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Indication and Common Adverse

Drug name Mechanism of action Nursing Responsibilities

Contraindication Effects

Brand name: Pentothal Depresses the CNS to INDICATION: >Drowsiness; tolerance, Before Administration:
produce hypnosis and  Sole anesthesia for brief dependence, withdrawal > Inform the patient that medication will
anesthesia without (15 min) procedures; for effects including seizures. decrease mental recall of the procedure.
Generic name: Thiopental analgesia. induction of anesthesia > Aseptic technique is essential.
prior to administration to > Advice patients to request assistance
anesthetic agents; to
prior to ambulation and transfer to avoid
suplement regional
Dosage: IV 25 to 75 mg; anesthesia driving or any kind of activities that
observe for 60 se. requires
CONTRAINDICATION: alertness until response to medication is
 Absence of suitable known.
veins; status asthmaticus;
Route : IV porphyria During Administration:
> Continuously assess the patient's
pressure readings
> Assess the pulmonary status to
Classification: Barbiturate accurately interpret his clinical status.
> Check the laboratory values, fluid

After Administration:
> Instruct patient to notify health care
provider of any signs of hypersensitivity
to barbiturates.
> Inform patient to avoid alcohol or
other CNS depressants for 24 hrs.
> Advise patient that drug can continue
to impair abilities for 24 h following
administration and caution patient to
avoid driving or performing other tasks
requiring mental alertness.

>MIMS 105th edition(2005)
>Karch, Amy M., Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 4th edition (2008), Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, page 436

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