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c c 



c c

These rubrics are to be used to evaluate your performance in the discussions we carry out online.
They are also aimed at giving you the opportunity to reflect on your performance and the action
you need to take in order to improve your skills.

c  c  c  cc

c The student shows The student shows The student does not
evidence from the evidence from the show evidence of
reading to support reading to construct preparation and the
c her/his answer and her/his answers. answers reflect problems
personalizes the contents However, there is little of argumentation.
c presented. support or
personalization of Her/his ideas are
Argument s are very well contents. disorganized.
c planned and delivered.
There is lack of planning Ideas lacked
and the student sounds development.
disorganized at some

c The student shows a The student manages The student does not
proficient command of rhythm and intonation follow rhythm and
rhythm and intonation. but there is little intonation patterns and
c S/he shows evidence of consistency at some the ideas are difficult to
vocabulary preparation. points. follow.

There are some mistakes There are recurring
in vocabulary mistakes in
pronunciation but donƞt pronunciation that
affect the quality or evidence little or no
understanding of the preparation.

c The student is very The student does not Inaccuracy affects the
accurate and shows show consistent way the student delivers
evidence of monitoring monitoring skills and her/his ideas.
  c her/his performance. makes mistakes, but the
message is still clear.


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