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State Representatives

Debbie Phillips and Raymond A. Pryor

Rep. Phillips, Pryor Announce Progress on Bill to Waive Late Fees for Farm and Seasonal
Legislation will make waiver mandatory, set the record straight on intent of previous bill

COLUMBUS- State Representatives Debbie Phillips (D-Athens) and Raymond A. Pryor (D-Chillicothe) today announced
progress on their bill to make registration late fee waivers mandatory for Ohio’s farm and seasonal vehicle owners. House
Bill 528, which will clarify the intent of measures passed in earlier legislation, was assigned to the Ohio House Finance
and Appropriations Committee.

“This bill allows us to set the record straight and ease the burden of Ohio’s farmers and seasonal vehicle owners,” Rep.
Phillips said. “The fact is, if these vehicles are not on the road, then the owners are not breaking Ohio law and they
should not be subject to this fee.”

The House approved legislation last year to provide funds to critical infrastructure projects throughout the state which
created jobs and improve and maintain the state’s road and highway system. The bill included a provision establishing
late fee for license and registration renewals that were over 7 days past their renewal date. Funds raised from these late
fees are directed to the State Highway Patrol.

“The late fee established in the transportation budget is not being implemented in the manner in which we as state
lawmakers intended,” Rep. Pryor said. “The bill allowed for discretion in the availability for waivers in circumstances
that warranted such a waiver. Based on constituent communications I have received, it appears that few waivers are being

House Bill 528 would establish a mandatory waiver of the late fee currently being charged to owners of farm and other
seasonal vehicles. The bill will clarify the intent of the original legislation so that Ohio residents, including individuals,
small businesses, and non-profit organizations are not incurring these fees.

House Bill 528 now awaits hearings in the House Finance and Appropriations Committee.


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