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Chapter 9: Improving Job Performance with Goals, Feedback, Rewards, and

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement
 Basic of reporting (by managers)
 Performance requirements and SOP (standard operating procedure) related to tasks &
 Define parameters, measurable goals & concrete deadline for all work assignments for which
the direct report will be held accountable.
 Accurate motivating, evaluation and documentation of work performance.
 Specific feedback/constructive feedback on work performance with guidance for
 Fairly distributed rewards and penalties.

Performance management
If the manager under management, the employees will not fully engage at work. Hence, it is
important to have performance management. Performance management is an organization wide
system to continuous improvement of job performance, goal setting, feedback, coaching & reward,
and positive reinforcement.

Goal seating
 Focus for employees.
 Standard for performance management.
 Understand the organization strategic goals.
 When employees understand, only they can perform well.
 Management by objective (MBO).
 SMART goals:
 Set goals
 Promote goal commitment
 Provide support and feedback

 Objective assessment/ inform about the performances
 Are the feedback recipients ready, willing and able?
 Recipient’s characteristics
 When self-esteem and self-efficacy is high, a person is willing to receive feedback.
 The recipient’s perception of feedback
 Positive feedback → less motivated to do better
 Negative feedback → challenged to do better and motivated.
 The recipient’s cognitive evaluation of feedback
 Its accuracy, credibility of sources, fairness of the system.

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