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Class: 1 D Dates: 05.01.2010

Time: 10.20 am – 11.40 am Week: 1

Topic : 1. NUMBERS
Subtopic : Whole Numbers
Learning Objectives : 1.1 Understand the concept of whole numbers.
Learning Outcomes : At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
 Count, read and write whole numbers.
 Identify place value and value of each digit in whole numbers.
CCTS : Working out mentally, identifying relationship.
Noble Values : Systematic, careful, patient
Teaching Aids : Text Book
Activities : Count, read and write whole numbers in words or numerals.
Ex: Count on in tens from 10 or 100.
Count back in hundreds from 1000 to 400.
Students read and write whole numbers while counting from a given initial value to a
final value in a certain specified interval.
Teacher gives example to student.
Teacher gives exercise to student.
Reflection :


Class: 1 D Dates: 7.01.2010
Time: 11.00 am – 11.40 am Week: 1

Topic : 1. NUMBERS
Subtopic : Whole Numbers
Learning Objectives : 1.1 Understand the concept of whole numbers.
Learning Outcomes : At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
 Round whole numbers.
CCTS : Working out mentally, identifying relationship.
Noble Values : Systematic, careful, patient
Teaching Aids : Text Book, Work book.
Activities : Give note to student.
Recall student previous knowledge.
Estimate values, including that of real-life situations by rounding.
Emphasize the relationship between rounding and estimation.
Teacher gives example to student.
Teacher gives exercise to student.
Reflection :

Class: 1 D Dates: 8.01.2010

Time: 7.20 am – 8.30 am Week: 1

Topic : 1. NUMBERS
Subtopic : Whole Numbers
Learning Objectives : 1.2 Perform computations involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to solve
Learning Outcomes : At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
 Add whole numbers.
 Solve problems involving addition of whole numbers.
CCTS : Working out mentally, identifying relationship.
Noble Values : Systematic, careful, patient
Teaching Aids : Text Book, work book.
Activities :Explore addition and subtraction using standard algorithm (rules of calculations),
estimation, mental and speed computation.
Use calculators to compare and verify answers.
Students pose and solve problems related to addition and subtraction of whole numbers
using workbook.
Reflection :

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