ETI Short-Term Missions Information Form

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ETI Short-Term Missions Information Form

Name:_________________________________________________ Today’s Date_________________

Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________________

Day Phone:_______________________________ Evening Phone:_____________________________

E-Mail:_____________________________ Date of Birth:___________ US Citizen? Yes_____ No_____

Your Church’s Name:______________________________ Your Pastor’s Name:__________________

Church Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________

Pastor’s Phone:________________________ Pastor’s E-Mail:_________________________________

Briefly describe how you became a


Briefly state why you desire to be involved in a short-term missions


List any previous church, ministry or missions experience, including any special skills, abilities and

Circle which missions team you are applying for: S. Africa, July 25-August 6, 2008

S. Africa, August 1-13, 2008 S. Africa, August 22-Sept. 3, 2008 Future Team

I agree with the Eight Essential Christian Truths embraced by ETI: yes_____; no_____

If “no”,

I agree to abide by the ETI Short-Term Missions Policy: yes_____



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