled .my sword and attacked these

~Rour people 'while: they' were asleep a. ] seized their

arms and. eellected them up in my hand, then I said, "B,.y Him VVho has honored 'Mub:mnm,ad~ none of you will raise his head, or else I willstrike his face,' Then I: came driving 'them along to the: Messenger of Allah (P!BUH)~ (Meao'whHe) m:y' unela '''Amir came (to him) ·with. a man from' Abal§:t ea lled Mikras. r Amir) 'was draggmg him on a. horse with a thick cover on its back. with seventy polytheists, This Messenger of Allah (PBUH) looksdat them and said, (Ltd them (go 50 ,tha.t) t.hey .may v:iolate' (the peace f:r~aty) .more t han. once (beftn"f we. tahe action ag,ain,5;'t the rn).,' 'Ihus,



the Messlen,~er of Allah (.PB,UH) Ie;t 'tlh em go. (Om. that occasion) Allah ~ Glolriu.'8cl and ,E~alted be He, revealed (the following Q~r~'i-nic verse), ~And' He it is 'Who has' ,w ithheld. their hands {rom, you and your hands from them ;in. t he midst of' M (J/kkah.~, after He had ~de. yo;u uictors over them: .'.' ~ (Qu,t',an, Al.- F,ath: ,:~14) to the end of the verse,

'~Then we moved 'returning' to Madlinlsh., We halted at a place 'where, there was a mountain between us' and Banu Lihvan who were 'p.'ol~qpj.1.-r,eris.ts,. The

,~' ~ , , "!If '~1L

:Mes:sengi(~1" of Allah, (PB mi) asked (Allah) to forgive

'the, person who would ascend the mountain at, (that) :night to act, as a scout far the Prophet (P.BUH) and his Companions. I ascended (that mountain) 'two or threetimes that night,

"(i~t last) we reached Madmah and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sent. his carmela 'with his slave) Rabah;) and I was 'w'i'th him. (Al,so~) Lwent to the pasture with Talhah"s horse ,along' with 'm,e camels .. VJhen the day dawned, '~'Abdur-,Rah)m;in Al~Fazarr raided "tbe, place and drove away all the camels ofthe Messenger of Allah, (PIBlrH).~ 'He mcreover killed. the man, he (,PBIJH) had appointedfolr Iooking after them., I said, 'O Rablh:t take t.his horseto ,Talhah Ibn "'Uba,ydullib and inform the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) that the polytheists have mads au, incursion against his camels.' Then I stood upon at hHI and turning' :my face 'tJowaro Ma.dinah" shouted three times, 'Come to our aidl'

'~I then set out In pursuit of the people (who had 'made the raid), shootin.g at 'them with arrows and


chanting (the tollowing,) verse (th.a:tI composed and expressed) ill. 'iambs:

'JV:cz A_na·bn'UI-Ak~ua ·

Wa.I·,Yaw,rna Yaurmur-Rudda: 1

I would overtake a man from them, shoot at him an arrow which, piercing' through the saddle WOlUd. re ach hits sh.ouIder",lll1d, I: would, say ~ ~~ke it,' (chanti~g at the same time, the verse)

Wa AnC1i-bn:ul·Akwa .. ~Va.l-'Yawnta Yaurmur-Iiudda:

By Allah, I 'continued shooting .at1lthsm. and hamstringing their (horses), and whenever a horseman turned upon me, I would COIIEU3 to a tree, (hide myself) sitting at its, base~ then I would shoot at him and! hamstring hills (horse), 'They entered a narrow mountain gorge so I BU9,cended that mountain and 'he',em at bay throwing stones at them, I continued chasing them in 'this: way un til I released all. the camels of tbe Messenger of Allah (PB,UH:) and no camel was le,ft, with them, They left me hut :M: fUUOW'€Hi, them ~dl:ooting' at them (eontinuallyl until they dropped more than ,thirt)r mantles and tbir~y lances in 'order to lighten their burden. I pu t lit (piece ,of) stone on everything they dropped as: a mark so that the Messenger of' ,Allah, (P'BUH) and his Companicna might reeogniae them, (The'y' went on.) until they came to :a.n.arrow valliey 'when so and. so, son of Badr ,Al~'Fa.z,ftli joined them, They sat down to take their morning meal and I sat on the top 'Of a

:1 M;eau]ng; .I am Uu~ ,sO!O, of Al-Akwa', and t@day is th~ d,ay 0'1' dete~rt BoT' "~he' mean.


n31."TOW rock, Al-Faz ati saidl~ 'Viha t is it that I am. seeing?' They said, 'It is! (because ,of) this; (man who') has harassed us" By AHah,- be has not left "US since d us k, and he kept sho·otinl at us un:tiJ be snatched ev,erything from our hands,' FIe said, "Let '01lr 'of yon a ttaek him.' 'I'herefore, four' of them ascended the mountain coming toward me, Vlh en. it became possible for meto talk. to them, I said, "Do you know me ?'I They said, N,o~ Who are .YniU?~ I said, 'I am Salamah Ibnul-Akwa' ,. By Him Who has honored the countenance: ofM' (PBUH)t, I cam, seize whom I want from you, but :n.o:ne of you. 'will be: able to catch me,' One ofthem said, 'I think (he' h!SJ3, told the truth),' and, thus ,they went back", I did not move from Illy: 'place until I saw the horseman of the Mess,en,g',e:r of

,. I .

Allah (PBUH) as they came riding tMO'ug;h, the trees.

"The fbrem,o,st amang them WEtS Al~Akhr3m AIAmadi., Behind him. was Abu Qatadah AI-Ansari and behind hirowas AI~.Miqdid Ihnul .. Aswad Al-Kindi, I caught hold of the rein, of Al-Akhram's 'horse" (On seeing' tha t,~,) 'they (the raiders) 'fled. I said (toAl ~ Akhram), ~O A1dlIam,~ guard yourself ,agaJnst them and let them not overcome ,yo"u until the Messenger of Allah (PB,UH) and. his Companions join, yIDiILl ;,'~' I-Ie said, "0 Salamah, if'you beHe've inJUbs'b, and the Last Day and Of you) know that Paradise is a reality and, Hell -fire is a. reali ty j then you should not stand between me andmartyrdom,' So I let him, go. ::E-Ie (AI=" Akhr,m:m)and",Abdlur- Ra}lm,allll (AJ.. .. F.azan) met in combat", AJl~Akhram, hamstrung "'Abdur-Ra:J;l,man,'s horse and the latter struck him (with his lance or' sword) andlrilled him .. "Abdur-Rahman turned about


riding his (Al-Akhrem's) horse, ,Abu !Qiltadah, a horseman of the Messenger of Allah (P'BUH), caught ~·.Abdur~Ra.kunin" smote him (with his lance or sword) and killed him.

'~]3Y' Him Who hats honor-edt the countenance of IVlujlammad (PBUHl, I followed them running on my feet (so fa!5t) ilia t I could 110t see b ehind me the Companiona of Muh, (PBUH) not .any dust raised by their (horses), ([ kept, following them) and before sunset they reacbed a. valley where there was B spring' of water, which was called Dhu. Q.a.r at d.., (They halted there) to drink, for they were thirsty, They saw me running toward them, I chased them out of '[the! valley before they could take: a. drop of its water, 'I'hey ·~.eft the 'valley and ran down a slope .. I ran (behind them), overtook a man from them, shot. him with an arrow through the shoulder blade, saying -, 'Take it

,,J"" -_ !

~a Ana~bn.ul'~Akwa'·

Wal~'Yaw,ma Ya.U)',m,ur-Ruc!d(l.'

'The man I( ""\I~ hom Lhad wounded) s aid, (I\1.ay yOiur mother weep over you r AllE!' you the Akw 8..'~ "litho has been chasing us sinee morning?' I said, 'Yes, 0 enemy of'yourself th - e- o <:iI1m- ---'e' AI- .,' ... ·w: ,-,~'" ,

,_'. II.!'".., . .!Ii. ~;; .. ;". J!!j.~. '.,;:;1 QO,". '.' . "",,, - I[;!i, •.

UT.hey lsft two: hors es dead tired on ,th e hill and I came d.raggill_g· them among' to the Messenger of Allah CPBUH).. I met ".Ami:rl'" who had with him a container

1··~ -w:: ··h~- '1' eh - t- lL.,n;:1o'!~ 'w- ::t::I;.t" m ~'lk:_ d ilu to, ie·..JlI -wffi th ~W-' ·o·t- er - O":li'ni~

1..1 - - - ~ -- 1.ll!.Jlb 0;::;; . G!<i:l - ·.Jlll. ~ . .II-' .. 1. • --1Ul ' - - 111. -._ - . _ Q..~ a!.1iJIl

- oth r, - t i'~ , ,- . -' ,~ ....... 'F I .-._#.- -: -"--, sd _ '11...11 .. -t-'- -- - _ -(- '.- - 'tl'h . ·ano II< _e-_ cOD_amnlng wave;,r, peJlllorme. a,u][U][On.'\tVI ...

ths water) and drank (the milk) .. Then I carne to' the' M'le,ssleng,e'r of Allah (PEUH). while be: was, a:t (the'

spring' orfli w'ater from wbich]: had driven them away, The Messenger ,of Allah. (PB,UH) had. eapturedthoee camels and, everytbffing else 1 had ca p"tu~eidl as wen as all the lances and: mantles I had snatched from the polytheists. .Also" Bilil had sla ughtereda. she ... camel from. the camels I had seized from. (those) peeple, and, he was, rnasting :its, liver and hump for ·the M,e'ssenger of Allah (P'BUlI)., I said, '0, MJe'15serQger of Allah, let me seLect 'from (our) people one hundre d. men and I will fol1orw the :pe@ple (i.e., the marauders) and finish them all so. thnt :nohody']s [eft (even) to O~l'nv·'e.y the news (oftbe'ir defei81t)" On that 'the M:e'sislenger of Allah (PBUH) smiled until his molar ·tee,th could 'be

'. .... .' . th U' ht . f I· h - fi ", .. d' b" .," 111 ~O··-, S~' -L - ,- - - . .'1..

seen In ~ _I_,€c-,-g __ , _- liJ IJ __ c-C L-_re ~ ,an , _,e. ::H'1!,tI~,' ,Citama n.~,

do, "ou tl~t~~k ,you can do ,this?!' I said, ~eB~, by Him Wh,o has honored. yo'u/ He said, 'Nou: f/uey ,ar-e sta;yitl€ cd' (t,ne land' of) G:ha~afebt.l'

'('((At this time) at man from GJha.tafin came along and said, "So and so slanghtered S! camel 'fof' them" \Vhem they were expo:sing its skin, 'ithe:y saw dust (being' raised far o,ff)~ and. they rSatidl, 'fThe:y (A1=,Akw,a"; and. his, comnanione) have come/ so theY' went away

l'1Ii "."


«~,en it, was mnrningrthe Me~se'nger of Allah (PBUH) a aid, '~Our best horseman. ,today is Ab zi ,Q'a;'t;8td'ah and: O'li]'" bec:8t lO(itma.n. t,oday I~S Salam,a;Jt.," Th.em. he gave me two shares 0'(' th,€! booty: a share of a

t. """r!i!:! a.~ ;£Ii ''i'!i' ;:Ii 'Did ,~ sh o!:II "l"\~ """.c' a fo ..... t- ma·n 4- 'Ill,. '~"1 (;;I' ,;i'l\£i;'m' bini ng,~.l.U·, ~ !616.Llla_.L_il 'a" ,',. _ tt 6..: ·;CiJC i~ ~.l 'tit [t·:~ v ... :~ ~ .. _, IUIll,u~~1 WI, . ~ ·,ULL: .~ urn _.:. '

both of them for me, ,Srtartln,g his w'ay back. "tu! M}ad!nah~ he (PBiUI~) m ad e. me mOUD't 'behind him on his she-camel named Aj·="-Adblt• '\YhUe we were



traveling, a man from 'the Ansar who could not be

'I)... :.', ' .... - .. - ,. ,e " -.: ..... ' " ;- "d.o ~11',~ th .c· - .. -. .'-~'. '--".-', ,. ·h-·' .. -..'/' 'Id'i

neaten in a r,a(c€! sa.:Il'~ .tIS, ere anyone W ,I [) come

compete (with rne) in rQ.,C€ to. Madlinah? Is, there any competitor?' He continued repeatingthis, and when 1 heard him. I said "Do 'U'i.',:O·: ··U~ , n nit sh nu,f a:" 'n:' y, eonsid eratdo n

Vi!;;!;. _ . ., .. . .~ . ,,.}' . _ 'IJ Q V _ _ .. '!,.I!'~.. . ..... _ _ _ v

for an honorable person or have any 8JN"€l for a noble

P· ,··;i!lj,fC1i.(lijlfl ,?IJ' H...: -;0; es ai d "No'" - unless he 'be the MeSSenul3;T' of-

-"1ICi - D'IU!~~ iii I" ~ ~~ ." ~ .... _ .. ~' • ,_.I - I .. _ '_ :._'. ,_"',' ..•... ..' -;. . .,_: ._ "-. "ClI'-" " ..

;t I'll h ('pn U'H- '). 11 ., d-'O" -M" f" Al" 111 1l,. f'I

IUlta ::' I, JD'- • _" J. sat ) '-,', J:J~ss€ngelh" Q"'--'LilJJ,-==\,.

ransom you) 'with 'my father andmy mother-c-allow me to race wi tb this man (,and beat him), ~ He said, ~',rD(J it.) if '\YO!' wish- t I said (to theman), "I am corning

\J ·'-1-. J -- - ., . , , ..: ~ . .., - --~

~ , ) J'.L.· Ltt -. ,~. sd --~ '. feet . '- .. -.' .'" -. ,'-,' . d -: - · .. i .. ·····,d:

Il!-\! .,'Oll,,1 tnen .turnen IDy ree , sprang up, an __ gaspee

(f~)l' 3; while) when one or two eleva ted places W'6Jfe left" and. again :I followed his heel and, again gasped, (£01' a. while) when one or two elevated places were:

1 ,t,;-, d . '. dai h d ..~: I ., ,. ..3 hi d' - -

. e.rt ann again ...• ,8.8 ····,8,: un.tll _ jomec ,.]LID an gave

a blow between hils shoulders. I said, 'Y ou ha ve been "·'·e·· t· -"]"'" ,,~ bv A,'c\]-l .... h 'I' 'lL~,,_ ..... id '~I think ~--",' :T-·h·-· 11° overan.en; .I.Y ",;. ~_. ,;;;;1' I; J[ILe sal." .- -m -', 80.,UQ ~

I reached Ma.dlinah ahead of him. By Allah,' we had. stayed th"er'e on~y three nights when we set out to

iI'.1"1.. . 1Ik., ,'th·· the M" '. . -'. '.' -'. f AJ' . 11'1' h' ,(. P B 'UH" ')" ~lll

n_Hlayna.r' WI1 j, II' .' i 'e -,-. : __ u8:SS eng,er ()' '.". J3.) '11 . " .. ' ._. --: . '" ,. ,i "

l Tlr;8mE;mitted by M uslim in his, i3(Ji!JI1 the, b ook of jih6d and ,expeditions. Th'~'re ts a remaini~lg~a_rt ,of this lu;!,dtt'l. 'w h.erei:t .liS mentioneod, that "kmir-" tbe uncle of S~:L8J:m~}.i. Ib[!l,ld-:Akw',9_~ ~ was :kiUed, by Marh_a,b tlle~the: larvt~' 'IN a.S] killed, 0;1' "'.An Ibn, Abu 'T:i~ib~ Ina, AU:ah, be pleased with 'him ..


( '. .. ~;.-. ","_ 't'l. i .' ..' )., ~··;·t'''''''iii::·-: ~!! 'II~ I

• - I~ I. _,-- .1·. ,'.

: Jl,j ~ .4Jc iM ~.J = L,p uc· ~ ~.J4-. ~~~ rUi (.G~ ~~ I; .. ,:", ~} i .".t' b,~ ,~.i JJ ~! uts ».

,&'1ft "'%. ,_;.., • .(! . ~I ~ "~ ~ ,:,' ti ,!, ~It \...i:;i ~ ',j. iCi ~,1.. ~ t... ~I 0/11; b"""" '"" . ~J bU, . _i

... W"'" r ... r : ..r ..... ~ '1;..,., J'" ~ .. ~

W~.~ ~.l··~ '1:~1~ ~} ~.--' "~',J~. ,~ ~\~ '~?'jl WAW,

~ . JU '~.l· .. .:. " _.~ 'i •• ':.a.~, I ~~"" ~,. • ~"

«<'f;~~.Q» :, "~ ~O~l ~I ~ 'r~ tYJ ("'t?ft ~~ '~~I

0·4 ,~] J9"'S~, ~~). ~l:.) 'L·~!:~. ~:ts;JJ\ ) ,,~~ » :bJw

~ {( ~_J~i ~ L~t~l j » ~ ~IJ « ~,(£ ;~i) J L»1 J»' : J1j I~ « ~ ~i ,w1,;--l]1 U,l~J 1 ~ 01 M: ~ \ J.Y-UI.) ,~ .lli .s d 9 tiJ.J i, » :.Jlli


~JW ,« 1)l91») ::~1j ,,~. ~J

~I~I~'~ ~~ _)._,,_w!~, C ';,1 ~ JL J~ A ,~~ J;~.J ~JtJi C g'~'J JIj'lA ul; 'bl'~ - '\i~ ~'~fo,~1 ~r..s~y ~~

~ " il. ~- - y1JJ::' '. _ '" 1';:';0.. ~ I" ~ . tot·· • "~ ..

~.'.".' . '-.:" ~I ._- ,: " IW. l. nil!! 1',1',1 J~. ,4 .. _':"11 ,gl, "!iI:..:-_ ~ ,~r~ ~

"--, -i p,_r- ~ •• ~ oi '!'I' ¢ .,~}.i

It has been narrated that "Ikrimah, may Allah

b 1 .. d ith h im said

·e pieasec WI,' . ir ., ~:._II-i,!,

'''("'AbduHah) Ibn R81,;vlhah. was lying beside his. wife 'when he got up and copulated with a slave-girl of his at. the side of the room, His wife awakened s uddenly and did not find. him in his bed, 80 she ,got UP', went out, and found him. (copulating) lvith his


, i



I I I;


1 j

, I 'i

slave-girl .. 811(3 took a blade and. ~€!.ft.. He g'ut up when hefinished then he met her (his wife) as she was, carrying the blade. I-Ie said, '~Vlhat, is the :m atter with you?';' She said, ~at is the matter with .m;e?'] Had 1 ca,u.ght you where I saw you, I would have struck (ynu) with this blade in. between your shoulders "~ He said, ('Wh~er'B did you see :nle?~' She said ~ ~I Sat w' you (copulating) wi.tb the slave-girl.' He said, 'You did. not see mel And the Mes!~H~uger' of Allah (P'BUH) has forbidden tha t any one of us should recite the Quy in while being j.~Ulltb 1,.' She: said, '90.j. recite (same part

f h Q'" ~,,,, )!~ 'H 'd (' ~~:.... t'~ d

0. 11;., I!e 'cur ann - .e sata treei .... mg poe ac 'V,e:rSHS an

pretending that he was JDB1c;itingfrom.the Qllr~in with.out ;sa:yi.n,g' that directIy).,

AJbJLh~IS Messenger came :recitiling' his Book. Like the shining light of dawn. did. 118 lnnk He came with guidance so we are sure That what 11!8 ,s,ays can, nev'er be: unsure For prayers he would fO!fs, mite: sleep

Vih.en. polytheists would be asleep

She (his 'wife) said, "I believe 'in Allah and, belie (my) ey1e ... sigbt.) In thenext morning he 'W,ant to the :M:ressenger of Allah (PBUH) and tolJd him (all about that), Thereupon he (P'BUH) sm.-H.ed. until I could ,sEN~~: his molar teet_h~ilj2

I Jl'uu,b means "in a. 5'ta'oo laC jruitYtl)a.h.. JG',nd2J'.riii 1~ is 1lJiS:u~y referred ,to as :h_(Ji.dath. ahba,r 0,," :maj@r ritual in1}l'Il]!rity ~ and it t~e~ plaee 'w'llen a 'per,BoOn has ~exual intel',(:lO'UJ"se (nQrrri1tUy)

· h 'l. " • ~ I fi t· on d IU.. I I t I I I 1- -] '\.

wt t, nis Wll,e or at lIBr 11)loi:1VlLH,g BI .!5:eXi!!l.~~~, e :n,sJc~Jlm:rge: 'l.l1LO'rrma ,,]f) ill ,9,

'wet; dre:1lID. (Transla. t-oi:d

~ Trang:m.'i'tteJd by' ,Ad.~Dlilt;'n,quti:1l\i in his SUl~~t1+

:,dt91 ~ ~ ~,I ~.l;'J ~ .a=I:r;~l=. iUC~~ ~I C: !~b\l~, 'S j'~, u~, ~,~ ~Ii,~ • =,- !,,~,'_!~ '~. l~ .~ .~ »,

!i " ... : '¥'. ' ,"~'".' ~ ' •. 11 •• ~ ~!I! ~~: ~

,« ~:~~.;i ~ » :::Jj~ U] j' ~ i~ ,~,1 ~J;J

,« 1,~fJi,J~' '~ u'~; I~I », :: U~i

« ~W U.s_-;l--=-'B

. . ...

. - .

;N' , " .. ' 'U - ';,11 u. • ~ - ,::. ~~' .l., n J- , .. ,~ " . ,,,. _'iiil:::

• ,\:l;. 'U '1i ..... :I1 .. !!i '-',.1l~ ~ J ,~ {S'.lJI ,.::;.J: '~I-_' ~J fW' 'I' 'I!,» ::rL..J.IiW:Il

I~ .!!J' ~' "," I~I . II!'" ,'" '_'~"" [Ii

_ A _

It. has been narrated that ... A~'is:h,rul~ may Allah.

be nleased ,will'l 'hD,'T" , . said I -

_ "",,~. _ i!;;;!!,.,;Il"""._ _ ,.!!, = "'""~, ~ !;;!I~, ~'

~'O·· :'. .. t- h·c, -P'--· - '1- .' to, .(. pcjc iB' ·'UH.' - ," 1 ,), - - -- 4:.. -·d f."· AI" -

mce ene 'r(I'p, lell I., i. -', -~,·,·,re.;.!l!Jrn,e, rrom ,.,-' -

19iaqJr" after (escorting) the, dead body (of some persen to 'the grave) when I 'had a headache", and J was

. '0':'] d-"~' 'B' .' - "'. 0""" ~"'t • ',' "" "

,s~,Yl:~g'~! my headl -,'e said, 'No" I>' A ishahl It zs ,nj"

,tz,acul (t;1:ia:t hiats);' He, (thern) said (to me), 'Wha,t ,w!(Jul'd~ harm j!iO,U lif yo u ,(:l't~, ,before me so 1 would

1.. r cJ...'I L d' ,J l., d'f.· • 'I '5"I'lil'! (' - 1.

,waSf~ yo:rtr '~Il,I>e'al!6, OO:-Y1J.1 ,Sl~ro:u' (it), ,Pf.".ft.rrmt/:&€!'

ttl neral) P11U'jI'i(jr lfJr Y.CJ'l.t" ttn.d' b :~tf~y ,,'Q',U r (body ),?~ 1 said, 'And you WCJ1Ij_d.d, then return to my house (room) and copulate 'with some of your wives therel On. that 'the ,Mes:senger' ,of Allell (P'BUH) smjiJ;ed,. ,AftE!lftt-hat he started to undergn the illnesa during which he died."?

HIiII:I. 1'(' P:B:'UH' I .•...•. )... 'S" ''''''Dl-lille' - d b e 'c' a u' 'So se .'. 0" ·f.' -: a

I __ 'l# ',', :' ',1 I',. _.':_" -_I _, ," ~:. <:._ .:_ .":'" ",_ _:," ,',_' .< - __ "~ ,-:-,":1 '.,' _..I, " ': '

Bed .. ··j<"1 'W':······- 'd"':'" ->(l,JO'UlD S" ore s

It has, been narrated that "'Abd.ull.lth Ibn Sa,':~d &_=Sana:bihi said,

"Onee we attended an assembly of Mu.'~ iwfuya~h Ibn Abu Sufyan, when the people (attending there) held talks a.bClD.'t IBm.a:' 1ill (Iahmaal) and Ish,iq (Isaac), s@n(s) of Ibrihim, (Abraham) Some of them said, "The dlulbfl~:, (the one 'WhOW~8 tOI be slaughtered) was Ism;a"llil;{~ whila some others said, li'No;), lsllaf~l was the dh(_~ibfh).'i Thereupon M,u"l,wiyah. ,~''You have COIns

to ii"1~:""':J'li{l:~~ the tru .th -: eoncern ~ncr'!',hJi~ from .... \ ot!i 'l'iI ers on

fU 't.~JLu ¥~. "'~ L.L. _ Lv..,gJ,I.,L~,.l. ID' ~= _"_ ~ ~ v j Q ~~'" au· ,

who is: well- acquainted (with this ma.tter, me: B'O inJ5r himself) .. Once we were 'wf"th the Messenger of Allah (PB'UH) Vi hen a Bedouin IC81me to him, and ,88Lid~ ~O Me ssenger IDf Allah, I have left, 'behind (our) lands rigid and the (wells: 0'0 'w',artier dry" and (our) property has. 'been destroyed and (our)chUd'ren ruined. So, give me (ftiom) what AIlliah has given, to 'yO:U~ 0 son IQf the two dha b Lb~.sJ' Thereuponthe Messenger of Allah (PBUH) ism:iled, and did not d.eny whet 'he had said.' (The narrator eontin ued.) We' s,3cidl (to M:u'O;:i wiy.ah)~. "0 Command .. ar of UU~! Believers, who are the two d,h,abtJt.s'?'j' Hie said" l\¥hen "Abd.'ul~MuttaUb (the Prophet's grandfather) was, commanded t~) dig' (the

'".1"1, .... ,'] nC'L Z:,itI'n'"II'~!:JIm-; _ he 'm-" ad ;e;, '!Jil "U''''''W· , rlflij .... , J·'ih..o iE!a 11.;".0. hf''''''' AI:' 'lG,l'l

·"V~·· u[J ,····Q.;L_J.~~LI~_ . "'; , ... 11:;;, I , ~[ ... _~ ~ t~·IUI.,. JJ1j~~ ~.~ ~uA~ v' [",,'. J.~l

that he would slalugh.te~f' 'One of his seas if Allah made it easy for hhn (to dl,g' it), So (w'hen he waste fulfill 'the vow ~) he. took, them '011 t and drew arrows (tol know WI10) among' them (would be, slaughtered), The arrow of .. Abdullah {the Prophet's father) was drawn out, ~en he, wanted to slaughter him, his maternal uneles frem :BaLlln Makhziim prevented him and said, 'Please yu:ur Lord and rensom your sen,' 'Thus, he ransomed 'him, with one hundred she-camels, ,8,0 he was one dhabfh (of the, t\vo) and Isma' iI, 'was the other (dhab'th.). j~,].

1 i1fi~: '.' " "1-',i" sd 1.~. 'A··l_1[J"~'k'" .~: N" -, _ _.i,,fi;,~,Q' ,. ~ r.:nm.9m_'!i i'!ie-,~ fJ:'Y .' ,l~_;n;iOi_ .[m,~ ",', .0". "l"tJ!UlI[)"


::J~ ,J J~.!!I ~t Cfo 1i,.] J ~, ~ ,t ~ ,~ .&,~i ~J ,_ ~ J~ ~ ,~\,yJ~ L~~ »

~(. 'f Ji'l ;' i 1\ bl)*j ~ IrJ ~ », ~ Jli ~ « !f.#,C ;?-:J ~' ,,.§],, ':"'j Y"~: : JU " ({ J ~;J 'J} J, ';}",j, ~~.) ~' USJ,J ~ 'r..j JJ~' ':JJ' ~ ut! )~ ~ JU ~ 1,~ !I i5] ~ [';',:\"j! bSjj~ ,~._j J..ii :~' All, U '!i.,I;,oiJ I .' 1, .'61, ~~ »

~ .• -..,." ~.- ~ '·,~,.J~lC

,.J:'fii ,4 ~ i "o::::,~,~. ." r Ir"'~ . I. JL ;~~ .. t·" .1::. "'~'I .. t:".. .,'.l'~1,

r-r ()~, ~~q ~I Ujj» :::'. '.1.§ " « ,1.$ ~ rJ.JJJj ~: ~

- _.

,J-+J' ,j- _8 ~1 'J'l: ~, 4~ 'i !"t,' ~~i ,li;lu ,~~ ~ ~,J:.J

. « ({ i",,..,,;, ,jiLl, ,...::c.. -+J~4'7i;L, ~

~ _' ~~~,. ~

I t has been, narrated that Abu, D'lwud, said" ~'OIDA;e '[ met Al,uBari'~ Ibn ""A z ib, may Allah be pleased with him, and 'be greeted me, held my hand, smilad ill my face, then said, 'Do you know w'hy ,I have. done-' ,I E;B{1ld., ~I do not know. 'But I can see that you, have done it ,for some good (purpo,s,e),,'He said, ~Actually',0noe' the, Messenger of Allah (PB;TJH) met me and. did with 'me what Lhave done 'with. you, He (also) asked me (the same question I have! asked you) and I said like what you have said to 'IDe., Then he (PlBUH) aaid, ~:Wh€ne'u€r (allY) tsao M;u,slirns meet and one of' them. greet» the' other CIna holder 11. is hand for noth. i:ng but: the sake' of Allah, IGl()r'z"ted' and' Exaited be He, A.llah forg,iv1pZ',;S1' them before :they leaue €ar:h oi her (physically)., ~lj t

:1 Tf1:;1!,]1Qlnitted by Ahnla.d lID; his Mu~nadJ No. 180.71. " :l

H- e ('-P'B','UH"'" -: -). Smiled at -Wh·'·--·-~':'a·····:t·-, t···ob- __ ··e·' .. ··'

.c'- ", . ',' .~:' _ ,_' ",-"m,IJ.,e". lB. ,",' ,I i,' "'_ '\.' ,'c

J- 'D""l!!d ewsrnn

It has been narrated that Ibn '~'Abba~~, m8l_Y Allah be pleased. with, him, said,

"Onee 1 sawthe M:e~,sen,gler 'Of Allah (PBUH) sitting ,a~~ 'the Corner- when he raised his, sig:ht toward 'the :6;:k_y' and :sm;iled, then said, 'May A!l'laA (!l:lfse the' Ieee!' I("HI ,.0, ;E,'B- id :-, it) three tim ° OQ (. th iQ''f''Ij 'Qd'~ "'"4 )" ,"~re''j'cr'r''U

CI 'I;i. _ ,._. '~'I :." _, ~_ y ~:,. _.~: , ,li ·w_ JI.I, u\;ii .1'&.'., .~"O' '" [I" ·,ul!!J.. iOIi:.':_ JJ~l'~;lJ.l,:,. .: V ~ , ,. ~~J

Al'l'It~ghtY' AUG. h, farfJ'{lrle' thfJ 1ft lat$ b ut, th~y sold "hie m and ate ri. €'" s!Jlf!nt,) their price. ,S:ur,~lY' ,when AJrn,i{:h,ty

Al-'ln,L,f"n':rt..;d,,"('11:'1 'I:!'nJ~'o':I!' neoole *";I"!I ~>\'"i'-+' lfi ("'j.';;I;i'lI'Ii"'~.o:"I"Y"I!':i'J' '-#,~;:nln

'6"\{~ lY.f. IU~.'_:.··O I~·v.l-·lr,f;i~ r·G:~"""'~ i[dU!' ~~~ ~ . ~~,I !~~,~~~:. I~i"'~;&:'!"f~m~"

He' also ;oar-b··· .. ids them to l!'t"jl t its nrice ,i~j2

_ -, _. _ _ 1'- .. . _!;I' - .!!;. - . - - Yf _ _ ;@;P'. l~'bo'e.

7_,,.,. b.

1- ,- ----- -- - -_ .. -

I ......aMO :l2r;!" ~~~ ;!iiJRll'AO~""MCL ~'2tM''Z' ';IriN'tI!I::I1I:I::II:E~

H----· .( ·P··-·'B':UH· ). S··--- ··.r!I-··d·', be - - - - -- - -f;"t--hl--

___ e , - " -: . ,;: lim) 'e; _ ..• ~·ec,au,se 0 I' _'c 6

M·· '.-- -. Wh' , ;. 1-.- 'C··.-·.'--'-~ lilt-'t· ed Z····/'ioh---:'·· :~, .,:* :. ,an' .. ·,: 0 ".·umml_:l,el.c_c ~>_}I:_:ar

It 'has been. narrated on the authority of Ibn ",Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him" (that)

8! man eommitted zihar 'with his 'wife then eopulated wIDth l1er before expi ating (for tha t ~thd1'-). Then he 'went to the Prophet I(PB,UH) and told 'him

h t ~h . ~ H"" . (P:B··· UH')' ked iilf.'II'Ii"'i[·· ;'J '~,.J-1 Iu ?"j' at -ou 'Ia,;:a-I~,. > .,e .' .' - -',1 _.'1 ,as·.IEHJI." .' r{flY ,a,l~ j1iOU ICkO t,~ at'~ .

He' replied ~ "O .Messenger- of .Allliah) I saw the lvhiteness of her ankles in (the light of) themoou and I could not. control myself BO I copulated with her," TheT€Up0n. the Messenger of Allah ,(P.BU1-:1) smiled, and ordered him not to approach her (sexually any more) before lexp],ating (for g_;i,h.a"r). [

·l;thlu· can be defined as regarding nne's wife as (he back of ene's mother, Thi.~ is ~pirB.s,s ed 'W hen i8!. man s,aysb~ his. wife~~, "You are lik'e my- mother's b,aek.j~ meaning ·~O~ areprehibited to me",

I T_r;!'8l1ls:mi Ued by Ibn M,ajruh 1.ID1 his .8 zi,}1i Q; Ii ! .. N o. 206,5.


-- -------- ,-_.,

, i

I r- .1

H (P'BUH-- -- -- -)- S" '''I'd 'b,' use of AI- ,-

e : .•. '_.', .... '.' '_mle~. neeause 0' -[".

M·-- '>t, - d' ,~, d - d "AI" - A,

'-_ 1,q~ _ a;~· an: - ,-,-:-_. l.

It has been, narrated that "All, may Allah be pl eased wi th hi m, said ~

"I used to excrete ~nadhyl, so much and, whenever I did so I 'would perform ghf.I;S'l (ritual bathing)" I told AI-Miq_dad. to asktbe Prophet (P'BUH) (about that and. he did.) so he (PBUH) smiled and said, ~r.lbl.u,tion is (to be performed) for t'hat (instead ,orghusl). ';;2


:l Madhy can be simply e,:x,pres~edl as "pre-seminel fl uld" @,r ~seC'r.!lltjlon discharged before ~ aculatton".

':z ~lrans;['il1i tted by Ahmad inbisiWusR,ad.,

, ~ I ,

He ,(PBU,H) Smiled because of "Umar 's W""'o'-'r'd' Q'

r . : - .... '","1.'-;': .. - ...... : ... : ""· .. _··-d,

~ ~' :!' "- ~

~I~ ), :Jw ~'~IL~ ,~,($,~ '~.J c:.Gl '~'Q ~'!y\ ul })

'11'- • .;:

.! ~,il ", - .. _1~ -::~, 'II.' ,. 1 _ 'I ",;;i ",.J' ~ -" ,.!, '" ,~ "" ~. ~~

~~ ~J ):) ,:~!W '~~JI ~ ~J.a , (< Ijlj~hel ,~C:...:!'J~I

~,i.....J~1 ,~~t! _)AL' ~t! ,,4.l4 U\£. 'lA ~ r~ J! 'LtS ~ i~ <~ f, ~J'r 'Qj : J~ ~ ,« ~',. 1 J"~I ~~I » : JI.§ " «! L. ~\~;A ~-tl~ ~l",:!J» ! J~ ,~ : ~ ~l J~ ~9 ,'Q ~ls, fo 41 ~fJl , ,«~Lu fo w.i ~ij )~ L:.L....,jUi ~~> ;: Jl! .s « l !Il';~ ~ ,'~ ~lj » : dll , «:! 'L.--i ,; ~; ~"t-:- ~i ,..!it,. "J- )}

_. - II! I"" ~~ ._. .;.!o ~ .......

l.fld» ~. ~~ Jw ~,;ti;fo.ijj • ~~ ~t! , « b J?u .: ,~'II ol'Ji11 ,Jy-, • ~11 J~,) l"!Sl~ ,,« !L:').;'~I '~~ » :Jli« !w~ ,~~,.~ C-J~ ;:L1' '~i ~,i~lt _'~;; W'~. ~ J' ~r ',' ~ .. t 5ji;.,. !il,.'a f ~l ~,

u:~' 'I!'I ~ . ~ ~ UI~ JJ . _ rL.Jf ~.' ~ ,J 1"

:JU~-~" t ~~'I ~;JAI~;~j '~8j~'~ (st~Jl!l~ ~tl;!Jl

,« ~~ilL, ~llll ~ ) 4cc~~ ~ ~"~~AM d~J ~ :>.) :,~ )!~ ~ Jill " ,« ~~ ~Lill ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~'-, y », :~' Jw, :tJj

.<(.~ ,~il f,.;___";"'!~ ~'«~' JW :» ::Jli.J M: ~I d~!,,;,ii =Jll,

It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn "A~bas,!; 111ay Allah be pleased with him, (that)

Once a magh£b woman- lVlent 'to a man to buy something from him" He said (to her); "Enter the inside chamber so that I ean ,give H.t, to). you.' She

] A trwgh."ro woman :iJ;s, a woman WhG~:H:~ husbend (ih' famT.Ry "j s absent.


en tared and. he kissed her and touched. her (body). Sh.e: said, "Woe to you:1 I am .mag.h f.b ,. ~ 80 he let her go and regretted what he did. Then he w·e·nt to "Umar and ... ·o~:'·II.Jll ,fi:]'n' '[1'. about what ~;i!;i~~,,J1 H'~" said ~!rW" Io I;'"~ to

,~, 11lJ.. . U .. I, .... '. ,. ,iU ". . 'N'V, ~, ,l.l.'I;"r Il,.lUlu, t1i Ol~ . i! '~ ". e !iii',.

,"" "I I' 'Iil'" "h' " :',.,', ~ " " ,' ... ~.' ,he, ... ,t :,,. H" . ,'",.'!II "S""l~' .. ' e, l(li 1:.:1"···

you: reI.'!, aps sne .IS mag: tv" ".'e sam, "" 1.e is. :-~e

rUlnar) said, "So go to ,Abu Bakr and ask him. (about ~t) '!'J! 'H t ~ A' b'" 'B~,·1_. d tcld 'h' ,. . ( b ., ') _..] rt), .e werr to ~"',"" :'-U i,a.tJ;;.r an to :.··"lID (about it) ana

A~ 'b·u'.... B"" '91),""_ !gI ,g,.n ·d· '~!I:~W, .',: '1'1;9 '+0' 'Y .... -T' 'I 'p·.'o rh a '.,-, - '1, l~' . g' h, .... t,. :'(ii

, , ..... ,a.I"J...[~ r.:::l'~JI,I. ~ V, Ill.! _, ,.'II,.)rU,; " ['VI" ._~.p.El S,.nlB :!liS m,..~_, ttl"

He said, ~'She is." He (Abu B,a.'kr)- ssid, f~SO go to the:

Pr ih et ']P"B"'UH' )" nd ·t' ... 111 h ... (. ab . ,t :·.-t-'):!II H"'I' . " rt J,.-

, , n.]!p,·e, '~.. = r : ••••• - - •• an.' :;811l lID., a,.ou. ] ", ,"e wen '. It.O

th Pronhet {P:BU-H'~ . , d told l' ~,' -', ( 'b'" ,t' ',j!,,) .. 'dl' tho . tne .' rop.,_le~ L - ____:! '1 an',g u. mm tanout 'h;.' and the

"p:. ':1' ,·'·h:·' st [·(··P'·B·'·U· "H'-")" . ". id ~':n, .. ha: .. ,.; sh« ';", '. - .. ,,,J.!- .;.;L,I 'i' H' .

, .vopa ' .... ~'., _.... ,s,aJL· ',~ .r[er, ups $,:".e ~~s lnagrl~v. Ie: .

said ~~·S~'h···;Ii"i, ,Qo ~~ 'I'hereupon th D 'M-- "9""'-' .C -, ' =.,\: 'g' .-,-.;, .. .-,.{,., A·',l·l,,:··h:

.-::;i'..;;lIl.I.,:!, " .. ~ .:t;;;ll., ".'!I;i','_"'V' .1, ,..., ,.,8se,n~:r 0 I /, ..• a

(PBUH) remained silent (for some time) then the (following) 'Q:ur',inic (verse) 'W81S 'revealed", ~An~d oerforni As =Salttt (pra~l,e r) at the ttoo ends of," the dav

lr-" lit - -----..:..:. _-- - -- ',-- -"J' - - _,,,'I - ~ - .,~ I.. . .. IJ'"

ami in. 80~n€' hours- (~f the n.iglit (i.e. the five com-p.uls·ory prayers)" 'Verily,. the ,g:Of)d' deeds re'1'MJVe the eoil deeds (i:e. small' sin&:), That is a reminder (an

d . "";,11 \ ,F.,- r th« .' '- 1..:11'-', ·t· (those ". h" . .. .. ,,·t· ,. d" ,", ~ a Vlic.~) tor (:8' muuu U \ ir. OS!? ,W,: o-aec'ep~ ,a~v[,c-e/. y.

fflit...1,,_···,·· .. ud ''"''0···· 1I\,if."",~ .. · ,["". of Allah ,~,- ,~,:,t seecial f .. ~

,LHe man .sal.,- ,j.~.!,sen,ger 0. .. Jl an, us L speeia eilor

me 0,1' gener al far (all) people?" .. Umar said; "No, and may you. have no Joy (if you want it to be special for

·""1)' I:t, .' ,-., . .-; .. -.- .. - _-,'II ,.£. _-.- .. , ("'-n):1 , 'I .)~ [O··r. "t-.'b·' .. t the

you". . ..... is gsnerai ror .·.21.111.· peep ,18, ·_en c,.',a_,·, ,e

Messenger of Allah. (PBUH) smiled and said, ,,,,~ Umar has said {fl,€, truth. '~.2





l r ~i-

L::::J '---_ .. _~_7 _T'2t_~_7 r'T'2!I_Tnr_.",.._;_v~ ~_,_:=r __ -_~~~:::r:.rI£_'_ ~~~1J:7o!1 _- __ - __ ~._-.~ - __ -_-_. ~

'~Q' 'rA· If'c:i't.l.dl 11011' .. ',ur,i1n~ ul_\:.:· '':t,"

2; i'i1i'L. ~ . - ,~~ ',t",.·· ... ..lI Le. ~ Ahn d~ "_. h' '" M-- _..-~, ~ ,.J ~N" '. Oill[i"i,~' , l.lll'.an:Sml[lIA:l!:ll uY' ...::..;ma, In.,~, rM n:a a.!, , o. ,;i;;;i'::Ii:~U.

- -.

It has been narrated that Albft Hurayrah, may Allah. be pleased 'with, him, said,

"Once a. Bedouin entered! the mosque when tbe Messenger of' Allah (PBUH) was .sitting (there). I-IB: said, ~Ol Allahl Forgive me and Muhammad, and do 1II"Ii'o-·,t' 't" ..... raive anvone with '1'ji't"'P '0·"111'- that th t:ii M.·' ',.t:!'S''Ii!!'~_iT'iJa:.EiIi'il''

J.u~ '. J)v, ~l~ T ," !IJa~IU"J V. r. ".Ib-. \,.!iO+ ~_Q. ,'I;;r. _" _1I;'i . QI~.l • .l~~.L

of Allah (PB,illI) smiled and said, 'YOlL haue preuented sorne:t/t,i,ng that €,xtend's (to everyone and, ev,erythi~g~ Le':j,A1~ah~'s, Forgivensas and Me'l['\CY).~ Th,len he (the Bedouin) turned tOW'at'rd. the side .of the mosque and started urina ting, The Mea senger of Allah (PB,UH) stood UPI (and went) to' him, then he (PB.'UH) said, ':A.ct:uaUy~ this house (i:e., mosaue) has been built for remembering All,ah a nd pt2.rforming' prayer. It is not to lh2 (a, place) for urination,' Then he


,(PBUH) ealled for a big buCket, orwa"ter and poured it '!l)Vier :it (the urine)" Arter realising (what happened the.n,) the Bedouin eaid, (oo'mmenting on 'what the Prophet dlid, with him), "The Prophet (PBUH)~ I ransom him with my···· fa ti!l,.,o,,,. and my m--,·.,...t'1f-.t'i;!II"=C!,t··"~

~ ._ ,~y.. .. ;!II.. _. '"y .I~l . .: lJ) J~l ~1iL i~." . • '" ' .. ' , ··u - JlJl~.ll ~·u - U

up (and came) to me:" and he did nat insult, reprimand ~I or beat. me ~:;'"1

j ITt..- --. 'C. ~~, "d' 11.,. A L = .~..l jp;.)f. llll}r ~i~ , - ,...:Iii 1.,'~li"iil).,h""-

..I. J-iCLnsmhrwil··, [I'y~;ruut 1,"'" ct U!' 'UiiJ., tiling, 1J'.l '!IJIlli '1I:iilJ. o.


He (PBU,H) Smiled, when' Ammar ,Rolle:d, Hi'msielf'in Dus,t

I'-'·t' h- b it a" th t S""h - ... - Ib S·· -], - - - ~

I _".' ."_ .. ". _._ '". - "1 .•• ", - r - . . .. ", ~. _ - . ., - ',_ - - . " " '", - ," _, I . _. . "., • .'....,. .-'

.' as _'EHL~n narrated __ :o_1i~,:' aqiq .um oa. aman

~~'o' ," .. -, 'I-' , - ] ''- , ~t,,j!.,~;, zwith "A', b...:ll- "'l~"I!..· - d" A" ''I!...J'"

. unee was ;w,aa 5lill":Wng' W]',:,U, ",::·'u:U.!L, ~-u. ann "JJ'U

"1\ if,"', - ~ ;1\ '11 A" sh eli ~ m!il]j w Al' - - '-I .... L be ple ~"f'Ii '"" d- wi th b-' oth of

.!.~l:UlS'a ,llJI. -,~.,,;,,~ _' ~ l" _._. ~'!,.J ,~: , .. ,WlI!.~: "Jl~;~b y ,_,'ti" " .. ' !;,I" I.: '-i,

h h Ab" M- -" .... id £, "'A- bd '11-· ... h '(I'

t em, when Abu ,'11158 sate .. 'iIkO,':~ U.' ,!I, " (In your

• 'i' ) ] j!. Id ,..::I' b t ~f:' h

opnnon .' 'W la:~ W'OU'U ,8, man. UO! a. ":OU', p···r3:y~"'er 11,' • .. ·e

.. '. ,.,:;., ' .... " ... = , ,,_ _. . I. .. ".." ,. . _

(experiences a seminal dislcharr,ge OF' has sexual :itl,'t1ereonurse) but dees not find wat~r?; ",AJhd:ul1ih said,

L"in tf. :;1

'He should not (perform tayammu,m ld.ry a~bkutilon]) .,~ Abu M'us,a" said, '(Then) you, do not 'remember when ~Ammar said to "Umar, 'Remember when the ,Mess,eng1e:r. of Allah (PB'UH) sent me with you on an errand and I became, in ,8. state of jcuzlioa,h (by having a seminal discharge) but could not find any water so ] rolled myself in dust, '\V}],en I went 'back to the Messenger of Allah (PB:UlI) and told Jaim (about ,t'b' "t"):' he '(1I"l·B·'-'·UHI·), -_···,'·'111 d-' ,,- 'd- .. '. '·.lll 'lei" '" l"d": }: : ,- .. -

. ";"81. ..... .! e 'c '.', '. ' }. sm:ne.· an, SEtlw; , ~ W10,U' ,1('U)€'

been sufficient for you to do this ~ then. he (PBUH) struck. the ground. with his hands and wiped his two hands (one hand. with t'he other) and wiped[ his. face once with one strike' ~ ,. Abdullah said, ",C,ertai.nly, "Umar W'8!S not :£lllllly satisfied 'with these (words of

~ Am- '" 11 'iI; A'" b" M' ...._ $;: ,. d t h ~ tmh h

''',' "mar ODJ!.,Y'l;", '-;'u:JliS~ said ':'0,. :nn"ien, 'W ~,at

about this versa in 'the chapter 'Of An-Nisa', ,~.", ,i and you fi. nd .no wa ter, ,perform teyammum UJ!ith, clean earth and rub the reioith. ,yo ur lace',s and hand-S' ,! ~ • :" t'Q.- . )"', . ,A..... 'N'::'I':' 0""1 ~ ~ ·4" ,~,)?~ '01-' th at "'A··· tb f:' '1]1,'''' h',..;;)1 ' ,fal ,- i~,jL It,:,ur .an, .r'llJ!,-',., .llGai ~ ",iIiJ'.n, l.<. a: ,.- .ull.a, u1!'UI. Illy","

know wh ei '" to . ~ 'TIiY' ( .. , - ._- 'pll .--,), An -.111 h £'!; C''''!]i; id "lr'f"

v''!!'i' v,," .~L!.; I)'.' oa.,'"ln Fe ";,,II!Y' ~ c_..-:' 1 ilj,'i6 d~in:', Jl ~ W'9

perndtted th:em, (people) to perform ta.yanununt (without restrictions), one of them would resort to tayamm um if he found water eold on his skin." 1.

] 11)'an5mi'tted by A.;h__mJRl,dl,j No, 17B65. '80

I '


D'·' '("'p' ··B-"·U·'·· .. H:_)· S", ---~ Hed , zh ',-, : H')I-"-' ·S·····~ - .. -

e ", · ",.,---,_- .. _".IBl, '0 w-, len, " e ',·,aw

J- _A __ Ib - ''''''A' bd Il~'b

_ anr - -n ,--=:-U,3'-1

" :;"1· :'-1·.. - \l~

: ~ ~'411 •. ~_-i 1 ........ ' ,~n Jib. • Ii,!! '!!J idiIi. u~

~ J •. I~ I~V"'" ..

~« #I1"'I:'! ~\ _ .dlJ, ~ lQ H"',~l ~ ~_.~. ,~! J' !LI.o!:_.' ~ I, ~jl'"'' ~ ).)

.. ~~ J ~ .."J.'.J ...• e

It has be-en narrated that Ja_flf Ibn "Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him said

~, __ , .fU 1100· ,--' ..... '_ JJ.~«rCI'l;:;;, ,lI:., . :_. ,', Qg, "_~

~jTh€ Messenge:m.'" of Allah (PBUH) never refused to

'. .., (-t hi J" I b d

grve me perrms sion . I '0 :see .. rm) since em, fBClB -". ,

Islam and never looked a-t me but with a smile, "'1

1 Pransmitted b~;r Mtlsliml Al~Bllk.hiri~ and, At~Tirmidhi"JadI" Ibn ... Ab~]u]'~i'h~ may Allah be pleased with him j was one of th e ,P:m:-ophet',s Companions for whom, he. (P'B'Ut~) i awaked Allah. See Jadr's bi,ogr,aphy and the Fro.p'l:uE!:es in¥oc~'td.~n. for him, in the book ,Hd/u.l,a~t D:a',a l(jJ~,'lHnUr~R'rJ.!lijJ {Thosle for Who:nri the :M,essengew of Allah Invok,ed. Allilah}, by the ,iE,am€! a.uthor.


He (P,BU,H) Smlled bs,causei o'fthe' Man Who will Be the Last tOI ,Enter Paradise

,,t.j~i r)a ~!A'J "te'l;} Jm,"jl' "rJ9' ,I,. ; \Ii ~J~~ ~,Jt.l;.,,~ .J~~ 1; '!;I~U- '~)~ :J~ ,', ,J: ;ti~1 j'~'~ /I~i,:,~ ItS-'~"~ OJ3,JJ'~,~'~ ,.:Ji

~ ,':,' '~' ,'.,- I~' ~~ ~.~ ~ :._:. ~ '.-.,",!I! ~~~ \

.. ~i ' '_ II .. ,. , 'II AI ,~,~- ii t. i 'II ,ij, n:.:. i J'- ~" ,"' ;,." ~I ,;iii t, •• ' f

r-~ » :~.J 1,)9' I~~<~~~' ~~lIJ' :~~I Um;iI;o!;i~~, !~JI

,J' ~'J!I-"/(J' ,a ,U'j '~i ,',,' "i '! 1)' ~; ;~;JrU ,~( fiA :~,__j~,)~ '~ i~!t t ,~JliL.:;j

~ I! ~~ ,~,r4I 1r.!3' LM· ~ __ > ~ _. ~. I~ ~ ~

~~:" or! ,~ ~:' I~ II!!! J-li'lIl! " « lit ~lI /'!i-I:IJ W' ~], ,ill ~,'I-I-Ul;Hi~:h'"':_'-l~' ~Ij' t,

. .~" ~- ... !!'i' - t. I?_ w=--= .~~ ~ "'.' Ell ~ .. I . ."....

'" &.a~' l.., ~,~ ~ ~ ~"'~ ~1'~!j 4J~,,;,.;t.,~, I~ ,,1+-;'_9 ~JJI "U)~

.J.!p. ~!~.~ i'!' ~~! ~,~~'

~l ~I l~~! ~~ ~ t5\.~~!;' ;!c~ ,W' e:i..;i:»; ;JU ,trJ)'f- ~

't;. ~;ii, ~ w -O'l~ _Ill

~'! 814 J:J ~~ l • lA ,~~~ ~i~'J oj' » iJ~fll , 1l< ~;j~'~ ,c)4

~< ~'la ,ue- ~w~ ~ j~'li. _J:a'LtU ",I~ », ':: \,lwi~ «, 11"'-~~ l'~ ~~t Ii

_" ~. rr - ~ I~ If'" ~ .. ,. ~ '¥ w=--- !!!""-~4

~~j ,,1. ,:16 LlJ ~lL!i', « !ilt;o, .".JJJl -~"('J'i ~'Ui L., ,~_I»' :JJi-i9,

"._ '__ iI I~~ ~"_ lii~ l~~ U .. IEII]

", J .. ," '~ 'L 'I ~:1.: ji . I:.,~ .t '~~'~ '!l:i :~:~ I' . 'I ;'

.~"JI:tJ I~ ,{( i~l~ ,~J! ~~.J ~ }) ::,~ ,'~a ~ I !!.I'.,.~

,~4< ~ i' Q 'l:i 1:', ilJ ~Jl1 I.¥~l$" ,U!: f!ll ~~ ~, ;1J,I":;' ~~ :», ::~." ~ LiJt;iui b,r., » : JJi J! <{ ! ,,~! ~,J ~~J i~ !~ jf~'~i' ,~> : UH

. «,;J1!: ,. U!I LA I~' ~jS.1J ~~


It has been narrated on the authority of "Abdullah Ibn Mas"udt may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of An all (,PBUH) said,

"(The last person who ,wUOl enter Paradise unll be a man who will walk on the' ,Siral·1 slipping for $'ome time and Hell-fire u)ill .hold' him for some other time. When hesurpassee it, he uiill turn toward it and StlJ', 'Bleseed is the One' Who has saoed rue from. it! By AU"~h) He has ,surely gioen me ,what· He IU1,5' .not givien

(U~JiI (at he r) cre'i!l,t;ure .. ] 'T he n iG, tree toill b e ra ised for kiln and he wiU say" '0 my Lord, let me approach. it so thatl can shade my'self under its shade and' drink {Torn its uiaier.' Allah will $'ay'~ '~'O son ofAdam~. perhap» you will f/,f!t'.k ,Me' lor something else ifI g~"ian,.t yo'u this/ Be w'ill' s:a,y~ 'No, my Lord/ and he will promise Him that he unli not (aslt Him for anything else) uihile He uiill be aWlare t hat he unll do t luu because he unll be seeing (t.rtings) before' tohich. }U~ will lose. patie nee. Tn u·s Be will let him approac h it and'

·.he wUZ shade himself under its shade ,(I,.na drink from. ue w,(tter~ Then another tree; which uiill be better than t'.h€ firet CH1e', w,al be raised lor him. He uiill sny ~ ~'QI my Lord, let me approach it so that 1 can shade' myself under its shade and d.rink from ise water.·~· He (Alla.h) will .saYJ! 'Have y·ou not promised Me that you


w(Juld not ask ,Me for ,anything e.l'~'e?' He :w,~:l'l: say, ty~$'J' 1 have' {promised you)~, Q' my Lord, Old' (please) let me approCtch it 8·0 that I can fJnade r'fl1lse,~f under its shade and drink from its uiater,' He' wiUpro.mi~e Him (ag,ain) ,t.ha:t he wU'l no,t ask Him k»: any;thing else, so He will let him. approach it ,while H€ will be aUhlre that he W, ill as/~ Him. fcn~ other (tllEngs)' .b'Eri)tlU;3~' he unll be S€'eil1,.g (t'lLin:g.s) before w'f1,ich he ,wil.l lose patience. The n anot he r tf',e.e'"wh ich. ,wUl be' better than the; fi,rs',t. twoJ will' be ,no; ised for him oi the gate of' Poradise. Be. witll' .saYJ !fO ,rny Lord, let me approach it so' tha,t I can shade' myself under its' sbade and' drink ,from it~ water,,' He (AU'ahJwill sa~y~ tHau€ yo'u not promised iY;e' tha"t ~you toould: not ask Mefor a,rythin.g ,el.'se'?'~ He' will say~ Ye'~'~, l.lUIJ)€, (prolniBe.d Y(nl)~, 0 Tn, Lord, but (please) ,fe't; me app,r,oac,h, it,' (Then, He' w!ill let him approach the Itn?e) and: when he o;pp'roac.heS' it he YJ'iU hear the Bounds' of the. inhabi tants of Paradise. On that he will $,~y, ~O my Lord, let me enter Paradise.' Allah, Gl(N~ified ,(JJf,d Exalted Be He'~ will say", Wil'l ,yo l:t ,be sosisfted, 10 5"U1. of' Adam, if I giue ,~o it (what

J' I ~ ~ ~ . l'.J' d th' [, " it- t ,i ~ '1. ,. th. 'J !}1' H

equauu tne ioona all;' sne ·l.f1te '0",- b a,M)~ Wh., l,~":" .. '.,e'

toil! ,8a,y:~ to my Lord, do You "lock ,me t.hOligh r:Olt are the Lord of the, uiorldsi' H@ LU.iU say~, 'Ldo not macik, y:o:u", but, I ca n do w haieuer I want .rio do). ~"

On. mentioning ('the man's words') "Do You moek D:U~" ." Ibn Ma,s"ud smiled then said (to the' Iisteners), ~'Wil1 you. not ask me WhJf 1 am smiling?" It was said, "'Vihy are you smiling?" He said, "The Messenger of Allah (P,B,U-H) smiled when he, mentioned th,ose' (words) , .. "(I 1

< ,,_~.: i

.. _ ..

, >

. ~

He (PBUH) Smiled when ·8 Bedoufn Pulled His Garmen't Vi.ole:nt, I.y

:: Jl§, - ~ ,~,l, I~IJ .~ ~'~ ,~ ~1 ~ I~~'~W~ 1J;'.~~f' ~'~ ~~ ~ .» Ji,llr'J 8;: ,~~, J~J ~I ~:\ c"'\',,(»)

4 i> i....-. 5 .1" r , J~ W,J,;J «s: 'j$. ,~,.:l.l~ ~ :"'.'1' ~~ j,'i;J e,~ ,,~~'~.c,'~ 4S~J~

~~ ~" ,. , ~ • ~. ,,_,;- ~

~ ~~:~n·, '~~ ~ J~! l~~ ~ wyl ~ ii' ~~ ,J_JM~_) ~b ~~, j""; .l:~ii ,!,« ~~ ~jJ,1 ,~1 JL" ,r,)A ~I .» ,~ '~ » :'.Jli

.« ~Jt,~ ,~, .)41 ~ ,,!'b'l..d ~ M ,~i, J~~,J

It has been narrated that Anas Ibn Malik~m,ay Allah be pleased with him, said,

"Once I was walking 'with the Messenger of ,AUah (PB,U-H) and he 'was wearing ,8 Najrani 1 outer garment lvi:th a thick hem when ,e, Bled.omn carne up on him and pulled his garment 8:0 violently that, I could recognize the sign of'violent pulling' i1J'f' the garment ben]. on the shoulder of the Messenger of Allah (PB'UH}. 'l'~e,n he (the Bedouin) said, "'Q Mu,ham.m,a.d~ order that something from Allah's property whieh yon keep, be: given to me,' The MessI8'~ge:r (if Allah (P'B UH)turned,to him and,],ed 'th'911. ord-ered. that a gift. be: given to hi:m,,";2

l ~ .e"" ,[t'tt.ribu,ted 'to N ajran ~ ~n ,s,aud.l Araihia. 2 'Transmitted b:y Al~,'B'1J,]~h.:id, No i, ,5,472.


I' • , .•

r+ :

He, I(PBUH) S:mi),le·d, because of Ab'u B,akt"sRepliesl

ill Ii ~, '_~~" _ j'" I r.

tS,; t, J.......:..'~ ~~ ~ » :' Jlj '~' ,~~ J.J#l J IU~ ~l,qi ~'~ we

~ » ~u\i ~ ,(~ ~~ J~~JI ~ Uli » =_fo.'y'l ,J1jj! 'IJ~S_M~ ,«,!pJ~' J~;J '~ul » : fo ,~1 Jw ! J1S u! ~('~; L;,~~ ~~~I r(';41 ~! J'~ JLm ii,;'V(';_'lQ, « ~ Ul.! "',J f»~1 I'';;. ~!;~! ,JIri»); ,~:Jt§ ~ ,« ,'&11 o,~, " "'.\ ~ G ,l\t, iii »' :: Jli, ~ ,11,,49, ,« ~\ J ~ I, 'lJ 'll! » :: ,(_. ,o,j~

~ •. ~ -i • .!! ~ r . ,~' d if'I' ~ ~

• ~( ~~ i"~1 JAJ r:I~J: '~.). ~'~ .1:.\J' ,I ,~ I~ ,; ~ /~ '~

- ~ - ,~i" '_ .e " .. \ ~ Irr- ww--.., III

It h"" , lk, ,,' ,'I', ,' __ ,', ted ,-- __ , ths ,- "t:h'" -:·t· r of A',' 'b"" " llo •. as :ueen Il a:r:ra- e on liB au:, O~l_y 0-. " u

Umamah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the' Messenger at' Allah (PBUH) said (to his

C" " ,,~, - - )" ''''R-''' , ," of , 't- d:-'

,",. ~ . __ ' . ','.' I . " . :' ,Ii - . ".' _ . ,"" ,""," _. . I . _- I , - ,:1 : '"" _ ._. .... .--: - I -, ·'1 .~.

, onnp.anlons,~ ..... ,as, any a.n€; 0,' you en ;,ere -, upon

(this) morning fasting?':" They remained silent and, Abu, Bakr said, '''I have, ,0' Messenger of Allah."

Th'" . 'h'·· (P··B;UIH~ id l<!:U, .,-- ··f' , , .,'. ited

, . en ._e ., . .. . )' sal •. ,', J.J;(28 {l,ny one 0" ,you[n$t.Ge~_.

I('l sick. person ,today?~j" They remained silent and Abu Bakr said, "I have, 0 Messenger of Allah," Then he (PBUH) said, "Has ,(u~y n,ne of you given (anyone) in ,chcu"ity :t'(JdCl::i?~~ TIl!ey remained ailent and ,Abu B,ruIT' said, "~I have, '0 M'ess.en.ger of Allah. '} There'll pan he

.. -

I,(···PBU" H)· Qmiled then '12"9~r'JI "~B-;_:-.~ Him .. ~ -~ 'W','·h,,-¢:, H',',"I nd

... __ " .. ,j fO! __ . _ ' Q~II.J.~y I~m ~n . I DOle ,. "an. ... ,

my eoul is, no one does these (three acts) on one day except' a belieoer and (such a pereon) w ill ,IE' nier Pt: rad'.ts€ by virtue' of them. '.! I


He' (P'BUH) Smiled because 0'£ a M,an from th,e Peopfe '0" the Sc'ri.:pt.u're1

It has been narrated that "Abdullah Ibn Mas "ud~, m ,~,y- Allah be pleased witl h him said

jat.,' fit· ., v .' ~ . '_ ' , .ill:'" ,.I!., ,[,,' . :" D!i:!tlJ.'l'

"~A ,J,ewisb rabbi carne (to the Prophet) and said, '~i('Ve know that) on 'the Day of' Re,lBurrection Allah will put (all) heavens on one finger; (all) earths on one finger" water and dust on one finger, and I( all the other) created beings on one finger, Then H@ win say) 'I am the Sovereign! I am 'the Sovereign]' [ did.

h P-·· h rp'BUH' ~I~ ~'I l" 1

:see t e I'rop net '\. -,I' ... '.1 ,:1; smrrmg until .l1]S moiar

teeth became visible, (and th at was a sign 010 astonishment and confirmation of (what the rabbi

i ,

J. 'Tbe People of the 8cri"ptll1re' or AJl.iul·"KUab are, J,ews a,nd, Christiana. crrs!ll,]3~ a tor)'


bad said), Then the. Prophet (P'BU.H) said, (reciting from the 'Qut'in)~~They made not a }u,st €8:ti.mat,(3.' at Allah such as is' due to Him .. ,.j> to ,~~~, that they associate as partners' w'ith Him!;' (Qur;im, AZB'

Zumar: 6,7)]"2 -

1 'fhe 'w hole verse M9dsJ 4£T.he.v made ,~ot a ,just' ~$timate of Allah s uch es is due' to' Him. ,And on the Day of Resurrection :tke whole: of the ,earth will be. g~ped by His Hand and the nf!l}. !lenS' will be "oU'ea ,up in His R'iIJ'ht H end. (J.lfJf':ified is He; and High. ts' -He' abQu-€' ail thai they ,l'1s8ocia;t,i8' as par,tners witAHiml, {QUir~in,~ A:l!~Zuma_-r; ,61) {Translator)

2 Ir,ansmi.'tted, by Al~Bukh§.ri'j N"Q,. 734'7,


B-1' .' ·( .. :P:B·:iUH······ ) .. 8--;-- . .'.!!!!}- . -d-'" ,-"-. "h- -- -"-. ·-I·t·-, c-w' '~:'."'.,.-

'e,' " _:, ~ .. ' ~ -:_,mlc_.e!· -'---' W,- ',en !,.' as

Ra:':')-'D,';n"if1! an .. id the People ··W···':,Qr---':,Q

, - - _-_.:. '~:.____::___:.:__:-:_~,I:JJ .' '''.'' .. " .. ,' ..... - I .' ••.•.• 1 •• , •.•• , ", .' _' ~- ,~

R' . I ,. "Ii;._.... , . ..' "F J!..,...- .. " -..... -R~"- '!iiI,.

unnI D;g.· .:- la.w,Ry .. ·· .' I J:""OIm. _ .··aID.

I' • '

-, , ~

1Ij! ,~ ,.-,. ~ _ Ii ,--_.

~ J. '~, ~ .« .. (:t i'c .~i'" WiU ~··.i .~». II " 6'

.' ~ . r !Il1~'fIIl l~[~ IF .~

~ . '~.

~ _ _ _ II!! _'I _ r. '!. .~ ,I Ii,. !I'.. P __ [ __ .' ,I:'.!- i_iI illl _ _ r! ,__ __-:- ~Ii ~li _ '.', I

,.....J:;:i;; 11:I1-'1>! "ei!! ~~ ,,~'!Q ,J;ij~ ;·,_~\JI~·I >Ii....:! ;J-J, ,~ ~ ~ 'M!i:i y~ lIiJij .JI..l~ ~i

~--- '"' ~ F ~~~ ~ ~- ~J rr.F.,

,~i::.1 ~ ,wl.:! Ul~1;,i'" ~ i,Ji!" ._J:j . ·"('!i '.' l~ f\~-:\5-1oI;,IiI'~' ~ lJ. UI' J~,~, ~~I

'1' ,,,iT" .' . J . iril ~ I~~, .J '_. "'!IiII - ~i '. " • ' .. r-

It has been narrated by Hisham Ibn "Urwah 0:0 the authority of IDS :father that .. A:~lsballJ' may Allah be pleased wit'h her, sald,

"Once the people eompl B]'" ned to the M' 'e - se _. r'"

:. 1- '_' " -. ":" Ii' .i I ':: .' I _ I" , ,,', "1' ,'.,' "[. ", _ .. ", ," .,'

.' •...... ". _. _1._.' .' .. ~., .. _I .._, _~._!_. '.. . .' II,. .1, .. S · .... ·ng-er 0,

Allah (PErn-I) that rain had belen withheld. So, he (PBU.H) ordered that a pulpit be placed for him in the m u~alla, (prayer place) and fixed a fitly for the people to go out on it (and meet him) .. (Ian the fixed day) thi€' Meeseager of Allah (PBUH) went out when the sun had at ppeared, He sat an. the pulpit, recited tak,btr,l PI' aised Allah, Glorified and Exalted. be He ~ then said, ~y au, have complained tho t yo u: r houses' a; re dr-y (i.e., uoid of w,ater) and that rain has been withheld froln you .tJ~o.ugh it.sti1ne has' been due .. ,Allah~, iGlor,ifi,e-d and .Exalted be He, has' commanded YO,U to inooke Him and promised that He unll respond to You,; After that he (PBUtI) said. (reciting from, the beamn in g o f th 0; chanter of A· ~ F,.:lli,t~hl€ll·hl) "'""In' "~l-,n

-:e" _._ .... ~ ...._ ', 'I~ I"",. ,iC.l.y'~ : IV'.. ..!ll =; _ QI!. _lI.~iQI!. __ .~ '~.,I. ~l,t!l;o

I!;,'r ..... m ,0 /lif·· A' ·l·l·· ah: t .LD M··:·o' CJ;~. Beneficent t"'h',~ Most

lV.L_.&'·)~ u.'.. '.' ;"~J;."., :".I'£l~ ~":'r ·":Q'lr _ rl~"~,/!IC- !~l~.j . ':" .. ~ J'rJ[!!LJ!\O"

Mere if'u l. All the praises and thanks be to' Alla.h~ the

," = d f···· I ...... i A f. ];.' - d a , - d' Ii 'hat

LMr,. .0 the a,am Ul anan!{Ul:~ jLTU'U3' an; a _ ~ tnat

,. ) Trl.. :11 . B .. 1',' } M' . 1.1 "fa' l T'h'

exists). . u.€ ,i'ItJ.OO't .' enej iC,€,nt~ tne . OS-,t .1t'J:erCl_ I ..,' 'ne

OI.nlY ,D'wner (and the Only Ruli.ngJudge) ofth« Day

. .~

.-,,'," .:,.·,I:·.· ... ~·'··-,:·;··,'.I\":~ .. , I 'J'-- r; i:·i th« -····:1···.. > .. - .. ' .... ~.·_:II~··-:; .. '~.:-~'II·-· .. ··-~·:··~}'·.,.,.',_ ".\

of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) .. ,

(Qur~in,. Alli-·F:ati'~ah., 1-4) (He then said.) 'There is no god lj;ut Allah", He. does uihateoerHe wants. 0 Allahl ¥:'ou are Allah., There is- 120 god b ui You" the. Rio h One

(W:t. • fro f J'l' d d ) d it i l..

r;r,O lS tree -0 au w,ants' ana ne'€i,s" an' Z:{: ~5 we Wft~O

sta nd in need ( of Yo u). (So please) send rain. douni to us and make what you send down for l:tS (a rneans of) . ·t ~ . ·t·:r... ... -- d ., .,...... .' .'" 'ria' ~.... . 1;'+'" ,~ -Tl" "'e -- he strengtn an.· 1tJ; 'p~a,~,n. rness%.e 101 a nne. . l.n .. ~

(P'BUR) raised his hands and kept raising (them) until the whiteness of his armpits, became visible,

~ T' k :I!;......, .'..... . 1!I;..t u.t:.j·. . .l,,~ .' (ill. 1] 1)... t1 G' -. - t - --t'~~' .. Cf: tnr ].£j,'!io say,. n6-~U;.nt a.rn.J~W ~ . .r.\.I .. tan is '_'ae' ': "I'\!i;!!a_eiS j .•


, .



After that be turned. his back to the' people and. turned.

h -1:" of." aar rm . en t W" . '}I" ~'l' A r:' .... IJ.'· si ng hi ii2! h iand ,'''' Th' "'1' en he tu r~: n ed

Ii::! e·p. , ...., ,,, r ,.!La :~ ,.;tI, ,~Jl..l c lli..i.:;I< . '. ,Qt. ' u;::i,.. ' "I!;i!. II!;;i !J,I.. I!;:;;,.

toward. the' people" descended (from the pulpit), and. performed two r,aJe~ ~ ahs: Then Allah brought out at cloud that th undere d and Ugh tened then sent rain down. with Allah's permission, and the ground became til d d b il. t.. .... (' PElT rLT) , ... 'iIk. d hi z: ,.,1 (' 111 f' :1.II.oo.e· .e..:ore· IJ!.t:·:· . ". _'V.£l. reac!le~, ,;l~ ma~JtaPJlace O'~I

pray .. er: mosou e):' On seeing , ·t ~IB!'m (.' the p. eople)

_ '~I_' '-'-:11 ,----·1 '~'_'" "!' ,,~~. ~._. WJJ~ , .... . _. _,,_.

'11.,.., ,·t', .. ' ,. " ' ·t' , .," '.' d' th . :l.:'·-·I ~'Il ·(·t· ',~., .' , ,4- ' . .",,+ the ,,, 11 .. ': ,., • . ,~ow.arc. IlA_ . .Ie nUtn .. ' 0 'pr@~eL'I,!.. .' emnse.l!,ves

'from the flowing' rain), he (P'BUH) smiled until his molar teeth became visible then said, "1 .testify tha:

AUa.1t has pouier ouer all :thing.s and that I am AUah':s

~ t ~ .J' M' . . . ~ 'l\~>"I,

$e.rV,QJ1~· ,anUf ' .• ··.Ie'ssertge·r .. .::;

l :


i Kinn 1$ "eover" or ""~b~tte:t~ .]if' ~y b~dl t. or constructed thin.g . witts. which cold. and heat can 'be 'wal"d€';d off. {Tr'OOlsla tor}

'2: Tranami tted by AbuDil wdd~ No. 1:17'4 ..

u········ ('P"B"UH"!' _ .). IS'::; '-, -'. ·'1" ed bee .,- .. ' . ····f:'

e .. : ,._ ~ _,' .·,ml e·.' -··e'caus,e 0--

Two Dlsputing ,Men

J-ili-' Al' l' dl'!-''''lc J

• I ' ...... ' . .~.- , , "_ = _!!l, .• ," 'J. .-

. '_ '~'" ~J "")lE,~',~

JI,II"~~ '".~ .~;.- It"il. ,~ ,.,.' - I!_. "I ~ _t !i. .._.\11 - I~ ~ Il J" ~ .. - ~ ..

~.~ '~~fUJ: w~ ~ ''-'}j)-!;Q ~~I~.J J:~ ~~, ~I ,~I~'.~J u:H' ,~>

:'JU ,« ~' ~',i;J Wl] ~~ ~~~ J~I~I '~ ,,~,lS74A' La », ':~' U,

~J'~ )1 :i"~J:Ii;l JWI '&~' ~J iJ~! ~I 1,)1, ~1 CA ~J » If 0JS;&}) :::~UdJ: ~l&iJ 1~.JLp ~~I JW ~ «~!; UA VW1$;6 ~ l£ ~ J,+":!i~ !~.JI y » ': IJ~ « !~ F'.~,~ ~U'_i". ~. ~,~J~! ,Jt",iL

._ ;Po !II! ",;?I _ I~'-= ._ ~;..J ~ ~

:JU ,~ ",r. ~y, - • ~I J~J ~ '~ ! ·",.;.,li J» :: Jli ",«: ,r,JJ!,jjl

" ,t ,~J '. . "" ~ ~: .. , ... " ,i, ~ ; ~.~~ . 'il'~~.. ""'I~ .~, .'~1, _jjl~~ ... I,"

,«, r'.)I,jJi!' i.JA ,~ I~ WI rJoi!l~1 it ~ ~ P""'" ,~J ar »

~J ,( u~~ ~I ~t! '~JJd; ~..J~ » :::,~UalI' I~W . .&\ ,JW

.-~ ~

,1~U5JQ I~,j UA tJ~J ~j ~i u;l11J.q! ~JJ ~L) ~ » : J1li ,~t.l

({ £ t~ ',J1,S.4 ~,~ J1 ~!na, ~~ 'I'~ J' I~'~=- ~I ~'~' ;tl~,~ « , ~j {In. J' I~!J '~~I ~ » :: ,~,li ,« ~ll IU t.a,:;i; i~ '~~! »::,J!i ,« ,11, j";!1 tJP, ~J'h' t, }) t JIJ ~( ~ ,j'~ », ! J,i, ({ 4 S'!:~: ~;' » :: J\!I ~ », : _, .~ ~.""" ~. '.J'.;~: ,_ ,~!I J .. 'lj « u IQJF J!1 • .Jl! UI , lU, », :i' -_.~ l!1

~._ ~. . '. y==11 II".J' IP!I - rJ.I

~'~ 'jill' » :i:4UJ ~ ail ,~II ,J~~,J J~ ,« 4J?~\i~JU "!jii ~

.... _N ~L ~: uJ11_'''' .;.1 - ~A-'~ -' '1" ,t " i

i'«'« 1~~yl'4JUHhi ':!'~::-~'~':"., '.~ q~ U:·~I .~ I!.i ,J !.Jjjr;I~~!\lI.

~ ~., , .. , -!I!I ~ ~

It 'has 'been narrated that AnasIbn ,MaHk, 'may AJ] ah 'be pleased wi th him, said ,

(~ile the Me~senger of ,AU.ah. ('PB,UH)w',as.

"I'-~.' '11,..' ·l~ t' '·ll L· f. t ~'..... tli,

Sl'",'t,;ln,g w'e saw nun snu'1.0"g untu ms trent 'V6€!""!\

became vislble. "Umar said b) ,him"1 ~Wby have you.

smiled, 0 MeS;Se(llger' of Allah (PB,UH)"?' I ransom you with my father and my mo,the:r:!~He, (P'B'UH) said,

IiT~--"'··-· ". ,', ·· .. f: .... '·U',:-:-~,--:,1i. II,:--r'l~"~' 1.,--:.:7 };.I'.-.',--- the L"" ,.d·,·

.", tWO men 0,', rny I.' m,ma",~ 'I,W,~-r,;'1 {~nee,~ ve.tore __ e, .<O'J __

.of' GlQrJ~ (Allah), and one' of them. (w;Ul) BaY~l, ('0 my Lord! T;ake' re've,ng;e fert nl€ regardin,g the injustiee that my brother (the other 1nan) .ri;td to me {in ,wl(}.r.t:dZ,. :l'~'f~ 11 j A<,l",I1fTh,'" B'·,,·~,?.::IJ'{1!.e!'d··:'·, :U', 'foil,,.';} E» nlted L,n ,O',,?, .(:. w"; ~;~l',)' .. it!'~y'- .. - f.",

Ir,~,tto:j. ,:_,_:_,r;.y;._,_" ,_~"";;:!<~~ .I'i!'ilJ, Y.l;1;_I.'i:_ Uli J:-,l[~JI ,il'olo- QYi-_, ,",v

(that JlItQ;,n) wl1>() ash» lor (retali.aticrnJ; ~What if there are no good' deeds' left fb-r ,yOl:H' b'r-o;th(lr~rlle (will) 'S'iay~ "'0 my Lordi Then let him, bear (S{)l.n~) ,of my b urdens f'-,-'",--,.1~' ~ .... '-". 't-' h" -' "M::·:-··, -,-,-:, .. ",£ A 111'-'Jhc ('P:B='U··'·H')

l,Sin,s", . .!l,.I.lle:re-upo.n ,_e -ess1ellger Ot ,;1;"'1,111;8. :., .... ','" .'.

b t i t - t - - th--' . "d- 'T::-:'-h -t- DC. - (1':' f'-'R'" -- - - ti 'J-

I '. r'" ... -- .'. . .. c'·' ,. t,,· ,. '. '. _. ." "! ," . - ,,,, ,- .. '",' . 'I -

__ ,urlS,l_ .In _:0 I-:e,ars, ,en sal' '" . ,'<tl- 'll.) o.e.surrelJ:to.n

is' (and 1YU)Tne.nto ttS' and on it) people toill need that their b Ul',a'e,ni be' borne' f"O,~iith€ln,.' (Then the Prophet eontmued the story ofthe two men, s,aying,) ~Alm,ighty Allah (wil.l then) ,e:ay to' (the man) wlzo: asks (~',h,at the other man sbould bear ,;5'iome his' b urdens), 'Raiseyour sight ,a,nd.' l.ook into the Gardens:' He bJ),U V raise his head then. ,B',a,j. ";01 lnJ~ Lordi 1 um S'e'e'ill;{J cities from. ,g(Jl,l~d and palace» (ra,m, silner uireathed unshpearls: To whi·c'h .P.'rfJp.he:t'd'o€s' this b'el' 'Or t,~'

"tl~"'h'" S·~··"d-·",-J:~·-'l .-J'-,-, ,.:t,,;, bek ,-,,··'7 ·a··r-" ~, "-'hr--';"h'~' , ··-,~'I.'

Wtt-:.i1'.C - ~~,,~-u:.,iq ,l!I,.oes :lrl!t,L8 •. €I/OJ'n-g. .·,f "V W~,~C, __ " ma~ ".J'r

J .. this b. J '..--'?" A" Z-::l- }~,I- -- "i.·i')' --. - ~m- !,,' -- -- :lL- -- - . - - woes, Ins 'e-:1;On,g,~- Ita. i. ~,W'l'" ,Slay.. :J; 0 tum. ,W,O,{~ 'puys

the price. ~ He' twill) ,saYj. '(10' ,rn,. LOTti.! ,And toho has

th. . J, I ." j \''7'" A" Z:l'- l- 1- -- -' 'l~)' 'C" -- flJ':- - 1.- --.~ --J- ,~"U - (c- "'17" , Q;'& tprtce), "~afl t uuu» .sqy:, J'. Dill; 1,l.aVe ~l>" l,~,'B i; llni~'~~

-. '('1]1 - - - - -", -+ r- - - f' r-.' .l.. cP?~' A- n - l r "l:Z).. - - ~ '('0,- t'.., .. -' '''. .-,

say~ .uy tnr,I;',ue '0', ,Wldl~, '. ,.:;'~_~,;an'., ~ W,~~~ .. ' s'ay" DY' jorgn)tng

- -- .-'- 't_, . tit , - :J H'~:··r: .".' J'~J.'. ',' .' . fO·,-···. '" ',- L - ,..111': L ,"'" "" 1'-

J!,@ur orotner.rrie ~ W~,~.IL say~ mJ'" .£j'.r,(:l.., ,:. (,,,ave Bli:l,r,et:Y

t: ..... rj'l1i;~'114~", h. ~"iI'1I<'J' )' A-:n'o!'"'i:~ ·G·.·· tloriiied and E····.· ~~l· ted t.,,fJ, ,u~

I 'V.I' OJ [o.~ ~,J',~ ',' ~i' ~ll' ',,, ._~b!bbt,~., . _ I~·!.JI~' J:..I ~~ .. " .~},~, ~ ..' A·u'ol ~~.. . .(J ~ J;:£ &.,



lOne of Sj-ddiq_ftWl; tho~e foUow'ler:s ol 'th,e Prophets w hewere fir,sit ,md. f{)ll'\~lost ,t~, believe in them, lik~ Abtl B;a,'k.r A~-,a~d,dtq; (Tt',a;nshl't'Ol" )

_1-- =-=._ _ _

It bas been. on the authority of .Abu Said Altzt, -. d- .:» '-. ,- ,'/ A-'ll,·,' h be ' -,ill-- i -- ""I' d ":,' _' th h '--, '(' that) l,XllU_.!lli; may Aua i oe pieasen wit 1_1,_ IUll:,-,' _.' a",

th ,-, Prr -1-. a'.'- (-P'B"'UH- - - .-), said "~:T' -},'JliOI! earth (i o?iI-}~ r»

,_' 18 ' .l_-Op.rJI_c:a.. I 1 "" I I _ !d!G._ ~ ,t~, -y;.,' I[!j ,u. !;"'.iI' '~_I[Z~

globe)' teill be aike a loaf of} b rend on; the Day ,of Re surree t ion" and the C,ompe,ll e r (Allah) lV a L topple turn it wl;ith H is Hand as (Ulj~ one Of.')/.({H-t uiould topple turn (a loaf ot) b read u)it,k his hands ,whil'e (prepari.ngl

". ; l t;' I d } "L, d 'l'l be) }-

pr'OV~8U}lt1B1 lOT' ,(!. j-ou.rr'UJ;YJJJ ~ftn,' t tat- 01',eCl, ,W,~,~, bei tne

t ,t ' - -- - - ~- ,', 1:-- ,'; i, ':-/'-1. ':", : - t '''' 'f';; p"-" ,- ad ~, ' ~~ A:

en_ ertainmeni tor tne l,nt(1;oha.n's ,0'. ara zse. .'-"

man fro m th ;';Ji, J-~'Il"'jN:iC! ea 'J]-[1C "'" (t 0- I t h iO Pro ph IC:t)' and said

~l_:U_ .. : .... _1 .• ' ~, ~''''~:!Q' ..... ~. =~ ., . _ ~ !;;;;;.~ .-!l.'._., ._~ __ ' '~.J-l!l ... 1;;;;1.. U,,~,

("M - 'l' th A·· ~~ -M" " " ';"f: ,.1' (A 1] .1J!,.. 'Ii ble ... ······1 '0.1 A·······I).,· ~I

_, Vl,ji 11(,.1,,:8 . ·JLlL~ ... 'Hle:!. ll.1 'U'1.1, a;u.; ", less YOU'i' .,. . .. uU!!!,

Qasiim:t May I tell you of the entertainment of the inhabitants of Par adise on the D aJy of Res urrection?"

'H-' ('P-~"B'U'-H) id .. ~ U Th J ld ·'T'·. '1 ill

, .' I' 1 I' .•. ' ,._., -' "U "I - - . , - -, - ~. ' - ,- ,,,' "'- I

e_.. ..... . sal: ~ - . e',s. _ ,,;~e - ew Sa.l·,,~ - J,e 'eart J. WI. .~.


be (like a loaf of) bread," as the Prophet (PB UH) had said, 'I'hereup on the Prophet (P'BUH l 100kiBd ,81 t us and smillied. until. his molar' teeth became visUlle -s Then (the ,J'e,w) further said, '~~M~y I tell y!ou of their

d (. d··d-·'· , 1 r d k ith 1 b d)?' H' dd d

u mar .• ·It"Ona. !lOO~ taken wit' t '·,rf!ifjr·.j He a.u ,e', :~

"I'hatwill be iJiiJam and nan.D The people (listening)

1\.. d "An rd rh at ..... ··t·h· t~r} H~' '. " · ~d- j\l:=]·,t·' ".,,", . .dI

.as&,e_., , ..... I, ••. 'W _ a. I. JlS ." I a . ,. ._ .. _,€(!: S.Rl._~, . _ us ,an ox .anti a

fish, and seventy thousand (people) will eat of the

- aud ate lob . (i . tra lobel o' 'f"- th eir Iivers."!

'C'_I .~ __ .. ~ Il,e IJ3:.~ 8.Xw, l.'1;.;: , I_ I.'..: . .."_ .~~' .

1..1"ifI.... -,,- mitted bv AI.:. -_D,,~l •. 'l;-,.6.~ ·IN···.· ,n J!:i·~f.19

.I ,L-a:nS:Lll-l _ !!leu .. 'J .. D !V.!!.~i;.UQ,~·'~:i ._ . "", .• '!O'~,~ ~.

,...--~ " ... _ .... _ .. _. - - _.

He (PB·U:H)I Smiled because o,f'the Testdmony of a ,Man"s Organs

... JU' "' .Ji ',... ~". ~ .' ~.' ,.~.. .~'.,

•. ' ,. -. '""'-..i=. ,', ~ e,.,) - " '" .-. c..J:I"',.,', ~" 'I ~ ,

~ ,__ - •• _. ", 1_ • • " • _.

_' .. ~~. - - ". -

It has b ean narra ted that Anas Ibn 1\fal ik, may Allah 'be pleased with him, said,

"One daly the Messenger of Allah (PB,UH) smfled then said, "Will ,.yo U na;~' ask 1n~ w Ity 1 have: sm:iled'?~ Then. 11e said, '(It is be'ica;use) ,1 waS' as,trHzishetl. at a Sf1~Dan t '"8 al~~~ ing' :with bi» Lord :on the DliY of R'n';f!;,~} rr~'H" +ii'"ii,~l. H~' ,~u i~Jl'" pRc~.J _ '\0' .'" ...•• m,:'\~' L··'. ordlH« ri,£j' Y0;U ~. fiJ,

_~Q~ . !I;I'!V~·~v __ . ~ =~~ ~~~l Q'~J ~ I. ',J .ur Lt .. J !i!LhV~ J; lJ.'11£. ~'~~!J'b.

pro nl ised that ¥(n:t wiU. nclcwt do a ny inJustice to lnt': 1" AUah u;J'iJl say~, '''Ye',5~ I hone (plVJ111isedyo,u),1J He' will ;5-ay:;; 'So ,I do no!t· irl,;(J.cept Ct;ny- t>€',s;timcfn1j agai.ns't me €'jJceptt (jjYJm ,something) It.f)ln myself:' Al,l,ali, w iU' ,StIY;i ~m J nat S'ufficie'1!d' as ,et 'Witnes s and (are) the no norable rnl·glfls w!ho w!rite: d'o:wn (jtoztr deeds not s'ufficiel~t !etS lvitn;es'Ses)?~ He (.PBUH) added, i~H& (the rnanJ ,[Bal' repeat these words (of argurruu'lT;.ation)


rtg'rJ.;in, and' again. until' a, seal w,ill: be ,~et an his mouth. and his ,or-g,ans ioill s:"p~'''lk ab a;ut uiha: he used to do an w(Jrld'~y' lite), Ol,n that' he ioill 8tl:y (to his' organs) ~ ':A,u) (l;Y U) Uh :you! I W(18 argu.i,n,g'_for youl?"

l'T-rBDsmitted. by Al-,Hlklm~ ~o., 8778.. 98

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