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Board of Supervisors


County of Rice, State of Minnesota

January 16th, 2010

The board was called to order at 8:37 AM. The pledge of allegiance was
spoken by all. Supervisors Glen Castore, Kathleen Doran-Norton, Treasurer Brad
Pfahning, Zoning Administrator Jim Braun and Clerk Michael Norton were present.
No guests needed to be introduced.
The minutes from the December 15th meeting were tabled for next
month so that they could be reviewed by the supervisors. Claims for the month
were presented, and while being reviewed Treasurer Pfahning provided details on
the treasurer’s report. Supervisor Doran-Norton moved to accept the claims.
Supervisor Castore seconded. All approved. It was noted that due to time
requirements the agenda would be abbreviated.
Jim Braun advised the details of a zoning variance request by Greg Aldrich
(Resolution 2010-01). Supervisor Doran-Norton moved to accept the variance.
Supervisor Castore seconded. All approved. In addition, two lot split certifications
were signed as well.
The board then discussed if any response or actions should be taken in light
of a recent issue between Waterford Township and the City of Northfield. While their
issue does not affect Bridgewater directly, there was concern that litigation may
become Northfield’s means of dealing with local bodies.
A schedule was set-up for upcoming events:
A morning audit would occur Feb 6th at 8:30 am
A worksession would be scheduled for Feb 20th
A candidate open forum for March 2nd
Supervisor Doran-Norton moved to adjourn. Supervisor Castore seconded. All
approved. Adjourned at 9:41 AM

Michael Norton, interim clerk

February 6th, 2010

Supervisors Glen Castore, Kathleen Doran-Norton, Treasurer Brad Pfahning

and Clerk Michael Norton met in order to conduct a yearly audit. Current
processes/procedures and how to improve them were discussed. A letter of audit
will be forthcoming.

Michael Norton, interim clerk

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