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Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School

Term 3 - Unit 6 : Not Always a Perfect Place

Spelling & Dictation

Name: __________________________________ ( ) Date: __________________

Primary 4: ______________________________


Date : ____________________

1. The pupils scrambled to their seats when they saw their teacher coming.

2. The children moved forward, jostling to see the magician.

3. Huddled in the corner of the room was a ragged little boy.

4. As the Principal spoke, he was interrupted by peals of laughter.

5. After hearing his woes, we were sympathetic to his plight.

6. Sam spun a yarn about his poor family background.

7. Mrs Lim’s cough grew worse and she became breathless and weak.

8. Misery was written all over his face as he spoke of his ill-treatment by his father.

9. The maid tried to reach a stubborn mark on the window when she lost her balance and
fell off the balcony.

10. The old beggar muttered to herself as she counted out the few coins she had in her palm.

Date : ____________________

Eventually, he made his way to some deserted houses near the park. Memories of his
experience haunted him, and he started shaking with fear again. Bravely, he shrugged them
away. He crawled quietly into some bushes that were shielded by a shady tree. Covering his face
with his little hands, he tried to get some sleep.

Dr Cheah YM / Agnes Pang / Chew MK 19/6/08

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