Ayam Masak Pandan BI

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By: Naz Rinn Chan

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Monday, 12-Mar-2007 12:14 Email | Share | Bookmark
Before frying Fried.. Ready to be eaten..
( Thai version)
500gm chicken fillet, cut approx 3cmx3cm
1 tblspn thick soy sauce
1 tblspn golden syrup (I used 1 1/2 tblspn sugar)
1 tblspn chillie paste
1 teaspn sesame oil
1 tblspn oystre sauce
4 garlics, chopped
1 shallot, chopped
1 tespn white pepper
Adequate daun pandan (screwpine leaves)

1. Mix together all ingredients. Then put in chicken fillet, MIx until incorporated and leave
to marinate for one hour or more.
2. Wrap chicken fillet with daun pandan in a triangle shape. Use toothpick to fasten the
leaves tightly.
3. Deep fry until cooked.

(Indonesian version)
500gm chicken fillet
5gm aniseed (jintan manis)
5gm white cummin (jintan putih)
thumbsize galangal (lengkuas)
1 lemon grass
3 garlics
thumbsize ginger
2 buah keras
10gm gula melaka

1. Dry blend aniseed, white cummin and buah keras.
2. Wet blend garlics, lemon grass, galangal, ginger and gula melaka.
3. In a large bowl mix together both dry and wet blended ingredients. Add in chicken, mix
until incorporated and leave to marinate for one hour or more.
4. Wrap chicken with daun pandan and deep fry until cooked.

Good day ,
This ayam pandan suddenly came to mind when I saw my pandan leaves growing bushes
in my edible garden. It used to be a must-order side dish in our menu list whenever we go
to this Indonesian Restaurant called Tambuah Mas in Penang. One at KOMTAR and one
nearby Tapak Pesta Pulau Pinang. I`m not sure if those two restaurants are still exist. It`s
been years since we last went there.
Anyway, the taste of this Ayam Pandan is still fresh in my mind. Very much close to our
famous satay ayam. But this aromatic pandan smell distinguishes this recipe from others.
Just to add varieties, I made two versions of Ayam Pandan..one is an Indonesian`s and
the other is Thai`s..co-incidently I came accross it when I flipped over one of my
magazines` pages. The Thai version is a bit plain but might be tastier if dipped with any
suitable kind of sauce or gravy. The Indonesian`s one..ummmm..as good as it is.

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