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Domestic Dutchess by Christine Buhagiar

List of Abbreviations
alt alternate, alternating PM Place Marker
approx approximately p2tog Purl 2 stitches together
BC Back Cross (cable) P2tog-tbl purl 2 stitches together thru back
beg beginning psso Pass Slipped Stitch Over
BO Bind Off pfb Purl in the front and back of stitch
BOR Beginning of Row or Round p-wise Purl Wise
CO Cast On rem Remaining, Remainder
cont continue rep Repeat
dec decrease rev St st Reverse Stockinette St (purl side
dpn double pointed needle(s) RC Right Cross (cable)
ER, EOR Every Row, Every Other Row RS Right-side (public side)
FC Front Cross (cable) sk2p -OR- Slip one st, knit 2 st tog, pass
sl1-k2tog-psso slipped st over
foll following ssk slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit
the 2 stitches together
g st Garter St ssp slip 2 stitches as if to purl, then purl
the 2 stitches together
inc increase sl st slip stitch
K Knit skp -OR- sl1- Slip a stitch, knit the next stitch,
k1-psso pass the slipped stitch over the
knit one
k2tog Knit two stitches together as one st, sts stitch, stitches
k-b knit stitch in row below St st Stockinette Stitch
kfb Knit in the front and back of tbl through back loop
stitch to make 2 stitches
ktbl Knit through the back loop tog together
ktfl Knit thru the front loop WS Wrong Side
k-wise knit-wise wyib with yarn in back
LC Left Cross (cable) wyif with yarn in front
M1 Make One St YO yarn over
M1 p-st Make one Purl Stitch
MB Make Bobble
P Purl
patt pattern

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