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Do you remember when you promised me;

I’ll never leave you – I will love you forever

/You are my everything, I can’t imagine my life any other way/

A million promises that made my heart fly,

Proved to be empty promises, when you said goodbye.

It amazes me how; even after we’ve been hurt time and time again we find
ourselves falling back into the pattern, the pattern that always ends in gut
wrenching, soul crushing, heart tearing pain. It’s a three step fall; first we fall in
love, getting caught up in a parachute of crazy emotions and a whirlwind of lust
and longing then our parachute breaks, and we keep falling, a downward spiral
of arguments, tears, and sleepless nights then we plummet the last few feet,
and hit rock bottom. heartbreak is inevitable, because we always pick
ourselves up, and start all over again. then we act surprised, when we lose
ourselves in the pattern, again and again. how can you blame love, when you’re
the one who falls. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ♥ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You can promise you’ll never fall in love,

Swear you’ll never let yourself hurt so much,
Put up barriers and walls, blocking it all out,
But all attempts are futile
Because love is…
E v e r y w h e r e

You’ve proved you can say it,

Now prove that you mean it.

A thousand pointless quotes will never explain my love for you.

Today someone asked us, “are you two together?”
You laughed and replied, “no, just friends.”
Do you get how much that killed me?
No, of course you didn’t.

We all have this idealistic image of love;;

Breathtaking - heart stopping - life changing
Believing in that makes us vulnerable
Open to heartache,


| Once upon a time |

I opened my heart up to this boy, he told me all the right things,
Called me beautiful, said he loved me.

[ & ] I believed him.

It was the biggest mistake I could have made,
He told me what I wanted to hear,
And didn’t mean a word of it.
But sometimes, I still find myself
Missing him…

I can’t make you feel something –

When you’re heart feels nothing at all.

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