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Calvinist Influence on Politics

Urbi Et Orbi

John Calvin (1509-1564)

Early life
Geneva Experience
Influence of Calvin’s writings in development of the Reformation
Essentials of Calvinism

Calvinist view on Government—Two kingdoms but different perspective

Government instituted by God

Revolution downplayed
Doctrine of lesser magistrates
Tendency of Calvinists through history to become involved in civil resistance

Political and Economic Aspects to Reformation

Development of Capitalism
Max Weber—The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905)

John Knox & The Covenant

Old Testament justification. Ex. 23:10-17; 2 Kings 23; 2 Chronicles 15

Believers have an obligation to resist civil authority, IF it is an idolatrous regime

Developments in England and Scotland

English Civil War

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