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Nowadays into many societies’ people are looking for a way to make their life’s

longer, it means, follow doctor’s advantages, like make exercise, take a lot of

water, having sex, laugh as much as you can, and reducing calories because it

may slow the aging process, among others... or find a scientific way like take oral

medication as pills or make you surgeries.

Advantages of make your life longer:

Probably the people do this because of their fair to dying or their want to enjoy their

life’s a little bit more. But the fact is that it is not healthy. Because every single body

has a life expectancy based on the person life style and the genetic code, if you

exceed that amount of time you will suffer a lot of issues because you can make

your life longer what you cannot make is slow down the aging you won´t run or

walk as before you probably did.


As I mentioned before you will live more time but won´t slow down the aging, which

means that you are going to feel off too and you won´t walk and run eats and make

anything as before.

The illness will appear, and you just are going to have them more time.

It´s important that you realize that you have to die in some moment, and you need

to accept it. Leave your body makes the decision of when you have to pass away

because it “knows” when you need to rest.

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