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6/21, change Executive Calendar Leader Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Executive Session to consider, en bloc, executive calendar numbers 493, 494, 556, 581, 589, 590, 592, 647, 705, 722, 726, 747,988, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 794, 799, 800, 801, 824 to and including 830, 836 to and including 842, 844 to and including 848, 880, 881, 882, 902, 904 to and including 907, 908, 916, 923 to and including 928, 930, WB, 938, 939, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, salegaldinis, sapy ester: 952 and all nominations on the Secretary’s Desk in NOAA; that the nominations be confirmed, en bloc; the motions to reconsider be laid upon the table, en bloc; that no further motions be in order; that any statements relating to the nominations appear at the appropriate place in the Record, as if read; that the President be immediately notified of the Senate’s action, and the Senate resume Legislative Session. Chair Is there objection? Cal. #493 - Brian Hayes - Member NLRB Cal. #494 - Mark Pearce - Member NLRB Cal. #556 - Benjamin Tucker - Deputy Director National Drug Control Cal. #581 - John Laub - Director - National Institute of Justice Cal. #589 - Anthony Coscia - AMTRAK Board of Directors Cal. #590 - Albert DiClemente - AMTRAK Board of Directors Cal. #592 - Mark Rosekind - Member NTSB Cal. #647 - Jim Esquea - Asst Secy HHS Cal. #705 - James Lynch - Director Bureau of Justice Statistics Cal. #722 - Judith Ann Stock - Asst Secy State (Educational & Cultural Affairs) Cal. #726 - Patricia Hoffman - Asst Secy Energy Cal. #747 - Ari Ne’eman - Member National Council on Disability Cal. #78: avid Matsuda - Admin Maritime Administration Cal. #784 - Michael Tillman - Member Marine Mammal Commission Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal Cal. Cal. Cal Cal. Cal. Cal Cal Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal Cal. Cal. #785-786 - Daryl Boness - Member Marine Mammal Commission #787 - Earl Weener - Member NTSB #788 - Jefftey Moreland - Director AMTRAK. #794 - Arthur Elkins - IG - EPA #799 - Carolyn Radelet - Deputy Director Peace Corps #800 - Elizabeth Littlefield - President OPIC #801 - Lana Pollack - Commissioner U.S. Int’l Joint Commission - U.S /Canada #824 - Dana Bilyeu - Member Federal Thrift Investment Board #825-826 - Michael Kennedy - Member Federal Thrift Investment Board #827 - Dennis Walsh - Chairman Special Panel on Appeals #828 - Milton C. Lee - Associate Judge Superior Court - D.C #829 - Todd Edelman - Associate Judge Superior Court - D.C. #830 - Judith Smith - Associate Judge Superior Court - D.C #836 - Eduardo Ochoa - Asst Secy Postsecondary Education - Dept Education #837 - James Taylor - CFO - Department of Labor #838 - Robert Wedgeworth - Member National Museum and Library Services #839 - Carla Hayden - Member National Museum and Library Services #840 - John Coppola - Member National Museum and Library Services #841 - Winston Tabb - Member National Museum and Library Services #842 - Lawrence Pijeaux - Member National Museum and Library Services #844 - Donald Cook - Deputy Adm Defense Programs - Nat'l Nuclear Security Adm #845 - Sharon Burke - Director of Operational Energy Plans and Programs - DoD #846 - Katherina Hammack - Asst Secy Army #847 - Michael McCord - Principal Deputy Under Secy of Defense (Comptroller) #848 -Elizabeth McGrath - Deputy Chief Management Officer DoD #880 - Jefliey Lane - Asst Secy Energy (Congressional & Intergovernmental) #881 - Cheryl LaFleur - Member FERC #882 - Philip Moeller - Member FERC #902 - Michael Warren - Member Board of Directors OPIC #904 - Adam Gamoran - Member National Board of Education Sciences #905 - Deborah Ball - Member National Board of Education Sciences #906 - Margaret McLeod - Member National Board of Education Sciences #907 - Bridget Long - Member National Board of Education Sciences #908 - David Mineta - Deputy Director Demand Reduction - Drug Policy Control #916 - Sherry Glied - Asst Secy HHS #923 - Daniel Becker - Board Member State Justice Institute #924 - James Hannah - Board Member State Justice Institute #925 - Gayle Nachtigal - Board Member State Justice Institute #926 - John Nalbandian - Board Member State Justice Institute #927 - Marsha Rabiteau - Board Member State Justice Institute #928 - Hernan Vera - Board Member State Justice Institute #930 - Marie Johns - Deputy Adm SBA ireetor Ofc of Science and Technatogy-Ralicy Cal. 938 - Thomas Delahanty, II - U.S. Atty - District of Maine Cal. #939 - Wendy Olson - U.S. Atty ~ District of Idaho Cal. #940 - James Lewis - U.S. Atty - Central District of Illinois Cal, #941 - Donald Cazayoux - U.S. Marshal - Middle District of Louisiana Cal. #942 - Henty Whitehorn - U.S. Marshal - Westem District of Louisiana Cal. #943 - Kevin Harrison - U.S. Marshal - Middle District of Louisiana Cal. #944 - Charles Di Marshal - Eastern District of New York a oka = Tnstgue af Airican pian Cal. #952 - Earl Weener - Member NTSB. Nominations on the Secretary’s Desk at NOAA

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