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December 7, 2021

First Outdoor Campout


For our first campout at the Rye Nature Center, you'll need the gear listed below. Check off the
items you have and bring them in a pack (or duffle bag if you don't yet have a pack) to our pre-
campout Troop meeting for review by the Troop's Leaders.

______ Back pack

______ Sleeping bag

______ Sleeping pad

______ Rain jacket

______ Rain pants

______ Long sleeve shirt (not cotton; wool; polyester)

______ Hiking pants (not cotton like blue jeans)

______ Short sleeve shirt

______ Polypro long underwear

______ Warm hat and gloves

______ Whistle

______ Mess kit (plastic bowl, cup, fork, spoon, plate)

______ Filled water bottles (2 quarts)

______ Headlight with extra batteries

______ Small first aid kit (make your own, check your BSA Handbook Chapter on
First Aid)

______ Clean up kit (Small hand sanitizer like Purel, toothbrush and paste (small
traveling size), fast drying camp towel)

______ Toilet paper (enough for 2 sitting in zip lock bag)

______ Survival gear (Photon micro-light, compass on lanyard with base plate, simple
Swiss army knife, fire starting device)

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