Pressrelease CharlesBenjamin

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From the desk of G.

John Richards
Prosecuting Attorney of Lincoln County

According to a report by G. John Richards, Prosecuting Attorney of Lincoln County, the

following case was heard in the Circuit Court of Lincoln County before the Honorable Amy
Kinker on June 23, 2010.


Charles Benjamin, 33, of St. Charles, entered a plea of guilty to the Class B Felony of exposing
another person to HIV infection. The defendant received a sentence of eight years in the
Missouri Department of Corrections. The Court followed the State’s recommendation. This
sentence arose out of the events of October 19, 2008 to April 30, 2009, in the County of Lincoln,
State of Missouri, the defendant, knowing at that time that he was infected with HIV, recklessly
exposed the victim to HIV infection without that person’s knowledge and consent by contact
with blood, semen or vaginal secretions in the course of vaginal sexual intercourse.

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