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PRESENT: Chris Ruhr (Chair), Tanya Hallett (Vice Chair), Debbie Nelson (Secretary),
Odette Hunter, Annie Robertson, Lyn Gunter, Karen Gunter, Laine McDonald
Mark Leitinger (MSC)
Architects from ANTARTICA - Simon, Graeme, Nicola
Observer: Jane Carey

Meeting opened 7.15pm

1. Chris went through Terms of Reference.

 Meetings not to exceed two hours.
 Three things not negotiable: Location, Management Team and Budget.
 Our scope is type & style, footprint, layout.
 Our role to be the “eyes and ears” of the community.
 Recommendations of PRG are forwarded to PCG.
 Observers are welcome to PRG meetings but do not have the right to vote.
 PRG can attend PCG meetings and vice versa, with same voting restrictions.

2. Chris outlined the conduct for our meetings.

3. Mark addressed the meeting on the role of the PCG:
 Assist CH in overseeing delivery of project
 Monitor timelines and costs
 Community input
 Recommendations on final design and landscaping

4. Architects address:
 Need to get plans & info into public domain ASAP. Through Flowerdale and Hazeldene Blogs.
 Sandpit and path. These seem to be on DSE land. Mark to clarify this situation.
 Energy measures: for the new Community House: Geothermal and Water savings. Water treatment
plants. Energy efficient design. Mix of building materials including recycled brick, thermal mass
 Logo to be incorporated into the building design - possible on roof and in foyer floor.
 CH being built to BAL standards.
 Chris will make enquiries re exemptions from Planning Permits. Clarified that we are not exempt
from obtaining a building permit.

5. ISSUES for community input::

 Playground - size, access, fencing & location

 Memorial Garden Location
 Car Park Areas: location, surface and size, existing slab
 Water Storage
 Design of Play Group area
 Storage
 Name of Centre

10. One set of plans given to Annie to take to Community Feedback Meeting on Sunday.
Another set of plans to Odette to display at Community House and get feedback.
All plans and feedback to be brought to next meeting.

11. Mark to email the FCH Engagement Plans through to Debra.

12. Next meeting 24th June 2010 @ 7.30 at Flowerdale Recreation Reserve Portable.


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