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Random Impact Notes

- Structural Violence
- Econ
- Prolif
o With more countries with nuclear weapons there are tons of possibilities of
nuclear war
- Environment
o Political analysts undervalue long-term impacts so it is probable.
- Terror
- Disease
o It outweighs because it is existential. It doesn’t stop because of borders.
- Demo/I-Law
- Heg

Prolif outweighs the economy because there will be tons of scenarios of nuclear wars and the
highest probability. Econ only has one possibility.

Warming has a higher magnitude and probability because it creates an environment that is
uninhabitable for life whereas hegemony only solves nuclear war which may be contained to

Disease outweighs nuclear war because nuclear war is contained to specific countries whereas
disease is spread from country to country.

Terrorists cannot be deterred because they aren’t considered a nation whereas if heg collapses
countries will still be deterred

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