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Pray with us!

What is Impact Ireland?

Organised by international mission OM Ireland, “Impact Ireland” is a two week
programme in partnership with local churches to share and demonstrate the
good news of Jesus Christ. International volunteers serve together with local
Christians to make a lasting impact in the lives of individuals, churches and
Irish communities.

Impact 2010
The theme of Impact Ireland 2010 is „Love in action, Faith in action‟. Fifty-five
participants from the USA, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Canada and
the UK will be divided into six teams located in Galway, Athlone, Navan, Mo-
hill, Tullamore, Cork and Mountmellick. Teams will be running children‟s holi-
day clubs, servant projects in the community, youth programmes, gospel
events, sports programmes and much more. Through their words, their ac-
tions and their lives, they hope to share the Gospel of Jesus in Ireland.

Please pray!
Pray by name for anyone you know that is participating in Impact Ireland
Pray for Impact Ireland during church meetings or organise your own
Impact Ireland prayer meeting
Safe travel to, from and within Ireland
Smooth operation of the kids clubs, sporting activities, leaflet distribution etc
For each participant that they will grow closer to Jesus and develop
confidence in sharing their faith.
For encouragement and blessing for each local church
For individuals lives to be transformed as they come into a living
relationship with God

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