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Khoa Nguyen

1083 Nez Pe rce , Fre mont CA 94539

408 644 4645


Mission College, Santa Clara, CA

A.S. in P hysics 2002-2005

California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA

B.S. in Physics 2005-2007
Undergraduate Research: “Effect of Electric Fiel d on Cesium Vapor Density in Paraffin Coated Cell ”

San Jose State University , San Jose , CA 2008- Pre sent

M.S in Physics

 First Pl ace i n Mathematical and Physical Science Research, Annual May -2007
California State U niversity Student Research Competition AT CSU
Dominguez Hills.
 To present the new findings at Multi -University Research Initiative Meeti ng J une-2007
on Atomic Magnetometry at National Institute of Standards and Technology
in Boul der, Colorado.
 Dean’s List Honor Student at CSU East Bay June-2007


Intelesense Tech
Deploy Windows E nterprise 2003 Cluster to provide redundancy . Layout web,
database server networking to ensure security and high performance
System Administrator
Deploy and maintain Solaris 10 database center . Installing and managing Linux-based hosting
infrastructure. Setti ng up and maintai n DNS servers

Testing Engineer 2007-2009

Functional testing for el ectri cal devices . Stress testing for 3-D visualization/monitori ng software.

System Engineering 2009 -Present

Currentl y developi ng monitoring tools for Wi ndows and L inux Server.
Currentl y developi ng and testing PHP-jQuery web servi ce to visualize server metrics

California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA

Unde rgraduate Researche r in Atomic Physics 2005 - 2006
Opti cal alignment. LabVIEW data acquisition programming. Data analyzing.

University of California, Berkeley

Laboratory Assistant in Atomic Physics June 2007 -
Design and build ultra-low noise current supply. Working on “Alignment Dece mber 2007
Transfer during Atomic Collisions” experiment.

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