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Karen Hathon Candidate for

Eaton County District 01 County Commissioner

Web Site: Unknown at this time



Each question was scored using 1-10 A score of 10 being the highest score.
A scoring of “I” was an incomplete or unanswered question.

A Scored 10 Answer equals, The most through, complete, thoughtful, specific

and responsive answer that demonstrated a strong level of understanding
and commitment to constitutional conservative ideas.

Answer(s) to Question 1 “What are your reasons for running AND and
Question 10, “What is your definition of limited government’ ARE THE
Please refer to the M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire by clicking the
for the reminder of the questions

Results of M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire

for Karen Hathon Candidate for
Eaton County District 01 County Commissioner

1. What are your reasons for running for office?

I’m discussed with the way things have been going on all levels of
government. I’ve never been involved in politics before. I’m running for
county commissioner in District 1 of Eaton County. In my particular case, I
believe county commissioners should be dedicated to serving the folks in
their districts in an open and above board manner and listen to the concerns
and ideas of the people in their districts. Commissioners should work
together with one another even if their political parties are different. I’d like
to see elected officials be conscientious about how they spend other
people’s money, and give more thought as to how the decisions they make
affect people other than themselves.

2. 10

3. 10

4. 5

5. 7

6. 5

7. I

8. 10

9. 10

10. What is your definition of limited gov’t?

Downsize, downsize, downsize. Limited government means limiting

government to protecting the citizens of this country and taking
measures to protect the borders and protecting us from foreign
invaders. It means staying out of our personal lives as it relates to
our health care, our daily living and our right to protect ourselves.
It means staying out of the banking business, the car business, and
other businesses period. It means the government officials work for
us, not them taking us over. No more increasing the size of
government with more entitlement programs.

11. 4

12. 8

Grassroots in Michigan

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