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BACK TO THE CULTURE THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CHAMPA YOUTH CAMP 2010 IN SACRAMENTO Sacramento, June 1, 2010 Invitation letter Our dear Champa Youths and families, The weather gets warmer, the summer is here , and we are again “Back To the Culture!”- A popular ‘Champa Youth Camp. It has been 5 years since we first started the first Champa Youth Camp in 2005 under the theme “Back to the Culture” in hope of bringing the youths together. Every year was a success. We have seen new faces, new organizers, new activities, new sweet memories..., but not yet new places. Again welcome back to Sacramento, an old place with new warm welcoming and fantastic activities. Change! Let’s make a difference, Let’s make it truly for youths. This year will be less of formal open- ing ceremony and speeches. Activities will be well organized from the beginning to the end full of action. We will introduce a new game called “Champa Treasure Hunting Game” a variation version of SURVIVOR which will train our youths of the strength, communication, leadership, and team work. The game will take place on land, river, and jungle. So our dear Champa Warriors be ready. Beside the big game, other activities such as water jar competition, soccer, volley ball, tug o’ war, wrestling, etc... will be arranged accordingly. This year, the fifth Anniversary of “Back to the Culture” another Youth Camp will take place at the beautiful Folsom Lake, Sacramento on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of this coming July, 2010. Please help spread the words and come supporting our youths. ‘We extend this invitation to you, your family, and your communities to come join with us in this great event of fun, education, and gathering. Please mark this date on your calendar and start making arrange- ment so we can once again see you at the camp. Let’s come participate! Let's come celebrate Hope everyone will bring home much sweet memories and with the promise to support another Youth ‘Camp next year. On behalf of Sacramento Champa Youths Nang Xuan Tuong 916.233.5871 end Contacts: Negro Bar Group Camp prreret a SangQ.LuuJr 916.230.2815 PENS yee ‘Yen Kieu 916.230.6441 Peer etry Duc Tai 714.875.9981 ‘Van Anh Thanh Regina Kieu Kieu Back to The Culture —The Fifth Anniversary 2010Sacramento - California Introduction Welcome to the Annual Champa Youth Camp 2010. Please come and join with us the Fifth Annual Champa Youth Camp which is organized for Cham youths and families regardless of religious affiliations, organizations, geographic distances, and ages. Come to see the magic of Bonding among our diversities, especially among the youths. Come to exchange our thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Come to build a supporting network among ourselves. And certainly, come to keep our culture and tradition alive. Last but not least, come to hear “Anit, Anit sa-ai, atay clek muta mong, sa-ai loi muta mong”. In fact, come to be Back to Our Culture. Agenda Friday, July 2, 2010 12PM — 6PM: Arrive, check in, set up, and get to know each other. 6PM — 8 PM: Dinner (self supporting) 8PM — 11PM: Bonding Fire. Warriors register for new game. After LIPM: Quiet and resting time Saturday July 3, 2010 (Main Day) 6AM - 8AM: Coffee and Breakfast (self) 8AM — 9AM: Opening Ceremony 9 AM 11PM: “Champa Treasue Hunting Game”, 1PM ~ 12PM: Lunch Together ‘Traditional Cham sour soup will be served with Goat Meat, Rice, and Cham Mixed Vegies. Extra Chicken BBQ for the youngsters. 1PM — 3PM: Hiking for Youths Elders will make Tapaynung and Sakaya which will be served at night. 3PM - 7PM: Soccer, Volley Ball, Tug 0” War... 7PM — 8:30PM: Dinner (Self Support) 8:30PM — 12AM: Camp Fire (Creative Talent Show) After 12AM: (Story and bed Time) Sunday, July 4, 2010 (Free Day) 7AM-9AM: Coffee and Breakfast 9AM-10AM: Group leaders meeting to plan for the next year event, (Assign new Coordinator and find new location) 10AM-12PM: Clean and wrap up. Exchange information, hugging time, and... experiencing the most difficult moment “Good bye and see you again”. Things to bring Equipment: Tents and all accessories, Lanterns, Portable Stoves, Cooking Wares, Flashlight with batteries, Sleeping bags, blankets/ pillows, Hiking accessories and backpack Personal Belonging Warm clothes and socks for night and morning, Hat, short and sport clothes for day time Hygiene supplies: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, body deodorizer, towels. Sandals, running shoes, soccer shoes, hiking shoes or boots. * Although, we have first aid supplies, you are encouraged to bring your own first aid, espe- cially mosquitoes spay. Be sure to keep yourselves hydrated. Food, snacks, and Water During the camp time, food, snacks, and water are self supplied. Please bring enough food, snacks and water for your group. NOTE: Do not forget to bring mosquito spray or mosquito repellent. Admission and Parking: There will be a fee of $10/car, However, we have 60 free admissions. Please contact us to reserve your admission, Funding Camp Fee are paid through donation, so please give us a hand to keep this event going. About the Park & the Event The park is located about 20 miles east of Sacramento. The campsites lie along a river bank in a beautiful park which covered by lot of trees. There is a river beach which we can swim in this hot summer time. Girls and ladies make sure to bring your swimming suits, There are only three group campsites in the park, and we have reserved all of them. Perhaps, we won't have any problem in bothering other campers. Some of our campsites are on the top of the hills, and some are in the valley, but they are all connected. There are many unrevealed activities that will make this event an unforgettable Event. Let stop the clock, and enjoy our Champa Moment. Location: Negro Bar Group Camp Folsom Lake State Recreation Area 7806 Folsom-Auburn Road Folsom, CA 95630-1797 VE NGUON 5 TRAI HE CHAMPA 2010 TA] SACRAMENTO Sacramento, ngay 1 thang 6 nm 2010 Thu Mai Kinh Giti Cac Ban Thanh Nién Nam Nit Va Qiy Vi Cong Ding Champa Hai Ngoai Tiét trdi da dm, hé da vé va ching ta lai Vé Neudn v6i trai hé Champa ding nhé. 5 nam da qua tit lic trai hé Vé Ngudn fan dau tién duge t6 chic 6 Orange County nhim c6 mét ngay hyp mat dé tao mdi trudng théng cam cing hudng vé ci ngudn dan tie, gidi tré ctia ching ta da gat hai nhiing thanh cong ding ké qua ede ky trai. Nhiing gudng mat mdi, nhiing sinh hoat méi, céch t6 chite méi, them nhiéu ky nigm,...tuy nhién ching ta chua dén duge nhiing dia diém mdi nai dong dio cong dong dang song Tip ndi truyén thdng, nim nay ching ta s® «6 He Champa 2010 Vé Ngudn vio ngay 2,3, va 4 thang 7 tgi thi phi Sacramento, California dé ky niém 5 nm thanb lip. Vay kinh méi qui vi c6 ging sip xép viée gia dinh, gianh thoi gian tham dy trai hé that dong dao 8 6n lai nhiing ky niém budn vui trong nhiing nam vila qua. é truyén cém hiing cho nhiing nam ti va thu hat gidi tré, nm nay ehiing ti e6 sy thay di ing ké trong khau t6 ehiic. Bon gidn héa cdc khéu thy tye d8 gidnh nhi€u thai gian cho ede trd chai dn “Bi Tim Kho Bau’ ddi héi site manh, tu duy va tinh thiin dong di. Trd chai s® duige dign ra trén dat, trén sOng, va trong ring rim, Cac ban da sin sing chua? Ngoai eae trd chdi Idn, ede mon thé thao truyén thong nhu d6i nude, dé bank, dénh ban, kéo co, 46 vat sé duge phan bé cho moi lia tuéi va thai gian. Hay Vé Nguén cho ching ta duge gin gui nhau hon. ‘Tran trong kinh moi _—_ ‘T/M Thanh Nién Sacramento . tren " Negro Bar Group Camp ‘Nang Xuan Tudng Folsom Lake 916.233.5871 txn22@saclink WO OC eS Poem cS ULE ‘Contacts: SangQ.Luu Jr, 916.230.2815 Yen Kieu 916.230.6441 Duc Tai 714.875.9981 Regina Kieu Kieu Van Anh Thanh

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