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Pree M··' '0/'- V" em ':' e 'n":'- t

I c,:' ..'; - .. " , : Ie" . 1/ . _: .', i[ .' 1./- I'. I .


'1[11 ~ht:' pre\~iou5. dl.lple,ll". we SiH'It'" I ba COIJl:lb(il.'C.:i iii D, Iti j~,"jded tm Q th re e 1 nain phase~, eseh separaEed by rhe degree OE Ib(JI~y contact and OOrlu()1 1l"il€ two

. JiPile-Jl~ h. '!,II"(' on eacll OlheE_ Mixed Ilililtlmal arts [p~~:\l:\} J]ghl5 aJw,j)'i:~ begin '~v~th mbe' ~ 00 OOll1bill,aJlIS' squaring on with each ! ~~ her on ltJ eir feel, in tuc sa me moili'llilier <lis, titV'x,eJ5. eil't'tCf one has any. hold or glial! 0111 the (JItJl er, they J re ill us €i:'el;;' U)I n:IIll)r1jj\,€, abeur as II u:y please and to chnlJse ~'!r.'b.Jl i e' er .3JHLn:h:.'in~ or deiensive IWIQ\-'emenm:5. thl"f nish_ Sume .lighl(~rs look 10 :::.lrike ~j'l.'illih ii'S sand f "Il:'t,; others 10 ,k to a~!p",{,5~ive]f elese he dhlance aml tie lime other !elJmh" ullin a clinch; siI.'lm('] {Ilk DO go i'mn:u_',di" u=h:o IOUl 91 take:oo\'v[[ to n he ~rt~iIl[tcl, Til i 5 iree moveIl'llem pm ~ii1SC' or COlilhill is the (m!: that HBJ5i people .ill I'C fa mn!H ar with. J [ h; cloae f. 'l;Vhiill~ ~bE'Y S~1: i.n ooxi[l8 i1.I1d' wn."5~Hug LnmchC5.. and: ~L hi (!ii, 10 h"rlZl'd hy '1'1 c fl!1lil!/!;l'iI:'l1iIIem5 alnd skill~ that the 1iI~l".j]ge rt=~ml gYFnk-...,ly asso lau ~ wlth "real ]~ghr[UI uS-'"

rh~ beC'~'[nQ\"l1'mem pIM5it! 01 li~hl[jllg cunl[lrbC'~ h'!.'O' tnasJe e f.lprornd'l es, .ach QI L~i t~ d HICI11.n11 Ihint ah~ other,

b. SUlliIIH" rj&ha~r:. hil"'~. OUbl.al1diug !l.lrikln· :ikHb in the ~toiJIlilldinlil pi sitlon.

ThJI .llbmlf 1!~"'~ Ihmn.lll C'.xttIlL'l1lllh.lr1(11.? 01 .lrlhill;'I;'UJa'p! ""Ii< l(iIl'Y lJ.~ kim kout m' lit'r 'if 0- 's st!l.l!!'ll;11~. pftt,\;id .. rd thall I hC1' Colli klC1l:ml' the ~ i~~H tu 11~ i n'[~(·-! ovement IPh.:IJst'. ~1l'hc r COIl.'J'1th::1' I b~ (f~l!'~ mi['nr~llIl1.·ill phol~ .] ~ ,,1 des a ,ID hfc:- s~ '1.1' lLl l ' I'll 'ld nrllll) •. JOD~ .~ .. Iln:.5I1dl..'. I·.gln!o'n, \,;.·11(1 U:ll1Ll' mJlhi liI~lJ Wj IDd~ ~tm"~ rl!al!'o.Uf' th - , ar . J'~ II w~OIlpr,)'dlIJP irLllliulli dlnt'h nd ('IIiHlmdL~thJl ~,!lk(:'w'L [[I 'Iiiiii' tJ,1<Hmti. 1'h["V m U!il~ WL rk iHI 1'11t' i:l!k~lI", 111 knod(li~lm :!Itt il- nij!!,. illrc.1k 111[1 '1!.!11 11' dill[·b·',', mH~ ~'~i~thllC i(~,k;r.:du-\\"n all ""'I'l'" 10 kC!:1 Ih liShl hm ~~w ~ "~llnr1l\lc'm on' 1 hil~t'.1'hj~ .:II~IIP:rt:hl 'hi w n,NillilJ , .. HI he dubbed -'!ir"·;(l ¥ ! h ,3'~iI!'V 'lIh'L'4' 101 ~'awlll!~~ I H hlp tl i n UK)R1iI,ln~n ~ I I ddt'tu;1II h·· lilkil."lin\VIl bd!W m IU I ('11 I1Hn t1~1 [I nd . rl '{'11v· III CI'I JI ~

I ~ ~!L"~p 1 rig: '~h~ nt::h i ~ n I hI!.': landlhlJ' III .. h h In. U o~ rs ~ ~ Illh ''r, LI ~~JH'~ 1« ch 10 I h~' 11 'I'· IlfIlm-li,*" 'lH 'IU phrii' I.l rLou\ffder U iki 1I:tl '!Iok'il JI'ij I'll cui tn h <Ii 1 l, n dire ! In' 'd n ~ (I .. t~"lt~ l'fY ~ ~~ ~ lJi~h k nml knLll' I' tic - .. iull.

2J. . mh~r ftiJ~~H!,;r.o;; :0. I! I" Ill!: lrce-rnevem ... nl pln,ib~ ,tlll,ilifli [[~b~nl dc.' H! 1 e l.loIl~sed,

u'b 1'1 ]OID<k 111.1 :-.p('m~ il~ Unk· dmc ill" IlU~lbfL" in ~h!'1j pha~J.: sln L" lt fLi,i):f'!I:'S(!I"'II): ,i"! nlflllll!' ~l'l dilllli!tCUo ~llbn Ih.111 Gt:1 tnto d biluli: of:!l~mn;,lJ."fi, ~rll ~vlnhJ there I~ ~I d:..:k (dO t~ "IIIIJ!!; hi m illld (i'ljlcJ!1 k~pCkl1'd eut, I h~\! 101m tu clos I! l hi!.: Q: 1 I tl ['I ~ .j) c:1i nch (1.1' t. kt:u:tt~II.'" n, Thii!!i. I!i. Iht" laCli._ III h.)'lll "nrnn nl aml Fum rnd" ~ lgh L ~'n 11"'Ii~r su hmtsfi,tll1'~1 ~ERh~I!!'lr~ j jlli ~ISU llghl(!f"': i:cl'il!'r-idly tall hU~l I h[ '!IU II!mu~, ... :>i i In ca[1 ~W :r~'i, Ttl ' key ~k~lb. ior ih,[s .ilIIPf",",uh art' ihe atdlh·' !n d, se "!hm,,H1K and d:il1ch In Lf.klie ~l~l'~1 ~ull ~ho!J}U!lg, imo lakednml"ii \,'!.llllle ~vadinl!: .!!II~I Mack ~1~ s1rjkes, 'fh'I~I;; who use thb i~PJIf'OO{'h 1.11) I h~ II' ~Rlu~~m('"Jl( pllMll," nslde . ~m rl kiil'~ 0 ~1rly S.:J m J:il!,J'] 0 [0, ~cll:~,h'~" up m'.alk ;(io,"", the clinch.

\, hkh ;Q,PIJIUl\illdJ 10 [he (rc~~ movement phase IfIi~l 0JJin ~ r d .']1'~J1 Ii!> .I ~ the

~kiln5 iilI'fllII.U , nriI~!J1iC50 !il;)[ iEJorh rOll ali.d l~our 01~pl1nr[;;m ,hill~rt:, 0bv:i . lJ~ly, if y~.~J a.rif' s[ro~ ~g{~r I.han ht!' is in 511'1khl,S :skills. I hen n mJi kes ~t"'i]ldI sen se l apm, for 'I,he ,n:):'!; t oF! ~iJ'UlDar( Ill. ~r) f-r-ma in ,in I he- lree-movemem ph !lI[SC. [~ ,",ou rt'd Y01.liJ:'sdJ '[, he IIJ IJ ~{'.Lassi!dl -illS oiII 5,i riker. rhen the serond ehot oe !O I~.a",,',t" ~ he Ire ~ - movem e.l"]! p"h. se as S':oon £IS possihle. "!lakes good .. t'DSC.













'flu • mOt'Si; (.i"!..Ilciru means 10 "icrory i'n the Iree-move "'!Ii r.~II: phase l1.~-<; ill superior slIrHk:ing, ab.nlHy. U '~Iif_~l can 11il, harder; id!:. ·r ... and more ,accu!J":l"tdy than your


J 01 [

fREE-t-\O\J'EM ENi 111'[11 A'S E

ON~one:L1 t !l;.t!I'llJ" ~\;'hilc iI! i lite same lime i[iiIkling le,~"eJ' I:W.s and [pOC'li,' ~~ulim,l~ him t"t'Ol1l tald:r:mg you ,~mlV' another ph<1'Se 01 {Umbel.. men ~"Ou staud an excellent cha nee ot victo)ry on ym'llm"' Ieer, In ~liI .f\.ili_\>L\ 1iotmlament (illId also in a street ngmu), you mU5,i, be ~if:,ie ro s;ankc' "'lo~hilC' dcJendiing lak~lnu··n attempts. Tlliis b the crudal dill '.n:~lJrI:if: be(~t"ril ~I rikinS i'll1 .1 bo,Un!; or lkickbO',.,in~ maH:'~] and 5tr.I,klL18 in a m"eOi,~ !!ght . .1)11 (i:u." ~Orml,!'I". ~'(liU can eommir I,Q illlD.~p.owcl[ ~)ijlnchilllg and kklJng \"!."liliotJll ,Eea.r oj 1~lked0\'1·B5, ~ lice I hese are iIIega[ hi III xi ng , n cJ ki klIDX.iJ1E., Th,t; p1iobkm eOfll.m.mnting smkers is L'halluIly (ullurultHlilg 'I!.J '!:Ilrriktn,g, opens Y'L"JU Ipl JlijJ,r ILalclL"<lim"'IlI't. '['he [Cs-ul! Is. mal 5triki:rs 1l11U5I'!bl" muchmere ~iiI LI Lll us. mil t§r I:! 1 F O:Ut'D5<{:' hm ~\1L'\rL-\ hall kn 10ITIIid 'boxil1~ IDa ~cbifl's. Strikers m ust 13m it th ' i~tL:L'a EiO[!J J'~ tl:lIf~i[' 5~ rtik lllg, ccmbiMliol15 bhorl ,combinal lens an." , he (I rder o( the !Jay In MI.'i~.fIL ~ .. and I ht!'~' mUM a Isu worJ~ barrl on A,hdll" n ~ik'i!cIIll WiQ d '1 'jl$t!tio It lbrr;:¥ iil~l~ to iiII'!,1'ohl !n~inc qruck1r and unceremoniousl dumm r;:(iJ [{1' mh!.:! gro LJi nd by a L~'LI kk g[iill'~pml'r.

R C.LUS iii j~gllt ~'fU~ SQ mrL" lh~ dihrh Qju.rcklr qnte ~ riking I ~H • mosi M -~A stdklrlg spe ~<IInl5 use tbr h t"ilIrJ Lilt' rrinl.UT I;U~ lor 11Uft hl~~ in Inl lrceI nov on L 'u r) ha '(;i, 1F~~i'1ll'~'F' 1ol"~;~"("U te nl. ,. l"l(ld)' Jlundli ng liiUl"l' I h("'~i ~l til p~y do ll{.)~ h.I'" '"' IIp t1rnlie ~o WI I~k lh~' b !!dy ~ ir II \\l!l:flf bo.x! II~ 11l141ldl. ~(J(_'k:s .1ls( w[l~d 1;0 [r~ t H;'L'I ~ed I;.'IU HIt' l~g~1 Ilim.l iltll tllli' body": litl2'w 15 nltld. III! '!j t'tll,MII("l' Il ~ b C1'hl~ El-r..II"LJ 'rl "I rrd t,11; ~TI dirglW:fiJ \:0,.·111 til In\\' k Ii::k I lid n , high IJck. - n -t·nt;! rat r~'~.h~ ers t '11L~ ~IJ 'I.I!F' 1I1;F11 kl 'b :n1r ~ CC huh.: I .In.ln:nlh.f ~ -.Olll nt'!i are Ih~d QII" II LL I~ oiLJFI ![\t' Ihll! rc:rtf ' ~~. ~ ~ kJ 'l r atl euruer, Wh.·n .l I ·Iu~ I" "'0 ~."IJl_h Im'!j,~I~1I"IU!i '11,])llplu: 1;:1 '~~ wh ' (lM~ fI!:UL" h:r.s. \,1111 tllll, k • .,If·HIlS! 'fllIJllC:h .~ ru un II, '.J,u in !'o~l , rt ~I!linlju ~ ~fJ~lln!'i. ~hilc .n 1\11,1' _ In!: Ilmll' uL'I'lL'l1dli uli 1.]k,~d(.Jiwn~, 11 [a't'II:I':""r d I L pr 'scm ! II~nn,!.:~! o!. ill VI"ry ([}rnlhlabl[" ull1li1fU:fil. ,.\~ rII ~ r-~u~~ nf II, mll'I,M .. '!.'. bLl·l! I:I:'il~ ~[If;jlIr:!',I.l'j.' ~~~m' I' 111,"1111 ~l~n~1 ,lui "h.I'rIW.·~ in Ih"" 1r1J1II.'!!onl ~,.Jr mnr-t' ~Ir;lmi 1 I:~' IJ 'lHH W 11f! In ih<t: ~n:~mf lI..fcnl~ .( pha~ liI.11I \vOJ" Ihrt" !I.~.1 t h~ I 'm ~~I 1!.,lh,'lA

IHnp·,I,ti!ln, ~",'h n !i~rlibJN ,"nh;d ~l1J II ,I:' Ih~ QIDe I[,al" lh '''HuM ln 01 bM ' 1!1g or k~ kbClidruw; HM1', . TI i ..... YlftpJlan. ombuu'\l uli1h :'Ii Ie ~1I11 h~HrtlrmlC'~' or [hi crud lllr u b.~ill!h~iIlJ.l ~ nne, hml 'i.lll."lh:d Ilk..l"iller rm ~,~~d""lh:. ~lfii~t·F.o ~tl 1,iI,:l'I.y MMA rCl)rIUIIi"I~ll{3f1i.


F'OR TH,J FREE, .. ,MOVIEMLENT PH, ' S"-=-.E _~ __

W' h _ ~ f made vd~U mue ! ahc: rilCllh:n eaeh ph(l~1! 01 ,romib:i'li hes i~~ .. m,~lrL' eol ol kills t h~~l "l!'~ t'IJlIitit!t diJk'rt!TI!! nron.~ I ht" skHl~ required 'in I he 1)1 her '11!~~.1:S'L."". ~'L Is Lb l~ ta 1.':1 th.ili~ al ~Ulr\l'i,' ~ a 'ng 1ul:r who 15 suong in nne ph i1U' 10 be ~ldea~,ed b:!r' ancther ~,I~ll! ter 'who, {'!1 rl, I,.~t."p' hlm oo~ cd slfong ph(l'>e uS earn in ,(I[[Id m1.billlt :h:Jm ln hl . '~vt:'a b;. phases, Un .. n rprl!!o5nc1y. I he skills dIm, make rllr;jJ ~e',j)1L fii:ghl er 'i n L he .£'re~· mov "nller Ii[ p;lIlills€' l - 'Io~olve arullildl mobilil~! a nd speed. since !.h~s is. made p' S~ IbL ~' .' Jrt'~d('n1Jl on Illm~11I enloved by bot h flgi:ueril, 'Wh eth ~:I" 1''1:, e I:!;gh'te.r Is oiIJ ~~ri k!ll~ s:p.ect.ili.isl who 'wants 10 keep tbe' figh~ in 'L111,t Iree r rnovemen ~ phOl,se or a ~~iIIppld ""ho li,\.".jj 1~1.s 10 qu:icld~' g1!,;!il. ~ mo a clinch '1 r ra kedioWH, mohlll ~y and S;PNrlI ,arR!' the l~i'O a:I'liTIb"ulil;;'l; Lh~1 lie ~!:'h_JiIlld 'lhl!! ~ e ehnlques arid skU!s iilJlJP:IopIi~me so the Iree-rnovemem phase' of conlbaL

Sta n ce a n d M Qlti:o III

The rnos t .imp lm<lJm fimllr.JJllhlli]O'DI.d s:kJU in the lree-movemem phase u[ combat ~s ,~ .... itI I rrut dou bt tne ~ibif~~lty '~1l:!r n~.m.1ilin ill 'tCdld ~Umo:: ~¥b~lf" mrO'lfm@ '(jI,U~&.l~·

;;lnlfi d]j,denmU~f around, iJ\1fay [rom.. and roward yOl~r OPP'IJ1!1l;!1U', ]3;e('a,'il~l' little gl!a ~lll,lj)rllll]" lis asslX:__ia:ledi wilb skUl,. people lend 10 [([I erlook h ill ud JlO'[ practice iiI ,l!Iie<llr'lir ("Dough. Poor stanre and motion sk'jlls quidld t ~~C'Om e a,Pl ~a.I~n~ w!:i1::;'1'1 }-'{!I!lIl tu~g;i1J'II to figh L ')f~u]" Oppm:teDr. wi II haJ\~e hu le djlllirn~!.y in stnklng you OJ' ~aIrlng you dUt"vo wl:nell your stance and mol flun is Ua'lj.:,'~d, M,(!IS[ ~ eople can 110J d oil 5 ~81[J]ce. e<JiSUr. e-nou,gh It,,:b(:ll! asked hJ; th is kill, however, is. noll. enough. You m,us~ b{" ;1IIbr.e 1-0 hold a SoliiUCC whjle mo'k'i_n~ n~ Itrll~,' into ~ ~. i:iIiI:k ;)]1[11 dld€m:e lIlDde'li' lIt!!: pre5Sure ollive COl d}ilt--i.h[S, iiliilill)' is much more dnUj tu U, H} acq ~I'iilil!:}, ;illlI1IdJ it ir~{luiIes COI1iSt41D1 driUing.and IPIllc;ilKrt:.


n:t~ I1lill:!!ol dUci\enm S"rillm:l1' for Cl)ll1b4l1 in Un: lree -mo . meut pha 5'1; I ~ ond ~m.t i5 ~"lf,llutiinl~~ Ihc sQndard bosers stance. 111is ,oq~nce ts m~lor~ J' fess standard itr~ 'j,;"res;It!~~'lI bONlng .l.Iul 'in most ~1.~lk5 01 l1cl<-boxmng. h ilrDm~'!. ~"Uii' -I' od! rmJb 'Cnon (If tlli(l' Dt!Oligj hom punches and kiiOks along 'fI., ... ~t~] ,~ Cl,d c [[';::om;:! ve stdkl n p.. p In , ddJli'on. ii I:.,·rru ils ,rdfdd lllt:l<\!f'LlIlI.!'lll ~[l ,i1l1Y rdnt;~t:lill]ln fUI' ~H.1'tb uUii.:!H~ l'i,h~1i1' .H~J dd~'.hsi,'!!I\! pnrpo5~~. 01 murse, Mli.lll di:n.~,['It'anloc~ IIndsn 5~1 stanee .1illtl:t11l fLs'b ~e r LUll. a'm" uch ; ~ ix~,. u1,& k klIXI)(in;&. "md .\l\.'-'lA, 'Sll:ilnlli1: nkll!l'11 ers !;I, 11 d L ~il '.lfl:: m]~.m nt!l!l:[5,. mhcnii s.Jtaml IlJOn.: ereei, SOIue U~~UI!1'~'\~ '~tom~~ rsLi:;.,!h1!y JI1;;W' 5~U.Ji'ti' t I mh~hf QIJflIlIu:nL't nlhl.'ft., U11lR: :Sihlri<' un, 5mail1 t.'ln J~lirIJ1l'!!i In ~timt."t' ,DI'e eert -lLrtl~V ,],tl "1'111 _ bl.:. HeU, t'WJ, nil!' .. 'nK" idlhl'l hehlnd an dfidill'IJ L r:I~J' HIil,El su 11('(.,-

k hI} If. ~5 1lJif,1 h.1 Ijnll~:1 1 hI:" h!.".ld. the leel ' Hgh d f IltOJ .. Lhmil slwuJ'11 t"r-wi III lt , lIi(, mh!li1 'li cbghl ~\'I!'I 1\ dintU ut~tI (Jtl Ih~ h,1II$ n-h~w IrN",f., !hl;;" I ""~iI' hrll.'J !J,1IJ.!,htly ;j.~f~ mJIiI~ U I • m hl' ~ h " I ",,1'L'(1 du n. I hl" cU.1 n\~ In. ~ h .. ~H~ ~ ~ I· - 1':1 t-!I hr-sc ,Q I' ~ if:Ofiillmnf!1 [ a liti. .~ li~.un· '1.1 •


Thl tIIhilllli'~' lilI m{l\~l.' Ired' nd {"1~b.ill,;'nLly "IV n· mil~lnlla~~llinlj j.l.U1C,..m hLJ. r.:WL' ,:Fi~ st Il'" i!s 1111' nl rhe I[il~l crucLlI· k UI ... 1 U ,In or must "10,1 ! ~ , "UI:!l~ wHrl~ _ II uWI! ,I n~hp~ t~ll oClII'rlJth.i hi"iJ (lppl'lifU;nr~ nuack .. in an cU. I'""IH f I, nucr, mn IJILklhli :11. II. CIlIIII'~j~~ .u n,fl,hlrt!r hUll ,~ fiHl~t!' £I'MI he' eall ~m .1' in~u Mb- wn .:tlu~i!JI(!oi, ]r ii'O ~w '~Iiii,I'-lJ;:,!,; m ~ roO III au'. dl" I hn i u"h b(IUL gDlXi ,rU-!:U inn s 11 Us. ,j1 ~ I ~h t'• r J ~ Ul11~' mtH'~ l'IlllI:Il ,fj 111U] 111 rhin~ hKllg" I rt" can hI.!' SI ruck ,jJ 1 ,,~n .;:l nd 11.1 S ~~Ir.n ~I!; ~WIP.e' nr su ru.·s:o.[U II y U~~iJ.lir.lf1iln:s: nn~',

F,iE'IrI'nefSi a:rnu'5rl he 'lIbl!! IJIII' move quh .. 'kl" in ,JJI'i!~.' di ree1i 101.1 .;.n n mornem's n ntlec, [I' dfJJl ~~~. ah~ ~'Hj!!ol be in ~lod stanee, l1,rl!·rll{tl1~. JI .... iJJ r(4lI~,r see ~'J';r,~,\!] rhal'sr(l .n' and mi;l;i'D.!11lJ e Sh-~~"'r~ skiih. II nne i~ lJd:il!~ ia. wUl I he i1i! her, -'II!a~ ~r :Il~ udems sh cnl!,l a s t ri ~ 1m.! h':'ren e 5Iu:m,"y lcdlniques. ili ui th('r h~we disru rhl ngJy ] i1 n le J!1 h!!'~ eM illlli ,prill!CHdng Jou ndal lunal 51dlls. !Iil!{'h .1'5 sn:'::Ul!."C and IlIl.:lIJ[1 m, rob i s ls ,ill ~:f\['J ~ p~ly. !l;hrlJ'~ nj: iIs the lou nd,;u iOllal 5ki Is. Lha! ~j[e r.[~aH~.' I h e m IJ1Sl l.l'n portam HI' It!_. rn. 1'bi')' 'PrtI\'" 10 be l!il' more usdl-ll j 1'1 .:l I'f'''~ n~h! ! hll !,I, iii n~' oJ th I,:! more -" KCi"t i 1I'i.g,. h:H:~kiinrg: mO<ft~.

A. ~'t:'nt;'li'al~ rule or thumb in 'haiSic mul un wins ts l'h~1l till Hgtmer should JIHlv~~ wi'th 'mhe hl ~~ mall is; in the same di 1\:0 ion 10. where he ~i she'S j o ru ave. For. exal!1il,Rdl!:'. H ,\'011 '~'!ti5b 10 move rorward. .s:lCp whh r():~lr [IOIn\.';1nj h:g first .I,!i::'11. }!~Iur :F!l~·'H Ic~ (I,iGure 4.2). Jhrou .: ,alll lill move ri:l;itu. me r gh ~ [.0. 1'1, moves 11[5'[, dlle' le,~l h.lJlllOiJatS d.igurc 43j. AI iilil times. ~;(I:I.II[' leel. ih m.!~rd lbrus~J 'IJ ~~ floor as ~'OUI ,fI'LI:'.rV{l', rul1li1 'fOil!" \\~:igh I nlu5'1 be carried 00 lite bi'db il]ill'O~n!l' [,~ ~1. :DC! ,n )1, :I -·t your. '''A''!I!'l,g~I!n uod Dill!l:k OfillO your beel!i: 'bit"Oluse .any mO"l.~ me!'hI then bemnlCs'l t,




I ,.






FR [E-~' OVIE ~ un IPIH A S' ,


Range and Dhtanc:e

nCII~U~j~. We ml!k ~d .!bo m rht' ~n dn~li!ldc!ii 01 'f"olu""e '. II. 11.1 i .. ,(J![, <Ii C4}IfIf'Jlll!u' rh 'Dry ~Il[ C mlla,~, ilaLIUlIfj; , fl\tlLlr~rl m btl' :_,;~n£li, inrompl!J'H!', (i'i h did 11101 ~Jil,·rl.(lhTi 10 dl,C' lind ~ (,l i.' ~DQlIind phIlM,,':!1; 11li~ rOOIlIOO1. ·rb & dUL!$ nm mea n lhi!u r J I'I:~~ oJ 11'1 d dl,\iI,iUL!!; • re ~nr ~~\fiill~l!1l t} l!J1I]j~rnf10n;J!lII, ill combal. Iu Ill!:! Iree-rn vemem phase off combat, ,,ii.! <i Il'Id dI5~~ It«' • re ernc'Fa 1 ([KS. \',Vhit'I' "¥tl r9WUell'!ii 5l!QUil[r~ oft, 'there ;$ ,['! h"f'~ ~'~, i1I dIE! 'taocl.' lll.."! ~ L"C:'n mern, Thio: rtIlSI;:UlIl"C or Ir,fU1GC va ries ,a.;;: th ' UIi'n Elghi:f'II'5. m ve round cadi ndu:'f and auemi I(m I.nmdh "mam~. LlmItDWJo1j1 (r,lt'ltil prJ!ir:i¥~fj ~~'1't.J! Jfs.u~JU'~ I" Q ITI«ial fiHHbm $''1(1 ~/hU [Jr~1! d~lrmuf.:,~(S ,r'~e 1m n;1~ fJft~~ RUlu ,ft~ 'lh·,f f.1f~'-'m.tJ~'tm!~iJ'll'lmsi!'.

Th prohlellf!." ~':i!1!l ,el~ .'IF .. k;, ~h< I ]oe major theerles or rouge ,,111.(1 d~sl;JnG!' nave net proven lI!siI!',hlll "it~1i 0I.CUL1\ill! ~'Ij"t~'LIlll::ullipeU[ion. 'W'c ~~ [hal, 'CIf'naiu ~h ·orme!>. 1(P~' ra ng!2 d rh~f!' rbl" use 1[11£ n!JriJ[!:f!' l'1ja iechuiqllc. Fur eX.Jmplt". I here Is the kjckrug r;;u I,ge', PUTtchm,!l: 'fa 111S,e, elbow rilng_e. and 'SO on •• '\clual, esperienre, ~ 1I1IIie",.lel!<\eil', has ,dC:'(ildy !lllJ!m ... ~, 'Inat Or! !! rwo i£.ighil"5 are dose enough In U[ eaah 1[]I~Ib~!'" l,."i.1.lL1, any 'tmlili~ ~)f O[nens;H\"(" lcd~,t'l!iqne-_ ~I ~ u5ek!S~ 10 la'Lk of iii! gi\:'t=n range ;] 5 hej:m: al~pr.o.,)rt!'i.i;:lJ(e 1])!]]..'I!y rOT ene m(C',go[l~ Ilf rechniques,

I 67
















Conside ~ [he' knee s;~rlk(:'- _. ~o<sl people- think or. die knee as a close-range weapon, one ,ti 'me liIIJ,(iS;~ s,l!1n\:~1 ul means 01 knockour v5l10ries ~~m MJll'l1l!L h the nyl.ns, knee srrike, l·l .... hEcb launches hom. 1001; range: {Of iticikang r,u~ge~. The :Il:ee-·$[,) ill jig knee ~'t r. bke :has ilitiso been used successfully by IigJn~_ nllJe:Y;5-1,:dkif a 1 each (1 t her ;ilit ~'oitiJaR olpp-°,c'j rs, m be pU1!Ichil-.g ange, In addhlon, l"'Ll'CC strtkes ill' • used '''''''ith :s real succes bill d ~~Ie ,·"uifltions. 01 the Clinch a [Itt mdccd. 0111. the gro LU1.d as wer~. Y'c;n u (00 dre.ur~f sec, ~}n~n. ~hflL it is pure l'oU~r to talk about a Ii3InBtI;: nlia~ is 5 U Ill2IbUe tor u[Jirl~ tllC knee strike. siDCC' 4;'xpelienl((" shO'~!j!s the lease 'wl11:L which U. l[ilIIJ1 ~~ otp·p!'! a'~ aU raost" CDD:iiidt=r.Jil'ioru sudi as these poiru 'tOWoiII'I'L! I:.ll~ :r.Ii~~~~ [or a '[I;~:"V n1eory pm' raol,fc, one Ihm (an be- QI' ~.I~e lna I,c!!Il ![~gh1. i;Jtl.a that 1~ ill. @.Ci<:ID]'Il_~ ~'Ilitb Ih~ IJti5en-abl\c! rael M.MA a"um oo'LJi, Ill. rJ Ihi 'is wha I. Wi;l shell n or ~<O ofi ~~t UlOIL"'II'.

A Nrt 1M Theory oj RClI'n~ ~,~d' D'is/~~~~

6' .. , . q.' L) I'L~ ilI~rl!!'l.! ~ ~·h.1i ~ iiiiIU!!t' !iIIntli {HiS'lil11'O: are crucial C'!JlllQCplL'~ hl the rr!!~· move "I "U f~ln.rlt.r II~ J:: mbal. ~;.c~rhml;l" \I'I.MMj\ (oIDflJltfiritU] has 5ihtJwrn, ln w';" ;rf th.u t'i!in~!.t • l:IJd d'ii~'~illlll(~ miIJillfj,'e w rapidly in Ihr eeursc n5 ,'l citnndh"g 'Iligh1.

thal ~h ; Y iL I'IL-l -,' x;:;: '~nugl r dlilUt.1!I ~Ilrll CtllfLUm. If il I1j.Dh.·r dtl~~ the 1:Iri}t a III 01£ rt!i,'h'liI

Idertrl in 11'10 U iJlnUi ··c):rnmnU, eru nl!: I~ \11 .11" a~'s !:ilds. IIflln thc ILIlnell ,.mill rrl.1'~ tL1l11/efH·fIt wm tIC: ~ ~~, [fL Olldd'u fI, nl!:r~ I .. JIll'" r tlllJredkl 'c_ hi!;.'"J~ 11!.'!L::Dfilt"llUil!:o.: wi'll, be I'"'d oIi~ ~rll~t ~h·.:n ra]I~.l". uU':1.:' I.·v~f) cau:'.sarr <11 l 'Imlqu' has Ia~imy ""d.rlal:ons. 'oi!1 h ur ~ hidl ~.:tn l~· tI"'l"d.n iIlny ,i]II,!o".1';.t illI/J.· f.QlroL'~ jJlIJ~lqI,I~I' (m~' dr'l !i~'J" lh~u frrl· ,tiLlL' '1:4 ~~Q~'~l III Jl:.~ mpdilRnIi:s JI« h:uk Mli IJ'$., ~I 6L'h! ,"'t'~~ l(1rl~~:tArl ~UJJ1':ofrl,~'~~~: I'mJ:Jil, ll:~' thi • f C "itt!' n IIIdl I limd uer ran fl .'11.'211 JIU ,ilm1 ph~d~ cally !'CHI<f.:h hbli Ilr)(1UUC'!'"llm/ rhc .. n he ~ • I n r; us:· Whl!'N 'h' ~ .. J~}W 'JHlyl~h 'it!! "fU' es s rLllly ~m!ltI~ , 1'111 ,~n,""rl5I\'1e I L" 'Imh.l..:! ., In.,, h 'r ,""(:ird~ U ~,,~ (4 ~n W l h yllH1~ ~ ~r;.t''l~i1 com.. 11rI1l.i:1I ~'lPr~1 VI.' 11:.1 1'iC·. "UYUHh ~lI utk![" him n UI to b hw ~ down" I'I Ylkl i i L:;Li,f1 n~ 1 ~ eo iJlC ~I ~'1IIIl!1. I ht'fli flY a~I~~ lsi I.': ,cchsli'IY': I~ u",'_'Ic:~. 1i'~Hj w~ U h,[Jv!.' ~ I 1I.~,W ~OL"I te frarITI, of HIIi.!I'ii' "Hlil"rlIl uHakc ~'OIdrnwi1rtl h~'tJ 1L. ... lm~.. .m··, "'hif!fi' ytl'l.J CiHIi ,\I,ee~~~!lJoi,lly ~pp1,r !'i~r{:,ll~ivc h.'dl'IIl!qul.:'.

·rl.7l!f.: "6n,L:ltr"L ,..111 «1fi!I£iel ~"l.'rtj.lJ!> 1FI00'L-'[rm in rll1,"~' j"i h):tI!>'·, h d t·!> n,1 I ~ my 'I (} Sfi 'el.fy 0 !:R! !n..jilt.! ['j ~ \"l!"h Id) .u ~,h·a::'nll': ;111 !lqUC' i!i. i1Ilr1r(lpri.ll(" (w~ hi! II.! ,~~ fC.JI'lh' ,s" ·1Il ~bmL this. I.~ 11;UlIP~1"] '~'Ub~C')11 nor !l~i! U (11. 10 dlvWe J'anCt"!o, mro short, nlc~Jhlim. and I 't1f" fl,..p 'rl '. tIT: li~.ilI~' ~t~i):1i~l,"fIi ~hrul mn,j,.'iI;;' CI't.j]DJ.!,l-o;:.. 0 quldd\" in 11a~ .r~:'II!e·mll1l'lr\C:'"m1! ,.:.t 'L phase I~ co:rll1h .. u su h n, II l1~IDn i~ nUl hdplul. Our neW '!t'Ofnli:'1 ru I~r r."lingt' enables iI U .. ~ hterto lbli~\'i,,' ~hilil ir hI! I lar C' .U,\I.ill' lrem I Is (l(p;pCillr~!m II h.:H. nct[l1·~I' one can re lc1rll irJiUH OIiftd 11:);\1(,'11 Ihl.!' olhcr. hi.'! lit safe rrllll'n 4.m~ck. mie J:n.i!I'S sum 'i~~l~ eWL1n'l'II1]l~ n.(·~ eVili ~f' .il!flId coanter \''Vhilc\~er lorm IlI·Ml~n'Se h~s r.Jl1}rMl~l;!nI1 a me rnprs '

o L'! r ~lmp,le. (liU«; fill!. I.~ rtll'D~ I d di.!lilance dees nat flU¢1I pI to Ijmj I ,~ r~'p:.'I:Hc:r ~o cerratn fYIl!l!'S ~J'] <iIIU~I~1 S .1i !L~nilli:n r a nges. ]1 recognize'S I'III!: I:a~: Ihal OIl.l('C cuuta [ (s .lPC!~5Ib~~. ~he[IJ <IIflIV r'li}:nn 01 aUild:: Is ~ibh:--I'rom kick5., ,umcJ:1Ill:!~ e lbcws, k uee sl~rukc5,. m:1!d makoedowlt.,,_ II conla~1 a nnor be made ~. ~dl your (I~~rr~ael'u'l rhen lti ie dll"lIrlil[ij.': lim' <iI!tl aua-c.k'os ~It-"Inn SUCCCS':iful a lie qllH~' h.llw-

B 'Ca,'!,lse it seems ~t) say n~m1e ~lll)m range and) dismance. u h a slmple concept or: rznJ~ • seems or~en to (Ibvi()u~ aitic:-i6m!i_ Th('re i e a reason [or mh :;-:ullC![,." ~~ net much tha~ QlI;t:~ ~'je s:.aidJ •. Pre\·iolis [h 00 ries nf fil!i.lge uied IU !egIs~,ali.le hJlC}hf= .. n.'I]J~~ ;):I).a tht.:~r !l:11!;I·iJ!:ktl' ca'lInt; i u~o cOIlUia tvil!h the obsc" J.las. A nlC"mll.he!r ·cr"i~kl'Sm is thM ll'l.'fI'e· iiII];'C ~m~e~em ... \t{![~.s; in n"him I CoIil rei1ch o'uit a.1ld mJOucill. [T!lY (iP'fl-0~ llIen1. If I n:=.3Irn. 1[j1~]I~ l,'v.ith 111!1I l.eo1d Ic~. ] mo ·toum hhn sooner iLha,n 11. 1 [eaclii. em I


.a'lild ~OUlI[.Ii:JI him ,,,, ... iilh my lead ann. Whim memmlOO is I [ rrcei? The tIm!) is that the s ~li''jallD dlmfeFt"DCf' ill reeeh bel ween lead arm cd I~d [ea d h;,g j s :nOI. sign EHci311t efloug,hl so maoe;r_ Rc'memiJlt,r" TaDge -Clad dis.I~JiI,'e dia~lIS ~ 'i1,!i,'ltlh J,~'eilliCTl dOll:" speed ~ili ~ ]j,~(Jj] figlIH: mhus:. S'fnaJJ ~afiia tiom; in d'i5i:anCie ;;JIDC unlmpcrtant.

S~ then. 'lo,..t- have pili fOf1,vam iii new tiflcol"lf' "~f range and t:H51i311t::f", 11: is excelt.'lLtihlgll' 5~r.Elp]~. amI! i! deJibe.ldlldy ol'lt'oid'!o clhridmD1lg range J u d tcchn tq IJ{' hrm 1!:i.1&egtl]r~k5 ili'ol~ 'Ire' or [1'0 ll!lle iD acIiJ\iJ] combar. us sin'lI~,lkhy makes it easy to aplpJr e~'N1I under lilt;' stress 01 cumool. and it hiil'li proven itse 11 III reliabl Ii! gu i 1],,; 'to S ilU;:(3I!:\S 'hll~ a IpJk<:lil.W1.' QI l«h n hillt! \, .. 1iI.hl)U~ ~iln~l[ii lIS a ~~gJn~;r·s nptl t'ri ~5,

.Ex£Jtn'pl:e' oJ R~'n'!J:e ,d'jj\d RdUli',i,q\J'IIe',: .J,(j~l':' ,;N'Pelf: f' Ltu;u:Ii~

,.}\n nr sn ruUil"(." l'rilY nu analyze ~hc q uesHnn of m:n!!!!c a's ~,h e ha'5is 01 '51 :ratef!Y am r n((,Il:Junl .. ]I.~l!' ~C'~entiulj Is 1:0 luuk m a anlcfiCle e:!ol.mamJ1e d~.n'lr'il (rum . ·nme'J.lpurar~' M~'~".\ cOnIlip4l!titioll. JOiSt!' ,. ~Ie"" UI1Ws, a di"lli'nluJ'shl:>d :\,1;\l\A H shLeJ' f r(u', :13 ra zn, ~:s' r.1JJ1i p t t!'N';m[Ip~e iLll :j} ngh h.~. who dernonSI fdille''i m he H Ir1Ii~;] It as nj [assl,ni J ilieo~lt! I!JI~ Jr.:ilng,:c .;mdi diMail • in JiI:.1J 1- h HI ~.

,rJd(' calml!' I 1m 011 lllO,lt:(q:IOIH I ill M.11_dY nla8 Ikkrdllox~~a~ f;]1'1(~ Br,~~m.crn jh'l ,Im:su. l'h • I '.rl'l'llt!'t U_5 ;) s:myJr 11I,j1'l stftll18ly IIMllllha51JJ~.s ~H1C'i.: su Ik·s 1'1" un ll"lallY ~ nilH'i(.n~~ "In·d rnl1Jt'.~. Pf:Il.l'~ [1.11 ural boor fWl~-!l~lm1g ~1b'[I::-' ,Hl i fJel( Ihlc h II sID dill hi~m11 idl~d.nmr roollill!:U 10 Ihll: U~ ILlf lin: kIH!E .)~ .m 'S~JI fi[km :~! WeJPHl1, In MM_A ',..~mSI ,(! ~1j]1~1I1d Idn: world. 11'-t'h: mild" I h~ kAll:C tfm~(I' mJ~I~ 11Irn~~~ uf h b ",'H~H:"l' I il:Il~~ 'n ".~lm:h1ns un ,ell') (IPSN IIl'nlS lrem .h,· III mC<l;,:li'-lI~ I ~ '111B~C>S ,mr1 ,I11I\:mOI1~; h~ bum hi 'h~ ll'\!~-mn 1\,'l!£ru~fi1 ~I .~ til cIJI1l!h i ,.·md J h,~ . Hi11 lr, IJ~~' w,rns vii'I ~ 11 11 U'I <l.lluu'bm !£lIn J ~II! mh\.' In I r nw:mu .. and UI1I).n:dicud J,["! Sln~lf~ i~'lI MM,!'!., Lng 'Iy os '" r"'Ltih of hi .. lIBt. nfi\ use 1)1111 ... kIWt·'l'l!~t~ •

. nc ua ~il'l:ha II k. (I nm, \'liI'rJ I w, I hI!." ha .. i'li ,~r J"J", 's 'U 'G~ "hf~ ~~ 1J!~!;l or 'j lre kn J'I

,urEk\l:~ A((IrHdlut 10 'la~It:;[I1 Ulil"'lJrill.""Gfrilll'1~1I.:' .md d~'SUllU< e. h (1L~ 'b'! Lc b("h,,1Ii nu cl~1.: fDt'n Eh.1Im r'I.:J· \~fil~'111 cNI~n .n I :0111 ,umnn ;I!sUnllO' !Hhill'lnlJ,.e, ""Iut' a 'Ill ff I!; LJlrll~~[I~cd U,I ~~ ,ll ran .. I whh:-h th~ kn : ':!!~rr 'I: ~'S It~p 11JI~1'I;i~J I Wl".ll!PI1!Il. TJH' ! m II • hn~wt' ttl I rclc u 'Ullht'" I,m. "Inik", d~ a'h'il1nl!:,<t::.;. ~~~ n~c 'ii'l!.'!I~ 11<1,'1111 ttl' II' 'I' Jv!]mn ~.rt,CMlll.f n prcdluing IH1W Iw- l\'i}ul~1 all.lck; It.:!llln,t"'r, his [rJtill1.l1il~ JJ,!l(:'k· ,M:Il'UIIII nd ~ Il'1d b . d, I "11'" mild..: him un u .. ua Ill' 'Ud I~I dIll - iI'IIll;!I;: M ri kes, ~ flu 'I t We Ii ~hltl5 ' !. !l;:UHi .. rlml ma h: him COnlhlUillly~· '1i!,"(:1 IFF' '0,'· :itr:ik" as hi!<l w'alH1r1. 1"1 d ~d f1I(E11~ I ~). La ~r ,,, hClht:f hi!ll UPI1(lnl:'l'U~ ~ '\!w,] I s!1'LJrl, ~n dh.m, or I. l'I'lJ,: ra 1lJ1~C', l' (11[ ~'kmck~f1Ill rm~b't·.'" Mp Ifu.:hing lI:'.all~ -'.~ or ~~rall'pUn~ range," (Jj, ,i!J'i allY l1ht·r !Ii lsta I'I;C~' h)'f m bat maIler. PI! h: l!. cl)uld 11:101;; III score li.!/,'U h 'some ''''4ui a r:I t ~ t.f I lie knee

t Lk~.



Pos,itilQn intll AngIW,e,

\"Vt" ~uil1l'l,~e S~li!'rJI ai re.ld~' I ht" d~ 10 'WJli h [I(}.5i~ 10jti'l~ .. kills tl,rll::! sire ssed 1 n the Q\~er.OlI] U !j,m lI'iIlU2g~ of I,he lujil;sLl ligln:cr. II.'fXIpJe nonna Uy ! Iu.ilil!\k "'~' ]}(lIs..t[I,('l'nal ~k l!ls tn nn~' glfioil!lntil-lighlinc, phase of cmnh I .aD(I, [0 d les .. er dl(~:!!!i:'e,C!!, in. 1~le clinch ~al1.asli! I:!1 we'll]. .I:IIO'Wij.:'\~Cf. pos:i lion does l~a1-' a mil! in I hie b' _ L~ -movem enr phas t! C! E cembat, fil;t' guidllng idea in [he lree'wnlOVii;;'mll?JU, p-h;a5e ms 'UO seek 1:1 :Pl)~ i!J on thai gI\~e~, !"'OLIi SOint!: kind 01 olfensiv<f' and dJelen!lli'll,'ic ,fu.ilv";IlILtJ,:ge. In ,efh:t, this meill.rl!' 'l!'OI!lDll~"t create some kiod uf angle Ibt~in-rVtf'ie~lI ~{ll1Illl and '1{O~llr opponent :~tJ EI m gives }!.ti)t!l ill beuer posilioD [mrn 1IlIi'1l1d'i j,o &lund1 }'OilII.r '§ltiikt$ and f.;mkcd<!Ytlr'm, '!';'lo·hHe' ~ll[ n'llle S<l!ntu: time .Rlnrliting fo,1 r oppo-nenr'S .albi!!r}' to do Ilk: "'!f'I.'i.s>e_ r.1 .. ri s CLlJ:!lSmalll'n ent,~t m O"f'a,IC' aD ad"'tlnlageoUs.,i:iI1g1e (lin ~nll~1r O:P!pC!lHt"fll ,[S a kt:y skj]J :iF1 [he E.trt!'e-mOl"~n u:nl phase or romba:l,-

r I


1 J



U you s,tar ~irecn]~, im ,~rom of l'OUj o]Ipom:ll.l. ron ,,'!,.<ill be (Uf.i&il1y Itil trout ~ h~5, m.;L~:n of[t:f.lsh:e strlikllirg, 'Wf..",<Ii,po.n~ <ilild u:-jIJ ~'lLlneT {u;'LOrdin~I~~_ !(n a(M~i(]oD, 'i~, :I:!; much easier 'ft':! t· him 10' b~ilJd, ,aD,')~ '~OlJk.erlJcn,,·n auempts l"uu make. Instead, you can use go od §1.11[i1~'W'1[IIEk skrus 10 ~.iI;:iI;," you 011.1, to an aogle ILbilli M'iI~t5 :!iIJ!U r OPTJ menrs flHem.e' ",nodi Milkes his delense lI\Ore dimwit (1)'i11Ge- a:~;Ii:TI, ucte 1J~e itIl.pO rtance 01 IiiJu~wl[IJrk. andimolilJflIjL OJle paniC1J,'mrt~' 1.1 _ fuJ angle is. 11([1 lei rete around hIs 11;'aJ ,haildL Tbis I;illk.e!ii l'Ql,i .aW~ll" from his 1l:Il'lift<r ball1d Mld ~Ie,g ~'lb~ rear arm <L1'II(] '~.rsO <liIIlidi millR-oe~ ~.1kL"()OW.1l5 much ~Ie , and easier ,,5gure 4, rt1 ~ ..

P uae hi fiN 9

Th e re Is [10 1[10 WI{r m U.,lIJt pun 'he- , a]'{:' U'Le m~1 ,elieclha.o: lorm I}r s~.riiUllg, MI~'liIl]l[.1'1'iI ]11 ih ' E ree- IlTIllJiif!tI! m;eu~ 'rrhiMe om Combill ill CHI"O:'IU .1\1,1' 1.l\ OO1l1f1l;lil.on, tihrc vast tri,i;'j IOrLtr ~l ~ L~ L1Il[I;rrl\OulliJl[ ~·h;~lJljjtil1! s all: Ihl" n."5UU oIIJQ .. ,,·ctrl ~d balrld SID -c~., ~('I~ url'l.y at" purxhes dll~ m .[lin!!' WllQlvl~li:k ""i[tollJ in the tree-movemer , ph,} e, ~JhIl!Y aho ~I<!t up th~ ll[Jjlri,r;:~ lmuo d ud:J;~ dnd 1(1 i;.'"tlaw.m; ill.n lake the JUhl, ~HJlt~ tl'lhJi!if 1'li,,)I St.!:J. 0 f 008 nbJlt. J',tifs~rlf_\. "'f it.Hi! :- 'll'l..;f'ill§ skill:l. 111t1l r is cr-ooui i~ dI,~.,r jlr~~Y,il:I'111 rilill1rt'r. .'~f} m:U(WIf ,tf' wMdn ~,hr~ ... i ~'f ~ml.litu I~i' prr#tn 10 .":pH ill.

It h I r'npmt ,hI: ~1l.l1 JIunr;;" llow e \"l!'t~ I htU fiunch'ing .'0 .an MMA sj"",t~ miUI~ ms Q II" ~!.: clH[t: r,,,m,r h'(mit PI!J,'U"(IMI~n~ ~n ~ I b 'xill~ IIiilIIc:h. j\li111 r pt'll1'h: Im"!;l~(IL::mI t~1 ,,1 ~·:;nHnl,;" LhQ l b~>C[j use tbt" p'L!III1(hl:U~ 1110\,,~1'III~1'il" ul - dfll ;"Ioalt' ~hnUlllr "'.II I hese I'I W~S I: "1'11 ~j )(:h~J!l. uh~ i WIiJI "Irt" i:d ... nucal. I n (ac.~ the hM(l .11fe dHl 'f1I:n~ f1I 1II1_ii~ h· hut

h'tJiPOrl!ru'II' ~\!i!irS;~ Th.e bi~gesI diHerences between ~R~[iJchln.s in a b !JJx·i~· match OIiTllid m an M.\'\i\ marl.chl i~ ~bm in I he Ianer, Lakcdol!i' ns are ~egi!J·1 and din ches will nOlL lJI!!" 1'lTok:em iIlrJiiilfl by I h(· releree,

Re~nlJ~mnlber.., m.he rules oJ:OOx:ing limit the Jiglu l.g IlilJe· lree-movement phase cd comber. fbiis Js .IlO[ I:he case in MM.A_ A ~"jI3Xter need iI]O~. be ron cerned ..=iJD{!IU t tiJ.Hl:hmllrlJ!r. 1ifll the dinc.h a ud La ·OOU\'1o!]]5., since 1 hese are uot m1;!F1. of bOXll:lg. .. A - IDol.L'llIi IilS I), •. he t':Ci Il' focus on I he: use of hho bands 115 weapon 5· with n o regard for Q.~her dI,l!u1S;ers.~ He need Dol t\'orrr doom kll,ck5.. ~Hn[1:1J:5., elbows, throws and u. lioIl:VQ'L'YIIlS_ .i!i.S a result. he CdI1 totally roDUlI11iL 10 his pu m c!ll:LiIg ,m11 arks and delense. ·n~~ .. ~'iiJM,t.\ lighter., on lilt: othee hand, D1USl eoncern hhl15cH lNIUI all of d".l,I2~~ .gth~1' d\augc~. s.:inu= tbey <lire alllcg,al ln MMi\, Bll!cam~s 011hJ~ Iact, some impon. nr mlerge 1i1!'1~elll, [he IFnJl1oh!lUg.~~ ,~u~g ud a.juj~1S.tJ :right 'r i [IJ m~ ;''i&~Mi\ I.igi1l ro:.d d IOO:!li:€."f' in d boxin,s m.nch_

In MMA eumpif'milion. fUl"eX.Jlnl~{". pIUlehilh\8. oombm~~~~~Qm 1el'1g 1. he mueh 5·bmu~r rhM hili Ll(l~W-cg. A .Dghlcr has ald·)~ II :shofil rim ro punch h!l!kl'f his ~f11jl~lnt.F1j't cl.O'it"!o Ihf1' diM.nlce tnro a la ·,ooo~,tln or d1Df1H:::h~ lb 5" ~Of.1g, c mblnu~jiO[l ' mt' c~ut or the flU" Lion. M~\ Ilghle . al ~~ u·W a strong 111~j_~:I'~mlr . lor 5uiillb~hm fRl!nI ht."!Ii ",\1 LII long.c:1i reach., "ILiI.:h .:15 I hit" J:ib ,j] mid It: fc)~S, ,If vuu i;i rlli' d ['j~e ~1fL1O IilIsi ~ mo ~.~~' o;;htJfl4:r.-tilnHe- 1111 n('ht':!.. sach a:!IO • b!iJ.' he L) "ill ud tll 11[1.'[ li ~, 'I.h~!'1 yuu l:I ~ )' clltb:li! .!l'II [1i.I~h i(,l dinc.h. whh,:h 11011 b 111 • use If IJhco5. ! 'Il ·s nf pu 1 ~[e'h cs in ·1:1 ~e Uke-m, 1Y~lli~efU phd ~ (ah~lnUl!th .hey u: U'!it."tI ruu h Ili~~ no ~I1I the !o7Hiltl1J, ~.,n'1l'Ji1 ih • tr'oJi!.Il iiil, .ljfnoJ .~I\\'d~ the Iil~"t In MM_A fiphh. ln oliI bO:J::in~ InJIi.:JI, '!ll or!'..' ~H

IJ ~ lb. St' ~~,t tim", r '11 w41~rk. Lh~ gPJiiOll~11I "!l1 litld, .. ,II~ ,fj Iltd~u~ r,-:' ~ C1 ,!ill 1!J I;.k I r18. 1 ht: hen LI.

A.:'I ~ r ,ulh" pu ndilifiS a u tlcks I,. rlu- b idl' .Ift" n'UJ'-~ a I'UtJl~~ cem 1 n1 Lll'i! 11.1 ,] ~nxln~~ nth mch, In ~ MA~ b . Y al,l,u:k5 dn: done ffigo;;lty in lh~ d~IIIIt"lm, ''[nhc.'l' 'lh3'11 ihe

j t




11'11: J II I thll!' W rJdu "iI· pl.fln1!:'h In ·t\~A, 'lJ~t ill!'> h is in I fil'l:~ Uji,l,,.] nit! II-dt'll u:x ~n~. i~1'Y 'I t vlsuulit'" I~ ,):!i 'Ii~ i;]kC Y mu ~hlJ'i l~ ,~~] II S~i:lWt: hy S~, t~ ':

i m a r.chlin~ S"Ullll ~. Ilhlll 'lrV £.n· II'1lId I~h !"Hf OUl,nn iI .,;Irale l~ Hut', mlfnhl": 'Ihco patm d1WI:1 a~ you eo}; .• ] -u I aim; ~[~ su re L'I· :b~i r:J,!;] ~ h j lilL back ~ 11 I h • sa me "I ra~!:hi ,I ille 'Llm~ 'I [W(::!1'1 o 'LI1 1 , rdlln'1liru: 10 ','.llll' H.~IHh~l; stante, J(C?t::P ~ rur dlin • II kt'd 10 [he .. boulder (lJf 'I he ,urn 1 ha ~ fa II Ildtt" I he 1,jJh. Do 1]01 llw;;h. the j;;llb UL:Il, LeE the .p:tIndl ... 11]1 out h}r ~layl!1'i!j relaxed, $ r." rlgllllrf: .tI.~.

l1Hmgh I he jab ii:5 not bm!lI1ded u:!' be a POT'!{· r pundl. ~I cain hJh :rI1I1 Op~j;iJlr.i!el~ e 'ltvim:h. su rmlrising Jon;t" if a (]gluc:or ~1JI,i3:pSi h out 1i".,l1h assistanc« from llit" lead shnulder ,JllIid hh), '1,'!tIhHI:! at the same rime lalking ill .s:Il1I1 i!I n step ~ L [ward 1FvU.h the lead! rOO-I, Tbls laik,es the n~h.h.!i[ hno strikl~ lange' and addSI"~e!s~.~.· I, ~.he strike, The rear hand needst ~t.alf' hjg~!1 HlI' detend the;r"s (a<le I.rm~ cou ntersmkes. Th e iigheer








I j


needs to throw the j'(JIb 'Ii!~-lih for«' and corum itmem; a 1aZ!" jab can be :!jill !JIngly counrered hy jI s,kiHe:d s,m Ii1ke'i',

The m!i~n mlfgt'~ t~n the: jiiilJIJ tis, the oppenem's cbin~ A lso, rereembcr thtiliiL the main fun ci[~l[!Im. of Lh-e jflJb OlJre thr.e JnlIO'u~:

1., Tega llg,e the d iMOIil1iCC llen1''ee'D rOU and ,,'O}l r O'Pl)tInenl

2, To 'h.IJ:rass. M1lthmJiiIlill'~e·. and hI. n ~"Onr opponcm l.hrol!Jg.hlLlllllt ~.hll.' [I ree r m<[1tvE'mc~li{ IJJlha5~' ,fi (Omb~l

3, TO:1<id up lLi'ther s:lrik·~~. in s,hprt ((nIlb~lkJ'Rs, for eKiJmpk', II]ghl("i[~ can foll.ow the Jab willh ~'b~ slTa!g:'tl'l:-rig:hl. aooss or iii [e~u-k-g 11OIUndh'UIU'5e IkLck. Yh!';!!H~ iii'_[' ~in.Lp~e b,~~'~ hj&b1r dh:ctj'Ll'i;' (ornbimllioru;. lh;;LI~\ rk H~l!n tn i'i,'l[\''L~,

l~, 1'io clis.U'.!L~~ aul 1j)J1JII1J0nJL"ill Long enough 1:0 ~I up ehher ~ ~~,~(!!;! 'I(IJMf~l n,' an ~TLtrr hl ~tl[l '~hc' diI~( h ~o IOlikl! ~hc FlShl 01n (II lilt' b(T·~Il1m.~el1!l.~im I pha •

The 'Ndf {'_L'fD;5S 1"l th~' ~II!.lIl,VI!'~ pl~Hlth el ~,'\'lA~ I, Is n:~f2l'l1~ibl ! ~'U m ~I ~wi~d iut '\i I L::t<!;!ITL .~ In lh'lol h .C'~~ flO'L'iCOfiil!:m 1111 co 111.111 ~nt (ul u:r 11''' nch C<'1i.n. I r}' ~';JI 'i.i~'~~:I· ~II"1,r;! I, ill'" W t.Jik,." 1" Ill, 'mhlll "lJIl1h 11[(:, Hn;_k¥a:[1l1'1~15: Frum a lillluing:loitamxt min!!.' n~,jIiI' h nd J'i"'I,~S ( m ~n .Ji ~tl ildu. It" . 41'" Vliur "(J'(j hi .. ,md shc:auJdcr It(U.:UIo!' i~l ~he N~IIFH.-.: dlr -('I'lim. P1JI5,h ![11~r Y![IJilJr VI! r Imll II'I; ddd lunner lmlH'1I !'i Il11th!: blm·y, .Dln TIi~ III; \-"V I nd idT t ht' ~)\n Ie h ~ nod m tlU II.! I('(::r dlJh 7'm r IIll-Clut I ~41 yQn r IL ~ pi~ll1!ll"~'rI'I., 1'.- 'I' I,~ ~ tU~fil S ~ I~lllnhn {)\lil b Irfli 7ftmr i!!l.U\~t \Yllt'tll" ,111\' Umlee'il.i~~.l~ r ~nn'V:l 111'1", ut. S' ; H_QI,H i oI'L6.

~, P, ,),H • l!I. 1 !'l,t' '~lll:'rC"'i1lli1lp,;t" "I IJIU r hotly \-i\i"!ght 't . I fWI:'Ih'· 'd t nh,l" pu nch, rreme nf.ulI!jj 11'1.;;\"/;'Cl' n, 1:'1 IJ ! g.cllit"rnr~!i.I Whl!'n'-l 1I~,hu .. r t·XII.i{,l:II'{'~ ~h I.~ II.ltWt.". [)t_11 1Ii,liJt. howt:' cr; II'}' 10 II~!I,; I~ !,t1~CLll n r. 'S1;r.fHl!~d'll ~Q ~~IIt:'i'ml: IXlf~'f, 1U do Sf!; m L~y se r'Vil.·~ lUll l~~hl~~1Mi )'('U Up ~ml .;;1 a\'\I' 'lti: llll nrh, R:!:~. x ['j mJll~'1 l'Il}~1 r mt-n4lil~ bod,,, 'W "Igl t( U ~ dl,(! ~'f:l rk. M"I~a.· s,u r, '" a h.n \lnll r lead l!,JIod 'S(. YN Mg'l1! [('I, rr'li'n!~c (Y[!luv·lm:c. USI.l:allr the t'I..!~!.i:' cross i~ "i~~ ILtp by i~ j~b~ ·ho,..,~. :'Wf. LIlt'fC' ure t 1.IiTI,tH \~ h.e:n. ~I'lit::. U·t!o1lJ' ern 5i .;o__ n be Ilu: riJ$1 111.111J!.' [b rilJiW1~ .. 0 !te-nl, h Is. g.u-od 10 II1Unu.' 1111: rear C]'l~S~ ~'i,i'ith thit;, .l!f!l hDOk. M there i .. iil [! atura) .now beO'>'eemlJ th!:~iI;! .~,\!O sl rik.fs_

The real' {:I'IDSS; ~5 .~U!iO an l"~(dlen( rolll'n~l!'r-· ;:i,tl~H::e! fig,h ters etni use II [0 C'<I!JI!~ mer an oppm Lem's Ifr[!rld n,[Vh!l)llLl'se .ki~K or knee 'i>1 rikes_ One C! f tht:! 'beslr !:1m '"'i UI' ~brolLw th!L' rear C~ ~5 lmmed late 1 'f 21 Hu'lI" u'Ii it:hi'lll'lll:J:f' :m 1.:\'('1. An opponeru wEll, of~ 1'U ~OlJk.e dJie <t;hitrlfiJli€' in k;,-r;e'1 as a prel ud ,. t ,a raikedo~'f:]l alUempl~ alld! be ljil;,m ·drt~p hls hiM !s; 10 de~end the Wrnm\fil_ Th is gi ves an .ene·~~ern Ql1.enitng CoO]" .'he: rear cross, Re.bl1!e.mlbtiT ~'!'l'H 'Jibe' m:i!ll:rrl 1i.UI,et of the (ross :I:§ the dlLIJi. jaw . .;rmdi !.1IC.e.




111IE book Is aJU.Oll1i, rr punch that u tm~es body wrig;h i in monon to ,ge~l:cnne 1 remeudous P-Ll"l/\'CI, and u is oec'u. done ··,·"·~~t~iI ~ h~ k'all1 hand. Th e rdea h to dip iI lntle and ~e;ull sJighllr I!]IUI ~ (J the ka d silk· rICl1I roc hs e)ou~cu~ iOl r; '1,,''Ip'H.lllOur cilrop,ph'lg YOi!.U fead hand, raise' \.!"oliJlr lead ,r;fb 0 II.''''', and sn a p your hips inwa.m.. nmmbllg , . sb ,upJy em 111 e hal J o( VOU r If!ad I.lot. '!t'm~ r lead punch i ug am i. shou I d be 001 a .slid rply .. M.!mrtlll ~ be II .:I ~:I"Il J~. J,I Jg you and \\11.h your II!'.ad 'en rJlw the ~ame Jadgln j]~ your II!.~t- TIle' punch '!ihOlLlh::r Mot ~ t' a wlde. ~ODl~[:I]1l mOIJun .. but a short, "naiP'~ly oue (Hgul'il! 4. i" 1111 inooia Ic~ r rei Ui II ~ 0 ~, )I~ mr n~hl'i r:!.J~ su 11 ,lH1 ~ h:~ you ;u-e lIutn..ving ~Ihtl: pu,w-b as pail'l 101 S~)i'11t' cnrnbluajlon, bC' ~ILI I! 11"4J1 -'I:'c~, YCH.lI,r I' ·'31' hLind high [u hlDCk.l1i ! COIH1H:T ~~a;:I'5 to r'l'l!d • .c~, Th~ prlIiI,Ut' 1di'Cc:! ,~~I the hn . hi ft1l11r oPf rU1l1 '"S ja'~"" .ullj,ddn. 11uJU).l:h mh'l: wht~11 lijtl!i' IIJt~ 1115 ht'ad 1 ... !(wks

i l!~t -.." 'Ii" ·11.

11'u." honk l ,jJ Im~,\ ·rr ~111!1"1i kli j 1 ~ V,'I;;: u ptll1, as n

uht'o l:Ij;jU ~> In li !I'~tI!-cm by the' ' ~ ~I enem. H ts 'L. Sn:oll L"11U.rlb'l1lU n -h ~ h!1 ~ l(lr·l'O· ·~II}!!ei;J I ~r 'l'lo,(.J.I i u ~ I Ih"f l'on h~", II:' !l"!t!,u k"d ,lUli ~:I'J il~m 13 t r~ ~H,1 tI dl 'bV Iillillng . Wil\' or chm~ln ~ J,It, t ... j i 1m ~1 h ' IHII:,~1 hi W,,-..I ~t.lli:llr un fi!.i~ I~' 'Ufl lao III C'll t'~ bnl~l", !:;"~p ''1:1 nl r , '

1'1;Ji hls 1 h.'\:' 1 '!.n~ IMlI:~[lli'~ .. ~] 1:11 in Wli ,t:d,

U'P' ,ra,n

Th<t-" upj"l 'rt'lU ~~ ,j) I~o!.'·r ~ .. ~ I ~U~~' 'wipn yn 1 tt; . 'ID!o~ IlCt yotu \lllJluru:n t, ~ I IIld~~:> (Hl1l'1;::(1 JCH'I rn j.l. YC] ur bMI\! '''''cl.J:bl UriL~ ;i]rld '['1"11 lG~nt'lI'a~ • 1l!:I'L':4iI'I .km~ r~,t~~ P'}\~ r.

Fronl ,e liWl.ln~ ~ •• me • r d i.1 til ~~11 r~" nd br,1 r:ig 1'~t.II!' Ic!]d ~houhl~r and m .II~ ""Iightilbl fC1-rWil.rd" [h,1 11(1'1 d r !]~ YI)lIf lead hJ;nd' 1m 'fa to ehe ~H.H~h. Ii':! S:b(1.I~'I, 5nil,pI"~' mot hr •• n .. u n },'I ur !J1,.h~' 1:0:fill c: ,,{,[!It!, I:1f:!!] dp roU r UPIICT-rum bi:~ ~"!.reeu ~,'nlJn: Or.n;lO.l"l "'11'1 '!-; 'I ~1I nd, Up [0 the chin U"igufe ·;1,S~, .{~"!'t.u:rn 10 a fI~l:n..lrJfl, !II,) nee, unless you "'!fit'" lilJlim~~ ~ 0 ~ h • U ext s[. " I) of a cnmblli1ill ion~

Thi; uppercut-can ,ah-;o be II la [[, WJlI succes f'!I"lry t..nllh Ihi!! rear hilllld. [b.m·ZJl! the rear h'ip' and 5houkkr 10 ,~ u Jd even 11110 eo ~ ~tn ... ' r l.u 1 he bl (IV"-, Th~ uppercu I is II n ~x,ee~ Ib~lI'[ 1(011 nter 10 the opponen I \'vho cha nge level in. ('10 a '·d_o,,"t' n, Tin:tt" his Ieve] dlil.nge. and ma'Ul.nd"!l1Ji1.e LlfJ'PCJ"CU.l \' ... ~idl commirmeru nr.a~S-tl:u.1[)(jI ~.~gd~ chin. catchtng his rornrilnl enovemenr ,ili.lI'~d gene ~rea"[ [IO\ver_











In the earl y diili~"5, [J(~ JiI.'Mi.1J\ (;QI1J'ipetii[ion. 'kicks were uf llule vab .. m,t. [11 ra.,c~. th ~y nften were d!e''J!r~{_ul 1(0 dl.E" users, stnce I:he~;r made kidre es \'lJL e;=IJ"OlilI!J'e H) takedcw t1S (bat 'pin m.h~n,l Iili'FIi he- ground ilild ,n the Ine:rq"" 01 :gnIIII.-IIIU!l :~Iapp'krS. [0 tirnc:. however, 'l.ickof'FS: '~eCl med 10 defend I ali ·dm,vll:S. aud kickiJiI'!S il as be, !J me an lmptl;).r~<Ii mJ'[ sltiltll i Ell ILh-e Jree-rnovemcni phase 01 O-l'IuJlJ.l1.

l'l()ii'nd'fJ(ju~'t ,K:i ck

Uri doubu!dly. tb L~ mosm ilrlipOnoil!DI kid<. is the I"{JlmdboUi5e md me ]J[u:i'('le'd.;~ i::I n s.illl;ll~· be t'!.:!g.1li 'd .al~ t.tlit' ~lillJg, tlr 5.:ic'ks~ in .\1..\-1;\ com JelirctJt1. it h. f'es,1 nnsible

'(!j,t' more d>i!!rli1;01jge" kn' 'kdloli_""ns. iikilld knockouts (iI<l,j'1 ilI.ny ltlr~r kid by la'r_ the iI1Jlundm 1;I,DtJ.54i! ruck Lt~jj]ll is t~,i] l!Zed ~}' tt1fl1£mpornl1' j uJi hill. I:1Jilll~ttTh um ~ .'V ~"ti' i!'ii tt~ri'l,jed JnUl'l the Idr::khoNi nB :stl' f 0] i'ti I uihllnd, M.lJd r Thai. lh~ n~htlol'I' "'I tUi1" 'l'o Ills, hlfl ~; .. ~~~In and'm: l ~ ~ tL~1 £.'Iah h3~ s ~l I,tll ,( liiluh !l' a:t~iII( his 1(11:)11 hue hls ~ppml,~'n'5 1 ~:B. LU];IIj'~r h{lld)'~ (If 'h",ad. It h genernltv bcM ~~I' ~hmw fhl.!' murrdhulI:-'L' klc wit 11 ~hl;; fe.!l,r t '!l. ~ ~ i h ls rHLJa.~ Ir-"r anudl ntnfl" l'loIJW' I t'f.l~ l ~.trUu"!~.

'lin throwl'hij," fC]v-l!1.1tJ; NliJl1id .[-1U Il' kJ 1:. (!'-

'1jJ,-' I:lr. • t~I,I,~ I~ h~~ MIll ,\'c : Sl~llnn,\i' nl 'livilil Y L'Ir len L.I hl ~' I!l~~ u l'M~~n r~'~u hip til lill . br ~,Ulllit,,!g tllilO ItM~j ~t!'L'!t In ih!! ~i1IIIU" dl' .. "{1~m )'Uu ill Ttl kl klh~1 Whr~fi rul ~H n.1U II:"I: .If! In il H"I:r n r.i1.'! r. flllJI lU,rllnX-C ~ 1~1' u{ d seeeer ~,idc; I 1 i~ It;" I,I,I~ W' 'I,~h, nd~, I'~, er (lr four h ~ 1 r r ,~t!DSl: ~m ~', ~Iur t~f'i,p~'Iil~nG ru m ~I~ iluu ~"uYI' h • '1 Ulr!~~ 'til'li\1Vblliil ~h! I~' 111'1 m, Ma .' _11~ I,tl .. ~ wi tl l [t'l.t', ~~1I\N ! r I~!JII! or rmllUl r ~hln. SL~I!' II .ue!.! iLIJI.

loC,!-: I~.;· ;1li, l"OILU I h Ulil iii. ~ Irrie kic;l\;;. Ill) nOI I hink LI1.[;rI: tJ 'f' t l~~n'!.:n lll'l!! II ~I • ~ ~II !I:.i"fJ your rn u~cI{"

LhL,t y 1,1:.1 are odillil~n.fl: pm,*'(,"ir. Yllin ~rc n r, Rt"1,j]~ !Flg!u1· li..- 1ItI1IJ!1I!l!hOiJl!pldri.

an -I thiu ~ uf )', .ur ~t'll iIi!!'.~ ,hip. "''\·~{I. do- nor

~LI nply fl.t Ca k yo.u];' , PI'Orl!!:nl - ... ·'II"iI h Ollly the

'I: .~ i-leg 1:'0 U IJl{Uhrll:1>!LI!!;I!:' beeanse 11,,"' ,~I'Ii eas;ily. (am! 'ii, n::mw:y) 'ron n ~JL!1r ~.'I>·in,h ,I] i['I~,a~' C~ ~~5i. :s t.: t t~ ~~rpl 11~S.! ~ ... ·]I h yl:m r h .. md .... TIl ron, a [ab 110 1CiJ!fI!er YO-1IJT OJII~lIU~!e l~' e 'lft!~, then smas h ! he k~ck to hi'i: I high.

Duri n.[: a m'u;;i,m,ch •. i~ ~·u !f oppon 'n m h> )Iunncd or U 1I.:oII:'Iy [aljgu.'C!'d. ~lllll:! reun di~ ,I,'!!ou!le Is a :!/lH!.ilH '*V'~V EO JllJlhli:h [he lighl. JlI hi '1; is rhe case, ,:[I im 1'01' ! I e heed, T.<,eciP in mind t hM it eakes ~i[~m1l!!f' ~~r.ilJ!ITi!;'f: 10 I!'eildV ~h..:' hhrs,.for [he kind I}rh~~p.alc[ I h ey must take Ll'U OJ. rea~ r~il:b~. Bnm br kldring, the lteavy bag fOor long; periods or (h'Jf'l,e. rOM r l""in h~r!l:h!'~.'Ii ,< nd b€' .rCi'ldy 10 a'bs:orb I h~; hnpact,

The leg can ;11501 be Ulsf!d [0 '1'010\''01 Ille roundhouse k L Ik .. th,·e bes~ Wla}, 'LO du ~~ us is to SK·j,~h sranee jjU5t l~U kid; So 111m ~rOUT J -ad ~Je,l!: iI1i comes you r rear les., Ski]:! }'OUIC l~ ~I!! ,fq back. ill\d bTing the rea I" le Iorward. dl,a!I:"i~I![lg y01..!]:' Jed 'in om:' ijlL~ In:k nruOll!ion. NP1 .... : }"Olli can l1iJ<l"u~ [he lead les wil i1, real !p i)'llj,'!l;[. sin.C€ it hs ~ now Iilteoomc '~~Ee JIIea]j' leg. The besr. mrge. (;or IJ:'Ie lead .leg ro~m rm'l1h(mse


kjeK is ~bJc inner I.higb 01 flU,lI opponent, ;1 pi:1Linr uil h1~n)lf.r '[hal opens him ]J 1'Dr <0 m, eli S:M:1kes; and OIIISli lor iakedowns, Remt=in:ber mhat. one 01 lhf," DC'Sl times t use tblL li'o'1lif1ldll ouse kh:k b immediiatch' alrer h[\f"ating a di~l'ch i5IJ'!I.ct: returning to bee 11ll(jil,iemem_ 'foulr opponel] I ",lin be distracted .cIlld thus rC!pL:n for strlkes.

r]]~rt! 1 i '" C bee 1 mlil n l' SCI I" g kldt(" hn M.1'k1:\'" lim [oIo'W QLl uld 'ITIJ1tch tb[! kl.dil ;g If!iro(l,'~'I::''\,''1 mll!~ DuIC" td ~kbo~JJcl;ii: ~~I;;. I.lillic Bit§. RUm~'][li, ~u UCil ,,'dUll!' .rum ill hs(k ~r 1..111-1::1 1.11: 1\'~Ul!!~t '[bOi i, i.,'JI;1lit.1 nd lIig. liII(ld In ildd.ltkw~ lb" hod Itoilirm:..r,1 S ltd, lii.llll'Prll.ln~ ~_ ithf!, whlttt I~bt~ lng I '!'I ~ ) Ji'i I ~ niI~{, I 1111 hL Jilll!1i;111~, R!lIUl!n'., '11~ Uy WtJi~ r.I IISI Ltulul!l" hit Ulti.llliL ~~m!i • kL .k. HI!W'~'n \'1,)11 H1.'lttlilfld lJ5 p , 'W~ ~ tu) tl L I) ,!i, ri~ . 1iIr~' ., iiUL'~ mn mil l'./l S~~, ,h'f'IIi~1, i\t thil! ~!nl~"1 a1ni 1'~~'jbl'C'm IUt :..lrikH ~Il

e .. ·uty • ,irMA comper 111mB ~va .. d1nl~Lr fea r [lit ~ "lrJg taken d.ul .... TI_ kuncli. hm. ~.' f. ·i,\',olI'S.!uulIl!JL eru en uSlt tn hi.~

!.Iound1= ... .;}Plllll£, rs!km~ hl II ~mrofl.'ff h~t'.' kilk'i """r-·j·1 J h li.'fl (QUL':nilnlcnl t!l1lJlulUn v.~)rt~·iW'~ ",lin iU1 ~ Imug dow 1 ttl aile IMI. !1.U1~ he iJn."~'L' he ~ij,tLd ~lJIl1lkll' 'i sl IJJ 1.('1 SlJJ" , i~ .~ I here, IIII! US\l"ld OiiJl~ 111 ~ "ilji~j p,lrL'~i l.J![~ ~ \;I:'I;lIIIlJ, Ilm~ on.! .mnl I I ilnd In lIiUldj ,Ii Wi!.~' 'I !1.:1 I. hi"" Uf'PlH' 'm=- h.ld .1 dlUh .. 1iJh II mJ1u' ooum 1i':~-J'IlI~ h~m,

, I ~



The bl.:.: .. I ri _ I trn S .' pU~l~ .. h ~~l,~WCll!] en 611, 'I 't 1 '! lr! • ~lnl U\~I~ l.n i1 '!.In t InlYm~ t"1i :r lill!JI,m'LlnJl~, N\. H" k It kef 1\ II ' I d tl'l 11I.'iI<, .. ms hi . ,~rc.~S'1J II'L'J fwm 'i be U'"IlI.' I!.lf lilt" .'nee n ~h," rn;"n1{}'I,I' "1l!'H'n~ ~lb, :;., 1:1 tomb.u •

. . i:I.J'. "n. ~'"

Tile IIVin,G knr:.e I .. nne ,of IJ]'I; mtl~n ~ !rJw~'dLll irll~i;;~ 1 har or .. : IUII1Iiln beiru: ean u Ii!' n.rJ i1I MUll he-J', f;;!! l"l.ri trl emrdil!fine .1 \vl!:illj;i1n" JI uilll ~(.~ ~ h Will]'· t'l'f'lr, ITi I~ij the bod f~ :'.r(JIl,S M'iI h ,;1 ~ IUd 51 ~~df!ri!: "~,I :r:rJ ce H'~ l.ll rHrri

gen n hll~ k n til • pnwer,

Slanin~ lrom oil Ug,hrr~nt stance, ~I(::~~ in bl'ls.ld~,' 'W~ It\,<JJm ytltU nppon 'fit .a lid hr p on yo r mp.pt1l'1 Eng lee,. milking YOUI' \budy 'an UIIi; l!lJr,r~llImt Th:ru 51 111. knee ilild hip r[ f ~\'UUf' m her ~ "g 'S~ lra~tlh1 ~ l'!"v,lnd \'OU r UI1~ pone I I, 10 ill~ H). bi~. Litle eh'in or LI:!l'!W:r' body, TIe -ure ro ~p ~"Our hand . b igh [0 cc ver you r ~,' 131:: an d pr.:'vL-un an elle ~h,.('" mU~1I[re!l'_ Se' fmJlll re ;;'1·,10,

The' "yin eknce is 'in exeellem way 1. eov [" ~ he dm.u'llX' berween ):'J(II!J 3[ld "rCm !rIP])' neru and get s:afel\r iDla a diodt. h ~'5 ~~5iJ1 a gre 'l 'L ay L finhi] I' a srunned or rerremlng opponen m _

rFn\'e-S,;~Jlljdi1f9' Knle,e'

MOSiI people IJlink ol me knee ,a'S the slrUd.lil~ W~dPO:n ol dmic.c in (I dinch, b:ut iI. is alsn effccnve 1:1'l the









free-movement plloil!se wbJeri 'fQtl iiilre Dom grippiLlS Ibe opponeJill' (ill ri1l:U. [[1 rhls case, '~'f)U IDllS!; be sure ~o k£t":p 'YOYJ h~l)d5 up 10 preeem roU.lUrf.f(litlllKbre:!L

Tn execute the fl!.::;e-s!Ul_ndlinlJJ knee !iUike'~ use yupr tead hand as Oil li'll&urarr;;:1;ii on 'by thrr..:i5~~ll!g i:t 1jA1'~~'P1Iir<ll ]i'our OP1Jo:oe:n1i" lace .. d[Ul 'PU ~uJ[ Otbl'J' band ~! JI tn u:ont of. y011J11i: ()Vj.']Jl ~(JJ(>e. le.ain bQck: '50 lhili. rou roo thnJliS.t }'l(JIIjJI' hips. Iorward Hi! add power [0. the knee snrik[!' .. oi\im (f)f the j,,"'. the lllliJ.)f'J bod ~ ~ or [he ~.illiigh,

In M I\{A. the re is jIjj\'\'aJ; 'S a he;f ol a ,aikedo\,'Wll. ~B:.m~1 m,mght"C'r.> are th 'te h (r~ '~yij:rr of d]l'li't1wiitllg, hr.f'e· S;ldliI,(llng knees 10 thdr DPIXJilenfs i:,n}d}, slnce 1.l:U~5e" are (Jr,r~en t!Orlillml"p:,,:~ b'Ji' a tt::g: g,rab ilnd takil.·dOWD. Illslearl. i1JlIII!'Y funj'~ on the head El,;, ,J t JS~L wruC'h IOKf,,'~ ~'b,,<! opponent In d~rcl1d ,1'lti5 Vil.m~ ne able h":T1d-,; .i:'Elth~r ~h~ lIt ~,m~p6l" t,smlm'b me ]fjj}p.act 'Iu (be bQdy and IfIJUtiJI'Ir'II wi~ h n 1,d,kedc:n'" n, One Pi}(" bc!ol ume . mo usc I hi=. 510 ke I j USf as rour n'p~ on 1::'i1 ~ cl1iit~1,~e5 ~(:y,~ ts LlIUo. ~ ~_;]k!:d~li\r'l, 11. SC'v,er.d nOI.abloe- rcxamlll s uf IknodiolJl i s In M.\1A fl L'U 11 "i h.:rvl2' hii'llJjl~ ned hil jU5i1 I his; man ner.., Til ,If 11~ -ste lId in:c, knee ms ~il~t an "$'L:ent!fi~ (~'11H1Jt rr m a S'O(1illg pnm::liing" Wbl:l1 Ihj~ .:r5'~.uall ~]'Il!J1'~ p .ns, I,.,or'if~ r "l jl.Lr' h~Jlt~ as 'II '1/1 r tlppon fill pU_ndlt:'~ .1I1d drtvoe )1'f1Ui' ~ III "'~ 'StL".:LlgM I nTIO hi~ oIIIbd,Of!fJ' 'n1r•

Ivas.J.on and BI[G,ckiiIilISiI

rt'~ une ttl fit: U ~ ~ ilhlt' ~itli h~! d aill 1:'<:'1. bUll n .. member II !II a1.l1r'(1Iglllwrnl :t1It "'T.·m~l b~ ue m p[I:[U~ t gl him ~~IJJ'~ I t1J~k L II ~ cruda1, ~1I1il'[N.;'· Fm, • T.hlt YUH ~~ IfU [hit :)klJ6l td ll/'k'oid'ug, IIj,lrlk" HI IH~'I L~n~ lZ!jHl~ , L~11I m[]1C1: ~haq'lIi IolkC hi Itn: R"¢-'ffiO'v,:* I een t F~tl [J-S~ [I,~ 't'\J;~fif~hIJl1. ! \' ~ h~ ~kill"lo OIIII'lw ¥tIU III ~vnl,!J "'ltr~k '~ \"I'llt h ~~il~ 1!J1IU.t." hi;!' €'''11 ·(I~f 1'1;11 lllUUI bl d,lt a lid 1~r.:'Lt \Ii! r 1 ~lllill1,Uh.:'"m mlim if " iI~. flh InK o l,l~1 ws rlC'lI,11 t~ ~:i ~~~ 'd'JJ;lL.!'J"~1 h Ul~ I (M I h!i.'!1' 111ll11'L .1' llioi.J iu~ aud u 't:1U,~N!S :HIJlj}fjd (l'i,ntlllliunh'8 mU! SM'IIIc~ I-lii., I.l!i,


The fl'm~ ~ ~lmlJ)~if' 0 tnl ei'let'1 i\'''' Burm or ~"i!~lon 1"Il s i H!!VI Y nor m:l1 II ' '~he II • wh~~ a )[,.U;:I,;" cernes lou:md yo u, \'\1'] len ~. llll)' t'~'~1 'inCf1 ~ I~ i.lJO I<C: WI k!,ck er puneh, LI.~C ftlJt)[\'ip.'ork skilli!1 lUi !iikl,p' hiflck a !l1~ ,'Illd iJ'l!ni!J !;.he' b~or'~"', n~ll!'iI ~m !iiklp' 1m!!, 10fll rar.']:11 Ihls win fJ]'e-!lflt ~ IO]JJ f,'J1!J 'II a ~ L_l~, Go b;]! 'k ~Illi] Iii r ot'HI)II:gh to ~LVOU the ~tflk,l,!, mh(;n 1,0 k 10 eouse bad. ,vilh your mlto'I!:i, ~:U'E .. nck, '!Do 1'1.-0'1: co:rll1nuc 10 'ft'l ~'il In .J 'LlU'at,lfl LTt Hn ' beea use j"OUI'r CII'Ppont'nt wi it even 111(1 TI~ run ytf! dlIli!p\?llI, If ¥ IU Flil(~5,1 iUlILhnul"lO reuear alrer your jlJl(i.lll~ b.tlickwa'l'dJ rno,yeml!'nL. tlci so in a ci.-de ta. confound hils ~n,u ks;_

Another fL),L~1J I]Jr~ :moth::lJm~ Ltil-a ~ ls uselul in e'lL"ilfiil~g pun Ires Is sHppr~rub 'i:·!lHlIILrn:'<IIf.~ to 'mhe oUI!iih1e 01 iII-coming ]ll!,mr:.hes 1,,~i~,U'r.e'.it] m j. Th; do $0. dUO"~ )-"au to ea~1Ly muntteli' 'L''I;~u!h s;uikt:'5 iThn,.rII[OikedowDS. Le v , -l chtl,ng1rrl!g l!.IIlildt!'mearln IiI1flI oppenenrs Diln& is .;L]SQ a means Jl)[ OIJ\"omdilinnD, f)~DCbcs. iIIni1 il sets up L<'Ike-dowlil~. ,quite efti'cit='n!~.~\~ 8iS: lVeU_


A diffcrcnt a~;Ji[(lmc.h. ~o [iJiI..iI[Uyi~jg a srrlking a.~M rn~ ls 10 sa lely .;· :ill blow br' caking 1'1 vn a. pan. of the body i h;:U «jan handle the h 11pa ct. Ob,,1ow;ly. ,a. bil in the !,!\I c is a ~Jlatfl[ul an Ij UlJlplecasam experience. m{m.,.\ev",[~!r, H "t~mlli' [ace- is tr.JV Tea b}-t'OU r arms, tht= ,t."xiJ:kE:m:telll'[,~ ~ cain 'be mad e more m:ulageable_ The ~ rearms and shins, Dftotn. he rd and in<ensilh!!I! .:ill'Cns ol ~ ~~ e I]od~', make (be bC;51 bk.dting SlufOiCe.5. n~~!l' (me used 1. CU".'rE;j' U]) and PfCl{ro Ihe weak areas, 'S'Ucih "-1'5 ~~ e jaw, ~'f:.i('t', JlC~1r. ribs, .1bdoml~n" cand rth~'SIlB. mi' .Ik~ are I:!~P!t" iaJly .. '·1 u in M:'Itr'U\ 1.01' 1JaIllJneJ'S 'Vviho want 'I ~ t enter 1n'1.(1 a dlnd- lrQID lhl; lree-movern ~r11 t ph ase, The idr.:a l!i Im",11 5dJ~ly ,d_b rb il lew b~r[l1II .. vs, ihcn 'I! v tIIJl~ ilJl'~"I;]':I',fr intn UU:'''' dindl. lEtrabbjn;~ Hill' tUp:'I1:tl[1:1'1("lil'~ upper ifmdy. and ,en IJ rolling him,

IC(l~'i'rl'ly' 1I1tc" ,,:o'~'!II!'II~1 U,S 1;ri~(Jri."I( h. tIn·' I f ~ h ' bt.".!il l\ld~ lu pMer(U h'L~ n('·md 1ft tU1 rllmd1l(!'!i, tbows, olnd IJ ::-... itlhl! f'!lU I' h!lJ'1~ II! I ~ he ~'.:'Id~ !'I Y ur .r:litfk i

dud f.l 1:1(' I II"", !Lon ~,' «,l . ~ h,rn '5i rne . ,1111 hl'i ~h. a b Yl)lJ

llll"lt your .hllr~ Hili ~ ~ .. e 'lhrl;' l'i11l~I, (I . d' ~nHJ.I' nlpPOJlt'nl';: !:I;lIi~(~ U _ Ithe IIM'I~,(:!r Fj'Ij~ Wj.llH!;' 4, 'Il~, KL"'[-f! ·,UiI r I h· r han I hm~d~ ~ (} ~J'I' I! Li.':L 1 h t' 1'1 Jl .or

idt:. ~hJu'ld; urop! ,mmm'llt1l'l1ml Ii]!;' his tdk{! '!Il'Ih

lllhcrs: . .I'\'lI wh'h II h~, ~,d rfi"lr - ~rfJ vul ir. Ill!? t~':iJ1 ,oir#t '. bt ir cun \! h I ~i\CIU .md I kl,:" h .. hn Pi I • ' !(II:'>' '10. Y U,J h ell I,

r-~lm ~"loitk. ,."' ... bhJ('k (1ill, ;1.11) ii'> Liw,d to n'Hmlllh·' yot1r HpJl!m nt's J b.The Mi,,"1lI i~ W, lI~C th~ pahn 01 ~"(IUII" fll"iU hlHHllt~ !l,'~n(h III~C ll'lr:I.I'IHlfI,l~ liJl~ II. h FIIllfJl~ YIJjIUl r 1·,lICi.:'. N-=u.: 111'.11' th • Imlrn bI~j,.. i'i: IU'SIL"iI;I Q.rmhr on n he j h: U 5:; I tHi'U f'l t i 'I"!'! Hi ~lU(~ljl ,11 N:'. II' 'rolf ...... btl! !111o~ II'Cl1Ch (lUI I,UO lar 1rL1 1m eIl!OI,;tl!l the J i!ll • 1..··'1 1'i Col m • Hl r 'Ii~ iilIIU~ Mm:: il r!H~JiI!lld relluh!!.dl' da<q: [11 your I';il~' I but _ II ~ ~t,. 1(1)0;1;: '!ha~ YQ'l.ll' df'fH hi~rII~ wm hili' o(lrh~l!'l1 hno ~l'fIllr fd ie). Ai, Ct)fld h:l\:oL ~,'11 h Hre H'I~' I'Lli' ~wn COILIIl1JD'I;,:!, Jit! l' e'!,~e.,. il In t!: \~OUi . iud I din ilPlnillt'l\I'S j<!lb,. 11 n ~,n! ~.n' ~~f bh ~ ].;; u Ii 11.1 e Ir~flllr!.-Y 'iii Tl:llj.ll~'¢ ,tJ1l m\vblo\'l;.' In h!pl\' ro ):uu.r o,p:!i~ nent ,.

lli!JubI1l'4!llt't!'~mJllJllJCk. Til!:!' dllllbl~~r~i!nn Macik. .. .~ln:'1i iI:! h~iU! hl,-' wa r' TO ~lnl1 cct ttl ~llr~Rlef b U, lrom Ide.·_ and punehe . From f'(I~lr ~j.ti:hUn~ stance. turn Iowan'1 ~ihlt inll: iJljrh1ljJ: b.ll£:wlt ~ !Io: yOU! §imll~HIII1C'Ousl~f "I p aWril [rom U :!i~~~h~l~r, Hr'.lnbl, YUI1U' f,t :rt!. !rm -, to;g_elhicr and me ~. 'four ehh ... ~ cru Ileh!n~ \'01.11 r u JI[R-r ~ody l.!'!!'wm ret I !kre .a ~!lIlfde 1!'·f!'Hatalirng hllJt3t til shell. Take' the imlm!il('i[ om ~he rl!li~alf',tll~ W~1!lre 4, ,! 4),

S1j~i',!I ,~lt)'d:. ~nlrf;' siJllin blat.'k is the !I.andard means 01 b],uckin,g a t{mndhr.!1js~ luck ·~o Ule:' rhigh_ Wh·l~ ~~UI ol)'pwu!m olllcmJns. [D k.jok, 'v,!]ur If'J::... ra ise 1.11.=1 I' J.C',g UPI ~ln.d Q1UVlt.ll.rd :;;0 ,"b I lis kick makes impao, on yoruli' shinbone'. This may !:oi:III[J IIldi p..1 ~[urn!]l~ bilU il is; r¥ludl bel mer I han I.l.k:lng il(' on the ~hig~JI .. Yn·u ca r.t. comblne ·l:il.l'iis hUiI) 'k \"j;·ir~.b 'I be double-Inn:ilID1 bloc.k H) further ~(Jl~iLdif.r yl:.'lu:r detense,

Shooting] Into, Ta,k,ed.lWn~

Ifhe'.Ii~ is ])0 dOllJJbm Ihal shlQol:.i!ng inm t:aked'owlI5 !rom m he free-m nvernenr pha Sol:'

· ... "·03'S· Ehe ~kliIIJ dJJ<lJm. Ji'l;Osl ra'dirnl]y chang.c--d poopJe's <!IltHmc:llle:!i !{l!wa:rd rea] Hghcing








} r


In, the earl r days; of ~1'IIMA r["Culilpe1i.U.on. Berore I he ad"'t"'rll[ or OOl!!.:m!pt1:r.i'!I ry M1\.'l.r"l., ffLOH lPelDplt' ~,bN:mch[ i[ ,'WOuMi be relm i'l.:"C'ly e'a~~l 10 klD(JI~ 1(011,011.. anvone .l:oolisll CIliOl<.l.g:'h ~Il) al~'!,em:g:D~ ~ loil!k.edo",m. O'thl!'r!. \\oil b ~ he helied' thar mlbndy wa S et'l.pabie 01 'I (Ilk imlg: [bern dJo\\\m. This aU Cb,IITJgc:d q uickly l!'\'·h~.o [)c{!lp]le \'\'11-nessed tb., fj rst ,l'I.(1).'ti\ {"ve! us, ]it became' clea r ~luu lbc' sh Uti l Imo [.akJC~lhJJwrl~ ' .. 'fa 1I If.II rno re dtfHcult '~1!Ji ot'Ee-ti'efl.]d thi!Jl1 lI'IIIlSI, ,filOOPl'c Jl(1ilJ. aruieipated, Jit prcved ro b "(be nemesis n~ nl'J!rD5[ st~kinJ!i' .ar!l0lldcs.


~Vfu ~1liI,etl,·eu fiBbte:rs oemmnted 1,0 punches and kE(:"ks, tl!lif~' became open '[00 ti!l!keirlO'i;"lo"Jil5. Til-is 'I;·IlIIlif'r.ibilil~' made C'7CD. [he ill est '5il.ri1'keB l'i'iUY of hhtin~ the-ir oPIP(]JJi1:.f'n ts, a:nd it dril5"timll~ reduced Lhdr dt&d"'e~1\CS5. ![ ~!iI-',a'~ not m:nll sinkers i:t:'am!l!<li the gI'ti!lPJiling :;:kilIs or (feh:nding; rakedowns, iI:!i!I'Ca.bL'1:g ClUI i;,lf clinches, OlIlJ!d !l1!J!ivii"'m,g ala ~b("gJ'ound .lun • hey became OOIJrm~Cllillle.t1l(Ml~ih to throw their 5,tfikes. v."iimh ~OWItIr_ TIlu: key ])(Jinls lor rhl; jlllils.u lil:ghl!;[ to bear in mind when p'.r'lli'j;!'-,;JII!'i:ng m(J 5bQom i:n Wl his oppon!:1L1 are [hit: 'l.iC'UJI:pi lor rhe SJ,ilO[ all d th e level eh~!ili1,(' m'ltJiaJi[ pn:(t'des eveIT' :s;hm iOltO a til pedown,


fieflt! a ~ . 5~e-rid I wal'5 to set up lakooM,\!I1S.

U, ~t dl Uil~ Retreat backward III 84l'1 all tOP1Plinl~m .mmrin IS :illii 1 [li/l!,EU'd 'Y(J LI, L'rjll,l'" ''f fQur Ic","d. theu '!ihoo. as !lie' Ino-'h.llio!~ inw ~IO[J. ] ~,~s 11'1riU C(C,H ' EI romb.~n.t!d V'!:iOOI f I Ilia • ma ,e-.:.. i dillic:u II lor 'l-'\l]im~ ILJI~li1l(lil1ien1. ll1 Sl1 cce ssJlllll-y re .. iSJt m:he .. 11· •

2, AIl~IllI~: Smt'J1 nullo I)IU;- :mit" In l'Teoi1l:l' JU ,,:llia~k Iml V,[JIUII" (!!pr!it_iJ1jI~JJ'i! ..\ wise a ut;'I:t! cn ~~rk \'ij,"D. h .r~ the OfU: in "WI t'h YlllJ '5Ii1,!l,~ I ~~ uslde ynu r 0] pen C i II"~ 11r.:.;!i han.J.lhi5 ~Uh)jIIF1UI ftUJ ill til 'h' M1!~ [~!CI~ (bh WL;'Ui . ~kl!;! nd hll-ldi ~pomJ I d In,] .~ HI!: 5hut ea .. i)er,

l, :r..t"jfIS,Il': > Itt! ,. hUn con.liltG r,"Ii11lo~. I hlJ,tq~,li vin~ '~:;NII [' Il::ll~};1 (ji:llI~'i~'l the ~JiPJ1rn'l!..ll· ElI~[l hJ ",brik ",.r-\!J; hl:"(!WfIlmUS It 1 ~Inklt, It ''''l·n·Wr h!~1'1 ,i'JIJllti ~hUijtl imtJ III!:!' Mkl:' l;tJ'~¥'D1.

,,~, ~,ui,k hnlloli: B1 dllm~k IIlg ,'1m r oppfII'Uml \'\Im~ 'li-1.fU,,'I!'::, ~~rlillJ 1:I'r~~ i 'I~Uf1r~! ! II m wllmtl lillO" ·n~1l' nd Ihll!J; mjlk • Ihe M~- 11:11 ~ho~~U~'1i~ h~tllJi ;l ~,]kc~kliW.ll 1311'1· h I!';):.~!:r. Thl! jab I:. Ih", hf."$! trlli~ If)"!."1 YI) ",IHI~5.; Ilml U~h~t'L'~ hJ'It'~ ,[lI1~n m '~I n he' II'C;Jlr cr ~ II uti , df ~m, k I ·1 .. ,vB h li~ 111il: dl~I:~C'C' 1)1 ·~1IJ(,,{,i:'!~5 I








Lt' IJr."I ChlUlglU9'

TJii a bUh Y m ~ I )'I,'!j''C'r (Ifll.!\ It'vel .J~ I h.: Jlft"1 ude In a sh t ',rn ~ n~ I f -, U lal ~ I~ In I or the hdh~~11 l ilh~~11' leU< nil \1 ·r_ Alllh.· lI\rlln shut. II! pI: 0ij]~~'Y' .h'I:Jli->·' w the Il'~~, ~1r~' Jlft!' 'likd ~l~ ;tI Lt •• ng.: In I~~I II y",lu fail.o btm~C' le ,e~'!O ~lm].]JC'rly I ~~<[ re Y'IH]' !ih~lE. ~l uC' h~_ ,~\ uJ a U "ilul i~ In: vn JII'C "OUm, ~)'f ~1.)~.\,'('rhlll_;l fl- ur level, ~II[jrU ~mI'Qmll h ~l!j) ill SHill'!:.· 1M 1 noll a'i:-~ you 1.0 p. II -I f' IlUrllci~ [,, r~,"',ill {1d i'i L h i~h pe ,~t, u n~~·rlIl{,. III f~ U OpPftl'iClllX {wlen ... ilnd i'l!no m hI! h iJ S iUiI(!I ~ll;nlto, Ti, h~ Ti ~kt'!I: I ClI' (Ilui k aorr] cJl1lt'1L'nl!.ik\.!d·>t!\,vlIs lilolil rr diJf11CLlh I <Clem, nd, rhlr 'gu Ld ioj.! kl 'B m~ ! 0

i ~ , ~!iII~O ill S;I. nee I hil is s,lrnlliiJr ro a spthlH·r~'S ~"mc', 11.'\11dd r ak es i ~ ea s !r~ '! 1 ~hn~[ Ilrllr\ii,Mrd] brydrivine nlr\-mur rea.rril:~ol and P- H 'I mUng ~rilw 'II' TLW ~lll(~n-·:r:i1.'~ h~PIiI OliE!ldl Jtcs ~ li~,iUfC' -I. L:5ol) _ Vii'U ean eW~l lake le"e~ I h iUII:~I!S HI con fus <I n f~~l RI!<:I'f,~('n[ aJlJib:3l mlillke hi m III:rvoUS:,

A War 10 eusnoe ~hal '{OU me dUIn!Iln~ h::'I,!'C'1 rortrre!LI~r .is 1,10 1 .. !;!,j1! ~'om: Je._fi:

S,hUtlllloN llIiIiOCI~)" Ol"cr _ on r TCild knee a'll ~'Ou IOlMer yllll!Jl r fe~,el, U l!"Uln: lew d ~h ould I' !l>(I~S U!l"UJi liil'r ,ao:r\''IOlIut i ~ becomes CII1!py lor V['IIIJr "liIPJ:lIQJ~i(~~ln W sna p ~'ru.r bead d 1~V.i1I £ I [Ihe fl!1!iIIl and rul n .an)~ chance fir a ra tet.!IIl'II'~~IIJ. ,lr!y,(jI~.H· 11{l1S1U re 1~ roo l1l,pfigl!1it 1J15, rOlE I[h~ le .... el, }'(JY call be knocked s[[';i3Lg:h:t bade K~e.p your lefIJlli sbllDl~d en- dh!!ttiy over l'"tJ.ur lead knee, and all!! ibe'lllve!! ~fiBL!!IC ;;l..1.51.i),

D-ou,bI'€'-1.e£j' 1': ~'1tedo'wff (AlJOIV\lif ,Ga,l-iJ

O~ ill) the medlods used '0 lake iill I)ppoo.en.l, d~) Will jDJI ;'i:~~\-1A, the double-leg t.1lki!!dt)I),II.'D is 'Probahly me mos. 'W'OllIDon1y used, H a~D'llI'lf\rs YOUu(!I emtro] your ~I~p'!:mem's 'it",,£~ (Imd ,ltipsl. oiIIll1d it aUol\-~ (or quick arild dHcien:~, takcdowo S a s a








PREE-t-mVIE~ -'t4 T [PIHII!. 5 E

result. The b:ev '~(J; m:r \,\'1e!!·exeCl.rlcd d(:mble·l~ alttad .. , is lbe ~l[JdiJn;II'll,1ry level change that ]Jll'll!$i rii[jllL] un I!!J ~-:olif'3 position 1.0 peueuare under l'ii:U.U: IOWOl1l1!:iI1i!.. and ge~ throu~lih [10 ,hLS kfj$.

Tn per:fmm Jl:.htu5, move, i.aJ<l:1: ill ,)ukk su:.p ron;\lam u"ilh ~;'QUIr h~;,1d ['(!IOot between your crpP>IJHe't1t's, ~ee~" 01], your. rear Iooe, ,r.\s you SDOo.t. he: SIUfI,'ie to kc~~p

yom elbows d~T 10 ~·(UI.r body. Do not reach our 1L1)(Jj rail' m,rn grail yo IJ r cppon ent. G,H!D'f.',r;:d~ behbuj bath his knees es ¥:our 'Shm.dde!l' hits your opponent's lead h~p. as sltlm,","T1 in ,ligun" .'163 (be sure l.haltl"OUrh '·ad,ji}oe.s !!1Ji the outside oi ynur op OfiII!:Dil'5 hip). This means rhat t"Qu 5Lwo;, lli udcr Ius l!l!lleakle:r p'Uncinng h.ilin:d. ''I,,,,Jlich matt's il ,Ia:r [YII),[(!' dilficull for hi ~D to 51 M~~ ii::' }lIOlll ~HI;!,(ti.'ile.l.1' ;;IS you s't~I[!:Ot :llnll. " 'i!:i'liJ. an skip your lead knee ofJ the malt H '~'OU I!,\VIi'~h ,\'0111 r rear leg !i'l c:ps WI E~ 'tOI iJIIlt UUI 15iCJ!'e of :-vUt£ oppo.nmt mid .aUOl'IL'S ~'umlt lG Iii!t.'j'l.'!t ~CIGISS hlm as ' 'ou Mt a ndl :puLl! OIn hi:i ~ (r.gllJ'e: 4, J lilt . ltv hl avoid 5Hl~~ do vn en you L knees, Seck m gI:!'l up so 'Y'.m\.Jf leel and drive. The £e5uh is asomid, dri "'~ng tf:Jdde [hell I)lWi ts, ml'illlJSt 0PPtJi'i '(lJls OUI I heir ba 1::5 in a shOo,1I1 ume ~ ~~S:1Jl ~ 4" J iI"1l::j-.





Head to the b~' iii/I!. Sili:gJ'g··.le!j' TS'kedowff

AmrLher pOpll.II~OIfIf. l;jJjk.'td.o~~'~n is: ]!Iile ~s'le.I1""K, lakedowll_ t,,·bi.r;J'h bas: mi;Ul!? ~I(,T'- 51IJHst but rhe lDiWC' ~~llJ)iLliof.f.ll I~f'r.e i~ llil:l!'IlM(ll"ly appn'Ji'pri.!'Ic for MY\11A oom~ "11 ~ Horn. Sklfl.le.lE:~ iI,)Uacks ./nte- exu\"EYiely uselul (or ';I'n:aoong.a Iefr-haaded fli.!il~ue:1[' whose (jpp'l}.~;.itt: ~e'g: i5' fioLn'W.:JIrn_ OIlC~ <r,gonll. the key (0 good C!PlifOOii.jl[~lt ~'S an dHctellt clUIi oge of IIt!''f'eJI bdoi"€, Ih~ Iillk~do'fl't'n begins.

Ta :p 'do:rm thiJ~1 mov .. ~U~p Jour lead It:g.ju5l outside 'YQ'1J oppt}l:11lelllf-s lea,a lefor ~ t1d 'to "" O~J knees; iI - 'You PCI'i..e1:r-.li1C II nder his delense tfj,gU[1C' 4 _ I -; a. ~, Vnu:r tW~J knees gi:J dl!],wn iu ~bt' lIOCJt 011 lxI.hi s.iHs 01 l'Durol:tJJrJul!IL1[" t ad [OQL At d 1,12' sa LTI 'r lme. y rum r E~adl i!1LB'fn \ 10,," af{D;\.IOd ,!'(JUt ora mnent ' l~iJd ~- :i! ·,c. and YOUl" r't:<1f hPllm! 8:Ji'aJbs M1iII~ .ilia the heel tnSllrlt' 4_lIb). Pre. ... s your he.iJii:! rliunJy i;lgOL~I.l~t Y(lLH' opprlHenf5- k.,~d ,I~ iii Ul~ inJll~r 1'h-' b, Ll1fTli 1}li!.h fOf!W{ilid Wil[l Y tr.,l u head tU1 J plllL ~~ wi~h ili . IM'Dldi on 'fl)U r eppl.Jilil1'SU:· lweI 10 la~"~ [1101 U" down (1J~UXicl t'li. ~ I.'(~"

Read to rbe Ot~t.,ide S'iJ'J'!J.~e'_! 'f},' Tak.eilol "t

A I.l I.LIol rnr r I 'iflot ~(l! ~~]~. dljJl!IIbh .. ~!;eg I.l'l kNlown h I h .. ~ b('1l1d '10 r h,re:' itjl.l~'SiIde '~liil~ll'~ leI! I'_.[>j ked HNt1. rh~ ~iilJrIJ ~t ill, 'ill~h .. ·r 10 i'iIr~oml1-!i!-h ~i'DQ.': Y,UlLI rOr::Ul1 l"~ ur a Ul'l n ~ fl'~1 1:1 o 11 ~h; l"-i~ tll~.u S dmJ~C!""t 10 yuu. 'h..w~ level i IBl a'il yt IU Mfl[llli~11 ~ 110r .jlJ d.1 'utll,~.t~g Ullkl;!dir[II\ll,itll mgluu: t.I 8d). 1\'1; )'tlU Gil tllf"'11 .iiI' J 101 ¥rH,d. _~hiOQJ[ }~I:IIIjll' lead 11~ nd b~'t'i/\I\t";en l' IIJrIjH' ,uPfJU<J1It'tu '~ .. h.'I§i .111ti IJUok II ill !lund hB'~ ~ w'u U ~ n " Hi) h, tJllil:' kIL .. r ~!l!flJd rut chlll'f shlc' nll'our iflflIU1IL~lIr'!o h:mJ ~ll,_mna .-:. .. ytRL ~nr:'I(

I 83




both arms de"!;!])' OliIi::I lJ!D Vi 'his lead kg at (he knee trigun; 4_] Sb}. Hil'fj,;'~ng,r:iI'l L~h I s prebmln flli'}" c"QlJltm~ ,P·051lI]ll.)l I. :n'f'dm ' .... i1D your IJaI.'!d ro dole [)iilck at your Clpp~ menr's othe'1i' knee, 'b!odiIlI i1 j'rom. moving. backwalF.d ~ro:gn.IJl1e 4.:m ,1$(')Drive fOI'waJJdlln,lLo ymlLr {]Pp(il]l{,lII~"'s hip for the ·i.akcdo\:,;n (IiglluPl''' .4," ~.i5d:~., iBe !tulte to kee51 YO' ll~.~d fllf];d .n~l:k tight 10 me hip 01 you r olJ1Po[le'm to prevent the ;!31J!11.1( tine cillJke hems ll.~s,edJ agai UI~t ~OU.

B to c I<i n 9 a S ~Io.t: an d S Iillrralw Ui IlIlgl

./.'\ cru d.;J I s,kj II tr ~ l'fie .~re{'- ff~mremeD m jth.liSe or WI1J1OOt is th.u 01 bklu;l!; In.s a shot and spra ')'!rUng. ]fJJ t"miy M[\M {;,,!:'lC'rl'ls. (i:'W FrgllleF.; had Ihh skitl- 'I 111,1 C"e"~ldil.: M.',IJ'S ~hat ri1 nst fj ~nu: rs '~"'f'1lII ~ (h:nvn 'lI:a II)· wlien I belr 0IJIXlifI D.Ls sheu tu [O'J[' iii 1,01. ke do \of t~ ,. ThtsrnQ'f~ .11tiIJIJ.NlCd ~idPplC'n (I) u}ially dr an nate the Iil1Jilii:d1'[IJ:S, ,and it Jii"l 'i,.'~ Htr.l e O~I plO lillLlin~tr m!/'llf 5,Uikrl: Iu 1!I1tUi"«' their skill '_

In tlmt', hi[lMl(: ..... er/.lJg1n .r.; ·1t!.:Iimt'tl uule-hmd lab.1MWns. aud U~ h:m' ~d l:~j r.l:sid ~ [' "~I1". W hen ~,ilk~d.o'rUI); Eill Las ,1 rl.i'jiull ol gcmd dellf;!n~C'~ ~ h '" 6rli1u~[, who ;].tlJo:itlfrl,!i thl;i tilliluld:U)Nirn b ~~!ierl ptH 111 .1 \"ulm:rabilli pmi iun aad Q ~ I~, 'S~~r al"I,:a('k'l.! I, -rl'lli! k!l:Y Urv 1J.:1!f!'II:ndilfl{; Ih.~ IIIWiI C1lll1IDUn .,.:ill:lI..~dl!J\vn"ir ~,~ .liI.! ::I. -SI iIIml hLg~1 l~h'to!~ ls ~!J_' dl~ntr 1:!1tn:k ~tn: inilidl slim \,'Ittl lh~ h.U1ds nr h:if\~lIullU'!i. or r L I.ll:ng th~ L !!~t J[I'iJ:11;.:·~ h~rJi !liitJld I.:~ bact 11ml ~l",i)r Ihlm Ihllo' (1r~mllli!m bl~ sp, , 'Ir •. , r 111S b.~.:Ii'V ilr 1]:1,(f1 hhll~,


!ltASli e:rW\j'Gi J UJUSU

,F>l,JlJ:r;e 4.1i!) Ellil1dld PI} ;]

sb!l~ ~+th ITule!lrm&,


,1fJl'o,lt1ic:if:l{J a st~'fJ'I 'Vit"'!, Harn:ds~, ,F:Q:fie'tU~fiiilJ~fF ,m\1;d U,'ndeJ'hvok_.;:

'\ijl'~h!fi[i! yvu:r oppcnent morns in Eu.f a I:akedo'L'll.u. he needs 1:0 ] uwcr J::d s level jUS[ vefore me shot. J-\5. he wC'S so, Joni"{'f '!four O\,'Ioi'iiL level kll ma ~,ch ]:1I1s. rhcn block. ,fut~~, :s'li!JlD!lJllideJ'S 01'" c:ol1a:rbones "o'\<iJh '\!Dli.i" hends or If~J!'t"!lmlls m,o '~~ C1p his !n;;ummng Ir.torne1'1l:~il.I][I[1 ~ li'g,llu.e .11.1 '9)_ Qul('kl:~: move .Jij,'lfiff ,fIJ[1I1il return imm etiia1ety to i') 1iIghlrlil:Ug !:on.anu'.l>Dok 10 counter willi ~irike!i;;)"il he :5t[IO:Ilrn~,es to regain l'lb; stance. "Fill b: is (JJIII e:xce'Eh:nl lime UIi drive a knee louike i~uu him,

J l j





O'nt' ~hM~ mCll'i(td nllJJocki~ lJ ... hue th.u I !l~ mUi' en ,·n tlfli\C In, MMA romp,IAi'tioril i!il m Ii lUi or II nderll(mk~_ If I'm f OPI _'n I ],a d(:; 0) I~ m1 d y!,C ur W~I ill I or lil1;11 • ~I~ mlli: ,or' r~ll:1I' an'Jl1"i under his. ,;md kh: U~) as ~'~!J ~ USII'lI .'u~H· 'Im'i'11I5 h~cl~. This ~cu'a'l~ "reiliE 1\1 Irorll II ils Qrlen and nh,rc~ ,!"nu ' mil",1 Hle~"1 brc.· ~ 1',1, !,:r~1.1 LlJ hdlll be ~r.


\~ltht!J~~'I,'C'r l'tI'~Ui ()fi'I 1'0 rum i shocll:!]: in. he is In~ing j,tl! ~1!~~ ~~ i n your], ·~s or lower li1iiilrk ~ f bjJahuo Df. ke you dtnvn_ ¥(ILI {;in PI"'e'll'CI1I ~hjs b~r lor.v~ri;r:l~ your htps an ~ s.ml1m1wlhlg. YbU r h:gs b. cit t ligure .!.L20j.. Mil~e :SILliiDV YOUI[' lhac:J~ .i ~ 51 rched. wbJ n ]litlrln IF~J Iling I hi . move, ahw~'S remember the rol~Ji]1!,1 II tl,[r:,.: dr; 11(tJ li:wU yaur if(uJ't11 ~~roHud J. tiU r up'p'Um'm'~ 11"f!.Ut!

Till' do 'SO Is. 1.0 ill 1If:l!w. a hl1pfe roumer . .'\'5 ~~ou :!Iprra~,,'J, YOlil 1iv.,;'!l [1J;. i:::ll)jJO- 1IlJ!!!'m [Ii} b~illr a,l~ Yi}l!u· '~igb II Ayolid pm Ling l'"01lI1I" k nee 1(1)[1 'I hie groun cD ,j3S well beca !JJS(, dO~[Ij~ !It I lilis; l eil1hl 0(( bim _ A(I "r 1'1lU ~prawl~ do not 'si mupl'y s:ray ]11 kom iIl,1 fO'IJf oppOflrJ!III. H'e ma" r\,.-oJ",rer afh~r the jnj~l:l~ [am~me 3J.:1Jt:[ ~'!m rake }lULl] d~\'·\·IIlJ, lnSl;f'<id". leok to S,!!liD around b.:hindl, and to put yffl.lrs:eH in an C!J~'I(lJl[khn,~ ]1 osi'lm'on. l( yO'll do not J<1 1)1'" grnund tri,Shilm,g, ,~e[ LUF~ and move awa y; ~lDok '~!ill (Olllilliler wrl'lb :suike as }""Qur GppOl!Iet1i[ rt:;. s,



I 'j


___ ~ ~ __ _..:....f=R=E:......:·~Mc..:..;O:::....::.·V_EMrEitn !PHASE

IIII' H~ c:Jl nr ~~.1IIl d ~J~l li_"~U I~I 'I h~' I IH,'[!~lWI~ n m) 1\1.'· til 11"11 10 h~~ m~l'!tllL'ml("liI~, Wh~I"1;' h N 'fiL werlul WIi'lldll~ 'm .. " . ulcl ~"'·I joL';:! ,d~,t'!.: II'\,'~] _ j,lcl'lfi''''l ~Jj~ h IU !,.'I.I~ 11lJ£ly III L"t11 JIJiU I~IIII~.

Utl~! hlld n~.inr il;ll~ 1i~ hb ~I,i{f~~~, lll.r~[, 'Ill~ ~l~(' ul 'tun -lik I 1'1;j.1 1 mbi'l1iJl~ I~],II . L1(,'VI;!J' reruh 'j','d ]1! IT! ,,'uln"'f7!I'JlII~ lu ~,l1kl!."~li "..'n~f J'II LI l·('fiJlIJ.!! I~ .• 1'1'1 ~t·:rrl!. ln~ kinK HI 1J1i\ w~r (hn [ moil d Ii: l1lm ,I li.ll't"n L il!'VCl!'Y I!m~ ~II IJ-1llPiln~l1l ;911.!II!I'npl",;[J HI' ~IJCi~ I., In t.lddl.ll(~tlf he mat! • ml e n~l1~.n.~ use IJIr 1 1'!'!1!;J!!'rM I r~d,'!. Wl1 'In h i~ R(lpUDt:'Ub ~. jllil-"l1 iliLl! :lJ!1 e :Mm dL "":J'!, I ~ 'veT n!! n I! '!'h~' mrt.lh,ll h s IJ1irro!-:ijC11~nl ,illt h-nslve Wrl!~tl11ii. ~k! !!~ rn n.~I,L' him esee :!d~~~'L:~!'!f ,dlmClJil~ Lofl 1 !like l!!Io 'in 1:r! l!].t.: ril'Sl rl!oct'.

,o\CU~1 'Ir'lij P.Wh:ll~1 al 1,1 1:\1\1.\'\;1\ 1~r.hlfi"l'~ ~w Ih·WI: Ilffi\l~ ~~ I I~~~ 'f'~ Llt iiI!: ~f:'rlulill~:tl: I ~~..: 1!iI }.;I!th:,\vll mill kl.'Cfli-nn 11t~ Iltlolhl 'fi t I te f~ 'I!!' n In .... llm~mlll~h.l .. e Lh n h r:c; I.hl~fI. Udd I !.'tl rn " ~ fll;!fl'l ,~:r!l'jall=- hit' -'rom,d nl .' ~~Jill . whlen 1-:,1:'1" IIIL~ tt~!I:' ~~NII!'rl~nc~ auJ!lu him du.' 'I.~·!.'!I;Lrllq\!<I:~ I:UI !Nmmt'~ 1i3~nd"-\\fn'O; 1'I!W Iduckinn iJlro ~p L '''''Ii Illl. In Illd, Ill' nl. ht!, ,,, h!ll'h'yU IlII hrl!:4J ," 1!lJ!l i)U~:1r 1:1,g,tu d~n~h 'S, ilL·~ ~~l~~ til; k imo til.: tree- 1;L'!!O\'~tnc T r I I~!.!', ~ 01: _ mtl!'!lJfi!!1: I hI! ~ kill:!. ""iI h pnwl.: r: [ul s~~Ht -I'; tl'l!imil!itli b " klQII(IlI.ln)!,IMin!!lR. ud,-..,I \. as ~ uce '~s rL11 hl film'.=} 111l!1ll: m~hlch. \ - 11(11 aUc-mlllal to fi.du' L't TIl dlf)'fI,'r~, ~U '\\1 E~l D dailer ~ I 11151 .... 1'(III I.L~P 1 ~ ~11.~n' iII~ ~ I ey ~ho~ ilaa... ll~ II~ would Lk' them up In ,<, Ht' u.'Il!IIl1M Ihei~ ~('t" 10 l:,illlfl' br" oIk

~------------------ ~

.FREEMM.O\J'EMENT DR'lll,S~-, _~ __ ~ __

'We have seen IITIlani~" 10K [he lII1lQs;1 h'lliponam :skills I n [he 1lft:'C- niu· emern 1l'ha!iJe oj combat. The e '~e!!:hDi{~~'llb:S; !01'm the ba!iis 01 .1 j1:JJil!.u Hgincr''S arsenal 1.111 thd s p hase ol ·co.mha~. a]l.di [hey h~,~(' been hJgldW\'''C in. ;aC lJJ;)m .:\'l\L:\ cornpetitton, It ;$ one llJ'l illi_~ 'flo ~u' iJlllO pri!lctilc these l«b lI.qllle~ 11 is a Il!ICJ~ her, iiNl'lw\:,i'.:V ~t, Vi· su-cces5chllll.y <JippUy- mhcm LU'IIdeI mf' 51~ 01' comwt, so l.b.lH. tbesuulent can be 5U«c:.,Sll:.11 in ilfu. .. '( .. meet irnpll"Dl-tfiliuion 0 these recbniquc'i. comhanvc dri~ls prove to be- U5.t! Eut '\;-\~e ]10il.'N.' -ILlf}\IeJ liII fC"oN' 1)[ [he impo.mml ones ill der~i]_

S,hal dQlw' F'iI'l~l'll1ltin,g'

SlhadorA' fi,shLill8 15 among the 1llQS[ U1IpiiJrtano driilb; (.crr dlC'V1eJJIJI[ltnFJ' the ~kilk iilln:d ,jJJtmb'hllI~:S required .of IIShl.eirS [0 succeed in rhe [jr,ee--mli;)'I.'e'l1],en t phase of Fj'gJ!b'U 1iJg:. MOI5I ~rnp~ are ram i1iar w11 lit die notion ol 'Sb..ilIdcl"i~' va' f~'!.(J,. this js 5 b£jdJor~v' J;9;~iil!5. Tbe are sinrllar. blll there are Important di~ Ierences, the rnlillm dl~n(']"'f',IIl.ce ms I I lit" rJ, ]Jri'llJi ices s lo 'l'i.'\i[l,b allthe iedmiq U ~~ 1!.I~c:d n:r.JJ the' free-movemem phalS~141l«~ morton, piU~l("lilll!!l, klcks, knees, £J. bm"li'\., blIDCks" ~'!I'a5'ioD. shots, spr.aR'ii'ng. dud so en. RCilblll!mb er, j IlJIjd1 fi.i,;i ~.11 d j'!.,1,M.A !tiiJ:l!:ll)lmJ!llOlJS~ .m!illll~' Invre Ie-cll niques I hm does b:rirng.

]~aJ~l'!"1l!l ,[Igltlh!'r$, ahefchm: do Jlul mere :l~ 'Siladm,,., 3h1 Ito'!tlli:lh thl~ir. hands. but 't'Ulle}1" sh ill dmw figJIl \'Y1UI their whele 1)(:1(1')". Th~y move ,;:fOUlJlt jllJ'st as 1 l.f~y would \y.iJ~h']]lI ![Jrf1rOn:em_ for in liJI1Cf:. inlAsin~.JfIlI (lJ~Jonem 1['1 [rom or ~!m1; trying H'l 5U~.t(t! YOIl.II ;Hn~ lak~ yaal do\,ViUL (ounlcr his aU.Jd{'S ,filS 'fHJ alH:'m~'I't ymH' m'f'n a ~ ';III!:ks. MnE start! you IJ~ rile rull tiU1ge' 01 l!l'dinjtqmJ'!i!'~ in n he :1 ["CI,;! -m01H~jrt ' J] 1 p.h..QS~, SC'~ .II a~irn:r fur n'lllt'-minmc JUl.Jnlb. and 1Ir~ rk lim ,iii [~ ud POI" , lte,iil1),! hlfh 3mii' an l}ilitth~e. OIw:n:ssive tJPlXJI1Clll .as '~m move : -['lui. '~,vi~h HukillV' roJ _0 ,6lfril'(tl'.

,E q uii p m il!rort 1[1'.11\ IliI1\n'B'

.i\ ! uj 11~8 u URhia'l;! r' ("iJ!1 ~ ,haflt.:n hi .. sk iII'!j in I h~ 11[,r;_FiL:' -mo ' ,',I u ~ fill JII, ~{" tn 'I h~ 1I,1I JI1 ' ~,,~ r oII~ h ):.It'l::!! d.flll k ickbnJrl:€' do Ilunu :h ihe U'llil! II ~ ·qllj~:r~nl~·m. ':0. i "J~ \ry [HIIJ~' iilJ ~Il.! . min ... :'J1.:'t!d I~'l ' .. kh.:kh1lJ 1d ~I~!lf. am~"fham 1I".1,:HI:.: I ~ jl'VL~h)r1 t'1'w IHJI'IJ.'Cl' L 1lI1~~ '1'I~Ii:'·'d ,~\~olJr r,;:~ Ik(,5. De' [:' ·atl'vc in ~ur 1I'i!;'!l~ 10l!!;IIp,nll,."r.1IL ~)CI ,!'lIm mel' ·ry 'l't mid h11 b'{~mllm :ilfi Uh: M~I !'Iml hang ilU' a,''l"~Srr, Imill'~itJ ' 0 l'lw t~lrptl' 'n!f~t b~ m nit t'<l k. llave ~,,,mr lilifw",r mu'i!: "md !Ii \lhl,~ m ~(Q'iJ ~ ~r!'I'II trv II I.rI~ It III • ~,h Ildd~ tl uiill filiU r Ild n n~·r hohh..





As y, IIIU r ~ki Illis I;_ 'WllJt.}I>. \t~~ll ~\'IilllI'IC'l.·d II) ~j til' bt) WI~' tml~X [ I evel, 'I,\'r .. h'l C'l1 III v(;J.I' -t e ~ I~ 1fr11n'liR wi fh til ~~".,c nlll onemo Nllolhl n~ ~I~t' Il!'r ·rP~ res ~~ u rull'" I I mJllu iI S "'''l~.11 all> U'!,.'!;; ~i 1',0 ~r;i rig dtlltl:t,. LCI U:tr gel mn'U:lh hlJl sl'r~ p.,lu ~ rom til I' 511,] n, II h lu~h: 7 his d, ! ~ ~1(}~' I.1'J'i':tr~~ IhlF~' U".~II tmJ 'IlIffI' (41 ill _ r 'li~mpl to kmll ... ·o~"b II ,~;Ur' ,I ~,1 f'~'e~:' rimti y'l~J:.! I' 4" in.' 'Il'hc Id~~1 b to "\'I,.,rk ~ illl yuur Ililn:nl,:'r~ not .:t:f«iil!'l"r;l hlm, A'r,; 't~ n :!;Fl.;I r, look 1 Q ,1=1]}ply ,'i)jI~11i' me 3hfllEc:~l!Jti "" til It i) dejlfC,f' £II t."Onl[ftC'l iilllProfn1l.1~ t" ~,O ~Jo~rr rr,,] I n in ~ req 1,.11 rem u rn ts a1ll! ~ 5oki]l~ l ~JI. Ob'VEoLlrtlr. iI yo.lil have d m:u'jl\r.esSlEmu~ H[ih'L C~J,! n i n I'l. up, yr 'I L 'r,/!; In m;!~d m , wmk harder (lnd \\lith ,HrCiiltlt'if" :ilit'v,-'lrlflY I(mr mln<t~'. 11 r Ill! ar ! [ust ~r~.ilI,F1Iill1g [[Ilul fill' haw no light:> (In 'the hnrizon, IlfI ["II.:- iU oil J uch L(~r.e re,I~,;.(·d paee .. FEick (Ii~U !he punches and ' Idt .. , lao,klng ~o 1lI~.iloe: II-h~il1lI aecurat clv a~!!J time v.h 'm welL ~iove smo IInl}! and eliiriJde yo .. r oppOJle!~ I"'S a. [.il~h;ilI 5 early .;15 posslble,

.R{:,~~'t! rnbe'r: :i"WI re' 'WI u..J. ... i"9 ~T kkk w_tirlfl! PraCil tee ICJJl1.erl.n,fl, ~ b C' cUfJ eh and !i'~I,oll..lIHilllg ~[jj'O ill Mkedown. II h. II :sm ro \'i1tut llifillli partners $~.'hC!m, rLlI.!! (Em trust 50 tha E ~ ~ iilllinG mln-t.:s noi q'Jkkly ~JCnenue inio a bor.a itlJlU, (II L11 te one: • .II. j S ill , Es,~' uoeiill [II) :!ip.lir your live sp-arring lmo either :!iIl!l1i ~lg sparring IOf l;:rapp, !'I.1iJ®r:r.rEIliC- wlil,{;J'f: you loeus on (ll{iiU::khi!: and del'cll1d'lng sll !I1i'kill1g a uaeks (I m:l !'i'l ijke IbOtxE:Fl!::; or kicJd:mrlngj Or l~OU om!,1 Hl'ike3: a nd simp':h-' ~o;CI.II'!i on ~ akedowns and ddc]1d\tin" ,,(!l,kedO'WlllS mju5.'1!, like l.Yfe!ollill,Ci. I[ is ~ mba b~~r Ia mr ro say [bat ijl'".;! UJpUng :'OV'alning, hi Iess bazi!rdO'us <il'lld more lun, d's fce~," people 1E'l"'.i.lOY hi;;:ing ht t I..t:!'Pt:'a'nelEl] in the fate. ]( am il.OO be Ifon~ on <II d.aill f ha sis mu h more- e.;i!s'iiy rhen s1riklng, S)}am ng,

.,.I J



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Cl · h Ph

_ · ... ·,.nC,.'· I ..... /~> :a,se









Wf:' bf!f\i'e been 5tre55m(l rhe degree 'to ·tIL'hidn unarmed, single : ombat j , dllv.idlt:d tmo pn(l5{'S. Eaer. phase has oil set rOf artrfbutes an d skill s tha; _ are i',t!quired Lo.r 51lC«'SS.. JI is qu iie [l'J_ji55~Me: nm~d,,=C'd, rom men) 10 ~1 •. 'Ire the i!JIJ:Ml'bl!.ue~ iiIlf]Id skills 10 excel III one pbili~t:' !(!I[ mmbal b!JII fl 1 iii Uy la ck the ,0) ~ ~dlDr!lll'mes, a ~ld 5kiU:s. requlrrd .IOf I'he others,

The f.cI.IJt.i:du:ansiHolJI ol .a ",ghl Jrom mlj~ phase tr(ll ~]]I~ 11l!".:,t is the great Thdl.ll'll;]Jrk. of real CCI'JJI100't ODe such rran .. itiir(!l'R rJ1an oocurs :rapidly in mr 5:1 li~h ts as, m tilJa: IFrlIiDSi I ~(lrl] lrom 1111;' I ree -mnvemenj ljl~II(B'Sil:' 01' t:~ -rnbat j nh t the dif1Jifh p'h~N:. ED gt:'lIlerat we can del inc 111~ dn nc.fu ~)has~ IIJII comba t 31$ any (orin {':I.E ~~ IITd ,gripl dlilll ri} lighl!.!'1" bas. en itll1 IJI1Ponlf'~'m i ~ hal[, ,ghf~·:-' lila lin SoD:i ne form 1:.] r c ."nEr I~ over hi .... Upp(lrnf'III'~ movement. E\l'en.a grip Oll1j!rrH~i!"r(lJ]lIP!.Jnlt!·llt'$ wrist, 11 II!' t!'~iill!lllp~e. i!ir, Iorm ol dill'ming. sil1('lC it girr.!'lE·ji yOIlJl rIIi 5.1'ri~~1 dE~~'l-!'E" 01 OIl· ~l[:1r~ !Dr. er his JlI1I \"!.!'I1] rnt, Wh 1·1'1 WI1' dl ink 01 .j] d~ nch r l1IrlJl'li"r!CVer, \"1.' Ie! ~;I su allv tmJIilrk. Ilf it as: til gr~p t'la. arraJi':d~ much gllC'riUrer I(OI~~rr"1."11 t:hrritl riiI ~iln:pJ~ wrist g~-Ibr, n~lIJs. \\"t' nom},] I,:,· understeud a clinch rj]' ,,] iO.rh:l' ~~ri~) lomi ~hc:' oppDn~llt'il b ~'.;Jf ~ rlf IIJIR I~~~ U hod,,_, (Or.1i both) 'vil.h .iii high (·(·1l1' I I ibudy contact, lhh tl'j}('!'

- - -

Ir Ilh:rmd1! ;]IUO<loN-" you to {)1:ioIJilrnl ",11] 0III"'Dl1em'.~ l-nmlt'm~m nnd tle him u:p ttl

tilt'~. ('" ~ Ili:,!;( i inl-t dhjli I r. In I h i'ii chapter, 'N<lrll! h'l n r~jrn("~l'1l ~ 1','n'l [' on the ]Kr:\, .. '~r· ~liJt {'unl,uulnirlg; ell neh that h.1 \1' • proven ~(I iml' rll~ ~"j In in mi jot cd rm rl'l f,i I' fHH ~ 1'>''!l..MA)1 '-'\I' ·tus,.

T~) 1!J~~lnl h:i"!, lin;L 11~i1ta nin the 11 III IIlIX"f (:1'1 dill'~I,~nt"('~ ~J'J" L c::r;:ist blo:l.WrL!~~11 lhe h~{'·nlu""c;lm:'II1m anti din;;h 1'1101""""", 1·111:' m ('I "I I (lb'lf'~II:II~I!N dart',I'l'n~ ls lhC;" Y'cgr 'I:' ;(.1'~ mtR J (ly. r an ur"pon,"m III m emenr th'iH b nHH~ , 'PL1\l:,;Ull'· Liiv ~rip illr!i~. hi'n~. Ulil" rr,:c·l1Il.'''''Em~1U 1 h.l~· 0111 COJ1l~I, ~ h. d~N""rIlYii ,] 11 ·lIJ'I rnl pll' B', U l~r;u ~Iretiu~n; ~ II I! q I II skill 101 "Cdth ,)1 h·~ In • ~H' tre ._ mtmVc:lll·m ph,"lt', til'!.! In . "il 'h i ~ril! m I ':']1 k I cll m:~ 01 !ll uld~~ 1'11,: 'he 01 h er :b. ·C~'Y r,;" nc'i I t~ cr in iJ ll. h Ji d I r"' m III m rill ' ~\I'l'r dl~ .Ilh~ man \. 1I10VcrUI,i."U r, ~ nll, ~ 'Iii e III d:i rr '~f'r '11 t !il'l !J, • ri mll wh;tF ' ulli.: II !1'II1~r h", .. II ;:.. hands II~d h h5nd ,his h, do:" Ohv~1. 1Ish'. I~I'I'~ i ,Jlnd~ till pll~ I(C~ him. I it h UR • dt'iirul'V!l:8 Id~1: • I ~ C,!',ei, n as ~ h\: ~~I h er I "'~h'lli 'I (. atlrill(li.:.

J\ lundmml dine I \~n'k in III h.h Ihe - 1m: '!I ar, Illy 'iH'lc<ll~:liirlrnH a !.lu,min,,'IIi"lH cli.nch fl'U!'Irim.imll[l, one n "Ilierr can ~k Ulp hts rU11rU1llrt"m'!'! ,rll'\!Jn and bmh!' lu such 1lI 'V ... i],Y ",I~ ~u !'I'! • .r~rd\, NduC\.! hi~ abUhy In uack "uhl if, -£c d f!1~111~r:,Ir. ,I Jius, i'l js in ~ ht" c1Linc III i h~11 Vol{"! begin 1(1 S("C the If. PII.lrt'ncc ollt~ w m. (JI~i H ll'l!4 ~ s1lra1 ~" 1 h FH has pre wt'nJ 50 linlipon a rn in I he d~\"('lopm~lI1l and suece, .. ", 0.1 m I d er n f!'I' l'rHn g, r 'p' ]'iI~rfI~" hes 10 jlllii'C!irl!. n i5 hCk rtml 1 h" k~\r Idea I egin,,, ~o emerge (If ~'I I]'kl i1g frl (} a W-' s:i~ifJlrll d'l.1t <dll'l!~rs: a 1~IH('r 10 rr1{tack an OppU'lIrf'~lt rl,''1[hHe ~Hl dermtn iTh~ Ilr OpP!Illlftt! ~I ~ '5: jJbm~y lei relalilUt=.

ll,JliODJ'II~r i[hange fl~1 DCruJSwh·n rill~gb.! s"~Ir(hes, ht!r!!Ii the l' f!rI;!~m.!lrI "'. ment phase Inr~o alie' dindl phase ol C'(unIJaII [sail.u ubrnlssb ~" h Ids begirl '!U play Oil ~ig:l11lim:[i1Jn[ I"fJ:he. A number .01 s dmli!Ssio:l1 holds can '!lie !t':ficr['cl:'!,.'ely emp!u},t!d m me I!'E~n{'h. either in the standing pushf 1m nii!" as J arm rt Ia raked iwn. Once ~'h{" cHnch I:;;; CSlr1IblisJl:cd,. die naurre of sm 1!k~I!1I,i1 ,1iI~ o hanges quitE :I!'ad tea Uti}," In '~he tree-moeerneru phase, ~"Ou .fI re tree m ~ ~ use "\'.h a 1 ever strik - }'OlU .~ee~ is: oiiI.p'pl'O'pri'£IILe for the :..91 ua:Hon. 111 the d~.I!lI ch, YOIil are ] imjI!~d '[['J 'w'll.a,[el"l'rer Ult RJOssible' Hn I hin we cnnstral IlilS u( diL,e sped He d~ nch that you ~Ire loc:'ked hlp iJrII. Tb;f':S.e SU~dS. will c'ach be rdisrus:serd h~ cku:lil throughout I!:hiis, ,cnalplmer.

J j

j j


I 1





'fj,'\i".h,e:L1 most pel[i~ "'~hink aoo .. u M_lI.,1A_ Cigluinr .... ,'hey iliiDk.ol U'fO m(!lJ'L]!r oom~1;IJInents: the stilL[Liltirng prD5itJQrjl. 'L"I·llelt." ~ ikes and IaI(edoR'Jl Are the 'U'i:1drelr ol tb [!' dlil y. and tnt' g~rrrli3nd! .sa·nne, wht'fl!' posiiiolJCIII skill and sllbmiss'i.U1~~ holds ~ iPI!!",.~i]. '1'0. think 1 t1. these ~ inns; is to (umpletl"1y overlook one of til . mosr i(ruda~ ils:pects (1,[ real nSllti.~ug,. dlllf: Ibi!ll~t!e aJJhlli1 occurs in the cI inch.

TlL!::!' cUniLh uS' 8 !.tsdr]atirI8.lls,~c, gll.he Light g<l11~~]I annbiDre'5 the t_'ihil1mre[cmtlcs (I f ~!l;! tl U th~' sta [Id lng. pQ:5itiou ;and gnnmd gain!!' uno one ph,]'~e- I [,wmbml, P!!:'oi11e o ft~lfll 'tilJhlik (!II 'lbt'Ulse~''e5 a::.. ehher a ~und Lir,b.1 er or Qj ~ta miil'l'l!:. fj-nht, -r,

tiimdins Hj.;l:litIllIS· M;lliuli i,o t'lEIIllh;Jsiz.l! 5triadn,!: ,iJ bu Viii. dU ·1"o'I! Wbrel[l·~'~ :S'f\!Jillmrrl 1Jg~ I tees ~:nl:tlihills lze 'lfll;~~l iiuIUlIJiJ.mi"1 ~ub:UJMoJi '!IkUls. The .unlidal diii'Sch:.'r []o1t!f{rI!'iier, Is br . ](1;1), down hll uh~ din h. In 1ht:' ail,ell.. dn· d\a t'''(t~JistiiL''' m both ~~1~ ,~'lJ rndin~ btlnn~ {lirt~ a:b.t'! 11,\.. Ill!t!im! ~,.JIrHlli! JUC'i'8C. Su~e~ inllu:, dindl 15; a ~j".1nijJ~ {)(II~l1lnmjjla d n i[I [ 91'rllln!;l. b(IJl~mL:~. l'l[,jJI'~111[~nl. prn.iliIl1'IIJI(. takelhm:"lI. ,'Itlll sutmIL1'l!~irIJlI~ 'skiiHJh. 'hw on -"!1 Ill;; 1 pl,~ £h~nk , F, Ihll' E:I' 1'I'N~pnUIJ: ~kilb I h,:.l Ild"I~ 1 •• kt.'11 ((:nlet :i1.J~ • i u rl~LJiI1i1!11'm· p ) r . r~r n1 rt~i!lI. If .115, ru.·ualIli1ng nil 1)" lU ~b!." ·mlilmJ fd\li~~ \11 ~lniJ.;i ~, TiD dll ~Il h tell 1'l;;tr..ll; 1j'V~'I;'l I'k m ht= mdlll~ tt,ht 01 •• 1Pl'lh ill Ihe- ~ mnlllll,·~Uur(b ~iI ~il~UIa i

"I'":n hill ~/. Ilpf<l:da ~ ~ h·· r J~tl' pi a he: dll1,c:h. k~~IJ U'011 ind IJ'1.1'1 iI 1.1'0. relm h,'1 .~ ~ rrlQ r _. f( ~r f ~,In' MJ ~!li d Ii' ',till" ~ftlfll~ m iI..- rre~·"t ndi""" 'lh~· Wi I II!.: :gmu'[lltJ ~}h rn'lll." ' 1'1 1,).1 m,b.1 t, Thliit 1:"",1.11 ~d~ If~ lf1l~Y In ~u ~ whC'u , ne Ii II It' 11£ i,," III . r kno 'ok ... I !fit Ll:l' ' grou nL3 b~' 'ltrlh'~ ~ L" {,;'Ilkl"flJ dDN",r r:ho·anly. oil mur~ COf'iU1Iun Is a 'li~~U.'l1 hUll wlll'l' L~ I, h..: tWrr n~h~tl'!'s IIu1 k 1._1 f' In ~ I dndl ii rhl"" .;.ldkJ: Ilf' h~IHIHII." H~lJ~' .~. dA11."11 uh J i'ak~di.:Jwti ~ ~lLl ~~u.!'y mtl~~1 f)mGr!.:'~ IflliI,1 u (nft '11.

Chll iii f1£ht BHa);'ol imu o'l ,'Un!!;;h. II ahllD);1 ~ IWll ._ ~IW'n:!'.i C'~ ~n on ,}f 'IM/t;'!

pOH"'li[i11l;: Ylh'~L:tLulf1~: ffi'rgt. Ih~' clin h 1..1111 L'N.: broil,'" ,i.l:nd .hl" fiil:h~ If\CloHUilh h1 tl"l' J~f,(:c· rn l v e I [) IfIl0ll5.<t", ".Il:(l~3Jul~ III'!: hehl Ilt'IiC"i. 1(1 I h~ gmu net 17('1 h nh.",j)~h r _. '1mh· H'IlA"'!inL'i, llt1l~ I fill:r~ III • _ f1JPUetln, tbe dh!h.h MUhflUGh Ill" ,nlm~~s.1 ;:,1'11 >Ill'!: IL"il l!.l 'L~]

iJ11 r 1"1' .s ~i1 u nd ~ ,rHIi ,iI !.::n!lid;:olll _I n oecur as \"r,dl. 1 n 11\,; mltl0ri(~! r ~ e4~t'~,

~I,(l ~ rvc ~I the H0I~~[ wfln t!'~1 h<t:r r~i u m In fr!C'c HI(W(\'I1IC'fU or :1;",1 (~ ~ he ~lI"r ~Jin(l: ~'L .1 e pe [j,di5 f).1 L !1-1"t" ; 1f'j,~lI.:l utlt~m, fill thli !I'Mi') n~hl~"" !lnd ~ht:'if rel i'tS 5\,'11: ~~( m ~ L'II IC!lrl'ry;1 J] i:J, out th s,c ~m-'·ml.Lms;, ~'50 s;ndil. the din I~ us.ually 1"·i1;~ .he role uHI.]I~II!IrI1ll(;'d j~t bcr:~v '-'f'! ~hc' ~1i'~,n'Ill~. ~~!.:11li~'rlil 'ph~~ and rhe J:ruu.nd ph~~ nl mnlb.n~,

t\, 1'0 flEe of techiniQjIi:L"':> OIl! l!o,nts fI li~ll'u!r 10 li1kt, ehher di:r,t'('l !~l'U When WI s~~.m~ '['1.:1 I.;! eli nch • .a nil , n l'dfi~ II] ~lIJok, 1m !lmt'llf' 01 I hem in 1'ht d'l-i1!pIJ r, Till'S ~~'!lil~ or rcheli (~ b wi 1(1.1:' rna k ;·s t'~lie 1 lin th iLi.{:ti1J ilr\"h:iIIl phase or ('Ufubal. 1 n 01 ~ !cr ,.~1>CI[frds.. 'm~ ~ri3] oJ'! [h[' .1i!!iCh all ,,,,r<;;':;. In~]'Il)' (II~ ahe fliireaion 01 [he ligll~ Slrou~d ~(lIU dll!Slre a rer'll,m to t'n_" ! ft1!OVt: Ilnenl~I' ha .. "fillg 5010., I. 11 I ~ dl nch will a Ih}~!"< ~litJilU I u do 500, She uld you desi !fe' i:I! ~mtlln 3. rvgtiu~ having skIU in I.1kedC)' \:'I'tS from I he cilll'l.dll MAll a1l ow yr.HE fo do rrh"llt illS, 1<\, e!t



"V]:iJ¥ '~'I!{)iu1d SOf.l!l!e (Ji]I(" iI~t~!l~p~ 1.0 h'lke.<Ii !Ugh •. lnm '!he chrrch mih .. ase of Immhmt? :FI!lht "fS hlt1'llFe .hQIJ.11F' :rn.iliill1 rC'~(lns [0 de 50. oll:U:ll ril_U leur are cO[lslMilely 'seen iil1l MZ\oU fjghts,



~, l & {UIWdflJ Ilif''''. Ijt~J "II O/}."'~ 0/.1 ~ta ~'""'Jj~ l,rl"?.r-. Mil SI F,1~(II~k' lUI' i~ .

I:I'dllj~H ~'f,Uh ~Il~ , ~iud I~J t in h v.Ttlrli. ~h1t~ U to;,. ~n' 'OJnI'Ur ~ lu ~h(." S] nr J hm-r· i Ul!l, WIh1i: ~~'Vrt ~ one bu er I in I iii hi !lbJ -If i n u-auld " he I~~"~J Uy ~ nes 1~} lurk n p !1 b !j'ilrp~JrH "1"111 In ~ li~hm clinch 1;1' pn'vel'U h~ h 'in~ rJlm~l hrLi'd. hli '~hh ']S~:I il! " 11'11 h ~ll'aJJ' .I Jl!(WJ milYm!' 1i'il).1rr.:. bu m ne'Aal~i ~ i II I hI!' ~':I).'1!· I h"l't J~ nC·IMI~ co, j he rBI1r)[lr~e:i1.'!'1;l :stnkl ng ,iIj tlo7l,ck., 'UI~ mil ~I'II 1I~ N or 'Illch ies hl ~ ~jYi •. \ III re n~hH'rs wlJrr .I !fC.'f 1;1' g f,,fi IJ)pHI1!~ rUillcb, Th('~" aaiwl f ~ '1: k 1:0 d\toio a "iiUil fdn:l\l rrraich J!1 111 E 'I' rcerno ~n'~ 'm prh~ S~ and tnu .. get hnmecliatdlr 10 Ihl!' ~iu, h.

,2', A~i ~ mi:_ 'I'-ll' fJ'j!tll;r.1J ul"Sl1tmn nrirdng "':'pMlm!jllJ:"Th,t· eltn l'1, ~n all; ~K! use l HHH:'hi more anl!'nsivelf- Mii1ny. prolidll;'"lH clTnch li:~!1I[ICH anhldy eek varto.m ki'lrJd~, ~1l~ dindle5i 11'!a1 allm\~ 10.1'" 'ilrong diudn~~lri~~h'!l.[: .;!In.@d(:i-ki1~C and eJbtlf\,W' liu~H,.t:s. ,]J]',c t!'!iI]~d",]~1 La ~~red. r-.m- e:K;;Irlnpfe. ,[)']1, L' a 'fljr.h1 er ,il!1 'I a ins a . 01 ~d neck cl [nlchi, he :01(1 ads an excellern d'laur(fC' 01 land hlg ~U~I;1'V'!1! b~'1 Wif:!ll TI hl!i t;.rpporIIiltru, S'["l!'lku:r~g 'hili tile ,dillell .. however. is a l1iHre-~ellll bLfi'~h me:.!; [1"' 1m 5:Lrlh i n gin 1 he t'Ui!· ~1t~ ]''l,''{nrneIH philHl'. Rell!'l(,llI'Iocr: Eq;Jerlisc in o~~c 1:5 no, ,gmJ ra nt l! of e:to:]Jertis('" in '~IlI!~ .flli1e'[,

:3,. oris'. mt'tJJl,_~' uJ Wllir\it ! P ti'd:,edt1'Ulpu~ m:on' .sa.ti.':l>;. One o~' ~ he ~reat da,rl gel'S of s-noarti illS & n, OIJJ llI!11J ol',poocm ItOI!l1 long rni'lye in m hie frt:>-' -iI1I10, ,ftiU i:'m: ph;] se l1f ,mm:ba tis, fuei:ng t'{l:[lDlered Il}~ii} he~n,'Y :SlJ.;Jr(l'I/vl liM'!> pl[L~ Y·ClU ~lndrerf] e2l'! hi you I' (:;ppoTI!em hm (II s~[U,. I h)'D where tit:' cau iock, a Hgh i. ~ m[IJ1 IiI ead] Clck and s!:rJ:i(e yUill .. inr ~ddnion.. m.he-fC ,is: gre.:n d~ o:f :roUT o;Ppo11Jen!,'s m~:1l~bh"l~ aWlJn d behtnd

some Jj~ht:i:n g S(1'k5 emph >512~ d~"(;hmg, :5"km~: mudl 111 ore th(lll1rhl:!ir!i. POli' e'});:i1munph~· ... \.l!uilIf To!i!t'JI kil'.kbox-lug tnvolv ,'S, stri'klllg IiEl S!!!\;jJ:l".;l~1 :pt!ciiillize.;;!l dinm PGsll.LDrt~_ Judo ,ill [ii1q: l~' (lOilur:M;ellll \'! ~mb m.hro~ liud [,1 kedown t1 fl'tJJn r.lin{'hes u..ail irITlI\'(lrJ\'t!' II'riNllIlg IlK J.n('.k:~ t U,\uii'!Jjij that 0111 JUG I' pllaJ'!{c~5 ~1!iIIr_ I-Inwe- e-'". .I1i) 1! il'hltlrLB ~l;yJre pay!i rn.l' 'i!mt!'nl~j!l:irJ 0 dO.ell \'\i'()rk th 0 11 C:}I~~o-.Ronmm I '''''"H:lit~IJmE, i3«B1I;o;'C' 00 tilioJds b\,"low the .,....[lJ~ l are ru:rmiu~&, 11 h;wej'~ a liC' for(if!d Ie hKlI J::J:1tl J"IJl Y (lJ L U,P'11 l'o.bouil wrr,[!~·m ~.

Rand 1 u u 1:11 rr/;;' W~~ ;lin unt ~rhLilmi!Jn13l~· re~JC'r f:l:IKli·' H'iJi, of] r Gr 't:IJ;LRtl!I'I~ilfli '~'n:~,u~rlns: ~d(l'Uil:' ~Illnln.: 10 M~\ t mp' LLrjr'tJ, !TEll! 1:li!!IJ1 his ("nr~tll}~Rumilin ~1dTh. 100 i:Jl ",1 L So.: in .dllLhs tEQil t , ~ mbitniniC nb: nn 1~liil III W ld .. ITlklul\l s km~ ,IHJ gt' und1l""llili'k t , ~\' ~.J!k h.",-mf,C u'ilh tnn 11' . .r lll" DI ~11{lJH"nb, C\IU ~1jI t:' ml"{n d~1! Xl m 1(1 n(~I' I thl.;' bin il,g~Jill'U~ tt'lkiir'llS, kllih ~ti II l1(~~ uRi k~d,IJ..u it!:: 111/ t :tltlllf til m III I t~!!l k ' 'W,IJrli1! mbt'n~ n·lidl.."'lUi'1." Sl~ 1'.1111 I'b~~' Wl:'~li! Llr~ bLli: ttll mr~k-' dl' mil,dy_ indd~ {IHll!il, 11"' w!.mlLi tl~ , th i dL~h:h {{li :I>i:m l~ll t k~du 'L

I rLH i I wi t '" ue or III I L I':r: [till"" rurgh't m mh· ,JI~U I wH.1 1lllIt'i ill ln ~ ltl ~)[I.ltl~[L. Om~11 Jr lIimf' . (limine' W~illl{1 IJ~~' rhu !l.:llu;;:h ~iJ) l'lr .• Hlod fm!ll till" hi .. ~1'lpt· 1:':1 'I!L~, In '1I,Ll'i 'AI,IY, I w l~H11 iO:'t! f~lrl[ll I 1(, t>l:'UlI1U ,md


COOJ"se; ull'hc Ugh!. ~("jJlllng ~11. mnl 'i ~le Sl,ilmN]ill!~ postdon umil h.e d~rid!l'\d 1 bat i~ ·,'1103 ~ rime to;;! g.'{I to the 81found_

Allhougb mall,·~ Jj~h if' \l liliI'l: ,alriletlH ,ill oLInI;' [JU[ leuPa_f 1l!.pi."O el [he" dinch l!J,'i101I!~, (!lUn:lI~1! Wi'il~ un usual in lbill he:- \ .15 ~kmg a~ .ail:mo!>1 a~j I1llb ern, Uris mail l! him rI luugh opp uent WUrD' It:(!illlid iJhe Ii t"o.n~ru] IJ1~ Icmpo dud dil\~dton uS ~.hc ttghll. U be 'W~Jn ,d 1<11 Ii e'p lhe IigIn ~caJld'ing.. he 1I.'!r'UlBJrIII s m~l~y ~I hls U1JP In 'TIt lip in ihe d:ind1_ !l hl" h~.al1l oil ~~Oit"l'C'Trl'lJ 9, ":iJI:ii! I·; b ''O'tmld rd'~) lh~ ~m~ _ Auy timll' h wiin~'r."rl '! I_ play i 11~· fl!loolid ~_jn~. lie ro I~.;I dnmnl ~r, ,Lm ;il. 'I iklt lm\'11 .Jlilldl: lrosn til.: dincil. d1 he 'Ii,i,rUln, 'd 1 LJo b{!l':" wli J1 im oPI'f1I1il,,"ill. he O>.urd biT('J~ n h..: di I1i h olIJll:l '1,(,111111 ltl 1R'1." ml}\~nu.·nl.

A pUiliitlcnl dlndl·llill!h~~'I, l!H'::13, ha ~ H:II;,' ilbtlll r H~ dkMIC' tIl!.' difrdinll Uw~ ., 11111h~ "lJlt"~ ~~1, :Ii ... , 1:'11'1;';1:' I h~ ~11"r\Ch ah -u Illol~~lo Ih' ruh~ ni ,,1 n !mli'i~11 J.:cll.[l ry '11'.11 i'i~ , .t\;'"N1l • h"" ~Mllllill~ 1'i()I:r.ilim~ J!lu l~~C' WI)ll wj fJR h I,

• lUI GIll ~, Hflll "~1 Jh P liI''''I', i 'I H b':I'1 wllJ u ru r I K' i llu~n y.yu t m ru1 ~ h r JJ1'[l',II~ I, '.j I rv ph oji~ " 'f1'11 ~ 1;1111\' \Iito,".! I 1 ~ the k~" r, h!I'C'l1lJ III rr "11 l~f~oJ I 10 M,.'\I\ ilX11II1 'Uillu i.













t 1

! I




you and tao "lng ~ OlU bad .. 0:[1 oo~(Jn_ fighIel"$ are even knodcedoirt bv knee strikes as '[hey ,a'f tempr~ m s,l!Iool in fin their i)PPOOCIlI~ legs. Cvi1cems 511 r~~ as mese make :U; pcorph~ m,Mnk ills much s.,leI to gc:110 the dlnch mt and then iJ. ne mpt tal:.:.edo'L"i.FJ;!i. i'<lmnef' ,h<iJrJi risk iUl all·oI-nQlhiDg SbUll}1 lor tne l~g.\!L

4, As CI \'i,.'ay Co Jwep':hfJI19M ir.'6.s:r""l.mlrrl9_~r.~,n tllltijP..lS miu[(jJ.'«irO~~~lu.m:e'7ii.r,rs. 'I hi'S til~i:J.c Is '1J15~.rU llJ.y .mYi1Jm'Le t,,·h.o does nee , .... UU 10 gQ' 10 the ground, People who p:refCT stdkin:s, ~Iunc.b tls;ll a I'~~, cllg(Ige in h.t~ Laruc. 'Ii ¥u!U. can lk IUIP an opncnent In !lIi ]1 rm IIIi dlefc1il~l"e' dind~, 'Iben r'Oll can IDilkc· ~ I, dHficuJI a lor him 1 ~ ~ 'I;:L),m:plett' .i3 r,a'l.,~dJIJJII<VIiiJ_

dtJ,;o'II, [·1 In dml"c, [U1~o'\(Il w ~ ]tJ!>t, I1d 1'1]1 Lmri ,,1'11 '11'<' ·r· umJu din ii, wh ('11 C~il h~ used tn iI iJif:lIv'Jl~ivr. 'w~y. tu lIul .. 1i' II bdr't1 rnl ~'Im r '1l'J'llJIlll!1l 'n'l Ltl ~'L'I{I':'l:'~~111J~~' i ~kl' VOl! duwn. On I.' llil IJ.e w er-u ilCk: r . !~'11 ch, 1~ 11'. .... ~1 \'ll.'QU d Ike~~ 11 ~ hlr~ I tI~ dl'13 ';LLIr' III ~(ll1d h, J 11 ,'I nn: 1 bi.'il:<I • IH •. Lindt ~Ifl II! • . mre 111 11 I .. I \~l~i··tI L:r 'i'· tn!;JP;"I:'iI-;_ t'm rl'J~, U~ n 11M,. 'I, L', I'" i1[,~iJ'IitJ 1"11'''l.akl''tIIIW,UlI u[ Miln;r . ~, h Ito. fil'Jo11ll 'If I !l, II Nlmply tlr'! II ~m 'l.' I, R:no IDl~~~d ~ 1'1 [" d Ih! 1ll i n ~I· ~M i I,wll' I tu t Ull' InN In illt: II~nH "mcl ' 111!.)L"1~ ~ht'lil ~IIIL wlUI IIllil lUI III , hr:~,


T'D F_=IG HTI:fH;, IN TtIl E, 'Cl"I_" ... IC:H.._____,~ _---=~

N~11' [111, n~lliters IriJ~llk on ih~' 'I fl,ch ph~ ~ ul enml iU lu l-ihe ' ame ~,v.,;Jf. Miil1 Y Ui.lll::rters, -5.p~ ! •. II Y I nu,l'I,t,;' ~1I'lL'Ilill ,] grnl,pllnc Iyk nf comb. I~ 'folk",,,,, ~ h.~" Un ,J~ s ol b\~t· ~ opp DfH!l11'l ~~f ~ , ll.l'lll;JIU: l'hei r oppenenr's i;nik- ng olfen'!: Vl!h~l~ pil"n~'I1~ the~r own l'lffelllsti .... ~ ~~li!o!i, bUH'es. A!!. such, III,!;;¥" rmnsider il ~ sc1h! b,iJ\,~!:~ rr m d iii 1:1fl,t!l'OUS, s trilk~s", .l1d m nt"}l' ~ ry [0 eeure a ld milinlaiil [he din, h a.s. qllJijcldy lI!> I Q s tble. QI.l~H~' ,ofm(m, sue h ~ighl'J use I h dlllcb.b a WilY 1u SeJ III fii ~";kedrlJ!v!''Jils rH'Hl take the r~gtu I! I mhe' grmlundi.

H \,vt:ver,.a S!1!>Ci1),r~d! ~"'<IJ~J I[ji~ 1(I(~k til'llg illli (be di neh is. to see h as ,11 last ~'l'flail~ 1 Q keep, the ~l!il'h f l!l the s't~ E, n. pos;il'io.T.I_, 'This: \li.C'\.\l lend's. 1,0 Ire IIIJr! one or ngh~ L~ rs, wh 15-' spe i.:JJ1ty llt:~ En !rii'F~'lting in [he Slandin;..,.posiliun. Tile J)Ii'l'l~,f!'rrr ,e[for1 of I~h.l,!l tWJ' 1 ri,~thte,r 1-S,' J 'hlt~ak om of dh:lrnes 8t I he fifSl 0PPlui1 UI~h:.~r and, ret urn rhe 1!1,g'l:l!t t the ,h~e~}n!l)'VelIlU;'I!!~ phase, \Vha i j,s interest inc aboi.!Jf t!iI' '~e 'mr'!JI d~iterenr Hpp'r . aches to ~'he c.mru:h ~ ~~I;'i[ [he~1 001 hi n.."'COgn.i.zlc ~'WIIl essennal f a'L['!i~

1, The ,diJ!<.ch plaItS: m he rok 01 ,an imermecliaf'r pb,;1SC 01' cemhat, $(JItrlrf='wl1l e re between ~!hJe ITet"-mllm emenc phase ami me ground -ligh~ mll,G 1P1iI,1lse" _

2:_ The CU'll(b is lai"g.d¥ UJl .. voidabh: in a real Ili:g,hl't., U lJr'!l·O mmh;'lti:m.itS are serions ilIbOt!li. Il,ghl'ing each other; they ·ltt/in a hnost alway~ I!!IlId, 'ilp in a dilfU;;h in ill shan 'I jute. fn a teal Jighm, .6g~uefS taoe a IUr em en d.uus Jor.v,; rd pre!>lS'~I'f<t'~ ~\!,hih_tl :is ofl'en a shack m i iWl5C lII'i.rbu are Ill:O'I, used wit, T.I:tls "iiI, aJrmMl IU ",,"il.]bh: 1]1;]1[. 1 h or \'i,rjH quickl ' run flo each Oli1I:;'l" an d ,diDeh.

FJghters, cain \'¥Qrk an "lieaj\!1!' dind~ in sevct.;al wa'b-'4j1 ~Cl ':M,II].iI'1 victory in un.;;Jmllied em ba,m~ 1\IVO dueci l1WdcllS In Vrdl.Jt.)f ~n: in lh~; dim:'l"i1 pha H~ III rom ba t; llt1!!~' III ~5,a 'Of mhc' ~ Is W.illl nrike!.- Quite nfl>CR, J, s_lldll '0 " ~mrillrn (jgh I er C I I'; 11 hls (]'r'pilJ']1t'fll i i1 a ,·ullnt!'t.otble llU'!.ition .:Hld !mock !d!ill OUIL '~,,..i~ h Ik: :lIC~~ OJ." e!t:J(]'w strikes, S(1''!.Iemj' s;1!Ic:«s .. h"d (lUn~~11I)1XIra M.\:\A liIg;h ~~If, - 'o,p, dia~ Ize in j U$I tllh kind of mid hod, Anum tiit:.f nI~lhoo is the USe' 01 .. ubnus ... ltlill J~l(li!ld\ !h!llt Inl't'.J:' n ~ fI 8.11 t [!J' t II 9Hrr~l'IId'~'r Of I-'I!.t, 11iIt!.! !itI.!'O!IJu!S injury, A liI;'S:5 di[1~1I; [[ne. n~ l'f ... rJ.c~ lfy h' LI1; dllll{'t.1 is ~(Iir d fighlilff III U!fe' (HI min' k Ub tu '!.V'Car ,':UII II ~~1~ nem d(l WIJ ph V~ i· 'J.:.<: 1lIl~i'. ~~, m he clinch (" n be ill I h y:5ic.dl-· d~Jn'] UWltIl" lJha ~I· ~ ,t'1)mbJ I L 'l'~l ls ~ ~ ell _ rna k ;,_ qrr~ ·'1)(. UI U:11I1 ~;]\h:r IUJ deal "vil II In I he other ilha.!oJ.'~'\l nf ~.Jm !)rU B raj 'I.hU5 ... 1t!~lIRi m hu~ JHII! h m 'l!'h:'IQIy. Quh!; tll1lJ.t(l. it 'b ~ lt5i~n 11~~' ~U!~ I ~I J±!.11 i tlcn r.1I j I~ LlLHi hn a b", cllflru:rl It I m h "Il ,~", m Ii tu\'cl" .. (j jllJ~''S I~,ds~c~n,

~ I



\l"1t; hi. '1;.1" mIl il~'IIull n:d II\,JII .J( II ~I!'pariilh~ phd'llC or e~; .. nh.J~ hLl ~ 4!. ~~:I I d tJ.I m ~ 'I h,'I1

.I' '.bl, rri.J!h\' III il aud 11\1' I .Millu, ' on.: I1gh., r [U (hml~[fiU)~' ~'11 ~I I'll .r ltght .r In Lhd ('II ha:.. I: • m ('0 Ir.:<t". I bi dHt:_ It lit In~.jl n th ~ ~ he 'Jr> m' 4 V 'rJt1p in j'J;1;:,m s I em:W!oi' 'n ~h 'dm refit !lid !J,I'"!o. •.. url~lhrt~ liI{'{'mph I,toar "vid'l,mr['t' ~ ,I '.ill' in .!ill l'll'~ IlrI,g: n 1M.a ~ aliat" !l.kl un..~, ,If one phi1~ .1 n:: ml't even !lJ~m9~ r~ en ~II.DII'!IIl~ su ss tn 1111 • lIiO Ih" ! ~ Jl)hI~ ~('!iJ. T!'tt· c:J inch lilllJ-:s;e' to;; 110 ez(Q:'pl~ in 10 mh_' m~I'! A II n~iI] n S' 'I 0:1 ski Uf,. ~II'I~ we >~I ~~ ,[ltI': kink. I r~ ,,"~I!ml I H> sue \! .. j;; In. ~hi!:' ,dlin,clL

~ Bill"'~Il:_II~llIch pa .. h ions and grips OmlJfllMM)

li! 'r'ra n:si~hJfil!i: lrern nne I \'IX" of dlnch 10 iilllri~m h, .r. !I' IEmm:r,ln.g j] di!fh:h

Ii OU~baJJa]1d!l.c I he ~PJlon.en[ (Immslu) <Ii Tallk~~'t~'I;'WIl1Si £tOIil [he clll~(.:h

I!l S!l1 bmislsJm!l hold~

!I, 5'tnkj ns, in [hI!' d~nch

'. BI 'llikhilig ~ clinch and escaphlg

(1 i iIll' b PIos.iltii QillilS

1 J


.Aplprol!d:ma m~ll' !Fig Iypt."s; ,oj' clinch have pmven ! h.e most ,t=,r~e.c:ti ve 1.11 MMA CDm-' pecn:litJfm. '\\"l."e "blliIHS"m nere 1m mroim.ely dun. ll'iCSL:' clinches ca 111 b-. ranked r.J ccordi Iii~~(!i [he d~gree or cenrrol and domiJ!la{iolll !.h.'H I bJey olJ~[ over an opponent, S(i1'me' !i'I,~ mb.e CUudles are l!1C'u[[al' ill"l so tll' a'5 :thre~r do not oJkr any j ntrinslc






advantsgc ver pDflLlF fa f:lIpOneJIU, l_ll other ""fords_ these diJlldu's art ~fmrulll::ui a l In that YUl,l E1[JJd }'{Hilf QPJil' (J!JIen[ have ibe same grill on each ethen DI.:'i['tL:fore, roU[ cpponenr lil!~~~, <l!J1:,("{,S:s. m e.xarn}- Ihe Solon: moves Wal )''"Oll do- &'0 Ii1!Xampl:ea 01 n!l:mm[ J1:Wdies, II.OOt Meiiil~pOJ1a1i1l in lI.-D<'L'\{J)J'il[letiti'oD.o'l!i'e the oollerand-elbow c.~hnch al ~]I [he m·(".f-,ul1de:r din,ell.

C(Jllm"-a"d~EUUJ. "",. CU"c:h

To Jock 'up you r ![IrppUrlJif [J)~ in iilJ e.f.tHa:r·,and-·elbor.\i' diuchl pl,;]!IJC' ou ~ nand tlil=h~nd 'YOU r GpP om::m'!:, neck oil ~ ~hit!' collar ~ fl}iI (3D .:dig gr:ip higher up 01]. ILl1c 'CiJ"(}f!.'fI!ri1 01, the rucljlth, Wkh j'{Ii'U11' !D~hlE;i[' bm!!..!. grip bi"ii ann at the rL-'UlOl!II.' dligu'r.e ~L~ il. y~)1j'r ('lppOn.~'I:1~ ""Ill! prliohablry b':uip '~Ij}U in the same ",,·.ai'. cre:atilD~ ~ 'iH~I(JilJ(",ld lim~ch, but Y<I:)li c.;1J,F,l gl \"rr l'rtJ;Ulrs~U ;] i5'li~tll Ildrvdlllag_!: by pw;hi ug the ha nd n the , 111; _!rV l,mIdl;! ylji'lI..r. oppon "flla,'5. i1IInl1J (lJl(di pl. '!::ing ~fPut haud (II] II i. .. b oeps, Th h. ~hl!l1' y~ ~i rhu £h";INama:tl~ Ifl ~ iJllsi lie oumrol. whid,. m.1k~ it lI!as.1d IQr }1'( iU [0 I P-C:~i! ull;~ lour 1,'Jppnn 'rii. :SCi ,[ tlf1llt Y[lIU {'tHU';Il~ or hn m rik~ d nd I -t.-down. 't lh~' ~1!Lll!: ~ lme, h .ii,h;it1 l;l{Jll' S nl&'a.lI(~ Yr[lrl4 r il;l!p' i-OO""nt· . \"i rikiQ It liliak d{U'lru a Ill.1d('S"

1~'IIIiJ.1\! 5.1, I1:I!JU 'r·.I*, " C!Lljl1l',!,l. 1i~(:h,' Undor Q:i.t1\CJ',

Th.e over-un 11i!.:'r dhl! h:', nd lrub1edtly the 1'I1U5{ common rm-m or d.inrl5h ,LrL MJr,.~1A comp 'tH on, It is ~l!f!:[llL1!'iilI~ dun 'h: oo[h li;gbrlellS. 'have 5\'I111"leU'1~1 p-Osi.tLi;,Wl a~l!d can fh us aUiiI ~l\;: each oqj] 'n'ri,1n e - i!ltlly the S41mc moves, Skm i3JbH1 slze rdier' [1"mint: '!,\liho. .nOIJ['j.irrl a tes [hie .n iool ~ri rhts eli [lcb_

o n a wf! Is h or[J,bd llfild.e:r }!oOur. oPJMlIne-m"s a rm, u,·ii.b I be other ~",,'[aiP'fIIed an )tmd, ymllr i[I']:IE~ofIln8;~ss; .'Iinn_ "lour head is. a I ,'W l;1ii placed, on ILb~ same '!O~d,e as your overheeked "'r~nJ; h ,]]lm"t"5 'f'tlU [0 conu'ol ~"rO!(JT O,pm::H)-ln'I:JU's [powerf'Llll IH1:der.hook hr !l!01J(.ing, iiIJ ]01 I')fi ,~e.igJlI 0'0 i1 Ill,piJ'IiJT-f' 5.l}. "ftiU should be chest-tochest wi,lth ::fOUr. opiJilID)(i1!ef.lI(; 'you am h)(.k ¥Our 'hands arollnd ihm'S W,ilfH m.· Y ~~

wish_ -:-rfuirs iis referred tn es a D over-under oody.kIl;Cl];;~ li~;'hic1l1'(lIfkL':S l'e~ another set OlpOSSI]vle- liIr[iac'k5. Ald.l()Ug,9 mere are oflenslvr apHul1.s limn this clinch aad ~lttie ~JilJdI\"iock. tl:u:!" problem. ho ... ~iVl!'It"ell', is iiam: ' (JUT opponent has access ro these same ·vpHons_ ]0 ,addi~i(lo.. he over-under dm.nlll:h is a superb defensive po:sm tion and m'h us highl}' ra.vored and diffirulil. to iI ~l;adt. Cilil'il'!;!: they h ave been s«lLI:red,. other dincbes aOcr a deli IIi.€, adva l.uflge 'O\'CIT" an opponent. Naturally, thi ·SC· .ilJtli a n,m.illge-s Mille' in degfCes.,

Dm;~b'e'~ Urui'f:"d'; -'(Jks ,fi,ICh

~~'E11.!'1it1i:1f<f'~ ~ ~¥ilJ' 'prnllciC'111 clinch Iigh~et=:. ~l ]nm'L t flJC ,che~'1 -ro-ch e:)i~ Jl s.i tion, th~'r D:ypl i[,'idl I!' look to 5e'CI1Iih!' double nuderhoob, rh~:!i d~iL1!ch 1 usi ~ i 11 of.! ers a defLniu: [oeoIISU r • 01 dOIfUn;iloC'e br olferl I~ a ~ ~ II!nl~!n' us a i11 cum Lori tl;QJH ro[ ~ ~'1il!:r flj)l~~ Ii ~IPO[ljenl·:!!i lower ti~ck. hlps, IU'Id UIJl1er boo ". it'ilM$ m eve no: urs when ~''OUI SUI ct:5s.tiuli,. get bOlh OIU .1"115 under both }'i!JI1iJ1I' iIJIm 'mlemU'<:; ... rms, AddltL j tJ~iIIHy. ni~h clincb .Ifi.ailn:s i 1 ,",tiL..,. lor l'un ItIl d ro. [P 'rql!J~' Jd' 1 n .~. 'Ill' lPP] n'i's h''B~ lor dUlli b~li'· and' :sillgh1'·I,cy ltilJ,;l.~dut""l15.. and i l.i115 " ut It iii '" I l/'l:;liJr ol_P~ i i .1'Cl1'IIS or~~m ~v . OpD i!lJ'tll!;.

Thus} ~hf- dflubh.:"&underhuu dln :1'1 is the Uit$'I. nC ~h'L! Ill, n[j~r:li!l'lh111 ltneh .~; h W 'If 'ii. h i ~f'~ bl~ II r: 1':1151 dllluinaUn -, II !..!C\tJ!. 'qlLJht' tlJl~t .n Jlld Ii) J' ]JI].

I -liy ~dll'i,. ~t'-lid ~11i. Just Ilk" I he Q'~ r-under lbJlIa r;;h" rOll ctwnil ,I C1d~ '~II UJ' hIHH..'IS . If~idl u'~r~ IIii'm .I L )d1rlocli; II III \'IJUf "llpCIl1i1!l1l 1(11' "nh:lWCiiwd 1-,tJln~lr '1111 W~m ... i'!:,3),



1'96, ,I
r j j j




,Neck eli Ilch

The t1L:!cI" clinch ~s, sm!IJI~~hhl~ ij;il,f iill mtsnemer; The grip is reallr 00 ~Le crown I~J {be h~.:JJdJ ra [l'leI (hMII the nccs, To perIoflD .his maneuver; plaG one h,altlilil on the crown 0,[ Y0i!.IIJ" ID'PPOtnIt1tm'S! head, then plaC1: }"OUIr m:bt'f' hand Oil] ~op 101 the firsl. Squeeze y'i.m clb~'Ts,moE;dher~ and pressure 'l'OlIT Iorearms irno yt'.I'lJf npp Ollcm":o, coU_;]rlim,ri~sl ~figIlHi!' 50.41 i. Still1d up 0:0 you r roes, and try to keep your ippone n (':J il,eo1d ~1[IJ"\!,~i' 'm han~~ul1S.

J'he neck ("linch, is W l~firll;llm'lJ£ in MII,IaY Thai Ii 'ckbo::dl1:G- It. oflers ill,ill:1)" oppnn U m nlties to h~r YUIUII 1j.Jf"li[JI[Jjem '!l,\l'mlll de1,'asl'ldng knee and elbow srrikes. M.hiie 011- balanclnE hhtJ 1:.'1,,. je'Full!:t his lru:."iLd ilIround hen sloefllJing: 'back [{II thle osirdie-. IlJ~s. mo vc "'i re sl~ . lJi5.iJMe ti III" m~iilJ' k nOdtOlll!> kn .'lrL\'\A OOmpcl~ll;n~l_ u !..udll:y ... s ,ill reS HIt of ~tri kes w~th G'~II~ ikllle(i lO Ih~ min. h~ .tddi.fLon. 'il is. an c .... oellen I setu ~1' Ior ~ull'lm,L:n~ ch Ikl! S, ID, c In! a'hl! bC51 i unes 10 Itx: Ii: UI) a u(_'-C1o;. dil'l.'ch ~'II jUSi mnl<:'[ ~'OIIJ r n p rnent OlIU!:! nll_Pi5 i:ll 5;[iui. Ol!I1:d liUl:.. Rd!Jo a (Quit ul \"O'li n~l~rrl'Lhl,rr.~C' spil'o1'1r'llH" A~ ht! fl,UCTIiI>~~ t I fl,re<1 b.lck ILIP~ hl=h~ \i'l) ¥Ulill.!'fIlbl"" ll) lhl!! neck dhu.ih ~'Oln wl'~f byru I .I'k! suiki1!S,

Rear :UncJ1

Thlol L'" 'a f' ('IIIL( I ~ ~5 ,~ lI~t!'~ IJ I Ilinch IIa.n if 11cr. l!' ("lion "~IIJlon ~ni~ \.' !r I ,.1Hail( a mil 'tjnl ['-[)I, It] tbi~ 1.:.<1 e, ynul arll: b ~}llnd ~'our (II)'IU nlL::l1t M;ilh ~'otu b.ti~lI~h 1 IOC.(t [JL'![I~lllL~ hi5· W:t!SII IlIrldl"f nltlif." 11" i.g,th 1-.1 hi OIflno; mJolU[~ ~5). Th,t!1 • ,!lII'CO uther v.ld 1:1 111 ' I r ~ dr" l',1J.!i ~ d ~"" fMi m ~ri 1 i .. !oirfl'pll!' and cllt't: .' .~ Ore: .til I~~· U J'U't'


be.lIl!:l E1dl '~lom o.P]loncn.l. i·t i.~ di..UJru.h:. lor him to SI rikc ro!.!l e!·fediveJy. YOUII oppOIilel!1m ls Jrugecl~ .tih'ltli led 10 ('001 stomps and backward elbow sinkes.

'~rlDil!ll do !rIiet.-d 10 be \vary 01 several 5uibm.issJ.oll-h'(ll~d eou nters (we SUa U look at SI[I(Ill1e' narm(,Tjl. H(I}\'\~er. ')~O'U b;;}\r-e m.a:ny of fOlIr own CI ~ taQ;S, :50 h~ aggn:!Sgj'ii'L~ in this 1j)1D&~d(llI1I_ j\'ia]) Y ex«·Ikn I e:!rl':'u uples o· I he 5nallld.illliS roar dincb have DCC1J.littd am M~ \A. compel.lion. and dl '¥ all pro fd' npportu n h]i' to go ~jt;j3iBbt {o]' (e'moe dm,kIf' h!D.ld~

t'ont··.HendlD lie Cllf~dJ:

rll1!l! hUi ia JiJel1ldlock. i5 un.doui:uedlr the most domlnant means liIi locking 'i EP' i'o~ I&" UJiPp0r.l:eu i in a 51,uuJh'i8 clinch. "fh is grip ls l'ig:IH and contr 1lillig. Jt oi1 -, rs manr grei;II~. tlJPponUlhilk::j (0 su·ke,. ~kC' down, dnd'Sulbm.1n ~"II.l'url ppun ~lTL, whtle lea ... ili118 .aLlmlll~D. ]'n OIJ'PIJ}r1lLnilr lor 1I00f QJ1JDOII!IIIl no do' Sill'rnc- 10 vou. ir is rvrolb.ilJbl'~· fa ilr 10 :s..clir I bit:' JJiOJ'J[ IH~.IIdlock. ib~:t:fh ill the '511,,3 mtcling ~lm;iti n and

, w,nl I);~i"li I af' mat, hes been .fL~J15ible r(lr more ~ tnll;!!!:;kll un iliiJlI 5uhmls:!ikm, "'.I.cti(~rL 'S m ba n drly 01 h~.f dlru;b by :taro O:iil('(".a ng,rtner !'1WII ~I1S ; ~ u: Iront h(!'o I ~JQd", m L ls ~ilI~Y h;~1f' him 10 rollin knee 51 rika inla II Is n'J ·lli[JIlD.e~n ";:. vul nen ble brad 0 n Li rr1lllLe. Th • fa" ~nlm h:e: .. idlJtI. t: 011'>(1 pro\fid'~ dUe' 111"0 IiIII ~I Y ! IJ II' ~I~ mltllitm." C'hok~s, in

addidon i(J "Ift'\d hie ~,[iiI{~dtH;!,.'n ~ 1(1,1:' con~l('ln il18 I]; II UI!.lIn!oi_

Thu Ilf1U11 hi -adlot:'k. nu h'j ,'I'I~h:u.:d hl twu I "'t~l· 'lI¥a~r~. "'- I1'tf(rr'l~ (1,"11-1'1 h '!lid 1 nck ~

h." !thie Il."'l-uill or dd~~':rill'l II,:' 'n ll'ts Ii . sam p fULIf uPI~~ u·~ ~'!> hi, d Ib '1 nv'Y IU'I' WH 50 111m \' •. 11 '" u lc di< h~~n ry~} 'iJ1 [II ' hi 'dJli ,j.o, Rr),"lJd'II~ hmu ~'I;"'']HB~'l~el(s d " ,] d,r ']l~J'V ! i1'!JillrHun ,. ~ .1IDr~~'lIp(lm,m,rilo,mH 1t:!,11It ~H tn' -; \IOU dU'~Mn. f\rli .. - ml(,j Sf W'. 10 m ~ h 1'P I 'I 11'1 m I rOil In up ,il1 mmm hIC;lY!l,Jrk.

In hdl II I),,;)~ ~; h~lIW~''''ICI['; ~ h I nrl 1 ~ tlu 5i1l1ll' m,r.u I • :5.IJ},~. 'I U Im,lst ('I n trol y I' tlpptllti nl~'5 hi ad , I~d one ~ ~ J 1:- .:I rrns , ,\ 11,~r u·r.Jppi ng yIJ!Ji U II' ~ !f1Y'l a I'CUI n d "1'01,,1 :1' ilJllpnn~II'I':S he.ilrd, 1l:!!",llb his dhli.I~, '!lll;m:r Gil her ha nd nrn!ip5 ~ li'!il ,~nJitl1'11 ilt!!ril I' ulls h ou ~w.rn.rr~. Be ::i;urc 10 (. P r~H~.r hr:"lilrl IflIrt; GIl the Ir. ppcd ~If.'m • and l{rel:!I' Y.[1I1,;1:r 1'IN~1 colbm,vs I i'i~ (I'IlIrl ~1fI IDIg~~! ~ U'fCiUr. ~~.rb~, YCN':I Can k!.?~11 ·y,nur. hands in 'Lhl . posmon; 13.1' you eJtD 10-. k ~ hem ~!oJ!le~.h r f or iJ ddJ m i nnsl 11gll1 "Jt."'!oi~.



j J




1 J




Tra n SithDI n s Bletwe EHJ'IJ I[ _i[~I'h 1'5·

iV, 'mney S@.fiJpIlc 'Wid} 'In opponem in *he d1inch. fighu:Jr:!i must lookto pl'!D;fl.resS'~\'t:'~~ ';'Ilmk mtllr~r '!vay into. ibrller pos.-nOlr ... unnl ILhey Gi!lfII_ smke \,'jIhh ascendarnCl'. millkt!' the opipo:nei:U down. 0:1' make him sU~Jniil:, [it Is ,a~!r.tIn5t aliJ.~.ra~.fS (I-:u; (Cage ~:h,1llt J10u began j'Q a neutral since l~f1Ji::~e IJ!I'e the easiest 1.0 attain. firQm tbeee, ~!.CJu must 'Iowrk. uno,a more dQmj_ollnl[ o~~le. l1111'1l1s'. ~h~ ~km of fJowhli,lll: :1.r,ul1] memr.ll dir'n;fu:s '10'laOI ones l.and then IIU~ ~.(:) nm more domtll!l.[llilit O[IJ~-g:J ~s al rruly "i~al S:kill.




1 I

l(lJIN(H f~1!.51E

(!ol.larB·ai~d!'~ E11W,~",i' QilJ'c:f, to .RtriJ'r Q'i1il(J.'j'

From. (be i;:iJll~tr-a,rlid·,e;~bi!Jf~1t fL:Iiru::h.. k ls possible to nlake a quick ILlI."all1lsiitio;n to vour opp(J~nt! or's back. (JIIIe: !!:I,i iJu: 11L~:"S[. and Simlliest: means 01 dotng 'So ~ s io use EI d~~cf'Huuiet, The idea is -mo ~Utllicld)!'" dJud LInder yonr ( lent's .[Ilml and [pop' u p hehtnd him l,tl dle rC;(IjJ ..;:I h ~dl l1gu.rr S.7;. DODe properly. I his; move ~'5 .1 great wav eo dri,dem~~':E, tin EO a S'.olid ijIIU3Cti11g, posil 'OD~


,0 rer- Unid'e," ,C/j:ndj' 10 J)v,£lb,Ie~.u~M.t:l:'llfOlik;s Cii,u;:h

,Plt11ti~Jblr the .ruoS[ eomm .. uruy used transition !I" rom a neutral clinch to aJ dam I· nam (jl~l~' is [lliOlJi. l:ram over-under to dc'ndxc underhooks. 'lnl~ idea Is 1:(,-" mancuver the i:JJ<ilnd ol y.ou.r (tl.:"(:'rhook ann under 'f{1I1!J1[ i!JI~ CTIni~[1If:s arm and thus ~d bij)l~ Iii i'J,1 Y0lI]lli" ;!IInDS underuearh mo.:;l;," oJ yoUif' 'OjI'pOlm,e-m 5 .,S) _ iMs move I:s rdoillth:eJ, .rD'51- lree . .a nd 11 takes liuk ellDri. hence ~l'~ iP(JJ~II1~J l'j cy., A skilled (1ilPpmlt!'~J a. ho<we1t!e ... , n:"iII in:ullrd.iille'lr recegruze Ihe drll_jm:g:er a S y~ ru he-gill 1 (I swim "!OIUlf hi1llDld' ~~url~-r hi!;; ann, He mil pn1oob'Iy n;.a.dI br swim:rul'ilhJjJ. hlS other <I,:;'i[1'), ues, in 'm'hi!i 'w.lf~ be (';;;; lit prevent rQU I rom ~~~I;rrii~1ii!:lIIi!:l!'lJbl ~ iLl n derh ooks • .a~1,d1' c co1In .lI1'~o unaimAill the neui ....... g,.,'eI·IW.dI.:'[ dinlrn.,









(! LlI! ie nlbl'llI. m'M!". ~!:r e .. (I( mlw... ... ,· .. :U1 cr~llh: ~ ~lm[j,]1 ~IL~ II I J I t 1 Cvt 11 L-I pt"rinl' 1j!li):1.1 Unn. E.u'.h n,!::hler ,vam!'O b. ger I he m:l\"1Q 1!III.l!RC' ,~!f ,d~ u b~lC' u!f\Id' .rhooks, [I n I ~ il )fh fl ~h:'IIIIIII(II n"lIn lireir arm!. under I he r liP (m ne In 's al!"m~. ih C' II Pill ;1 ~('n 'I .r~llC~S ll~' dlJi~l'IIj:1: Uh!' liilnlC" !:O I hll~ neirher can a, In ie\J\t' 1I ~IJ:! <CDI ~l tr.JI\!! ~! ~ I.dtl'l'h l. -"k~,. Tklls k:~I1J![~ J[!J! l~pp~r·b{u1y hellll~ lor ("onl rnl i", called ~.I',',m~m R1l •• ,Ill'! d H 1 q u! I t' !l:!Dll!1i11b1fU[J n till ~,~ 1J\1'~A Cllmpl'l ilion _ Ell! I il Gl n be ,iB Iti rim1l~ experienec. l'Ve shall !.('iiJ) • ,tH p!lll'RUlIJfi i2'Ehl!l a:m,ms: IIilII1i!'T ill Lhi5 chaprer; Tilley d re lI!!t~lm~ ial rut ti(,,'I,IdCI]' ~ng 'Ilw skilms, "H'].d atlriibmes tt'tluiimd [0 be a proflde~l~ dim:lll·lil~f"Ht;:r.

Ne.(:k ,r.1ii~n:h ,to 1FN~Jlt-:lf,l?;dll.~t'lik fli.ud-i

Lile m~,t!'{'k dincb ,nne m itii1e W:Jj.r best clir.du:s rmllll ,~,~,'hicJ1i ro u ij ka sh ~1 r.LI:{(~~ fm 'Yom [JJlJitluJl.~'n m~ ~iatll"f knee .and dlbmv sm:ti!kt::5. :H'Ol"'Vif!'Vi!T, rh DuglI d urni[i.r~m:n~ ml .is. beU:er [I) transilion !tI a (TOOl h!!-ad(ock ;U p[ ~~~bJ,C', stnce ihls offers even mOire i)[JJUimE"O~ and S!ntUnis:sion and "Iriking ')lIu!J!;;ibiU:re.s. ~,hl.": easiest Willy to miillke mm. III'~Jns:Hi.on 1$ 10 Ih'row. a kl~ [0 [he mid51t:'ctmolll_ J\,']J 5t] eQl1P1~ react hy bendIDi:: at [he WiU5l 'lO a,,"Oh:1 the lullm i[lIlllaCit" or ILhe !k 11(" '. 'lMs. ]1'l~1;!iH,M}' hrings

1 ~






the 'he ad gOWH . aad m(J!kt!S- ~'n easy ~o Lhrow' 011 i'I from. headlock, iE\-'C[l ~.v~~:bCl'L.ilt throwing the knee, hy me:n::Jr ("Ii.ul,kjn,g or stlappillg the head down ,;;I mnd ill n.hc :l;lde. tOIl: wLll In~N=' ,nin~1I? diiiEtiielll\m~r in gelling the b!':ad ::10",'1] 1M '!l1 IUlgh ['ClI [: , k up a Iront he,ndlUodi: ru11 }:aur oppu: ell[ iJigD.U" 5_9)_

Entering a t:(.ffir.u:h

rf you watm p b:io'X.icnIE, [m!l~dl. ~OUl ''ii'<'iJl (,lien see 111;]'1 a.~ L'H.'O blJl'l'ii'r:n::_,. ~iI)m.u:h ~hciif" anncks, t'h!!1f iIII\.'ariill:lly end up in.a d,uu:::h. T C' same i51ntr;!Of almoSil all1 ~Wi!en fJghts, 'f'i,Vi)J QP]l((J:lJeIIJm;s; Ibegm m ,~Uh blQ""~ and quickly I!nd up llil a ,di~lch, Jndccd. lTI ~t stre ~ t Ifi ~11~~ :'~iII n ""oilb thl: l \'\10 prol,jl!lDllist.s 50 (l\qs.e 1\1 readi 'iJ!~ h,ii:=I' IT,].Ili1 man y or t~1 ~ ~i~h,s, Ii!II;U:~EJln)' b~ ,'I iu Iiiit' dll[lcll _ 'O:nc might CQrm iiiJcHli1: lrom (bri:; (lbHef'il'lit i. tha I In!!' cnlllth .' - a m~all~·'ir-ildlde (1'lcm~l1. ul il rea_lIliJS~l~, Tihe~·,1.1' is certain I y .It loa: ~ nnlltti ~ I: I ilitis:. IU,n i •• ' :sur(lr.i"; ng, l100v(. '~d5i1y d 11~i.:1I~y unsk i~1 etl fl$J;'h'cll£ ca 11 ~ n tell" a d~'IflIdl UI t~ ~ d~lI:riUilled 1.0 dill ':;.u. 011 ... 11 h· ~,,.m need I'll wade djiimL~h all)./Iifii.II!'t!' 01 pUHlI'hL"S, hU1 in m(l'~ll..:lE'iS. he ~I~ ran!!.}'" '~,d ~ I hb, :I.P I. N!J1rtlt!nl(,d~5". h i) imrJUrlilnllo know 110",10 r;-nl r,iI diJ!1{1h lP'm:pt'rJy !in ~h II }" I CiJJ!1 ItJ '1' I' hti Jj!;1" ,hh{u-ml ub.ruuins. ILl too much daill~~.

lJ'ro(u:tiiAt l:iJ!'Jd; ~'fU'"'i!S

. n~ of tll ' bes,t ~",~~~, ~lt:il e m~ h~ f th . dl II h I to di IrilL' thlil' 01 ' tlllll'jll M,r~1 h ~ 11111." ~ [' 'II fflll HJII~r ~trhk .~, Wh~'rI; )'V r ~\I IJUtlW a "I riklli:. your I~Ptll~n I, mu ~i 1'~·, ,[L 1'1-11 ~om~ Weill'; I"l'th~r.w~~(,,:. ~liI." ~ts hl'l, Ih;-I 'Dr t.'\Ilo bh.X'k. nloYl·, oil" t"i)IHnL~~·. r!1I'·"t' ],H'd1I1du W( :IJ~!t k.~!'! til 'm-dnrc: oer'l! ~ ~ dillilr, cwl II .hal f'U1U can h~~~'iJI\\' 'UII}, d, C {li'I' dl"' ~ ,iII"~ II ~nlt:'~y eme hnu iI inch. WI.!.,!11 ,"{mUf IlpJlLllmnl ~', 'l!I~IS, 1"1"' ~'V~ 11 b ' ~ r "t) c UlF~~ 'd 01!~] IllUfll IhI!." tp IIg3tu. A,I I h I liml:~ \lIJU ean ty U l' 1 f . ln~'1.' dIMCII"Ii,;'l> rmdr HnJl:h.

Q n "' r 1,\I.,.l'~llvt' m~m h ~ II ~fillt'hl rig l!o Itt tl nJ 10 hun. 01 } mr HP~) n·~ ~, ',II:,.t :i i I r mil n 'L J:'''HI~.e. u hlu"l, Ito; • 'Id o~ iU .1 - d'L' I ~ nnec, Q'II Id f IU~\'Ci" 1'4")~n r 1c.''!.I' ·i!'! I i~ I I td 0; ,1j;I u ~ Cfl1tJl~)ilrl~fll~ au ! MnJ. "PI! ere .)bnm 1'1.1 il!Ihutu. I nM t~ild. ' (lL'I!ljJI,; b,:u.~k up, and rhl'i\IW' oil iflUIi':1li: j,ub (I) 1 ,1iJr epponeurs hc"] I. ~1['Pllhl~ 5n~' ~'u d'i u, TIII50 I,' I,l YI!;! tbl ke 'I!b~ ~[j e'l' re your Oppc.lflcnl .. oJ uJ .lI the ',,",1111 • ~ hne, ~~ ~, J~('L·S 1'1 I m. r ~ r '.1 .'1. d I ~ "a ~~. ~'h~" Ki:~II' dtlving lor r'd IntD.1 1l.QIU I ·Ii~ h.

Re(J', tlve .(::JI/~(.',l,I' . "7JI,I'fJ ies

AI,,{. "he l' nrl~,)U~:; ;tjf 1!!'1l'i1Rc: II'UnI\: din 11, i hl I, ~lQur 0111) 1111:1'11'$1 ,!;1jI[;fl'lC'ssi!r' • I'l ~'. WD r.'d nl!m'emt"Ilr~.!II~ ~1ruc 1 u1I~' 10 ~·IIJ.S!.!' di~lil'll{t" i;IIml eli neh, Wht!m,!\,lell' Jilll ,(!lI}JJI(.l ~ !1~ nt cernes 1't~r\,\'\1Im "' M-f .k!.!' ~OU'" the dli!ill:iUlC'e berwecu }"II1U is '5!10rn'e .'i;!lct, so l hi'! r i.~ becomes tm.,,i,t!m' 'ji) !l.h;:p imo 1'I'tt!' ,clinch. Hm\ic\ If. },ma 'fIA'i~[ need ILO cover up • nd bluL . the lillJl!: Imh ~ • suike • ~h!.i!11 lower r-ou r h~\~el Siltgh 111'f tmd ste 1 in. Ji,II,_I,Uy I,Q IdIII' 1'nIlJIU oPlfl!DinC]1I n,1 i'lll a dincb.

O,ne II r. [he :mJll[1S!; CQrlilt!!Ofll IOmls 01 h!anl\ie di[u;ll em rtes arises '1Nlml J ,] n

or ponenr S\tIUIOt~ ~.m,1L'I ~'mu ~lIidl 'mlile bope alJd imemion ol laking ,ou dowu, As ~rOlL sp r<l,lJ,.,~ In ,r,e.JI . 'miol1J t hi ~ krdm'-11 anemm .. }~\I both rome IlIIP jl!:1li!;.O ,.1 c;] 111Kh. A partteula I'"'I~ • .a,]llrlPili!OfJ\ri~h:' !onll 01 dinc:h here Is 'I he new d h:'ti~b • ..u ~~au "ll'r'il!.'~'ii~ !:]'U~ Oil m'P at' ~r!l:nH- i)1[lIIP0I1e-m .. Wi!'l. lfil hiiRllO oerne oock up • .As he rtses, [ock 'Il~} iii !right fl ecle dLnc.h. ,m m b'tcom"'lIlt"s e-a5Y DOW to lnrou:" ~t~lg. knee strikes i 11..,01 him 11.~ he [ties [0 ~t"~ up- ,],,01'3 kind 01' clinch '¥om has 'been ~)ull~ibie lor many knockout yi,c[,oriies ilIll .f'o1JM_.!\, campeli,liQn_ lL is doubl]II.'$'ii one or the besn wa!t'S"ErO 'r.!:!il!:rr.e~~l'Ve t'!,; rour.JJ~et mkedow.ll .iii rrernpts,



j 1 1




j I






Off-,Balandng (KiJZ~5:JJ'O

One ,of the lUOSm imp(~n<l!m gwJ$ i~l dindl fishling is lbat oi olt-batanciug an oJpo~ ient. Thls h, ILhl.f' act oj lJ.!Ising your grip 0]] ',:our oJlllOnenl, to move JiJim in. such a. way t'b~ll[ he' m.omemwril" Io~ his; balance, ~rhls: :ikill ~5 'rni,e'll overlook i;"d by many ng)'u!l!'rs., yet iI, Is toe SUre51 wolf an oppc.n1enl hillh' !(l'ilf1ch. Efl..: d ve kuzush] ii1lll~Olljj'; , fi[i'!lJ w overcome i) larger and 5lRJiI'i. ... 1~1I." OPiP'OIlJ l""tl L. rJ,l~re Sf> a Ilnesse .;HHI] ,feeliW:1!g ~tJ' '~ble 5kiJll 01' oH-rulamdJlg Ihal cernes wUb, ro'L1HitL.~IH l:llr~u:;:ti(t!. h is dmj;t:!Ll,~[ ['!l:i ~{;a("h Ii i words, iUlll i,1 must be experlenced to hI! ~ eal1y t.:I L1cle-rM,mJ~L

It h~ no oilIe;g '1'. iLLcHII 'mo 'Silly Ihm .aU tiIIk~du'\Il15". strikes, and 5l1bi!JllhsL 111.:5 in

th ' (il Ti,{h 'P,1WSIl' 1 (~iJilba m .'IiK' ea "ttl' 10 aecom 111I.5.h if I h,C'r an! pmoe:d~d by ij ~rJ· ba~,j1n(i.n:E y~ ,ILI,V- I[jllPgJOnl~'nll,. 111(,' renson lur Wi5 'i5 5irl1pl~. \,\"h~n i" 'I)'tm~e ,LI re rak 1,1 tHH ~jr liJo11aJlc. their 'Pr!fijJ""n~J,,uion is [{"(O ering their' b.illlillllJ!:'ie and ~H.jI.'lUJ e. ThiS mak L' th~m !flilbie ii'ti,bE~ to strilil!'.,.,. ~Ubmissil"IL"1c_ and ,hoo\;v::.. A nal y~i's 1 i'I'II I' h.; cornba C spon:-. lh: a a IlIIt1M" r~blim: in 'hI:!' ~Unch qu_it-kl~l f",-""",<!,,J]I'~ tha.I ~ ~ll:!'rr .:'Ill ~tl'IJH~ly Ii!'h.:ll5,tl~' ~hil! ,1ft om of! ~bal,un1 og a'll (1I'[IDHI!,ml es I hI! S-l"[U~JI ~, r [Id ~ .r~ 1;'I,'S1;1' In tile, 'liE 1:1 h, 1'hi ' ~ ;rhillder '. IOudtJ~ I ~"Oro K r'iilltt. 11Iad'!i:' iUllHil'i,i ~ h ~ 1,1~ if, II. ~ lil~ moJHJ mJ ~n5 ~tb dOllssac<lI1 Jili~il~U. ilt' ohen dellwn§.1 M IC'4;i.1 IIi1lJliIQUl1Id nn dlf.·tI'~ sL .. ud I [':If, f:}[ I , l,oIi.L9 h! hill hi~, ~;'\fr.-U hm f' Iltd ,md hl~ h.::dlfihluC. lib m1m I~ ;t;.1o.i'~ t'r ~~,IJI j';1j,J ~hi ~'t:mrllil,15 t~ t~~5 ti,lY mh'C hr.:st UI..IlIiI!.i' til Ilk' ,G1l1d! nr. prhn'plt:'~ sh,i!~ Ih· ~HI erIr·..lil !'IH! ;Q[;'i iLl] d'Ml'uyLng .m opfiotml"nl' balilllct·.

'FlL ,J ~ 1Ji! Ulli~ pr lll1ap,L' 'kl'e !l.ll~.ak I)~ hi I'h.n 01 h:~M:nlll~ atl!.." Jth:E:rt"~· ur I..!fh,lJ'I m.:i.:tilt 1 m ~ I.i 1:Ii:JW ,:i 1111 i:1~lllum: 1'l!I, wll ~rh 1:1 .. ('1 .... r .'1 h:Hlpl [I') d(,1 .In'~1n]~ 111'1; 't'l n ~ 1\l' rn :-.:,111.1 ul' "fj'Lh.iamlh.:Uurm. 'mtIJ:r(hlrl 1511 Crll"l' .... i-\':-1ing on "u'l.h,j] plhlci~~l" 'it-; Whd'i ,111:1"""1 l1li :Sri;~i'iI~kl. w· l;,,..r mi!Jfl au '~\'ll'r'tU1U'" liU~"r. ~Hnl1 ~. nJ~Jl!m 'IH, rl:m· 'l"n~ rau Lmlhll ~~ ID'I II! hrY"lk.1I ',11(1" i. .. prl'tiwlr thl" IU R"t li~111 th~'u [(!lmJo '~m~!;'In,

Wh,t!F.1 lit I,~ Il:x~lalnll~di to Ih~rn in 111i~ \'va)'. mH~1 peuple lC',i'm rn.l~tJ~· "Ii ense f :1 I II, tb ti.""aCI' idJl',I, I[lr i,Lill. u~ I il. II u,' ...:-'P' "r. I hl"}' Ili1Iv!I.:' dlmC'iLJ~1 ~ lme ~ n .'1~'lI~ll ~Ih I ~ I: I} , " I'L.I,~,~ (!Irirl i''lp'l ' Lr~ ~I p'hn:d~ I \'\' , ,~" ~h ,. Brilliide wilh .. Ul1 OJ11~Oil'1Il'L '1'luHlldLLlly~ n~lhl~ 'f}; iI:.~ji1 s;uh1'ocnlil.! In !.,;um.: gl icliu~ nile .. 01 Ihmld~ Ih.1~ 1>:0 a l~llr.'!.g wall ln d~n,:'clllil~ .1 s.mmkl'lil, durinlt ~ll'! luno pf(U_""""~ oh1c'fo!duphll'hl. !L~n~!!~ DFr·l ~~I;;itlClnIT ~kill~5, On't!' u~llI~ Ififr"ginoinG i_ h,1 rU-I"ih vhen Pl" ",~ m)u~[I'l!d h,' '4 UI' ulJ fc ~rJ,'m a WILE io pta ~~ 1; -hen b~ing l')us.1Idl. fonO'~""'i'n~ I hm'li '!lillnJ>l (! ru I " 'in1 lWJ.n~iEll,iiI,[d}" ~111 ~rtl"''f yml eo elrf(\£,1 I¥el~~ i I'liIerr~r't': !Mill h fOIll.r 01)F~U~lC~n '5, pn ~.

f,1,.1 re [l nd biiLlaF:I:I::::e. .

J,..ocL~'li IilOW IlH".i It,! iUlmf·bal'-II[1{'ing ll!"dmiQjn~ i 1 Ih' dil.llch ;'1\110 I ,\i\I,J tllol'sl,c kindl~: linear a 1.1d !Cllllm!olII'L".

L inattt Me~'$Il}d5i

Lh!':rlt methods I,F, oJ~ blli~iIJflIdng, an opponent (lIre USHJ 1111' J}tdnrmed Irnm a collar di nih, ~lili! Il:k, coold~. Or Hrmu~ bt"lId](u:k. clinch. By 10111" the mOST IC{lim,!;:r~ on .a nd .eUect i we' '[IIU::iillll~ r[fJm ~llJlear 01 is I he .. nspdown, The md'l:'a ls [0 pu sh stm:i.,ght ba cl~ imo, YV"!l!IJ' ()pp(menl [0 ge! Ilim 10 push ba _ k. n he does T'!n~ push btl, k, he \'Vi~1 btl!! fl.~F· b.alal'llced ~!r.Ji .. ln b"l{:~~;]nL As ,~O'u lcel ill illl ~~I.1s.lrJlng ba ck into "(I,tlt. s.!!.:I,dld'~lJlltr [~'II'etse difKlmn ilInd snap It is bead 1.lo~~ lOW.aJ rd Yl[Jln.l!lI.' Ie L Make sure ym1l: m ... "n leet nlO\~e back 51) w.n you do :ram, Sii1l,~P hiim into a takedown. Md~ ~!Lvre fll)il!i S,lTliitp Iht: head don:n,.. mlbcc than slo\,""I~qu.ll! h.down. Ouite ofren, Tl[fllLlr !Dprp(!J.U1t!'U.1 wlill u-y so 'n.~ ... in. his balan~c b'1r' qlUli~y ~lr.3iigh~~IIin I::(b~c'j.: up .1I!ftH the ~~1;]ji)do,w. which ll1ales it easr to lllr~ool,;m~ WID l;Pa,Ll .. ward

as .liJc· S"t;']JnJ('j's: back lip. U also makes it relillth"'"e~.y ,e,a'5~r ·1.lj]I 1Il!i'lillp 'fOUl' 1 ev,'1 8 n d s!hOolJl~ jiM tim Jli i . J'cg,s, lhe:reb} s:ecunl1.g ~ ''1 uJck lakedQ>1i.'!r~J_

.(:{n;~:,'ia.r .,WdJI:M's:

Clrnll1'a ii 'IIIllc'mllu);cis are lypimlly. performed lrom IJipf.i'C'r .. b ody clin thes. sud] as the over-under diDCb. Of dolbk--lUlderhoob o11l1ich_ 111le idea here is .:0 rotate "'QII.!lf OppOfl1~fn ·by. pulli]]K, on one side of hi .. body and ~)utshjJ'1lBl n 1 the oth er, YOILl' ~aJrJl :limU ~ -'I ~h cnher r"Qur undet bOQ};; arm or O'l.'eJ'f.1iIL (ll~ ann C1 ~ you step IJild ~~ntilll:l-n: leg on rhe sarne side as 'fOIl. pull 'Wid], ¥mli!" OJ.!Ilml!:!'nt ,,,rill ~ti]1:!11 be ct~l'IEttil illWuml ;am;1 must I herelnre 51t!j"'l 10 lreg.1i n L'i.6 lance .. 'Vlljli\l can 1 Ci kc a dvan~i1J.Ef;r· f (hI!. l1l{llne:nlJilIY IapSlf' ol halanee to :!1itll"ikl(! om'Dm'VI tnto 'lAk .downs and 5!Jlb.mi~ ~'kln5, A s,hnlil(l kind of nll-ba Lmr:h18 ts done iIe,,'~~hi mb'l:! n ~ k chnch, III i;; .h1't!'11 i:;, ~QI jerk ~'\'tl\f OPPOIIL"lll do'VIl OInd In one .. id •. ~" 'f! IU ;l J bJ_k '~I!r'i; h yom' I ~1l on I[flt!' ~ii.irnll1' 5ide IO\"I'ilrd the clin.."'Ctioll yuu ere ~)1II mrn:l!l "j.'1 ur ('!] ron ern, Thls ID.1llW Iillk"s hi.m urJ-·h.1ll.mlL'l: ,and o IX' 11 Ul tIl~lI!' sl nill\le~.

ir Ikcdmnl!l! hi ~11~Lt-\ rllljl(m~I:iUon 'r".ah b • dl'liliil.fc IIIJ~ !mn 11 nv ca'ir:"EJ, rles, C '1\' o~ ~~~l' m :s~ h..1sic dh'i5ioll~ i .. bC[W<.~~,Hl I - kedov no,: I hrIJil COIW.I t" ~~'!J m. I a i l tc -)j u d I i1l1ilLd t!ilI~~d'tlWU:" Ih.I1 WillI.!' w.It of .hc fn::~·m(JI\'1l·11I!l.:mn mlha~l;.",jIij ri.1 rcsuh ill !ihmtl~ hUEJi ~nl tm rll'!JH OI]lI.uilrCiiH. T<I!.:JL'tthn\lno;; iJl Ihl." IIf! '>RuuwC'm":-IlIL ~'~h!ll'~ • ri!iJ'~ lIj'l1H~'1

1'~"'.lf~' :lh(lils L '1 ah~' QI]lJ4,lIll:m·" h:-s,,"!1 111" hiln, ~,,,,t'~·rt'!.h 1i1)~~IL'~:lln~ 11S J:ll I h • cllnch drUm 1u1'l."Olve [I U.l IJII fk!'r I nrth. 11 d", ""1:1)1 '''' ... 1'!oQrH i~ wh y 'GIf'I·lI.'4 .. ,Rm lit 'I] wa't':..11 L' I'~I '\rIIlmt)~~ ~,p 'rt i~ «",IHi,irJ: iltl tin lIPIJii.if~llIxlr IJllm,'II~ ~hl~'C d(lln,~ ~n i'!,l'!21r ,at I~'!l'l:b 11Th ml r~~ in M 1'11,' A GmJlrH, mI:JlI' •• f: ~h kind or d III(h h.1'S; i~.~ ItII'Ir-;'~liI k~nd (II ~ nki.ltl ['IWI ~I I'R'PIi!l:l'f~tl,jlih: mOo aluu "p u -d le dinch ... nd \ C :loh,j)1J l"!'i:"~l~inli: ~t!n~ , (IT ~IH" Hit'];!.'

"Iif I''em ~ • Hl i:n;du,. 11" mJlln, fC uwd I"C'llUlrilrJ f in l.!I1iU '~11 F~ul"< r~! M~\1A, J\ 11 i.1 tl p~ i I'~ lill l It ~ n'lfII Jpm In Hn'h IdJbth)\\I' llllWli\'L"f. ls J ha I oj orl ~~).i]],rnr~~~1 n H 1 h~ I ~llPtJ· nrC Ht :Iii ,I J~rc u pi if II' [he M --!'(In~,m'. YUUI ", n Ii nd n nrrrt il ~·,'Il' i,. 'r to IIII:~ I W i JJ' ~. II: -. ~m:fltlrt.:tl{~d • dmvn i1\ 011 fi~1 t I~.: h lin 11IU I l.bJ lim .. L.". IC(f,I1'''i1 iHl E Irs· 'I~, i hen, l L~~M ",I~.illfli C' ~''''~ .IF (iPI . nem dlllll'O I,.J~'· iI~h'j]ma~_' 4.111 ~hi:oO whll,;:ll ~~'!~'o'wlnJ,l hhll er m ... ldrli~ 'h 1m tim fl.

(h!'er-..·,U"d' sr ("J'llr~'ch ,0' fU!Jfl,df: -n.i,p (O,r,r, J!,f ·Gm4)

'ti'!.tl· {"IC'r-liJnd~r clinch h~itd'!; 111 n\~ uil;l!lIo\,m'§. Th'e Im~-,(Ilb1 zm, hUWc"'I,1 r, ts rlrm \~ 111l;11!" 1'lllfIU! ~~nI has eKoiIuly 111~ same j)1,~t!'I1.S.i ve rm~o;;iM~W: s a-~ 'f('l'U d1 J, ~.I nee L I [' ~. ver-under d~rlll!:h I .. wmmerlriG!J1. nu; ,err tn a suec ~~fliJi ,;g041CK, 11~IL!H. h to take f~l ~Uli' I[lIPI]:J;ll]ef!ll. InIJii 01 bal!u:u:.: m I ha I Villi t"an gelL I h rnu:ra1i ~'I!!S: d e:f.(!l1 S es Bind ia I~(' h tun r.EI.o.'i!v..~I.

O~H!' lti [he b!!'sl la·g:dm.v.n loom the (i\ier-under c!ll~H,"J~ is [11",~ ~J'i'~klri:, trip, 'f.t!l~ .mm"(j! h~~ ~.hi~ i1ldv;:rnJ"I:..~ 01 being Iflil!brveh.' sale, t'l:~ . .h]~h.l~' ,;;:ff.iHIive, .Fi!r.~}m an

ver-under cUnch .. pull ymlJ!" Dllpone-rill around l"QU ~.'i~h 1f!JIm' ~md'-'rJJorl}k arm SO'thiiill[ he' .1,,; fnrced io s:u~p U1i;\'l,J m )-"(111 1.0 reg.1in his balan we III FJ,!IlI rtf' 5.1 Oa), This move \''If:idiern your QP;pooelu·)r stance. making the esecuucn easier. You m .. '!Iy k~l[,k YOIllY :ha:nds: in a li~ h. boor-lock as U1<C'U. Step J hie (([101 ,([If IL~'1I· J i:~ that .I.~ on r he same !ikllt" as your ufl{k.rhook oil rm ins_ide bi~ h:gs.. then sweep your f r o [ S I. 1l:"H~ ttiJrI;,!' mm .il~lIl1! d 1I'(;h: (EI'OU nd ~'IIlnIJr opponellt·s Joel![ (ii:iSIll [I!: 50, ~ 10:1:10 I .. Drive yo ur bndy ·weigh;m. ll!U ~ ,-our opptm,("ol. !forong YQur \.-el:a;h~ irno h~filL "!r~(ljU can even drop your O\l'ernm~ dQ~n lEO the . JlC{" 01 h is 01 her leg. pnl Img ~I[ ~nm you, Th1s ]'IK~'\"C' takes }'Ol~!'!f OP.(101le!"1.1 m;aIgh'l! 10 his back M,~h }'OU I_.jJ(lldill'm~ between lus legs.











_______ ~- __ - __ ~- __ __;[=U~(H IPII~A.s'E

,DDub~c tJirl JI. fJ.urltJk!J~' ~o. On'f ~i' I~ 'IhTp (_ ~(HO,to '(itJ',iki.).

On or the r~H)SU ~~!el1:l~"'e" ijl~i)dt]ll,ml In ,\ilM «1!!i[ll:ll!i lft i'!ll~w h~'ild,'!/Iu~k [['LIm d f1111i Il: iJi ~~Llerhcf_1,b. t'omb~I1Nm 'vii h .m oUI!.iti(' I rip. lia""! r!~ ~t: zu lIi~d Ill, H ~h'l.:

UfH:1, 'I'll' 'kli, ~L'l"k ,EJ;I!-l IImfll&'d'lItJifi.d yourol~l\tlm."nl"~ Im'~ bncl (n~!!!"C $, ~ 1 a), f L~l'I h I.~ h1p~ [1Jl, ~u~hl whine k<:'t:pin,g ,'1)11 r hips I iChl IU I d~ hlp5 (liI:gm1t" ')",! ~ h) _ Ther is Mj~I,!~ d.!li'il~!f'1I" ht:'R'ul ft3J[ uppOOt:'nl ' .. , 'DLI!I:UCr1I[1~ u'ilh,~ hC:,i'!dh iQ], rhmw, !jj ~ kc C! P Y ur blIPs ~ ,I'W and ~'iig.h a i.o rOil r opponenr' hip'!ii. Sil,ep '.:'lUI side h i~ ].r'!:t:. and h lOlk it ~,[ [flit!, CIlIiI! or ,!:,"~'C,"lm rer (~iClJJlL" '!ii, I, Ie}. SJg rour l!ll~"I: mJUO hmm as your •. ,rrK pull hi<; ~!J)I,~er hock in iJml do\\-"n. Your (l1)JlUuen':s p05~UIr' \'\~U b!JItak htlc.kW.ilJ'([. and }iOl'U I[.1lIT! ~[ep. !OI'l'\'''ilII>d inlo ;'J do:mimml lOp p:r.l;!1.','~ em ;]Ii 'J.~DIt:I ~.j'mul ~:n~tJre 5,:t lrEi"

Rfl't;] r' eli ndJ ~'QI R'ell'- Trip' (r_lJi~d' O,r,(Jsh~)

\VI::I:I:=never YO'l.'U gt!I lilefllh'lJ(ll ~'our Illml'Ji{lnem. t"OtJ ha\~~ nan'ji' OI'lPiJiirl U11I i~ ies ~ ta ke him d{)ij,'li1'1" One ol H~e ~ifllples.l! and mO$t reliable Rlt'liD(ld ' ~~ the reo r trip f tan i: (1f"ilJr.,~. This 'Ii]'ltl~e. sakes :m.in1TTlilr !OI rengl h and i5 dinicu h, roo i!O!P,:H, M. ~rL)ru.j oppon .nr's ilLps wjth hQ~'1tJ harE!rls_ Somf' pt:'opk uke to perform (I Ll£}d1r'~odki1i round IJ:'I.f! waist (flj:,!J]i!l: '5.',J2t'1!)l_ SQ!lllaJl do\'vn 0'.1.00 extend a leG Ibeh.ind both nf'rtll'Ul:' opponent's le~!i' ~figme' _5.l1bj_, Pull bjs; bi:v~ I[iglai[ 10 ~"(Jur5 .. ;fn~mlll t 'jp i1LillU over

yQl11:.J1I "'. h:m~\:dl ~I.!g .. L."lInd UI'1l fl).lIf 8t:Jc (.JTUII U.n In! ~'(HH kl~) ~111,llJ::~idtl;' yon!J' ]j llp11 t' nn r~ I'C • u .), • lid tltil lck h' ~el up (In WiN ol h lm,

FnJ.J',I't H. 't~dI6ck fo'. ro ~~A '''kle l~'k

~"'l~ Illl'! ve Silj!t1 II lhOili I he- [rum tu:.iJ; IIm .. 'k b. one ;(Ii 'C he IlItu~~ l~~nnn !ill,] ~ iil\~ 'l neb 's I t'! e1-dsle~u!l: '. Fiidlil~II"OQII Wililf' manr Ijlhedm'lfn~ hn.m Ihis.Jl!o~ij~!(I.H. e ell ol \ h'1'L'b b. II~rlliC:1IJ 11m ftlf ~I UJlr l(~ppO:IU.·1U U'III"<c'!)il!j;l. Olle 1).1111 i("l1I!.ul~! lL:'f~ ~Ic:t i ve 1.:1 ked(Mta fl'f'l'1Ti

IlJI:1 Ii' 'Ill m h~f cillo k is; ilw LT05.S~.Ulkll' Il.. 'k.

F~(l'mJ (he h~r!Jm h~.ulloc· tOn- riO 5.1 l.l), pl",,,,_" }'OIlJlI' ~'l!e~MjI d'r~]} under !'(,l-LH oP:P .1'IIitnr';ii lll"iIIpped a rm, I hen reach .0'],1 '!i",~i. h s.hc ill rt!1I I1.U'I1 Mr.';) Ii arou nd ,000n~ O~)a lom"nf .:nro_ U:.c: h 10 gta3p ~~lll'r OPPo.El!l!um;'S J 51[ld, ,( ~·~:c.I~rt" S. Bb) _ J.}u 11.0. ~rillb b~.lfl'~ U Ill~! lite' I'{'§. A. .. t~ru !pull on thl! ankle, dlrhi~ ,a'IT05.:ll ,] nd Ll!1 der y01.U· !..IIVf.1!l'~~t "n.~. This b11lDVe pUIS you r t.lI!f1'On~m under I renle!1i,(hjl~J'~ pr 'S.'UI:r1:! and '\",'rJ] J:!·'lt"'lf1nlllall~~~ nak~ hi:m 5'lfi'llieln It I hi& hack, .K1.."ep drivil1;~ and pUmUl:l!: In ~hF.!t ankle !l.1 nlljlti yl U .Hlm }!OUlf t:lPI illlenli in a lI:i~lII: ;pin. nin OIl M~ bad c 1(f!gU!r'l~ ;U Jc). Re[.u.1 n your grilP Ollnlulod ~~ou r 0PftUl1cnJ['s bead l[h:r'Q-ughOlH. ~ ht: m ove, " .. !:i1J] your llJoiIIJlid !Om ~)I!i !hin.





I ~

Su b mlii 5,sillrm !hi Ihlds

10 Ifl • 'OF i he g,~Ii'.ar~ 'l't:'a I ures or jlljilt5U' is I h.if' 1M (: oJ SID D[!il~~si, III hi ~ds ~n 'I h ' clinch. [) nUl' 0lJ s;t!'ll~e1i rf"l<\' nI'lOl!r!~aJ arts have I his lealllfe-jutio, S811flDo. shnotflglittng,





!l nd iii, I' "VIo' iiJlU hers, S uahut1!~~. ion htdth add 11~"'r element tn Ilr.hlill.: ~ II the I nll1i~~h, rm elemcru 1'~uH ~~ 1\Il('~i'nu~ ~rl 1]1I11n,' n1r Ih ... , nl"!l;"i! 1'h;iJ( ~mphtil ... l,,",e iClilnc'1lI H~hrlmq<!,. \-'V' CD Iii d I,~~tlc :nutl fUi '~~iltUl!ra in I II;;: ('lind. imu ~\.'!Q bllsh.." can.' ,iuit ~,

'I, ',l~ .!,':llU Iilg 'S uh~~i!1i! tion h. ~.d!o" By lin the InMI (olnml1l11l,· '·i.~("n e)l:,i)mrllh" II f :suittUJ!n~ 'luh:Hnll~s~![jln h{~~~h. 13, mhe gl Ulullne dud·a::. 11 b :;. ,~u(lej JnJJW M :1.01/'" n¥lht~! L'!n,l~ tit r:'miIJ&r!ll ll'lllle ! ah~ bl;:SI . ~'7'i lD an • .'1 k an ~llfioniCnl in '1 ::;und1.n~~ g~~ JlpUng ~lni~~L11LJ'1fII.

:2.. S,~i,bmls8;0l1ll b lId m hm; lilJ m n a lanaU nJ! pM.Hfm b I( 1ini'5h nUl IHII:' :~l( i\o\,t)!'.t at ihe re ... Illr e(fe m '!'it!' smN'lh)g =sobmiMi61!l holds thit!. have J]i~~loV,t.:fl suecl.!'S~r y I, In Cl[llmlpli,flL~L1 II!) be 'h~ 1;\. rh I he I,.. I} liglU'ffi ItX.' ed in a ~and~ n,~ olii filch. On.e II~ght"1t 0i!~p]ie5, mhi! I rk by jlllnp1:ftg in It. Ilt:ri.I'I1on and uii~ '11111; ~ICllLk as ,ill frrm ~ o~: a t.'lk~lLll~l~]). ]m, 1i:!11I1l.h. ,Mirn bULh fighters nn the groundand ,\ ... ~th I he

ubrrussh n h'l, I'Ikll S "'C:ILl!l!'ely ~o ~I!I{I all. The fI~ ng gll'ilJOl'illf' Is an ·~I el lem OK" ample ob'!llJl Jr! a lrril!Orl~"'(:·. ..!\~~m her lim: namplc i ... he rolli.Dil;l, k mura lock r~I(,J[! 9ai"t~ml). S,h'10\1I;"[Jj 1[11111 ·El ·Eg.eS .m l] _. ] 23.

As. 1,i1,i~1':i. all .mac.!l:s .m ~·fiie dineh. ,·he pn~rcquiS"le 10, the .. uces,dullJs~= oj: submissto ['I. ho]ds, ~!rI [he diDda is round oll·b.aLancin· \IkU2Ushl~ a~'Jd a solid ~"t'mktng know~edge 1,[It.~ the ',,;OIJrlDU5 dinthes. By Ind .. 1ng an OIJ~)mlem ln a light co l'ltro]li.ub clhrJJcbi (!r~mot~ tbelll ·~ak~1g him O1n (Jf baI01.l.1O:. I he L!r'iU1Sil Ion 11(1 ill subJtilss,1 0 III is mu C hi ea~l<:1"~


1 j

1 I



\ InS




IFlgL!!~ !S.B lrorr.t ml;'ildLo~'~ tQ .o~ilI~all k.IJ! pkk.,

'·1i.A5liHU G J UJnSU

Cl9$;ltJr-'Ql1'tl=lilb,oilli Qitl(j', IfI"co Sfandil1;9 IG,'o~'lr.#?-:

The s,un"S~ "'<Ill' 10 enrer imo a guillOlinc (rom ~lII'e sg,i!lUJdw:g~} l:;!tLon i~ 1.0 utilize .m s\IiI.1Irdl1.J!~m- There are :.oC'o:emll,,,!-'1R'S of. ~ap[jOii.~In. bur ~ he one (rom the colla [1'00 am.d-.e~bfll\\" dinchi is one o[ the lastest "]]](1 most. ef:ficienn._

:F.!iom EtiJ~ !l:oU.n-and·elbuw diom. maneuver rbe h,ilif1lcl thar is n your Oll~~lQne:ru's, elbow i.i1::,ide bls ann 1.0 his bieeps j:rag~D.fle '5. i4a~._ This pJ~~~~5· your ~WI[II ol m~50 you r oflponf'IlI'~ aJ]]I.5 Oil ud gh~ectI ~"Olll a S~~~'bl posl tlonal .:lid va nn;]I!lit", FII' lnl11 there, driw 111t:: Iorearm 01 four arm around yi[lJ~JiI" oPI . n"11:L'~ neck i§.uo Ra ls i[I[I,.IJ]01I~houe' and push imo bun _ As be hegj~'5 I push bllck. snap hl'S heed d~ IWIII b~' ill"rling '111)111 ar al:!o down Oil lid lon.\1,a I'd, sun ~d.U~II]Jl!!.iII~ ~~y s~ c ppin,g yn~;i, Eeem. Ib.,(k ~ ftigmn" j,. J oj b)_. This ftll.1\"C' ta k.el1 your ~PJ OHien in "s h,Ecl d down below ·Yf.1\IIn;" .:JIlJ'owilng f'O~i ~O quh::kly wrap en arm .lrl)U ud "~Ji~1[ IOPlh~:!.ljj;a11.·· ne k and ilIPfli~'Y oli glli mOl [HI: diglJjJ~ '5_14(:). Fishier usc .~. l!iI',id W,I) !'I r, .Ir!]I k ~ i P • gu Hlot~rJI~ iL hoke: e-.~d1 bas lit~ \~C d _"5 lind d~'5ad .(!Illlla~!;!'~, The ,111 J:!'I hod sh r"'''fli ~~~r(' .. che I~g." re~fOL.IJi 8uilhu ill!:. h p.]fdcu.ll'lu'm~r tJi:~h t f!j'i lIJ qul ck i

RiOLI rll 5. ',4 CI!IILl~r~ nuJ ·"'~I:!~w dk:c , to ! ti3Il1il.lII\i~ '!I uI~l~tlM 1,.

















I ...





F'n:m t~Headlock ClitJ'd~ J.n'r~ Ft",i~9 ,Guifld',tiue

l.'h~ Imnt h~aditld Is u"WIlr itIrmle' Q;f (be dunl'Ellii[O:1 elinches. lt can be used ~,(]J set up many pm'l,o'e:tillit 51~1"~kes iIlI,mi '~al;;coo\',vns. and it jo; equally uselu 1 in 'ge'rniliI;~ \ij , 5uhn'l.his!ot1l1o~cf_s. "t:1ll1ch'mIDM'n, hl'li1ol¥(! chokin'g anacks ro the neck, The iI11i'~!I~~ gumor~I~~ i ' <iJ ,'lJJID,Imll'55.iil[lr til idi ~bal hit. .. been used willi rremendous success in MMA eel m,:pe[Eit~I[I{[L. ]1:U lac:t. Ut :is ~DiI,," or [he m'o!oIill!' moves 0'1 Rc~V'.tli G:f<1ciie. J!~ such, the fly1[!,~ g:I!~!HrDtll11{" [il111 be 'll:lsed in u...anl' :!III[U;]UOHlI; here '''''e IO'lJIk ,a ~ lltS flppJil;ati,LJ'tli as pan !!l'f illn OlIlLLlCk horD (tI e ![roD.~bC'ildJud~ clmdL

HO\ ... r'!i!"'~H' yQU E nJy 'l!JI§5CU in .1 I a'O:lU hcadh k, euher as a result oJ'di!['cndIinl'l o lih.ot ~rtl' the legs by Yi!}hiI r. eppeneur {lIr' oil:. d u'sul1 01 ,'I :-'T1apdown 00111 p'ji~1 r O]JI~l!]!~ HiIi::J:Lt, you i;;;~Jjil, ~t~ Sl~ ~ai~h~ Unln.1 rlyiJlg ruilkll ill"'. Tire iCy i5 Iu ,ijli! r a ~jg~u i,[ilJ;:r,.iril] ;ti,dp i;"itn th~ III 1I:k. ;iIIurll a I11IIi oj '!f'our O(IPOHiltlll. To do «it. grob lhe urn ... oJ' the ann that !.:ndn'les f!Durr fliP Jt~iEl:m"s neck .. (I'Rld lull it '.hrougJl Ituy,ud IJIl'!;:' ~1iJ1~,p!jt !11~ yrJ IJ r ',J'Il!PO'1l1 'jan '5 U ~liIrppedJ (lJIT!f.i qHg:u flf: 5I.I5.,j]). Bring bath hi'llHhi ul~ m.o.~~!,JJrd ' il:'Illt sternum. [JLa{lf.;; y!lJI~H" I~I£! .norlJnd rV'ur iuppo:nenl~ 'ViII!.. and H[ihU1 jllUliIll up (ril'lU 1.'1& .15,10,)" ~H Idng l''fJitlt' h.·~ around bh wilbi in.J ckD~~I,.gu.lJld 1~~ll~i~i'l I\. .'IS

h wn I LlI ~ L ' ure ~', ~ c r I he gUiilrd ln~iLh:m \'vill bt.:- seen il,Cilln, i[lI I !IlL_' 'bl.fml n dI.~ghtirl se l~tll~lS Ji)1[ '~hi~ ~)I:l;L ~n C.hdPIrc'f'i: 6, .:mel 7). from hlL.'"~~ .11f>i.::h }~i;[JnIi!' h.Lack ~- r-'Jtl ~ q U.1.:'~"li~ ~ 19h1l 'f' IIHI ~ .. ~ Id!'[ I!Jfirml )lIcm~' , II ill c_k~ kC:(·(lrl"8 ,~our hr:.£td lih.m:-.'~ W lIi [' iJPllt1 '(11"N hT'lIId,

TILI5. 1L1~~'It1l!' VlilJll'S 01 l~.M:'i1Il ch ~~a: I II pld{\: I I .. dilfit,"U1l IY dl:'h:llI~ u 1I1~i1 Inrnpl'''rl~.' ~rpl,lt L II, l~Ij:_I~1!!< r~rtll~ Jf~l IU~r Wllil.'lh!:f }'t!Uf oppu- u:IU II" lIiIilllo the d~111md Iln~' '~~J,yt;, 111 5U'111d tng t11O!!oilioo ~15, ynu .IPld}ct LlII: !!.-hnkt'. Th~ nylne g iI~ Illn n,~ t¥iI- W~{_l! ~"H~ ~an if';;' 'H If 1 b~iLh I;.' "1-''1;,

R'~I' rC'l'im.:h 1j11t:'tJ R: "Q" .~fnked} ·'l~ 11"1" ': Itok#! t{Jin'd:(J'ka Jlinf,ej

'fL";,;: ~'~ 1111] ~ L~ b ,~hh~ Ii Ifli 'P('UfllC'l1Im. )IoU! ran .111 "1111)'1; • ~c )11 .. 1:1 • h~)M, ,111 ~ll('I1I~1 :[If" 1:1 ~r" fi;~mfil~~l.!'ht ,I~II 1f1'~Ll>n Iii ~cd III MMA ('alllpplltHm I. \1\u/l1 h.u'rj· I wn ~)rn'~lc .;;:l'luiC\:~, 1 n ,nip r:~1 y IIlll'! Del u!: slC'~pl1'r hrild I rem Ill!' rL",U linch. Fif'~I. f()L~ !!: .... I!l jm1ll1

'I f!.~J1 r UI: n~' rlL n "fU', l1\i1ck. ~ 'k ~Llr I~,,"I ~lHIYlld hl~ ,",V,J1:.l. Ih!l;!o pply lLhl' htll~d ~ n~Hr. ! S.1 j; ~! Se' und,. u ~.lfil 1)11 U ytll,lf lfiIU1iI1!:i: n~ b~d .. UI'.1NI ,llid elil ~wn I 1 'Iu' 11h r, p!~I, ' ; r':fil ~111'11~ ~l r(!C~ firll h~ .. hi~ 110 smlJiI '(t! }JtI~r posi1It111 tbLJ~ ~hJ ~~ I ~IGlct Yj ~u II" IL'" 'I: if y I,HL ~f'I ! !"III.! ~JI"f.IY!ndt'). rh '11 ilp.rd~t the helM. Ilhi)lI~h bmh lrmn'!!;t!o ,all't:: 1~(lJ:lUJZI el '!t' 1:.1 s~d In cumr 'nH{)JI. h h. tlmba'bh lill!F U) iI:a. I hm, • h,,: Iii! ner 1i ,.1 'S,. Irl~il' opthm to J;!'l~ be ~j)II].JS • ~~ Iln~f!lhrn!7;1!S I he On nw.:r 01 bcin I h, 11(. heuld }'{1iUIr '1,lfl;PiJI· !:1.J.':n [ 'llla!lll b'urm,e I!~ tr'LH:,ln'~rill1Pd II ~ anempi ,un ~~"ilI:'JC.

T~ tu S 1,(!rJ;.:pCFI~ holld i~ ~_II! OlIn (F1ft.'(:"II'L'!,:' "'cdr 16 end iii lighl. lbmh in C'(nln~ 1;!:tii\1 n a nd in (J "'U't;d e In~ II'C,llm ui),n. ,I t~nde your t~rlponenl uncnn lou:!; In ,,]I mat 1"[1' ~)F seconds, pr "'id~'L~ hI!.!' d.o(;~rm(t ~~Ib.BlliiL To lock il II'!! I=jJa<:re. reach ;:u'ilImu~ ~.rr!;:mll' o.pp'Dnli':'~u"[i. neck ~rorn~ 'hll!'hlihlll!1. un(j~ '!!fY .. mr [l"Ibnt,~! is rig,tu under his .,\dam ',~ ,~~.l!pl,e , PI<l, If: your hi'! niil, I2lIII iJlu:, bicep:. of YOLU other a rrn, Your ether haHli:! :5~Mi!."s I :rt'IJI" r the t[)~-I L1,f yuulI:' pplIl'lT1emu'g, head!. down to. I he b.r'lck (If I he head linure :U o.q. 5;q ue eze },o,m ell!:!m'~Si mg,l:'~h~r~ k~ping rOil!" bead dale' to hiilj;. ·rlJiIs. maneuver pi['t"j,:t~~! I,.:..~, bll[] o!l:l [1i'UUli g,ell:~:lillir: to your IlrJ1pOllenl'-s brain; II f.orres ~I[JI :~Ii.iJ~lm]n 11JIif' rts k uneons i,I:J US!fl~SS",

An !i tt'an,gleh.c;~ds ''''\~~Yli'k an -n.Ms, prilldp!e, • cultiug oU blood ro [lh '. b i'il In , ,l'ls 'men. rh ,·r are d<l!f.lJfJ:!f'u'I[!J! ~'ita'ke sure dun }'(IU pr.ilCIkre IJl ~D1 ~, .... il.h caunon in ~he presence (If. .iii q:JJ;uili~~f.'jjel!i :iinS,rnttO.()T. Mmr 'imponill1l, \\'h"eR Lhey lakl! teHrecr. stQP imm!2dIa~'df- Re~eaiSc ~otlr :p<IJm1er a5 wun a~ h'e s\gDab 'SlIbllll.~~OIll byr.i::I~N'i:n:g th tn.:1t Orr f'OLLI' b~t:L, •. '



i J









Striking ffin the Cliindill

Mm I' 1'I.r, 11 ti &l~ ~,ty.l{!> tbiOliI !:ulr'hi:l:!li~e I he U'i4;' cd sl rik~~ lu ;,~·in ri!!l!hn .. nnl1l u ~ st ill.~ 1:11l re chniqlw' 1 n ~ hll' ree-rno crnem 12hil'W!.* nl i!,:UmbiU. ~ n ~'m.-'il. ~n ilfUillc ~ng C .nnbaL !;J!ims :I,lLid'll ~I~, W ·~H,.n~ I~~J- lltg. kkklxl. iQ~ dud I1Im!~f torms ni' kJ!;j11~·. S t rtkln ~ 0 ~~~t:S; once .ill ~~mcti'il !,s, ~ocb" I lIP. u:-h teh is 1.'1~d'V due ro ~ he U~ r]~'~,;JJrl ion s N~,I2!;!ill (,J,rl 9tdkln:~H- I)]en.hod", iI:r. ~hl~e "iiPflir1~ In bu 11111:. rnr 1I::..:.aI,U,I"I~IC', II ~l~'}' Illl~ H:"L~ H'wl he used tilli ~[m' IkL" the 0ll~-wn('m. OnN Ihe arms .lr>t" H~I uplfll iJj rCU~1il['h. pun hjD~ hL!~ml!l!e5, dj!r~ -\~!~: henec .. there h. Ulll~dliU'lu! difiidl ii.!;J:h!I,lt}l,. even if, I, w~'re wlrm.uru ~ 1il!C' ll'lilies. Tilt, same i::s rrue 1)[ 'Ibe kicks. n. mJ!,!~I~ i~~ Wlt:'''h.!;:' m l{i-I;::kboxi r~~.

The result 1:-. thm m<lJIlJ~" p~rlf)h: think m U~illg the clinch a .. a ft!.·..!i~· ro JII:r'I;."Vi;;I1'L someone from srrftkh~~ yo!!.], TO. 11[1 exrene, rhls is rrue, H;) c1incll is held Hghll!r', II can cl2'rtoilJi rllr pil!'e'l;'em S>OITI!;!:O!lt=' bOom pll!1!u~h in.1il: and kidtinS you. HrOM.r • ..... It::r, l~ 'spt:.;;;iFlllz!l!'d (]i[l,~h~figillfing lof'Cnniqllt:! is; used. dJ~(:tive pu.nehin~ ;~1 mhe clineh j~ posslble. If k,r~ei!." aruJ! db .,1,: li;mt1ki=Si <lIT' llt'j:t;d, ~gome MMA ~\~enjs IProhibi~ ,elllo~ .. ,1 5trik.e:i). then 'S:triili;;!ng I'!lililhe clinch can be' y~ ~IfOCli\i'e.

[ndC't:d", Olin ever- hrLl[l'ot:'oiII5;ufIIg !lumber 1.)[ 'liiclorie;s .1fC 'pm,.... being ("''O1l! n~l vartatj~ m~ or the- clinch in Mi?I"l.t\ Uliilllch5. Th~ cl"S I;D il!OllXtiw '5"1 ri'ki~l[: mm~ lhe dinch ere [11' f~ ~Ul[(rwti l'I!g:


~] ,~~~'P'jriflprimi'rei;;;airuJ .;;ifdiJ,T/,_ Som[' dil}(tu_~ are [m] [Ie sulted 1.0 s'lriking at'E ill 00' ~_h.:ll'D mbt"r5. In i"lMil matches, ![}u: m.'l]1G h'1" 11)[ !k 11~ ~c~!Oa:I i, 'lI:i rorie ~ 1 (1 the diin:!l:.~ ~D]"C ullIdoub(mly won in the ned: di nch and m lie oclla r-and Ee,[b!:.J,i- v d Inch 'rbC" 1ie.asorul for E bis ReJlldency is dim, b(.TIJiL thelia; dilllcl1ie!> ,!ill ow' a: ; 'J~]l1er 1.( t ("(.1'11- 'I m 1 !i!LIilI o pp'Orn:nL '5 he .. d in SUcil a -WY3, i1~qJ poll.1firef[llI~ knee .;:!I1L1d e:ibo~,'" strikes ca n de drrcaeti 10 m he j3'1iV. The be"uty of mifn."S'e dillidlCS is rhat they a. llow SQ.I ld ()J]IIIHilO,]1 ij)fJ an (ll-ljID(U~nL h,- wn'l:roHu.l,g a pan oi tJhe M1Jall:Ol1il" InIle ,b~21dJ' that is tTllIIti!i:l.U m(M lIIlIiDI\.'e1UelIU. The uld adag!! where I h ' head .\!l!Q;CS, ~ h t. bQQr fa I r ows v is h~ 1[~lrutiilJ.m nn[ dinch fi,BbHn,g. ,.\1 die 5i1l:11{" time, ! hese dh~ll;'iH:'5 ,aH{ J'~,,,,. suHj cl r:m s:pace br; awee.n ruu and l'otlr OppI1ucnt so tihat 'fioliJ can ~en~ra:le m;JJ xim tnn (1.');(.' U[II llll~iJlu....i£llE a 5!,c ue, i1ihc [[~IlIIJl h ill J]jj,g;!li krluJI(kolH rate,

" Til.!' alJ.'jfUtJtl ~,~ thNflimml di'llt:h_ U yo Ill] liD n; lorked ~ ip in a Ill,lsi lL n wh . J:' your (JPipil}JII~lll hss a dwrU.mal1l Lim IKb on fQu. then Y'O .r C'h.3j~· a:' or su OCt' s~ ,~'ti]Ur MrEk ~i I[g: bim an:- low, To ~ rik.: ~"'I-ur O(D1li.) i '01, VO U m.ll~s~ a~', i 11 (1'1 len 'Ii'! a n11i1'liJ u ~il[~ d~I1ICh, i~ l'ossibT(", auah"l .. rru hi dUilrtinaJI1~. I inch i[O,-'i r~ ~m 'IJ~' !l'1 rildl'l:ll:: ;d ~ ~ 'I1U1PIIS.

• 0' f·ir~~l-t~ fiji' It Wi' "Jlth»h"III. '11c mol' ~ ~'llU 1(,.1J'1 It' .~) YO!lir 0'fllQlWht ofl-

b.l[1 ~lt.llC~. m]~t!" "OJ 'leI it h, til 5uhkt' him, nd rhe h.u·dt"r i I, u .. ~! r be I LH' !1 ~li J to S i I'~ lt~· ID. !d; OIltl[d I~'~t! nd him '~I~', "nUl I11Y I L'UIi~tJnll ' h rd~ [to k,~~t:'rll :!t·,1 U I' t:1]lpnl::J ~1il'l tn .t .sliE[m(· ~),~ «mllls'nil bv tli'if\lpalng hi'ii balane ' bt"(.;]u~1." !.hil:'l1 hr~ ,i"Ht~nlJmi will bi~ fl u:s~d lin ii't(n'WriFl8 Iw. balal1C'1!, A~ .J f>I;:': yilt, he h!:' OH~IL ~ nus ble t 11 Hrl ke '!It'!'!.,1 'Ii""hl[ll~ , In mh, ".nn!;' chn1! rDL"ill8 OIJeIi 1(1 ~rgUI ~n\l'1ii 'l!1rlli:lC's.

!!] J~fl'~"Of1'I!".tih· "~rik/~ mtlj'rtld, l1n~ til II h re I~ II!!', ~l! W h Ii ,'1 '!!u·.IIk-I'111"~·. I "llllJ.\i D ha.~ t ~a: ~iul II: di lie nml h'uln ~rlk~"H i n [11 • lifi C'~1m UJ I "F1UIC' III t II)b, ',," I ~ ('II n Ill" 'I, ttl ~~f] u ~ iIIl. ~Ju;,' kFU .. ,:" .. rid ~Ull{~'fj, Lln: lin' Int2'li1 iL'f11( em nw .", nr !'OtF' 'Idn~ III lh~ Ii: IItn L':h. ~ th.i',ulhu I.. It!!' i:d\(~, .. r .Idy ,-,lIeal\1 .: h \VI'" 'f. I hi 'Y i' himrh:d In 'In~ Ifl !C~IIf1~!.irDIJm~ H'1 ~lMA I(UJnldm(';n~!'o,

.,:"':I. ~--~----~--~ ~ - -

L' -w n~: I u us In MM/i;. h~vli' II~L'I!lj I ~'~Il! ~lJ{flJ: .. hi ll"r1nch nJ!:~lllt"ln r;I~ I;!~pe rlen t!~ 11" !'he Bi!o!!Ij'lTI.IIU :'lIpi"$1 J ,\,'';lr! ~I t:rf ., S tlva. 511 .... 1 Ir~il~ OJ l'.:I~II!h"C'l' ~IIlfIFlr!!' c1il'!t'h Mil rn" III at II, ~ p~w~e I-b h i&l!IJt'lr ,-tin '~UNII!- ]a ~ , i.'II:'lIlt!rro nl L Il' .... 'L) lyP .':1 ,I d~I1_11. r.tle 1ilI'lo'1I! IF~ ]li!IJ h:'~ diimlcti) f md Inc neck din 11. He (I;'j ,hI;! UVii!'!"-,n 1 re'lI" 'hunJllt" .b~ne .... er he t!n(Ls ldm':li1!I'1 m.K!lIl1 e, ~ lltLt:f .r~m til 1IoIrm.~ punch "rt!:,}(,.. T t,ak·d .... ·II il ~t!mlfllm. ti:Jl.Ji\'ill!ll~ .. t!llfJfk"d tile auack, !It· bt:~in~ 'linl [hlfmll" ,hi\:!~r'f ~m::!l:.".5. im(; hi5' "!in]:! neue's i111dDm~rt ~fIi CJ:leillU! Sp;il~~_ tme lhit'n 1m ::..ks !:J14" dluch, sud di.uin~ d'l!t! tram![MiiDn irom mh~ I!li;nch,. he 1.1}I::!'ks Jur app:..JfEWI nitili':~ Kli s,tl'likt::_

U is wit]1 tne n J;;:ck dhr!!l:I!I!. ~Wi!o\'.e- .... e:r. IIthi!JI :sllvill bEl!';; t'Ji~u:llth(! Ll'h. S[ HIL!!:~~~, ' cmE~.m1g 1Jrof;)[ifII iIll!i3c~grllJlUld ul ':\']W.I,Y T h.n [ ,k.i L'.kh1lxj1'l~. "'·~Le;r~ ~ 1tIre- Ilei!'.t. d::IIDcli ir, 51J . ngly r,:rnpl1ilJ~~zeri. SJ]va. CIJ11I!5i.illllJllhr ioub If) Sei\.LI1: b []"I.] 1.1.n~s on the !!lP.Ptl([lj~i 11t'~ h~oiL.;I] ii"Jllfllcli n:-ed\:" wllelt-,

lI;fVCJ .:I wkl!;.-i1m\,ft lAlli. ml~r sp r,,1 ",H~1!: (I~,I'I (in t(JI' (I:r il l.iIL:~'I!'I. 5il .... ,il i I~; en ~OT~S h 'ifljlIjJf1i!l(':II'I'1 s W ~~,! 11, (,: up In I hlir lees, M I h~r dn '!i ,[I hd[r he~. rJ ! L·~rel ls lo\v, Ij,,,-hkh mal:t.~ II oCi3sy W qlLlllltc:ldy ,.;I 'ItlFl' (,'!11 AI II I ~h'l neck (11 lfil'h .1.1;, ~he U1~lm1~m '!>.[~'IJ.![~III·~ ~~ ~ck up. A, ll1.i~ moment. Sih!lI !l.hll!1h! ~11 rlUW~ Imw""r:[ILIJ b, ee SI r~b;.I:'~ iruu Ih~ j."1W 011 hI::: ~ipF'nfiJC'11l11. Til, L"~(' ~~ rl kes .rdl!.tTl fe-

ll: in .UN oui ur beJl'f'~' iiJill!najif!. f,h5s L~ hi! I.~ I.' 'I he mffll common I:"tk'<l n ... ,.:d 1k1~l)}cJwu! vl I.uq.· i rJ rlte dinm pha'5ll: of ('( il1'1:m'[, ~II reiles on asound u:;"mb! n a_.inn of .1 dt eh !ol..!Jr<i::ijjJI a~]JI.1 a , _tl'l1erab~f! I arp:-I_ In 011 I!!r wn:rd ~ he !I1!ec'.k clinch is : t1(imin !lfrl dim:.h and lit us d supeI.~ meall~ I f :!Ol:!tJl, up s'Lri]:[e"s, '~ilU~' "'bell (.he IlIpP m.'1U 'i ~ illI[1 ~bii an;:-ed ani! preoa:lIpied ~,1Ih i!:e:!nin~ bilok mnll'l, Ir!lnLl being uo bk 'U) e[f1l."C..£i ... -rty deh~Ild hillffielf.




I l

J 1





I I r



i l





'. c.~~(Jt.fJ'Jj 'PtJ£r:: i.t-1' Wil'f,f;' u) :uril<J.·_ One Q the ke~"'5 to cUe 00 ve 'S'[[iki~ ~~1i the clinch I: md one that ~t:,'i<'io' [I'fop!e 1lI1ld~r~la!i.ld) is .. he ddi.GIi[f; belance ~ etween control and dle cr{:;!iJlio[jJ !D(~ Sipiil:~:t'. 'If"!lhen you lock up an OI>lJonem iln a ltl'tI:lil'I, din di , you ca 11 C-QlII(ro~ his mOl"e'menL The lis" I.:: the dinl~h_ [he IDaIT' (It, mml }'~ )i,1 have 0"',' ,'r 1 uS 1iI1" a nd ~:Ii: more' dilJic-u\1 11 becomes lO smkc ~"IJ[I. ltInJol'itllJ.nately, ho'w~1'e'r. the S!1IJllfUI.!: is [rue O'J f(IU- The Ijgbier Y.OIJ held hlrn, ~in,e harder it 'i s .r L1,1~ you ~ , hB Mm e£lectively.-s:inc..: non! }"'CIU lack the ~~iJ~ ifle<cgl' mcl;:d • u ~Ui eIIe'(tiv~ly" ·lio s,mb ~.,i~l~ jloiwer. ~PU 1'lI~1 10 cn:'ille S{J.ilCi,? be'it"!;" ~l~E1I lrOlJl ,I!I'L'Jd you t' opponeut. l'h ~, tills,1i i5 done Ef1I dH(f'IT'nl ,vaY:i.. kpcndillg Oil l!.:'hal ~ ltp·t:! or cltnch }'\jll, have,

- !'oped ~ n n ~ mUs'n be' add,' II Eu thi~ ~crl illill. on striking ill IiH~ dlind1, ~ J'I, L ..... ''iLvt.:-\ ;'vt!'r.H.s.OII hl;Eh J.~!;iT!l.:t!'llIllilijl,e 01 sureesslul 5:lrlko h.a.l~peil1 ilmn!CdniulI..'~y ,::d1er [I dll;1,ch breaks. \;V'I,um dli~ ~1!lJ1:tIll!'ns. runr o[ll"uoerLi bl~(Ofn~ .. dts..1],I]O't'o b-,' the .. hall~"lrl p~m:s.~ ~nd II dum v!JJ~m:'~hlc 10 iI quick ~lilke. fiClu,.. rs ShlllU~d o n:.!t. l:1l1r 1 nk r ,r rhe pJiQrHl'lIU 10 hit jld}1 iI:' the clinch dIUiiJII:~ l~~1I; Ir,'m· ~iti~ I~I iUlJl[k tJjJ' hI!: ' fEj'tw!:r:nllJ'm. Tlli~ i!o a Itrn~ WJU;'-'UI Itlml peopie ha ~f,~ n,h~k ha.n '!i tit! WrL" an I ~h It! r me 'In rt:cd. ",~n· DrlllliJim:c .. iUn! LIJIlSl:Isp!:mtlg_.

S!trUdn!J ~f' ~'hlJ (} 1I'1:'r--'V""(ifN' (:1i~'~d'f

W' ~ u ve nm~d D ~1~ f.iilCi d ~;j]jl. I h~ o-~ A'l-mul..::r clltlo. h. \"; 1;]1;' till!.' Illn~~ I ~lm m ll,I1'I'~r LI~~L! t'mlf.l (CIt ,dl'fllt,h ~1I L\lll\iLJ-\ ntnf!~ll'in". \Nt. IW~;o11 1 nu!nhb.u [I m .. iii --,[" 41 ,1

I,~ l 111 I nso~',j) r ~1'1 ~ 11 u~h IIJ !ilIruJI 'f>cm 01 pn,nt:JII h.n~t: II~ u,~· Il'~) jl ~t J1 em (I

rhus t~ L' or;; ITII' t.)fUt1J I ,uv-' tlfi[llml'l.. ~ Iii: "l;1J('h. 1 hl7 o"",r'1II11di;'r I)_O~~tllll~1 d~ n'L~ u rl!1 g r.r 'I' i,l!j I nll,B m s,HlildlfllB ~ ~r'l] Irl!Jj'lfl\ilt:~. Thl dru .... nm IIn'I,m. hClW~~'-'~·If'. Lh,mn V'['I1J1 (_"mUlm ~mik 1 t,rfi ..:11.,.. '1~· ilfjl Ibh. il~id(if!. II !';illlp\r u •• ,1ft Ih.1S, U !I; rm ' JWn~ H~' t'!,1 I ~l~lr J;lllJl.d '1_ m h:rrd .U~ i· c;, ~. n mrik' rl I jUfl ,j)!!' !:a ... l1 '. I1l1ii . 'f U enn ~lrJIthi n L, L1C of ~ I H! Ir)r II!H' rt c , ~mli' m hd~ jlla'll)' M M "Chili,; rs n~' I ~ It' P\I'i,; r·un~11 1.:"1'

11['1~I'"I Is 10 p~(;l'" 'Fi[i ~he ~~llu-r"'ml.·!'II1 lrum SJOrildng. cfl)('uh",:Iy,. 'fhlf IT'ilStUlll ,1I1,llL'C sl1ml,ld tell ~~ II !HIIB ',ll tl~Jibol'llllh 'dllh::uhV nblrildilg in !hR lP-iHU .. ~!l I II ell, 13 It he t1JUS -, ir ~ ~lJ; a;nlfU(In! I!!Ili 11 I ec"ilU~ >ill milch li ne i .. "1}1.:'1'1ii I h[L'li~, It h. weuh ~~Iu~rrt,.~, m ~1rUc n~, ap[n(m~.- i.'\~!:fi II du' m·i.!T·~Hlder dine 1 ~!J, nL1l~ ~hC' bt'''ll pia eo to -'r,':!il.iJIP; ! ~~~ s.uIMnl:.

l'b~! mil-Hit oomTlrltln ~ulldnll nIIt'1.h.l(1 Ib, 10 US(- l·nur ... ,er'hoo!< ,arm h11111f'Lkc y "~! -]'P~ n ~'m h1! d''ll' rl hs, Ii~( hhll nih oil hool: punch, K \'P r~HJ r ,J ITI'li 'sh8,n~I,.' htn ~~. '~n .. l , e[~' I III If i UUfl,s !Jehl rid! I h I: b!M;-l,I. This move UUf not 1l11i.-·Ct''').,;M~'l!l1k: n ock ,liTIiV 11 Deb, m! U, tb"u U drJl'~ 1'1Iuni ,11 hi m u\"L"-r Lime .In.d make m:e n n ~ hi' ,d~ r~lcl:i llnV~,!::Ol,!lan'l. KIllf.:,t' ~ulk~, in oil I J1j ~ "!Iii" opuens. Thli; ik:!;i \\ra~' Ill} do !rr]J(~m In !he DV T'" II] nd_ rr ";1 LfLll:h Ls, ~, m~ ] .. ls llnderboll!l arm iU i h - l"IL~,,,,p.~.4l[1 \!O'IU 1(Ji~!II!~'h iJ!ok ~r.'I,l.1, 'rh,[s m~rmC~U''lI't!.f opens IlUs dh!t [0 knee slnko_ You. can a!si;JI h'(Il~k, ~h ~DuiJIw a k [HJ:' stri ke O\~er h~s; o"!o'!ii'~hli)ok,j] nil and II it bls Iaee, 111io;; sJ.,1U i it:!!;P ~il"ii,jt~~:If ~ mnp u!rtanr when yo u r IiJPo[fii2'l1'I.m bnfJ,gs his head rif}\,YI!L

StrikiJ'J,9 lfi' tlM~1 .Ned~ OJ":nt.'l"

Tl.l€ neck da r~dl hi Ollie 01 m!: he s I, ,~Q,r :S-Irtki['l~ .HI. opponen 1_ If. ~'\[]Ili.u [W,O ,iJfmDh are inslde }'om ap'1P0Ii1t!'rH'S-; .nms;,.lock!l!d, around the head and neck, 'Y(JIU can olren knock your L PIl IlrlofliU ~Hn- 1ilbe f'Y is 10 iiliS'[ create :ijJa~ i'tl ",'hiJch ro ~ b!l"<i"tlw a

'k~ ie e strtke te ~_h'e' j'~~""'_, .,

To do ~Il~S-, exp]o5ivdl" !Oll<I!i,glne-n you .. arms out 'SO h .. s, ~"IOII.JII:' OJ.ll[p; nen t is lh ['owu mur ,itt f1 nn{s" l.e.mgti:JJ while: you stiU ba .. , c (m'iu:ol 01 his h~ad_ S~dp l!('01Jll"

kgs, a'l1l~o jJi ]lJIntS't":posi][i(Jll \ 'I.:'i I 11 IJJle" knee back uhan. '1;'i,;H~ be ilhe kg von I brow the knee s,m.llr·~ 'Io\lHh •. Sihnce the rear kg can scner2llt· iLUO e fJiO'Ii-Ven.. N·m~ .. · 'there is :!IL~ffi[iem dllis;filhlJiCI; 10 ~iEls,h a knee to' his f;iw. BI!! sure to ~'[I!LLn yQl..H opponent's .Iilt:'ii~d .DO\'!j,rri m'[O ithe:5trike 10 add power ~ .. rhite aE. mhe ame time jerkin' him 01[,· ID<lilaJr~((' •. .i-\,s S(!{lD as; the 5:1 rike lands.. rerum [U ~ ~j~h~ neck eli n rh ,,""I!.'" your Op'pIJHJl~nt's: falelu.:ad pressed iilil (i l"OUf chest and arms . .Ih:Pf'dl [tit: process $15 &~f.'(e5sm· r,

tn " Ime ,:\'~Ji"l; evellL5.. elbow '51 rtkes ilK' ,allow 'd, an rH the J:1 eck d inch hi a £Ire.] n pita ~jmrn II) U5~ 1 hew" Hold {)'I] (0 tile heed I!i'iJU th one hand, 3 t) til U5 ' the mht! ~ a]m m wll ip elb I .. V suikes 'iDle ~I)" r {'l'tllI1UJile'lII L hm~ tt'cJnlll till,' l~ ]1:1 uch ~il5iE',[' whl!'rJI roo r £1111115 are in5idc ~'on r O'PPOJ1~D.J 's arn is, so 11I1i1~1:Ir clbo w !il rl kes when tbie oppUrhlJl'ml y ari5t"5.

S~'.rlk.i~'~9· ilJ' diic" FrmM-Hc'ald~od, Cl,im,:lrl

"Wlbe nJii;mt IlIt'ilIai.loU: is tlir'llboUi .a I'(lym unt· IJr the ~'L:'5~ ~ll]lf.dti ns 11),1' iii :IlgJJL't!j' ;

II 't""" llliJ' .U ~ l"p!JOnen i D mdl It " can !II ri e l-lt111Jl imU'1iILmjn' r, M, n " In1 cko I 1'1 S ,I Jd ['Io!'~~rt]t."'~; 1j,I{ipp'a~.I:" have urcurred iii lhi~ dhuJI1 S' :-,'I~!<r~n-m(:J'r,c ilhan ,ll1y tlth ;i', ~n 11~t:~. ~Uht:!rdm~J' it i'i n(1 I1'IJ8:SCC.]U'l.lilIG "k;]y Ih'l~ J I~,du rnm-headlocl linch ~. .::Iii Odi II~ rr IU II .. I h IIY lIflt.:'d pOi'oh ion is (tv· "iih.J ~ [rm . " L 11iI~ moun: r;.·1i Jl [)~ Itl .HI Ilf~ lht!" gmund~nshliljn dldl1lt"nt.. dlill11 rs 6 and '~q,. T,h!I: hom hCiildl'[lIt:::k i~

I~%JI I un~. h I '.3i~~~f mu 11mliJm 11M I lilt! 111111H Ii!<!d ~)tlI .. i!h:m, am~ nhi~ 'r1~!Iil ppH" 1U Ib ,m h nih t: Ij ~m ad I fJg: l~o:.;iLlun i)b; l"lcoll ril'ii Llt~q.:rnu IILd lZtU~1!1;.

f3;m WJM! Dr] ,10."''10 Ih",,~ bOlu hl.:'iJdluri ~ dau !'r~jiUf!, b tl~ J (, I~' th. 'I vour ~ ~KlJ~'~) fU~flJl'!oI ~HWldl h Ithunly ron I rolh .. d ill ;i) I" !1il~ n ~ ~ U~~ ~ ~ "~~ Iii III irii't'i 1 Y 1!1 'Ill ~~ ~ I'll ~ h n~ yr ~II:" k fI';" o;;arikc. UI!i hi' d i'!l; uh imlliU .~y fn ~~ t hUll cd, nod II':! II S 1'1 'I,J k .... ~

m hi ' lUlU br n'u ,I m h !Itt ~k~ ... A I I h • lOU,' I hnr. fL11J1f n'~!ll IUm! ho')l'0 ~,i'u ,1'li' !.,11 ~J'lI1 irtu-

11111'1( t-II ddt'n ~ .In: i I(Of dl'l~ hlu:t.-, hm· 1111l~'.mU·ll! JIlL! ,11f'1lfI: PI;ljfllllf1n i~ HH, Ily

4,.'n~lmnl; II. ('hI!' tl,&hl r !.rinl perlorm koctl: 1fdr9 c.:. Ih,[li hi! tLJk 'l"I I~' nu 'Ihc' L~}P ul I:ht~ IIlj IJU~Ji'lln 'm'~ ~MI ~h In" III nl (lLifLWtl uem h' titl 1C411,[J'~l mJ'h~I" iJ llil ;~J~~ I t-ih li'~ i 11"11 J I'!

f'll,h hl!."~~~hi ~I i~ renllh II,. poYiibh: b1 I ik~ lnnn .h,· ltr'l un~ hi· dlll ~_ ~n 'I hl 'S~" I"lti a IlfII~ flU~ II i,1 m. 1m i .. 1:llIlich Int:llR' '!j·lfl!'· I h,1l! 16 1.l!~'1; I he iii, n~ hi'l'a D 1 f..II J.. I, I I h~ n1,H'1 lrl.\: ill=l'~~ ,~m ~h:Jf,~1li 51 rU.:.i n;;. "rh l>;. dl 1I\llnenl create ~ a murh mUI C l;j'l able l.Jl~l'l ~r orm ~wm I ~h f th:llw r your hill\' I TIl 1.1 l" j) 1t.rtJ11! h II! ril III rflcl~ ffrl m l~b'b! 51'] n d.11 :I,t.: rlu~ I,~ i on no, ~ h • gmulfilal. YOIJI §Impll! thmv r.:m r k,fl,'!o ~:J(~I k ,!ilH~ '!i:lml w l ou LAnIlH~11~r :rn~a,lhi(] ~ I!i. 1(1 ~aep bil!.-I;, n!Jlb bath leer. ,~i d ~~ WII;~' FJlILJ:r level I~J' I'1d;:~ n~

1j.rlij U,~ hip II:~~ ,\It.'111 ,OInt! irding ruu r nppanl!lll d, "r~l'~ ~ h e m 11< ~"








Brlea.kiing DI~lt 10" al It ;'ndll

JlII1I~ e ve II)"'~ JIf.!U or dhn:JrJ. lighlL'r" have ,I numb t [[If lII'tell~, d'~ ,(If escape. 1h e h::ey Is Eit.1 ~1i:~~!l:I nht!, ~I"IIITc'Ca C"Sii1!lt" ror each Iype or dim:h. ""\'e .. hall !!rI' w lock a'! some fl [ n h ~'ilIIm!l!' ~lre{ EYe means oJ hrc.akID~ uu{ of [[h~~ 'JIID;.]illl. 10 h"~ "hitE:i; 1 ha I arl' u tlU2e!i~ bm~ MMA. .n:mnp~lilij}n_

.Sre dH",,!'ji O.ld of d C6l,:a''"-8'JlJ\d~E100~!1 CJinrr;l,

ll'he conl~:r-;ulld-db \'¥ clinch is ea:!ol' {O enter into ,and ls [11[1 So mu:" 'ad th i:! Hl.DH Cif]IEn1IlU :n forms 01 a !':Ii nch, ][. is :iJmporrollil for l1gh IrI;ft IIIJ1 have a quick and simple bm:m. (Ilr escape so thillt I ber can gel 0111 be-lore I heir opj:mncnt Ci!tf.l "·:n1:ro~ l.h em OIlntl £1:0 ml [hi!;;' i1:I'.lfe.nsive. ODe or I be best C:Kapes m:!i Ii.! 5imIPme 'i;)Jjrsiife R:!~ssi41J1,

Whel!1 YOI11U aJlpUIU~ltl ... r,ab5 'folll}t:hin.d Ih.e neck g.r,a~, h:i.s i1i!Ftn alli':le ""'fist .• H:u.ll trj'c~s iE$ >bm.w (ligure '5._I 7i1j. Pusl his ann .. ~rli:J)SS .and I iut1.m~ i'! hr h!J(l:~





gtng it to y llD r chest 1iIIS, ~ftllUI cbde around mward the a rm ~!OLi ;:1J[1l" ~rci'blIJlnl:::, (fiE ure 5 - l 7b ~. His ~ rl~,d l~.~iIlII s:1~c 0'0' yau~ neck. Do IlllL lei go ol rhe e~ml,iJll';!, but Ol)fl tln ue to push i! across taliI1ri1l tOi urol 'iI. Y."Uf ufl'PMIeni no '11)'11 er has OJ :STm~l 'H) yo LL, n nd YU'ti can e'asil}' V!ilI 'k <lJWi:1i~" 'oO\y ~ lid H'I u m &0 the Iree-ruovemem pha se ~Iigun~ 5-l7cl,


lJre.o.k.itJ'9 Oil'~1 oi'm'i' 011er-UIluk,,.. [ail.u:J~

Tb~ o"e.r-~:llnll!ler dinch is alm,Q!:1 ccn.Jlrlll¥ the ~'n051 common . linch in i\UvtA, Om: l[]lti li.hie he5im wa'~~ 1,0< gel O',u( .01. ii, is the fo,rclfinJ,( 'l.',[ilSI. In this dmch, most of yo.[l!lijjtJ.p~poo.e]E'rS; romrul over ')'QU rmnes from his underhn Jdal£{ arm. I'! is thus this arm ~Eml rou muS'~ control 00 b'e~ OUi.

lP]fll[e' the: biillndiol' ~'ouJ' uo:.crhook arm ou ~he ~(l!ltlt:airm ol your DpIJJOrH~nl'~ !n.nllEernoiD'k ,} rEiUI. dose to the elhow Uigu.rc s..] SilI~. rush drlJili''l''l, TIm 11 egatr:s his g:dlPr 11111, YOUI. Smr3,b1 to mOlr-e slighll'h" iiI"Iltf.1\1 hom ~'Illm; [p1U ~~ vour 'lIIJ1u1 "r hook our. r,n8,m~ 5d8b.l. p~lirl8 the lIuderhook arm rem }'Ol,u' ~ J11~ I]nen~ls ChCOl1'i 10 llm:h ,~rwQj~' .. mid t'SCOlPI!' iligll.rc '5.l8<:).






118 ~ Jjrea.ki1~:g .out ofa .fJ~(r,dJ'le'-Undet·Jw~'s IClilicJ",

'liNe not"" come to t.he QI!JC5tiV'1.l nm break:ing 01.[101 dominanrdlnches. This ['i;!ill is oiIIhV,tj'~"5 more dii'f[LCUJi~" sir~c~ d.omi:nd1IU clinches gil~ ¥,Oll r' opponent more comrol (){ your body ~lfla i!l dID' n.eynillll di uches, One ollhe besr woays to ~~ ~ '[he ii.IDIJII.!I blcsorn • do!Wb!e- undleorllo k5 dineD 'is 'Ibe- dijrl prm_

As. i-'~1 ur O'PP{lfli1llO:' t ~m.:ks up JI dO'ubh: .. "-mldexbooks dmdi, jllaCte both I'lhlru.b ~milildln~ hls chin @Jitil pu~h iflgure 5.] ~)-l' I the same rime, ~8 your hips badt.1r d a\,-',j) , I 111' m }'ourpp meru, ],Iru~s· man -un\' er breaks nCJ he ~fml;ge51 lock a KNIJi.ul ~\t]I1lI r lHl'dy, 'I'I ~~s :l:L1iD"'11! is ii!·hf" ~~a r l~ruJ.1i~h~ U;5~:h.d wlll::F.I ~QU are pinoll'(l aga.iJlSl. d 'ena:- or ;)1 ~e ti:\IJIf:S ~ ir i r d steeer tiignm, iil!B,fI!III'i_t .a ~i1n). or ~VJlC'11 '(lH are Iod_(."(( lll~ ifi. ,a iU.glu beerhug.

Ilri!¥llicio'!J .o~~l of 61' Neck. a'l,"i"d~

The ,neck durll!!::h 'is one or the' mDSiI intiJ1lid<uill,g dim:~hIl;5 ~!CI' be caught 1rL 'Your oPiJOl]e~li~ rnn .lIre ill barro..~ 01 knee:, and eJbo"'L'Ii$ ,a~: ~'OI1l iIfi,'hlJ e thrnwln g '!<.('1 U allillj)fwrn a 111.di dil":tr'trottng ~'I)nf ba.b nee, One I1ii1li1.llI".td [!i?sIPOn~1.:' [1]1 'did 5 p:rcrITk'r:'lil1'lt!'I1 t i s to .tt1w(',r '~1JUlr lewl and an.cmpt toO duck OlH ifl'uml under the neck clinch. Th.i5 move u~rrrr' work .JlIl OCcaSildl1. bur i[ 1110 more Ulk,el~' ~ hat ,.1 j:j~;d lled din dl: {j ghLf!r will 'C~lIIL[lt!(1 'I''!fHJirI.<Ii po"~'C"rlu! knee strike a }"'OhU ,J1[enmJ~l to GIl{'k JUl, 'l"!.',hil::h 'wi]] 1L1!i,IlI>iIIHr r~sullt in iI! klladl:(lu[ Of ll~"'lrll· damage. roll" ~hmS reason . avoid tf'j-',It.l,~ to diUll[k 1J)'~,lt i.rQrn UIiI~ lIeck dln.chl j\ mud, better j}~1I. 'lI"liluli' is ttlr:-",~-c.r~ilf post.

W·'i]{'lll ~1iJ{'.ll!'d in a dnill neck dint. h, l'(lu ~a r u ro sta ~ a~ iIJ.~"TI;righ'l Ci ~ possible ~~} lh ~ VI[llIi1 1t'il1f1i dd~nd knee .llli'n~k!i. Reach up and ,tl! er ymn IUi'j1'OJ"lt'rlt'i; ,;i rrns vl,'H]~ nr,~{'" 1h'lIld. it nd pl.ace ynlJf llollm 1)1] hi'S dlJ ill thumb l!f.[J!wn \ fj,g LJ re "., 20i:1). i'liI5,h .anoss, h~ race. 0'1,'1:'(" both hi .. arms, turning h~' ja!.'t' a",' .. ~! Irnm you ;:l'i1d

h:~lro~'hi8 lhils, .1bU&ty 10 hil h~rd: ,"U h h "ad mov~ (ilM/.f3f 1f'i11r11!1 ynu, I"'C~Adl U'1'i'







! I












wl till your other hand and) .!J,lilCt=' II 00 lin: rrown ol 1m bead., jJ'lJshi[lg k ii)O'~~'a id the floor; btl n.g,ing, 'nhc' other 'handiup 1.(1 the crown of the head ro ,1lI5S1n i Hgiil re 5 .:iHJh) _ "l~ol1r op:p l]]('fl[ I.s, :r:J:!l)t\\\:' 'h:H:nl over hnnscll whereas ~"oll are 1m Imr.~gil:U. This pu ts you: irian e'xce~it'm:p .~ Ilon 10 throw VUlt r 00\.\"11 knee ~I rilk,e.s i(figllJ["lC" 5 .211} .~ 0.1", i'f y~ IIU. '~IF~']E'1i. 101 '~n;Jck 011 .~rorlli b~~:dh.)ek or guiDolinc; choke,

Bret:1Jd1~fJ O!,~ltJ of a' Re~r CI'j'nrlf

SklHeci :!!:J,;q:rp'l "IiS, t'lhe:1ll '\llr'(Ifik du~11I'" ,,, • .ly beblod 111l1:lr cpponent, krCilClllj,,'&\lIg tha~ this pm.1t.ioll1 .rJ ~f . rds ~ he rm\ c·I)'Irl5iid .... rable I~osidonal .adV;iJJ11.a e, nn~~" s(:lJ;:ik . U ~nck rh Ir hands OlJr,~JllLlnllli du:'U" CJPjlllilllf'nlrS \\:'~I Itlt enarrol, then ihc~! look lor t~lk~l3f1o~"'];LS (IJr:S'Wit:Jrmir~:.iIfJI11S_ Om.e- l'Ir5dUI ,\,.<11'1' 10 ~l"1 oul oflLhi.s lPotJt!niLiili~h' ~'~iim!H:e~'_ ou 5 sit ~i~ tlmt I '~I[II !lJtta('k rut! r IlPPonc'nrs alwll!> in... lugb loJ;:, wIdell gnes by s~·~I~'~~L~ names ill dl ~:[If'r~m KmPi11i Ilg :sryl~s. 0[1(".0. it b f~l, llit"d I~ (1'1 ~'i\~~~mill'i k~ylr.I~·.~, d:"(mil!~ w.!'~i"/!l:I(,~, I[lrli jil1!e :;«rllHli.

~II,''h 'tl l' iii' Hp£J fUtnt Ill:! ks h k arm oil round . uilf w.J1i&t to {IIm:finl • lIIUf look dtt ... "'1L I,ILI S~1l ~''f'1Hdii ~II' 11'111li 'LS on If![U9f I hl" iltlmr. This n. t]n." .. tin ~'Uli! w[~~ .:m !:BIde.. 13 I;l 11 n by I.L)'W ~r~.[lg r() ~r hi lJS I h~,n nlOvlng l"lI l d nd .1\ 'iJ'~,r I ru In ~ 'u r I I ~ . 1:1]1 '[if'! , This lUrL~tl""r m Jlk~:i; Y.I ur ~"IC m.Jl)~ wl,d dud Il"!'o.\1:II.£ the o'iln'~l;'r tllf' V'L IH' brL:lns lild\;.tl(ll<l,r~ mud ~,~ lJ~llml:!IH .111- ,~r!J.1I.I ill1ell'ln lin' Inuvll,;'. Gr.,b A~U.· IfNII'M II ~. '~t'lJIill'!.' Orll}1 :U"'Bf IJ ~)rl{~ rnu 51 •. mn-U yt}lIi a ,i!' uuac . i Itt hi ri bl ;ill m, l1r~ , ~ h' ~ wr . I w~111 YtJ L'I ~ ~ n I ~ ml "HId, 1,1;," ven )-1 hell plo th!.: w-rIM nr ~.'I}.U r mh '11" ,'!In~' lII:UJ!ii1L' Lh' ',III;.) 1'IN ~~,f. I~Un<llrrl'li rL'llt1 m~ ,Uld,kinL!- iPlI)h hl~ WJ~u:h:U"'Uil, Uililim • ~,'CHH wrlS-1 nd"'1f lih: -'~I[J ~~'" ,j]1~.Jl lulcwnI ,I f,lIn: .lhIJ.111 ",.1(1·', ur hand ~Jl!I,J'f his ' .. lb IIW, I,nl l ~fLlh ~!ulJJlr fll~"'i U '''i.·riM. '1'1 d~ mn-vt Ill! 1\ f~m 1!l:1 pu .. U iOll 111 ~lt"r~J['!lUll'n '1:.1-11 •


I ~







122 I

Iock WHiJre .5,2.:nb:i,. BIieak his grip around you by pushing his; iI.~'ris,t down, with both hands and Im'rej~rIig 'yo.:IIJI]"' 'biJ.l'S. TEl m around 10. lace ~'-ol'l.r oppciine:ni, mainl~l,i nJn,g the Ioek ijjl ,his oil I'm. Jhis. posirLioo !pLUS. grear 1P[i."~n.I e on his ilT,i3IPIrH~d arm.

H a 'lIi 11,f: broken t'ht!' ~1OCk MIld lUU"l1ed around l"1)1I now have a dn~ml(l~. FirS1. 'lOll GLIL ron tin ~i e ,I\IL'!,ldin,g the l!ncli.::. Jump IO\,\7<i rd ~onr oppo ~rn a, p~ ildng on • Ioot d 'ei I b elwe'e-rt h~:. Ef!' 'aigu_n:' 5.11 q. 5i1 ooum. 011111 roll l-rom: 11Jl~1[!~ Ul en 1 cle<l:t1iy I[Ir'iFiZT }'\l1.U OJ ~ld i[lfI,O tbl" :5!lllle lock on 1 he grou nd (ligure 5, 21 d], Aid ~ he DlO'V • b}' .mddlJl\~ YlDrlLilli u]~]JC!'DenE o"",(,1" ni III the loot :-"'(IU pla~d bctwe ·~1 hJ, L gs ([jfl ure 5r.,2, ~ e- ~JI" l;" 'UII' sC't:ond choice is II' fIJI! wlsb to (I'Io'(lid Ilgj:1i'd ng on t he f}OO 'Li,]"i {I,., [L1 [h~ ~ m5)1O:'" }iOU can s;~rJilply h.::L Co and ITI ~In'l to I.h~ free -mi)]}IJI~i~nll'~Jn ph. se.

,B'retddl'ig {1lut or~ PrtJ'l!'f. .. UeiuUotk Chtjd~

\·V'" have s(;, .in 'I: I m;s i Ilh~ [rom hr:alillLlCk Is UI)(" 011 he mo I dOilLIin;;"J~;~~:S d Lncn !J.. I( Y,Q'Uil' ~EI1lmlt! 1l1[ U~ 5rklllh:'d. i ~ can be a d .rlicuJt l1os'ili~ln ~u bll~OJ'k j I!..It lIjJlr. 0 nil!' Q~' the best ~'5('iiI'llrC:S ~ I i'l. hO\r;"'I.:"VC:f~ I!. the .fI~7rt~lIfmhtu~9. U~rn:s YOln nlrL'lPr'l'd ~l rn i I re h UIH I ; iiolJlHh~ lPPQ{I'"ilL II<!'loollo\l' disl,.l n: ~'.llLL: you w'~11 ht· is abbln ' lh . {"'Ibuw el t~I!)' ~ll"nili ~'h.:'lll I!; '~ndr.d'illt 'your I1I!1:c:t~, n y.~)n t':lllnU)~ ~'C'1iI h 1'1 i~ t:lbow, us' ycmii mtlrr.lJ' hilnd III lldp brin,C il rdO\,\'1I wll_hin ro("~ch. ~~iL !,llJ"\ '.,JI vb;t,:tb t h ""~l: II'IAI. r liN 11m hm!J aer 'ii ~H\"I In IlWnL uf rnu. rhen d'l;-dl.1' l'N ·hi Ild

your. 1;;rppl.lrlf1~nl', "\1'~!I!U !t:[u~ prllwdll\,a1ur other arm uver ~'OI!Jr rtD~l~JOI1t"m '0: ~Mch, tI; ytlLI rntt-'r-u~'H Lhit' IfifH!V1: 'USU.!IN' S._IbJ.hlluld ~Iuur ofJI~ uneut M'I<.c· Ihli.:

I'I'tl n[ l.J i', d I. lick Uo u~n: nmmHI. Ilu' ~iiU1l!C' nU.\I, ''!;lIm I cqll~'I~ I ~ ""It'n uu ~ hit; lI~n1 ,

- I


J I j




I· I







,.. ,




~ ..



~ ,




arms w recover YOUE" ]j~I!JS;ij~.rIO[Jj. faii.lw.c lfi do so fl"9..dlSi In ¥ou r O(.!l~)I)(ijJ(~~:U.":5 rruudiin,g you down [[J }"otllr l:iOlIlr:k.

The jJUDl.meli:ng !:lli1~I'i5, p.hysJca,Uy e.lf~ba:u5Iins and 'V,""iiHyr;1 'fQllI m gJr"C'at ::d~r!Jpe [or (he tough l~"Oltk o(llIprp!l;F-b--ody dindJ IigJning. NOlhb} eke csn p epa[1e ¥'OU 50 '1jo" ·ll rm the ilIllJ -umf'Ifl,.rLa'l~:~ s;~:ru,gg,le to po5il]l}'ilill control till. tilt: s'£i.l1dllil:m: positi'lI't'l ..

l'OU can also pJo1}' (II sini'illclilf gatme nidJ 11u~· dimdL Thte idea is. ~Q lock up a neek dlneh . III YOlII( pmUlicr aDd 10 keep rOOI' hands in ~ 1J511iu:n with both arms i mid . li ~s <Ii ms, fl:ir"~IJJK. 'r.i:lIlI.I 1irnjdC' ooIltr-01 and, IWHC(" • .1 measu re of dllJlm~ ~ nan i;;l:! , rID LU' lIJ.ilir~ntT ~\:nl s~,~ 1.0 break your oomiua ill dinch p.o.5h~iUn b\' S'~""immlJJE his (I wn hOI nds, one' ~u 011'. illsidt: ,-auCS. TI1is nlC}l''\f amlo'fr'!fi him m, ~!f}ck UJI h1s os .. · rI lli!:,(k ·Ui tli li1 \]r~ili his liu['ffi inside 'you r,>. thus r V<"rs1 ng iJhe domlnaru dlnrl . 'Each lJJ.t ~'01Jl i]~i!J,!it IlI'l' '10 pn ... ..,.!:iill Lhe other Inml n1.1jntaill.liirllg I'h,e deminant :lL1sid, . ~ I r ~~ I iJ(l1S!,~i.or:tl.

A I ~o try (iD nUi1i[J!r~ In .m Ulplilhm 5ihl1rl{iIi! Mtb '\"Ollar hil' 111 Li,glu (,g. y<JLfr m ,uil ner .

. R~m-)-mbt~i' tho i; . n II ~hl!' m. In U (;'5 1(11 the neck diud. I~ 1.0 cnnrrol CiI'L

!J~pntl.r.ll::l E1S h ' lid . t), ~.h{'l I ~m~ ea Ul HI row Iilll.~ 51 ri'k!l".',..11 )11U1. U ~!'otm.if' head ~'S In~·'!f, t.h;tfl the d:~~,:rLII)I~~!ti .~ Ij:ltil!'f.:1i. II.U nee Ul the j.ll\l;In.:' qui~1I." hi.lf:h.Trh'J;:[" -Fort:. ee 1 your St.l:UI(oS 'L..D,rir,ht, ~I[IrIJJlr hip' hr. amll ,rgl.Jr 1It';fad ~Ilgb l~t'G h- ~).,'u It lU~m· drri'U, a y tUH' bt"Ht 4J"'~r. rt"'HUC- .tlol {IInJir vulil.:ri1blio: 10 km .. TI II~· bllll it "'iIIl .'~~IJI bit.:' IU.L5o/ 't I IJ ,. © ED' .. ~joilill III,/;!il'it! by fillililldu\ [15 nrnl rllllBrt,g '0iI1 liu.·· he.,d.

A~ 1'011.1 b").!;)llmC' filii I'~ , 1;:- n(W.:nl, '{I U can Llt'KiJ" inn'l'JiIOm'~ll1111 iii U'U.· ~]IE !IItrrfk Ii [I ~ 1"(::1 i I \""t~rk t h: nee L Un hi. I U l1t.:'rh:~mr 1 his", 1,.' ~. 1(10 hm d. A~trJ! I Cl'I"L he rll», ".'If.rJltl.l('b~ au II u'I!II,J;l:h", wHh 118111 !.:onliu.:l. If VDLI hI'! lou lid rd. hljmh~~ H." ~l"i • ~ ~b'i,ll~ ~~lS ri:!~ LLl t, whid. wi1 II [I ukkly IlUi ~ .. otlulD 10 ,-IOU r I r.'llifl~ In~ ,u!llcli, hence, y'Lh~,1 ii' Im~.~~ ·H~. The' Cfflph :'!!i5lHlfli till. will ng IlliI:~PIIIJII'l"'nf;l!olnl)lIrm tllll.., ud b l nco whlk mlilh~ I:~ h ~ uti ~. 11~.JLr' 1M!'rIi. On • .:hl .. b. dOl .:, 1 II k H,,-t.° :-1!1"~k,'" afi' i h~ i.:'l1Iiooy [KI rl'; th 'I~ '·~urc. t lilt': ~I! ~~, W], need ICI hlt h.m:! III c\",'rydc." lJ'lIi p·lI~n.

~y 'Ii'r' J I,'k 11fI,~ h.ll~d 11~'Ii d'lll'"~~ tlr m~. '!fULI qulckl,~ iJ;h:yeh~p II n .. uml~l illll'll~[liil'L:111 ~,ld"~ .!BU. UI'1tm~~:!I. Iham .Ina,'''· l'on Ie. n -hi UL't"C II Ill>' in ~l1re dhl' h. YO~H' ~1h:1I· H~' [H 1'1:'1')] f h·' rn I' iil m nl ,a!1f' ~ h~ Jar\rr {If "DiU ~ JpOIlt'IU. 'N,,",'hll,c nmirl'IJlhl1h~ ~ l'IJ'III' !,WH,. ~Im ~r,mM[~(,]Br'n r~i];Ii"'. 'Jlll:!,'1 reill1y the if! senee ol .. u'",,,,~~;;J·l,1Il tl~"llnl]1~ ln I:h~ clhl(ti'l" 111.11 I~I'" uU'l:I1!!oh.'iI! IL"t;hlllqlh.,.~ In dlnh U~~nui.1l:~~;:ri "Il":'. mk 'd(lwn'i, .mod 'LIbmJ.~"J,hl'ns-I'C'll" on ~}iI~ ,conl-ml 01 ml;l\tcflllcm .l'nd 'bid !!] if'! . e, Sw I.'I!. vou \~m 'PI,~h the po ilion I I rJ,le'tW 01 q;\!kin~ bellif!'r IJI}~iljull and ron ~ trol 1 n n n,,·c s,~~u L ~ i en, r._ n.!'IHi::'r (han nI!.'re1r repealing, mti\'f5i '''''h h rim rr!,'! .. i~loil[~'-'"e. Thl~ teve I i 5 ,a~ I!:lOse lUI I !"Ie 'Pr,,~u£1.!' ·Ib.u ~OH" 11 eN))· rtenee .n oil mlt:>a~ Rl!l:11 a~\~~ is t hu s t! K ~~lel1it p:rel1a rO!J[~lJIn, ml i rt OJllr the equ i'L'al~ln til ~ rrinfl in the. U/I1IIl':h. and It plays [~~II!' s •. ,nlf' Il:m' ILlci 8,~ r{lo~l!' 'j h.u li"t,~ 5llill" p1J~ i Q ~hre I ree-moven !c!l'l.1 phase.



B dare' tht: .re'e~:u~fgt:1lIT of nl~~cd martial .. arn.lll[\·1.A.) .(~m~petiHon in l:he ~arly 19905 m ouh Ammca ~u'llj Japan, J!,lll"rllll.ilnd h~I1'Ull.!:J was torally 1D1Ii~]ooked bf the mainstream marual arts ,m~it:hml!lliLity. No [rile rea]]. talkedl abo U[ it 0.£ pafd an\, real auem ion Ito it, and the tr:[~Iio"t· arts tha L ,u id Icnga ge til'1l al~ IIF scrioes gmu uti ".o;mk~1 udu. sambo, !,! 'Kijloog •. a 111 d. sh [JIot:figliltill!!l-'>v!!:fe lieU. i~ij\-' .~y IlllllpOpUlI. r, WI;csdiD~ in fae;. was nm even 51:E!n as: iII mania J art, 1 '111 .lII51 a schou;11 s;[JPrI. almost i rrelevanr ro rcallig mn '.

UI1Iknmvn ro ·~l"1rllJl.alU!: I he enure rna ro hd arts 1!.!i,·oild was lh eo pres sncc of ld,Jj'OIJzllliliil'1i1l1~1L·111~asu. ,al vilrian •. 01 jujl~"I~ pcrlecteu O'lft!1" time try i he G ra de fa mUy ~ ~i H li-ilZiJ. The')' l~t!'votrn a huge am{lUll1l. 011 h:oc • _5 the stud f uf grou n d IjW:lI,j 11$ fin d put li. r )1 PIiiI{:~jll:e' in many sanctioned a nd nonsaneuened [oj'mJT '11:1 'L11. ir I]jJ.Hv('~ I'CltltiL ]]]j~ ·iUOIIcUe.i] ezperteuce lltll 'mem I .. r ahead ol 1~'!.'ll!!il'r other ili,n 'In the ~'IiOll![JldJ ]!1Iti1tCl~t' or c~mbd m_l" Brazil. Ille GTdlde' I'!lf;~t=j~ fiI ~:reJ.1 r~:fiu'l a lUClIJ .lII~ r~~hlllt! rs. and [h~ ~xpf·ri('n{~d. remendoas SIJITC':':1i in I ca~ ,i\-\)!;!lt\ orm e 11111)11. '11' is ~I[I{'_;;]~ 1.1iI1U:, h01V~yer. did not CfG ~ nyC' un ~mH!' m,mhi!_~1[n~an martl l arts e L,U ~S,I;L,h: til] B r.:nU.

A1~ millis, chi It~gc'd when the hrst MMA IUlHifUIIJllIIi!J:H. 1~1I· I!;Jl~mrJLt! j'isl:nill!;l: 'ChillflllpluiltS,h]p UfC). "--,, .. h lei in I"J!IJ) in 0 'n"lli!t,' n~'1 rad I. litJl1111 l rnnrnal ~~:r~ I ~ ~~'I ~bi~ 1!IJllrn~ IFI(.:'11I wm;. .. u·,"'Olud mar ! ~'nUI(' ~rnL '] 1m e h~c·a W,I}!J. Li 11UU h dlU]I/:PJIH cS1ylt:s flf ri,chlilly Olg<"'Itil1~1 .... J h ul her !.!Ili~h 1"C,i,}' h:,w ru !C'~; h;J ~at'l, 11],11 v

- 11' ~ l,uglfiil: ""Vii pl'lJlhibiu~dI in Iltdinot lJl1Cs:U3I:dtlll!'lll1J I w, s 1 hltl" ILl~k":I .IIR',~ 11:_;.

to enl ... Ittl~ .n(_·~nhl dl PUll!' bn'lI 1'!.lhh .. h '!II \It ~ ~ I ;Sth~ d iii'~ ~~. II I b'l' '1f\l'iil L '1.11. d:~ U'l11~ ill (~~~(,~I hm I hrll h.,ii' tu II Ilmmuhnlli I he hh~ j1nr nf ihe III ,1 n IoU! I J rts, U (;"w pl~:Opll. ," i_~r~' Il'''ll iH i re 01 I ht· InnC h is;.h Ul" I I ~\l:l\\\A i!Vj~m&. whlch h4i!d nIH lhrllJ,u3i:h 111!1 ~ ih~ ~d rll' !(II h . 'Ill nll'ln hnJI e, X, rth A Jiil -nCiI, 11 L! Ll!i!]),j'_ll. ,M~jJl ~( •• rtes all.!' ~ililJ'rI. hOi\\i'(':Rr. and tl.:" ! IWiI!'1111h: n ILht' .1Imd' ·nl"',," llll'L·"''r· ~ ~ ~ h~ I~m. en- :r~' u eh n,""lu~t'li. mil • ,miL:. nl .\1\, ",-<:IiI dltd l'lIklu' TiUil, or ~h'" AJII url nl .11 h wr~ ~. H 'Ii' I. -:. 'Ull !il"w~r h! d IU:'4J!rd III the Grdd''''' all! rhelr 1!J,~.~ll·,Jr hisil.iry I):f MMI\ IIWw~s '.

'tjfi a~1;t,: ~hl'l k Ci,llh~ It in ... ul[ .... lI'll nl.lnliill an mumm ~~/ (, Ii t!r'! m .r:l~r r, S Sf ~n It! it di~hTll~I\~'. Ih", tI]("Hn-n Wililii InlaJl,· doP,lnawd b~j ,,1 HU [..:~]m rli'Jl!l:l1 [lu .I U 5 1-1 s,brHo;,b. R'~yce (ira f .". 1M I \Yil'li reall f ill>£nn n Ii n:m, jllll m(i1~1 !l't'G:1 J~ ~·YQ ~ tltu fl''] ~J ·Pll· .ilftilJlfl!lI..C -)~ .fOOe' •• mete nU rollnd • '!..villi" ILhorouNohl\' ~m~mp L ln" rlb~!ll 11il,~t:'. M{I"'i'l: o[ rhe other WI'fIJ)I.""U'IOf!. Wif...·'f,~· rug~~d h.)[J~dn~ aud hi'lIj i~.nllr('s:;:i'V . (;ueden~i'lIb-'~1I. Grti1iri~' .h.ld1l1ul~ diHicul!t in !n~killll~ Ilhlcm '~'I-Ih:lTli!. N,lJIl. I.Illlf Ud GliL.C ~ d-·f~.llche.;c'po."!.irhd and dilll~erllu~ 'OPJll0I'liI~J1JT. r he did 50 W[ill Il~~k

eU Ift.·n ~ u·ilhi I7lIH -d~ lillie mlnlmu n " or ,blo d ,and Ili'h,11·1lI1:'i1:. Ut: won IliJroL[Qh th~ me' ·1JI1 !!iJulhnrd5--~lon holds. oil Int'l hod .of 'I, 1(lry n 11[~J~ 1lI'§;c(1 h l 1 'hie III a I ri f! ream ~1lJ~ r~li!ll ~ rts ool'lllmu~h~'.'w the eWldlasii's \\'a~ UI~ "~rJkin~~ .Il!mwes~. :1'cQrl]e w "IT' e'Xpe('~1 nm~ a bl ud eoOiAC- .niillell.o l'lo11 h h.e~vy hi nii l!lI'g .::is ~ 1,1 L~ I! nea ns 1,0 vic~ 1m' >1, 'fl), "). \,1j.!(:'F'f' _ nrn I eel ro WC' SUdl !II rnngnlC'[l sunru i.~ ~ (,1 mnocu L IJS-] )1;; kin fJ locks ilIlmll ll:i:Ii it:1:!)l Ithal dlrew no Wuod.

Rem •. I[kq ble a 1his \·W.I~ il was: only a p.o::hlolC'· UJ til !iJJ!~1 • rrl!~1i 01 MMA toumsIff~eil'lJt5 m(llm were E(u;iiilly ilomilllUt:."t1 ib\~ grapplin • "'~y"!es. In n~h,. ahrr fighl. c paJU~ rn C~'I,!~:!:I :!1 .~I'L. Fighls. ~. IJu:rd begin wh:.h a nUlf1l' 1[1J~ !p u!l:1lt 1m !.':'S and k1 ks: '[ h Y " ... ifI·1U td q III uddlr go lauD) <11 clinch; I hen I hell' u~allJ!d !m n,ilIl h' go ~.O 'lhe :jfnu_na. Once 0111 [he g:rf.l'h~ n(;~s f:i,cbie:rs: \;"e!S".!!d' in .he gr.iilp~ins an,s had. :a l1!ilaS;s~.'i.'e ['ll"Tiige and "~Ollil (;i!IlSj)'!!' .. In til shon • illle~ i1 d'l\voro Olll ILm _It: .!1I~.a iii ja~ an:; 'Ij.",orld tbat IIJ]os:ll !l)iljfe.~ij)(lkc:dI cleme.nls; or rl.Chl:ing~l)i'liog .and g!ill1lU n d. Hgh Hn.d--:lrJay w'elll be Ifbe mos[ i Dli.rlonillDl ,eleme:llI:> or fi~hd"ng..


I ,







1 I





J j


Bcrernost rum. !Iii!,:, ~be grapplilllg sty.les in ea rly MA.A events Mfa~ Hrd1.iii1a.ll jil!l [itsu, 'which conee rlit!a1ieo, iLl'liI gm'i.l1ilrl gra(ipli 0", almost to I he eNd! uston of everyrhung else, S'pt:da I j';?:iT1l~, i.Ell '~lm(" ii!J[~ 01 :m.;rining po5llkli'ial oomi nance and I]a:ti subrn Iss lnn. the :B.mzi1iiilllil'5 Sl'Yepl the ida a__rnl g.1i ned a repiUta~ ~on ~', II' m[Tr :;l,l1d· hllHy in ~l'J,.tJltt.'\ iIJl.Ji1Hl tllCl ~., A~ml[!Sl o 'L!'CTUigh I the martial arts u:ilJdd was turned upside down. ~11,lll~i gr Iii.] mil gll',j]ppllinl!' skill became r.1rle measure 01 J1_gJU illlg sklll, J;\o1Uf-l! !:h~,n <l.lIlydlliTIlg if'15'c, lb(!~t,., t!(I!:ly ;'\1\0\5.;.'\ !:.'fC'OIS dr;lnnn!li rmed hou,' 'Ir'DiI..a~ the; Ijr ,IU nd phase ] {,lJr~iJb:ili'E \Va in [{'(II lighI in.s" ~111d1 i I showed jlll~1 'h 'ii' rJo, eriooh:(;i Ll h. i!3 b!f'i:';:'rne ito ~hl;!' ~nlll~mpor,]n., marnal "rt .. \'rui1.d. In ,iJddj~1iJ n, ,jjI grea t :rl"ir~ h!o ! [1Ji~' marUal lilts: i.vere exposed 35 urneuable _ l"i·adn ~tGn8JJ OlH I CI:! pts such ... 1:5 rue 5,m liikc. one . iii'· \.~n: St"("11 "'Ii hnpossib1 und r 'J I ha'i cl[I,ndit_i~ ~~ l!'l. "r'bt:! (]I~~·hlil".:rrrd! diili'nll:h.<s I ~ I would :De'\"cer 00 taken OO'WAl ~o ~hc grumlIdl" ,1~m1,l;l VI.-!L'Y !JnUm'i' hitEL"~d. MMA C'GflI]) "l'ilitm w.a~ Uke .,) blast (If wind t~i'la~ Nlelr'il ol:!i1J'}' al] [he dus ~ • m:ll srnokc' I ha! had .1cnllUuL;]u:'d i I I he 1r110l filal ,i).rn' " ~1~a'lr.'m'l"iI:1] ['l {:t~{I L' 'v lew ~ 'lrjdl~ ~ ~""01 S ~urlip II101!nt iIInd \\'Ilrkllbl- in real combat.


W 1101.0: 11 L\!'!u\l1jA II: l'f.IJI1t" t~ IIH ( I':iit f!o!vt/.Jlcd 11\(" Il'Iflptllli1m:;l"d I Iii .. rnu nd plu If' or , (j m bat, th~u.: '!Ai :)'rl: tWtI I ff1't;!o III I'L"acHon. IJM[1ph:n. fL"n'holt'{l U '1Nhh d!l:l~1 ~[I-a11 I. vlL"IciL' Y1 r ir-J f~ ",1 rh ',1 r !'it rl~· ~rllo'Clh CIlL" .. , nat! IHClIIII1I ~lIik rrs, hl'~'iI("VI~lr~ , ' v (~m ~c.!'I1.. ("rally I uliI.':rln..:, I, ~in"-' gl' luml umb • .Il bl!r)'iI.'Iy """"&.'IL",,I hll!i MlIIU •. ver l~ _ • ~.ilsr . Il;;ic~cl 'I t 111 s ~lIit'hfl,u(muy ~a1! IJ h .. ", fUd'll'iS I'!!oJ:!'- I~ r:; !l1!l.'\I. !.:"!;I!:11 uflii hit! • ~.~,Ioluln i(,Hl1 1[lI~" M 1\,1 A, h L f~I,- l. ml I~ .'lighime IN OJ' n~ h;]l\,'~ il ().:I Iii" prt'ltire--U"t; fHIF ,dJ her t1111 • "I" U1~11 ~'" TIl(.' i::J,r eh I !'I~ I ~'I{~hu~ j;;:~HII t:'; eml, 11 .. m 1I1~ c '1~liIJ~l' oll'C 1".lUy (~lJIm~,(n:rl, hh· .II I IJllL 1L, 'L'b l~ ~ II~' ~ I,u ~~ ~ M I", ilj. d,ut: t lln:'~ 1 hill In~}\1 n~ln '1"'01 ,'I II1C ~r,(1Im ~, l·h I,d.:~~mu II d in un!: li~hl~'I'u~ ~I,~h: I hal JlUh ,111 ~lnpIM~1 Ulfl nth." fbhLl.!'!'~ IIJI~ eon I bo1~ . l~o il.'rS nrul 'k,l~t(tH)~CN U!'flld til pn:1t'r ih ... ~tilildin gnp')!:; rr,'lll'rdm'!oo. Illc f.l,W'~HHI ~ Ifl.' i L cp 'li'I,blllfl~ en lhi '11r h,l( . ~ FUll n I. lIg.h cfS I II r h,j]\t· 1 d 'rin~' ' ~'L: ndem / ~ I I CQ 1"j'!'i~if:I.[! r Ih ' ~~tllllm~~ i Ilf'I'ilSI,," bl rnmlsn Oil;, "'ittn:r h-'a\liC I'l Of hd I. wh je 1 ~",o'l;les IH ~'I.[I:i ~IWj,_1 tundnn 'Iilimal i~Ult~

I 'I'h.~ HNf mU,lluJ Ilk ~~, ~ ha I 11\4;;' Jl:ffiU nl ph~t.' ~, I he h~t place W M k .1 ~i~lG~t'~ t, w~ ,,Pl!.ln h.:'!1~ ml~him I si IrI .",. I hi' 1!It loMh -re 111e .fe-a Ill: I d,t'· I e II, f ~_ wih _ 00 I I (\I.m.m.:] I ~~, lJil::m,il~IIIl.'" Th~~ L~ ~ hi..' TUt!illtltrO bllj "'Ii'hh::h iii li~ !I,l!'r c,u, nJf~'''11.'' ,m 100P'I,'II(Ji~lu'nn ~~ su-.II"in~ . fft!1:'i . ,j]1T'I II b~~ n'hJ~ h he C.M'II )CI up, .ubmi sion helM .. HJ allowtlre ~j~hl [0 be won '!!idJ,;I!~")'- OD\'h:uI511i Ihis all iludl." ls the !radem,ar o~, W'ilIrn~1'l!n~ '~~H:d,!,lisl::!l. 'Ve S'.l,'II'll' (h.,~ ~ he hiiM(lrr or modem gr. PIJling ::.1l-'kilO 01 i ujhsu have been the prime -t!~81t~~ll]t!H)l~ n.hi5i Ill.lliook. Malii'tt'li on anabe, \'ukio ThnL Mat~~~.;ir ;!.nil1 ~i ttl re than .7I1.'1"f'Ol'llE!' else, the C. ra.dt= !'amll}'~ have ,all, 'NluHed 1}liC grou III eM phase as [he ~~'ay 1'0 dU~'rdml![~' ilmi control ,II liglil.

:2,_ 'n LII! second IDIILI ~]oiI'l;k is a'hal Iii!!' ~~1''01.I nd phaiSc is.111 inil;\filablJe. ~mlL IIlI !I1,clli:'s.i [able, p hast: OUIf 1m} Llbm .• A Biglner [I~C'ds In . i'tm,\, bow 10 ge-r ou.'t of I h e gf11 mud phase and back :i[L~Q ! h t!' ~!,cullli!illg, poSii:LmD as qu idt1r a I!I![.I el Del .ITr'~[f ,']:5 lPiJl5I~j/hllr, FailLrt,B thls, he F.lie.IN:US, ~o k]JO'W't"flO1!lgh c:rappUngskilis 10 survive I»J rhe g:l'\i1!I,H'j,;]such a s how to -i!Jvnh3 Sl.ilil ~li:gsioo holds aud da!Ulgil!:rilus: lPins-um.~ the r und e rid ~ ~ ~r the reteree i mervenes, Thi!i o~ulook Lends '10 Ix: th~l of lfiSh~ e!fS ~'i;rlho come I:l:'C!m a s~n.E;: tlaCk!l!nlllnd in suikiog. Their I:"t2I mmeren is iin kil"epiiu~ tihe fi;ght i 1"1. n1lell:' ~a""'!lllrf'd 'phars:{" of COlnilal._ Jteif: motioD. n)C,y :rorognn,~. ~cmor~'!oIe~·;er;

tihie ]ik:c·.liiihJi!.l(l){[ oIl1cin!;!. 'IMCli out of Lhat Ima'S'e ami il].lo a ~J:1iJiiJJjlild fj~ht-hl;:l1i(·C, 'iLllloe need iLo OIiddre!Of,. tbe (It\e!tiul! O'f ground g;r,.3.PiPling ..

1-\ .~fu:iirdI !UmhJoi:; lhail d(n.:s opt menl serious «lllCnMiit is ~ncn voiced by many iJi1i N~e ~ ii~ililro[JJEli JDalltiid arts romnHLlrll~~. This is the dai.JJ.lll. [i.ihi3.~ the gmund h thl!:' 'i#O'W~~ pl.!il(t:, i{!l be in a real 6gln and ~hiilL cousequentlw d:i!i~Y would simply TLrt,~er gOI '~lrIIere~ This attitude fIFol5 oernmnu in the' ICIlIrhr lliLaY5 'll'[ MllrlA, but it h~ s 5m~~' '~I;,'\f.!!Ii UIl:~l"1l,,1t:d by \:,iri'tlillll· ill JiilIIJol't..aI miui!:lai artlsts, IElqli~:rle.I'J.'(e lliJ s proven tirae il1Il'1Id ~jjn1l~ a;g.:JIin I he :in~'1riiabili"'r o( grou.nd mmbat in (II real tislil.t, To daun ~lliOlili. 'rotll s,lImpl;y ~ou:!d 1l01.RO down Is to tum ",:'01:111' t'~Ie.S. trom Ule massive store ![I'[ 1<:.IiI]J~] Di!l:i!!I ~\'idA:uce I hal ueirll{ln51 Itlhil; ,t.:iJ;;mlbttilll]';_ i~'It/'IC:il ~ ~ iH J!ri[~' WlHlI 1.ln :11101 h]~!!:!'.r ~r.o[~nd '!L!l:!'IrnN'1 almost iillw.:r~ oenoede the need to address this phase 01 !i:![I<UlIVilJt 5e:riiu'li~~Y •. .iii I ·f.t,."iil .. i h It lin· pii f[XJsc 01' ;1'IJ1lid~ 11,8, :In as ~ll~udl ilI'~ J ~t;;s.~~h 1 e. As !j,!Uch, Wit r1I~'1l1d nom cmnlder this I hlrd alHi udr as ibdDl~ relevant,


~, is <~lJIih~ d~'.J.u ~lmt du: II1{lu;J.'m slrh:" '~l'!Jujil"iJI-drll}ln 1L11I!t: lnceptlon QI JiU$f,W I;''r!ll ~ ~Uii~~It::h I hI! ,"~rid~llln".ij i II .\tJ"'-~I.l ,nidi hlL~ G t.,]d~:..-ll'] lit" ~Hn!;;! i 1;1 till d I ~·t·Cll(H'j cJ m~ l~· :r ... H.JIj"'.!ii11 r dlifh ... r'Io'IH IrcllUl I he rt":l.t\ ur I he 'nloiJ JiLi~1 ,(3 n .. ~'If'C1L'ldJ. N n nll':i,!.;;r ~i yl'!.!i) l1'11.1,~ S~), nm( II lr.!iI. u!(; ,m;1 the ~"aullcl iphillJ..':; (II l!._~mabi11L .. ~~ I~ i:-. M/.[nl'Lll lL:-.k!H~ h rlW ~ I ~!i."~' il:iIlltl u!: ~~, dlllKj~C I'h~ grnllud i!:::. 1 hI;' lwt"'~' IJI.Ii!,."c' ~'tD n ,"I b' ,;ij r~l~Ju, Tr~ 1111 swe r I b l~ il.1 "J,~~lhJ'all ~~, It. tl!U alii n~ I h(!' ~Id!l!I.!I! al tin' \'II'huh:: I_h~~ ~I or ~l'h [H~~ I[J!~' C\J:rI::Ihi:n nnd IIH.J~,~!~l)'!tliMl ~~l~nlliFh IntI". [hli [\''11'0 l'Omt:l','iiJ~mll!~ ~l!r mllJt!~lI'u ]nlM t ~~ I.

'~h~ !l:If)'~~ Ih~mr OllifllXh .. ITI ilUlil~u I .. ~IC hl'!.:,1'1 ihut ~h;:hnhl~: Cm:l] 111,; hnlhw,ll ~1'l'IO ~tl.~,~h'l'L'~ llh,a!:<I.!";. l'lI('h "I ,'Ville-h i";. 'ilgnil h::: .. ..,II~) d~ rk~'f\~I~ I II !rom. 'i,;·w.!:h ('I'! ,11 ~r, Til C! lUlaj,(~1' !!IH.h:~~u~,,· .. b~IWL~IlI.'d'h phil'!!.': rli.\'llUihl!t Ihal[ 1~:r:}lnm'~ 11i~"'~'I~"'I'i! i] ~!tpDm;iJ' tj,1!:'~ 11:1'~ ~k illl~~ ~f1id ,bill! riblU~" IJII~ :i LI«4.;~dl 10 :eU h,c-r ,fiha ~j!.:. k'" ,l r~~ ul'~, l'l I;;)j n:.I"J II 11':)'J;Ill"1f'i5 !'h.111 ill lia:tn~r Ito- :1;1 Will III tim.' or nVl!.! Ilh II~'-'~ 'I.d cern bi,ll, hUi nl n 1'11il'I"IH'ly wt.:Jk ~i':l! _~! ~Ujll]!!:r. l't!flr,J!;' su ell iii!> Th!16Jbt:. M~h:cl{i" ,~nd n he G~',~,(,'i es .it]] 1:'[11 ~n 1;i!JI 'i l.1 n ~ rnest ~~~Ju~n;,!. !uy~~!!o n1't';fp WI.. .. 1"" III IUOllml l'il:hn ilFl~~, wh ieh ~1li~lirJ e nl~h'l ers who :,u,~'scrn"j;t:t~ ~Ul' l!oll,~th mdllud 'vlJlnl!'iabh: IliI.1 '" :i:l~~m'!.'d :l41:11l1~~t'i!d .~ir~P]'i!~';;~' unce lh~· ~iilllh~ Iil'rlll~·~~d I ht" tWUJ!ld phaw.

A1:li "'mh:ll~~f1fll~'I;id J.ilClor b 1 he Idea rhOI I he rno!i.l! elf~ci,eJ,!!lt ~ ~ C~ ie<! ~ fne~ h CJ!(:I '10 ~(fllllh(Jr hi !]I.r!:(ll righi! i.!o E£II -.u!l'Otm!lly P!~lCC '~l'];u!'!i,J!'!H in f1lnmiHibn 'whc:m yr.lU ran .I ree1~' iilJnm;:ii,:: 'Ij'OlIlr oppont'r:1iI while.n ~he samcume he- mill n (JI~ J ~ rack YO]"l; Appiy· lflIl, ~'h!~ flll!!!! ~('Jd ~!i: ~o:'I,1 he r' like l"I'lch.!G. ,~n {lPllpr~~l~ i'f.g ~ p.~li!'" or hi:! nclrrLrf:l'5 h[~r ore ~irgh[ull'1li! him. ill, s'ilnil81f re~1I11 can be .1(1.1j~'Cd b~! aUil~ 11fill1n ill ,aC! m 1111 iJ n~. PQsi1:k~tl f)'fl }"fH~.~ op~fl(~~m. The (!'.a!ile~! p~L:!« m .n.,!dl~ l:t~ i.". !k~ nd 'i;lIf ~mn~~l ~~~n ~ I tlom ill a nee !iii III dl il:iD'D ~.U!l)] :is en ~hC' ground because I he crOlmdi gmv,e-s a [pi!,] I ff.l;rn'll .OJ} wh [(.11 [,0 p~ru 0Iif:iJ O'ppo1'll~n'i and Il'e:!ol rtcr bls movement, Add m m h.l!i. the f.;lc'!. :! hi'J l ~n( I~n; Ji~~tIP'~(:" ,dv run 'br rm{!!'~ mr.c move !.'llid~nllr on 'ElirU; :groullId ('s'iJ1K·C Mi,C' 5c].'lIC'1'I d most of our 1,:",".clk~l'1Ig, [if'li'e8. in aD I.lPl'igbl position] •• nul YOIll can see [hM thegrcun d! 1£ a. wlse J)'~",.lf:e: [0 il~!'I!llil\e~I!.e~I·1 I II i&. :tl6:ii.lollil~. :S1[PlI~!!'!:fc.

'FiijJJlilll~~", dlC'R 1& me s:imp1e 1,3;C1 Ih;:n IE-he ground :f~~rg~u ls i!l'!le'i/'llabh:: In. ,j) real .~~~I'i!L ~"i. .n!ls.illilUifJ!.f3r! D0fi;'iH." ]1 !I.uiLbe.- of lighl.. .. cg'ul \![p IfJirl abe' :£;lrOuncl. bees usc a ]igh~~'u's mOlS{ rcailisHe means 01 serur:£ing ·\l'id.ory spe;jf~can:!f result from his 1:8:b:.~ i 1'1:£:: <iI .~~~h~ ~.f.i [ht!' gtOl1 ucl. .r.o .. ':::i'.a.mpl.C'. iJ 1'01.1 ,cll"!e hglL by ;;lI ~1Irt!'iNlf=d Ld ~'',. you'! 'l,,,,m '~e b.loc'ked (0 lb.e g£Ouod .. 1'frOu. dIC lb'W~~l.l by ;,:!I ~"(I!~[rfiJJl ill do p~i,I'Ye:r,


GROll N D 'fni IUIN G

you will b I;: [h,~ilJI'j,'I;i'lJi 10 m~ ~FOllnd. U a mt'H~h bigge'r M:;a:i:.La.rll gli'aibs ".r'O-IiI. iii! a bearhug, you Vj;~hh~ t[DJ' almiE tii1i1Ji to die' gI(lund_ Thescinoi ems demnnstrar . whv 'the p.hil~c is s;liJd:uu:d[II!.· ... iHjible desliD!itiu:ri in n:lilSll:ig'lU1i. 'In m.1~~!!.S trementk 1iI,;l'!i sense .. then, tirtlim' fmo!!'tuer'S to Jocus ~ignUicanl ant·n. inn on ~ lus phase (!'f co mbat ami, e~c"!/i~tl!:' li[S' :Rlf'JlpOr~iIl[JIO: in I rain.iDg,.


.A s:t,ilillmng ngh I ,nl go iii)' ,hf: gmu nd [0 ~JaJ ~ ...... and ,ead roJJr~ ufll.en. hl f~j • course It a nttl ~ight_ Morlf olu:n t.haIUI I~[. the traoshh)li ts a quick one, '!OU be .r-.eiw1lrly~ A t"l.Htlm ~JI[I t'l1U:t ~bl!' ground phase as,j) ft:'.!IlI.JI~ 01 an.t 01 the ~,t ~~'L ~""lh ,I;. :-.t:!!l'th rI -s:

, .. i. kJ<ti:1~k.rJjJl;l,\t J .::I~ .,'lI iri1<~m~11 ~:l5Jris.'i!s.. This tfa'U:!Iillun ~o the nIolRIl1J b pm I:iI clIlI.larly diiHli.:ul'L 'ig, dC:';I,1 V'ill1 5,h111: • Y ,ilI"j I'~ 1.1 IJd II~' !Ii' U nned It ' I he M i ~1J.i .• 'Ii,\rhiJI,' II ~n ~ he I:j.w Ll rul, l~1j I.JI n~ IJM ~·t.!{\I.)'!rI~t ymn nti!:!o ,md ~rltnd ~IOU~ I. QI1IH! olwn. ~liL14,.r P!1 1,[-1L! j H iJw.!S t'1m ~"'('TI h,illu,,", ~'I)LJ down. lan in.'o\t.'.ld :l!1LJ1I1 5'5 n;'1""f V ,I La !HI klcks y. .H.J '1 th' 'Itg~.

ttlk 't/own' 1f@1f'~ ~~ J:OI;~!!. U'~liIl .. II~'. Till" fI'I.; ,fIH~ I .. IlI'I,:'ol tL:d lJ,~ nl.-.n~! j"Yl'efotll:!:1 !i _ n I [u] 1:5iJ ril!'lJhtcrs, mm ~III ,!I[.ui ~rnil1,.d wit: III I:..lrl . :\tAo, - l'nh. M;lhll,'ll I ['fl. ~l2'n"~I.'S '!i'P.' 'jI[! ~,~uF.m~~ \vJlh 'Ihc 'lPll,u~rll ",]5(..' whh whi ~I :I!l.r,rlrm~}kr" ~dnlLhn In 111.U l hI.! I f,' :r. I ,va- i'i..:od 0r)ipit.'ll'~~llIL~, fir 'm lV'lftg r.tIJl8€" dod t.ldd 'cil i ht"lr lc~s.

! ... ~ !i\:i1k.c IiJ WIIi '" ~U J10m li"Jtr: ~/lufll. Ou UIi; I:d~!:n. n'vu IiWlh."r~ hJ< '" ~rlll ~'11 a

lh dl,'l.' ':II:!l:l:fl~ 'irrik ,,~r, ,r~"!1111 4.11;1t hiUIt'''h~ll.O~1 " U ,l,d iIlcl " fl ~~H II mOl m h~~h 1:Ji~ rf)J~L' l'irl ~rj'Ln:; llel I h " g~u", I. Son'lc' iJilu ..... thh ts duL:' [I uti ~ . d !'t.:!', t hRI'~1[Jj1 1i)~llmn: til illc' tFitdlll,'ri:li: llim I - hm~ ~nl,,·nU()n.jJU-i .;ru IllIP~" , t, ,ke 1.1J'II'j.! I,~. Ot~ r • r l~ml.!'~. II Is thl: I n\.·vilabl~ rMlIll ,II Ih!: I.:' xl I'f'U'U .. IJlIIi ·.,;sm·· ~ II t I We! ~1.J'lI1lt. I • e :tr::t'.1r't en 'th. h t1UH.· '!!\lIPII ,h~f nle. i fllllll-lW,,·t:'!r, "'~~ h fj( .~ . r 'J.: 1m' r,V·'1 ~lunn. ~ u ~t [1t I H~e ell nt'h. Mtu4." ehen I han 11111. the i wn illnpl~j I!rJ r~ ,til. d I'", II I ehe ~rll· und, Ti'l!is, ~~, 1,.1'1,~ pm iern nr nl~1 .\i(M~\ Ii!dll s, ,and i~ _ .. c~'en ml Irt'

Q IIlITI. FI ,mlln,H ILl IlT,,:!'hflll.: ~ I't'r~~d~ _lit· C'[ liglll~. \'vll'!:f!:!' [he 1\\'0. eomhma 1II!1 lot ~k batn nc iiI.ruB jllhlt: tl ~ilm.

1'(11,.1. can s-ee then d I~l m-hl!' nkeHhDoo is high 1ih"n .J one of ~ hc~' .' CiI I~ es, I h t= f:! 111: ull:Lrnr;j~_'l~ [ll es [ ,~be gr '1IIId-hellC'e du' ;lnll!lln~l'I~ of' groundi ~lri1lifi!ln-R. L 11 .. L most cC!:rrrtl!."rnlJu~i!! q~ .1\'\.\'\.,.\ ligluC'1'5 adnlll,


rh -,. -.ady l\Iti\o1.A. everns ~'lima~hty !oho""~ rhe marl la, ans world how 1!!l!r\(!Iunc!l combat Wl1.9 IT'!:a Uly. dU!f~rem lrom I hr more Jamiliiu plla."ie=l; of oombar. QIl:I in t" {.)h<t= I'm, one :ftighu!'!f ~'l{!ltlrld be i:a trouble urn ill I'll! IIghl. wem 10 I he ,grtlJ~ Jill. Then, tn a toral r !·~rt:·rS.<i!ll!.li~ !!D(IJ'[!llIIJiCS:, aJ:r: . ~ni.'\flou.sly dominant lighwf' ~rouldl he Q.t'tfck'ly oJ!;:feated DIll. the JgmrlJ.]]l,d. lbe reason rm this \N'<J!i 1!:l!te sheer drfd,C'[{~~,,(~e ~lieU-'i;,een (he sta ndirljil "rnnd. ~.l'OUJ~dJ ])o5iootl~. This: does no I. mean dial I here is :f111!J1 'ClIIi.~!:rla i.1 ben ... ·Jtel L s[L:llldJi:ng and grtl1.l:Eui s.kilk bow'-ver. the dll terences are :!i!i:grtlH'lctll.'[J'[


tl olU'[!i1 m meal~1I UJilr the na'uIC or the figbt does d~Cl~ge dr,J'Sllcally when tL'S t<l,lkll:fJl tII)1 'mhegrou nd, This; I m~ lign is; \\-11iU 'l"du_seo so ~'lI~'rtn:!f figlrn~el'S whowere [,'1lecr.uerill m 'lhe :5i1a.ndilig phases 10 fail ronlpT!INeir in the g~~L III n,d phs S-E of Comba ~, \1'1f.e, COlJ~ll enhance 0011 r u ndersta ndlng ,U"f IJn.I~ ,gmlllnd phase b~' poi uting out Hlit!, 'Il.Ul(iJor rnOllD,.~~ tbilll «cur Wh't'B a light goes to I,b eo ,gmLllld.

The 'bhSgc~l dinerc'flC;:c between Lin,: ~round [Jh<l'lic and :my other pha e ~~f i!:ilJ1lnihlilm 'is, l'iI~it ahi'L' de-gree (lfp0.5ilion.a1 Q):rIitro~ and iI1~)miiLlaJ1C increases dIOrn~ll~ il~ilJIlI}" ,~iJ!'I Ule ~l,.lDdl. Tbelt:' a n; iii number 01 rr.m'$OIII's M/h y ~11h ha fJPl;!n~.

'i I '~'~~'i'ry .vr~' iilt: g ... ml:d is .lif[o-CllIJ [qr lUrui Pl 'PI'. The reason 'lor ttl is :1. ~i mple, ltVc ~"pealJd i he majtOni y fi'l I1Rf w.1kin,g .... 1 till lives In 'S~'!'Hilrdin1!! n~ seated posld()in~" C 11l1:!'-="'1111em1y. most 01 .. hI! IIll:»"'CfII(,"itU Skm5 ~\'1t: u r. il.::lI/!l."l)' lday i!ll'!i!' itonc wrli~~ :n..'lntEEr,lH" ~~O'Sl pL"Oftie Dever f~am .he skiDn'S <of It~(fjdr;:nrl m» erncnt 1J1 a supl.r.t~! )H)\~~jpn {if[ng~~r. the 00 k], ;'\5.1 n-sulJt. '1"Ii\r.'[][ Oure'l are r 'iH on the ground, ditey JLIl1i[1r,'oe' RlUtit~W. c .. {.,...nd~l'ttt ,s:n:.a I .1D1C! um .. Ill' l!:nrt1'~'fl,y 'it 'n1li1 iiE'W J'C~lji II ~, H'B' UP m.b~t'= r. if 111!11l.d 1igJ'U:C-f:!l .1 re made, II(U 11:-(11[11. H 'Uli (lr,n to S:I~ reccd em IIl~' ~mUiud. 1~IIJi!ll bd'l;f~ ~'I h."iIm the cortt:n 1D00'e:ln~IH p.3lUr\r1b h1 ~h 'I\_l'lll':ilil phtll il [I] !1:t.IIi'r~~:n.

I WiJ'nt i'U":'Ifl.Itl jf'jllttt~ ,n_il~ftd fjJIIIli."iJ Iff'" '. :hl:'ftl ,l(Uffil'~U,~1 dr.' sr' in 'Wf<t~.7 /!'/rJ r r.!N,t'I(J,I'(' ~~ -, I M!tl.rot'lUitl'l.t(W!Jt"". Wilhlmr nl clear IIn(h:nl,,)n_dln~ ,elf Ih • PIJi~~I1.J]L:' pl!i~itiun!!: In oli ~rtll~I'm1I[lllght IlliUkfUif;fIi on lih~ 8fUUfid i .. n.lIJam~'f ~ln JJy d~r[ I;;rl;'u,lflC!31; ynll wi n ~'Ii'!} ~'m'\ll.!'r-h d. !:N:pl~i\!l!' II~Ju!:r I!i 1110 ilr--c nn.:l Wt;U \1 .~' !I," ~ ~II iJ,ffil3 - UI H f! 11 [IJ J!;; LJI~, ' (l i r!i:'ft~~llititJlIl5, .ellll ID)-1ID1 {Ir l.l'11~f!n'- II' l1il:l auil. 1Ij1~ ~mrl: Ib!]i[] p,"l:'Oi1 len. (~I:"II Y I ~ ~ ~1'rJ fi'fu: II lin, h~a' ~l'm pH Itlon.lld.. ultvtrom 11ll\: I~('k 11,111 11m Iwh .. d&:r.:" .JlH1 grnlJLHJ tmhtllilg. mf 'chL"¥ nl~' Ji<:nt·... Ih.,; l'Iu:r-U' of'mhc",,' r111~U~ ~'!II t>1~h'1nll; \\'11111;1::1 on ''.; Il) ,[)",~~~~II .w nod 'LNlhih.:h Itl 1Ili1l'1\11,!' 11)1. I hil-y . )!Jld iIil[I'ViIi." Un, ''nO iIl'h,'I-·lii:.

~ l'fji' ~1f"Wl(nl}r'lfpkl .• d (ri'imll'~It'. rne ~ruLa:tld !hd~ flm'lln'l,!iLr es nn -;1h.:il:II' plrJuD 11m!! UI~ \11111('h In pili .111 ! IlllOrU:OI <iUl,II}r-c~nl hhn rll't[lllft rI,;'~~y I::JH1'vC'nll~nl. ~t I~~~ 11"""1, HI "\Ill! ~III II C til b ~f .... '('i~ll Ill' U'am" an II1J~p;tII~l"m ~H·H-'J.l~~Cfl 11m I r b!fJ II~~ tiwd lilli' 81'Ound il:!.l.l'lf. ~n II SI,jHH,lIn • mJ ... Uh'~n, ~ i<1hp-rs, ,_.,Ii;" ~II pJ'l!ih. ~ ~lirn~~illr u1ic~ b, I)UI'I!hil"".i.lln (IP,IIIJ<II m .1H!lilllc~m "an. n~~ wa~~ ~WH,' I he ~.rl lind) Ii'iC~ pl'lY'" (I a • rele a . J Q II II IihUnf af muv,t:IIlt'U I. n I~. I h~' ~i L U"l~ ion .In I hu j,J,1'O und ~'i -'\'l"1ll1 mJ 1ft!' mrnrnllinst [han Ihe \V<illi he ~ ~':1~ rnnr ~un iI~Jlti~1 wl:"i~hll (~'!r'~'lll '~I .. iiIIi I~ IL'I ~ ~['.i'l;!11 ).) C'ilD tu: pr- t};'iCd on yun r Up I)!) I'),. n l II en ~h h is ~n 1, e rU'! 1;.' Ill,

II B'f~'~J~'S,,' ~fi."u~r iOVIJIIf'oI &- ptn.'flhk mlllh! H('oml:Ji, ,"dJ' I in'i , -11 i~!tMll b~ t<Jm.; :r,w:.!tl.i', iL!j]c~hl~, 1t11nl fI 5UlhmlS!ikclJl hold is dllIlnd~ as: ion~ "l'~ lr'unr OppiJIilt!'i'H CI'iITl JlH'I,\-'e olllLmt. Since JIlW\ ernem ron IJe gn:;nh-r reslricted on the J~ro!wd, llu' use ol ~!1~1" 'misiiiiorn hlfllid~ is l.iu easter. p'i)\~rfUlI oarurul (I'Ii "f mhe movement 1(lI[ a 4J1I:1Jmnem Is liu~ '~m:lClln!U[ lu !1I001 submlSi!.h~Ul holds, Tillis I,!'! tk is I~asl,t:.·~~, when 1iW!lH:e:r~; pe r~or,1fbl, i[ 1fIi!~ ! hij' ,grou rid .

• , s~rir;J'~1 ril'iJI Ilk'. numd is si5JlI~fIti11111y ,di~l'!~m ji~"\f $l'd,~'r:~ fj~ r".: .l' p.():~l· tiiilll, hi [hie s.1.aI~ding 'posidon... !ollc«ssful :!:In-,ikin;g_ is ~alfj~~'~' !I U1Btt -r of 1~L explosi ve •. u!1~~lli{".artion 01 body u:eigb1 ,U Lht= 'Um:'a IIll'nc i!!nui dD5~,/B nee. th:i s is net i he C'oiII5<~ O[IJ ~ he g,ll'o.tindl. [Ill ground lig,rning.. !iiIlOCC','i"i(UlI 'S1J.JI'UU,I1):jj hi n b e res L1J [ iQlf :'On! peri liJI pll!ihiUIli iIllJid eonnol, Tinting.. so crucial jill ~["'ind_lll,g , i ~ almost I rre]eV.illilit i11'II gtollild strikiing. slnee ~rour OJ)poi11l;:Q , canner ~'Mft!'!,Ie IUOLll'Jd Dis,ILilDce h ,p ~imple ,Iilfl»r 10 malmaln on. the gt\dUl1liri [or ~,he sa m~ reason. Be ilJllJse hip Ilil'OV!tllllt."n'l .is, muchmore rliJiiru.ll. far rit;hR'iFS \0 ,;][JliLlI1 h'!ll'he groundlLig,ntin~ E'I(Js,~m1'l!)D5~ sui"J n.g tends to be resi ric. ed ~o a ba~ !Jl!r1in1; efkCL ,ra [bet than ~he' pl[!!S5fbn.II'~~ I)m' an iDSlaIU;],neon~ kn~ou[.

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,\Ve have taken PaJ~IlI5 ~.Ij)' 1 ~J.!lfI:~ um lhal. the !V'<.lund phase ol combat i'~ I he place whe reo most rijhi:'l a~e "~'OI1 and lost. 'When lwo lLDskHled [iIYDnen; clash. ill ~y almos L at \-"l;',a},s e i:"I~11 I!.l'p !D'IDi the gIQlU IIJL The bigger. 51 fOIIgcrr more ij]~~IfIi!$sh'c [ightt::I II'iJ'l;'Irlr:tUy 'P:r~1j!.1ils. e~pi!:lriiillU¥ II he l.1inds: on top, L"u],' • his: It! ld'eJ]l(r ella n ges wl1 en sknl and ~r!ilch][li(~UI: IM'~ tartored i me tilt- Jt'qU<!i lion. A :skmt!!d g.:ral~~,~,~·r {'I!I n. use kr:LI:;n>i.irdg l. f fl1.1S ~m Lll:'l'IIati pins i1!.llId ' tapes: 10 evade- and rot'U ml an opponent. I rt ,giId,dHlan, he ca liD fi:'mIdi.lIr uibrn !§sloB 110Ids 10 hxli: (mf sunngle ,a 111 'oiPPiJlncn; nnd t h LIS s\'tllt~~ dde'jj]Jt even a li!I~(,. :51 rt.ii~1' Oghler .. In fau.. ira :-.kililc:d ~I';)p'· pl~r ht:!;f:Iri.S the ~rot.iJml fishl IllId~me.,llh hb Ol~pl.mcm .. It is ~nn qILII~'lrI:: p' 5'Sili]i! Jot him ~ P i:'1i! !jri'll,~ riIInd! ilIIUa'i11]J ",lelorr .. IlluU8b he mdY h4l'll'l: ~j_'Ji ,,,"'U1Ilk .. ~ 11111l2' harder '[('1 do so. Thi5 Ii. rp(; !(JI ncem I'NICe' ha been ·dlu\ I numerous times 'ml ,;\·t.MA 'Vt:'ti '~I ~~ nd I,~ I.~ r~JjJ' lOI1lI!i!".: r !li :S\ilf"j~tiSl" 1 . .0 most mnriinl arl'li.'IlI:."i:_ l.ihc n n.~IO most IIJIJII;rL-

mon rneans n] vt'muf. ti:rl a 1'l.Ir· ndlligh.~ rheu ... ne 1.Dco foUQwi1l!J=

iI AJ'UJ'ill1llnJ!i d:{)I'~nJ'luuh'j!l!' ti i"!lli;1n. IIml ~irikillD Cflt~'s rJ[1pI;'Ilr:ui' 1I1II'1l,' !.lj.,tfj~i,:r~1 '~D'~, r

J1d L~J'm!~~SfJ i .. C J'tJ'{~lit.i ;JilftJllbmi •. · "-'i.. '" I,im iJUi. Ii! film: f/nj111Yi1 {!. ;'i,r ~:1rUt!JC', ,'l'r r~ wllj ~ 1[lid!~I!'!! ~.t'd.ll~·J!lIJI, Th~5: 5ta'ah:lIi.y;r.JII b!: d!!)l'Ii!.l: ',,\lith V4nliil~,It'~m~s.'I;Ii~ 'SI;'IJ}hi:-~ Ll ndou, Il y. ~ i . fir. r*llli' 1.u·.Jt'1.l'r and 5lfongt'r rhan your 0PI};I_m·llI. 11 b USU, lly i·f]l1i.1gh W dI'ttfJtn .:my tdnd nl II~II il~ltlon and IlOin.... ,'a~'.n l~C'LJr II ~lil1i 1111 -m, rbH u ~i'(jiUEltl, ,)Jf~d P lund" m '1~If'lduh~y k pO'~ulm ;;]n!(111~ '.Yn·!'ooL~'L·,I:-' tn ~\;U"IJA eV..:'rI,L s Lnd h"ji;· C rI~~'n Ilf hm.ll :'l!UnW ~u - ,,~. II ha III· I h d Ulan ' ~ ntabll,l." ~, 11- III'L!S, h~lW~'" "r, 1lo:~,lr)ll!rclil:!rn'r Ui'I'tr.:nI lilt.' :-bli:' ur Ih'L: U II (filnl~-u.:tnb ~j'i""lj,. o,:hnn t, A 11'l!J ch Hn~r • ~ "f! II t'lll' .11(~J'lir !\II. h. i~ (I'll .::-mplor dn· ,11l">h lon,::d!l.tll' UtI,; , .. I!.-'It III U',] I 'In I ncde 1'111 j u] lil~ IJ, Th-l.: i~c ~Ij: I",), c;\UlM.l n'll r l1:'k I') b "1[l;'r, 1II1r!:11l,"" di!.1llllliumn n~: II ~l'!ii· tLI J L. h'"jHli whl "r~ ill ~ul ~ ~11I1!l ~Utl'1. I nnl IikC"tr II} t1!; "41:'[11 .dj or !."4 III! I,' ]'It'd IW ,] ~k tllc l up m I~~ ~l. ·l ~1 Is flo~lHn I), i rill. re ..: ~hC' !;'llt("{j 1'I,.'C'nll.·~~ ,~~ ICl!.H!i1 d:k.· I Hi!/; I' L~,i.:k iJ!1I! I Wi, kes i L lnl II Ilk!.'IV III l ~l I ClI'i![lI}uI1'm ,vi II bl!,!! ,i)lNle i! In~ t"1";1"~ ~11 ~' '1 u i' <I,~~.['!'l'k with '1,n hnll~ all _ II"mp •

I' A ~!J·~7.~~l ~~J""! Hi .:iW·mbld~~'~1;i J'4dlMI. III!.'ll Iw.(;~ng ,,1 fil1i~h Ib~ /igJI: 'l!i~ ~~ .$r~!r~rrrfssii~1~ lJc!'(j, l'hl~ !~ one ur ~h~ lfI!u l _h;:ua.t1I!l"rl Ii l(!iIIUft''\ ul the V.Uil~lU) ·I!'a~ff H!JJ,: 5.L yl.r.:~, !.i:L<F,ccla lily i I!'I, fiII(j . ~rn iuil tsu, Thl~e !oubmili.5iDfl helds 'L,~anl~JJliil'~(' ;fUb '1111'1 ~ pr ~ lve el m'l:'l'Ii't~ r .~ ~~rktlblc dcmonliit'r.JI.,11I ul ani&tL'\' 10 win ,iI r~J!lln hl iII hl.llOtllk~'" dl~r l~y 01 ~un" ,~rnrJ.JlIi'll1~ ~km. Thls i'O nne ·en .. e !~1 whi,eh ffirL der JLlHhl,.1 ~~ an rJ f!Jnrru, ii'_.Ih~t:r !h. I'll ill bh,ody. BliHll!1lorlallock1n~ of horn .. in whleh Im!y q!l:'en~th an II !l.'ndU:I:'8!1l(5t!' mnt:v.aR

Inaerual c 11lI'II1b1il1l,. ~he.,ot:' a~Vi) • pproaches are Us.u"lly mi:lJ1l:d lagClII'er, 1'1 I't.; almost nl ~,¥,;!.ys. ~ he c .•. !i1;," 1Jh.1il yo II I'" u.prm!1en I \N'iII have il rong d~f'~I:t'!\CS: ILO '.IlI,t:! basic m'iJY'll.isS;{l;H holds. rUhi~ Ie;: nor [he case in a 'i.lreel n~h·l. hj)''''!,.'\~II!rC'r. since l_r'niJiI'

ppomH:n~ ·",,·m airnm:r cerli1llilll\Y have no gf.ilppl:ing traillin_gj. Oh¢.[], I[ih~s II'L~C ssttares the. use l[]'! ;stri!Ji.:~fi; a.o open D]l his rh::ICfI"I:O .. M he- reacts to ,jJ Ina r.r.,iiI' IIJ;[ srrtkes, hls LEnlJ!tils become eRpO'ictII,. fl1aking the .1'iJpllGi!lI~f·l-'n (}I submisston holds much easier;


A :gene-roil:' 'Stra'tIi:H:Y ~ i . .fs. behind '[he gteil~ 5l1('t."e!l1!ii 01 jujiuu in ..,.lU\IitA. c1OmJ[ .. 'We have < tread r se€'JJI the mit)!illd nu~l:nne 01' 11131: stral:cgy; 1I10W il Is 'dime 1.'0 gel '~n 10


Ebt:, s;pe,cbfics," Once a light goes: to the gJt'Uill1d, JL,\'~~c~h~[' br acodenr ~)r design, '[hi n "':'0' ('(lI]llibilllanus COl n !iill ilUO Oila.rge: n U III bcr of p([l~$[b~!f pesitions rel ativc 1.0 each: OUJlET. These J~os_iuo~ can be ranked iilC'.('(looi[tl,g ~!rl ~ he d egrt!'i;! or conirot and dl IIiliWltllnll:e: they. allow. one fighrer 10 exert Oil] ! hli: other, Control. J n d dorniI].jJ]IJJI[{' aee ~i t::re'fore ruiTld!CTS!oodi in terms 01 ihe ~,FiL ~ lif} whfci'1, ~ posiU(m tfllo1>!)s 1\;.I1l'!~ tUU11.'k flif.i1' 4..WlttJr?Jil '1.1;1IJr nrl.k..'S nlUi :suimliJ i,.:m ~Mi,is 1t ... .rl~.~·I1I~ res: .iJj1·1~g his (JbiHly io, Et!' :~'F~ 5tnm!. !j:UJlIIC posiliol15 are neutral, oUetii~ [10 real advantage '10 either

~jghter. Others IIIfc infnior. i!illuwtng ;gitr oppnnen I to de~,eliill.ill E! whc;n and. 'how bit' &IIua4;b, ....mUe ubilking II aiiflieuJI lor you 1.0 (it umeran ill 12k. If rOll re\J't'il:Sd ponsiHom. m].eil o~vic:m:! rou \,\~i."d lind ~'\([I!i.jif'l!e!lJ[ :i 11 ;]J S uperior po~'i'l 'i on ... 'Ij'\tt!' 'if,.ij ~ S{Jor[l (mllef' a ,descriptiO'll or I h e mos. Im~mru.HlI:r: IprJ'$i11 ion s j n U, • gro UIl em Ii"I~iJIS€ o[ <.:nmbilm.

Ill! iIId,dii hun mllJ m h{· battle Itlt pO~i'lIOII_ I here is tih • i.maJm 11 e ifu.t u h.j~na1 e h:1CJ;ry~ lI:i u: lli! iI n~i't m ~"OUf (lpJiJO'.o..:m ~11'bmiir. Rrea-n ·mh'f.: 'Pl'1mlrm{ t.. tn rfJ,r if, f}m'y o:l jfr~j,t.J'~ 1:tJ' {,iii ,"ml; il: .. 'dl L"l.'d is. ':J moth .~"(Jm' 'fJIJP' i('"ul,qui;. Ct:H] side J ed i ~1 11"'I'i S I L~il t. Y 11. ~.1i1 5(' • ~h~11 Iliilih]ng skilh-d1C' I1Ic.lj15!1l1 ,~nJI1I18 .... fm~hm 1~!juH' 'J ~g <lil'ii \iLl~lTnb~ sii[llll1. b.nIa:1 . i-are: alPtclhudy l. n U.i.11. f.CI.· liI!C't1Jde iD1'~l H ruJ J Ul r:rd~/ 1n:;1 i 11~ he Jd (It,)\'V EM. bu, 1JI11l()(I~ t cw rvbudr u-ill subm il whl!."l1 I hey ,I] f - ~)III n t'\11 and bern~ tn I, k i u~lrd~ 1tI.J1\·IIf'l18 b~lfdking prc5:J;ul't! .lliljlh:d 10 Illflrl," 01 m bJd ~mnll~, Qr 1L" I n S. ~L[ t II-J.I 'It.

U h ~(' JlIWl:illN 1(1 think Ilhll nni"*hln,, 5kill~ .lIT ~:1,t· ~no~n mnfilJ \lJl nt ski II h ~ .:l ~Ii' IJJiJIa ~ ]b!Jha. elnce Iht~f are the dirca I11I!.?ml~ II) Ih~ Unal:Si !:'II, til w,.I(' JU nupnI ent 'b~b'U]~t. "Jrh!.l'R" i~ ~fJDlC: truth Itl 11n. ..... IhlWl~''''~If', Ail' ~~~11Jl 11"i1· .]l,HHy 1'1 ~.Ir~l ... 'Jln1nli IJI >lla] IPI' n °nl (.md' Illi L s til11l I h IOII~h ilH.' li]tt~lnli~n ',Ill rr:d [1:1 I tI' pI ~'I· m~ nl~. YUIIU 'Win !indla ~UJh:IIII'Ull1l'l'ly anr ollh~ ',dJhmb .. len hnrd!i ~bill",{,l~SSlllil}'. B I;.; ;PIli' IIh1iilllb~"i tij'IJir 10 r. rhen, m lill pn ["unal !I!~il15 ,;lUt! 'Iii~'IJ.~nh;~III:n ~kIH~ 11'(' r u~hl y 'qLlI i II ~l1'lpafh}IIC!l'. A h hpu~h II l'i I nil: ~ h I] a :FJii)~iljOIH"i I m ITtl:1 ib, 11111y .1, lin ··~lfll~, l I m'~rti rm rh rill:hi h l'ij. I 1I:IIlCH !i ( ... rj~ es and l:!o~jhllll!4ilij B ,bukhi ~i i'l I ~ ·qu~n'~· m 1m' mfltlic W Ilmul fltJ ~I emill .. Inmd~ Ihl i,l!;ioJm J It"J1Id ~'.! LI'I1'IIIkt'hi It m,"l1 r. ll'i'l !l'i'~IrIl~r w~lr~ p il nn.1I C'i nm,J In I nlfli~IH1~ m, tll'l LI~ ilr"{ d"'plCIJa °n'l ~ 11 CdL JI ~Jlh 'f, L lfi,t~ Hln!to Ughu!'riii Il~I\I I~'il\!': nal. ,]1I~iIl!l.h u ~o II ~h ';;:kllll~.

~ I J




\Ne hillvt! ~cll.'ru ali.lit pu}!;il tonal COR! 1111 nrnl ! he pn' .... S'.Ilge fli!tll!UlI n1 e til II ti r:t i 0 m ere ,1t")(11l! ~1;J!'ti 1I1g, IJu. ,h bml'iO rorm ! h", oo'iis or !.ut--g:'iS on lhl!,:! l!Jl1r1 und, ~ ~ Is n;f!i~,'" 1 !Hl~' 'I (j u umlin'" ~hr:.;' ti~t';ic posl~lu!l" Ihm ocrur in ehe cul..!r~c:' of a ~lf'tUllJnd ~.I,1:l<11'1.

Wlr1le'~l, 1'f\'{l1 Ilf'l.lf fA:'"" aU the ground. Ihe~1 !C'~u ['imn .ilJIl'iY (Jnt' ol a br@.!..! hi! i.~rlillbl"1i' ~ p. ille' p~irkl! JS. In atknL1lm~ (,dch ptl:01~O'J1i has rna i~ f :r[!s.~!hk '1f11~[LI ~ tti ':llIi!i, ntJo~ -,"'l.'t'f, ,,- I! can broadly Gl!1C'gori1e I he t-i!ierH~ii11 pmi~ iOis n.r 8,!mmd g;rn ppUl!l!~' nmo !!i!nlp]~ set, ,Iuch can. be rl:,1UlI ily understccd b~! ill !wl!l.i1",mer i!l!.I[] wb lch

Fnll th!!! b_sns; , [he ,gronnd IMllers pmhmnal, g,lrnl'.!. These are ar-

t'~1Il ·,t:dl ~I!l mill r t dornl:n. m;e. JlaniJ18 villi LI1~ lil051 dOl"!lhi,fil:ting ,P s.i I i'l ~o. (ll~e t~~p- rea L\" mumlt and,. ,tuking dow.n 10 ihe Dell lrnl posldlO'J'lIs, t~a~~d and .half~g!.:ia:n:j). N te [til~1 ~hl.! \. !firSt p'faces, 10 be i'IT' uncle" te4l1.b. I he dnnunaat J'[Io:..i non s, 1.h U:". 'I b c IJm:~om ,l[)m,lmltIJl in m.he ("J:!+-rear moun is Ihe leas. dC".~iraMe 1~C:1S[Sj !J] If!! be 1[1.

~ I




O~ all m:h-· 'biills,te ~pO!lilfQn5 I.hiu 4;aD occur i:n a glOtrilill1. Ught.. ~ht:' rear-mounted ])Il':~5Hj'Ofll~S, ;nnba My. [he 1le51. H nile .... a uernendnus oolr['i~~i.EI,i'!IliJ!JIlIl oj, cu:ntroJ and




uf[eIII:J.h·e fIE"epljJf" .... 't:'.r, .m t'he Jurllil oJ 'SillbiUi~ion ·Il.alds. and o;l.rinre:lO_ Ail the same I lme, h ma kif'S, J~ il:n~r:~i:CW.~[ :~or \lour oppo0 ern '10 eJfecl:i~d~, .alladi: vou, I~pedan"t

.. . _, .

:if he LS not well ¥)fI"SC'd :ilD &r;1/P:p]i:uS Icdlrni'(ILlI;-

A'ff; ,I Hgh ~r:!", 'f\ 'h ill .... t:' !~)!!) dininc[ w.jJ.~:S '10 apply the mar "IiI10lJl nt, IFiirsi., YOill can etcher he 'D:lll,i!.!D;P or tour O'p]JonC'D~: (figlUC 6.1a.) O[ underuearb hinL ~ flgure 6,.1 0). B if'kDlg I[!J[IJ 'Uo.p' gn(O]'S aJ liulc more OOJ:ltro1. c5pl;dii!Jlly iii[ 'ii'[J:U ,@~'i, s tre tch yotJlI !U'~~~ilJt~ II;: ~~ ~ ("l'~~~ br- I hinl:!l.Lil1,g you r hips l.on\1,anl inre his 'IO'Ii",,~er h,[lJd:c All t~(jrlJfl:b. tbls has rIflliHII,~ a hemanves, [he most common method ,of ri"ni5hLng an itIPJ!'Dmll!:'El i btul'U ~ 11&5 l"K.Isil ~I}'~i i!. Ihe rear naked slcI!Ii1l!1r cliil(]liklc:. <L~S:fJ referred !lID as ij:lmp,JI'r thf1' s"~':Jl~1' hw1 (iHNltib ji'lle}.

nn: h!lJilttuiifiI·-,ile.;iIU i1J~u~~a~~1 ,~a~ V.f.Ih"eii yOI!.lm' gelUn.c b:~:hllld ~IOllr 1!l~11JlOlllJ~~.n iJ 11 d wl'sppiL1,E' yo Wi le~~, areuad him by :pliilljng yglJf leer i:u'Sid'l" bu-.1Jh! ~ri~, h'~il'S- hi! rhls p;;'j~it!Ii'H;, 'Y~l'LH t~~ ':lIl:U:~ Il>el serve a eructal rele; Th,;ey loc1~ 1t'01il into ipi~aa:',


'~u:tlJ("t~o.nmg .IS HOoks Lllal el1~lde you 10 ride- your O'fI~)Jil}.lJ.em no matter ,. .rlrl'kh wa he FU]'Ifs; iIIInd ]110 .... "1:5. Be sure not 110 Cf'O.S.S four [ IE~, ~~'iI this posiuon, because ~_hjs, ma~f's, i ~ l.:'i'I~Y JOE \'OUI" L to apply til ~imnpk 'rIel eHecl ivc j ootloek )]l l"IIHU., :S,:il.mpiliy 'plil1t:c" l~our leet, roes poimoo OU~. inside hm' hips. Altl 1m,! gh ir 'i S 511] I plDs.sjblEe Bur YOIJU" opponent lO ;:)[J:.a~ l'our (.e~L :rll this [posJ [.i I;JIl'U, ll, ]S B( H IJn]y Jll1IlJlcJil, mmm: dlifJi'(1.lil lor (0 do so. il irs; also mud ~ 'easier !m' p . ru to counter a till' s,uch illI[,k.

F~ Jill. mbc p.e~rs;pe<1ivc e 'YUU,r'CI)1pODenr. [he 10m on the n.::cdv:ililJ:l' end of the rlC'aIr mOllHl,11 (:sl[al}C' 10 a Ik; 'tt.r po iUon ls lite firsl, p hmrU :!r', WhJIi certain su bm l!i::io~1[i Il I ~ II\r~~, 'rotllf oflpunCll1 has p!.I.'i':Iihlrl2" avenues fg-I rn ", .. 'l:i1l d~ 10 a 1 i k, ev .n Iir~ 11~11J :mc.h r,]] dli~.u:ll'L":.i!Inl.l~OU~ ].iooition. ii'r,;~D:~ItI:tbde'~i, m in e~ • at 'La cks f}JJ I ly Ita ve "' U IIA: d1\IJ nee (II] S1I(('!.::a, Thq 5'12"[,\~~ as :'1;111)]5 to ('_"iit,iI~Jit':' [['altilm~' II] i.;i rt l'J~:m.ilJI"]t(.:! ill])LS:.n slIIbml ~mi)UI.

M QIIJ n te'd 11", s,ii1Ui'O'1il1 l(lQ:tle Sh i,ftlr)' GliJita m',e J

A fm ~mJh.<Il'1i d ~mtllirmnt pO!..ilil;" " I he D.J!Joir' 11IOLl!IlI,OO I~Ohil~tIJlI1l Whi~ eh in vol '!Ie'S (tli r s tJi'ilti!tiJ'ktIB: ~'Hur 0l~ptl[u:nl cht .. ~1 and 'nel!lIn:y. m.rl '( hhn, ~ ~ tOte u1 I hi s Hlnv _Ii, yr~I~~ ~a.n ~U 1.I"~''i!I:'';iJlzJn 10 HL"iI1l' reom ~(J lrii{(". nr you rw,'Uu rm,'I[a~ one nm round 1111;, ru~~k .lin~d 8,'ei dm~fll kif" 10 ~uml hlm, .~ ifji'i;(3WI1i in Hs:~H'4: 6,2, ,~mI11 a'.h' J'lil ~Ullfilnl H j~,Io'.<l'I~' lor UBhl.~~ Id launch d iJ.IUT"'ttC ~!r ~Iw,!)\l'if'hil p!unc.hil!s, ,md lt I~ I!m~~i/: IlIIh ti IIII' Y. ~ If OppOIll!'I'U In N ~pond. "ina: hi"!; s:huuh:d'l,,'r;.,. ,,]W I h I~l.~ ii r' llh ill 'ei

to uh~ m~m. tim\ m bill· hi .. 1I1d1.: 01.111 I 0 .. I J '\ 'If, tn .:idd II I 11111 t1'U l.L1I1

• ],lfPlh' .I I II'~~ mllnl~r or elf, IIViI: ubml inn i..n4dl'o f I ~ (hlt!'" I ilHl1 'hi"rp, ~ ~~Ol..llr 'iJ.)firfmlilt!.: 11'1 hili .. lIuh: 'II~IXJFI u n ill' to rel'~)"

OlllflirJl,. ~"PC'ri.1JIl~· In 'iiI h.'tl Iij hi d:LUIIIl'1'1. 1JI1 hm~jo;! t:'if't - J[I , 'd :j:ll'", l'fl~' I 'I', H R,h i ~]'I'~

III I,~, I' 1f1lp~liI'a,llJlnlh t ,I:., Ih:1 IIir"ilnm tlun rfl..1n lin." 11101] II i!t"d Il'luinjc:m n D! II hi!.;' 1\,''(1,1'' m til 1'11'1 cti Iii ~I I ~r. rh. M\'I • i'i1)1'U'Iillly ut'('yr,,; when Y'L1U llil:,giu sa riI~ In~ rl\':l,Il~ 111t1,,' I!"lW 1111 ~ ¥IfJII1U {')prn.m'!I~lcm IIH I .1 yay mo d\ 11hllh 'lIl1l1clu1'~, ~ ill~l ry!J IU hJ<Iii ~ flIl k, Hf openlitlE' V;(;l ~r i~~. Uuh:. ~hllrd\~ Give ilm lillie rut1lm h UHlI lin, nh~~n i I,~I( liJ 'PIli r h~H"k!'o I II !l(lC!!I U~ ~I a'1.."iU"mOU fUI!;' d IlO ilion. <II 1m",1 a'l'm'!LI)~ 'i;',iI~f 1i}!JI~" liJ~ h~' n!! Nn I ~J dll ' ill'll~ ~ n'lli hi .11 '";U nil kL'(1 ehoke, Th tl-- I rlIlI1 .. lm lun i~ mUI ~in I ~~~ I!."r n m I n in ron-

j J


,Fig!.lIra 6.:2 MoLltltmll rj(~",






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___ ~ ~ ~ __ ____:::G:..:.:R,=OU_f4~ f[t(i~H!NG

tempers r.y :\t.'V.iA, s;ii!ru:-e ]]:1JOS~ pmpf.e kno- ... ~ l'htil[ il is foolish 1.0 tum under n h eo III uu rlt and :gi,,'e '!a]' ones b~(k., nm'ft'''':c(. Ih15 'happens oR lile Ii mo' mm m SIl.H)Ee~, !l]gJl1.5, sa you !n&.!',~1 be ~11~'~e 101 make lhis lr.uuilio:n ,011 a memem's neuee, flt'I([1UlL 1h e pcrs " ·ti ve ot tile ma IIJ tl!J]d,t''n;,f;.nl1lbe mounted VI~iLIO:D. escape is:sill~ m he Iln.31Uher one pri: rity. The i}o.[mm man ]is; g'C'lIIcrally. 'klo.king '10 bril:h::.e mier ,.:md end ''''lP o IJ top, j mi,t ircil1'ijde his oppont:'r:!iI'5 guard. or be is: Joo _·.uS 10 sooet out and ~U1 the top man ullsidIC fujj~.H.n\'n gu-.ud_

Kn e e - 0 n - Eh!'[[~y P05iiti 011111 !(U/d 'p!t~mle)'

A,s the name UlJll,~~~es\o [hie knee-oo-ln:[ly JI06I. tl r~ h~~ .i s ~(S ~..: n&lI"lil~ :IIl"MI~ Mt!' the JlL.H:~m n I or the top fLshtl!!.Ii':!ol kolleli!' r[i!rIi bl~ 0ppA!!lIu'm's abde[II--.i t! r c'h~S,L, \.,.., Iili] , lWi5J klli~t=' E , posilionro. hi hn nds t:11I.h bt!' ~:I ~ IlIi numtJ!E:t 01 d U rl!'r~m places, Vi.' hh thiit Ijr~~p l~dm('- ~ e ~ pl~t:l"d 01111 wide' for ."LH '.I,'j II[J ~h~ fiI!ll[!r~ ~'(!Ji f'l;d fiI •. ut [In d n: I:l!rollnd (nCur- .... 6; 'l,

f) pi l'Lim1. ~jj; iIi l,vtJd.i!o!d t~r1J wht1,u 111'1 Ihe' moumerl posi l i I J! 11' ,he ~ ~1t:C'- J[I~ f.,~lJrf f' fS.'IIl hn. 10;. d I~ I ~ ,; I' ter Hn-J ]1[11' ~,trHdjj~i1: -Iri ~ ~ubul1ilu ion. an OPfH:I~ IT' L1 t, Til ;~" ,fir ,I hnlh ;J.'."" u'''fnl''lr 1,,1 IrCU, ~ pliH _ r.. J.' ,u~.a(;'k;, T j) H~~ I'ni i m U lhallh~ iHuunl b t be 11;;.; t~IJ!'1i' F''''IS!lil1ll~l; ~\~hl It 1 ~ f h f II . ton: .. h II, 'lutl y J d"'~ • r 11111 J uji\~,uu (.oUlI[:iij,;'iI inin. TI'H" Iftuunl 1 C~~ 1:.11111 'V ~ u III '~ilj:l'lI' I fl Il'fUIi ... Iii ~Idbill'y .101! C4 ~nW I~ it I ~ h I ~ 1"'1[11 :..Ish:r Itlir. I ~s:inl'l,~r In I tse, ! Il"w '''~~. [i~~'IiI""li'l til 1"[' VlIllhl (1!.,'Ii'i~lIu r.or prol .rrln Ul," kfll e- u ,~a~ l~ I~y P'I non. ml CllIl.!'r

~ l:cn1.c'fI,d~1 us 11~I~lltr Il~1 r a~tli ~eL'Clr n.n I~ ~It"m!o Irua ~HbLi b.~1 ~!1 h ,I I' '.' d nh·r r J Ilol'l pl~ II~I [1:'1 L! :11111]11.;11,11')_ 'r] ~ • kru;: L! 'lI)'lil- be'!lr, Iw~I~I~I~ ,1& dim-

Hlt Hll '&CrlPC l ~dFtli)ulm '.-I' I hi&: ~,u}nscll ia I~ Ii. and ehl:'lk·':-, WJ~ u~w~r '~.'hJC' reS]'l(''C'lhl'(' me .. r11!. 1;11

I'll, 'S~ 1:\1'1. <L) J!l >~[IIIJJLIIIS, ~t ts .. I~ I l'r h~1 rhe nIL: fI~onml~1 V I~ 11. III i, ,,] n e '1~~~~'Ii'~-n I ~l('! n w hJe-h ~(]I {'f)1 UW"i111 .illiltll ;;lin" rk an llprmrll!'fli. th)"",'~w r •• 1Idl~mGh i~ I .. :L'~~~;;;~fbl e ror ~h ' In~ n VI ~11e b~llnl[llf" mtl''O]1:r ~nlO ,,] mnrrlbe:r {i, suhl11 lan hotd~ whU;t u nde r the k FI(!'--¢'J'f:!."brily p(l6idon~ ~l.'iIlli' I!!I ~IIU his !'nO'S1 il1lp~I!rHlm 1~'5~,

~rbt:: slde- co rl't'~1D 1 1l'1:~'i5,! i-on ~~ a powerful piml1ng posIdun [ham has; ,ii 1!:!I",i:!,:U num ~ ber o'f '!l~ulat,.omlIS" 'Tlrue- COllIllfllu;m elemem in .111 01 them i .. 111,31 ~{ on top nF vm1r (rppon "nt, t~'I~~, .1!1:YO,5 blis: body. inll [0 one side tngure 't.,i'U. 'rhl!i range of ]JJo~hl'Ll·!:!S. L1e~ b~' m. UlI1' III 1'Ii1I~ '. S'hh::b IlS rhe si I IJWfIlll. (JI. di.:itdi.:Si.drr. !krnr"tT~ ·k4J~~?i ~h ifJO' g.Jill.JirJ'J'J'lI!j, ~t ~" 011 gl\elilJ( ]}!lJ5iriol'll eo cOlli rel an oppo:nG.1Ir a nd ':Ill mbm iI, h~m,_ I I:] (lJd,dhiof1, iE 1.:1; <lI gF'em (JQ ·~~hlf]l I.rom which 10 UilIJJ ilion Into other ]JtJosjti'l 11:', such es the '[f!r~nl n~e.d p!ll6i(iol]] and Ihl!' kl,e_e~all-bell'!{ positien, Thlt g!l'lem, 't.'Il rtue ul the ~;.lde-oCoTIitro~ pm:ilm i:mm h. hIS ~1.ilbml)-1". ~o other rmsition ollers the degree nf control t:l::tat i:;. 11ms~[JIl!e fmm me side lios:lJliloll. This advan I<I1MI! m m:a~,,)e:li h a gl[,J~a1. pla.t'i: til) 5J.0\1' dle u:-.mpo o~ 011 figbl down.. (:N.eirlhl,S a l'miguilllJ!: and fru'5mrr,iiI'lh"[J_g p osinonal iI;.'Lml!:ro~ 011111 ~'I[!I!J1U" opp:oOnCfI[ that makes him 'Ii re q u ~cH;:ny.






H:!:'n'iif1'S h.;.ve nu I~ f fV,iI)''5 to hald a :!Ii-de ·rom In I!" ~ [pOI i~ ion, and each b!'.!<.; its OIIdi"'m'lJna~~" • nol disad\. aruages. I he key ·h.,m~ms common I (]- a~l of them are .as rilJ,lIIiDi!"""S~

'"' At~l·;r.l'S pin }~ill' GpptJlRld o'J~!>I-w-d'rn. Ma "II! sure Ihii'U 111· center of yo IT I[be5;~ j' ,dl~re{1il em 11111 l>1 me remer 01' YOUI" (1IlPlJl"'ICOni.'s chest: f.I surethat it does :nm !l;]!dll:' (nolL'~'n 1O.IUs s'[oL1lildi 01" QW[ his side.

~, KK'i'p }'lilW't hi:~ .1m ... " m:d baH 1.riitN. J[ our hmps rise lII~). h. ~) ecomes ea 5)' for ylf.l"i!.l [ OiJ']lJIIOI)[]I('O{ to ]o:rcel ully bridge end cany you TO a bad T:~tlsi1ion, Sink your hirps d'm .. ']!'! ]0 use f~)11 r fvcight much more eHh:iit;n~h~, 'C[llC'ali!l1g an unples S':ilJb"



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G ROU~~ 10 fIG HH N G

and rlnng p res51J.1[C on )"i!m:r opponem .• Also be· sure 1:0 . ee'.p your base of support w~de, By r.m5\o \~t: .rrneaIIJ l.1tJi;l[ yO[] should keep }"OU1r legs. "~jd<r: 1I1[p.i;!i nas fiJI'LII sink your hips d" 1!,\\"IrL ... whiich :mab~ i ~ di "ItruJr roc -rone oppunem [co roll ~'1iJJlLl over,

• )KiU'p ~iu!bik Do not ~.implr ho.ld om grtmlr 1.0 lV"f' OPPQi[]II~lIll. iNlI]i ~TiIoi&1 ~ er h· .... l,l, yOll1 hi ldl..ilWl~ he \l,riU f1,·e'JiliI ually ':vorl his war out, Instead, move in respense '!Q lrls' rlll!1 emecnls. k'l"cpmg }'"ODt hips loull and :Sll.a:~in~ hest ·00- dl{~:"I. a:.. j'i[i!!il 00 50. U be fiIItk'IIJ~'illS '10 pu I yOIiJ back in gll.lm. do not he: afraid to move your h~'pi5' i1'l.V'~f nmm hi50. y.!l)1iJ Cill'H'WIl walk .• uol1llnd his head J, I rheotner ~idt: ~,~ hts b oay l bu ~ .Ii;; "I_!'i,irng yuur 'bips 1&1111' all the linlll!')" "fhlls is a _gl['lcan W(iI),' 1 oJ) set. up '5 bID i ~~il . n Il'tEllds and counter rulJf upponem's mnvemern.

An i otil;fi;!!OlLlnll: and il1!tplD(fI.i]'UiI '\!arlatJoD 01 the s:Kh:~roi11 fiji posiuoJil OCCll[~ v..'h . It the man l'~l It]E ~ ~'ltal.k OJ er ami arollnd hi opponent ~ cad. I hen It IP's (fig:1 i:r'L! 6, 5 ~, '['h~5 1l1liDl'il'I:!' rJiIH!> him in ill ,conuoHins Ix:nil h>n. often re~, rrcd ro Ii! ~ th~ ~ n rth jj ni b~ ~t uth" f10siu f. 5:U10!' fill! laee in oPIX)sile dh 1LL.illlJln!!o~. Tills pin I LaS sH~ I'm [J~' diU ;'lretu Jil:!fil to ! I .Ior both the 11lf' ami boUorn IlI.HI .~; ,

:fl~ ~r (:.hl,! rna n ILl rulenl.r,·,iJJth lilt" ... kle-eoru ml and noni!- ~LI~ h ~:I!ill1s, 'dllil!.: rhit'i .:t"1H rn b ·~CH],R.! Uitli i!l b "~~f'r posil inn. The Inml coni man form .. I('d ,~ C.:i pe tn~. el ~"L! I¥!" ba ek I{J I htl! ~I~ii rd position or gt' lin .. lira ,0 une's knees, 1~ ~~ i!ll~J) possible t~l n'r~lAji~[dy'~ ~~ m IIlIl' mr) man m~er lor oJ reversal nr ~'IL _"fa ,~[II.emplm,1JI !1!Jb~ .[II l1Em, The-·· ~~tt:'"I;"I[hJ111: ~ ollie mOore diOicl1!l un an e~L?rienCli!d I rpn~l~!~1I~, hew !~'~-r,

1'1'1.J:! turtle 'I:}Jl)50.~tE 'r" itl~ urs olLen. ; n the :1)11 ree 01 di ground 6~:n.. WI! ~fl one [igh \[,'J:' l~ 0111 .Ilis; hands 8iod k FI'!o!l.!'ot bead down, bafled n I' lioJli'~. he ls In the "T'UI.r~ le posltion." Hi'3 Ii;~PliOnINl![ Jl,'1'f'ne-lfaJy 51.jj}~, nn Igp or him, cil her ilrI rr(~~'[J!. uil hlm ~yith his arms .i:H"Oi!IIildJ th~ hij!'<Ld 0Ii!i1d1 one 01 the arm .. (Ja:'(nu~h,ead[ dk posinon), Dr out 'to ~J'~i.e slde 1l.'lJiiin. Me·.tIlITIII iilLITUlIl'td the opponenrs 'II.!I.'aist: rOil" GI mi rot (~lgU!fie s. 6.'~. A '[biird alrema ~li",e i!t fCu· rile 'IOp manto p:Io'!l bi."mselrr dir".xt1y behind his cppone n~.


j j t


'jj ,unl [hit bl11a om m.m':-" pt:'~IIt."t1h'iI?', aJ1iU' turth- pU~iitJklJn h .:II dl~ad QF111H~i;."(J'lJS t:~ I ulllf1. fiiy h~r~niC hif'rlwU In IllAIn. dn' !_Iij.:uom muu It,rUi! llM1l1w ,rw!l':id:: dlrrlt'l'lll 1.1 ,r tih· ~I~I un, lin. Und .... d1, JI i fM1l1'!oiU~ Illr iI t" bonum 1I11!l1~ W"JlIi.U;1t wllh hi~ II 'iN]] ... hi ,nn Ls~ ~ n hfdd'l\. i!'. ,~,.dl • s; dllJo!'J.l1sn l'mIHI:UlII .... l"!'< ~I' '!I' 111:11 b '! P r pi s!1lml~. N !1ii.ll.:·

b ',I '%0. 11m ~ n: scni;,Ud.: ItHilwlld 11;.. rnuc h I I'll J r.I I he t fI1 ~ • fliCBlhlOIl L'IrI U'-'!' iHI ~~r 8!1j,!t;' mllpp 1\"'1311. :l;11f1~ ~/tlU ~MIU olt ·11 ,ilhll!t'fh ~ In' ~U·iI'V' i d IrllL~l"! I h • bl1'1· V Ilun 11!'itUI nm:.m ~Uhcr ':~df"l iI «11)11 III> Jl!i 1:..1iU~ I(~;] ~ t"~ t"qHj!~:I'11 L~n I r U! I n p'l , ~ll)Jtlfl7l!~~~jurll hul,1I. Till!' lUI mill1 h.u UI~' 10 ~. IfH ·j~~WII' SUji:k: ! hi'l! I!I~n'li lTI1~jL'I,. illfl]UOI'V" hi m'u~1 lion. tU ,jJ lcmnpi uhum iiil'!llnn I t~d ....



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G U a rd IPolsi til!I\D1 n

n " {Ir m he [.)Ii 1.11 L'fl il ul IltR'i Ion I II Hfound fij;hl jn!~ ls ~h·· lott~>i1rd 1',1 ~Jll It,

"rhls Il'IEI~hhllll r~h;on; ~(I tiny "ioillMl[!fIllmerc url " Ul\l.hl[i:I' ~'iO II n his btl. or burro k~ wh.h n Ipptm "II m if. 1 fcllH €~ lib l~ • n "n fi" 6, 7~. \l'h"n M M.o\ !ll~~l1 jn~ b ·.!ilL!:n In Nh ,~m li't Am "If1COlJ ln (h~ l"mly 1990$;.. l'IfIO!i1 J ool)]{" "'ur'l~It:li! 11~ll1ld CI r. 1. h .. ~~s'Unll'1i(),n 'thd Ii,!!l n~:hie,r f'rn!> un his b.l~. , then h· wa'" i'H m.Jnb~t·. }"hll!!I' n. ~111i the W.'!iu·m ~rrllld~~ liLllfII, ~I .J! raan Is fill ~I~~ back. Iw i~ pinned ami e ml:ild!l!~'l'd h 1.1 h.'fo\i,. In mu S'I pe- p~t!'.~ rJmlnu:I~'o I h~' vt"~' Im"'g£!' (Ir h IpllI!!I.'!ifU·S5i in il UHh l Is ~.~'!I<'lI~ LJ~, m.1 t1 :Jr!: h,ls tti!(·!I. IN'~~hi "'~I ~IJiI iirf [iI'l. n nn lOP. hlu!f' J' I1j m .1, wm. Tn Unll;!' " hsolu m "" ~hHCk ;1 'm.o§,~ f~~P~'r lI! regular I!j;jghl in lhCiL'\: ~1 .. '\{A U~hlti was ~~liH I ~ Eira:zUl .. r'I j1u jti1Hl lE~h.~>t!·[s;· r~~tl!1!1IJ:: r rum Lhdt biI!:' and ~-'i"'/"rfJ.

,P~op\I~-e' h~!d slllnply fU:'U n:ali:ze-d [h", enormous differenee bc'[we-f!]i pinnt 111 g a man Illm~ .hI i " oock in a U1I I\~ &ulIi D3d ng m'ltl-:5:ii ion ,]J]ld $i,mn~}I~' bd~':!ll locked b! 1 he ~LE nil pc)~,EI~nn. The for,!I]{:T ~nvfllve. gc'lIin~ P",,",I an I!JIWi:lltlli!~nf5 Ie'.~s and cffective]~· l'IILrtlfllil'llg hls upper body_ 11K lauer meall'l'S [hill. ~.JhIt' ma ffj on hettom ILi1I.i:I u 5<!:J h~5, 1!L,§l.s flEIit! J.tiiP5 'no ICoiiur'ol (he I.6IJ man's movements ~J~ .31 5lJI:rp,r~sJng degree .. The I!fLn; '~11' :'!f()iU ea ~m lnooersli'lild lrus crudal dilierenCt:.. the qulcker you r progress .1.m'1 grorlfllll,d1 ,might i'Hlg, \,.,n II be,

AU U!('II I(ten,. m he di (ference bet'WYCen \ .. ' and ~![l5rl1g ,.3. fdShl is r11 Is verydUJercnce bemw. eea keep-i .• )!: II man \.', .. bfl' is mil. ![O_P (!If yQU in trnnt of your. ] ~B$ (ill!




I 1



.... L

1i~!.lIIJ~1i! tfi.1 {llIt!....:tII·gLaId" DJiI~il101'l (8). GjlflN)J,lff[4jl (lJIIOI,~11fllltli 'j}i1!*W nn I{!J); ii!!11~ ~J!-E""'!lillimJ (DP1Hl~ !5'~!ldIIl'i!) p(l~inil!1Q M.

~1'_1 e :¥l u.;!.T.(I, rln~ i,~ i,U'1 u ~ .a rl·d ~Uowhl~ :tid ii'll r}jjJ~1 )"(' I~,_ i\S lorwg .as ~!IIl~1. hdj,Jj an opponent [n the ,~I!;u:ud. "[O!1.l1 ha'l,fe'] n eliC'CIivc mea ns of dc-i'!:ndillg l'O!JI.r~c-l[ lrom strlkes ~ [J,(~ leiPfli! ir''_'~l~d~ s!.utJ'YIIl~fj~il')n ho]!cl,;;; wb! le al [he sa me tlme Ibdng able (jf.!i strike .a nd ':HIIb.m i~, Y0(Jlf I[IfppOnf"[JII,. The moment "'fou.r 0l>poru.:m:u: gJt:Hl [lJliiI'U 'Y"C1m: l~'.I:J$, ymLI,U)s;f!' al~i.y Sot!'flu'tl!';Ul!l!!fe of i::'PIHfnt ~hus... )"CiU became prog!t'(S'~!~.'e~y more vulnerable as 'I_jo1olJltllr oprp©mlel'lI( ~:Of'ks his waf up [he bierafeh'lj' o[ pmmJt~mlS.

In ch;;l,p ter 7., 'J,'I!Ie" ~:~l.3i'lm '~urflii.i: iII~ I'he g:lI!<IIi:lII ,In del..a.iI 'beCc"lil!lSle It is so ~.I1I1po!i'Ui.m, 'W the bottom ,0i11.m.08' ,t[ll .M~'i!iL~. Prom the lop .man"S pe'f5Pt"CIi¥t". the :gualrd represents

I 141 I












SOlt-~"'I,'~~:hlrni:: {II]' a preblem, [[ is fl'!O$!Iiblc to 'l...m d r.g~u !by ,.Em~)l Y ]1!CJljlIJ dlng 2J1Nay aJ Y'lDtlIf 0!l'¥JIUI!flent ~ "IDle locked up tnhls g!._IilOO; I:n:n!f.oe,,~er,il, is. alsn possible to lose' 'Uaie- f]dll bf rollmv]jl~g 'Coo 5I:rat!.:ID". as many ~grulund and J1,f)1IJ nd" :rl~h'! ers have~ns 'o~~_r{'iJl •• 1\ 'lID, 11m more s:ensibl(," ru~ncgy is to auemju 1I!i] ~C'l past the bour rn rnOlJD1i"8 ~e8$.a!Rid brip-'S 'into;] rru Iy dOlnu1atD. l-op 'llI05idm~, (h.'ln nl akes J1 [';ill:" mDJlE d]~:n~n~1m rcu" lht' bouom man I!O ddel,d 'hlmscL. TIllS s~.ra~,e~y UJ "'passing Il"H:! glJJ'aJrd" ~l!l.e[[ting p,aSl I'he bottom mans leg'S) is Ihe one most. [a~fII]I["-e(J hy ~C03 soned g~~~vpl]t:'r5 .:lind] is ;1 higIFperrC:I'til8'C approach ilO nhe [gIrl sund ~ame. An alternatiJve sttanel!U' l"ii alJl oil tild the bonom 111;:1111\ leg \1.i1h suhmlsslnn holds, whlch ca n be ijI!fII ,dfeclj,'11' sbormn 1(1 .... iil;lory if done n~eill. n d'umil!:; '!JO" dr, it ca 11 :I t!'(,Jd H) L1tl5<'S of m he top J'~ltiI;JiI "

Ha[f,,'G~lalid 'r;isiitioID





VitI' ' ir.!',~llC'ft11 irl 0 bC" w;ursc 01 d. RfOIlI!d lighl ami durin,~ n 1 nil; (BJ~p~ilc,EiItJrDlJ or Li:1t! gUli'lllid P ls;um]DIl. \,uu t 1.I1"IIPru:nl IUiI~' all ,"mpm, l~ [ilB'lf'Ol!l r : '1lI l'Ll II ~wt aroun I y rliH :ti.'l",,)I. WhC'f1I aJ.b happeus, 0111 will nil en hi: loreed 11(11 h.l ':k ynm I ~~s L1 NlLHH3 milt' Itl~ flOllii' {lH,QJ'uml"s ILOP (i15 (JIIPO~,Hj' to ltd· III'j:an"l f. '5[i~ Io! Y 'IJ CC'UTI'I\ll m'ly

ne h:!:. 'om IJ~lwn ."111 ls haU\'vd)' pol I vllf' uard-e-ben e, 111,111,' name, lUl(r·

• ~~~r.1l' ~'~~'I~[, fl,t]'i. illi~ Ii. iJflOI her 'II IL"li tral posltlon, VOI~ ~~1 '~IU['J.nil,.'In I[iIpllmlNI~ tr, FifII fhi P 5iLi H~ 1m. hC' can bUllI ·u<IIlw. Tll" n~ Ill.. 1r1 ha~ iii tHiilh" ,iJitli'L'lii rlima~l" Iini M r,kiHy fil~ith:liII. hu I Ir 11(" (I'irlM;.':roll'iUU i!~, I'!:li 's~ rI kC'~; be ra r:J 1J ' s WUPI hJI ,II ~ I~ I linn p -Ilion IOf .i 1.1 rtI, 'I h 'iillbn1I5.. ... ~ n hr}JII'Is, S'[ I[ , m h b~ r~ ~ro.ol H 11 j~~, II

Jl1I!flllllUi 1U'lJ,. }IO ~ mu .. 1 bC'eDm -. lam nor \! 'il h iI.

I )

~iulJr13 'ilI.1 I!L W'11ldnl~1lI pu IUtlt!;



I 1





We' C'1In! flll!)r'!;," (Irlm:r oil rough guide I.e:) the hicra mw oJ pl:~~hiil]lmj:, The. Usa, lH;;~lI'l5 \' i~h [the pC-[5peCUl'e 0.1' [he .~ man, SOh!!'. hO'~,'I>'~'I,I',er, that i1 tbe lOp man is in a diDmjJlJ'a m p!i)s,~I_h).lI. a Uetl the botlOlli! I)l-.!'i D is in an infenlljir posu Lon. The rn me dormi.l,~ .. :r~i'~!g: the' lOp nldn"s prnloitioD~ [lite more!:rJo[ the [b.DH,m:1iI man's posll~l[I(lil, Thus. .. me I] 1 ~'Q{,'S IWO W<3ifs" Sia n ins ,~dl the per>iJI xtive o.f the flgli 'I er in [he ~I])',~I .IJU)5Uooe. 'Ii:\IIOl!' dln"ll '10 neutral P:[)~II lons (~;'i,'hlE~:re nelrher I he' man OIl




) J


top nor [he one' 1[1(1'1 'tE]C' bJOilt'UID 'bas .pJ dedsi'lol'e .. dvantage). down '~J!]I the increas- 111:!31y bad ptlsiti!ljl]w QF !'h,e !]g'!r~er on the OOUOlD.,


Top-rear mo[lrlJ;!ID~dl B;lU;l'"U! &:Iii] Ek1tt~l m - rf!a ~ ulii[]l!!..umed IJ>OSlUi:tom MOliJtlli!d pt1S~~JIOI1I.

[{nere· en- ben~" lPosBiorli

Side- C(I'rJ tTO'] 'p![lsHi'ill1l

TU''l't1 ~ VijJc~i ~ilinl

Hilll~gu,;;] ~d UJ![IrSi~jo.ll!

(I' i ci ud Pd~H I!i:)i ~

Holl ~~lLa rd D1![115j~j,Qt.iI "ru rtle ~Ji[,~ I,D1L,)111

S:id ~'~~~n.t ~![Jr~ p{li51,~lrlJ'~

'K nil:~~~m -hell r pes ~U!l::!(UI MIJ'LHU!li:d piD'Sitio[JI

H'I )~W i'fl·,rt:.)lld nfM Irlll n~,h~~11 Ilo-si"llon Top, RMr ui I (g1!J ui U.'di gJlOlSa ~iolll

NlJt~ [i1li1t ~h~r~ !,m: nfll.1n1f y.o[jlriaLltillS .11 C',]d~ !..II ~h!.'~ 1)[I!Iolqitmlll'!!' lHul t!llhcr ! 1:1" i~HIJI,r I!'[)lj ltl@ 1'15 HItIi~ [J"'ilH" hi! I ~!'Ii!' ,nlU;~·'C Illl~f!'II}JlII'fl1l! ~.u{1 B~h til n:lll.. In ,.1 tM l· Un!fi_i eermtn mhl!.:'r pil;lC!lmum. ~stat.'h ... llL'adlork wni.;uJon~l.jJD\(! ~l(jlll:J[Wil:Iii!:!!.fl ]i1C~'r,;, .s lJ,ll.Iili L11.l~1 L~ d~sagJ;"Iii'!.' 'Wi ~~) ~h!: I!j(m:~ o·vdl.:r'i1liB 01 i ht." IX':-'~ Ilml~; .1 r~{'r nl l, ~~[lidm ~m~ 'I ts I l\1V1.l ;j],d ~."IjJl MiIi~ S' ~Inld II ~"l;lId~·d n las~';S •• '1],11110'1 hif;..rif,;:~'" IlIi'll hil!:ralP'h~,' ,~~n H.~~·Vr: (Ii"" ~l, 1.1 ~!i:fl.ll :!1l u lilll.' btll th~ rlU)dlh:rln~J ~Hru: ~hlill i!'! M']i L·n,K'i.,1 in a ~:r'llu u d H~'h L. ,N'[lIh' 1 m u1wd i.!!!t!l!~Y' t fin u u 1l'i.1!,:' !llb~jli,{,1 il~l·S. a nd !iiI r.lI.t.'i:k":il ~d the I \V~ flGluikrr.; ,lflr,: rd~f~ t: rem iII('{'Hr~ 1t~'1 ~ till \lVh~~ iu,! u ~h~r ur:;tll!~ 'Ii:lr~ nr bnUifml pn~1I h:ln-d udeed, ~ hi'l' IIDh]~('. r.1.Y'1;i~ ,!:j:r. tne ~QI? '!:'! D'!,t] lli~'lUri'lI!WI ~h.=hlcr'!l< EliU" IJ sUilll ~·lxd.U' ,IIIIKll>lh . .":'i. l~li~ ~l~V~~~m'L'~ l'~" Is U'e H~L'i:iL'.r1 i III th~ ~OIrli:l ~h;;lIl w~' !'i.t: r~ rm<t: IJU,';i!,' n,\i.£~ di 1[, ·renl .up(' h I!J!~ II h~!' ~rCi'U'I1irri ,I;l~L.1 ut! o!1Hd. ~,ddr~S~ t~)1!.: uH i III I ~t!. rl,(! ". 1\'110 ,Ch.1PI(,I1I..









J ~ [





J · I

W-· .. ·


From the

Bottom Z),nC'I'~!t·: '[~O··.· -n ~

.' ..... _ ': ,C'V~I_I.I/I .

--- j ,




1111 UJiC i.tlSt ,decade. ground figbtin,g has tbeoomc ~]le l1ii.i!L1! t talked a bou 1 rtspeCL iJ)1~ ij~Wtg;:in [h~ martial arts, lI}lI:'hidl is: <!i CQ'ru:ili~if~,e turn around l.Tf)~) I the pnv~!D,lJjs, u'erndes.. w,lIen i'l was di.ln:UlSl lot:illy :r!iIe:g~ '~Led, The rea~(lIn for 1:11l£ shiH! 'j ~lJ m.omE'llmilil is UJldDubledl~r the in II ue~ Itt' of mixed martial Jilts i; M ;\1i...:\j, whese grmm ndl f:i;ghlmg ,hil'5i so olten pro\"C'D to be ! he phase f.)J combat where f1g]lms .ilill',e 'PAlfil a.udllosL Then: MC. hOI,Vf'\fl;f. deeper rea~OI1S that explain why g rouimdl ~ghting, ,rutn:llilh· has the undivided,] nemion IIJI~ so JlI~ any JIi!.:J rual u 1:" j sts,

f,~~~~. tin iii! filhE 'Mlhou I rules, there a Il." no 'li}f."te~h l i(,iitcgm:ies, You III U 51. 11,g~1 t 'Wlijume\rer ,I •. It!' pfaccs in lrot It of you. w'li ~dl l'hIJ.S a il;:u rhe CJ S'I! In I h ' ca fly WtA eWI ul'5. 'Wheneverllu"rc: is: n d ra u"I;;Ilic di Ifereat;;;r(" ~n size. the iii kchhood of 01, smOlIH']" 'P,po.alt:,na being (alien 0'(1\'''']1 by a Iar II[IJr:El;cr opponent is much higher.

S rof1llrl~ IJ'r{tf :rdkss oj aJllly great dispan .}f iJI siae, 1J~1l:: r,[~ i ~ al ',',,'j] vs the 1Gb ance of bdll1ig tillken dD~Mn tn 'Y{')<Uf ooe,!.:. itl (I real 1l~l1m_ 'Ihis0JlJild 'be du 1n your O~lrJnmmr~ g1iL"a1 ~ 5.ki11 io E a ked~»'I/I1B 00,[ ,ll ~jlh;ldkc on ,'n'u r part, J ~ Is :-:1 JHp:1 Y 'L j i'J ci thOli~ h~ YUIUI iil!h[ nppomml5.. ym,1 hiLY.~.l hl,gln I lit! nee or I~dll! trio kiln duwn @& ~u~m," IJOrn~.

Th rd. nlg'b 15 rilIre usn.ili f cliaolie iln.'1i['S. '''!I~IFI~ n higil~!j. never seem 1 {} sri as plm flla."d, Ohll'fII your (111',[1 !I!.!I It lun~ (lui lob!,:' much mo ttl· di rf icult L i ~ ~ ~W '11£1. wld~ ~b Im1J ulalti( ,jJu~d. \1' fI 'i;vl en he h llili1~:r,]nlDl6d. ~Il the !j.M'lrHB~ ~h~tl~ !.JJ jj fl~h~, r.lifily,m:hlitJllI:i1i.ll Il.lJllX' I. For .~ IIW,liI.i. )NJU can C,IlI' ~nV U~l ll!'I''H.iI1!l up 'hi tb ' h1 Iii lum iH ~iUI')IIl. dc~rdl': ~'ou f il111i."1I1iun uut I'e d()~,~!~lI,

1P'!il'rtu.ll~~'" I:h .... I RUIs.1 in 11'itIl"h1I1l r~d'!il)iI ItJ!' de'l;ldofl!~nll~ '~r'l.1im' Innl Wn I ~J lilt' :1" 'lht' "l~f~~if' nf ((lID1ilJd~1 1&1" I h .. u It 1,\1111 dCl,l.:loll h~ yuu. f',Ul nDrljb~ lil~f.,l~)II;1'! 'I hell' g~1,1w r' ~'I tit: R ~ 1I1I.1 rel'lll tIi :hl ls I~illg lu'hl drn,\lU .. Uu:J ilL'.1 ten, f~l is ru ~ m'"n I r{'~n; 'I ~rnl. II I ltS th~ffli H r, nl Hjl:h.m hng .... 411 h tmtlitl~n •• Jf j) U~.hJ!."r iii: ~ ·1"fIH'~d rl.d hti~n:!i: Lak t: 11 lm,'JlH, he wUJ bt1 r~l u tt!IU IY .IPld~! hi .. rU:d IlI'li ~LU"~, lU'S, ( n eern w ~~ hi:· t h m'! in (~111 j III I ~. ~~f~~ itll iiIi 'iUik'l:. hl!' ,,,>\jill1\.' lI.I.L~n lim,'!} and ~llmm~tllr·~,·d. m~ ~'" L: 'f. ~f htL 'I III_W~ ~ ha ~ 1Il~ CriJ n ~,n n'1~· hu-m I he ImUQln Ilo:-.Wtmn any ("n'n aUut:K, fn m h, 'I J1 ~u ht' wU II hllW' HIO ril,lJr (,f hdng 1.1 "" 'n do,'IJIl. TI1 e ru. ... u n ti~ IIJaan ~ ~~ ~"t'J I' J1 ~'I wll f1 rmH·

1,~IflC' r~ ah" 'l<a'lI~t~in.c fiil:~ni(Hl~ The h-ouolll ~m\.! i:oo ,J M.'"ny j=l'1 Llti1,JHnJ;! ~rlfh If II:' 'JClrll'fI,~·m '''i'''iC_'fmrm'''' OJ real lI~hl-lhl;" ImMlg!." 1.1 hc\llm~ !:dill1!;;';rf '~iUwn "Hid crush d, JII.~i I tsu liMk'~ you cum hmabll.!' p.: ;0,-..11, hl I he ~\'ON[ ~Io~.::! li" ~(·t·n .:nrll~, If you can llt',jIlU Wi'JId'nJflil1bl" whh III aillCa ul d h~h[. UH:rc~ ~~ U1~~ . 10 ~'t'~f.

l' he I[W I rnmns[ wmr~t'lio! rou res 10 VI :loT}' trom ! he hOHrOIII'l! lPu~ I i on are' ~ I ~hl1l lssE~I!1l1 hi()~!ds,. Olillld "w~,tCp§;dlnd reversals. S,ld'JUlis'Qon huM ... are locks; 1ft the jotrus or 'ne!:k [h< ~ I hrC',;lJIen yon r npponer.u ui 111 injuf1!.' nr u n, ~11 d~ ~u sness unl t!"li he su l!n:r~I't5. Many e-lrt."("I'i"e su bl!fd!S.">lQn holds Q! I~ be alPpm~'l.::d f rom U [-:'Id.ern~·a ~ h you f iCl]:1f~)!Q~. ,e~lJed,j]]I\f in rhe gu.nd pos.liion. likewht=, there are r.I ~a,rge number of: ~l'W!l:lI!'p5 t1iJ'1lOl,II'if'\I',er~-;ds that i1Illo"" )-"OU 10 1I[)11Jdc an o;pp(m,e~H over ;11 nd take the ~~ ~,P poS<iinfel'1l_ {)!lI(;i'.: Lillis sene .. of mows UQ;iUl£, you Can bcgln sirlk i ng y,D1J:r W,a ~r t ! '1jC~(lir-r~ or l'oU (iiln SO Oil to gain (I positiona I advan .iiJIge and then e-t plolt i [ \If,lih th app.ll~cal~ wn of a submission hold hom a m'l !I'11." dam ina m posni on.

[{eel I! ~r~ 1illiml. h~·CT_ thae ]1 is dl DlrullL mo '1.'\1 n a Irorn Ll fl dernea th }'~'H~:r (I(p'POf.i)el'!I,! !.l~iDg only strikes:. One uf the lew exceprions ~,Q Lbi s rule is '1.1 L~




ise cd a tl ['listing hil!e~, kEck. ao ~'he ~a1i'l;" or yOUl:' 0l~'ponem es he 'SI~m:ul'5 over ¥'Ollt open glllard- Thi's' rn (~re 'is; ~ proV:E,n ligh1·'f'ndcJ in ~VLW\ eompet i~ 1101]1. [ndit=e.I,1. on ~" i ~r the most faIlllOI!'!J5: i fllSI:OOC'CS 1.1(' this JOfllll of S1Tikji\g from I-he !boW;nl]l pO!iittl n occu rred ~ v hen Refllz. ' Gr.lIcie 100" on, Olcg: lilklaOO'!if 11~ [he iIo.l~ IliLiiJil~, J"j"t'~ Rc:alicy Super6gtn (.\'\";-\E.5~ ~\U\tA, ·\.~erU. Tak~iifOV. wa:J! >iii skilled g.ra~)~er t'i' a Ii ne re 1::1' rd iD Mi"L\ [ilJlflnpeEirion. Aller srorl[)j1 .l solid I,ake:do\'\'Il on Rell1w, he 'I:11.f1,dc the mistakl" or bel'lldiin~ d~~n 10 comrol R('1111.O·S 1'("(", ifl, the (!I~}C"Ii1 :guard ('r.l'05~ibl.y .ill::. .iii p:r .euesor tv ilJrIi I]JldtJ:.c,-b"x:.k ,Ju .. n:k,- Seizing the opm On1J"J'i'1l~'i! ~ iI"Ovkll:!d" HeLlzo :l;hi.'lll: ill, S:ljJt uplM:trd"l1SlinC h~"el kick to ThkIAJ'O\'~s jin~' and g.aul·d a gn:>ir[ kt~ ockl 1 • .I!'t,

Mast 'Str.ik!i:S, !low~VI:'" ,U~ ,vc~Ij:,I.!'r-l:!oing lip 10 roW' 1)'I}IPOIl~1 • ~~l.iIn' 11J1iC'51ha1 he C.;!,rL 11 l~ d[l'H'~[J • l 'YQu. B U i ~Jlli5 0.111"11','] Illitler; "iiILQulri 1101 prevent }'~jjm4 1 ' m I 'L~.l:nptUI1g ~,lr~k.~~ [[1l,J'~bll I.h~ b(l~'lrun 'pm-ilion. 1 hC"-y l!'f\~ ItO make '0111 r O'i1'fH • L1 ' "t u i:l~OrTd[lttahh~' i!l!1I'Ld: '~IUl~!tl,blt [Il,QH.!' him mIt) d. Souhrnislriolt hold I n· '~'Ir\J'j~II!'P,


,'i,01usr {,r Lilt! lu;m m j)1[15~tbn" a·~ mkrh.1if Il!!,d" Itl!!.. U i dhnnlil .I1h',j)V~ iht" a '5 IJ.:' dldL 'Ii' ru \'\";pr~t ~ J ~ighi 11f'l1 (Up' ~~ '~Iur ullpmumi. IIm~WIf. If 1-1, ti ,11 hig~t'I', S[1'!jtl,Ht't' uPfF 1'li1 'nm ~ Ilr (JflIf,,' \-\'hu I ' :rkm~d In JWfl~). '111l, wlJih\t"'Ir'il_,]_Lijl~ ':;:11 l u, ill tbt, b;gIH.ilH~ Pi )1\,11j-,o. "ilm.1U\· .,co,plc: ,1:1 .. 1111 I I~I du~r would n'l"'1.01 J.r II 111 ~jifL I' II~II' b~;;:ks in lh ' Ir '~~ilJm IIU ,il h ft-ll1liJ I il i .... r~ III-h W~~! It ~ J ·h~. ]~lii! L:' I1~J I lui11:stl n81ll't!J;'~ p~d 'jj ~'lc' n~hl he 11 un IQFJ, bLU II -Ian i-: Ih'lIL _¥'h ~ ~~ u n!l:im t'l cll~ 111 ,[J, filiu l1ifllLd \",,·h.1I 'ii'!o Ii'rn:Y".lJ • J dlHIiJ'i( u"'«,,)II~! nHL Ih ! '!O~uh·. ~r y~ I'i,.i n~1 H ~[ L~ ~h !l:1~1f1{,m~ms. I h~lI'c" ill L limL":.'o ,,'II1ln:11 1!m~ 11m! rena ~llf underI ~ -aLI! ~hL! rn, ~I:!.Iif LI:~UI5 rltom \hl." (J Illanl II V];illoH.

l~tJ ,I,US ' I.!IH;~~ t bi~uun ~ ~1.o;!j,iI1on..;; .I r ' inh.."rior. i)111' b~lucr"'!i I:'UlI his .. i frt\\'h lit" ~ • II LIo! I J'L rn , I 'nll ~ ~ n ";I i iii !:!'o i~) -)~\;atlt.' m II bl.!'llcr IUl!\ithm. \>'\~ h 11,;','1 ever v~ Ibn ':U II: ~ i1J~IC1L l~ In ri~lI.t (I:' .m 'lInd,t'm~'4UI1. ran~'j. nUl IlIiI.: lolloUlhlC .. m', 1W:

.c, 'I ml,~ 1,1 ~ C'f~! ~tr IIIU'U1lI:. dtIJ~l1ih !.;Iiiin~ I"hl:' hi an ~Inti('m 1111..1 "'.ililC' mau ~lJI,.·r;, d ·j,ttl er

>Ii t!~,c~ . .p~~!,'1 I' hI!..' :I!:,Lmr.d fiO!;i! i;}u.

~ I..!S .llP· rj) or . Wi' knees or ," feet (and rhus ~el back 1(1 .1 neui ral pl)~'i ri'Ul!~, !I! reve: e ~·O!.!U Oil ~~r ,~.:', t. or

Ii; am<!Tn:p~ ~ ~ lLl,~ln1isgionhohJ,.

1'1: YOL:I trt ro jjl'''\~!'!'[St~ your. oppon{!,l1il~ be .uvare thaI um 'C'S("a~l';~ In!;()11Il

t u mln~ YOUI[' f ];JJ~lLC1 ir~.elrU ewer ~,Jmd ~ndring lip ;on 'lOp 01 him i,l ij'I dornl1 1111 rJI '111 I im~~tlon. 'Ihese [ell!l:1 ~ ,be dl mmlr and! li .. h\g., and Lh(i">t' 1~.iJ r~sa.: asso ~.!1~ ed W~1 h the 1:[ us e , 5h!o!':llid lhe~J iil n~. Iht:''f rend 10 {I' .... e you in a n ~\ ml '-..~ ~ 5>j t.i (JJ'~ rhan betnre .. =-.ulid '!'illr'd llfi,ibolll, 'Flmvt,",.'.er. deoe ",~II .• he can unn a .m,~'h.'riil[i!J'llUnd,

It you at:B~'r[l.p~ 011 s:uIt:!rJIl]is&in~l bold. remember thm Ib~ IUO\f'J;: can be diJfku'l from i'l L ~edor b.Oit'tO[U ,~looi1!i.oIliS:, lEO\'¥.e'!r"i:l'_ it r.n"~1 I(nee ~"OIJI r o'J)~;nM:!l,[ to back oft' a 1 tttlc 'til:!' 1i:!$1 OII}Je The i'IIUt!~llJlI.oo lock Ki .. reaeuon may I hen create t n,(;' "'J'l.:lC'e ~'('ql . .ri red. ro a.[~,{"mlJll~ ~!'{]u]' escape 10 ll!le guam pn~,IH.on Of an escape ~.'a! ,¥Oll r knees or ~rt!~l-

I 147






S;iIIIIT m;1l]]l'f. of I'i.Je' esca"pes :From dnminaring pins and holds iu 'I1ll'hn::o a retrea r ID the glUa'.!t~ i1Q$H bon. n~ lvill spend III good deal 0:1 'lUn.'n; ~il lscu 5!>ung thls position, I~JJt" Ibroill~h~$'!! 0:1 me: gu.aro is that 'il Ul'IJOI'i>'1I!S $mn!~'!I,l!!l Oil ~}'i,iI1g underneath !'II)U ~ l[Ji.ppolJiem f~lilh him in 001111 of }"'1iI~" 'I eg,'!:i ,. fhe .'ldlViU1imge O'~ holding .3J1"1 t:ijJipi[im1C'.IiII'~ hi the g:uii\lrd JJQSi lion Is thm \~ou.r ,le,~'S can be l rsed ~ 0 control 'h'i ~ D1'11!Ur ... ,~ ilIil en~!i. ilIlld 10 -"fOrk him into submlsslon hulds" s~,!).!eeps" a n d strikes while iilfl '~hie' Soill[!fil~ I:mn: u'~i riiL~i us- hls anadcs, AB,I hough IDa ill" ~"I]i[m5 of gu ard ;;i ]"I;! a,V;:1 il~Oilble. i'b . .fr.iU com be divi:d e rd inlo three biB~k ,[;;a IJI:~nt'me.s.:

l. Clooed ,~u!iUd: This invnhl1!'''Ii h;irki Ilg rou r le.g'!l around VOIH" opponent's '!I~;jJi:s~ W'hfil~~ WIng u:J!u:»e-mNlh him. This move is wh,[B_~ ruusr ~~,I;O'_pk ,a$~ncla I.t:! wLt.h altlt" iJilll~lfrl :pQ»_jl-iol~1 ::Jute [his Wil.;;o ure \1,uilartion ,o~ ~ he ~u.i!ln:lll h at W,l'l11 used ]"li~U~il! ~.h;} FI Oilrlif othit:'r in e-lIrl~1 jl,1IM...\ marches. Til~· a.thf,j]~ mll<Mlg~ or m.b!2 dosed gu 0 rd is, ~hl1:' 'l<!o!IJi5i~' '~"'ith 'j,',*TII h:h it can 00 used W uullil Y d III 11Ji~J,I~C1Till~[n "5 $~!'ili ln g ,;;1.'11 ;;ild" j ~ Is r.oII~lu~r ltkc: IilII~hi I&5t.-it1hl!: 'diudl >tJillhl! grolHh1. ''ri11l11J mn use It 1.0 tie up en ~iJr;fJ.fll!:irll~ 'lio OIJr-fIn:, OIind iflll'rlert' u:oil b hls lID nchcs,

2, OPl!'11 J.:;a.!I.l rd: This i .. ;jJ broad 1(".;IJlcgJln.t 1:)1' ~tfI~lSin i~)-t~,~ '!Nh [iI:O>L;! ~:liIl~}' ron unon [' jj 1i:~lIllr ~~, i ~M'~ YUUif tll~lxmL'nl l.s in I rom 01 ,..:am ICi,fl'~. 'S,inru ~lnlJ ,til 1\,'" g'l til ]'~~lIy hD~1/;1 ~rI(~ \'Ii:~~ r (l(lfllClmml in whh t'VlII[' leRi\" ht: l"l ,~,d ~lb~;F~ '!! ~.o ~t.1nd u r .'lintl walk 1~'ItV~r ~ftlm rIll! till d rll· tlme I u: !Chi!UJ:Ui~ ~"'h k1l i .. ;iI~Ti '1;II~1i11·[f]~-ij n i'Iltt"!l I1iY rn Q 11 V ~[rlk- ~~ 'L'1"~n rn:kr thl;' .. !:iliI1dlng l'1th,tl'l,{lU. liw Orm(m ~1IJi;J_mi(;lr uien, ,['!.:lRl!l 'to be m~j ~,t!, !l!'~ !1:!'!l:UW dl:iiilh 1M .jjJ11 OJlpoll""U I \yiln "¥"'UI~1!il n n .r..,I·{',J n h t:' H ~b l tn rh L:! 1i11'~1 L:111 d ~,hi1I~'" ;j'ilfiJd h, Ih1'i,1~ "F. rlu\,v.ud InI!}' ytiU. I r)'IIl~ h.1i "~ml!JiILmd au~J J!iCl iJi'!'HJ.1!' (I [' p<l ~,S m!l'iIUIIIH~ ~1m'II!lH I~~, to 1;,1.'1 1(1 J bcl~!:r iPMi!hln. hI! .l1th ~U~~"]'[~'l~ln. the ~lp!;o'11 .j.!1jj}.lti I~'UC rs ~ ~~e.llil emAh.IMllion!.Ii!ll!<!oh~.Jindi(mnli.:~ •• ~h! ••• I:1I~).LJ .. !I~13.wl1khb(.1 uc ~,t!! ~ 1M r.' ~r~.c a n ~lJbUil~' E'tlill rh e pU .. mUll t11 h:r.l; I il VOU r ~1I~r'!'o ,II tllill ~Ii:!~:",

:.'l, A I h_~rd ~~ H.:~uy fir .cl!l~ rd IUbillor\-.uui ,anli: oi' :~I'('rnl 1 m~l m'lllint"t'-1 s T be 'lifj;-;riIJlletll ~Ulil !-g,~I"linl PIl0;ili-'Il. In a hdl, i\;U;;1I"d, Y'i;.Im~ ~1!.:1!::fl, .!IN ~M~',iJl1l'pcd "~H'I tl cl yltlliij u ~irrlgl"HI'II~'f]J!~ii; \ !IIi;;;;!; I II us IttHII his I~'!; d r-c h"n wC'c.'11 ~'(m r~, t"':' Yljl ~ ~J',j]nr:d~ 'l!'l.'1 ~ hi rfi'u ~ ~ ~ ~llIil1l: pil n IWR.. II (Iyiu: olu,"n 'h;(jllrll!:g)~ 1111,1]'[ ~Lll,ii r 0fll~)I1!:n~fj' ~ u 1~'n'j:r'l~,S ~o gt: ~ ii!!rol!.linld ~'fIiulr lell-~. As Ill!' pU!';hli:.!ii p_J'S1 ~'Oll r It~gl', ~!fm h,I]'Ir· ~ J;,1 Jf~C~ j'(W r l~~s .11 ~ml D'I d ilUlIl' n'JIl 'h;~,,, 10 pH"~lI!nl him 1!fIf~ru g_C'I,lin~ ~1~'!I~, ~ro~n II' 1"C":Prli J ! hun [1! d omtr~~n.hli~ :!li!l:ll!: ]J!lJ~i[iorli. Since you .JJrt: ronlrollin,U (1in~'v liJlm1I~ (IIf his h:~ .. " "r'O~J 'bf.!'\I!;i hli'~[l Uril .ill ., h(all~:s:niml.,'"









N eutra l.iity ,111 th;e, IG; U~'IF!€ID IPlls;it1il!ijJ n

~!ll~ ,~'l..;l!ve wnstollr.lllly 'S?II1r~dl me need 01. Gr-ound l'i,ghH:-rs ~'O s~!Jh better Jm~'i'~i jjn, .~i. is !J:h~mJ \\'1Qr~h f!l5ki I!g. !s i~ ~Ins...."';ble far- a lijgll~e!i:' ~J(!! .-u~ al[L a domlnant posltlcn w~,]:h~~ :blJe :13 s[iH undemeath his: 0p,ponlC'rlit1 'llIJ I be 't'",i_u"hr M \~A everu 5, &1) TrJ,f':!.!'l'y j !Jj~f~;1L!!!:!: \1iI"C~,£ .. 1>1e 1.0 d.e:fr.a! their U1iULJS,ijJ~[i.ll1'Lg 1(lI!1JIPJJ!nell1~s from. undernearh i Il'I ~.hif" ,C!!.larn :POSiliol1 ~hiU milDy people carne I!n ure 1D1JI~l(~h~"'~ol':1 1.11 r.J [ ~,he :l!l,\UilJP.i~ 'L"I'".!JJS <II i!&tmrl.w.t:d 1;)(Is;il,KlJ.fL

tnl [ac~. -n.m.:iis: 1.6. lIlal the rnsC'.m ,il 6ghl ibt"lln.;'@t"1lI 1~""i;jI-.~ ~ji~su [h:J~'tle:I'~ ~)r r(lIJ£jhly t!ltl U!.!i!'i: <ilb\Ii~~r:Y. ~]}e ~td fu. a 1',!~.Ml:i(l1 posiuon, Nei~hell' the man all top, nor the :1:Ul'a:1l'I 1[!([Ij b'O(['iUm. ba5 a. dc'CiSi'lio-e' iiIId'IU->!lD~'(Ig.e- The Ij[~p ma~~ c:an~\a'l. :[IeaHy pln the ibolmom mt21~ ~asily .. sinee [he. bonom mall can urilize his ~Jc:gs and hips 'DD move tll1 W.ill1_!,I"S' dloi11't cld~:o eflecdve WEl'~:ruI_ :111 <!ddh!i.o~'ir I hie- ~l!O! rom man lS still able to mt1;jje [-et;.li~i,"\"dr eas.:il,,! inl0 submission holds. and :[0011111. il:hen:, bJC C.iJ.1 also avoid












most strikes; It is dofaJ£" tbietlJ. thart l e 55 nrn: being pinned til the sense that he I:; being mtaliy r;OI'iitJiiD,1iI:t!dl. On the other hatiltl i he 1,01" man can (IIn.e.m.1IPI his own s'!Jtlmiss~l[In ll(l~rcls [,€I!.S{rlni1lhty easily (mmLly 10 mt· )egs).lfisi1JovemenHi,are not t~ghtly CQl1tloU'd; bl}' the bouem man, so onoe the guard Is opened, he is a'l.. Uht"lrty W simply !land! !l.IJJ • f.lJdi ~'Wal &1i'Wf~ cJt:.1rly. then r he 'is not beJI!l:g_ I]O'I'[Y'· nated,

In ~I Fl,_g;ht bctwee n't'(II (,(JluaHiy s;kilkd juji15U lig.b'lers. auac"ts fron.l the guard 1:t"nr:B to rely more c a:rl.ckerr. sullrlerfuf:{:'~ I iI-n.i:n.g. <i!lnd de@'plJou rnther 5n,;'t'i'1r contn ~L and d!![IljJlIul]OiJf1(e. S!.:'t!·~l in dill lig.ln, 'Om: 1;<111 look at I he gllL1!I nil 8'~ a a:1iI~U·' iral p 'sit'i; in r;j]l~hiu '~'hOlJ:r1 .1i dillJf]Jl il~<'illl[ 1lJI.EI.(:". di:5pi[,c ji s <!I'ppeara!l]lCe i[1I~, dOlinhillii~ ree in t!~;:rly M."Ii'i,.&. ~(j!m1Ill.1imtllt~.

1h~ .. re ~~') re, Wil::" ("iii U HI.'~' du;, !o!lm¥i liB=' Itl tJ Ofljlluti fi1P!f. if if. ,f1w"'iI1Jj's iI1les~·,rl(JTblr. h' ~k {)lFI ~'ol)j;I. in ~h~' ;.tJltl'sJ ';Viii:h:i~iltW1 pgpril;' J"tmibl~. {f. IN. 1Tf'1' .. ,,·Im fiir/,d 1i\IliU~L"I{f f· rht! hmi!'i:li~~ iI7OSI~tl(l.!'jI, lht: ~jUdlj ai {j tlit i!'.!S.f pinn~ 1(j lJt. A II b'Oligh il docs nm ofh.''Ir ~ ~ile pO: m p elnnal ~( d!l:11~1'111111.1inli:': or IhL' 5U11(."ritlr lop posillml!li. il d s Wl£1(!,l!,Iil,;!llII ymH" !o.1,PPtiHt:!tlt lrorn dm1i1lhlollithteg you, .1'11(:1 '"Inol') h '11M "tall: luf' the Rliuii I u Ihr;: b [)W:rnl, t'!: i,~ .llltr 1j'!J liI,;'I}' l'Sst'miiiill l ~oou lie{on'ul' l'ruiIiUi1f fril'h Ithe ,"'orik'l ns~ lill the g LMOO p9si t un, ~,inc{," it E5, clltfUilin Llli: I yelll ,,\till need (I) I.I~~ It Wh'C'~li!"'eI' ylr U nnd yl)H:rs .... li 11 y!IJur b"'1c_Ik. hi •• lddilj{Ut. ¥OUi frill L'rf1..1Inl'f 1- '¥f" io WI ru( "Jl,r~rm.~ t he 9]fU~1 r I, posH i,lJr~ if l"~ .~ 1L:\'lI:iI' ('lim an dd :}II Sfuund lillhl L'I on [1iij. ~)''1d .

~Vb 'II M.VL.i\ om p '~~llfI~'j, Ihr~1 .• ~li1l:" Ifllh~ prumhren II<' InN lrl'11 tun~ nil:o!!l tltW 1ilJ1ill![1 \".f!lI~ Ji~'!«:rdah.'1I ",11.h 1\"\ 'l;\ t!~ I.ll,in)l, ~klilfl .aD ,'.If' illl 111 tt.!i~r~ 1'h .. 111 m.:m '''1'0 Rnft-,. C;'rtldC', A ~tS'L" rl.llru III 1it~1~~' ~U in 11lL" l"!lulr MMi ' Ii: ~II 'ON,IS [; 'mcr~~ {Uti til! H U~lIdintr ~ I ~ LItt~ Mll, rl!!i ~1('iSIII'1Ji11 ,~nd'1!'t h... A.oyL1£ Gil I~ whn I' "o)lL : pLl!f',ul iIIrLZ('LiI Itt~I!:' 1i!!~1! ~~I IIlI: j1\!llud i'kIllIJlljl. Mil 1.,\ tan nd ~p~ 'Ull'~U~" ~(!'Inm: Ijh"~Ic;mt:s. !5!uu:t:~St."S. nlDSl i' '("pte! I:h~:nl;!ii:bn " I~Rh!i:!r '''iii ltJJk l'ilIl!k ' ..... h a l~iJlJ: rI:f!t~~e['. RO'f'c~' :!ho"""Ii:!~U It ~;l1 51!11<IIUiC'r. ,""~kcr lie ner

LlU Id LI.~" I'tt~ ~ ~~.jIJf~~ tIj llll~t.'llfm ~hll" ,.'III k· n~ _~IT ng. .t!.gRTh!o1 lie !JiI}liP, nt!'~~m, all 'I I em] s,u un the aria!: ~ ,llld 'win ~hf [~Iht-I;l1J lrrflflll~he bonum posirinp.

-------------------------~-----------~----- ---------------------~--------~

AI Ih.!: ILIm~. Ih~~ Ili(mml,!l'l W.,S r't·\I;::ll1Jlll~nQI " ,11M Il'nv.n:·~ Ifl~ rm~, 11"~: hh· 'I n~~ I" 1 1 'I i It (if vi :t~i 1'1 r.;s Wfl.:.! l"l)'!,.t.'ty k"~pl ~1~I~Nl· ~ r"i 'FII Hill ~ II I:' H Pf II !lJ( i.,'1'.Iii'L'. 11 I h I lfIul. rlir.ib~n ~~~II~. J, 1I:oJly'(~'. ~u I ' ,.~ t ,jl:; 'I rl trlll:o,· I 'I)! !~ !'t'-{hlli'fIJI'. 11 ih~ ~~;!lll rJ l'osll'lfJf!. WIL'II 11, ,lit'

.ad i:r~fli m1illlC'i1I((' 111' Willi! IIII~ 'II ~r' ~ 11 ~ HI1i1r ,n~' n I ! (l eom mll;1n ·rr·; r, t"\rr!!~ W 1,11 r.:.Il.' R O'rCE IN,';" i 11.1 dcr ~l:X:~ 11"t'Rw '~r!l:~~'1H{~, 'Iiln;r ~['I~d l"l!J~I'1 ton I "11 i;!J~i~\""L'O £((1 re Ii I use hI'S '>1J p.f:I b Jd~1 e~D'!i.i'v~ s,1dll~; I ~w ,lit: link lc nll'!!"11 him"", 1011 11 m -I,IN1'E Ie d';ll·lI n~, 1!i 1'l1.1~lrl.L "1"1 ",;"f! !i,k~Llli; alauM \1)111 It! '<lhl~jly =(JJ ~lI'fk I .1 sulld 'LI'hrl!l~~!Ilo:n hl)I,J~ lmm und ml~.fI'1 Bit ~III'O'i,'·l.:'di ~(1ifl' rn ucl I r'~i: 111 ~ n:]lpiJII t:'1:!;[~,

l\'{O:i t rlt.'ople W[JIl\;: I[rlti [~lf" g'l!I(JIll:d ,as, a dl"lt:'nsi,~e position, in 'hh:'h LllC~' can :!ih],e1d themselees Ftoill'[j [he Sirrikd film aD 0PJ"l-:Ilem who & mI lOP or rhem. w~ sba~l ~'Iy hard, however, ro tUEsipel the norton dlilt '1111.: glJ .• l1-<1 is a rJlllrely oJet:CIJ.:5Jj'IL!",f!' posirton ln the m,~;j(~ sf'nEl]JllII, 'Nh[li~:rf."E.beies:s. i,l Ii!;: true dun: the c~m 'il~'!~de an Il'}:(d~ 1 rn C means 01 ~ t:'Ee~]d.iifl(g: y 1!lllr!l,e'U I rom an aggressive., 0;;1 .. liang op~:m~~e[u ~'1r'~,en used 'J.'!j\·.;,:lli,

F~gi icers ha ... • "" ~ ~II!)I Wl<am i!)jIIl »U(Ill:5 whll:.II using [he" gll!ani as a ad, Wi'!"1:'If,e :shI~1 rl. [he IiI'St us toO ~I!lg y01i!J'IT Clp'Po.]'lem ,r;LS ligJuJ~ (0 you as possibte m.II a dosed ,g,l~,ar.dl

O\Jerf!lQo]ong one or his arms ~\!il b ~"QlIt arm mllfl1 hti]l~di~l:S his h ad downwith the om h~E. ibis ):I>ut5 ~oUi i II a ligh~. supine clinch 'lj".'iiLh 'r,om' opponent and makes it '~oll.1lg~h: fOf" him [0 smke you ciJecIi¥ely.. \"'on can impruve your POs.i.ti.nll by SClDtning }."OUt' hips .om 10 dIe sasne side as ; he'.lI.fIIlI:1I that vou 1'1:;;1. vc overl rooked .illEliO mhCK5 g;etnng IJD y.ou.r silk·.

A S"eoom~dl opmjo:n occurs n·JI~D aaually using I,J'..I::' open ~alrd. In this case, ym.l ge[~ 'rnl]t)~ 'l.~. flit 1,0 keep ')"o'm epponeeu as far aWl;)}' lrom f(1!J.ilT5CJf as PI)5,5ibJe., s,mu hit n'iJ hI!' arfng hard to punch }'OU. ;P,taoe fil]lm~ Jrt:~~ on hj ~ ld]J15 and push hhlll 1b000ck~ :r]Jakillj! i i diUirnU Ior him LO n:~~h ,,(gulr he a: a , "rr'[IJIl!: '1::611, a lsu place <II

OD.:!: iU[1I11 ru5 (he~m. moulder. or bleeps iik5 ,0 m.e.alrtl'~ of mn • 'it,' ·illmlLlIg h'l ~ coming into t'0I1il,E:<: to him roo ,hili Lin: head, Ahhou~11 ,mim.lllY 00:[1]11:11" ,gr~ll]lpln~ rcehnlques c. tl HUJIlIE~ nht~, alD]OlDlm Ill! daJl1liJi8C tour 0N'I)',fIcm: [can [1Il11ncm ml Y LI En rhc guard m:lIlJlSl.Ui(lrJI. these Il''ro .Jl€' the 5:implt'!'It and C'[jO·lIl '5mram[e~[- s II:! h1l1p1r.n: ent ln lh€ (]]aos, {:II Oil ('(:;,11 light.

o Uc II~ lh~ ~ t:l<r~m 1111 istdkt"" ')I'{JU cail make ilu j lIli!:S..u hi ~ l'1 con s:hh:-r '111.12 Bll.illT'cl ,] Fnj5,~V~ d'd "r1!j!j,·e 11.~imion nih -rc 11011 :'oiltlp:ly h.ntg 0[11 I[LlIif' ~uJ''!,I~'val. Ahhmq.1.11 lth~ ~lhllr ~ cliraillhdr CdJ'l hI· used III Ihi," W.ll'. II h h,[Ul~~r li[ ~~r ble, Vnll! wuru to 'it.'_. rhtl' i;iU'd ra:ll a io1 po .. il ia)'nl 11:0111 t\ hkh y.t:lll;] n l"'ilU chi' r1J.1:h1j, 1':1111 'IIit':rt'ly hal d ~ m 1. '~liC'i~r ~urjt. Rl·llicrnL~ r: Wtl- Off. !I.: l'r ~II (l r~lll ih' [' jLim~'I,ry ;mhlr'1'L en {l'Pi' tl1W1U,

J:r L5, ~5<S" mhul. I II ~'II. i 11.;11 ~'(Ju l:kwN!OP.J pin ,3,C~ h.le olIU,1lI1 IdH: ,illHC' J r ,'111 ; he f!iIJ..U~_U!l::I~ r"lj:dl1i~, aJ n: light !>o ytJl,lf i(11)lmnif'~I~ 4l~ n'llUeh .o[~ ~ 11I~ mill.! " \\'] lih.'! JI '11'1111 ,I[ • "-' ml~lI: ,~f Ij,L\!.c!t'fl(!; ,'indi :-,ul'i<mk"'l;loll Imld!); dun aUuw ~.'I!:PU ~rl 4l~~j]dk An nl :I}i n ·f'lt ln I ~m:Jtl ~ 0i len· ~ II'IId <t'b~I·-d· .ild.m Ilm!tlllll}o, w~ U:I her he- !Ii st"uud in . 'IJ~) tn y . 'I'll I' ~~ u,] l'll ifU ~hJIWfl! I[J\U hb. .n"~L":!!. 'f1lC'..,,· ure hl~h~IICI[ an .. l,,· uu "''"l·t'! ~h.JI ~vll:I'k 'Vi,' in "hml! M,'idM ,[In ~ ~['.aPI,UI1i: C'''!:ill~. m,. :!ith.j]IJI-aI~11Qu,k m ~n 'l.!I!:.S ~h,"I1 h,,'Vi Imd, IliMh ':i ueccss ~iU~ In iict!.hd UII'Ilpt.'li Ih.u I.

/Ii. "")111. i n~h: ur l hunlb hi lI)in I It·· );,u:lflI:l i5 ~ h i!o~ Spmd,~,; Ntr,r . rime r'" II ,w'Nt' "~~lV ift l '~Ji'~j~' bark. ~\ ~~ '" (Ifl{ak re _ \101 un t '11.1 'h,~ sid~!1 ~ ~,I'I [II If , I~I pm I ~ Ill-h i t up, 'I&'I: 0,111 ~ 1~1,1'f s;flc~ I~ "'l \,(In r hips, 1)111 In ulh .. nh:. 'TIl,' .. t" '!ill1Il.)~:1 cbarIR·~ In ilndy p ] Uu~ ~ mj]~c d hu~lt!' dilh:r ·1Iet'; II e)" "r-eai I~I r~rm UJII,C ~II ~ I~' , 'II r,1 ck ~ lrom '! htl ,I,: u.rn rd. n y~Iti..l1 j,usl Uc' Ihn on yay bilr,. \,,1)11 rl!;!illll'f h~'! ' fll1'W" u~ft"ll ~.i'!,1 01 ~,! kl! l~, $0 rIi'I{w.r ullllh. " .'i!l'ys.juO;;I mctninn~d lu ~ ~'oIJfnUt'n'!!!e 1II1'h!t!!f W[fllY. J'h(~ '1:nly '!,I!l,I~ yJI~llwO)l1lm I [n dm n in,;"h{"u ~)IlH v,:.m. HH~I.l nu~c. ~~l1l[!1~.IM 'lfiMl feel r.;L'!!~ItI('d,

It tlll:'cks Ff'OHI ~tJ' ~ Ctu. d'-GuaJ':(1 /P:osiliO'I"

W1Jtm[ Yo,nr Op:pv~'!'ellt ,l~ ,lJn Hl~K",,~'f'.s

l."fip .. .jj'ei:s'i Sl!L~I. The 1Ibl~hC'B-1 st\; .~ is oae II ~ be bes! !'IIl[ ves ~ [-ml ~o": ViI] Jt!1lJ '1"0 L~ ~ oP'J m(f~c:m ItS: On his knees inside \'1U ~IT dMai :g,uard, ] ~ 111 iii] w-nsk move t h. [ Js S!.:1!!'1JI i)llu:,u in M MA. COlnpelillon in aU h·v~Is.. iDon t'" '!;V,cH, ,I[ ra n turn ~,h e diJrectim~u i."d a ligtu in il mauer uF second ... To iDi[i;i~,c· the sweep, pi.:! (eo 1::.",11:h Ieei !OTI! [~\ " ~roltillid ~ 1iap.11r1": ,. i'I)~ PoSi one ha nd behuul 't'mJl, 01] the U OCl,[ and. q u Eckly :\is t !!l"P nn'W<lJf '~ mhe s:ide rou l\ili\~e IXlslcdi ~'Ou r ha nd.......,Lhis l.t,"~~J. be th L sid:e '!,] 1..51 ~ you '" ·m .!i\'\It,:t'pl \!OiILllf uppanem {1\1Cr. across '[I,'rr.iih ''j!\lJ!u!:' ~lthj~r band and .!ftCl~p' ~'~)'l:llr oPlPm"l.t!'ltu's ann (~l the ellxl\Yj on I hI! sjde ~l1t.llU wish ~ n :.;;~,~'el2'p him {liver ~:IDigulie 1'.]bjl. Otriy your bip'5 liP imo }'OU[ oppnnem ... pla[ ani!:! yO!..l!' hips. hi,~l:':ier [lial]]' :b Is, "tEE m ~'OlJit hii:<illd 10 ,took bc,hI1KI rou and dl[,([Ip ~IDl!l!i' knee down to the IlllDor. (I[ElI m]h,e S,illfIlt!' side ~'"Oll irncoo [J) !IoH-1:'ep' 1fOIU" oppGIueml n. [n ,QI _e In Citj on, ,I'D]]







J ) [



't'ni r hIps r lli E ht: !!oh3e ~ tilgum· ".1 j. This "liI1lake youHllfd (~nem ove t 'V~r~' "'nslly, DT'~'" t(~ thll.' ~~d{! r, Ilwr lila" inl,c,l< l'lflo\lr 0PI'Ulu·",. ML1u wm Un~~h ln ~h~' m CI L1 ru~~~ I "I !'~'{)IfL,

'~i.:~mf..l,atl ,}" w', Th,1l! gIL1UJhillh~~duilkt'" i'>llk'singit" nlt:HI! _ammnn ~riId I~Ck'cth'~" SL1hrtTi~9if!I~1 ~'1,t1I~lIIIllll MN~;t\, U[ cain btt dPFd~ Imn:llll!il'll'( pm;il1.uWii. ~ in n he :Ji:.II.J ~~rij,[~'I1Ie lrurn rhe :fll,LJ]ii1lul 15. ~ Ii"I!.UiLlll. r1,. !1 .. Ueclivc: (I" il emplD'~ iI 'htg,'h perc 'm2i:jll,le I 1 ~IUU r bod, ~r·s! Iil L7ili':liIii1Ill51 ¥()I.lIT 0. PiJiOru!'IU'S wllll!.."rnb~ neck, I. cnmil1iru."s ,('"". ~ !I1~me-1 f \"o'dl I{i. [th. the: hril~H'1Ii! Iis'l: s;!,i\f(!t:ll, When~r one 01 til .ott: .aUs, 'S'\'i~(;ih J~11I~ned'iIilI' 'ht to thr HIler, 11: Us b~'i,v t:Jli'fJ,1tLro 0111 iln oppont'I'II! kneeling b1 ~il[)ur gu,'HT(i. PJ'ilIcJL'ii'~ bUlb Ieer em th~ HI[] r. sut ~~p and m 'IIu:' side juSt as l" ',~\\JuJd [,[II!' III e H1P'- h e h::~

weep (FI,ll1l!1'1f 7 .2a j,. Pm,! l'OlfU' h~liti 00 the grol .• nd ~hind ,"~LI iilll."ulll["t!:,.,:!Ic',h .-U'i]JIIIHld yLrlJ:l" {iiPPQD1~r.~les, Ilt"ck '!".I!i It! ,,!,Olilf 01 her arm (Illis i'!o )"Our srsa rRgftii!llg arm; [i,tI. J!'e , ,2 b'~, You can Sgjltll }"ll)\U hips. aw.a'~· (rom YOUI' opponr.I'liI a IOU, [0 [a n ~,i3'lDe rh e encirclIng 0 ~ ~ Li::i, neck '~'ihh yaul'ri1.rm- \:1,'1lh your 01 her arm grill! ~;oNJi r SIT,iilJl'gHf.l1J1; arm at [he wriS"~ ,j!limllHe 7.2cj. Ptdl . our ~!lg1ing aCID u.p ro ,,"OW" sternum. lie -cl. 1MiYL a nd ;SCOO[ . 'OilL1 f' ]]jjp5. Ol!m110 mil:' O]1p05i(f' sid!: or your OPI'U'IIt:["iI["S head, l,('I'Llc your oppenent i:n )",Ii)\l! dOi5i~"<II (i;LMird and squeeze rhe dlllke (llg11Ti' -7 .zd),


!\i';,"l&:-~'M~iJ" n~JrlllJlWr. Thl .. i .. a II ofil':l!il1!lh:111 MrI'ilIy I,IIJI If.dt~1II"ir ~'II.M1CI2 ,m,11 op:j1rJl ~~'II'I 'I () :S1.~w.U1!d~ ~rr UJm hml tlft'l" IlIlo lin' u'u).unh.."ti 1]0 il inn. \l'f., ~ h 'It''llJl r J punern kn ' '!, ng tltliWn iu }llJur d"s~d gU:iill"cl. rLl .,~ bcmlh I("t"i 011 thiL! CfOlmll.! ,J nd ~111 t:! t' I n d 'I I 'I h ' i\i-dl"". ll~~~m .:1ft ~n lhit:' hr.I'Ir~ha:i m "'''''t.'L"lm and Guil1a~in • ,,,,'!1mK • 1(1111 !;'t;I' '1:11" ,. HjuV'~S ,n' iUh.m!d'11 U:JI {'mubin," fl;:ligl1'iln:r IIl1' lht"r .1~llu'V1": the '~me in~tlaJ m'lW(~tll!j~U), rh'l~J~ III~J n.lln..: h~ 1[lt~ lin II n: 1'fj1und ih!ll'ldnd 'lfnu. IfI~ll). Ilh.." ~l'1 her r,lli~ rI rou L'1 iJ Yl ~'II 'I' UlPlmtlil.!'rlli''j. nee ~lIllu~7.J,I), i'l1-o. hI I IU';J:u UlOEhu:, "l.-etl nh ,mn 'Y 111 II, ,I' h:mp 'cl ,~)'i,lti'1I" ym~r nprmfti:nl'J. ,ol;ck lUlll!!f hJ", ilrn, Imilt'. then ~rJn:F:. ~~ n)I~1 h, h s !.JI'I fic."l' ihne1~. "r he Jh11 m !or ,~Yr I!ilfltl .... louh! be -i1 n~ .U,\:, V ~ fililHlI }~11I1IJ. 'VI' 'm' II II1pn1"l "n'l ~q h il ti I~ ~f"liidl m1id~f ytun ~rmr"l. L" : , 1\1. h .. lIIilt ~,),lJhI1 ~II pllliJm end 'L OL\~ lei L' ymu'

IJPfltl!f11 ·nlf"J; ~ ! Ie h:' brillg1JI~ sur h .. Idb. nC-m !I his 11.1; m~l1 re '7,' !1 and ) , Ouh~ 1'!l!~nJ ahi' !~ ,,"1.1111 em III I,.u;l!! n uppnn1lttJlt ~g ~~..Ibrrnll. U r:II~1" '~~I~~lmH' !JJp~ Iyllfiljj: 'I~r.:~~·ull'\!' ~nnn hi: l!r IUmt'id .... ver lu hi,;o ~lth:k , rnd j,/~J.~~ timl YLl'lL,N'!U mUI~IUlh.'~11 (~i~m~ 7.3.d,.


't"',it~I'JlJrrt CI!I1#.w. lh'C ulOlln~te tukl" [t>lruDfi m~ olthe filO ll:Wlpula f dml ~ul~'ljshJ~ subm i ~~,I,lJn lLiDJd~ Er 11m lhc gU.IHI p~UUll. The : ananl \ 'l' h t. .lI h 'K" h hc:s~ I cd rl~onl Lh; l~I~~dl ~!.iiHL~ ~,4wll Hll' lif)IU:Jflr;1I1 h. en h, tc.ilIC:L~. Wuh 'lim nJ ,11I!m!';!H1 ]fl~k,l(ld ItL Vl~m .rlmi!<II SiIJJi nil" ~ri1b bUlb hilt. \'ni .. h. rOT("IUg, nUIlf wd ~ [!rd' k ~ !\'\''I1H1s 1,ll~ ~,bl2'rl1tl m ~ !lj:li1J..1 UII: 7.lld', ·rhlo;, .1 ~~t1i\' 'r" yDU 'I) I IPU'III Y' III:' h: f!\'L'r dlJ L I rilll"'!! !i'id J m Ul aT:! d ,'lI~1 HH'H:I ~'!IJ ur l~rht'~H:~nfs 1'iI!.:(' I Uhl'io will m· ,'(mr :'I, f!.IIIGliu[; h~ft. 'Iihd'j; ~ 1f'.:I, :; VtHU'- itl'l'l1p'mIJ.!1'tt~9llil.!',]d .Jiml H~111' arm LU:I"iVt~l"lI }'IJur h.1l~ (nl=Ui"'C 7,,;n~~. 'fry w, lima h rh b! ~{Im tl r l'{l'LH SD-JL'!1illl:II~rliB 11:8 1'~1 !hl' h.u1 ol yl~m ul ~K"miJ,,"m '." ,lIla !JI~!a,~ l<hml~d "r 1 I cr '';U' nn u~ llfrWI~fj mUM::h.: 1~1't' ahl.' Ullng,lt'hiuhl IflU IIt".}1 h6\!>t:" ~I'" rull1. ~~'l~~111' Im i cht~ I~"I ~llil n'II,]t f; ~tlt'IU h ... lrlullu tlt'llut your hlp~ OUI H~' liI'l' oJd 1 ~,~ [,fIn~i1,'alJ: the ehcke. I,~I k ' I~~r II:~ ilIfCillind your IJ'P(hlnl.'lIf'!. he.,d arnl ,:mn ltillh,i,;' ~d~J,'iI~l~ll.. r fl ~ II re- h Ii ~ p,atn: ~II'I ~I ~ .¥lH !ir:ltr~' 1.4iet. th ... ""'~t; m plJ III he lam uJI II~I· .iiI MTIi ~nn~ 15M .I,ll ~ III wa IJ.Ln 1 'r thr • k f~-.;" l' ihe • ahl:f ~ (ell'!! nul JlIl.'II'llf' 1.-1 n ~ f'1J!~~ r reI,.' I ~, 5,([U, n 'Z,'~' u:r D TIl ''-' t~ ~t!~tIi" r and IJ,,~JI 1&\'Yl1 ,-I'll 10liT oPI'UI1I."Il('''! h""d I ~I "L~·diiSJ;'II.:',




A ul",ks' flJ'f)ij~~ li'Je ICIf.U~ d~iG~j\a~<d ,Rosit,i,arr ~'Vhtfl Your fJlPPfJ'II,I' _-,ilt I;, St mJit,rg

A h1l h'l'1I" {jll)i grllJi'm -J. rhi \ Cf')£'U Ih: !luhmb IOJ ~ m dId I ,j 111 b~ U st'd in L J'j_'iJ~! ~ II n m hl,!'~ 1tJ'~ 1]1:1 ~idtllll~', ""~fL·t'71: "'~Il: 11 LJ..,~J d~lhn' n ..1 n olll~'Jllnn(,'n ~ ~; il)H,iln~ IJ J 1 Iii rh . dll'l ed JtIlJI,] rd. r~b I h • ,- ril af 1 hil,,~ ,~rm ' ~ IIJ 1Ii'~'\jh ~I~~ ~n k it .... l"1 h '~,'m'l r h" n d

Imi ~t'~~I~[! JI U:~ ~{!Iur I'll!.",.::! (UGLln.~ 7, !jjl). Wl!h ~Alr nth'L'dHlmL a'!;'iH'h il1~'l!:[!.'l' his t g ·~llrlll • m ~ lh~ &lll Ide: "nd IIU II )!\11Ir h':.Jd b t' I tb l hit: , n 1< k }lilJi~J ,ha'\II(:''I', iI'l-b{'d ~ ,~~i!£U.llh:' t . .Iji~ll. Thi"i, :-.~I~, II" 1 hI: ntrn,:"" dllSh: h -r 11111;' .lIi'r~l ~nc!;" Yt'iI w bmly ~i HI uhl b' r ~t J~h R~ ·rpt·lItUenli'lr IU \ nnr n~II)oIH~IU. \l'tdk rnur 1I",t'1 ht~h 1111 ml '!' lUI' 0Eqlj),I~l"l'lll'!! tJl.o"liCli;. JIlo 1101 !,t •• ~'Illlr hll~ "h~lp In Ihc t~UirDU ns 1hllil ~'I"" 'I'ly I 'S~'l.:H:" t 1111),,' ~h m ~"" U),~ su 'cl.!'~r vi rm lork, S\ njil: )lull! rl;..~ O~c'q!fm r Op!I,!llt'n t r~ II '0'111 ~1l1 ~t'{'Ij.I~ .• ~ It ' lu 'iz ~ lig,LlI'iI" 7. "iC), T!y 'Ill ouch y.l1n n' t1i~ Im~ 'llI11 Iu n I I n h e arm ph (I l' ! I, I t' a nn 'fUlll L 11I't' ~ n kin.:. ""It "h ligh tens I he II J:.,., )l1~idt·r.lbl s : S!~ (I<L·<Cit40' vuur k ne .~ ~!i!lti.t:~DhL.:lJ; bril~ ~'(uJr It"':i dm 1 11.1\'¥41n,lo;: Ih(!' n 01;, ~', hi! y,j HII' hi~u, I 1'111 P~!U ! I~'I:' '!!'H~~'~ iI1l~ ~ hm loeked lIIr1n dll<lN'n. nlis (lllh.;j.: I~! I:JIIH'!' hri:.''] kil r1i,~ fll ~"l!:5ml:' 11:1"1 your 0PP!DLrllt.' nt'_ J n I.

Ki'I,~'e' IlWl" ~jj',itta!!fiaI',fHW'~)., Thi[" k n~'" bar L'> I!1!mc her 'm~'m I'~ ... I(J(! ~ h nld 'Lim'l . ~lil I.'l.: u~. ,t i III ii ti~r~c llt urnh ]I' 01 !' h iml"i. II i ... pJlr1irul fly d!l! !. aJi Tt,iI(:' when ,111 rll~1 l L("[I· ;i;'~a~d~ u ~I'I' itn 'four clos-erli 8l1!i!1 nt 11 comb'] De. \tot:" ry 'l'li,'d~ 'l",'~II.lI~ E~~ e ill rJ r~ ba II' tJ'I,'1 a c.k j LlS- Sli HI •. hll t=' II:h(." 111 iI i~1 me erneru .Jl!. I he same, Slho!J M I h to arm hill' j i!i i t 11:!i' k Illt!1l!' 'tr.1l ~ u'i ~rII C'1(relieDI f.ulJt1f\hllp. ;\s t'OLU' ur:lll(lnCI1~ 5U'I1III1S. ~~~ 1r'mu dose 1 ,El'!.J£ll1d. rea ch tiJl!h !!Ie hls leg with \~(U r arm. just as ~'1(jI~d i d I, r the arm, r (;I, k ~ ~~~~~t! 7'.tl,ij~. f'u~i yo'tll h't."'1l'ilowards the loer or (hal ~,C",g, Open ':rH~l'!" :!1uar,d and I.t: t ~>Olll.llf h~p~ dli:0l '- lfour ftloi \'I.~m re!!ol ill! the bjp of me JeH, '~,~11!1J1 j [I1.~1"l ell to J L ,-k, -"1$ ShlDil.r'\"lJ"'IJ in! iig;litlr '.Db, n r illg }'"C.Uf knee Inside !h,('" "11I1C of tb,e ~ef' y ru have ~r.illhb ·d. This fi!j: 011 cnu:i"liil detail, Sn:-1r.t_ your other JJe<g. arouud i~] iii wide arc I.I!J1'!1l ~'mlll!'" ioel '! 1U1th!{,'S, tlu: opP-Onelll"), buuoeks {ligu~,e 7.'6('~. Be sure 1,() brin " your tE!~1<.'i' Hpl aad ll'bm't,e- [he bier' of the Jeg you arc awmkin.s;:! ~'f yf!llUl [ail ro do ~Q the ]0 k '!!, ·m be bldfet1illC. Squ~' t'fll;lr knees loge I her Illn conrrol ,'0 r opponen t's ,~e'g: iUi:,;;,:,w!:'t!, ""j',,6d']1. Lockl~UIlriiU'DlSaroun.d ~1\O\1!["'QP~}OllerM.l'Si iIU~~di!':', arch back, and thmss yOll~ tid~"I'" ~O'n'wrd ~o pm bt:eakiog [pressure ou l he knee j 1n1 ~'n gure 7.0'[')'

I 1




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11tUIJ($S From I!hre tJp(t'f~~Gf~a~. " Posi~i'tJIIJ! Wfu~1:1 ·Yo.!.! f .QJJ.,O'U'!tl f. .Is OJf~ .Hi's KJiIltes'

B({S~lC ~/e141i11,fjir b.1.'i'trep fSI'~iilJ JJw'es/J~}-. This greal move is best cm~)I~y,ed 'whc~ I. vour I[II~E ,!Jnn't is (~fiJ :btls knlli:;t!S In _'·OOIft~pen butu:dly, guard 1!'uUJr 1.Fi.'O ~d~l. are 1u"Iokedi Illliltler 10m I[II:~.~J ~ne]n~:s ~1.ig.'b5/. Si E I'll' and lock ,""GUll:" arm a ITa und vour apP(J!1em's, u.p!Pe r rJi'lIlli o,v('rJ mOO ). \\i1fh your other band. seen Fe ~tl[· oppnnenr's elbow or '~\It'lS[ (.U,gllJ!rc' j·_7'a). ·F.oiiU direalr Ii> (he side (If the 1.!.:'I1is~ er e~bow :rrm hav ' ~r<l.:sp€d (Eig,lIfe ". ",jl'b~ __ 4.s. youl lain. un \!Iitb 11K!: IDm on the opposlre sM!e YOll are !j1/1,'-ecPl[lg UlWiIIJdls_ Pm,n oJr mhe Croupd \vidl rOo!.U: ol.he-f loo~ (n,gu[' 7 .. -; ~ ..

I 155

'Ii'hti is ':mbflrll~d a_ 1~(1n .apples 'our ~IPJ1un('ni O\'Ci"' lI.u the ~id e ana on to b I.s h.=! ck, KIi!"t!p (~ul...,.i I ~I: Ulrlili~ fOu I.!'JltI h! rhe InfJUllliOO push 101 I m across hi6. ~!ctle (,. !i:l,LrrL' "1". ill ~;

P~'estiii'tj'IJI ~'.rm/Dtk (u!i¥ gti'ftlltffe). f:'1C'~'V :l>nbmission. hoh~~ rr:~TI1 he ,iilpp.l11:: d. wi1'], t he ease .a I~d speed or tlcl , !1fll.ln1f'-Olle 01' 'fihe' ¥'.Ef'lI' best ,am Ur I. ~ w use 011 J , ~ ~1l'~HJ[Jjem: ~l'1IS.~de ¥fllllr openguardl ~n Ilh knees, The ~ !f~rU~l1it:n1. rOll r 0prH)~! en t· e: ,iends a F! iJlf"m i nstde ~rour' Of't'o -mud ,he bet: 1':ffil!,';.I! Villi illlelraM t ~ CI rude SHd!l:' ~~(]IIlILu :hips: 01.11 It I Ih;c 5ide ['(OUf blJr:d~1 .. hould De rOln ~IL" 'sidc) and 'w,ra,p p~IIU EIlfrn .1I]!,I'LI'tUl U hi5 doo," ~s S.hliili"lll (fI,gu[e 7 .Sa). Trap rhlE' 'Ir'!1!1"ii' ~ uf 1] I e a rm you lli'i",is.h: ~(J hJcJ;: b!tI\1'1~~n. J(lur aeck and shou Mer. CkiI,mp ''On!l" m1Li!:5 around '! 1'110: sbiolulder OIr [he a.mI ~tOU are: atuddlfl& and squeeze .. This makes escape dllficulr, FD:I;(~ t'~Jll!,lJ"' iillruniS dli.reul,}, OVL"r I he elbow 01 }"(IUf opponent's arm !;I.11 d squeeee j n t ·.~ilI!rd~ YID.,m· m::hC5t. h~~r e [endillg the dbow jolm ~rj,l;urr:.' 7 . Bb].

J j j








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Case'S tudy' in Offensive Use [oj the Gua.l~d P;o~it:ion.:

Antonio R[o[Qri9t), ~M'iu[o" auro ~~ No.g'uftira

A tu~cks 1:r):Mi 1#1" 0'1'\ ;f.f~[' il('nti ~i,'[i61",r WJI ~;I' YO,lln" (J1J''4!J~'J '"J!,I[~ I. ' lund'iIJ/J'

""mdil ",~I!itU~Wli'lJ. Till.. nu\lt" l! .!1 ,,·lIl:rd '.!JI·,1Y rn aW'I,ck I Ii1I Bppi1,IWll ~ wl n i ~ ,Sl nulll ill~, I n your up 'fl "liard... nd ii flu!:!> nlll lex,pJj~ • ~IOU I L ,HI ~ 1:f\1 ~~ i bl'!.l~ ume a Hie l . ..lmll kn e I I 'L. ('I..nnw n.lJln,)· 011 U:I upen GIIJ;:mft~.'!. ,e 'r"~~" .A S '!,li.J1U LI]~J'lm~ei II ~u.ll!n~~. rl.~ I)' l' ur r\: " i .I!j;id(' hh h·,.~ al III!;; knees, ~lnlH'lll wn shlns f'!,I'i.isb:inH mJ,.faln:-L mlttC' Inl!ilw 01 hho knees <1i~LH)C;; 7J~lil). (; 1b-l,Dnh hls aiO.lik·~ fr 1'.iU llH' Olllfs,i,de Uij::alln; 1,9tl,., Pnll whh ,hoth IltIu,I'i: as \!on plHml h ~~ I!JJr h~l ~ Hal' 1'1;.[ 'ih' III ~1!3',1i a Iru:~ ~;pn:,,~d 'f(lur tlL~ I'lInlnl') nS (!lgll re "1. 9c~. nllll'~ knrrJi~lk' \!Ou r!lll] n en t !J;I h~ I~1' hackwmd raJ; I hlL" lIoor. '1oial! ('am I hlC~l (tIme tU~l ~lfl n I[ P pn~i1 m I]] -II';"I !iitm])'[ Ll!1l1 AcU'I ~~~~!j: ~ID ~.

fi~d ~~'dtd.. Tbe hee] hook ts 'I .creal \val' ,(I ana do a n U'~)POI1l j;'1.~ I t,,'ho ~s; stand ~n~ up f1rl! ~'n,ur Opt:" guard. \Yuh beth 1!I!';lboQ.k.ed imide V(\')I~lr !j]I~")JICIJi!It:l1l1'§ legs M~ I'h~ kJrles., !"t:~ hom. nd grab the heel 0.1 u:" [[ 1:]1, ~,§ Cr(Jt>t"Sl1U :r[Hl mgU~ 7. Hla,)I •. Pull l1~nnr hips III close 1.0 ah!iu roOl nnd ~i(k. yuu:r ~(lIQ1 Jnsrde L1[)~ a .LD ~~dl aJllLll1 Ie'g (aJiIis. is. 'm~ 1(: ocg d~i'il ~1)1J ,afe aua cl~fi IlIg~ It!~lIl1.~D ~ol.!i r fthom. ]and'~ on ~h~ h~,]fII [)[[ ~ h(" l.fg, 'YOll are OIuiu:k iog (l1,1:ure ".10 b and e]. '¥.('H,U: other Iocr ,I,~ ru fJ:keiLIl !l!rnadlf'lI' n.he hil!n.151rin~· or [he ,h!g t'OD are a!llal):Jdn,~. SQ II.!II eze you r ,1{JleeS 'E.o.l::t:'~ltae.r ror (om rot f!1!1l i he !oe. oj [be lOlli' iha I, l~[mm I ,.:I!j[~ ,aJui'iI[kfing m:d .'r yom ,jJJ:rJT1jlrpEt" ,~ook, fJ!ltu: 'il/rTls unller Ihe beel 0'] lIl/I! 10:(11 ami ~I)]i k 'l}~i]l1lI r ha!~ (15 m,oge'l ht;:r. fL'l,r'~ltEC' n.hie fi1:I1:e] o1cros~ }I'(IU( dY$t 10 PUI, ~11"("akil1lg [llI1I;'SSlUII',e IOn tbe atI'kle and Be I[tIlreru~ in l.he applirnJliGn oI lhiS iec:hniQlUif-,hljll.uies are C01l''.IlT.lfm. Give f'Our' ]l~I!rC]Je'.II" Lirllll;:" ~o SUbDlh \'·vllile 1:1"31 !ling.

.t.. [[long 0iJntl!'[Opli.l~J;lI~' i:\.1JI.iDA iiglIltrs-. none b $ cxcelled i 11 tlie U!J!! nl' ~h~ il,L1<ld ll1~iSjd{i~i 10 dlf," degR'C' ul Braz! I i;jllljllj jltm c W "rt ilL.n [{lin i'l«!dr~:D 'i\' ntllilluro" N&~gLll,>jHL ln ,~ig:h t aUEt."ii ~i.hl1t MWIlfiIi3Ulr(J IC!Ckt."tII up the besr 1l,ght'I!Jt~ i,1l1 tli1l!! """!lI!dd inl ~i_s, ~,~rarrll ruld illiilde 1..1 retn q II it, QU lte nrtl[!O th~s!l.! l')ll1p[~Il!I~nbl ~n:nr-I'lllar,&ff 1.11 ill! I M,i L'J rrauru, but If HNii WI I!' li1Iiljl' ,jjJflh: n:' iii CL ........ I bl]'}" h:H,m, hems lVL~:; CLil.lghD !!III' lin ill ih.llll'J~ of :5illhlDh' s 1~')1"'l .:HL'ii: ~5 i u.sbd.l" the H\I,jIJt! lJiI' ~amnn. di.,lIn, :iI iJ i~ h U ~'t.'1II1J d' , ~i i1nu, rJIUIJ'I'I[ ~~~ a fiigbl~f) WillS! hl5:

·1!I1~1','1.!1l t~d IIl1r )llllttlnJ;;)n'-f;!.:k~ fir Mnn he- ~1(]Hn(l1 J itJ~i,I,l.Jl'II.LII\'J t I:igi II~) ~ UlJ • tlmt' gnJ, ull hn~ 1Il1ill1~~ ~kll~ ~ I'~'l: fIi ~hit~lc~. NJj~u. ·mr. Iii d\-e H~-'f ll\llbd, . ~ lilI'1111' J~ mk It! 'ill Ic)"1-.. tLI!!! ~j;I'IWO m in .11 [\'1 lNu tl In .!!.{ !.J~ IJ1Vo thl<! I,rt Il~lt" Li~~kc, !dmUllil[ rtl110 ·k •• 1I111 ~I n

1 ~I.rLt J dftl dJ::i['.k, /\~ his It'll. r~llll~d l'I~!fI~,n~ml ~!~uk1::1 U Il i II ~J IloIi Itlrk ~Jwr ~n I V~I.l bl l' fn UIIII.II aii,C'III~I*'\.'1IJ (lI'm,ldn III im~'tJpr. flil I'h I 1'l1lll.ll: ~~t ~hb 1I'~~~":l"u!d .1U.Itk,. Ih~r cuuld II.I~~I i ut L'iuly m I fi:!ol: II 'i"r~~ d~il' f f.!Jlllr by WolI'r' l,1 1I i"1!l.1i1 I I.'r pcol:1I • "Ell"'1:'~N L11~~!d ~Ublfil~ 1 In Iwld.


Par1 0" hal made ~ og[llI[ci.ra sudt d~IHr,l.JJt 0IJ.l1U· Dertl \'Vd. h !J,kiU in I[he '!.:tanilil~nll! ;Iiu.!:i.itlijlr;l. 111 bad S:lrUlql ho:dl ~ ,kiUl' .flo!!! taDu~"o:iI. lI.""l1r~. ']'lr 5., t[ ..:111 (JPIlGucnl "'I.~ ITIlll1l-d ill .sUltmd ~BJIiI alll d C'!;GJ'I)C hi:; 'L1 a;n:,t b~ lElect! more pll.9i5bDn n~ IDn ~n1 t~I1!', l'hl~ L]jj'l!iiia ~pl UIOg JPIi:OiIl'lt!' flaw 1 ~ u ~UIi91JI '11" _ ''!, g,u, rd ~,'!lh~'r..! Ih Of ~~re ("xl~d ttl 1~1'J: 'SUbtlumssi(JIFh ~n!l:du jI·Ir,i"I!;-.ln ~hi," war lhc~' ~~ 'iiI<! put til ,il dg~l;!~lm1 il= H Lh J:!'V sW • up Ihe'" ruk.ed 1'J:'ln 1 kmJid'!~'lI1HLlL1L'It iiJI:k ~J1 dri,\c.l1 to "Lannom pn1l1:ilJlI, If Illcr .lim~1l- ·ct m~] ~1iI~" llL'!t!I~-d 'lhJ;'l' '~'lljU td be lint-shcd b~f rulb:ml i sslou bt~td~. ~\.i)L'rybmi:t'

'1."', h,]lltl e:qx"(1 ht, <1d~ Nn-dlU,!!1 ra:s ii!1~wT"(t Hl~ ~tlj)~ m Klil aIM(K ~~'re Ii ~J 11111, ~,vu L'l~j}d rJ Lj~lliJ 1 j]~k. \VJlJl m.lm- Ih • dilf.eml1' Wa~ 1lJ"' III i.-Jim1 ,1[11.1 deIl'rrnln S u[ln,yjl '~hkh bl". ii.Vdl':,(J J1'.1 Ik'.lll fu~ lHJ.lI 't' ln e ·u:mINl cmnb I~ 'l.it5~~t'o • ~~i1 "" ;i,'i~'h ihv !;,~IJl'!>llmL

~ ...... lItim lind' ,~ ~.u~, fL'''',' (~~~lJnii-'HI i '",",,'ere lli' lu IiIflllJll al'li\' eUC'(!I\".e JU,ld'i..·nl!~· whilli' l~i,cr.~d III MIIII1101111 U'w;: lHJlIf"tl.








IN, THIE BOIT'OMI '0:511,111°---=-=" '----_~ _

It is t:irne [,or us U."II In ,"1;:: am eech 01 !be comuu)1I posiu01I!S i'll a g -ound t1!!Jh~ Irom [he bottmIl, . I,g:~ ter's [J e'Fs'IllOCljt:'e. \;\fe have already mennencd l'il'lII. the bettem Ilghter's main emptiil. is S is. an t"~',lle to a bel h:r 1:'liO$i[iotl~ AD 3illemalh'1C :5't'Jl',j3 Les:,~ rs to attemp:t a S,lJlItiilIb'lffs.sio.n t~vldl h'olu ~lrn:!.erlleJlh. 11' I he !illbrn.li5'5iiJll1i ~mo:Jd, succeeds,

oom Idel" ill oiJI great beaus, ]f it rails. at lcasr i'E forces. '~~L"l!n ill" opponent 1.0 d efeud :11, gm'l/ing: yfllJ [he ~lf1n:, needed (0 escape 10 a better PO,Si(jOIL [[J either case, you I:!J~ \'I!.: £II{I([le weU. 'I,;\ile shain 110U! oensider mcves dl(!l enable }~GiILll ~'Q ~e[ O'IJ 1. oI the lf1il,Il),Itf: Illijllni!! ".rous illlns .llld bold~dU'WT15 .in r\1..'\'L\.




E:s (:3, pi' mig t"h e' Rleailll' ~Mh)illlIIJ[llrtedi IPlQ"s,~·tl'lon

].'Ihe ]Ifill r 1J[j]U),u u I is one or the most d.:myemll:5 places 10 be. l[ilIlJIg11l1 l'I'1 t! real r1gbt, l\ll.Ilf Il.lPil(lr[l fl'rU roo l',lin b.kl\'\~ un ~b~ back 01 ~;ou r ~~'~inf <lind neck. if he 1 S lm lop, \,.~he]j\~iIIs f,!J)u iL.lII'li chJi Bille in return, In addi.iol.l. he can auack -,'n~jr neck and .m ~b ~1,fi,th i1111 army 01 !l.1JIb.rnl~~'(I11 hojds, AD ,!iw means o f e-§ml}~ .1'1: ih u ~ ':5U'H Eiai. \,'IJE" s,hal] h:t(lk .u IlO\' 10 e :ape i h.~ u .'0 maln forms t'J:f CI 'j. ;'4lII moune ~{!IIP IlIlI1Jdi hllJli h,.nr~,

Y:~'J.p''''Ri!!at ~fouu

'n'lrlf' ~i;! Ii,Hr~M I'JlltliU III tK.~'tI~ ntfu:'l1 ,!ou.r OlJrll<l:Jll'[~laI mrs! Im1lt'mdm etl r 1:1 fi hJl1i cd ~'CiU. rhliJtl~ ~"1[II1!J1I' UUL"'I!'f l~t:'k .:lInd hips """ILII hum I hls l :'g'S h . l ,l'iLi 'i.n~u your hips, l',I'om

j j


. __ ~ __ ~ ____;W:.:::.:I=rN=N=IN~G=--' PRO~ tHE ~orrow~ [PO'SnmN

this posLtinrn. be ~TIi S"l!J"etc'b 'YOlli m~1 and pm you under ,sreal ~Hlt' su re. One posstble eS(I'l'pit' is; dl~ dU!lJ''Y if'SiCa]Jt:' ;nemoo.

The elbow e'S(;i1Ipt:' ~s,by c-he most 'u:,ehd and utl,IDnam. escape 1L1iJJr:lJhfH~ il'il j u] ltsu. It eIl;iihles rID WI '[ I rcSCilIpe the ios ami 'holds ol opponen,1s Iar 'larger than yo U rscll ''"''ltl"" 1·I!.:'lilJ~ii' e ease, 'Cl!'neroiilly i. ~Uh:5 ill fOll p,lactn,g rCI!1JlL' (ll~)J;lnnIEn1 ba k In the &;i-I,oll' t pm,~mjjvriil_ People usually thluk 01 I he elbow e5Q3;PI: as .1111 escape [r'[)tll1 the n::B,~iT.a:1!' m.ol/ll~edposifion. bUllhcTC are man}' 'lr"<3ii'U.un:Sr ilJ1rili.~dl!l1g i h I s oae f.r(l in [h~ top-rear mOUiDI. "This (:.'1.[1 seem like .iii complicated 1[.'LOI~'IC" b1u1 \'i!Hh OJ, llttle Willnh:e. y[lrljJ w.h~m be i1Il..,1,e to do i1 q uickJ'y and 1.:UicleD.'liy. Yo~n r ClIJlI[I10- n "m Is 11 [ P ni' 'ri]l1UI bill .;.II rUln re.illr muum IUgli re 7.11 a) ... The ["11]151. iilTilf!!tlttm L11 thins is to remo .... -e hts "bl[n .. ,.Ii;:~t ('bis, 1e!:1 in '~!{Dur hip:! .. l~ which ~vt!' bim H",M~ihy l'111-r1 rom lr.url, 1[I11j,I'!o:']' '~'lfJLL 10 n']uu'li'~ the bon'ks.,. kick unit or '~f!IJIlllrr h=gs bar(· i:81~d place it It It on thil:: S rn:r'li.mdi IJe.h;"'Cl"1i 'rOO r Pi1lltm'l"D 1'5 1t'S'!ii (fi8u~·rl"' 1.1 U'JI il• rlilh, r . i uoves on • 1111J.:!'iJk ~Ullirnill·d]'l.I ~t'Iy.. 5tid~ the knee 011 ht: IC$. you have jIi.m'li~ [I..n'cked! .;j,(tos,~ ,] nd lll!1r;1'r ~~1r.11!1' I[!prrmrll~rn' , n:'J liIIlnlDg, hook (Dcurc 1. 'I I e], l"rr ~iI ~ tDULJ II Hi! kn I;iC rtr t, 1:1 I.lit lei; I'U! rmn OppClo,lilc II.!nJirn"~. 1'hls prev, '1 I }'ot r ~!mr~lnnem ~ rom

l61 I

g_e[t.ii[l!_g: his :bolDk back i:n place, To remove the relll a illlkm~ ~mQ[i!k. kirk your other kg I;mnc one yourr oppenent JS s-un booked U nder] [b,j]Q1c M,Ql'It'" both h l oks h aVI:! ueen Jj~f'![!lQv'd _ Jg.1llI1: .1 dl). (jet up 10 }!ou.r knee> keeping your knees a nd dlb(liws 'Ijil:lln 1 ;gE'(bu ~o prevent your oppouem IJl"0:illi gel.l.~lIIIg hi ' hooks back in ~l;lact!· ~ liig:~m::: 7' _ ~ II.!'~_ Rt:'.Q(;h 1II1" and BI"ab 00 arm (ligul'IT' '7, U h, RoU him over j'~II~] u !j'~IQluhJJe'Jj U:i8!.Ul:" ;' .I Ig], The lacr IDa t he Is 'rgOn hooked i~~ r-lililce makes 'Lb1 s easv. .As he lalls oH }'"GUf back, ~il~~ 0111 }'"tJUIr ik:m'i~[4i::-'~ th<ill~ you can take a top III iil' It:: 'pmHiuo.

B jltt;(;li.ij'~Re4J'·1\:IJon'tJ'f

'I h~ iii iDrlUIrJ!f)1- Jiof'M HlOlWn OCCUJrs wh~n r{)ur (lpp~}ul:!n mm h 'til' n ouly hooked in Dl!hhllliJI you, !bUll also UIH.lcnICi Ih ltUi _ -rom here, he can stll aH' ck yl ur neck a midi ~itrnmllj. rh .lIIgh his !OInking power is S1Jmewh_jJl les I.han.£i 1]1111 th ~ top r 'at-

[L WlIlIU:i!I P 'i1iol1i. Once .Jgain. ,a sound C!ll."alj_["' In!;! br d "!'!l needed L~ you J re to tilI""{iI~d hi~s !C1.1 Mt:k:Eo_ F'llr l!'lrl:iihl[lh:. the 5Ii~~(:IILn method: ~t enables ~~u'U 'i U ~U'tl'! [" ~ YUUifii!:nr l'rnm ~b~ usual dm~ and .n'rlIIk1t:k .:I I h."HI[:nh iLiL1!a~ }'l1li1U . .)Jl if'XI It' t· n 11P;J{mIlOl I d'o, Inee he .1~t..,ltl~ I b ~ ~lI"Cln I"): 511 klJ " ~""hlilh: ,il~ ~ h(! . , m L_; 'I Im i 'ir t.l~ l:'''' r IIU ,,)LU~ ul h ihU:d r.a Ic' (_Ia nger. I din 10 oJ I euer ["I",ii I~) ,

"nr Illilf nplrml]l:rIil is b!l:hlnd and! IJ1l1den 1!:.UJl "fUll in ill IbH"I'l'b1 m- ~ ~,(IU' H U ,-ltI:1 u, [lur~.:JiI~nthIl!; '~(i ~hL,k!: ~UII IIi;:.un; 1.W.3..Jl. 1[...,. has both ~I~en ~mtlll([i,d hrll~ Y'lii!U' hlJ~~' 01 til ~ ~~.I~fi. Ih"~(i ~hr n -50" in )rour hlil~..:nl!' Ihil." ~llllflO nr vour 1"':1" bJJHJI. 'f~1

Ii >d!J_I;f"i. br~ I:g; 1lJil' IIW ~~lll r ~PIII,"lQt~1fI ."i!. ~ Dn pull IU~<l;,'nI Inn hI!>:-.L ,,] n 1-i-1I',g d' L I " l ~h' "r-I'Stlnt~ dbl1!i.-. 11th! ou I ln I h~ .... II~~ ,IiIfiL'dt:nn U[1H II he i11]~: 'flJ. or hi H ~Uir gJirnoo: .UrFl1 .U~ IJfI<~nlin8. Thm "nur ,hin Im~,'n mld nm.l,llJl'd rhe bi ~I'!!h Il nila.'" ~~iI'o:'il1l~l:il1i~ ItID Kl.:'l:f) :..lhlh1G oUI uuul ., uur l\ihl 1I1IIIIlh~i!'~ 1['1 iUt:n mh~ I lnur ~ lil"lilj,u,," 7.ll:~t I'· lI:Ill~ vuur"k nd hnuld·~ u mhl' lI]n!JI S ~ 1'1'1 ~I, I~ n .

~ h 'l ~":l rs. ~nnm . ~pp Den m i II.I1IIhlbl II I 10' t" '~11U, Tn' til ~ ~r llyn '~IUIJr lIid ' , 'I':id II . ~ '~ ur PRJ_ II "1111 Uiglllll" 7 .Ilr:). III 1 h IlU"'l)UII, )'UIJ.U~· !I.lli'l· '111:111111 1'h·· ~ti'dl"'~ ~, nUl:! ~I'j] ng.~r fUj~\, h I h .. n rOlU ull1'11:lm'nl ,.,-i11 fC'1 Llil un ~(IP jjl[ !fIll!! IH t b ~ mH~'II:'III~d fl lJi~h:ln, [» pa; "!t'n I rhl \f hoo'k: YO!.II Ullll~l1fll~l;;;1 III nOl lima Ii! If' II u 'i' ~ ~I r~w "I~Il'~, ~Ull'I r m "'Jl; 11m the _n it; _ nd 1111. }hlDk yO!) Ir 1 m'l u nder m h, ~i1m,' Ic..~ n:!W T 7, 1 le l]. - L~m '!o'W],mn. \' U I'.ilmil iOllfC'\! I \'tiuuu~ II,lm·nIIWllillgul. K~~'.~rlnl'kf;:.lHU·ll( 1I1'lId ~ '~~I. ] Ii'll~.(l. ~~d!.' pim Ii lilt :JllU'5il if)" (~iRlIr~ 1.121;::).

! S'[i P '.' n 9 ,ttl e' IM,~11!i.! ~1't)ld p~$n, II(HIII

~n~e Ir~irJ'mH(!11 ~~I ion h ... a:fnled 111 IIUl' MM/\ li;gh ~'5" m I amDIJ.!!ws '!.:! ~I' hj~l man W . t'rulk:, ,,JI]m §[ OJ! w111_ \1iIlJ1 hell." a w1I1IlId m eans (If 1~~I~c. I he bC.1; ~ rrn 111!i1n Is 'It~l'~llm.;]jU~' ,t~~I~ ~~,""l5~,hm;, [he need lor the iC!lIlIn~ ~·'iC.lpC.

'W~ nl.!llV(, Ilmoo .alrea'{ly I bl! nm~iw imJ)Of'loJ:ncC' lCilf the 11;.!:[1:1!(l'W escape--a he king ij]lm es-c.a:pes_ In addilinn [Do requiring IInJe ~Hl!n.,/Lh and ~n' imllg eHe tive <lig.!!d~!~'i I!m; Il-!, 'hi ti.iJI'll, ll"Opponems.r I aim elliJ1I"W the user ~;O lii.Ue ,{,t:~n~.;;r as il is being ];Ji!i!'ufOfUll!~ttUel!e we Inok I a variant IJlilt l'in-khc:"i: ~\~ill'L a111 of'fe:t1lS~Vlt mlfYi:!-'11!t, ~huUt.!s ~itl{'.k. '!tVii:ab )"OUIf' ~I)po.n.cilu I1l(1UmOO on hlp ol l~DlIi..!IF r.~lII1!n iii detenslve lrilime by p,l:;]dng bOitffil h'l'Uck; on tUtU o PPJ:lfl em ":Ii hmlfl5. (fmgll1l [I(' '1. 'L :3 a) , Itr[d ~e '! (I gel OUt h!.lil~ IlU mite Door. Push \\.111"1 bUill hands 1[0 vard V, IIIii:' feel (.d(ll1N ])1151'.1

IIp!!) .mdl ((l1rn mQone !..Ide_ A!o plU drop your hips, 500CJIIh,'i!i!1I out ro the (Jp;PL slte ~[dle lh!iil![ 'Oi.l hilrlO'e I u rncd lon~'am a nd brillg I he ,(l!PJlio.!iiu~ knee ('IJ!U~ knee of 1'il)t1J ~ h.lIWt'D'" ,~I.::g) b~lween ~"Our 0.rllxU1cnl~J legs (Illgure '7 _13'b] _ 'Vn\l r knee should be d'ta\1VII~1 up UJ' rO'I.II chest. Wrap '\~our other 1.eo.t:. around rhe Ie.~ "lOll imend tn Iltttack ilIlllJd pll!.llce . ,\0'I.l'r f-ElOl On jO'UT appon Dl"5 hiD) , ol the ~Ieg s: u are a lL3ck j,ng) ,


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