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Non-Muslims in the Shariah of Islam by Salim Al-Bahnasawy Translated by Bayan Translation Services US ary Cralial! pak aa abel) sted Sgt allan ig! Dar An-Nashr Liljami'at Title : Non-Muslims in the Shari'ah of Islam Author : Salim Al-Bahnasawy Translator : Bayan Translation Services Translators: Aisha Adel & Said Traore Editor : Fatimal El-Kayaly Edition + First Issue Date : 2004 Copy Right : All Rights Reserved to Publisher Publisher : Dar An-Nashr Liljami'at Deposit No. : 7702/2004 1.S.B.N. :977 -316-124-2 Code : 160/2 pao ~ cleoleU pi] gle Dar An-Nashr Lil-Jami'at - Egypt P.O, Box (130 M. Farid) Cairo 11518, Egypt-Telefax: (00202) 4502812 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS crsessssitnnsennerieninnnennenennariessennnenernnsnn TRANSLITERATION SYSTEM... TRANSLATOR'S NOTE... INTRODUCTION cesessssresseerveresesssersnerstersneneernien CHAPTER ONE: PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE WITH NON-MUSLIMS....0. 1 Ix MUSLIMS! RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS...... eee MULTI-PLURALISM IN ISLAM J seas raall TREATING PEACEFUL NON-MUSLIMS AND THE PROPHET'S MESSAGES........10 His messages to Khosrau and Heraclius:..... 10 Conquests and the Treatment of Warriors .. Conquests in Persia Conquests in Byzantine... SOCIAL RELATIONS WITH Non-! MUSLIN FIGHTING AND PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE: Document of Rights and the Constitution of Al-Madinah: REALITY OF JIHAD AND JIZYAH: MINORITIES AND JIZYAH: ..... The Reality of jizyah: Amount of Jizyah: .. Aim of Imposing Jizyah: Who must pay Jizyah CHAPTER TWO: SOCIAL RELATIONS: THE BALANCE BETWEEN AL- WALA! AND AL-BARA’ AL-WatA', AL-BARA’ AND CITIZENSHIP: Rights of Citizenship, ALWala' and Al-Bar. The Concepts of Wala’ and Al-Bara’: The Concept of Citizenship: .... Homeland in Islam:...... AL-WALA’, AL-BARA' AND FATWA. ort THE JE MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS ENDOWMENTS:.......... SOCIAL RELATIONS WITH NON-MUSLIM:

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