BSAIII Legislative Record

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Senate Bill Summary Status

SBSA filed a bill amending section 4 of RA
9184 or the Government Procurement Act to
make it very clear that it applies to all
government procurement activities, regardless Pending in the
of source of funds, whether local or foreign, Committees on
Amending the and that only treaties or international or Constitutional
Government executive agreements entered into by the Amendments,
Procurement Act government prior to its enactment shall be Revision of
(SB 2160) exempt from its coverage. This bill was filed in Codes and
light of the declaration by the DOJ of the Laws, and
validity of the NBN-ZTE deal citing its Finance
international and executive agreement nature
as reason for its exemption from the
procurement process as stipulated in RA 9184.

Impoundment is the power of the President to

refuse the release of funds appropriated by
Congress. However, this power has been used
and abused by the President and in the
Budget process “emasculating Congress’ authority to
Pending in the
Impoundment check the President’s authority to spend public
Committee on
Control Act funds.” That is why SBSA filed Senate Bill 3121
(SB 3121) or the Budget Impoundment Control Act which
requires the President to submit to Congress
for approval the “Rescission or Reservation of
a Budget Appropriation” every time he/she
decides to impound part of the budget.

Increasing Pending in the

Penalties for Committee on
SBSA filed Senate Bill 2036 which seeks to
Non-compliance Labor,
increase the penalties imposed on corporations
in the Wage Employment
or work establishments who are non-compliant
Rationalization and Human
with the minimum wage set by law.
Act Resources
(SB 2036) Development
Banning the re- SBSA filed a bill banning reappointments to the Passed in the
appointment of Judicial and Bar Council in order to avoid the Senate
members of the possibility of instances where its members, in
JBC that already their desire to be reappointed to the Council, Pending in the
served a full succumb to pressure from the executive to House of
term nominate individuals based on political Representatives
(SB 1710/ considerations instead of their actual merits

CR 23) and qualifications, seriously undermining the
quality of judicial appointments and the
independence of the judiciary as a whole.

Local Chief Executives, by virtue of RA 7160

(the Local Government Code) and RA 6970
(DILG Act of 1990) as amended by RA 8551,
have “operational supervision and control” over
PNP units assigned at their territorial
jurisdiction. They shall also have the power to
choose their provincial police director and chief
of police. They also have the power and
authority to recommend the recall or re-
assignment of the chief of police.
However, conflict arose between the local chief
executives and the Philippine National Police/ Passed in the
Reform in the National Police Commission because there Senate
appointment of was no clear delineation of powers and
PNP directors functions over the appointment of chief of Pending in the
(SB 2978/ polices or their dismissal. House of
CR 242)
SBSA filed a resolution in order to ascertain the Representatives
facts surrounding the conflict and determine
whether the practice of the appointment and or
removal of chief of polices is consistent with
the law.
In conjunction with the resolution, SBSA filed
Senate Bill 2978 amending the DILG Act and
which clarifies with specificity the powers and
functions of the local chief executives and the
PNP/NAPOLCOM with regards to chief of
polices. It also gives term limits to chief of
polices in the provinces.

Senate Bill 2035 seeks to prevent “faulty and

defective infrastructure” by raising the
Preservation of standards in the construction of all public
Pending in the
Public infrastructures and by penalizing the
Committee on
Infrastructures contractors of defective infrastructures. It also
Public Works
(SB 2035) requires the Bureau of Maintenance under the
DPWH to conduct periodic inspections of public

SBSA filed Senate Bill 1370 which grant Pending in the

Productivity Productivity Incentives Bonuses to employees Committee on
Incentives Act for net profits gained by any company or Labor,
(SB 1370/ business establishment. This aims to improve Employment
CR 105) the performance and productivity of employees and Human
in the private sector. Resources

SBSA filed Senate Bill 1719 which seeks to
Pending in the
enforce the checks and balances on the
Prevention of re- Committee on
President’s appointive powers by limiting the
appointment and Constitutional
number of times an official may be re-
bypassing the Amendments,
appointed when his or her appointment has not
CA Revision of
been “favorably acted upon by the Commission
(SB 1719) Codes and
on Appointments at the close of the session of

SBSA filed Senate Bill 2159 which holds

Pending in the
Superior responsible superior and senior officers, who
Committee on
Responsibility by their consent, toleration or negligence in the
Justice and
(SB 2159) control and supervision of their subordinates,
Human Rights
violates and abuses the rights of the citizens.

Resolutions filed by Benigno S. Aquino III

Resolution Summary
According the Local Government Code, barangay officials and
Sangguniang Kabataan officials are exempted from tuition and
Matriculation of matriculation fees when in attendance in State Universities and
the SK and Colleges. However, various SUCs imposed limitations on the
Barangay availment of these educational benefits.
Officials in SUCs SBSA filed a resolution investigating the said incident considering
(SRN. 975) that these officials are legally entitled to such benefits because of
their significant contributions to peace and order and
development of their respective barangay community.

Investigation into
the possibility of SBSA filed a resolution questioning the need to elect members of
a Constitutional the Constitutional Convention that will amend the 1987
Convention Constitution through the May 2010 National Elections.
(SRN 819)

Investigation into
the Bataan Gun SBSA filed a resolution seeking an investigation into the Bataan
Smuggling gun smuggling which took place last August 21, 2009.
(SRN 1327)

Investigation into
the warrantless SBSA filed a resolution questioning the “warrantless arrests” of a
arrests of group alleged of plotting a raid to rescue detained Magdalo
Magdalo members. The “warrantless arrests” violates their inherent human
members rights as protected in the Constitution.
(SRN 1047)
SBSA filed a resolution investigating the events immediately

Investigation into following the Manila Peninsula Stand-off wherein media
the human rights personnel were arrested and their equipment confiscated which is
abuses during in violation of the Freedom of the Press.
the Manila
(SRN 229)

Investigation into SBSA filed a resolution seeking an investigation into the

the Pyrotechnics explosion in the Starmaker Factory at Trece Martirez, Cavite. The
Regulation investigation is intended to determine whether there was lapse in
(SRN 877) the regulation of the fireworks industry.

Investigation into SBSA filed a resolution questioning the demolition by the Metro
the UDHA Manila Development Authority of illegal shelters without providing
implementation relocation sites for the displaced families contrary to RA 7270 or
(SRN 402) the Urban Development and Housing Act.

Legislative Concerns of Benigno S. Aquino III

Amendments to EPIRA

SBSA introduced amendments to SBN 2121, seeking to

strengthen the prevention of market power abuse and unfair trade
practices in the power industry and in furtherance of which, increases
the penalties for violations of prohibited acts.

Opposition to the sale of TRANSCO

SBSA opposed the privatization of the National Transmission

Corporation (TRANSCO) on the grounds that it is a revenue generating
monopoly which generates P16.7 Billion in revenues, thus depriving
additional government income for public service use. He also opposed
the franchise because the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines,
the one to whom the TRANSCO franchise was awarded, only has a
financial capacity of P8.157 Billion with an authorized capital stock of P2
Billion for 2008. SBSA questions how NGCP can manage a corporation
twice its size. Also, the downpayment for the corporation amounts to P46
Billion which the NGCP does not have. In the end, SBSA’s concern is
that energy consumers might suffer from the deal because he is not
convinced that NGCP is “willing and able to manage, operate and
expand the national grid…”

Opposed JPEPA

SBSA voted against the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership
Agreement because the treaty is one-sided benefiting Japan more than it
would benefit the Philippines. SBSA wants a renegotiation of the treaty
which is much more advantageous and beneficial to the Filipino people.

Opposed the Supplemental Budget for the Implementation of Automated


SBSA opposed the P11.4 Billion supplemental budget for the

implementation of the Automated Elections because the Commission on
Elections cannot effectively implement automated polls with the little time
that they had. Also, there are several vulnerabilities in the system that
may cause problems for the May 2010 elections.

Amended the Pre-Need Code

SBSA amended SBN 2077 to further protect the plan holders and
to prevent officers of the Pre-need firms from engaging in irregular
practices within the firm which might endanger the financial interests of
the policy holders.

Amended the COOP Code

SBSA amended substitute SBN 2264 (Amending RA 6963 or the

Cooperative Code). SBSA seeks to make cooperatives as vehicles for
social and economic progress for the marginalized sectors by organizing
themselves in addressing their social and economic needs in their
communities while fulfilling their social responsibilities.

Reproductive Health

SBSA is against abortion. However, he is in favor of giving couples

the right to chose how best to manage their families so that in the end,
their welfare and that of their children are best served. And in situations
where couples, especially the poor and the disadvantaged ones, are in
no position to make an informed judgment, the state has the
responsibility to provide that information.

The National Budget

SBSA scrutinizes the budget in an effort to prevent the

administration from further corrupting public funds and become more

prudent in its fiscal spending. He also introduced the following
(1) Clarifying the term “excess of the original revenue targets” to
mean excess revenue target for the whole fiscal year. This
aims to prevent the Department of Budget and Management
from over releases.
(2) Limiting fund transfers to NGOs and POs until funds previously
transferred to such organizations have been liquidated. This
aims to prevent another “Fertilizer Fund Scam” from occurring.
(3) Effectivity of the 2009 General Appropriations Act will start on
January 1, 2009 and requires that the funds released prior to
the approval of this Act for the operations for FY 2009 be
subtracted from the 2009 Budget and.
(4) SBSA increased the budget of the Commission on Human
Rights by P1.514 Million.

Amended the Kilos Asenso Fund

SBSA amended the 2008 General Appropriations Act seeking

greater transparency in the release of the P3 billion Kilos Asenso
Support Fund.

Corruption and irregular government practices (NBN-ZTE deal, Fertilizer

Fund Scam, Euro Generals controversy, etc.)

SBSA has always been a champion of anti-corruption efforts and

has always participated in committee hearings and plenary discussions
on how to address such issues in order that it may not be repeated.
Public funds should be used for public services for the general welfare
and should not be used for the luxuries of those who control the funds.

Amendments to the Motorcycle Helmets

SBSA made amendments to SBN 1863 requiring motorcyclist to

wear helmets of the quality approved by the Bureau of Product
Standards under the Department of Trade and Industry.

1.0 Works in the Committee on Local Government

Bills passed by the Committee on Local Government

Bills on Local Holidays

HBN 2160 (March 16 as Romblon Foundation Day)

R.A. No. 9162 (signed into law on June 11, 2009)

HBN 5280 (March 21 as Victorias City Charter Day in Negros Occidental

R.A. No. 9643 (signed into law on June 11, 2009)

HBN 5288 (August 28 as Cagayan de Oro City Day)

R.A. No. 9644 (signed into law on June 11, 2009)

HBN 6014 and SBN 2993 (Amending R.A. 5412 - Charter of the City of
General Santos)
R.A. No. 9649 (signed into law on July 7, 2009)

HBN 1125 ((July 18 as T’nalak Festival in South Cotabato))

R.A. No. 9654 (signed into law on July 17, 2009)
HBN 1314 (September 18 as Bislig City Charter Day in Surigao del Sur)
R.A. No. 9683 (signed into law on August 4, 2009)

HBN 3685 (October 2 as Majayjay Day in Laguna)

R.A. No. 9701 (signed into law on August 7, 2009)

HBN 206 (September 29 as Balilihan Day in Bohol)

R.A. No. 9706 (signed into law on August 7, 2009)

HBN 5285 (August 10 as San Jose City Charter Day in Nueva Ecija)
Approved on Third Reading

HBN 5284 (September 10 as Foundation Day of San Jose del Monte

City in Bulacan)
Approved on Third Reading

HBN 2495 (July 31 as Battle of Paye Day in Marinduque)

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 5286 (October 12 as Getafe Foundation Day in Bohol)

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 5287 (January 12 as Charter Day of Talisay City in Cebu)

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 521 (June 23 as Palawan and Puerto Princesa City Day)

Approved on Third Reading
Redistricting and Cityhood Bills

HBN 3224 (Reapportionment of the Lone Legislative District of Agusan

del Sur)
R.A. No. 9508 (signed by the President on Oct. 20, 2008)

HBN 3693 (Reapportionment of the Lone Legislative District of Malolos

City, Bulacan)
R.A. No. 9591 (lapsed into law on May 1, 2009)

HBN 4163 (Reapportioning the Province of Camarines Norte from lone

to 2 Legislative Districts)
Approved on Third Reading

HBN 4254 (Reapportioning the Province of Cavite from 4 to 7 Legislative

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 4264 (Reapportioning the Province of Camarines Sur from 4 to 5

Legislative Districts)
Approved on Third Reading

HBN 5226 (Creating the Charter of Biñan City in Laguna)

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 5007 (Reapportioning the City of Lapu-Lapu as Lone Legislative

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 4054 (Reapportionment of Iligan City as Lone Legislative District)

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 4053 (Reapportionment of the Province of Lanao del Norte)

Approved on Third Reading

HBN 4267 (Reapportionment of the Province of Pangasinan from 6 to 7

Legislative Districts)
Conducted Committee Hearings

HBN 5273 (Reapportionment of Puerto Princesa City as Lone Legislative

Conducted Committee Hearings

Bills Amending the Local Government Code

SBN 2005 (LGUs’ choice of depository banks)

Approved on Third Reading

SBN 2006 (Posting and publishing of summary of income and

Approved on Third Reading

SBN 2325 and HBN 5624 (Reducing the Amusement Tax)

R.A. No. 9640 (lapsed into law on May 26, 2009)

HBN 5258 (Charter of Dasmariñas City, Cavite)

C.R. No. 514 (filed on May 28, 2009), Pending Third Reading

Other Bills from the Committee

HBN 3389 (Creating the Bacolor Rehabilitation Council)

R.A. No. 9506 (signed by the President on Sept. 28, 2008)

HBN 3206 (Amending the Territorial Jurisdiction of San Jose, Dinagat

Approved on Third Reading

SBN 1757 (Regulating the Use of Sidewalks for Commercial and Other
Approved on Third Reading

SBN 2978 (Substitute bill for P.S. Res. No. 190 - Implementation of PNP
Approved on Third Reading

HBN 5652 (Creating Barangay Banawa-Englis in Cebu City)

Committee Report for Signature of Members
SRN 402 (Implementation of UDHA)
Conducted Committee Hearings

SBN 1993 (Local Management Information System)

Conducted Committee Hearings

SBN 2, 199, 539, 1441, 1529, 2513, 2516, 247, 441, 522, 599, 2137,
2138, 2414, and 2427 (Benefits for Barangay Officials, Tanods and
Conducted Committee Hearings

Issues of Benigno S. Aquino III

Executive Clemency

While SBSA recognizes that Executive Clemency is part of the

powers and prerogatives of the President, of late it has been abused and
its abuse is leading to the deterioration of law and order.

MOA-AD, Bangsamoro

SBSA opposes the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement on

Ancestral Domain because it is unconstitutional and its signing would
violate national integrity.

EO 464 (Executive Privilege)

EO 464, or the gag order from the President on her executives is a

clear violation of the principle of checks and balances. With this
executive order, the government is neglecting its responsibility to inform
the public, which is consequently the public’s right.

Pardon of Former President Erap Estrada

SBSA lauds the former President for undergoing court

proceedings. In the end, the rule of law should prevail.

JDV Amnesty Bill

SBSA cautions the passing of an “all-encompassing” amnesty bill,

because while amnesty may be given for political crimes, such

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amnesties must be given on a case to case basis with a rigorous
assessment of the case and the facts surrounding which.

Public Safety and Security

SBSA has consistently questioned the agencies who were

supposed to have prevented disasters such as fireworks factory blasts
and sinking of ships, for their lack of regulation of the industries which
they monitor, with the end view of preserving public safety.

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