Response To Fraudulent Letter

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Rictrards - Wilcox

Door Systerns Lirnited

Grane Service Toll Free: +477-677-0062
www. richardswi


To Whom It May Concern:

It hascometo our attentionthat you may be in receiptof a letter statingthat Richards-

Wilcox Door Systemshasfiled for Banlauptcy. Pleasebe aware that this is absolutely
incorrect This letter is in actualfact a fraudulent attemptby a competitorto discredit
our longstandingreputationwithin the industry. We haveinstituted a criminal
investigationofthis obviousfraud. Richards-WilcoxCustomSystems,a companynot
associatedwith our firm, and completelyseparate,did file for Bankruptcy.

Pleasenote the fraudulent letter doesnot use our letterhead. it has confused
company namesand the signature is forged.

RichardsWilcox Door SystemsLimited purchasedassets,ongoingbusiness,future work

from Nchards Wilcox CustomSystems.RichardsWilcox Door SystemsLimited will
continueto developand grow cranework andconstructiondoor work.

Richards-WilcoxDoor SystemsLimited will continueto provide the highestlevelsof

expertise,productand servicewithin the Door and Dock industry, meetingandexceeding
your requirementsfor innovativeproductsand quality installation at a cost effective
price. We havebeenthe indusby standardnot only in the past,but alsothe present,and
asimportantlythe future.

Pleasekeepall copiesof all fraudulentdocuments,including envelopesand contactTony

Wong at 905-274-5850ext 101or email for pick up of these
fraudulentdocumentsfor police investigation.

We would like to thank you for your pastsupport,andare confidentthat we will continue
to eam your businessin the future.



Head Olffce 'f O45 Rangevaew Road, Mississauga, ON LsE 1112 Phone (9O5) 274-58;510 Fax (9O5) 27.!;941!
Toronto (416) 694-4492 Hamilton (9OS) 5.23-7727 cambridge (5'19) 650-932o Fax (519) 65(t-9322

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