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THE CYCLOPEDIA OF INDIA Biographical—Historical—Administrative— Commercial Vol. IL ILLUSTRATED Published by THE CYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING COV Calcutta 1908 vizeaty GOOSle el 16~ Yo¥ CONTENTS.—Vot. I. Frontispiece — : ‘Tue Hestoxy of Inia, Part I ‘Tue Growrs oF Rauwars 1m Ixia Tue Grovocy oF Inpia InbiaN ARF AND AncHITECTURE ‘The Mixon Ans oF INDIA ‘Tre Rostaw Carouic Cuuncn i Ixia ‘Tue Cnuncn oF Encamp 1m Twos ‘Tue Scorrisu Cuuren 1x INpIa ‘Tie ArMawian CHuRcH me Txoia Fneeuasonay 1m f¥D18 Treo Bioci Do. PROFESSIONAL Do. EovcaTionat “Tre Ureen Inpia Cuanuer or Commence wm Tea Inpustay oF Ibu ‘ak InpiAN Corton Inpustay ‘Tue Jure Ixpustay oF Benoa ‘Tue Caveurra Traps Assoctarion Biocnarueat. SecrioN (Continued) Cosiaexctat ano INDUSTRIAL ADDENDA AND Enrars Ivpex 257 29 286 39 393 vitzeaty GOOle Mr. K. BADERUDDIN AHMAD, Dacca, ‘was born in 1876, and ig descended from a line of an- ceestors who originally came from Cashmere. He received a home education in Arabic, Persian, Urdu nd English “In "2905 "he vas ppointed a member of the Bacea District Board, and in the same year he received his appoint ‘ment as Honorary Magistrate of the Me, K. Mawencwny Avan, Sadar Independent Benel uf Dacea, thd og nate & Cotmsaone tf te Daces Municipality in 1506. He was marred at the age of 20 t0 the eldest da wite of dn Ansanulla, weswe. of Ds Baueruddin” Amadis devaiel to sport of all kinds: eis. a. keen oto and hockey player and Keeps fa good! stud of horses for his re- Creations, Shooting is}another of his relaxations, and? he has 2° repa- tation at billiards. He is a mo ber of the Dacea Amusement Club, He is well known locally as a good sportsman and gentleman, andexerts considerable iniluence in’ the town of Dacea,

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