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Director' Foreword

MAAC Girishpark has achieved another milestone today by publishing its first Newsletter. I am glad that the editorial board has made this endeavour and brought our first Newsletter with many interesting facts and artists, alongwith contests, technical know-hows for our students and other readers.

It gives me immense pleasure to mention about some of our milestones achieved as a result of constant team support which has helped to enrich the organization in every way. Some of them which I

would like to share are:

• Our First and Second batch students are all placed in good industry houses with certifications being given to them successfully.

• We have enrolled a good number of students not only from Kolkata but from other parts of India like Bihar, Jharkhand, UP, Assam and Delhi sharing a broad space.

• We crossed the earlier records of walk in admissions and including this year we are going to be the oldest centre of MAAC successfully training and placing the students with the completion of each course.

• We have seen growing number of active participation of our candidates in "24FPS" and other contests similarly participation has also increased in activities like National Students' Meet (NSM).We have also seen the first work getting submitted in our very own journal ''Animation Reporter"

• We have introduced some good infrastructural changes at par with industries which have helped us to achieve a national level recognition.

• Successful implementation of ERP like softwares which has enriched the student management system and also certain grooming and training facilities from the Placement corner.

We at MAAC Girishpark are very exuberant and excited about our achievements. On the academic front there has been a constant upgradation of technical and domain expertise and infact we look for more in the near future.

I am thankful to dear students, well wishers, staffs and corporate representatives who have contributed articles, shared their ideas to this first Newsletter and made it possible!! I hope we will continue to receive your support in the years to come.

With Best Wishes.

Mr. Sandip Saba Director

The Corporate Corner:

Animate: "The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's Stage"

T. E Lawrence

Trend of Future animation; Global Outlook:

• The rapid advancement of technology has made computer animation available to the masses.

• Animation Industry is one of the fastest growing industries.

• Demand for animated entertainment has grown with huge popularity of World Wide Web technology for teenagers, adults and whole family.

• The prominent examples are: "Simpsons" "King of Hill" like animation series, Pokemon, Monster Farm etc. Increasing use of video gaming, computer graphics and special effects.

• Another key trends being outsourcing of animation content to Asian countries.

• Availability of powerful low-cost labour rates in Asian and Pacific Rims compared to

North America and Europe.

• Animation industry supply chain and domain expertise.

Focus Areas: Animation Value Chain, Asian Animation Industries, Establishment of Local Animation Industry, Anime Exports, Government Support, and Increasing Edge of 3d animation and Vfx.

Talent Is The Buzzword for animation Industry- (From National Network of Education)

1. Mr. Amit Sharma of Rhythm and Hues Studio told IANS on the sidelines on animation seminar of MAAC that "There has been a boom in the animation market in the last three years-The projects are showing finesse because of the budgets involved"

2. MAAC has crossed barriers in imparting quality knowledge in animation and Vfx and has been successful in creating millions of success stories in the booming field of 3d animation and VFX through its high end training, seminars, placement opportunities and being remaining always in the forefront.

MAAC takes great pride in intuitive teaching philosophy which is centered around concepts and techniques so as to lay a strong foundation for a practical techno artist who is well versed in both technology and concepts by which it has also earned the quality validation from the University of Cambridge International Examination Board. (CIE)!!

Faculty Speak:

Hello Everybody!!

We in this hi tech age are all related with the field of entertainment and media. As the age of this earth is growing old, the meaning of entertainment is also changing with time and space very rapidly. Our demand is also curbing and increasing according to the growing trends following the path of rapid processing and speed technology.

I am really happy to have the opportunity to create those talents who can visualize and built stuffs to fulfill the ever growing demands of entertainment. The vast array of techniques makes it a competitive quest for the technocrats like us to inculcate the knowledge of creativity and infovision, without the help of esteemed institute like MAAC which gives a strong platform to strengthen and reinforce the quality teachings that we impart everyday.

"I can tell one thing, in this fast paced growing age of technology our industry will exist as long as the need of entertainment will be there and with MAAC we will constantly strive to aspire for better!!"

Quality Teachings at MAAC Girishpark:

Education be it animation is extremely important to successful persons. Keeping focus on that we have introduced many flavours in Girishparklike:

• Class room Assignments

• Interactive Seminars

• Online Video Tutorials

• Contests and Workshops

• Seminar on portfolio making and grooming sessions

• Screening of Portfolios.

All this helps MAAC (Girishpark) to achieve a better and animated future ahead. Proudly Associated with MAAC Girishpark

Mr. Abhijit Adhikari Academic (Technical) Head

Wishes every reader all the best II

The Magnifying Glass

Students I Testimonials:

Shah Mohammed: NSM Participant 2009 :

"Of all the past experience that I had, the greatest moment by far was NSM 2009, held at Lonavla by MAAC. The overall event was itself a big success. There was sharing of knowledge and some great moments captured by us with the greatest industry giants. It had the assimilation of various talents and everything happened in a co-ordinated fashion. We were totally enthralled by the arrangements starting from Girishpark centre to the reaching of Mumbai and visiting different studio houses and rocked safely back gathering loads of knowledge craving for more. In a word NSM rocks!!

Kankana Kar: NSM Participant 2009 :

"It had changed my outlook totally earning a new set of experience. I am grateful to MAAC Girishpark for the arrangements provided and really will wait for the forthcoming NSM 201 0."

Ayanava Gupta: NSM Participant 2008 :

"I learnt lots of new techniques while visiting the technicians of the studio houses.It was overall a good enduring tour where one learns how to groe mature and professional with the growing treands of the industry".

:1 Ans:
7. f

Quiz Section

What is the full form of PAL.?

What is the full form of NTSC?

What is full from GPU?

What is the full from of FPS?

What is the full from of HDRI?

What is fillet?

When doing a Boolean, what is the name for the two shapes involved?

Hint: lt's Aand B!


If you saw a picture of broken glass, what element of composition might be in that picture?



What element of composition might lead my eye to something?



Who was the creator of special effects films?


N.B: Please tear this section, answer the questions given above and post back to us writing your contact details with the answers and win exciting prizes. This is applicable for all respondents, readers and fellow students but not to any employees associated with MAAC Girishpark.Answers should reach us between the release ofthe next quarterly issue of Newsletter. Persons winning the prize will be informed from the administration. So hurry!!

(Answers will be provided in the next issue)

Your name


Date of Birth


Post us at: ~CGirishpark 74,Beadon Street

Kolkata-6 (Near Girishpark Metro Station) Phone : 033-2533-5983/033-6515-5297.


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PhD,nel : +911 33 2;5,3,31 5983, 65151 52,911 emaili:·giJishpaM@maa~mail.eom.WWIN.I!lIa:aGindial.Mlm.

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